“Every large institution that’s in society today is doing the OPPOSITE of what it claims to do.
Public education is about mis-education or anti-education—it’s about taking knowledge
away from people, turning children into anti-knowledge puppets of the socially engineered
fascist system. Government, which claims to be of the people, by the people and for
the people, is really all about controlling the people, suppressing the people, and now
terrorizing the people, and then calling the people terrorists at the same time…
The mainstream news industry—it’s not about news. It’s about fabricating
hysteria, running psychological operations, using your neurology against
you, (and) weaponizing your perception of reality in order to achieve the
goals of the governments of the world, which are literally now trying
to kill you.”--Mike Adams – Situation Update Jan 17th, 2022
"I've been a doctor for a long time. Before me my father was a doctor, and I've
never seen anything like this where we have groups of physicians and scientist
and government bureaucrat agencies essentially lying to the American
people and to people across the world... The magnitude of the lies
is just so enormous... When we started to speak out we were promptly
de-platformed...and this bothers me tremendously on behalf of all of
Humanity. This is a crime against Humanity..." --Dr.
Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine
"This COVID-19 crisis should be renamed the 'COVID-19 Scandal' and all those
responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages due to manipulations and
falsified test protocols. Therefore, an international network of business lawyers
will plead the biggest court case of all time, the COVID-19 fraud scandal, which
has turned into the largest crime against humanity to ever be committed."
--World Leaders Will Have To Answer For 'Crimes Against Humanity'
Public education is about mis-education or anti-education—it’s about taking knowledge
away from people, turning children into anti-knowledge puppets of the socially engineered
fascist system. Government, which claims to be of the people, by the people and for
the people, is really all about controlling the people, suppressing the people, and now
terrorizing the people, and then calling the people terrorists at the same time…
The mainstream news industry—it’s not about news. It’s about fabricating
hysteria, running psychological operations, using your neurology against
you, (and) weaponizing your perception of reality in order to achieve the
goals of the governments of the world, which are literally now trying
to kill you.”--Mike Adams – Situation Update Jan 17th, 2022
"I've been a doctor for a long time. Before me my father was a doctor, and I've
never seen anything like this where we have groups of physicians and scientist
and government bureaucrat agencies essentially lying to the American
people and to people across the world... The magnitude of the lies
is just so enormous... When we started to speak out we were promptly
de-platformed...and this bothers me tremendously on behalf of all of
Humanity. This is a crime against Humanity..." --Dr.
Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine
"This COVID-19 crisis should be renamed the 'COVID-19 Scandal' and all those
responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages due to manipulations and
falsified test protocols. Therefore, an international network of business lawyers
will plead the biggest court case of all time, the COVID-19 fraud scandal, which
has turned into the largest crime against humanity to ever be committed."
--World Leaders Will Have To Answer For 'Crimes Against Humanity'
The War Against Humanity
“We are at war. Australia knows it, New Zealand knows it, Austria knows it.
They’re all out on the streets. We absolutely are at war. In a war situation
there is collateral damage. That’s where we are standing with these injuries
and deaths from this clinical trial that are being completely censored. That
information is being completely censored because it is essential to get us
all on board. As I said, no exceptions. So we are in a war situation
against a takeover, a Globalist takeover... These billionaires and
technology companies are dictating the future of Humanity and
if we don’t stand up--we are running out of time and we need
to stand up. And it’s simple... All we have to do is say,
No! That’s all we have to do, just mass non-compliance.
The solution to this is mass non-compliance.”
--Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
“We’re all frustrated. We’re all pissed off right now—all of us! We see what’s
happening, we see the deaths (from the COVID shots), we see our borders
wide fucking open, we see the cargo ships being held out at sea. We are
at war, and for those of you who don’t understand this—you’re fucking
stupid! This is war!… Divide and conquer is real folks. That’s what’s
happening—war is on our soil. We are at war…and they’re going to
mind fuck you with all the propaganda in the media that they’re
pushing out daily.” --David Nino Rodriguez – War Has Cometh
"If you want my actual worldview, I believe that we're at war, and that
this is a take-down of Western civilization if not Humanity. So it's an
attack on us as humans and they're coming after us, they're coming
after our children and they want us dead or sterilized."
--Dr. Lee Merritt, The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
They’re all out on the streets. We absolutely are at war. In a war situation
there is collateral damage. That’s where we are standing with these injuries
and deaths from this clinical trial that are being completely censored. That
information is being completely censored because it is essential to get us
all on board. As I said, no exceptions. So we are in a war situation
against a takeover, a Globalist takeover... These billionaires and
technology companies are dictating the future of Humanity and
if we don’t stand up--we are running out of time and we need
to stand up. And it’s simple... All we have to do is say,
No! That’s all we have to do, just mass non-compliance.
The solution to this is mass non-compliance.”
--Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
“We’re all frustrated. We’re all pissed off right now—all of us! We see what’s
happening, we see the deaths (from the COVID shots), we see our borders
wide fucking open, we see the cargo ships being held out at sea. We are
at war, and for those of you who don’t understand this—you’re fucking
stupid! This is war!… Divide and conquer is real folks. That’s what’s
happening—war is on our soil. We are at war…and they’re going to
mind fuck you with all the propaganda in the media that they’re
pushing out daily.” --David Nino Rodriguez – War Has Cometh
"If you want my actual worldview, I believe that we're at war, and that
this is a take-down of Western civilization if not Humanity. So it's an
attack on us as humans and they're coming after us, they're coming
after our children and they want us dead or sterilized."
--Dr. Lee Merritt, The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
It would appear that we are currently embroiled in an all-out War Against Humanity, a spiritual war for the bodies and souls of human beings, and for the very body and soul of planet Earth, Gaia. However "this war against Humanity isn’t merely a Globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans (like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci). Far beyond that. There is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization
“Let there be no mistake folks. There IS an agenda to exterminate the human race. The planet has value to non-human species for all kinds of reasons… And the effort has been underway for quite a long time to achieve mass depopulation, and we are now in the activation stage of that effort. And this is why governments are pushing so hard to push vaccine mandates and to mass murder people in hospitals, kill people with ventilators and deprive people of Ivermectin, and so on.
“And if you’re wondering, How could the world have gone so crazy? Who’s telling all these people to do all these crazy things? The answer is (that), as Phil Schneider says, at the highest levels it’s a non-human group that is claiming the planet...” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Feb 8th, 2022 - The ALIEN agenda to exterminate humanity was disclosed in 1995
"This is the most dangerous time for Humanity in the history of Humanity. Social credit scoring systems are being rolled out right now combined with massive censorship, media maliciousness, all the lies, the fake science, the fake news, the fake elections, and the fake history they are rolling out. This is a very dangerous time for all of us…
“The vaccines don’t work, and those who took the vaccines are filling the hospitals and dying. And Fauci admits it, and he uses this explanation to say, ‘This is why America must urgently take the booster shot'… Aren’t you just shaking your head in disgust at that piece of crap Fauci? So how does another full dose of the same garbage that didn’t work the first time, how does it work now? How does it suddenly magically decide to work when it’s been failing all along?" --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
It is more than apparent that "the governments of the world are waging an extermination war against the human race. That is now undeniable..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Jan 12, 2022
And "it is clear that OUR CURRENT government under the Biden puppet/Obama/Communist Chinese are our enemies… Anyone who doesn’t know that by now is deaf, dumb, and blind and most likely vaxxed to oblivion..." --Kerry Cassidy, War of Worlds: Putin, Trump and the Globalists
“Let there be no mistake folks. There IS an agenda to exterminate the human race. The planet has value to non-human species for all kinds of reasons… And the effort has been underway for quite a long time to achieve mass depopulation, and we are now in the activation stage of that effort. And this is why governments are pushing so hard to push vaccine mandates and to mass murder people in hospitals, kill people with ventilators and deprive people of Ivermectin, and so on.
“And if you’re wondering, How could the world have gone so crazy? Who’s telling all these people to do all these crazy things? The answer is (that), as Phil Schneider says, at the highest levels it’s a non-human group that is claiming the planet...” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Feb 8th, 2022 - The ALIEN agenda to exterminate humanity was disclosed in 1995
"This is the most dangerous time for Humanity in the history of Humanity. Social credit scoring systems are being rolled out right now combined with massive censorship, media maliciousness, all the lies, the fake science, the fake news, the fake elections, and the fake history they are rolling out. This is a very dangerous time for all of us…
“The vaccines don’t work, and those who took the vaccines are filling the hospitals and dying. And Fauci admits it, and he uses this explanation to say, ‘This is why America must urgently take the booster shot'… Aren’t you just shaking your head in disgust at that piece of crap Fauci? So how does another full dose of the same garbage that didn’t work the first time, how does it work now? How does it suddenly magically decide to work when it’s been failing all along?" --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
It is more than apparent that "the governments of the world are waging an extermination war against the human race. That is now undeniable..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Jan 12, 2022
And "it is clear that OUR CURRENT government under the Biden puppet/Obama/Communist Chinese are our enemies… Anyone who doesn’t know that by now is deaf, dumb, and blind and most likely vaxxed to oblivion..." --Kerry Cassidy, War of Worlds: Putin, Trump and the Globalists
Yes "it’s a war out there. The system has declared war on people and people are just running around like things are somewhat normal. But this is a cold war right now and the threat is very real. Many people have been taken out by the system and many more will die because of the system. Government is the biggest mass murderer in the history of Humanity, and so they should be treated as war criminals instead of looked at as a solution. These people are not going to solve your problems—they’ve never made anything better. It just keeps getting worse out there. And again it’s to the point that America is unrecognizable. Most countries out there are unrecognizable. You go and land in any country out there and it doesn’t look like it used to, and essentially the natives are being wiped out and replaced, all over again. That’s the plan.
“And so everybody’s being held hostage and it’s full blown tyranny, and it’s going to be nothing but difficult decisions from here on out. But if Humanity is going to survive people are going to have to start acting like this is a war and not some type of temporary emergency. It’s been over 2 years now, it’s been a state of emergency for over 2 years. That’s not temporary—that’s a dictatorship, that’s permanent and they don’t plan on giving you your old lives back, they don’t plan on bringing the old normal back. They want you to get used to this new world, ladies and gentlemen…” --Humanity Held Hostage by the New World Order
“And so everybody’s being held hostage and it’s full blown tyranny, and it’s going to be nothing but difficult decisions from here on out. But if Humanity is going to survive people are going to have to start acting like this is a war and not some type of temporary emergency. It’s been over 2 years now, it’s been a state of emergency for over 2 years. That’s not temporary—that’s a dictatorship, that’s permanent and they don’t plan on giving you your old lives back, they don’t plan on bringing the old normal back. They want you to get used to this new world, ladies and gentlemen…” --Humanity Held Hostage by the New World Order
The "Vaccine" Bioweapon Kill Shot and the Extermination of Humanity
"The 'vaccine' is not a vaccine but a medical procedure, essentially a bioweapon
attached to a massive depopulation agenda, said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
“It’s never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always
about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully
get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate
in a new crypto-currency based system which will be the system
that the world will use for finance.” --Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Discusses the New World Order Slave System
attached to a massive depopulation agenda, said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
“It’s never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always
about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully
get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate
in a new crypto-currency based system which will be the system
that the world will use for finance.” --Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Discusses the New World Order Slave System
It is abundantly clear to anyone with "the eyes to see" that "the public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns. Behind the public façade, they were supporting the agendas of directed evolution and eugenics via the administering of synthetic compounds and chemical based genetic engineering, then marketing it to the masses as progressive science and medicine. Today, most medical authorities and patients actually have no idea what ingredients are being injected directly into their bloodstream through vaccinations. A payload of neurological toxins designed to Genetically Modify Human DNA and bypass all of the human body's natural and true immunity is being delivered, forfeiting (natural innate) protection from pathogenic foreign invaders" and eventually completely destroying the body's natural immune system. --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
The fact that the so-called "medical establishment" has absolutely no real interest in public health has become even more glaringly apparent today with the ongoing forced roll out of the experimental mRNA "vaccines", which were administered to the global population without proper animal safety trials, and without true informed consent, under the pretext or guise of emergency protection from the so-called "COVID-19 pandemic." This is truly a monstrous medical experiment in the making...
"The clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines were much too short to do proper and complete animal testing; the quick move to human trials, and to Emergency Use Authorization (not approval) of the vaccine, means that the global population will be used as the test animals in this experiment. The FDA, referring to it euphemistically as 'vaccine-enhanced disease', stated as much in their briefing document where they acknowledged that ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) will more likely be seen over time, following authorization or even after licensure, as vaccine immunity begins to wane.
"Since ADE could potentially take months to years to occur in the various populations and demographics around the world, we may have a looming global disaster yet to come. One microbiologist has referred to it as a 'ticking time bomb'..." --FDA Admits Covid-19 Vaccine Worse Than Illness
"If you take the vaccine right now, you are a guinea pig, you're a lab rat--you are actually a research subject. They don't know what will happen to us--they have no idea. So if you hear the news, you hear a doctor, or anybody tell you that it's safe or effective, actually that's not true. We don't know that. We are in a live experiment, and that's very very important to know..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Future Effects of Those Vaccinated for COVID
So why can't the sleepwalking sheeple see? Have they consciously chosen to be lab rats, experimental test subjects? Or are they just willfully IGNORANT? It is so obvious that “these ‘vaccines’ are the most DEADLY vaccines ever made by man. It is definitely a bioweapon. Drinking Drano, liquid Drano, is safer, by a hundred percent, than taking these vaccines, for the simple reason that if you take Drano, you can be rushed to the hospital and doctors can save you. But if you take the ‘vaccine,’ you will die, and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it. There’s no reversing it, there’s no taking the graphene antenna out of you. Your organs will deteriorate, and you will die. Heart failure, kidney failure, aneurysm, blood clots, heart attack and strokes. It’s made to look like you died of natural causes... These things are an abomination to God. These ‘vaccines’ are an abomination, the Mark of the Beast… Our One World Government wants us all dead…” --Max Malone, The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills
The fact that the so-called "medical establishment" has absolutely no real interest in public health has become even more glaringly apparent today with the ongoing forced roll out of the experimental mRNA "vaccines", which were administered to the global population without proper animal safety trials, and without true informed consent, under the pretext or guise of emergency protection from the so-called "COVID-19 pandemic." This is truly a monstrous medical experiment in the making...
"The clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines were much too short to do proper and complete animal testing; the quick move to human trials, and to Emergency Use Authorization (not approval) of the vaccine, means that the global population will be used as the test animals in this experiment. The FDA, referring to it euphemistically as 'vaccine-enhanced disease', stated as much in their briefing document where they acknowledged that ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) will more likely be seen over time, following authorization or even after licensure, as vaccine immunity begins to wane.
"Since ADE could potentially take months to years to occur in the various populations and demographics around the world, we may have a looming global disaster yet to come. One microbiologist has referred to it as a 'ticking time bomb'..." --FDA Admits Covid-19 Vaccine Worse Than Illness
"If you take the vaccine right now, you are a guinea pig, you're a lab rat--you are actually a research subject. They don't know what will happen to us--they have no idea. So if you hear the news, you hear a doctor, or anybody tell you that it's safe or effective, actually that's not true. We don't know that. We are in a live experiment, and that's very very important to know..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Future Effects of Those Vaccinated for COVID
So why can't the sleepwalking sheeple see? Have they consciously chosen to be lab rats, experimental test subjects? Or are they just willfully IGNORANT? It is so obvious that “these ‘vaccines’ are the most DEADLY vaccines ever made by man. It is definitely a bioweapon. Drinking Drano, liquid Drano, is safer, by a hundred percent, than taking these vaccines, for the simple reason that if you take Drano, you can be rushed to the hospital and doctors can save you. But if you take the ‘vaccine,’ you will die, and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it. There’s no reversing it, there’s no taking the graphene antenna out of you. Your organs will deteriorate, and you will die. Heart failure, kidney failure, aneurysm, blood clots, heart attack and strokes. It’s made to look like you died of natural causes... These things are an abomination to God. These ‘vaccines’ are an abomination, the Mark of the Beast… Our One World Government wants us all dead…” --Max Malone, The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills
"There is no pandemic. This is all about getting people to take the shot... At the very least we are being subjected to an illegal experiment, and at the worst, global genocide... The experimental jab is in clear violation of all 10 Nuremberg Codes... As far as duress, constraint and coercion, it's everywhere--if you want your life back, get the shot... This experiment has been exclusively run by politicians, the media, celebrities, and Big Pharma bureaucrats...This is likely the biggest crime ever committed against the world population..." --Greg Reese, Info Wars
It's all part of what the State of the Nation website calls the Super Vaccination Agenda in the United States and beyond. "The COVID Super Vaccination Agenda is the central pillar of the New World Order agenda being implemented by the globalist cabal to establish a One World Government.
"As far as the biowar campaign to commit global genocide is concerned, there is nothing more efficacious than the fatal COVID injections being recklessly administered worldwide, especially in light of the fact that these 'Kill Shots' are not even vaccines...
"Let’s face it: the COVID Super Vaccination Agenda has been in the works for decades. Even the hard evidence proving the extraordinary mortality rates associated with the COVID injections indicates a highly organized plot that was planned over many years." --COVID Vaccine Bioweapons, State of the Nation
“Right now you’re hearing about a death, like once a week or twice a week, of some famous person, some sports figure, or you see somebody pass out and die on a soccer field in some video from Europe or South America. You are going to start seeing this every single day. Every single day there is going to be a famous person who dies suddenly. And they’re going to be of all ages, and what they’re all going to have in common is of course, the vaccine. The vaccine deaths are accelerating, because it is a biological weapon system and it is designed to achieve extermination." --Mike Adams Update Jan 12, 2022
It's all part of what the State of the Nation website calls the Super Vaccination Agenda in the United States and beyond. "The COVID Super Vaccination Agenda is the central pillar of the New World Order agenda being implemented by the globalist cabal to establish a One World Government.
"As far as the biowar campaign to commit global genocide is concerned, there is nothing more efficacious than the fatal COVID injections being recklessly administered worldwide, especially in light of the fact that these 'Kill Shots' are not even vaccines...
"Let’s face it: the COVID Super Vaccination Agenda has been in the works for decades. Even the hard evidence proving the extraordinary mortality rates associated with the COVID injections indicates a highly organized plot that was planned over many years." --COVID Vaccine Bioweapons, State of the Nation
“Right now you’re hearing about a death, like once a week or twice a week, of some famous person, some sports figure, or you see somebody pass out and die on a soccer field in some video from Europe or South America. You are going to start seeing this every single day. Every single day there is going to be a famous person who dies suddenly. And they’re going to be of all ages, and what they’re all going to have in common is of course, the vaccine. The vaccine deaths are accelerating, because it is a biological weapon system and it is designed to achieve extermination." --Mike Adams Update Jan 12, 2022
"It’s so obvious at this point that this is not about public health, this is not about halting transmission, this is not about saving lives. The vaccines are about killing people. And Fauci just wants to make sure that you take part in his mop-up operation to inject as many people as possible with the KILL SHOT so that you die this winter or over the next few years from cancer, if the blood clots don’t get you first, or if the Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) doesn’t get you.
“And we all have to ask this question: At this point, do you really feel sorry for the MORONS that are continuing to take the booster shot? It’s kind of like, haven’t they seen enough warnings at this point?" --Mike Adams Update, Nov 15, 2021
“I’ve written umpteen thousand words about the short-term problem with these jabs, but I’ve also been investigating the medium- and long-term dangers and what I’ve found is truly terrifying. This really is a cull. Most of the vaxxed will, I fear, be lucky to last five years…
“To be honest, anyone who still accepts one of these jabs should be considered suicidal or certified insane. Life expectation is going to fall dramatically, and not just because of the quality of health care that is deteriorating daily. I honestly find it difficult to believe that there are people around that are so brainwashed and so terrified by the lies they’ve heard that they will accept as many jabs as they are offered..." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman - Here's Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early
“Folks, you’ve got sports stars dropping dead on the soccer fields and the football fields and the basketball court, and the running marathons and the cyclists and the deep ocean divers and these people are dropping dead on video all around the world after taking the vaccine… And the hospitals are being overrun by previously vaccinated patients. How can any rational person, or sane person at this point, how can they observe this world and say to themselves, ‘Oh, the answer obviously must be that everybody needs to take another booster shot.' More poison, more poison! And then a third booster, and a forth, and a fifth--until they’re dead… At this point they have kind of affirmed that they want to commit suicide. It’s like they have chosen vaccine euthanasia as their path. They have chosen it. And it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for...an adult who keeps making the decision to take more vaccine shots. It’s kind of hard to feel sorry for them at this point. Because the evidence is right in front of them, that the shots are killing people, and they choose to remain BLIND.” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
“And we all have to ask this question: At this point, do you really feel sorry for the MORONS that are continuing to take the booster shot? It’s kind of like, haven’t they seen enough warnings at this point?" --Mike Adams Update, Nov 15, 2021
“I’ve written umpteen thousand words about the short-term problem with these jabs, but I’ve also been investigating the medium- and long-term dangers and what I’ve found is truly terrifying. This really is a cull. Most of the vaxxed will, I fear, be lucky to last five years…
“To be honest, anyone who still accepts one of these jabs should be considered suicidal or certified insane. Life expectation is going to fall dramatically, and not just because of the quality of health care that is deteriorating daily. I honestly find it difficult to believe that there are people around that are so brainwashed and so terrified by the lies they’ve heard that they will accept as many jabs as they are offered..." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman - Here's Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early
“Folks, you’ve got sports stars dropping dead on the soccer fields and the football fields and the basketball court, and the running marathons and the cyclists and the deep ocean divers and these people are dropping dead on video all around the world after taking the vaccine… And the hospitals are being overrun by previously vaccinated patients. How can any rational person, or sane person at this point, how can they observe this world and say to themselves, ‘Oh, the answer obviously must be that everybody needs to take another booster shot.' More poison, more poison! And then a third booster, and a forth, and a fifth--until they’re dead… At this point they have kind of affirmed that they want to commit suicide. It’s like they have chosen vaccine euthanasia as their path. They have chosen it. And it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for...an adult who keeps making the decision to take more vaccine shots. It’s kind of hard to feel sorry for them at this point. Because the evidence is right in front of them, that the shots are killing people, and they choose to remain BLIND.” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Check out these people flopping around on television... It's not the COVID that is killing people--it's the 'vaccines' that are killing people. The numbers have skyrocketed since the 'vaccine' was introduced. There are countless videos, just like this, of people dying after taking the 'vaccine'. Dropping dead...after taking the 'vaccine'... countless examples, more and more, every day. People are dropping dead on live television, during live streams, and they've all been 'vaccinated'..." --New BULLSHIT Variant 500 Times More Contagious Than the Previous Strain
"Those making these vaccines know these vaccines will kill you. They know science--they're not stupid. When you spend billions of dollars to build a factory to produce these vaccines you have enough scientists to know that antibody priming will kill you. And we have to face the reality of what is going on, that this IS the intention. The intention is to exterminate Humanity..." --Friar Alex Bugnolo, What We Are About To See
"It’s still a nightmare out there in many places. Most people are living under tyranny right now, their freedoms have been suspended, rights have been suspended, especially if they’re not vaccinated. And these vaccines are nothing short of a Satanic baptism that assimilates and takes over the individual that has been vaccinated...
“We’re getting a lot of information that these vaccines are demonic in nature, that the people that have been vaccinated have been body-snatched... The plan of this New World Order is definitely to destroy Humanity, and if they can’t do it with a virus or with a vaccine, they may very well do it with a nuclear weapon, ladies and gentlemen. And so people should prepare for the worst case scenario..." --Stranger Than Fiction - Humanity Held Hostage by the New World Order
"It’s still a nightmare out there in many places. Most people are living under tyranny right now, their freedoms have been suspended, rights have been suspended, especially if they’re not vaccinated. And these vaccines are nothing short of a Satanic baptism that assimilates and takes over the individual that has been vaccinated...
“We’re getting a lot of information that these vaccines are demonic in nature, that the people that have been vaccinated have been body-snatched... The plan of this New World Order is definitely to destroy Humanity, and if they can’t do it with a virus or with a vaccine, they may very well do it with a nuclear weapon, ladies and gentlemen. And so people should prepare for the worst case scenario..." --Stranger Than Fiction - Humanity Held Hostage by the New World Order
“Genocide is underway, and if you are unable to recognize the signs of genocide, that’s not a good survival trait... If you miss the signs of genocide as they’re coming for you, you’re probably not going to make it.” --Mike Adams Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called 'vaccines.' Dr. Eads is back to update us on what she calls a 'genocide.' Dr. Eads continues to say the CV19 injections are not vaccines. They are 'bioweapons' being administered by evil medical professionals. Dr. Eads explains, 'We are in a complete ‘White Coat Mafia’ tyranny right now. This is a depopulation agenda. Whether people want to believe it or not, this is the New World Order. This is the 13 bloodline families. This is Vanguard and Black Rock, who own everything, including all of Big Pharma and all of the companies that own the CDC. They own everything. This is their agenda to depopulate and control people with these vaccines. We know we are being injected with nano and AI, and they want to turn us into trans-human figures that they can control.'
"Did we need the vax in the first place when HCQ and Ivermectin were withheld and would have cured COVID? Dr. Eads says, 'No, we did not need the vax. This is an evil agenda to harm as many people as possible. . . . There are 5% to 7% lethal batches being distributed around the world. After the first shot, your immune system is depreciated by 30%. After the second shot, it’s depressed by 50%. After the third shot, it’s anywhere from 60% to 80% depressed. After the 4th shot, your immune system is 80% plus depreciated. Every few weeks after that, you lose another 5% of your immune function. . . . We also know that HIV has been spliced into some of these lethal vials. That is causing an AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) like complete immune collapse. . . . We have absolute proof of what ingredients are in these vaccines, and HIV is one of them.'
"Dr. Eads talks about the recent bizarre FDA approval of the Moderna CV19 vax. There are many questions as to how it got so-called 'approval.' One of the big things the FDA overlooked, according to Dr. Eads, is data showing a “400% increase” of heart problems after the Moderna vax.
"In closing, Dr. Eads says what we are seeing today with the vax bioweapon is nothing short of a modern day version of 'marching people to the gas chambers.'
"Eads also says hospitals and doctors are getting 'bonuses' for practicing medicine that is murdering patients. Eads says, 'You cannot tell me, at this juncture, that hospitals and doctors do not know what they are doing. The pharmacists, doctors and nurses have made a choice to keep their jobs. They have chosen money over wellness and health and saving people. It is disgusting'..." --White Coat Mafia Tyranny – Dr. Betsy Eads
"This is a pandemic of the IGNORANT, and it's killing our country (and the world).." --Vaccine Deaths Grossly Under-counted
"Did we need the vax in the first place when HCQ and Ivermectin were withheld and would have cured COVID? Dr. Eads says, 'No, we did not need the vax. This is an evil agenda to harm as many people as possible. . . . There are 5% to 7% lethal batches being distributed around the world. After the first shot, your immune system is depreciated by 30%. After the second shot, it’s depressed by 50%. After the third shot, it’s anywhere from 60% to 80% depressed. After the 4th shot, your immune system is 80% plus depreciated. Every few weeks after that, you lose another 5% of your immune function. . . . We also know that HIV has been spliced into some of these lethal vials. That is causing an AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) like complete immune collapse. . . . We have absolute proof of what ingredients are in these vaccines, and HIV is one of them.'
"Dr. Eads talks about the recent bizarre FDA approval of the Moderna CV19 vax. There are many questions as to how it got so-called 'approval.' One of the big things the FDA overlooked, according to Dr. Eads, is data showing a “400% increase” of heart problems after the Moderna vax.
"In closing, Dr. Eads says what we are seeing today with the vax bioweapon is nothing short of a modern day version of 'marching people to the gas chambers.'
"Eads also says hospitals and doctors are getting 'bonuses' for practicing medicine that is murdering patients. Eads says, 'You cannot tell me, at this juncture, that hospitals and doctors do not know what they are doing. The pharmacists, doctors and nurses have made a choice to keep their jobs. They have chosen money over wellness and health and saving people. It is disgusting'..." --White Coat Mafia Tyranny – Dr. Betsy Eads
"This is a pandemic of the IGNORANT, and it's killing our country (and the world).." --Vaccine Deaths Grossly Under-counted
“I would have expected that they would have already pulled all of these shots by last June or July based on the data and numbers (that) I was seeing. If you go to Open VAERS there’s over 30 thousand deaths reported already and close to 2 million adverse events. That more than all other real vaccines over the past 4 decades combined in just a short 14 months… If it’s FDA-approved, if there’s 25 deaths or more they’re supposed to pull the product. But the problem is (that) these aren’t truly FDA-approved—they’re Emergency Use Authorization. So you could literally kill a billion people with an EUA drug and they don’t have to pull it. This is another great example (of crimes against Humanity).” --Dr. Ben Marble, Interviewed by Alex Jones
Fauci and the NIH Funded Gain of Function Research
"It's very interesting how there's a programming that medicine or science has become like
a religion. And it's nowhere more true than in the medical establishment... And I'm not
trying to put down doctors necessarily, but the profession as a whole has become
basically a PLOT against Humanity that's all controlled by the pharmaceutical
industry, so that even doctors HAVE to prescribe certain drugs... There IS
a concerted plot and there are companies at the top of the food chain in
terms of pharmaceuticals..." --Kerry Cassidy, Virus and Germ Theory
“The whole scientific community is a kind of club, and if you don’t parrot the
party line, which right now is Pfizer propaganda, then you could get
kicked out of the club. You could be blacklisted from science journals,
blacklisted from science seminars, you could be blacklisted from
funding, which is something that Tony Fauci does, and has done
for decades—cut off people’s funding when they oppose the
Fauci scheme or plot. And by the way it is a plot, a
depopulation plot...” -- Mike Adams - What Dr.
Robert Malone could NOT tell Joe Rogan
“Pfizer won’ t tell us (what's in the 'vaccines'), and we have a complacent
society and a corrupt media that programs and brainwashes the listeners
every single day. And it's an upside-down world—it’s so disturbing, this
dystopia that we have found ourselves in. You have to smack yourself
in the face once a day just to realize that you’re not just in a bad
dream. This is actually the reality that we’re living in."--SGT
Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"The fact that Dr. Fauci grossly perjured himself is hugely apparent, but it’s
the least of the crimes...that are being revealed. As Dr. Malone said, and I
can’t overstate this, this is a premeditated kind of manslaughter of
millions of people coordinated at the highest levels… Treatments
that would have saved lives were...intentionally suppressed…
Millions of people needlessly were injured..."
--Dr. Naomi Wolf in the War Room
"This is evil. This is evil at the highest level..."
--Jodi O'Malley, RN, Project Veritas
a religion. And it's nowhere more true than in the medical establishment... And I'm not
trying to put down doctors necessarily, but the profession as a whole has become
basically a PLOT against Humanity that's all controlled by the pharmaceutical
industry, so that even doctors HAVE to prescribe certain drugs... There IS
a concerted plot and there are companies at the top of the food chain in
terms of pharmaceuticals..." --Kerry Cassidy, Virus and Germ Theory
“The whole scientific community is a kind of club, and if you don’t parrot the
party line, which right now is Pfizer propaganda, then you could get
kicked out of the club. You could be blacklisted from science journals,
blacklisted from science seminars, you could be blacklisted from
funding, which is something that Tony Fauci does, and has done
for decades—cut off people’s funding when they oppose the
Fauci scheme or plot. And by the way it is a plot, a
depopulation plot...” -- Mike Adams - What Dr.
Robert Malone could NOT tell Joe Rogan
“Pfizer won’ t tell us (what's in the 'vaccines'), and we have a complacent
society and a corrupt media that programs and brainwashes the listeners
every single day. And it's an upside-down world—it’s so disturbing, this
dystopia that we have found ourselves in. You have to smack yourself
in the face once a day just to realize that you’re not just in a bad
dream. This is actually the reality that we’re living in."--SGT
Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"The fact that Dr. Fauci grossly perjured himself is hugely apparent, but it’s
the least of the crimes...that are being revealed. As Dr. Malone said, and I
can’t overstate this, this is a premeditated kind of manslaughter of
millions of people coordinated at the highest levels… Treatments
that would have saved lives were...intentionally suppressed…
Millions of people needlessly were injured..."
--Dr. Naomi Wolf in the War Room
"This is evil. This is evil at the highest level..."
--Jodi O'Malley, RN, Project Veritas
"Classic 'gain of function' research involves making an infectious agent easier to transmit or more likely to cause illness and death. It is almost always conducted with a goal of causing or understanding a human infection or creating and enhancing an infection that can be given to humans.
"Examples include making a more easily transmissible virus. For example, a virus that is normally transmitted only by blood is altered so it can be transmitted by respiratory means or coughing. Another example would be taking bacteria that normally do not kill with infection and making them deadly. This could involve adding toxins to the bacteria. Another example would be to purposely make bacteria resistant to antibiotics so they could not be treated once a person became infected. There are many experiments like these throughout the scientific literature!
"A central tenant of 'gain of function' research is the expressed intent to make the bacterial infectious agents more deadly to people..." --What is "gain of function" research and did NIH fund these experiments?
"Despite an ongoing cover-up by government authorities, the biotech industry, the military industrial complex and the mass media, there is growing scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was created and...leaked from a dual-use military/civilian lab in Wuhan, China.
"The ensuing pandemic (currently with 14 million infected and 585,000 dead, which has precipitated a global economic meltdown) is the predictable, yet preventable, collateral damage of a reckless, decades-long, and accident-prone biodefense/biowarfare program carried out by the U.S. (including both the Obama and Trump administrations, and their predecessors), China, Russia and other highly industrialized and militarized nations.
"Unbeknownst to the public, a shadowy international network of thousands of virologists, gene engineers, military scientists and biotech entrepreneurs are weaponizing viruses and microorganisms in civilian and military labs under the euphemism of gain of function research. They hide behind the guise of 'biodefense' and 'biomedicine.' But as investigative reporter and bioweapons expert Sam Husseini writes, gain of function/biowarfare scientists in labs such as Wuhan, China or Fort Detrick, Maryland, are deliberately and recklessly evading international law...
"A growing arsenal of Frankenstein viruses and microorganisms have been created, despite U.S. and international laws supposedly banning biowarfare weapons and experimentation. A disturbing number of these so-called 'dual-use' biowarfare/biodefense labs have experienced leaks, accidents, thefts and even deliberate releases like the 2001 anthrax attacks over the past three decades." --COVID-19—Reckless 'Gain-of-Function' Experiments Lie at the Root of the Pandemic
"Examples include making a more easily transmissible virus. For example, a virus that is normally transmitted only by blood is altered so it can be transmitted by respiratory means or coughing. Another example would be taking bacteria that normally do not kill with infection and making them deadly. This could involve adding toxins to the bacteria. Another example would be to purposely make bacteria resistant to antibiotics so they could not be treated once a person became infected. There are many experiments like these throughout the scientific literature!
"A central tenant of 'gain of function' research is the expressed intent to make the bacterial infectious agents more deadly to people..." --What is "gain of function" research and did NIH fund these experiments?
"Despite an ongoing cover-up by government authorities, the biotech industry, the military industrial complex and the mass media, there is growing scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was created and...leaked from a dual-use military/civilian lab in Wuhan, China.
"The ensuing pandemic (currently with 14 million infected and 585,000 dead, which has precipitated a global economic meltdown) is the predictable, yet preventable, collateral damage of a reckless, decades-long, and accident-prone biodefense/biowarfare program carried out by the U.S. (including both the Obama and Trump administrations, and their predecessors), China, Russia and other highly industrialized and militarized nations.
"Unbeknownst to the public, a shadowy international network of thousands of virologists, gene engineers, military scientists and biotech entrepreneurs are weaponizing viruses and microorganisms in civilian and military labs under the euphemism of gain of function research. They hide behind the guise of 'biodefense' and 'biomedicine.' But as investigative reporter and bioweapons expert Sam Husseini writes, gain of function/biowarfare scientists in labs such as Wuhan, China or Fort Detrick, Maryland, are deliberately and recklessly evading international law...
"A growing arsenal of Frankenstein viruses and microorganisms have been created, despite U.S. and international laws supposedly banning biowarfare weapons and experimentation. A disturbing number of these so-called 'dual-use' biowarfare/biodefense labs have experienced leaks, accidents, thefts and even deliberate releases like the 2001 anthrax attacks over the past three decades." --COVID-19—Reckless 'Gain-of-Function' Experiments Lie at the Root of the Pandemic
Karen Kingston: “So there’s a lot of evidence here that this was not a lab leak. This was a bioweapon unleashed on the American people in specific hot spots…"
Stew Peters: “The bioweapon is the injections which were always the plan, not to combat COVID-19. COVID-19 was rolled out to introduce the bioweapon and force everybody in fear to run towards it..."
Karen Kingston: “Exactly. Remember Dr. Fauci announced in 2017 that Trump was going to face a viral pandemic of epic proportions that he’s not prepared for. The majority of Fauci’s salary comes from the DOD for biodefense. His job is to make sure there isn’t a pandemic in America of epic proportions and one that’s not a bioweapon. So why did he announce to the world in 2017 that he was going to epically fail at his one job that he is being paid the highest salary in the government to do? He’s going to epically fail at it under the Trump administration. That was his announcement. He thought he was mocking Trump? He was telling the world that either he’s an idiot, or he’s a criminal. So you guys decide...” --Stew Peters - Unmasked: Fauci's Death Funnel - Proof Fauci Funded, Continues to Fund Gain-of-Function Research
Stew Peters: “The bioweapon is the injections which were always the plan, not to combat COVID-19. COVID-19 was rolled out to introduce the bioweapon and force everybody in fear to run towards it..."
Karen Kingston: “Exactly. Remember Dr. Fauci announced in 2017 that Trump was going to face a viral pandemic of epic proportions that he’s not prepared for. The majority of Fauci’s salary comes from the DOD for biodefense. His job is to make sure there isn’t a pandemic in America of epic proportions and one that’s not a bioweapon. So why did he announce to the world in 2017 that he was going to epically fail at his one job that he is being paid the highest salary in the government to do? He’s going to epically fail at it under the Trump administration. That was his announcement. He thought he was mocking Trump? He was telling the world that either he’s an idiot, or he’s a criminal. So you guys decide...” --Stew Peters - Unmasked: Fauci's Death Funnel - Proof Fauci Funded, Continues to Fund Gain-of-Function Research
Alex Jones: “The CEO of Pfizer came out recently on a Sunday news show and admitted they are creating artificial viruses that are purely synthetic in labs and that ties in to…(the fact that) British virologist Peter Daszak admitted in 2019 (that) they created COVID-19...” --Alex Jones Interviews Dr. Ben Marble
Dr. Zalenko: “This is a weapon of mass destruction, made in a laboratory, and we have 20 years of patents, evidence, to back up what I just said. And there’s one name you need to remember—Dr. Ralph Baric, who is a professor or virology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research was funded by the NIH and NIAID by Dr. Fauci.
“So what did he do? In 1998 and 1999 he perfected a technique called cross-species transfer. He figured out how to take a virus of one animal type and make it be infectious to another animal type. In 2002 Dr. Ralph Baric got a patent on how to manipulate a bat coronavirus to destroy human lung tissue. He got a patent for that.
"In 2015, Dr. Baric and Dr. Zhengli from Wuhan published a paper on how to convert a bat coronavirus to infect human beings. All of this research was funded by the NIH and Dr. Fauci). What we call gain of function research is a very cynical term because it sounds like if someone had a stroke, they couldn’t walk, they did therapy and now they regained their function and now they can walk. But in this case, gain of function research means taking an animal virus that’s not dangerous and converting it into a human virus that destroys human lung tissue. So this virus, over 20 years, has been carefully constructed and is a weapon of mass destruction. And everyone agrees to that—that patent evidence is not controversial, it’s there..." --James Red Pills America - CABAL-19 (EP2) - THIS Is What They Have Planned & It Should SCARE YOU TO DEATH!
Dr. Zalenko: “This is a weapon of mass destruction, made in a laboratory, and we have 20 years of patents, evidence, to back up what I just said. And there’s one name you need to remember—Dr. Ralph Baric, who is a professor or virology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research was funded by the NIH and NIAID by Dr. Fauci.
“So what did he do? In 1998 and 1999 he perfected a technique called cross-species transfer. He figured out how to take a virus of one animal type and make it be infectious to another animal type. In 2002 Dr. Ralph Baric got a patent on how to manipulate a bat coronavirus to destroy human lung tissue. He got a patent for that.
"In 2015, Dr. Baric and Dr. Zhengli from Wuhan published a paper on how to convert a bat coronavirus to infect human beings. All of this research was funded by the NIH and Dr. Fauci). What we call gain of function research is a very cynical term because it sounds like if someone had a stroke, they couldn’t walk, they did therapy and now they regained their function and now they can walk. But in this case, gain of function research means taking an animal virus that’s not dangerous and converting it into a human virus that destroys human lung tissue. So this virus, over 20 years, has been carefully constructed and is a weapon of mass destruction. And everyone agrees to that—that patent evidence is not controversial, it’s there..." --James Red Pills America - CABAL-19 (EP2) - THIS Is What They Have Planned & It Should SCARE YOU TO DEATH!
"Emerging evidence strongly suggests a research collaboration between a North Carolina scientist and two Wuhan, Chinese microbiologists is the smoking gun in the creation and release of the COVID-19 superbug. A coronavirus synthesized in two laboratories on opposite sides of the world into a chimera viral monstrosity, optimized for infectious spread and with a lethality 20 times that of the common influenza...
"Dr. Ralph Baric...raised the eyebrows and the ire of the immunological community in 2015 by undertaking an unauthorized 'gain of function' study for the synthesis of a supercharged SARS coronavirus. Work strictly forbidden by both the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. Both Baric’s hubris in ignoring a CDC/WHO contravention against gain of function studies and his clear disregard for the consequences of his activities immediately captured instinctual attention as someone whose activities bore closer inspection for potential connection to the Wuhan crisis that is now a global pathogen gaining momentum with each passing day..." --COVID-19: BORN IN NORTH CAROLINA, SOLD TO WUHAN LAB, OPTIMIZED FOR PANDEMIC SPREAD
Stew Peters: “We’ve seen these viral exchanges between Tony Fauci (and members of Congress), who we now have proof, thanks to Karen Kingston, is still actively funding gain of function research—and that’s publicly available, it’s right in the NIH database. He’s hauling in and funneling millions of dollars in the gain of function research still, right now to this day, unimpeded by all of these viral exchanges in Congress, all the damning evidence. (And) he lied before Congress. If you and I had committed the crimes that Fauci has committed where would we be?”
Steve Kirsch: “Probably in jail. But Fauci is clearly the mastermind behind funding the virus, and for Congress to put him in charge of the response is absolutely ridiculous. And if Biden really wanted to know whether Fauci was involved in this, all Biden had to do was write a letter to the NIH and say, ‘Hey, could I have Tony’s un-redacted emails?’ And all Biden has to do is make those relevant emails public. But of course he doesn’t do that because he knows that Tony did it. And for Congress to turn a blind eye to this is crazy… There’s not a single member of Congress that wants to talk...about this because they’re all embarrassed because they all supported the vaccine...and they still do...”
Dr. Robert Malone: “For me, the disclosure of emails that Cliff Lane, Tony Fauci, and Francis Collins actively conspired to destroy any discussion of the appropriateness of lockdown strategies, and the mainstream press hardly covers it, and there are no consequences. The document trail having to do with the gain of function research and the implication of NIH...in that, having absolutely no consequences for anybody. We’re in an environment in which truth and consequences are fungible. This is modern media management and warfare. The truth is what those that are managing...say it is.” --Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
"Dr. Ralph Baric...raised the eyebrows and the ire of the immunological community in 2015 by undertaking an unauthorized 'gain of function' study for the synthesis of a supercharged SARS coronavirus. Work strictly forbidden by both the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. Both Baric’s hubris in ignoring a CDC/WHO contravention against gain of function studies and his clear disregard for the consequences of his activities immediately captured instinctual attention as someone whose activities bore closer inspection for potential connection to the Wuhan crisis that is now a global pathogen gaining momentum with each passing day..." --COVID-19: BORN IN NORTH CAROLINA, SOLD TO WUHAN LAB, OPTIMIZED FOR PANDEMIC SPREAD
Stew Peters: “We’ve seen these viral exchanges between Tony Fauci (and members of Congress), who we now have proof, thanks to Karen Kingston, is still actively funding gain of function research—and that’s publicly available, it’s right in the NIH database. He’s hauling in and funneling millions of dollars in the gain of function research still, right now to this day, unimpeded by all of these viral exchanges in Congress, all the damning evidence. (And) he lied before Congress. If you and I had committed the crimes that Fauci has committed where would we be?”
Steve Kirsch: “Probably in jail. But Fauci is clearly the mastermind behind funding the virus, and for Congress to put him in charge of the response is absolutely ridiculous. And if Biden really wanted to know whether Fauci was involved in this, all Biden had to do was write a letter to the NIH and say, ‘Hey, could I have Tony’s un-redacted emails?’ And all Biden has to do is make those relevant emails public. But of course he doesn’t do that because he knows that Tony did it. And for Congress to turn a blind eye to this is crazy… There’s not a single member of Congress that wants to talk...about this because they’re all embarrassed because they all supported the vaccine...and they still do...”
Dr. Robert Malone: “For me, the disclosure of emails that Cliff Lane, Tony Fauci, and Francis Collins actively conspired to destroy any discussion of the appropriateness of lockdown strategies, and the mainstream press hardly covers it, and there are no consequences. The document trail having to do with the gain of function research and the implication of NIH...in that, having absolutely no consequences for anybody. We’re in an environment in which truth and consequences are fungible. This is modern media management and warfare. The truth is what those that are managing...say it is.” --Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Judy Mikovits is a molecular biologist and medical researcher. She has been called "one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation. Her doctoral thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Now, as the fate of nations hang in the balance, Dr. Judy Mikovits is naming names of those behind the Plague of Corruption that places all human life in danger."
In the documentary film Plandemic she was interviewed by Mikki Willis. During the interview Dr. Mikovits states that Anthony Fauci, along with Robert Gallow, stole her research on the AIDS virus, plagiarized it, and published it as their own work: "Fauci holds up publication of my paper for several months, while Robert Gallow writes his own paper, takes all the credit, and of course patents are involved. This delay of the confirmation literally led to spreading the virus around, killing millions.”
In the documentary film Plandemic she was interviewed by Mikki Willis. During the interview Dr. Mikovits states that Anthony Fauci, along with Robert Gallow, stole her research on the AIDS virus, plagiarized it, and published it as their own work: "Fauci holds up publication of my paper for several months, while Robert Gallow writes his own paper, takes all the credit, and of course patents are involved. This delay of the confirmation literally led to spreading the virus around, killing millions.”
MW: “How can a man who is giving global advice for health (Fauci) own a patient in the solution and the vaccine? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?”
JM: “It is a conflict of interest...The Bayh-Dole Act gave government workers the right to patent their discoveries, to claim intellectual property for discoveries that the taxpayer paid for. Ever since that happened in the early 80's it destroyed Science and allowed the development of those conflicts of interest. And it’s the crime behind letting somebody like Bill Gates with billions of dollars—nobody elected him, he has no medical background, he has no expertise—but we let people like that have a voice in this country while we destroy the lives of millions of people.”
MW: “If we activate mandatory vaccines globally, I imagine these people that own the vaccine stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars.”
JM: “And they’ll kill millions as they already have with their vaccines... The AMA was saying doctors will lose their license if they use Hydroychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that’s been on the list of essential medicine worldwide for 70 years. Dr. Fauci calls that anecdotal data. It’s not story-telling if we have thousands of pages of data saying it’s effective against these families of viruses... This is essential medicine and they keep it form the people... So they've taken away a medicine—not just the WHO, but the FDA, the CDC, Tony Fauci—they closed everything.”
MW: “Is it safe to say that anything that cannot be patented has been shut down intentionally because there’s no way to profit from it.?”
JM: “Absolutely that’s fair to say, and that’s exactly what’s going on with COVID-19. The game is to prevent the therapies (like Hydroychloroquine) until everyone is infected, and then push the vaccines..." --Plandemic Documentary
JM: “It is a conflict of interest...The Bayh-Dole Act gave government workers the right to patent their discoveries, to claim intellectual property for discoveries that the taxpayer paid for. Ever since that happened in the early 80's it destroyed Science and allowed the development of those conflicts of interest. And it’s the crime behind letting somebody like Bill Gates with billions of dollars—nobody elected him, he has no medical background, he has no expertise—but we let people like that have a voice in this country while we destroy the lives of millions of people.”
MW: “If we activate mandatory vaccines globally, I imagine these people that own the vaccine stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars.”
JM: “And they’ll kill millions as they already have with their vaccines... The AMA was saying doctors will lose their license if they use Hydroychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that’s been on the list of essential medicine worldwide for 70 years. Dr. Fauci calls that anecdotal data. It’s not story-telling if we have thousands of pages of data saying it’s effective against these families of viruses... This is essential medicine and they keep it form the people... So they've taken away a medicine—not just the WHO, but the FDA, the CDC, Tony Fauci—they closed everything.”
MW: “Is it safe to say that anything that cannot be patented has been shut down intentionally because there’s no way to profit from it.?”
JM: “Absolutely that’s fair to say, and that’s exactly what’s going on with COVID-19. The game is to prevent the therapies (like Hydroychloroquine) until everyone is infected, and then push the vaccines..." --Plandemic Documentary
"Dr. Jane Ruby told her viewers that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci knew too well that remdesivir is a failed deadly drug that is killing people.
“Fauci has known that remdesivir is a lethal poison. He has faked clinical trial data results to move drugs forward. And he has a long history of resurrecting failed deadly drugs that have killed people the first time around. He is using billions of dollars of taxpayer money to bring poisons to the market and he is getting the FDA (Fraud and Death Administration) to approve anything he wants,” said Ruby during the January 24 episode of “Live with Dr. Jane Ruby” on Brighteon.TV.
"Ruby, a medical professional and pharmaceutical drug development expert, added that Fauci has made Big Pharma and himself millions by sacrificing the lives of Americans by using remdesivir as treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). She also noted that Fauci has weaponized the NIAID, the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into committing his crimes.
"The well-known health economist said that Fauci has been able to actually fill these agencies with his own people who have a vested financial interest in doing everything he says and bringing drugs to the market without going through a rigorous process of scrutiny. She noted that remdesivir, which is supposedly an antiviral drug, is dangerous and has actually shown high toxicity during the Ebola trials a few years ago. She added that Fauci led the trials. (Related: Dr. Bryan Ardis tells Dr. Peter Breggin: Fauci is using remdesivir to mass murder Americans – Brighteon.TV)
“And what does he do? He’s got a very interesting technique. He demands and commands. He’s running these trials – not the pharmaceutical companies – 100 percent because he’s paying them. But what he does is he stops the trial in the middle. In other words, when he starts to see safety toxicity signals rising up, he breaks the blind,” Ruby explained.
“When a trial is a randomized, placebo controlled, they are blinded. The investigator who is administering the trial doesn’t know who is getting the drug under study and who is getting placebo. When you break that blind, you convert your trial and they did this with the COVID shot trials as well. You break the blind, you convert your randomized placebo controlled trial, which will reveal eventually the safety issues, the deaths and disabilities...
“It is a disaster. And in the Ebola trials, 54 percent of the people in that trial who were given remdesivir were dead within 28 days. Now that should have put that medication, that molecular compound away forever. It should have been destroyed but Fauci resurrected it and he brought it back out for COVID,” Ruby said.
"She also noted that COVID-19 patients in hospitals are being denied life-saving treatments by not giving them ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – two approved drugs with an incredible safety profile and high levels of efficacy against COVID-type flu symptoms and illnesses.
“So the latest epidemic is really an epidemic of people becoming hostages in the hospital. And they go through what we’re now calling a death protocol. So many people are being murdered, so to speak, are knowingly allowed to die in ICUs, because the Biden administration is actually paying hospitals to let people die,” said Ruby.” --Psychopath Fauci Knows Remdesivir KILLS
“Fauci has known that remdesivir is a lethal poison. He has faked clinical trial data results to move drugs forward. And he has a long history of resurrecting failed deadly drugs that have killed people the first time around. He is using billions of dollars of taxpayer money to bring poisons to the market and he is getting the FDA (Fraud and Death Administration) to approve anything he wants,” said Ruby during the January 24 episode of “Live with Dr. Jane Ruby” on Brighteon.TV.
"Ruby, a medical professional and pharmaceutical drug development expert, added that Fauci has made Big Pharma and himself millions by sacrificing the lives of Americans by using remdesivir as treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). She also noted that Fauci has weaponized the NIAID, the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into committing his crimes.
"The well-known health economist said that Fauci has been able to actually fill these agencies with his own people who have a vested financial interest in doing everything he says and bringing drugs to the market without going through a rigorous process of scrutiny. She noted that remdesivir, which is supposedly an antiviral drug, is dangerous and has actually shown high toxicity during the Ebola trials a few years ago. She added that Fauci led the trials. (Related: Dr. Bryan Ardis tells Dr. Peter Breggin: Fauci is using remdesivir to mass murder Americans – Brighteon.TV)
“And what does he do? He’s got a very interesting technique. He demands and commands. He’s running these trials – not the pharmaceutical companies – 100 percent because he’s paying them. But what he does is he stops the trial in the middle. In other words, when he starts to see safety toxicity signals rising up, he breaks the blind,” Ruby explained.
“When a trial is a randomized, placebo controlled, they are blinded. The investigator who is administering the trial doesn’t know who is getting the drug under study and who is getting placebo. When you break that blind, you convert your trial and they did this with the COVID shot trials as well. You break the blind, you convert your randomized placebo controlled trial, which will reveal eventually the safety issues, the deaths and disabilities...
“It is a disaster. And in the Ebola trials, 54 percent of the people in that trial who were given remdesivir were dead within 28 days. Now that should have put that medication, that molecular compound away forever. It should have been destroyed but Fauci resurrected it and he brought it back out for COVID,” Ruby said.
"She also noted that COVID-19 patients in hospitals are being denied life-saving treatments by not giving them ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – two approved drugs with an incredible safety profile and high levels of efficacy against COVID-type flu symptoms and illnesses.
“So the latest epidemic is really an epidemic of people becoming hostages in the hospital. And they go through what we’re now calling a death protocol. So many people are being murdered, so to speak, are knowingly allowed to die in ICUs, because the Biden administration is actually paying hospitals to let people die,” said Ruby.” --Psychopath Fauci Knows Remdesivir KILLS
Even the Hospitals Have Become "Killing Fields"
“Pfizer won’ t tell us (what's in the 'vaccines'), and we have a complacent society
and a corrupt media that programs and brainwashes the listeners every single
day. And it's an upside-down world—it’s so disturbing, this dystopia that
we have found ourselves in. You have to smack yourself in the face
once a day just to realize that you’re not just in a bad dream. This
is actually the reality that we’re living in."--SGT
Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a 'FLU' at all.
It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis
vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive,
multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared
immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a 'killing field'.
Those that were not vaccinated were not affected." --The
1918 "SPANISH FLU" -- Only the Vaccinated Died
"Right now hospitals seem to be very, very dangerous places...
The hospitals are the new (Nazi) ovens. They are the 2021 gas
chambers, the modern day killing fields.” --Dr. Jane Ruby
and a corrupt media that programs and brainwashes the listeners every single
day. And it's an upside-down world—it’s so disturbing, this dystopia that
we have found ourselves in. You have to smack yourself in the face
once a day just to realize that you’re not just in a bad dream. This
is actually the reality that we’re living in."--SGT
Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a 'FLU' at all.
It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis
vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive,
multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared
immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a 'killing field'.
Those that were not vaccinated were not affected." --The
1918 "SPANISH FLU" -- Only the Vaccinated Died
"Right now hospitals seem to be very, very dangerous places...
The hospitals are the new (Nazi) ovens. They are the 2021 gas
chambers, the modern day killing fields.” --Dr. Jane Ruby
As we have seen, either out of ignorance or complicity, members of the so-called "medical establishment"--doctors, nurses nurse prescribers, medical directors, etc.--are all getting paid in one way or another to push an insane genocidal agenda on an unsuspecting and trusting (naive and gullible) American population. These "medical staff", either wittingly or unwittingly, are administering a highly poisonous, experimental gene modifying drug without informed consent, under the pretext of protecting people from COVID-19, a fictitious disease. And if you are unfortunate enough to land in the hospital as a result of your belief in this illness, which is essentially the flu, the chances are slim to none that you will survive your stay, because "the hospitals are now in the business of killing people...” --Sean from SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
“The ICU’s are full of infant patients presenting with cardiac issues… All the mothers are fully vaccinated. We may be looking at...many many years of children being born with defects… This is going to be the next Thalidomide times a million. We’re gonna have children born with major defects, and it looks like it has already begun. The question is, How long can they cover it up? Because of course, the hospitals are murder centers, the doctors are medical murderers so they’ll lie, they’ll cheat, they’ll commit fraud—anything to cover this up so they can keep injecting pregnant women with spike protein vaccines that cause just unbelievable suffering and death of children. Because the doctors are demons at this point. That’s really what they have become, absolute demons. Like, literal demon-infested, anti-human lunatics...” --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Nov 11, 2021
"Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been inconsistencies in the reporting of COVID-19 cases. Hospitals have been incentivized to mark deaths as COVID deaths, even in cases where it may not be the primary cause of death. Hospitals were paid $13,000 per person who was admitted as a COVID case, and another $39,000 for every patient put on a ventilator. Minnesota state senator and family physician, Scott Jenson, has critiqued the CDC’s prevention guidelines on how doctors are certifying COVID-19 deaths on death certificates. He pointed out that the current system could easily cause the disease to appear deadlier than it actually is.
"In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed'.
"In Florida, a man died in a motorcycle accident, tested positive for COVID-19, and was then marked down as a COVID death. The same thing was seen in the case of a man who died of a gunshot wound, and a man who died of Parkinson’s disease. Under the current CDC guidelines, a patient who is hit by a bus, and then tests positive for COVID-19, would be marked as a COVID death, despite injuries from the bus accident." --CDC Admits Hospital Incentives Drove Up COVID-19 Deaths
"A physician from Minnesota claimed this week that federal officials are encouraging medical officials to incorrectly attribute all related deaths to COVID-19, even in cases where the Coronavirus clearly played a minimal (if any) role in the deceased's passage." Dr. Scott Jensen, physician and Minnesota State Senator, reports that the CDC is encouraging physicians to "massage and game the numbers" of COVID-19 related deaths. Why would they want to skew the deaths due to COVID-19? "Well, fear is a great way to control people and I worry about that... People's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough..." --How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count?
Sean: "A lot people who are finding themselves in the hospital...for severe flu, pneumonia—whatever they are labeling COVID—the minute the hospital labels it COVID, the COVID protocols kick in, which includes a lot of dangerous stuff that tends to harm people, hurt people, and they restrict all the good stuff you need, like in many cases hydration, food and water (and curative theraputics like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D). So tell us about the hospital protocols when you are labeled as a patient having COVID, how dangerous those protocols are, and why people need to take steps before they EVER go to the hospital...once they really are sick.”
Nicole Landers, RN: “So the hospitals protocols basically involve anyone, not just if you show up with COVID symptoms, but anyone who comes to the hospital’s doors they’ll try to push for a COVID test. If the COVID test comes up positive, guess what? If they can determine a reason to admit you, they’re moving you to a COVID unit. Then they’re going to increase your oxygen demand. Then they’re going to tell you that you need Remdesivir. Remdesivir proves to be fatal and detrimental to the kidneys in 54% of cases. Then they’re going to put you in a vent. Once you have Remdesivir and you’re on a vent, not only is it impossible to get you out of the hospital without guerrilla warfare level intervention, but you’re probably not going to make it, because kidney failure and reverse pressure on your lungs kills you…
“So we are sending out an SOS… Understand how to get early treatment. There’s many, many, many options—you can get telehealth; you can get the medications; you can get it ahead of time… Have a Power of Attorney in place because you have to do this. Because if you show up at the hospital without a Power of Attorney, it is hard for your loved one to speak on your behalf. They will cut off communication with your family if you get put in the hospital and you will have a hard time getting communication back. They will take your phone; they will cut off your food and your fluids. It is absolutely tragedy and we’re getting calls all across the country… You want to make sure that you are prepared in every single conceivable way.
“If you feel like you need to have some level of intervention make your way to an Urgent Care but do NOT go to the hospital… By the time you get to the hospital and realize that their agenda is going to hurt you rather than help you, you’re probably already in the Intensive Care Unit (and marked for death)..." --SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been inconsistencies in the reporting of COVID-19 cases. Hospitals have been incentivized to mark deaths as COVID deaths, even in cases where it may not be the primary cause of death. Hospitals were paid $13,000 per person who was admitted as a COVID case, and another $39,000 for every patient put on a ventilator. Minnesota state senator and family physician, Scott Jenson, has critiqued the CDC’s prevention guidelines on how doctors are certifying COVID-19 deaths on death certificates. He pointed out that the current system could easily cause the disease to appear deadlier than it actually is.
"In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed'.
"In Florida, a man died in a motorcycle accident, tested positive for COVID-19, and was then marked down as a COVID death. The same thing was seen in the case of a man who died of a gunshot wound, and a man who died of Parkinson’s disease. Under the current CDC guidelines, a patient who is hit by a bus, and then tests positive for COVID-19, would be marked as a COVID death, despite injuries from the bus accident." --CDC Admits Hospital Incentives Drove Up COVID-19 Deaths
"A physician from Minnesota claimed this week that federal officials are encouraging medical officials to incorrectly attribute all related deaths to COVID-19, even in cases where the Coronavirus clearly played a minimal (if any) role in the deceased's passage." Dr. Scott Jensen, physician and Minnesota State Senator, reports that the CDC is encouraging physicians to "massage and game the numbers" of COVID-19 related deaths. Why would they want to skew the deaths due to COVID-19? "Well, fear is a great way to control people and I worry about that... People's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough..." --How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count?
Sean: "A lot people who are finding themselves in the hospital...for severe flu, pneumonia—whatever they are labeling COVID—the minute the hospital labels it COVID, the COVID protocols kick in, which includes a lot of dangerous stuff that tends to harm people, hurt people, and they restrict all the good stuff you need, like in many cases hydration, food and water (and curative theraputics like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D). So tell us about the hospital protocols when you are labeled as a patient having COVID, how dangerous those protocols are, and why people need to take steps before they EVER go to the hospital...once they really are sick.”
Nicole Landers, RN: “So the hospitals protocols basically involve anyone, not just if you show up with COVID symptoms, but anyone who comes to the hospital’s doors they’ll try to push for a COVID test. If the COVID test comes up positive, guess what? If they can determine a reason to admit you, they’re moving you to a COVID unit. Then they’re going to increase your oxygen demand. Then they’re going to tell you that you need Remdesivir. Remdesivir proves to be fatal and detrimental to the kidneys in 54% of cases. Then they’re going to put you in a vent. Once you have Remdesivir and you’re on a vent, not only is it impossible to get you out of the hospital without guerrilla warfare level intervention, but you’re probably not going to make it, because kidney failure and reverse pressure on your lungs kills you…
“So we are sending out an SOS… Understand how to get early treatment. There’s many, many, many options—you can get telehealth; you can get the medications; you can get it ahead of time… Have a Power of Attorney in place because you have to do this. Because if you show up at the hospital without a Power of Attorney, it is hard for your loved one to speak on your behalf. They will cut off communication with your family if you get put in the hospital and you will have a hard time getting communication back. They will take your phone; they will cut off your food and your fluids. It is absolutely tragedy and we’re getting calls all across the country… You want to make sure that you are prepared in every single conceivable way.
“If you feel like you need to have some level of intervention make your way to an Urgent Care but do NOT go to the hospital… By the time you get to the hospital and realize that their agenda is going to hurt you rather than help you, you’re probably already in the Intensive Care Unit (and marked for death)..." --SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
People aren't dying from COVID--they are medically mismanaging these patients...
(And) nobody is listening--they don't care what is happening to these people.
They don't. I am literally coming here every day and watching them kill them...
It's like working in the Twilight Zone. Everyone here is OK with this... What
I need is someone to help me save these people from being killed from
gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement, and no one
is listening to me... Am I the only one that isn't a fucking sociopath?"
"I have a friend who is in New York City who is on the front lines, and for her safety
she cannot come out and say these things, so I am her voice...People are sick, but
they don't have to stay sick. They are killing them--they are not helping them. She
used the word 'murder,' coming from a nurse who went to New York City expecting
to help. Patients are left to rot and die--her words. She has never seen such neglect.
No one cares--they are cold and they don't care anymore... She said 'This is a
nightmare--it's like out of a horror movie, and I don't want to be part of this'...Some-
times they are not even resuscitating people--again, they are left to rot and die..."
“Getting off the plane in New York I sat around for 3 days. There were nurses that got
there before me that were sitting there for up to 3 weeks, and we’re getting paid ten
thousand dollars a week as nurses, which is a lot of money. In my opinion it was
hush money. A lot of nurses didn’t want to say anything because they wanted
their paycheck…. What they were doing is pretty much admitting everyone,
regardless if they had COVID or not, because there was a price tag. It was
$13,000 to admit them to the floor, and $39,000 to put them on a
ventilator, knowing that ventilators, by the time I got there...had
killed absolutely every single one of their patients...”
"Veronica had a prescription for Ivermectin at home. She had been requesting to
the hospital if she could bring that... Her request was DENIED (and she died)."
"They were going to kill me on that machine (ventilator),
they were just going to leave me there..."
"The hospitals are dangerous, they are CORRUPT, and their protocols are killing people..."
"Do you understand the gravity of what's happening right now? The
Biden administration is literally paying hospitals to kill you .."
The Nuremberg Trials 2.0 - The People's Court of Public Opinion
"The global parasite class sold the vaccines as if they would stop transmission, slow
the spread, and be the end of COVID-19. They all lied because their goal is to
have the virus spread for as long as possible, to kill as many people as possible,
(block early treatment), and to spread as much fear as possible. Because the
ultimate goal of the COVID-19 response has always been to vastly increase
top-down government, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism
throughout the world..." --Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
the spread, and be the end of COVID-19. They all lied because their goal is to
have the virus spread for as long as possible, to kill as many people as possible,
(block early treatment), and to spread as much fear as possible. Because the
ultimate goal of the COVID-19 response has always been to vastly increase
top-down government, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism
throughout the world..." --Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
"A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting a criminal investigation modeled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against 'leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices' who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury." --Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: "This case, involving the most heinous Crimes Against Humanity committed under the guise of a corona pandemic on a global scale, looks complicated only at first glance. But when you put together all those little pieces of the puzzle...you will see four sets of facts:
"(1) There is no corona pandemic, but only a PCR test plandemic, fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world's population. This agenda has been long planned, it's ultimately unsuccessful precursor was the Swine Flu some 12 years ago, and it was cooked up by a group of super rich, psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world. They are using our governments and the mainstream media, both of which they literally own, to convey their panic propaganda 24/7.
"(2) The virus itself can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C, D, zinc, etc., and also with off label use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, etc. But all these, not alternative methods of treatment, but real methods of treatment were banned by those who are using the guise of this plandemic to push their ultimate goal which is to get everyone to receive the...not only ineffective but highly dangerous yet lethal experimental injections.
"(3) The same people who made the Swine Flu...into a pandemic 12 years ago by first changing the definition of what a pandemic is and then creating panic, created this corona pandemic. The Swine Flu was their first real attempt at creating a pandemic. And just as one of its purposes then was to divert our attention from the blatantly fraudulent activities of their financial industry, more aptly to be called a financial mafia, which had become visible through the Lehman Crisis, this is also one of their major purposes of this corona plandemic now. Had we taken a closer look then during the Lehman Crisis instead of blindly believing our government's promises that the perpetrators of those financial crimes will be held liable, we would have seen then that they had been looting and plundering our public coffers for decades. And we would have seen that our governments are NOT our governments anymore. Rather they have been taken over by the other side through their main platform, the World Economic Forum, which had started to create their own global leaders through their Young Global Leaders program as early as 1992, two of their first graduates being Angela Merkel and Bill Gates... These financial crimes went unchallenged by our politicians because they are aiding and abetting those who commit them and profiting from these crimes.
"(4) Ultimately, however, we will show to you...that the other side's main purpose is to gain full and complete control over all of us. This involves the finalization of their looting and plundering by deliberately destroying our small and medium size businesses, retail businesses, hotels and restaurants so that platforms such as Amazon can take over. And this involves population control which in their view requires both a massive reduction in the population and manipulating the DNA of the remaining population with the help, for example, of mRNA experimental injections. But it also requires, in their view, the deliberate destruction of democracy, of the rule of law, and of our Constitutions, through chaos, so that ultimately we will agree to losing our national and cultural identities and instead will accept a One World Government under the UN, which is now under the full control of them and their World Economic Forum; a digital passport to which each and every move is monitored and controlled; and one digital currency which we will only be able to receive from one world bank--theirs, of course.
"At the conclusion of the case and after you have heard all the evidence, we are confident that you will recommend indictments against all six putative figurehead defendants--Christian Drosten of Germany; Anthony Fauci of the United States; Tedros of the World Health Organization; Bill Gates, BlackRock and Pfizer.
"This case is about a long planned agenda of a group of ultra-rich people and their financial mafia based in the City of London and on Wall Street to use a pseudo-pandemic as the guise behind which, while our attention is on the plandemic, they want to complete their decades-long efforts to gain full and complete control over all of us.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: "This case, involving the most heinous Crimes Against Humanity committed under the guise of a corona pandemic on a global scale, looks complicated only at first glance. But when you put together all those little pieces of the puzzle...you will see four sets of facts:
"(1) There is no corona pandemic, but only a PCR test plandemic, fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world's population. This agenda has been long planned, it's ultimately unsuccessful precursor was the Swine Flu some 12 years ago, and it was cooked up by a group of super rich, psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world. They are using our governments and the mainstream media, both of which they literally own, to convey their panic propaganda 24/7.
"(2) The virus itself can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C, D, zinc, etc., and also with off label use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, etc. But all these, not alternative methods of treatment, but real methods of treatment were banned by those who are using the guise of this plandemic to push their ultimate goal which is to get everyone to receive the...not only ineffective but highly dangerous yet lethal experimental injections.
"(3) The same people who made the Swine Flu...into a pandemic 12 years ago by first changing the definition of what a pandemic is and then creating panic, created this corona pandemic. The Swine Flu was their first real attempt at creating a pandemic. And just as one of its purposes then was to divert our attention from the blatantly fraudulent activities of their financial industry, more aptly to be called a financial mafia, which had become visible through the Lehman Crisis, this is also one of their major purposes of this corona plandemic now. Had we taken a closer look then during the Lehman Crisis instead of blindly believing our government's promises that the perpetrators of those financial crimes will be held liable, we would have seen then that they had been looting and plundering our public coffers for decades. And we would have seen that our governments are NOT our governments anymore. Rather they have been taken over by the other side through their main platform, the World Economic Forum, which had started to create their own global leaders through their Young Global Leaders program as early as 1992, two of their first graduates being Angela Merkel and Bill Gates... These financial crimes went unchallenged by our politicians because they are aiding and abetting those who commit them and profiting from these crimes.
"(4) Ultimately, however, we will show to you...that the other side's main purpose is to gain full and complete control over all of us. This involves the finalization of their looting and plundering by deliberately destroying our small and medium size businesses, retail businesses, hotels and restaurants so that platforms such as Amazon can take over. And this involves population control which in their view requires both a massive reduction in the population and manipulating the DNA of the remaining population with the help, for example, of mRNA experimental injections. But it also requires, in their view, the deliberate destruction of democracy, of the rule of law, and of our Constitutions, through chaos, so that ultimately we will agree to losing our national and cultural identities and instead will accept a One World Government under the UN, which is now under the full control of them and their World Economic Forum; a digital passport to which each and every move is monitored and controlled; and one digital currency which we will only be able to receive from one world bank--theirs, of course.
"At the conclusion of the case and after you have heard all the evidence, we are confident that you will recommend indictments against all six putative figurehead defendants--Christian Drosten of Germany; Anthony Fauci of the United States; Tedros of the World Health Organization; Bill Gates, BlackRock and Pfizer.
"This case is about a long planned agenda of a group of ultra-rich people and their financial mafia based in the City of London and on Wall Street to use a pseudo-pandemic as the guise behind which, while our attention is on the plandemic, they want to complete their decades-long efforts to gain full and complete control over all of us.
"There are numerous platforms on which this group has been meeting and discussing this agenda, but the most important one is the World Economic Forum, which was invented in 1971 by a then 33 year-old Klaus Schwaub. Its members are a thousand global corporations with at least 5 billion US dollars in annual sales, politicians, media representatives, scientists, and other so-called high-profile personalities. They meet once a year in Davos, but there are other such meetings in China. And since 1992 they have created and presented to us their own group of political leaders for the world. Among the first graduates, as I mentioned, are Angela Merkel and Bill Gates in 1992. Others are Sebastian Corts, up until recently Chancellor of Austria; Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada; Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Emmanuel Macron, President of France; and many, many more.
"This group, which is now called the Davos clique, is openly...promoting the shifting of the world's assets to this group of super-rich people, so that in 2030 ordinary people 'will own nothing and be happy'--as Klaus Schwaub states in his document The Great Reset--under a One World Government with a digital currency given to us by their One World Bank... And they are also openly promoting the drastic reduction of the world's population and the manipulation of the human population's DNA all the way into Transhumanism..." --Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
"This group, which is now called the Davos clique, is openly...promoting the shifting of the world's assets to this group of super-rich people, so that in 2030 ordinary people 'will own nothing and be happy'--as Klaus Schwaub states in his document The Great Reset--under a One World Government with a digital currency given to us by their One World Bank... And they are also openly promoting the drastic reduction of the world's population and the manipulation of the human population's DNA all the way into Transhumanism..." --Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
- Feb/05/2022 - Opening Statements
- Feb/12/2022 - The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this
- Feb/13/2022 - PCR-Test
- Feb/19/2022 - Injections & Psychological Warfare
- Feb/20/2022 - Economic & Financial Destruction
- Feb/26/2022 - Eugenics & Closing Arguments and Outlook
"This Grand Jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against 'leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices' who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic." ---Grand Jury Proceeding by the People's Court of Public Opinion
"If we need to summarize all the information revealed by these experts and whistleblowers, we can state that the world is being taken over by private entities, who hide behind governmental authorities and health agencies, that only serve as the smokescreen for the hidden puppet masters who effectively rule over humanity. Their financial headquarters are in the City of London, from where they influence the rest of the world.
"These private entities have been building an undemocratic framework that allows the World Health Organization to seize all rights and freedoms from the entire world population and submit all nations to their tyranny. All they need is a 'public health emergency of international concern' which they can easily fabricate using fraudulent diagnostics. They apply psychological techniques of manipulation to hypnotize and brainwash the public. Trained 'change agents' are sent into every sphere of our societies, where they transform the thinking and behavior of the people.
"Although they use 'health' as the excuse for their crimes, their influence causes true health care to be destroyed and be replaced by criminal financial operations.
"In the view of these oligarchs the people are livestock, which they claim to own - body, mind and soul. Essentially, they revive the ancient practice of slavery, where humans are literally owned by rich masters. During this revival of slavery, the systems of enslavement have been greatly upgraded and enhanced, for the purpose of effectively enslaving the entire human race.
"One of the true motivations behind the DNA altering vaccines, that are being imposed on all of humanity, is to genetically engineer mankind with a view to create a 'new model of human' that will perfectly obey these oligarchs.
"More evidence of this Transhumanist agenda is revealed on StopWorldControl.com. We are currently preparing a documentary that features dozens of video clips of these criminals, publicly discussing how, for example, 5G will insert thoughts and emotions into the population to ensure complete obedience..."
"This brings us to the very heart of the matter, which is that ultimately, the driving force of this evil is not just money, but a dark spiritual dimension, that hates humanity and our Creator, and desires to destroy our world. It’s typical that these dark forces are served by those claiming to serve God. Hiding behind masks is how these criminals always operate..."
"The answer to all of this is to inform as many people as possible in the first place, because the power of the elite is entirely based on the complete ignorance of the masses. Once a certain number of people become aware of this worldwide criminal enterprise, the resistance will become too powerful to suppress..." --Private Entities Take Over the World
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
"If we need to summarize all the information revealed by these experts and whistleblowers, we can state that the world is being taken over by private entities, who hide behind governmental authorities and health agencies, that only serve as the smokescreen for the hidden puppet masters who effectively rule over humanity. Their financial headquarters are in the City of London, from where they influence the rest of the world.
"These private entities have been building an undemocratic framework that allows the World Health Organization to seize all rights and freedoms from the entire world population and submit all nations to their tyranny. All they need is a 'public health emergency of international concern' which they can easily fabricate using fraudulent diagnostics. They apply psychological techniques of manipulation to hypnotize and brainwash the public. Trained 'change agents' are sent into every sphere of our societies, where they transform the thinking and behavior of the people.
"Although they use 'health' as the excuse for their crimes, their influence causes true health care to be destroyed and be replaced by criminal financial operations.
"In the view of these oligarchs the people are livestock, which they claim to own - body, mind and soul. Essentially, they revive the ancient practice of slavery, where humans are literally owned by rich masters. During this revival of slavery, the systems of enslavement have been greatly upgraded and enhanced, for the purpose of effectively enslaving the entire human race.
"One of the true motivations behind the DNA altering vaccines, that are being imposed on all of humanity, is to genetically engineer mankind with a view to create a 'new model of human' that will perfectly obey these oligarchs.
"More evidence of this Transhumanist agenda is revealed on StopWorldControl.com. We are currently preparing a documentary that features dozens of video clips of these criminals, publicly discussing how, for example, 5G will insert thoughts and emotions into the population to ensure complete obedience..."
"This brings us to the very heart of the matter, which is that ultimately, the driving force of this evil is not just money, but a dark spiritual dimension, that hates humanity and our Creator, and desires to destroy our world. It’s typical that these dark forces are served by those claiming to serve God. Hiding behind masks is how these criminals always operate..."
"The answer to all of this is to inform as many people as possible in the first place, because the power of the elite is entirely based on the complete ignorance of the masses. Once a certain number of people become aware of this worldwide criminal enterprise, the resistance will become too powerful to suppress..." --Private Entities Take Over the World
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
Under A Chemtrail Sky - Sprayed Like Bugs
"We are in the portals of evil, an anti-human evil that is using human beings like toilet paper... Like that
initial mind control moment when everybody ran out and bought all the toilet paper. That was totally
programmed. Don't people get how sophisticated this technology is? They think that we are worms;
they think we are chattel; they think doing anything to you is fine as long as you don't wake up..."
"The single biggest obstacle confronting those of us who have been attempting to terminate the
spraying of chemtrails in our skies is the disbelief of our fellow citizens. That’s right, it is both
the ignorance (they ignore what is going on in the skies right above them) and the outright
disbelief (many cling to the obvious contrail canard) of our families and friends, co-workers
and neighbors, which pose the most formidable obstacles to shutting down these illicit
programs." --CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
initial mind control moment when everybody ran out and bought all the toilet paper. That was totally
programmed. Don't people get how sophisticated this technology is? They think that we are worms;
they think we are chattel; they think doing anything to you is fine as long as you don't wake up..."
"The single biggest obstacle confronting those of us who have been attempting to terminate the
spraying of chemtrails in our skies is the disbelief of our fellow citizens. That’s right, it is both
the ignorance (they ignore what is going on in the skies right above them) and the outright
disbelief (many cling to the obvious contrail canard) of our families and friends, co-workers
and neighbors, which pose the most formidable obstacles to shutting down these illicit
programs." --CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
"Of all the ongoing assaults against the American people, none is so pernicious and surreptitious, so pervasive and profound, so offensive and outrageous, so deliberate and yet unnecessary as the geo-engineering and weather modification program known a CHEMTRAILS. Truly, the relentless chemtrailing of the skies of the USA represents a crime against the populace like no other, (and) the time has come for this crime against Humanity to be prosecuted..." --CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
"The following information is NOT speculation. If you were to read 'The Report From Iron Mountain,' the top experts analysis of military warfare, you would see the Rockefeller family as one of the major players in this conspiracy. They are one of the major players in 'world genocide and world population reduction.' I wish it wasn’t true, BUT IT IS!
"When you examine who owns the fuel, whom the fuel company directors are, it becomes very clear, the Rockefeller family and the royal families – (Standard Oil and British Petroleum.)
"And what are their other agendas? Reading their documents, proves they have funded, historically, 'eugenics, racial hygiene, genocide, depopulation, family planning, maternal and child health,' where they make and deliver (poison) vaccines and contaminated blood supplies.
"These are the banksters, the same people who run the blood banking as well as the money banking industries, according to Dr. Horowitz. Are these really the ones responsible for spraying these aerosols and geoengineering chemtrails on our world?...
"The Bush family, Rothschild family, the Rockefeller money, and the entire Rockefeller establishment is based on Rothschild money and royal families. If you can't explain the geoengineering chemtrails purpose rationally or any other way, you've got to consider conspiracy theories and eliminate the negative label that you've placed on conspiracy theories, which have been demonized along with holistic medicine.
"If you're wondering if the elite pay people to 'debunk' or try and convince people that there is no such thing as 'chemtrails' or geoengineering chemtrails, you're absolutely right. The more people that attach 'conspiracy theory' to them, the more they can continue their nefarious operations without bringing the public to seeing the reality of them." --Geoengineering - Killing the Population With Chemtrails
It is a well documented historical fact that the CIA created the term 'conspiracy theory' in 1967 in order to discredit anyone shining the light of truth on their nefarious activities, or on any topic they did not want the general public to take seriously, like the topic of UFOs or chemtrails, for example. And their psyop has been largely successful. Just ask any of the unawakened masses--the sheeple--about the reality of obvious chemtrail spraying in the skies above their heads and, if they even notice them at all, they will simply deny that chemtrails exist as a purposeful malevolent activity, preferring instead to think of them merely as jet contrails, or even as strange or aberrant cloud formations. Chemtrails are the glaringly apparent 11-ton elephant in the living room that the obsequious sleepwalking sheeple somehow manage to continue to ignore or pretend doesn't exist..
"The following information is NOT speculation. If you were to read 'The Report From Iron Mountain,' the top experts analysis of military warfare, you would see the Rockefeller family as one of the major players in this conspiracy. They are one of the major players in 'world genocide and world population reduction.' I wish it wasn’t true, BUT IT IS!
"When you examine who owns the fuel, whom the fuel company directors are, it becomes very clear, the Rockefeller family and the royal families – (Standard Oil and British Petroleum.)
"And what are their other agendas? Reading their documents, proves they have funded, historically, 'eugenics, racial hygiene, genocide, depopulation, family planning, maternal and child health,' where they make and deliver (poison) vaccines and contaminated blood supplies.
"These are the banksters, the same people who run the blood banking as well as the money banking industries, according to Dr. Horowitz. Are these really the ones responsible for spraying these aerosols and geoengineering chemtrails on our world?...
"The Bush family, Rothschild family, the Rockefeller money, and the entire Rockefeller establishment is based on Rothschild money and royal families. If you can't explain the geoengineering chemtrails purpose rationally or any other way, you've got to consider conspiracy theories and eliminate the negative label that you've placed on conspiracy theories, which have been demonized along with holistic medicine.
"If you're wondering if the elite pay people to 'debunk' or try and convince people that there is no such thing as 'chemtrails' or geoengineering chemtrails, you're absolutely right. The more people that attach 'conspiracy theory' to them, the more they can continue their nefarious operations without bringing the public to seeing the reality of them." --Geoengineering - Killing the Population With Chemtrails
It is a well documented historical fact that the CIA created the term 'conspiracy theory' in 1967 in order to discredit anyone shining the light of truth on their nefarious activities, or on any topic they did not want the general public to take seriously, like the topic of UFOs or chemtrails, for example. And their psyop has been largely successful. Just ask any of the unawakened masses--the sheeple--about the reality of obvious chemtrail spraying in the skies above their heads and, if they even notice them at all, they will simply deny that chemtrails exist as a purposeful malevolent activity, preferring instead to think of them merely as jet contrails, or even as strange or aberrant cloud formations. Chemtrails are the glaringly apparent 11-ton elephant in the living room that the obsequious sleepwalking sheeple somehow manage to continue to ignore or pretend doesn't exist..
However, in reality, chemtrails as a purposeful malevolent activity do in fact exist, and “are the most evil of anything man can do to another human being, and that covers a lot of evil. Forget everything you think you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it's been forced onto everyone unknowingly.
“There is prima facie evidence that the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system and aerosol spraying (chemtrails) are carrying out mind control against the human population on a global as well as national, regional and individual scale.
“These mind control weapons applications constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions. But, since the elite globalists have control over them, nothing will be done to stop them.
“The combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters are some of the reasons they spray. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with ‘steady state’ and particle density for plasma beam propagation.
“They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by 'zapping' the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground (Ground Wave Emergency Network), or space-based lasers.
“The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air.
“We are breathing in this poison and nano-bots encapsulating a neuron or synapse or other nerve ending/bridge of our brains.
“What really is the purpose of this massive operation of the global elite who continue to create the illusion of a free world and free will? What is the REAL chemtrail plan wanting to accomplish?” -- Chemtrails Evil Against Humanity Staggers the Mind
“There is prima facie evidence that the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system and aerosol spraying (chemtrails) are carrying out mind control against the human population on a global as well as national, regional and individual scale.
“These mind control weapons applications constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions. But, since the elite globalists have control over them, nothing will be done to stop them.
“The combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters are some of the reasons they spray. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with ‘steady state’ and particle density for plasma beam propagation.
“They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by 'zapping' the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground (Ground Wave Emergency Network), or space-based lasers.
“The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air.
“We are breathing in this poison and nano-bots encapsulating a neuron or synapse or other nerve ending/bridge of our brains.
“What really is the purpose of this massive operation of the global elite who continue to create the illusion of a free world and free will? What is the REAL chemtrail plan wanting to accomplish?” -- Chemtrails Evil Against Humanity Staggers the Mind
"For the past decade, Elana Freeland has completely devoted herself to the task of researching, describing, and interpreting, often in painstaking detail, the destruction descending upon the Earth and humanity by the intentional abuse of chemicals, electromagnetics, and the new science of nanotechnology.
"In her first geoengineering book, 'Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth' she introduced the subject to the reader with the assertion that 'HAARP technology with its ionized chemtrails constitutes a global-scale DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) system.' She also asserted that 'All of planet Earth will be militarized under the policy of full spectrum dominance.'
"How was it, then, that Freeland began to arrive at such bold conclusions?
“I first began by concentrating on the engineering feat of actually obtaining full spectrum dominance over the Earth,” Freeland said in our interview. “For that, I depended mainly on Bernard Eastlund’s 1987 HAARP patent, in which he describes exactly what would be needed in order to control the ionosphere and pull ions down into the Earth’s atmosphere.”
"Eastlund’s patent for a 'Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth‘s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere,' led Freeland to learn about the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP), which adapted Nikola Tesla’s electrical transmission discoveries for the purpose of creating ionospheric heater technology, capable of sending, via phased array antenna systems, high-powered beams of electrons into the ionosphere to influence the flow of ions.
"As Nick Begich, Jr. and Jeanne Manning reported in their pioneering book 'Angels Don’t Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology': 'The $30 million project euphemistically named HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is made to beam more than 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere—the electrically-charged layer above Earth‘s atmosphere. Put simply, the apparatus is a reversal of a radio telescope—just transmitting instead of receiving. It will boil the upper atmosphere. After disturbing the ionosphere, the radiations will bounce back onto the earth in the form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans.'
"By reporting on 'how cloud seeding goes electromagnetic' through the spraying of strontium, aluminum, and barium into the atmosphere, which was then ionized through HAARP and other transmissions, Freeland demonstrated in her first book that chemtrails are 'not your average contrails.' She also reported on the ways in which geoengineering and environmental warfare are 'profit and force multipliers.' She also provided deep background into the anomalous substances derived from chemtrail spraying residues now known as Morgellons by introducing her readers to the extensive research of independent scientist Clifford E. Carnicom..." --Geoengineered Transhumanism: Elana Freeland Moves Above and Beyond Chemtrails
"In her first geoengineering book, 'Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth' she introduced the subject to the reader with the assertion that 'HAARP technology with its ionized chemtrails constitutes a global-scale DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) system.' She also asserted that 'All of planet Earth will be militarized under the policy of full spectrum dominance.'
"How was it, then, that Freeland began to arrive at such bold conclusions?
“I first began by concentrating on the engineering feat of actually obtaining full spectrum dominance over the Earth,” Freeland said in our interview. “For that, I depended mainly on Bernard Eastlund’s 1987 HAARP patent, in which he describes exactly what would be needed in order to control the ionosphere and pull ions down into the Earth’s atmosphere.”
"Eastlund’s patent for a 'Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth‘s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere,' led Freeland to learn about the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP), which adapted Nikola Tesla’s electrical transmission discoveries for the purpose of creating ionospheric heater technology, capable of sending, via phased array antenna systems, high-powered beams of electrons into the ionosphere to influence the flow of ions.
"As Nick Begich, Jr. and Jeanne Manning reported in their pioneering book 'Angels Don’t Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology': 'The $30 million project euphemistically named HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is made to beam more than 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere—the electrically-charged layer above Earth‘s atmosphere. Put simply, the apparatus is a reversal of a radio telescope—just transmitting instead of receiving. It will boil the upper atmosphere. After disturbing the ionosphere, the radiations will bounce back onto the earth in the form of long waves which penetrate our bodies, the ground and the oceans.'
"By reporting on 'how cloud seeding goes electromagnetic' through the spraying of strontium, aluminum, and barium into the atmosphere, which was then ionized through HAARP and other transmissions, Freeland demonstrated in her first book that chemtrails are 'not your average contrails.' She also reported on the ways in which geoengineering and environmental warfare are 'profit and force multipliers.' She also provided deep background into the anomalous substances derived from chemtrail spraying residues now known as Morgellons by introducing her readers to the extensive research of independent scientist Clifford E. Carnicom..." --Geoengineered Transhumanism: Elana Freeland Moves Above and Beyond Chemtrails

"Clifford E. Carnicom, an acknowledged expert since 1999 on the global covert spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere operation (also known as 'Chemtrails'), stated in an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released March 1, 2011 that the covert aerosol-spraying operation had transformed the Earth’s atmosphere into a plasma for carrying out weaponized applications such as bio-warfare (including Morgellons disease and COVID-19), electromagnetic operations such as HAARP, weather warfare, tectonic (earthquake) warfare, mind control, advanced surveillance technology, and detection of advanced propulsion technology including UFOs.
"The over-all purpose of this covert operation of spraying aerosols into the atmosphere and converting it into plasma was to achieve 'absolute control' over the global human population. This total control is accomplished using the combined effects of seven weapons-like applications that use the plasma-like atmosphere with weaponized effects on the environment, the biosphere and the human population.
"Although Mr. Carnicom prefers to use the term 'aerosols', the global covert operation spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere is also known as the 'chemtrails program'.
"In a January 10, 2011 assessment of the current impact of the global aerosol-spraying program, Mr. Carnicom stated, 'The vitality and viability of human existence and life on this planet, as it has been known to exist, is under threat'..." And this pernicious threat to Humanity has not diminished one iota in the interim since the time of that assessment... --Expert: Chemtrails are Global Covert Operation for Total Control, Detecting UFOs
"The over-all purpose of this covert operation of spraying aerosols into the atmosphere and converting it into plasma was to achieve 'absolute control' over the global human population. This total control is accomplished using the combined effects of seven weapons-like applications that use the plasma-like atmosphere with weaponized effects on the environment, the biosphere and the human population.
"Although Mr. Carnicom prefers to use the term 'aerosols', the global covert operation spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere is also known as the 'chemtrails program'.
"In a January 10, 2011 assessment of the current impact of the global aerosol-spraying program, Mr. Carnicom stated, 'The vitality and viability of human existence and life on this planet, as it has been known to exist, is under threat'..." And this pernicious threat to Humanity has not diminished one iota in the interim since the time of that assessment... --Expert: Chemtrails are Global Covert Operation for Total Control, Detecting UFOs
“Far too many people, even at this late hour, have no idea what’s going on (in the skies) above their heads… I began to dive into research and I was astounded at the amount of available data on ongoing global climate engineering operations entitled ‘Solar Radiation Management’, the expressed purpose of which is to block some of the sun’s incoming thermal energy to slow down ‘global warming’. I began to test precipitation, the rain, to see what was in the air column. I didn’t want to find what I found. I found aluminum in very copious and escalating quantities… Aluminum is used for its reflectivity and they don’t care about the toxicity of that element…
“So that began my research, began my journey, and I’m trying to expose this issue in our skies, that governments around the globe have long since deployed without public knowledge, without public consent for obvious reasons. Would the public accept having their skies sprayed with highly toxic elements—aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, polymer fibers, all of which are toxic, none of which they’ve considered the consequences of?" --Mel K and Dane Wigington on Weather Warfare and the NWO Agenda
“So that began my research, began my journey, and I’m trying to expose this issue in our skies, that governments around the globe have long since deployed without public knowledge, without public consent for obvious reasons. Would the public accept having their skies sprayed with highly toxic elements—aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, polymer fibers, all of which are toxic, none of which they’ve considered the consequences of?" --Mel K and Dane Wigington on Weather Warfare and the NWO Agenda
Chemtrails, Viruses, and 5G Frequencies
"CORONAVIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Bioweapon. The disease process caused by COVID-19 is best described by the following new disease name: COVID-5G-Chemtrail Syndrome.
"The Coronavirus Syndrome is not just a simple coronavirus named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization. It's actually a far more complex pathogenic micro-organism and disease process than the medical authorities are aware of. More significantly, it is the biological etiology and environmental causation that must be correctly understood if Coronavirus Syndrome is to be successfully treated.
"There are 3 primary elements of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome as stated in the new disease name.
"First, there is the pathogenic micro-organism, that was intentionally weaponized in a U.S. military laboratory as a specific gene pool-targeted bioweapon called COVID-19, which was bioengineered to mutate to elude proper diagnosis as well as morph symptomatically to evade effective treatment.
"Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of 5G, 4G, 3G and other electromagnetic frequency signal ranges and microwave transmissions on vulnerable individuals with respect to triggering COVID-19, as well as sustaining and/or intensifying the disease process.
"Thirdly, there is a global chemical geoengineering regime that sprays Chemtrails, as well as a Super-Vaccination Agenda, which contribute considerably to the state of Hypertoxicity of each individual who contracts COVID-19, the severity of which is determined by their toxic load or total body burden...
"The three greatest clusters of Coronavirus Syndrome on each continent were located in 3 major cities which had already experienced what was essentially a military deployment of a 5G power grid. As follows:
“This is also why three of the most serious coronavirus outbreaks on 3 continents — Asia, Europe and North America — took place in major metro areas that had undergone advanced 5G roll-outs—Wuhan, China; Milan, Italy; and Seattle Washington, respectively. Each of these three “5G demonstration zones” have produced the highest COVID-19 infection rates and mortality rates in the world today. (Source: The Most Fatal Coronavirus Outbreaks and Intensive 5G Roll-outs Conclusively Correlate)
"The Coronavirus Syndrome is not just a simple coronavirus named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization. It's actually a far more complex pathogenic micro-organism and disease process than the medical authorities are aware of. More significantly, it is the biological etiology and environmental causation that must be correctly understood if Coronavirus Syndrome is to be successfully treated.
"There are 3 primary elements of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome as stated in the new disease name.
"First, there is the pathogenic micro-organism, that was intentionally weaponized in a U.S. military laboratory as a specific gene pool-targeted bioweapon called COVID-19, which was bioengineered to mutate to elude proper diagnosis as well as morph symptomatically to evade effective treatment.
"Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of 5G, 4G, 3G and other electromagnetic frequency signal ranges and microwave transmissions on vulnerable individuals with respect to triggering COVID-19, as well as sustaining and/or intensifying the disease process.
"Thirdly, there is a global chemical geoengineering regime that sprays Chemtrails, as well as a Super-Vaccination Agenda, which contribute considerably to the state of Hypertoxicity of each individual who contracts COVID-19, the severity of which is determined by their toxic load or total body burden...
"The three greatest clusters of Coronavirus Syndrome on each continent were located in 3 major cities which had already experienced what was essentially a military deployment of a 5G power grid. As follows:
“This is also why three of the most serious coronavirus outbreaks on 3 continents — Asia, Europe and North America — took place in major metro areas that had undergone advanced 5G roll-outs—Wuhan, China; Milan, Italy; and Seattle Washington, respectively. Each of these three “5G demonstration zones” have produced the highest COVID-19 infection rates and mortality rates in the world today. (Source: The Most Fatal Coronavirus Outbreaks and Intensive 5G Roll-outs Conclusively Correlate)
"There is undoubtedly a direct correlation between the intensive deployment of 5G and the incidence of Coronavirus Syndrome. All the science has proven that the exceedingly powerful and harmful energies associated with a fully operational 5G system significantly weaken the human immune system. Therefore, people living in '5G Demonstration Zones' will inevitably be much more vulnerable to all the seasonal influenzas, and especially to the highly opportunistic and virulent COVID-19...
"Not only does 5G seem to trigger the onset of the Coronavirus Syndrome, it also appears to cause an extraordinary mutation and morphing of COVID-19 into an altogether different coronavirus pathogen, which then lies latent in the body well after the patient has been cured. This is quite similar to Epstein-Barr virus which eventually evolves into EBV-Stage 4 after passing through Stages 1, 2 and 3 over decades of latency.
"The extent to which a patient is exposed to the Internet of Things (IoT) poses an even greater challenge to their immune system. This is why so many cruise ships became floating hospitals so soon after the Wuhan outbreak (there was simply not enough time for Wuhan patients or carriers to board the affected ships). Not only was 5G fully operational on those quarantined ships, the cruise lines promoted their seaborne IoTs to all the younger passengers while the many of the older passengers suffered from immunosuppression or compromised health. As expected, the older folks suffered a much higher COVID-19 infection rate Then, when the first COVID-19 case was reported, the protracted period of quarantine on the cruise ships served to spread the coronavirus even more in the close quarters.
"Undoubtedly, it’s the high re-infection rates of COVID-19 which illustrate the dramatic effects that a 5G environment has on either a carrier or patient. Those who leave the hospital as a cured COVID-19 patient and re-enter their same wireless IT space will invariably suffer a higher rate of re-infection. Some will eventually suffer double or triple re-infections in the same flu season...
"Incidentally, the Coronavirus Syndrome is emphatically not caused by a typical flu bug. COVID-19 is a highly sophisticated bioweapon that was deliberately bioengineered to be extremely opportunistic, predatory and pernicious. Hence, the best defense is to avoid infection, especially by keeping the smartphone off and hard wiring all IT devices at home and the workplace. But the most important move anyone can make is to strictly avoid all 5G super-hotspots and IoT spaces such as cruise ships" --COVID-5G-Chemtrail Syndrome
"Not only does 5G seem to trigger the onset of the Coronavirus Syndrome, it also appears to cause an extraordinary mutation and morphing of COVID-19 into an altogether different coronavirus pathogen, which then lies latent in the body well after the patient has been cured. This is quite similar to Epstein-Barr virus which eventually evolves into EBV-Stage 4 after passing through Stages 1, 2 and 3 over decades of latency.
"The extent to which a patient is exposed to the Internet of Things (IoT) poses an even greater challenge to their immune system. This is why so many cruise ships became floating hospitals so soon after the Wuhan outbreak (there was simply not enough time for Wuhan patients or carriers to board the affected ships). Not only was 5G fully operational on those quarantined ships, the cruise lines promoted their seaborne IoTs to all the younger passengers while the many of the older passengers suffered from immunosuppression or compromised health. As expected, the older folks suffered a much higher COVID-19 infection rate Then, when the first COVID-19 case was reported, the protracted period of quarantine on the cruise ships served to spread the coronavirus even more in the close quarters.
"Undoubtedly, it’s the high re-infection rates of COVID-19 which illustrate the dramatic effects that a 5G environment has on either a carrier or patient. Those who leave the hospital as a cured COVID-19 patient and re-enter their same wireless IT space will invariably suffer a higher rate of re-infection. Some will eventually suffer double or triple re-infections in the same flu season...
"Incidentally, the Coronavirus Syndrome is emphatically not caused by a typical flu bug. COVID-19 is a highly sophisticated bioweapon that was deliberately bioengineered to be extremely opportunistic, predatory and pernicious. Hence, the best defense is to avoid infection, especially by keeping the smartphone off and hard wiring all IT devices at home and the workplace. But the most important move anyone can make is to strictly avoid all 5G super-hotspots and IoT spaces such as cruise ships" --COVID-5G-Chemtrail Syndrome
Kerry Cassidy: “The (COVID) bioweapon was more or less released in 2019, but we’ve also had ingredients that are in the bioweapon (that) have been in chemtrails for the last 20 or 30 years in an escalating amount... More and more people are doing this kind of test, which is to test your food and your water and the air and to see just how much nano is in that... The bottom line is that there are so many natural remedies for getting over the so-called COVID bioweapon symptoms, which are symptoms like you get from what’s called altitude sickness...which is, you have trouble breathing; you can have flu-like symptoms… It’s also the same symptoms as when you’re dosed with radiation. This is why 5G being turned on will escalate those symptoms…” Kerry Cassidy on Conservative Patriot Nation
"It is extremely easy to get nanotechnology into our bodies, but the human body has difficulty removing it and preventing it from accumulating. Our immune systems have been weakened by the constant bombardment with chemicals such as glyphosate, which contaminates nearly all of our food including organic products.These chemicals strip out essential minerals from our bodies and damage the normal bacteria in our guts. The normal human microbiome in the gut is the primary home for our immune system.
"When we add the stress caused by the constant exposure to a thousand different radio and microwave frequencies, our bodies are further weakened so that they cannot effectively respond to penetration by nano substances. As a result, nanotechnology which has been programmed to perform certain tasks can operate in us with relative freedom.
"Even if nanotechnology is intended for good, such as when it is added to a medicine, supplement, skincare product, processed food, or when sprayed on the crops raised by farmers it is still very difficult to remove from the body.
"Nanotechnology can also be intended for harm as when it is sprayed in the atmosphere above the Earth. In this case, it is designed to secretly create physical lethargy, to inhibit mental clarity, to provide a mechanism for establishing mind control programming, to modify human DNA, and to stimulate disease formation and early death.
"Regardless of the intent behind nanotechnology, it is embedding itself in our bodies on a daily basis and is establishing networks within us that have the quality of a pseudo-lifeform or synthetic biology. It is not just inert small pieces of junk that just sit there, but it fulfills its mission to self-assemble into structures that perform functions according to those who programmed the materials." --The Problem With Nanotechnology In A Nutshell
"It is extremely easy to get nanotechnology into our bodies, but the human body has difficulty removing it and preventing it from accumulating. Our immune systems have been weakened by the constant bombardment with chemicals such as glyphosate, which contaminates nearly all of our food including organic products.These chemicals strip out essential minerals from our bodies and damage the normal bacteria in our guts. The normal human microbiome in the gut is the primary home for our immune system.
"When we add the stress caused by the constant exposure to a thousand different radio and microwave frequencies, our bodies are further weakened so that they cannot effectively respond to penetration by nano substances. As a result, nanotechnology which has been programmed to perform certain tasks can operate in us with relative freedom.
"Even if nanotechnology is intended for good, such as when it is added to a medicine, supplement, skincare product, processed food, or when sprayed on the crops raised by farmers it is still very difficult to remove from the body.
"Nanotechnology can also be intended for harm as when it is sprayed in the atmosphere above the Earth. In this case, it is designed to secretly create physical lethargy, to inhibit mental clarity, to provide a mechanism for establishing mind control programming, to modify human DNA, and to stimulate disease formation and early death.
"Regardless of the intent behind nanotechnology, it is embedding itself in our bodies on a daily basis and is establishing networks within us that have the quality of a pseudo-lifeform or synthetic biology. It is not just inert small pieces of junk that just sit there, but it fulfills its mission to self-assemble into structures that perform functions according to those who programmed the materials." --The Problem With Nanotechnology In A Nutshell
"The problem is that once nanotechnology enters our bodies, our brains, our cells, and even modifies our DNA, then extraordinary steps must be taken to deprogram it and remove it. Thus, even nanotechnology intended for good eventually becomes part of a toxic condition in our bodies, and becomes something that we need to help our bodies remove." --The Problem With Nanotechnology In A Nutshell
Addendum: Proudly "Vaccinated" (and Now Deceased)
Addendum: The Nuremberg Code
Addendum: Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering
Addendum: COVID Zombification of America
Addendum: A Message To the Globalist Assholes
Epilogue: Transhumanism 101 (Remedial Sheeple Edition)
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that
people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.”
Most people cannot fathom that we are fighting an ALIEN AI
that wants to infect us with its tech and then control us.
This is what COVID-19 is all about. Nano AI is the
tech. This is a War of the Worlds scenario..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that
people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.”
Most people cannot fathom that we are fighting an ALIEN AI
that wants to infect us with its tech and then control us.
This is what COVID-19 is all about. Nano AI is the
tech. This is a War of the Worlds scenario..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
Of all the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by dark demonic forces at this momentous moment in human history, none is more abhorrent, more heinous, or more egregious than the Globalist plan to permanently pervert, subvert and transform Humanity’s innate God-given biology into a cyborg abomination, a chimera, an unnatural hybrid blend of human anatomy and Artificial Intelligence technology. What the brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple STILL fail to realize is that this was and is the real purpose behind the entire manufactured COVID scamdenic crisis—to get the alien nano technology injected into as many human bodies as possible, in as short a time as possible.
I am both amazed and disheartened by just how easily my friends, family and co-workers were bamboozled into rolling up their sleeves to take a poisonous, deadly, experimental gene-modifying mRNA drug, a drug that, if it doesn't kill them outright over the next few years, will eventually transform their carbon-based biology into a silicon-based one. Morgellons anyone?
“I really am concerned that most people don’t understand that this (COVID scam) is a long-range plan that actually involves Transhumanism. If you don’t understand that and you’re kind of locked in the idea that they want to eliminate population, which of course they do—that’s just a normal thing (for the Globalists). That’s what they always want to do…
“They are actually rolling out a concoction that is AI derived, so they got help from an alien AI that comes from an alien race off planet. So this is what they basically used—the alien information—to then compile this bioweapon to put into your body in order to make a race of human cyborgs. And so this is where it’s headed, this is what the graphine oxide does, the spike proteins linking to the graphene oxide…” --Kerry Cassidy, Kerry’s Video Update: God, Aliens & AI
I am both amazed and disheartened by just how easily my friends, family and co-workers were bamboozled into rolling up their sleeves to take a poisonous, deadly, experimental gene-modifying mRNA drug, a drug that, if it doesn't kill them outright over the next few years, will eventually transform their carbon-based biology into a silicon-based one. Morgellons anyone?
“I really am concerned that most people don’t understand that this (COVID scam) is a long-range plan that actually involves Transhumanism. If you don’t understand that and you’re kind of locked in the idea that they want to eliminate population, which of course they do—that’s just a normal thing (for the Globalists). That’s what they always want to do…
“They are actually rolling out a concoction that is AI derived, so they got help from an alien AI that comes from an alien race off planet. So this is what they basically used—the alien information—to then compile this bioweapon to put into your body in order to make a race of human cyborgs. And so this is where it’s headed, this is what the graphine oxide does, the spike proteins linking to the graphene oxide…” --Kerry Cassidy, Kerry’s Video Update: God, Aliens & AI
"Humanity’s freedom is in the hands of the U.S. We are the last bastion pushing back against the dark Cabal Globalists that are set on taking over the world and putting out an AI--basically a BORG mentality--so that all of the COVID victims, people that have taken the jab, are going to be automatically mind controlled. But more than mind controlled—now their bodies are going to be controlled. So understanding (that) mind control has been in the television advertisements—that kind of mind control—has been going on now since the time of the Nazi’s in the 1940's. But now they want your body as well...
"I’ve done a number of videos explaining how the nano works with the graphene, how the graphene nanites work with the spike proteins, and how the spike proteins attach to the graphene nanites. They jump between human and human, between thing and thing. This is going on around the planet right now. Some bodies can handle it, some bodies cannot.
“Basically you are much better off if you can fight it off by not having it injected into you through a needle… This so-called ‘COVID-19’...is NOT a virus. I know that there are lots of people out there, even on the good side, who want to call it a virus. That is misleading...because that’s not what it actually is. It is a manufactured bioweapon that involves graphene nanites, other forms of nano as well, poisons, DNA, RNA, from bats and other animals, human fetuses, etc., etc. This is a concoction, a witches brew, if you will, that is meant to change your body, to change your DNA, and to link you to the BORG. That’s the bottom line. If you don’t know that by now, you’ve been sleeping...." --Kerry Cassidy Video Update 11.2.21
"I’ve done a number of videos explaining how the nano works with the graphene, how the graphene nanites work with the spike proteins, and how the spike proteins attach to the graphene nanites. They jump between human and human, between thing and thing. This is going on around the planet right now. Some bodies can handle it, some bodies cannot.
“Basically you are much better off if you can fight it off by not having it injected into you through a needle… This so-called ‘COVID-19’...is NOT a virus. I know that there are lots of people out there, even on the good side, who want to call it a virus. That is misleading...because that’s not what it actually is. It is a manufactured bioweapon that involves graphene nanites, other forms of nano as well, poisons, DNA, RNA, from bats and other animals, human fetuses, etc., etc. This is a concoction, a witches brew, if you will, that is meant to change your body, to change your DNA, and to link you to the BORG. That’s the bottom line. If you don’t know that by now, you’ve been sleeping...." --Kerry Cassidy Video Update 11.2.21
"Nano-technological graphene is basically enriched and purified graphite at the atomic level, with a specific ordered crystalline structure that is magnetically programmable. Graphene as a material is stronger than steel and more atomically stable and highly magnetically conductive. This makes it perfect for this destructive task.
"The strands of magnetic graphene material reported in countless places already on the net, are in themselves the main cause, if not the very cause of Morgellons disease. Where the excess magnetic graphene molecules, i.e., those that were not necessary to use to infect all the cells of the body, will tend to clump or stick together because of their magnetic properties. And the body will naturally try to expel it by any means necessary, including through the skin, creating those well-known black threads. That is to say that what you see on the skin is not the purpose, but the excess of the infection process of the cells by the nano-technological graphene.
"The most easily recognizable parts or components of the 'vaccines' are fetal tissues and other organic proteins. This is intended to collapse the immune system of the subject, as a 'distraction' so that the macro-phages, T-cells and other components of the immune system do not interfere so much in the genetic engineering process. As a by-product of these tissues, they will also cause a myriad of infections and autoimmune conditions and cancers that will drain the resources of the infected, as already discussed.
"The 'vaccines' are remote controlled. Microwave networks will be used to turn on or off the desired effects on each social group at will. This goes into 5G but need not be 5G technology to activate and control each individual person separately.
"The graphene will be inside the subject's cells in unique and subject-specific ways and amounts which will give it a unique frequency also identifiable by Bluetooth-style microwave networks which we see (as) congruent with calling it 'chipping' of the world's population..." --New Analysis - Vaccines - Samples Analyzed - Aneeka of Temmer shares the findings
"The strands of magnetic graphene material reported in countless places already on the net, are in themselves the main cause, if not the very cause of Morgellons disease. Where the excess magnetic graphene molecules, i.e., those that were not necessary to use to infect all the cells of the body, will tend to clump or stick together because of their magnetic properties. And the body will naturally try to expel it by any means necessary, including through the skin, creating those well-known black threads. That is to say that what you see on the skin is not the purpose, but the excess of the infection process of the cells by the nano-technological graphene.
"The most easily recognizable parts or components of the 'vaccines' are fetal tissues and other organic proteins. This is intended to collapse the immune system of the subject, as a 'distraction' so that the macro-phages, T-cells and other components of the immune system do not interfere so much in the genetic engineering process. As a by-product of these tissues, they will also cause a myriad of infections and autoimmune conditions and cancers that will drain the resources of the infected, as already discussed.
"The 'vaccines' are remote controlled. Microwave networks will be used to turn on or off the desired effects on each social group at will. This goes into 5G but need not be 5G technology to activate and control each individual person separately.
"The graphene will be inside the subject's cells in unique and subject-specific ways and amounts which will give it a unique frequency also identifiable by Bluetooth-style microwave networks which we see (as) congruent with calling it 'chipping' of the world's population..." --New Analysis - Vaccines - Samples Analyzed - Aneeka of Temmer shares the findings
"The Fifth Column (La Quinta Columna) recently published their findings and conclusions on the strange self-assembling nanotech they discovered in the Pfizer mRNA vaccines via optical microscopy analysis. The objects they found in the vaccine correspond with known items in the scientific record. And the conclusion they come to seems quite clear: That the well documented scientific goal to use nanotechnology in living human beings to form networks capable of controlling several nanomachines is currently being deployed in the CoV-19 vaccines — which amounts to the most intrusive assault against humanity in all of recorded history.
"While the media and government lie and cover for Big Pharma, the official ingredients are still unknown. But we have thousands of brilliant scientists worldwide studying these experimental vaccines. Some have died in highly suspicious ways. But most have been able to share their findings. And the work shows us that graphene oxide is a key component in all of this.
"There have been dozens of official documented studies on the use of graphene oxide related to how we see it being used here today. Among other things, as a power converter. Graphene, a one-atom thick layer of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms, is the thinnest and strongest material known to man and an outstanding conductor of heat and electricity. It can boost gigahertz frequencies into terahertz, which is exactly what these new nanotech machines need for power. In order to do this, the graphene first needs a frequency to power it. And the optimal frequency to externally power graphene is known to be 26 gigahertz, which is also the frequency put out by 5G.
"In this model the graphene within the body is activated by microwave signals in the gigahertz range. Which it then boosts into the terahertz range. Which then powers the novel nanotech machinery to self assemble within the human body. Once assembled, what do these nanotech machines do? The images, compared to the scientific literature, suggest that they are the foundation of an internal electronic system with an endless potential for bio-manipulation of the human host.
"Nano routers that emit MAC addresses, able to be registered via Bluetooth. Nano in plasma antennas to amplify signals. Nano rectennas acting as a rectifier bridges from AC to DC current. Codex and logic gates for encryption of communication. The raw materials for all this self-assembly is also graphene oxide. And when we compare known side effects of graphene oxide to the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, we find them to be the same.
"Once graphene oxide is injected into the body, it acquires magnetic properties — predictably around the injection site, the heart and the brain. Graphene is seen as a pathogen by our immune system and will often result in paralysis and stroke. Graphene is known to cause blood clots and heart conditions. Graphene oxide can generate small discharges causing cardiac arrhythmia.
"There is so much going on with these experimental vaccines and the evidence seems clear that there is a mass experiment going on — with certain batches marked more deadly than others, and with certain batches that contain a bold new technology akin to a manmade parasite intended to control the host human, if it doesn’t kill them first in the process.
"Perhaps that is what the mad scientists and psychopaths are after — human genetics that can withstand this new invasive and deadly nanotech." --Greg Reese, 5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine
"While the media and government lie and cover for Big Pharma, the official ingredients are still unknown. But we have thousands of brilliant scientists worldwide studying these experimental vaccines. Some have died in highly suspicious ways. But most have been able to share their findings. And the work shows us that graphene oxide is a key component in all of this.
"There have been dozens of official documented studies on the use of graphene oxide related to how we see it being used here today. Among other things, as a power converter. Graphene, a one-atom thick layer of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms, is the thinnest and strongest material known to man and an outstanding conductor of heat and electricity. It can boost gigahertz frequencies into terahertz, which is exactly what these new nanotech machines need for power. In order to do this, the graphene first needs a frequency to power it. And the optimal frequency to externally power graphene is known to be 26 gigahertz, which is also the frequency put out by 5G.
"In this model the graphene within the body is activated by microwave signals in the gigahertz range. Which it then boosts into the terahertz range. Which then powers the novel nanotech machinery to self assemble within the human body. Once assembled, what do these nanotech machines do? The images, compared to the scientific literature, suggest that they are the foundation of an internal electronic system with an endless potential for bio-manipulation of the human host.
"Nano routers that emit MAC addresses, able to be registered via Bluetooth. Nano in plasma antennas to amplify signals. Nano rectennas acting as a rectifier bridges from AC to DC current. Codex and logic gates for encryption of communication. The raw materials for all this self-assembly is also graphene oxide. And when we compare known side effects of graphene oxide to the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, we find them to be the same.
"Once graphene oxide is injected into the body, it acquires magnetic properties — predictably around the injection site, the heart and the brain. Graphene is seen as a pathogen by our immune system and will often result in paralysis and stroke. Graphene is known to cause blood clots and heart conditions. Graphene oxide can generate small discharges causing cardiac arrhythmia.
"There is so much going on with these experimental vaccines and the evidence seems clear that there is a mass experiment going on — with certain batches marked more deadly than others, and with certain batches that contain a bold new technology akin to a manmade parasite intended to control the host human, if it doesn’t kill them first in the process.
"Perhaps that is what the mad scientists and psychopaths are after — human genetics that can withstand this new invasive and deadly nanotech." --Greg Reese, 5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine
"I for one, am so fed up with the amount of lies that have been perpetrated on the American people and the world...with regard to the COVID situation, with the fact that the COVID is packaged together with these prions which is attached to nano AI. The AI can come in from any direction. It can come in through the 5G, and basically stimulate the cells and the nano in your body to perform or to act a certain way. It can get huge populations to basically do whatever they want and take total control. They can track you--they're already tracking you, but this hydrogel that is part of the vaccines and has actually been involved as part of the (PCR) tests as well, the COVID tests.
"So this has already been put out there--it's been in the chemtrails, its been in our food and our water, our groundwater, you name it, for twenty years... This is, as I have said many times, a Transhumanist Agenda. So when I talk about the Transhumanist Agenda, it's important to understand that nano has the ability to multiply itself over and over and over again, to bypass the blood-brain barrier, to jump from one human to another and from one place to another, and in fact to basically go wherever it is sent using scalar waves, using various methods--electronic, magnetic, and so on...
"So the whole COVID thing is actually involving nano and AI. They don't care how many people they get to vaccinate now. They've pretty much hit the critical mass that they needed on the planet, and especially, by the way, in the United States, where they're saying 32% are vaccinated. This is where (the sheeple) have been inculcated and have accepted willingly the nano / AI combination that is a delivery package which is indeed a bioweapon, and contains a lot of other things besides those two things. But those two are paramount because they are going to change our DNA and make it manipulable, so that they can manipulate our DNA with the flick of a button, at long distance...
"So none of this nonsense to do with masks and social distancing and all of this is going to do you one bit of good. It is true that people who are vaccinated are carrying this nano in concentrations, let's say, within their bodies. So they could go 'fully nano,' for example, and in essence become androids... They want you to be like a robot, more robotic, more malleable to taking orders when told..." --Kerry Cassidy Update, May 6th, 2021
"The most important take-aways about the graphene oxide injections (and exposure to graphene oxide in PCR test swabs, surgical face-masks, and flu vaccines, is that the body will eliminate graphene oxide naturally within about 6 months’ time (as long as the detoxification pathways are functioning), and that inexpensive natural supplements, N-Acetylcysteine, Zinc, Quercetin and Vitamin D will all boost the levels of glutathione (the body’s major antioxidant) and facilitate the elimination of graphene oxide from the body." --Joan River, Why Are They Putting Toxic Substance in the Covid-19 Shot?
"So this has already been put out there--it's been in the chemtrails, its been in our food and our water, our groundwater, you name it, for twenty years... This is, as I have said many times, a Transhumanist Agenda. So when I talk about the Transhumanist Agenda, it's important to understand that nano has the ability to multiply itself over and over and over again, to bypass the blood-brain barrier, to jump from one human to another and from one place to another, and in fact to basically go wherever it is sent using scalar waves, using various methods--electronic, magnetic, and so on...
"So the whole COVID thing is actually involving nano and AI. They don't care how many people they get to vaccinate now. They've pretty much hit the critical mass that they needed on the planet, and especially, by the way, in the United States, where they're saying 32% are vaccinated. This is where (the sheeple) have been inculcated and have accepted willingly the nano / AI combination that is a delivery package which is indeed a bioweapon, and contains a lot of other things besides those two things. But those two are paramount because they are going to change our DNA and make it manipulable, so that they can manipulate our DNA with the flick of a button, at long distance...
"So none of this nonsense to do with masks and social distancing and all of this is going to do you one bit of good. It is true that people who are vaccinated are carrying this nano in concentrations, let's say, within their bodies. So they could go 'fully nano,' for example, and in essence become androids... They want you to be like a robot, more robotic, more malleable to taking orders when told..." --Kerry Cassidy Update, May 6th, 2021
"The most important take-aways about the graphene oxide injections (and exposure to graphene oxide in PCR test swabs, surgical face-masks, and flu vaccines, is that the body will eliminate graphene oxide naturally within about 6 months’ time (as long as the detoxification pathways are functioning), and that inexpensive natural supplements, N-Acetylcysteine, Zinc, Quercetin and Vitamin D will all boost the levels of glutathione (the body’s major antioxidant) and facilitate the elimination of graphene oxide from the body." --Joan River, Why Are They Putting Toxic Substance in the Covid-19 Shot?
"It is encouraging to know that there is hope for those who have unwittingly allowed themselves to have this toxic substance injected into their bodies, and for those who have eschewed the COVID-19 injection but have been exposed to graphene oxide in PCR test swabs, surgical masks, and flu vaccines.
"La Quinta Columna plans to test other vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide, but for now all we know is that both the COVID-19 injections and the flu vaccines contain graphene oxide.
"Knowing that the body eliminates graphene oxide in approximately 6 months’ time may explain why there is talk of requiring 'booster shots' every 6 months, because if the intention is to control people via the 5G interaction with graphene oxide, the graphene oxide levels would need to be maintained." --Why Are They Putting Toxic Substance in the Covid-19 Shot?
"La Quinta Columna plans to test other vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide, but for now all we know is that both the COVID-19 injections and the flu vaccines contain graphene oxide.
"Knowing that the body eliminates graphene oxide in approximately 6 months’ time may explain why there is talk of requiring 'booster shots' every 6 months, because if the intention is to control people via the 5G interaction with graphene oxide, the graphene oxide levels would need to be maintained." --Why Are They Putting Toxic Substance in the Covid-19 Shot?
"If it’s true, and I think it is, that the graphene oxide interacts with the 5G electromagnetic frequency, it would behoove people who have received the COVID-19 injection to begin supplementing with the aforementioned supplements prior to the roll-out of 5G which may happen in the fall." --Joan River, Why Are They Putting Toxic Substance in the Covid-19 Shot?