"Please don't confuse being 'awake' with being 'woke'. Being 'awake' and
being 'woke' are two entirely different things. Awakeness is a state or
level of conscious awareness; a penetrating insight that pierces
through the veils of illusion; the accurate apperception by your
spirit or soul of the ultimate true nature of reality. 'Wokeness,'
on the other hand, is a malignant Marxist political ideology
predicated on a pretentious or ostentatious display of social
justice, ironically embraced by the unawakened, usually
associated with the identity politics of the radical left,
intended to further divide and weaken We the People
and pit us against each other through the imposition
of false dichotomies." --The Two Groups of People
"The Woke virus is the greatest threat to civilization today--it has the
potential to wipe out freedom everywhere. In Woke Culture:
Its Origins and Agendas, it was described how the Woke
Culture, hiding behind a smoke screen of social justice,
attacks and cancels anyone who questions their agendas.
Their goal is to eliminate opposing voices and force
everyone to agree with them, to achieve ideological
conformity." --The Woke Virus Is A Global Threat
being 'woke' are two entirely different things. Awakeness is a state or
level of conscious awareness; a penetrating insight that pierces
through the veils of illusion; the accurate apperception by your
spirit or soul of the ultimate true nature of reality. 'Wokeness,'
on the other hand, is a malignant Marxist political ideology
predicated on a pretentious or ostentatious display of social
justice, ironically embraced by the unawakened, usually
associated with the identity politics of the radical left,
intended to further divide and weaken We the People
and pit us against each other through the imposition
of false dichotomies." --The Two Groups of People
"The Woke virus is the greatest threat to civilization today--it has the
potential to wipe out freedom everywhere. In Woke Culture:
Its Origins and Agendas, it was described how the Woke
Culture, hiding behind a smoke screen of social justice,
attacks and cancels anyone who questions their agendas.
Their goal is to eliminate opposing voices and force
everyone to agree with them, to achieve ideological
conformity." --The Woke Virus Is A Global Threat
The Origins of Woke Culture
“I’m gonna let you in on something. Nobody cares. Nobody cares if
you’re black; nobody cares if you’re white; and they really don’t give
a shit if you’re trans...” --HodgeTwins - Trans Teacher Tells First
Graders Doctors Are Guessing Genders At Birth
you’re black; nobody cares if you’re white; and they really don’t give
a shit if you’re trans...” --HodgeTwins - Trans Teacher Tells First
Graders Doctors Are Guessing Genders At Birth
"Starting in the 90’s, curricula changed at college campuses (across the United States) and became politicized. Teaching methods began to be based on issues relating to race, class and gender. Students were taught (the lie) that the United States is a racist, bigoted country. This is Identity Politics and it is based on Marxist ideology. Marxism masquerades as social justice, but its real intent is to divide and polarize Americans. The educational institutions, that were once the bastions of free speech, have been stifling free speech, radicalizing students and indoctrinating them into the Marxist victim – oppressor mentality.
"The (sick) goals of the Woke Culture are: (to) eliminate the nuclear family and Christianity, abolish our Constitution and Capitalism, turn children transgender and eliminate the gender binary (man-woman). They want to divide Americans, by making victims and oppressors out of everyone; they want to defund law enforcement and let violent criminals out of jail, while refusing to prosecute crimes, allow open and unlimited immigration, cancel private property and personal possessions, re-write history, cancel books and movies and promote moral depravity.
"That is a long list of radical agendas that reads like they were dreamed up by some unhinged, or mentally ill people. But its deadly serious, the Woke Culture has already permeated all aspects of society: politics, academia, media, entertainment and big business..." --The Woke Virus Is A Global Threat
"The (sick) goals of the Woke Culture are: (to) eliminate the nuclear family and Christianity, abolish our Constitution and Capitalism, turn children transgender and eliminate the gender binary (man-woman). They want to divide Americans, by making victims and oppressors out of everyone; they want to defund law enforcement and let violent criminals out of jail, while refusing to prosecute crimes, allow open and unlimited immigration, cancel private property and personal possessions, re-write history, cancel books and movies and promote moral depravity.
"That is a long list of radical agendas that reads like they were dreamed up by some unhinged, or mentally ill people. But its deadly serious, the Woke Culture has already permeated all aspects of society: politics, academia, media, entertainment and big business..." --The Woke Virus Is A Global Threat
“In the early 2000s, most parents tolerated some political correctness in the schools, even if they didn't agree 100%, and they generally accepted the diversity and anti-bullying curricula being promoted. The dirty little secret was that these efforts were initially drummed up, pushed, and driven by well funded LGB activist organizations, like GLSEN, whose long-term goal was to ‘queer the schools’ under the guise of looking out for the kids.
“The concept of ‘diversity’ started out fairly generic and innocuous — tolerance for people who are different. But it quickly narrowed to be almost exclusively about gay kids in middle and high school. At the first Diversity Day in our school, there were no Black, Asian, or Indian students, or any with disabilities. They were gay, bi, or lesbian.
“Tolerance then shifted to full acceptance, which required that children be taught openly about homosexuality, homosexual behavior, and protection against STDs and AIDS. ‘Accepting’ homosexuality meant acknowledging that ‘male’ and ‘female’ are social constructs, gender and sex are not the same, gender falls on a spectrum, and heteronormativity — the idea that heterosexuality is the norm — must be rejected. You got that? Even if we take as accurate polling that shows that 5.6% of Americans identify as LGBTQ+ and 94.4% are heterosexuals, the latter are not the norm.
“These newly realized realities were injected into all aspects of education — from classroom to bathroom, from homecoming queens to sports teams. Kids went from the scientific reality of being one of two sexes (even if they were gay) to choosing from a panoply of gender identities that today has climbed to nearly 70 (or more). To accommodate the growing volume of sexual identities, sex ed became more complicated and detailed, instructing children on a range of sexual practices to experiment with as they traversed the gender spectrum looking for a good fit. They were encouraged to pick their pronouns, and some even changed their names or began to present themselves as members of the opposite sex, without parental notification...
“But parents have been played by manipulative LGBTQ+ activists and their fellow travelers in the schools. Although anti-bullying legislation was marketed as protection for all students against any physical or verbal assaults, the long-term goal was to silence alternative viewpoints on LGBTQ+ issues by labeling them ‘bullying.’ Similarly, diversity education was marketed as tolerance for all but was actually about ‘queering the schools.’
“Empowered by their successes in education, these activists now have tentacles that reach into all aspects of our lives. Our children are groomed not only by the schools, but by the movies they watch, the games they play, and the amusement parks they visit. Our children are no longer ours, but subjects of radicalized corporations, government schools, Marxist activists, and even useful idiot health professionals. Pediatricians escort parents from the examining room so they can interrogate their children about their gender." --American Thinker, How the Schools Got Queered
“The concept of ‘diversity’ started out fairly generic and innocuous — tolerance for people who are different. But it quickly narrowed to be almost exclusively about gay kids in middle and high school. At the first Diversity Day in our school, there were no Black, Asian, or Indian students, or any with disabilities. They were gay, bi, or lesbian.
“Tolerance then shifted to full acceptance, which required that children be taught openly about homosexuality, homosexual behavior, and protection against STDs and AIDS. ‘Accepting’ homosexuality meant acknowledging that ‘male’ and ‘female’ are social constructs, gender and sex are not the same, gender falls on a spectrum, and heteronormativity — the idea that heterosexuality is the norm — must be rejected. You got that? Even if we take as accurate polling that shows that 5.6% of Americans identify as LGBTQ+ and 94.4% are heterosexuals, the latter are not the norm.
“These newly realized realities were injected into all aspects of education — from classroom to bathroom, from homecoming queens to sports teams. Kids went from the scientific reality of being one of two sexes (even if they were gay) to choosing from a panoply of gender identities that today has climbed to nearly 70 (or more). To accommodate the growing volume of sexual identities, sex ed became more complicated and detailed, instructing children on a range of sexual practices to experiment with as they traversed the gender spectrum looking for a good fit. They were encouraged to pick their pronouns, and some even changed their names or began to present themselves as members of the opposite sex, without parental notification...
“But parents have been played by manipulative LGBTQ+ activists and their fellow travelers in the schools. Although anti-bullying legislation was marketed as protection for all students against any physical or verbal assaults, the long-term goal was to silence alternative viewpoints on LGBTQ+ issues by labeling them ‘bullying.’ Similarly, diversity education was marketed as tolerance for all but was actually about ‘queering the schools.’
“Empowered by their successes in education, these activists now have tentacles that reach into all aspects of our lives. Our children are groomed not only by the schools, but by the movies they watch, the games they play, and the amusement parks they visit. Our children are no longer ours, but subjects of radicalized corporations, government schools, Marxist activists, and even useful idiot health professionals. Pediatricians escort parents from the examining room so they can interrogate their children about their gender." --American Thinker, How the Schools Got Queered
“Parents who unwittingly acceded to diversity and anti-bullying education had no idea they were paving the way for today's woke cancel culture; Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity; CRT; and expansive LGBTQ+ programs in our schools, on our screens, and at our workplaces…
“At the heart of the LGBTQ+ issue is the larger issue and danger of minority rule. Radical left-wing activists have displaced the majority rule of our Republic, which accords rights and a voice to minorities, with actual minority rule. This places the American experiment in jeopardy.
“If you think things are ugly now, just wait. It's not someone else's problem; it affects each and every one of us. Why? Because the only way a few can control the many is with an iron fist and a boot on the neck, and not with freedom and justice for all.” --American Thinker, How the Schools Got Queered
“At the heart of the LGBTQ+ issue is the larger issue and danger of minority rule. Radical left-wing activists have displaced the majority rule of our Republic, which accords rights and a voice to minorities, with actual minority rule. This places the American experiment in jeopardy.
“If you think things are ugly now, just wait. It's not someone else's problem; it affects each and every one of us. Why? Because the only way a few can control the many is with an iron fist and a boot on the neck, and not with freedom and justice for all.” --American Thinker, How the Schools Got Queered
The Serious Depravity of the "Woke" Ideology
"The signs have been evident for at least the last generation that the US is in the middle of a full-scale revolution from within that has been instigated by the Left’s forces. Virtually all US cultural institutions have been corrupted. The Biden administration openly seeks to transform America, whereas Obama only covertly, with a wink and a nod, signaled his radical intentions during his first presidential campaign in 2008. The Left’s goal is to rewrite the US Constitution and 're-imagine' American society along Cultural Marxist lines. That includes exploiting identity politics for de-funding the police, implementing a 'Green New Deal' that will destroy the economy, and creating 'anything goes' sexual anarchy..." --Are We On the Road To the End of America?
In the name of diversity, identity politics and political correctness, the Cultural Marxists of the Radical Left seek to legitimize all manner of perversity, deviance, degeneracy and depravity. Under the banner of "wokeness" the myths of of “white guilt” and “white privilege” are used to justify all manner of deviant nonsense. This "wokeness" is an affront to all American patriots who want to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and the Christian and family values and personal liberties that this great country was founded on... "Our democracies have been taken over by an extreme-liberal elite that no longer listens to the voice of the people." --Hanne Herland, The Extreme Liberal West Is Destroying Us
In the name of diversity, identity politics and political correctness, the Cultural Marxists of the Radical Left seek to legitimize all manner of perversity, deviance, degeneracy and depravity. Under the banner of "wokeness" the myths of of “white guilt” and “white privilege” are used to justify all manner of deviant nonsense. This "wokeness" is an affront to all American patriots who want to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and the Christian and family values and personal liberties that this great country was founded on... "Our democracies have been taken over by an extreme-liberal elite that no longer listens to the voice of the people." --Hanne Herland, The Extreme Liberal West Is Destroying Us
All of the Radical Left Liberals, the millennial snowflakes with their perceived "micro aggressions," the "woke" retards and their "everyone is a racist; everyone is a misogynist; everyone is a white supremacist" toxic ideologies are destroying the very social fabric of the American Republic. These "progressives" and liberal snowflakes are just "too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own, particularly in universities and other forums once known for robust debate,” and thus was Cancel Culture born. Any view that contradicts their own twisted, myopic outlook must be eradicated, wiped out, destroyed.
"The New York Post reported on the deleterious effects of cancel culture, stating, 'This rigidity right now in American political discourse is problematic because you really can’t have a high-functioning democracy without people being willing to engage one another in meaningful ways to hash out their political disagreements.'
"Differences of opinion no longer are defined by one’s approach or framing of an issue, but rather by the person who holds a contrary position as being evil. Because of America’s cancel culture, the public is enduring closed businesses, suspended brands, fired executives, dismissed editors, censured comedians, doxed elected leaders, and the publicly exposed lives of ordinary citizens." --Cancel culture may spawn a new, silent voting bloc
"This PC shit has got to stop--it's fucking bullshit! We're raising a society, a generation of fucking pussies--of fucking pussies! And that's what kills freedom of speech, is this PC bullshit. It's packaged up real nicely and given to you like, 'Oh, be polite, be courteous, don't say bad things about people... Now-a-days everyone is fucking coddled! 'Don't say that, you could hurt my feelings. You might hurt or offend that person.' Grow some fucking balls! Stop being a fucking pussy!" --David Nino Rodriguez - Watch the Water
"The New York Post reported on the deleterious effects of cancel culture, stating, 'This rigidity right now in American political discourse is problematic because you really can’t have a high-functioning democracy without people being willing to engage one another in meaningful ways to hash out their political disagreements.'
"Differences of opinion no longer are defined by one’s approach or framing of an issue, but rather by the person who holds a contrary position as being evil. Because of America’s cancel culture, the public is enduring closed businesses, suspended brands, fired executives, dismissed editors, censured comedians, doxed elected leaders, and the publicly exposed lives of ordinary citizens." --Cancel culture may spawn a new, silent voting bloc
"This PC shit has got to stop--it's fucking bullshit! We're raising a society, a generation of fucking pussies--of fucking pussies! And that's what kills freedom of speech, is this PC bullshit. It's packaged up real nicely and given to you like, 'Oh, be polite, be courteous, don't say bad things about people... Now-a-days everyone is fucking coddled! 'Don't say that, you could hurt my feelings. You might hurt or offend that person.' Grow some fucking balls! Stop being a fucking pussy!" --David Nino Rodriguez - Watch the Water
"Everywhere you look you see how flawed the ideology of the Left is, and how fragile the system as a whole is... We see all this craziness with what's happening in the schools--drag queen story hour, berating white kids, berating heterosexual white kids, and just making it as though if you don't accept every TWISTED FREAK out there, and their disgusting proclivities, if you don't embrace this as 'natural law and freedom of expression,' well then you're just a hateful, horrible, you know, racist, misogynist, supremacist, whatever... Fire them all, these 'woke' idiots... They're a bunch of demented, immature, violent morons, they really are..." --John B. Wells, Episode 1564
"This is an ever increasingly depraved world we are living in. The sexual deviance that used to take place behind closed doors is now in the public spotlight being advertised as the 'new norm' by every Leftist politician in America. Everywhere we look the LGBT agenda is being shoved down our throats and if we dare speak out against the perverseness of this culture we risk character assassination, death threats, and physical violence.
"When we started legalizing sexual immorality it was only a matter of time before the perverts came after the children. The time is upon us. It is most disturbing to look around society and see just how determined the Left is to corrupt the minds and souls of innocent, vulnerable children. Possibly more disturbing is how many parents go along with this sexual grooming and call it good!" --Pedophilia Next Stop On The Sexual Deviance Normalization Agenda
Witness 11 year old "drag queen" Desmond being explicitly exploited by the the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media:
Desmond is amazing???
Mark Dice: "This boy's parents, and everyone involved with this segment, should be in prison..."
Kevin P: "I'm a psychologist who works with children, and this may be the single most disturbing trend I've ever seen promulgated by the mainstream media..."
"This is an ever increasingly depraved world we are living in. The sexual deviance that used to take place behind closed doors is now in the public spotlight being advertised as the 'new norm' by every Leftist politician in America. Everywhere we look the LGBT agenda is being shoved down our throats and if we dare speak out against the perverseness of this culture we risk character assassination, death threats, and physical violence.
"When we started legalizing sexual immorality it was only a matter of time before the perverts came after the children. The time is upon us. It is most disturbing to look around society and see just how determined the Left is to corrupt the minds and souls of innocent, vulnerable children. Possibly more disturbing is how many parents go along with this sexual grooming and call it good!" --Pedophilia Next Stop On The Sexual Deviance Normalization Agenda
Witness 11 year old "drag queen" Desmond being explicitly exploited by the the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media:
Desmond is amazing???
Mark Dice: "This boy's parents, and everyone involved with this segment, should be in prison..."
Kevin P: "I'm a psychologist who works with children, and this may be the single most disturbing trend I've ever seen promulgated by the mainstream media..."
Seriously folks? Is this what America has come to? All manner of deviancy and depravity is now out unabashedly parading as the "new normal"? Parents--I ask you, how many of you would honestly allow your children to "play" with this "6 year old girl"? ---> Transgender Woman Living As A Six Year Old Girl
And if you "want to see how the left is normalizing pedophilia...look no farther than California. There, Sen. Scott Weiner of California has introduced a bill, which the California State Assembly approved, to lower the requirements to register someone as a sex offender...
"The Left, in their insanity, has been pushing radical ideologies. This is the most extreme. Using the LGBT+ community as a 'cover,' the Left is normalizing pedophilia. Pedophilia is a sick and perverse disease that must be treated as such. If this bill is passed by Senate, then it’s okay for a 21-year-old to have sex with an 11-year-old. Can you imagine??? This is scary, but the Left is okay with it because the Left is normalizing pedophilia." --The Left Is Normalizing Pedophilia
"Don’t forget that the left-wing media for the past 10 years or so, they’ve been running articles...trying to normalize pedophilia… They argue that there is no such thing as pedophilia… See the Left is not even opposed to pedophiles. They want pedophiles accepted into society as normal. They want it to be normal to have a 9 year old daughter molested by a 44 year old CNN producer. To them that’s normal—that’s not even a crime. What’s a crime in their mind is reading the Bible, quoting the Bible, condemning transgenderism. These are crimes according to the Left but raping children—to them that’s perfectly acceptable, that’s normal to them.
“You might be thinking, How can that be? How can they be human? And the answer is, they're not! They’re not. They’re demon infested, Satanists, by the way…" -- Mike Adams – Situation Update, Dec 13, 2021
And if you "want to see how the left is normalizing pedophilia...look no farther than California. There, Sen. Scott Weiner of California has introduced a bill, which the California State Assembly approved, to lower the requirements to register someone as a sex offender...
"The Left, in their insanity, has been pushing radical ideologies. This is the most extreme. Using the LGBT+ community as a 'cover,' the Left is normalizing pedophilia. Pedophilia is a sick and perverse disease that must be treated as such. If this bill is passed by Senate, then it’s okay for a 21-year-old to have sex with an 11-year-old. Can you imagine??? This is scary, but the Left is okay with it because the Left is normalizing pedophilia." --The Left Is Normalizing Pedophilia
"Don’t forget that the left-wing media for the past 10 years or so, they’ve been running articles...trying to normalize pedophilia… They argue that there is no such thing as pedophilia… See the Left is not even opposed to pedophiles. They want pedophiles accepted into society as normal. They want it to be normal to have a 9 year old daughter molested by a 44 year old CNN producer. To them that’s normal—that’s not even a crime. What’s a crime in their mind is reading the Bible, quoting the Bible, condemning transgenderism. These are crimes according to the Left but raping children—to them that’s perfectly acceptable, that’s normal to them.
“You might be thinking, How can that be? How can they be human? And the answer is, they're not! They’re not. They’re demon infested, Satanists, by the way…" -- Mike Adams – Situation Update, Dec 13, 2021
"So they pounce on these young boys and girls--the LGBT pushers, the genitalia mutilators--they pounce on these children and say, 'Oh, you feel uncomfortable in your skin. You were born in the wrong gender. So let us use this scalpel and we'll fix you. We'll cut off these pieces and those parts, and then you're gonna feel fine.' And what they're actually doing is just mutilating children. And then these children, later on. are realizing they feel even less comfortable in their skin now than they used to. So what used to be Gender Dysphoria is now a psychological and physical scarring for life... These people doing this should be prosecuted and put under psychiatric evaluation. They are psychos. Now I understand that they don't feel comfortable in THEIR skin, because they're demonic psychos. But that doesn't mean they should be chopping off body parts of little children..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, April 28th, 2021
Lana: “Take the poor kid out of school, because these teachers think that they have a right to your child, and that you can’t say anything about it. They want to poison their minds against you, against their own sex, and their race, and they think it’s cool to do.”
Henrik: “Yep this is just an extension of the trans agenda. Keep in mind this whole trans agenda, making them homosexual or something like that, that’s just one part of the process here. The process is to lead us to a post-human world. And think about it—if you manage to get these children on hormone blockers, or they go through the full gender re-affirmation surgery or whatever they call it again, the politically correct term is, instead of like, gender mutilation, well what is that going to lead to? It’s going to lead to a lot of children never being able to have children of their own. It’s part of the de-humanizing agenda, it’s part of the depopulation agenda, and it’s not going to stop…
"I mean, if you remove the sex organs or damage them in any capacity, it basically destroys what makes you human. If we don’t have that as a part of us continuing the process of us being human, meaning no reproduction, no children of our own, humanity will cease. It’s one of the most fundamental aspects of what makes us who we are. And so that’s what they need to attack and remove, and once that’s done it’s going to be machinery, it’s going to be computer-brain interfaces, it’s going to be microchips, it’s going to be cyborg arms and legs, it’s going to be all kinds of things we can’t even imagine yet. Uploading our consciousness into a computer—we’re back in the Matrix again here, right. That’s the end goal of all of this. This is how it starts...(and) the only thing that we’ve learned over the last ten years or so is just how dirty these people are, their tactics, and how ruthless, how demonic they are...” --Red Ice TV - Boost The Kids, Turn Them Trans, Single & Childless - FF Ep 151
Lana: “Take the poor kid out of school, because these teachers think that they have a right to your child, and that you can’t say anything about it. They want to poison their minds against you, against their own sex, and their race, and they think it’s cool to do.”
Henrik: “Yep this is just an extension of the trans agenda. Keep in mind this whole trans agenda, making them homosexual or something like that, that’s just one part of the process here. The process is to lead us to a post-human world. And think about it—if you manage to get these children on hormone blockers, or they go through the full gender re-affirmation surgery or whatever they call it again, the politically correct term is, instead of like, gender mutilation, well what is that going to lead to? It’s going to lead to a lot of children never being able to have children of their own. It’s part of the de-humanizing agenda, it’s part of the depopulation agenda, and it’s not going to stop…
"I mean, if you remove the sex organs or damage them in any capacity, it basically destroys what makes you human. If we don’t have that as a part of us continuing the process of us being human, meaning no reproduction, no children of our own, humanity will cease. It’s one of the most fundamental aspects of what makes us who we are. And so that’s what they need to attack and remove, and once that’s done it’s going to be machinery, it’s going to be computer-brain interfaces, it’s going to be microchips, it’s going to be cyborg arms and legs, it’s going to be all kinds of things we can’t even imagine yet. Uploading our consciousness into a computer—we’re back in the Matrix again here, right. That’s the end goal of all of this. This is how it starts...(and) the only thing that we’ve learned over the last ten years or so is just how dirty these people are, their tactics, and how ruthless, how demonic they are...” --Red Ice TV - Boost The Kids, Turn Them Trans, Single & Childless - FF Ep 151
Oh, and by the way, there are only two (2) genders--it's a biological fact--‘male’ and ‘female’ are NOT "social constructs" and do not fall on a spectrum. You are born with either a penis or a vagina--two genders, binary, one or the other--two X chromosomes make a woman, and an X and a Y chromosome make a man. Period. There is no "XYZ" chromosome...
"You can go to the doctor and get cut up; you can go down to the dress shop and get made up; you can go down there and get drugged up; but at the end of the day you're just a drugged up, dressed up, made up, cut up man or a woman. You ain't changed what God put in you--that DNA..." --North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson
I once worked in a mental health clinic in a “liberal progressive” city, and was appalled to discover that when clients came into the clinic for gender identity issues, i.e. believing that they were the opposite gender to what their biology would dictate, the clinicians or “therapists” in the clinic, rather than treat their delusions as the bona fide mental disorder that it was, would actually attempt to validate their disorder as a "normal" state or condition. It's difficult for patients to regain health and wellness when the people treating them are themselves mentally ill...
"You can go to the doctor and get cut up; you can go down to the dress shop and get made up; you can go down there and get drugged up; but at the end of the day you're just a drugged up, dressed up, made up, cut up man or a woman. You ain't changed what God put in you--that DNA..." --North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson
I once worked in a mental health clinic in a “liberal progressive” city, and was appalled to discover that when clients came into the clinic for gender identity issues, i.e. believing that they were the opposite gender to what their biology would dictate, the clinicians or “therapists” in the clinic, rather than treat their delusions as the bona fide mental disorder that it was, would actually attempt to validate their disorder as a "normal" state or condition. It's difficult for patients to regain health and wellness when the people treating them are themselves mentally ill...
“These are the same patterns over and over again. The vaccine pushers, as adults, are just like the transgender pushers of children. And it’s always about finding a group to mock and attack and calling them the ‘others’ while proclaiming yourself to be vastly superior, and to be privileged, and enlightened, when in truth, transgenderism is a sick, demonic, self-mutilating cult, and taking these ‘vaccines’ is also a form of suicide. So these people are actually destroying themselves, but they think that they’re vastly superior and they get to rule over others...” --Mike Adams, Update, April 18, 2022
And so the Chinese assessment of the baizuo's feeling of moral superiority is accurate. Their belief in their own moral superiority is an arrogant delusion, just as a belief in more than two genders is also a delusion, a perversion, and an indication of a serious mental disorder. Transgenderism was created by the Controllers in order to to groom the sheeple for their eventual transhuman identity, and the stupid sheeple are clueless...
Once again: "If you remove the sex organs or damage them in any capacity, it basically destroys what makes you human. If we don’t have that as a part of us continuing the process of us being human, meaning no reproduction, no children of our own, Humanity will cease..." --Red Ice TV - Boost The Kids, Turn Them Trans, Single & Childless - FF Ep 151
And to all you transgenders out there, “stop calling me names! Stop coming up with names for me! Just because I’m a man and I know it I’m cisender? Stop making up names for me! Why don’t you keep making up names for yourself or whatever y’all call each other and continue to live on your fairy-tale land. Leave me alone! Y’all come up with all these genders, all this crap… Stop coming up with names for me—you’re offending me. You just called me a cisgender...and I find that term ‘cisgender’ derogatory and demeaning and disrespectful." --Trans Teacher Tells First Graders Doctors Are Guessing Genders At Birth
“As a society we’re supposed to be moving forward (but) y’all (transgenders) are moving backwards. Y’all coming up with names for stuff and y’all giving me names like 'cisgender'. Don’t come up with names for me. I don’t want to participate in y’all’s little fantasy world. I know what I am so just continue to work on your make-believe society that you want to live in...” --Transvestite Says "Gender Is Oppression.."
Once again: "If you remove the sex organs or damage them in any capacity, it basically destroys what makes you human. If we don’t have that as a part of us continuing the process of us being human, meaning no reproduction, no children of our own, Humanity will cease..." --Red Ice TV - Boost The Kids, Turn Them Trans, Single & Childless - FF Ep 151
And to all you transgenders out there, “stop calling me names! Stop coming up with names for me! Just because I’m a man and I know it I’m cisender? Stop making up names for me! Why don’t you keep making up names for yourself or whatever y’all call each other and continue to live on your fairy-tale land. Leave me alone! Y’all come up with all these genders, all this crap… Stop coming up with names for me—you’re offending me. You just called me a cisgender...and I find that term ‘cisgender’ derogatory and demeaning and disrespectful." --Trans Teacher Tells First Graders Doctors Are Guessing Genders At Birth
“As a society we’re supposed to be moving forward (but) y’all (transgenders) are moving backwards. Y’all coming up with names for stuff and y’all giving me names like 'cisgender'. Don’t come up with names for me. I don’t want to participate in y’all’s little fantasy world. I know what I am so just continue to work on your make-believe society that you want to live in...” --Transvestite Says "Gender Is Oppression.."
The End of the American Republic?
"America has now come to the brink of falling into a communist abyss... One of the two major U.S. parties, the Democratic Party, is no longer the political party it used to be. Over the decades, it has gradually been infiltrated by the same Marxist ideology that has created the most brutal and repressive communist regimes in history..."--Battle Between Freedom and Communism - A choice that transcends the political right & left
"The Democrat Party has been molded into a powerful force working indefatigably and unashamedly against Conservatism and traditional American values...and are devoted to American defeat." --Marxism Rules the Democrat Party
Yet in the face of this obvious fact, people who identify themselves as long-term "Liberal Democrats" still continue to pledge their allegiance to the Marxist Democrat Party! Why? It boggles the mind! What stubborn, pernicious blindness continues to pervade their perception? Why have they not yet learned to just walk away? Do they really want to live under Chinese Communist Party rule, or are they simply ignorant of the dangers of the current political reality that we are all facing?
“If you’re a Democrat—don’t talk to me! I don't want to talk to you because you’re either too malicious, or too stupid, to be shifted from your position...” --John B. Wells, Episode 1428
Yes, America is in serious peril. Since the corrupt Demonrats stole the 2020 presidential election in the middle of the night, fraudulent deep state "president" China Joe Biden has done everything in his power to undermine and overthrow this once great nation. From his initial act of shutting down the Keystone Pipeline to his disastrous withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan to his wide open southern border policy, it is clear to anyone who hasn't been brainwashed into zombie oblivion by the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media that Trojan horse Joe Biden has but one clear purpose--to foster and hasten the destruction and decline of the American Republic. At this late date, how fucking BLIND do you have to be not to see that?
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.” --Janine Morigeau, TAROT READINGS BY JANINE
"This is a cultural war. The Left wants to undo our country. They want to take down America... 'No Trump, no wall, no USA at all'..." --Trump & The Master Spooks At War With The Deep State Cabal!
"The Democrat Party has been molded into a powerful force working indefatigably and unashamedly against Conservatism and traditional American values...and are devoted to American defeat." --Marxism Rules the Democrat Party
Yet in the face of this obvious fact, people who identify themselves as long-term "Liberal Democrats" still continue to pledge their allegiance to the Marxist Democrat Party! Why? It boggles the mind! What stubborn, pernicious blindness continues to pervade their perception? Why have they not yet learned to just walk away? Do they really want to live under Chinese Communist Party rule, or are they simply ignorant of the dangers of the current political reality that we are all facing?
“If you’re a Democrat—don’t talk to me! I don't want to talk to you because you’re either too malicious, or too stupid, to be shifted from your position...” --John B. Wells, Episode 1428
Yes, America is in serious peril. Since the corrupt Demonrats stole the 2020 presidential election in the middle of the night, fraudulent deep state "president" China Joe Biden has done everything in his power to undermine and overthrow this once great nation. From his initial act of shutting down the Keystone Pipeline to his disastrous withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan to his wide open southern border policy, it is clear to anyone who hasn't been brainwashed into zombie oblivion by the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media that Trojan horse Joe Biden has but one clear purpose--to foster and hasten the destruction and decline of the American Republic. At this late date, how fucking BLIND do you have to be not to see that?
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.” --Janine Morigeau, TAROT READINGS BY JANINE
"This is a cultural war. The Left wants to undo our country. They want to take down America... 'No Trump, no wall, no USA at all'..." --Trump & The Master Spooks At War With The Deep State Cabal!
"Today, America has a choice of two paths. We can embrace the foundational principles that created this nation of limited government and individual liberty. Or we can veer down the path of those who trash those principles, who teach our children that America was illegitimate from the start, and who want to make the vast majority of Americans subservient to an all-powerful government.
"The time has come to fight for America and against the poisonous (woke) ideology of the Radical Left. But this is not the typical fight between liberals and conservatives over whose vision for America should prevail. This is a much bigger fight.
"This is a fight over whether America as we know it continues to exist at all. This is a fight over whether we have freedom, peace, and prosperity, or speech codes, cancel culture, and enforced ideological conformity. This is a fight where conservatives, moderates, and even more traditional liberals should be working together on one side to stop the radical Marxists on the other." --The Radical Left's Ideas Could Destroy America for Generations
"The time has come to fight for America and against the poisonous (woke) ideology of the Radical Left. But this is not the typical fight between liberals and conservatives over whose vision for America should prevail. This is a much bigger fight.
"This is a fight over whether America as we know it continues to exist at all. This is a fight over whether we have freedom, peace, and prosperity, or speech codes, cancel culture, and enforced ideological conformity. This is a fight where conservatives, moderates, and even more traditional liberals should be working together on one side to stop the radical Marxists on the other." --The Radical Left's Ideas Could Destroy America for Generations
And by the way, it's not diversity that is our strength--that's just another satanic inversion of reality. Our real strength lies in Unity. That's why the Controllers "want you divided. Divided by religion. Divided by sex. Divided by political affiliation. Divided by class. When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those 'different' from you, not those responsible (Controllers). Divided you are weak. Divided you pose no threat to their control..." --Q, They Want You Divided
"Although America is being torn to shreds by Marxists, race-baiters, anti-White haters and anti-freedom left-wing journalists, we believe that the good guys win in the end. And that means patriots, Christians, truth-tellers and people who are trying to protect and defend human civilization (and human life) instead of destroying it." --Mike Adams, Why We Win
So what's it going to be America? A reassertion of the values, mores and principles that our Founding Fathers envisioned for a free people of a Constitutional Republic, or the undermining and overthrow of those values by the deviant invasive culture of the Cultural Marxists of the Radical Left? How much perverse "progressive" bullshit are you willing to tolerate as the nation slides inexorably and irredeemably into the Communist Abyss? What's it going to take for you to wake the fuck up and take a stand?
When the Cultural Marxists and liberal woke retards come after your children, where will you draw the line? Puberty blockers? Transgender genital mutilation? Normalization of pedophilia? Where are you going to draw the line? Anywhere? Just how much "wokeness" are you willing to tolerate?
"Although America is being torn to shreds by Marxists, race-baiters, anti-White haters and anti-freedom left-wing journalists, we believe that the good guys win in the end. And that means patriots, Christians, truth-tellers and people who are trying to protect and defend human civilization (and human life) instead of destroying it." --Mike Adams, Why We Win
So what's it going to be America? A reassertion of the values, mores and principles that our Founding Fathers envisioned for a free people of a Constitutional Republic, or the undermining and overthrow of those values by the deviant invasive culture of the Cultural Marxists of the Radical Left? How much perverse "progressive" bullshit are you willing to tolerate as the nation slides inexorably and irredeemably into the Communist Abyss? What's it going to take for you to wake the fuck up and take a stand?
When the Cultural Marxists and liberal woke retards come after your children, where will you draw the line? Puberty blockers? Transgender genital mutilation? Normalization of pedophilia? Where are you going to draw the line? Anywhere? Just how much "wokeness" are you willing to tolerate?
Florida Draws the Line
"Florida is fighting against the LGBTQ cult, in defense of children facing torment from their perverted teachers. Lauren Witzke and Edward Szall detailed the anti-groomer bill, it’s implications for radical teachers, and the trans-ified U.S. Airforce. 'Teacher' Cory Bernaert openly stated he won’t abide by the law, and rather wants to share his perversions with his kindergarten class.
Edward: “In Florida we’re fighting the LGBTQ mafia by stopping them from having access to our kids. There’s a bill here that’s the anti-groomer bill. It’s had many other names given to it, but that’s what it’s intent is. Our governor here is taking a stand for the kids and it’s getting a lot of push back from certain kindergarten teachers.”
Lauren: “Yeah, teachers are melting down, teachers that are part of the LGBTQ community are melting down over the fact that they’re not going to be able to talk to little kindergartners about their sexuality...”
Edward: “Look, when did this country change to where teachers went from teaching kids the alphabet and numbers to then instead talking about their personal lives, their night clubbing at certain hours of the night when kids are clearly sleeping? This isn’t anything you should be talking about with kids..."
Lauren: “They don’t need to know about your personal life, they don’t need to talk about sexuality in any form. This is a return to normalcy—this should be the standard, normal. Little children should be focused on puppies and unicorns and whatever it is that little kindergartners think about. They shouldn’t be confused about sexuality, partners, or what perversions this teacher did with his boyfriend over the weekend. It’s sick...and we need to hold them accountable. Parents need to stay on top—know who your teachers are...protect your children.”
Edward: “It’s a fair law...(These kids) are in the age of innocence right now…"
Lauren: “They love perverting innocence. They go after little innocent children and they pervert their minds and try to make them like their own, and we cannot allow it… Little children don’t need to know about sexuality PERIOD. This isn’t just a ‘don’t say gay’ bill. This is no sexualizing of children, at all, PERIOD...
“The Republican party wants to make trans rights part of their Republican platform. They’re trying to dissolve the traditional family standard and replace it with trans rights and start protecting trans rights, which is less than 3 percent of the population...” --Groomer Teachers MELT DOWN Over Ban
Edward: “In Florida we’re fighting the LGBTQ mafia by stopping them from having access to our kids. There’s a bill here that’s the anti-groomer bill. It’s had many other names given to it, but that’s what it’s intent is. Our governor here is taking a stand for the kids and it’s getting a lot of push back from certain kindergarten teachers.”
Lauren: “Yeah, teachers are melting down, teachers that are part of the LGBTQ community are melting down over the fact that they’re not going to be able to talk to little kindergartners about their sexuality...”
Edward: “Look, when did this country change to where teachers went from teaching kids the alphabet and numbers to then instead talking about their personal lives, their night clubbing at certain hours of the night when kids are clearly sleeping? This isn’t anything you should be talking about with kids..."
Lauren: “They don’t need to know about your personal life, they don’t need to talk about sexuality in any form. This is a return to normalcy—this should be the standard, normal. Little children should be focused on puppies and unicorns and whatever it is that little kindergartners think about. They shouldn’t be confused about sexuality, partners, or what perversions this teacher did with his boyfriend over the weekend. It’s sick...and we need to hold them accountable. Parents need to stay on top—know who your teachers are...protect your children.”
Edward: “It’s a fair law...(These kids) are in the age of innocence right now…"
Lauren: “They love perverting innocence. They go after little innocent children and they pervert their minds and try to make them like their own, and we cannot allow it… Little children don’t need to know about sexuality PERIOD. This isn’t just a ‘don’t say gay’ bill. This is no sexualizing of children, at all, PERIOD...
“The Republican party wants to make trans rights part of their Republican platform. They’re trying to dissolve the traditional family standard and replace it with trans rights and start protecting trans rights, which is less than 3 percent of the population...” --Groomer Teachers MELT DOWN Over Ban
"The Florida anti-grooming law is a necessary tool to blunt this advance, even though it seems conspicuously tame upon closer inspection. Its most controversial aspect, from which the clever but disingenuous 'don't say gay' moniker was derived, would have been uncontroversial in any other era: 'Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.'
"The key term for those still attempting to comprehend this law is 'instruction.' The target is not the casual reference, but rather the systematic instruction of academic gender theory to prepubescent children. For instance, it has become common for teachers to utilize resources like 'The Genderbread Person' in SEL (social-emotional learning) curricula, as well as other ideologically tinged materials that do not reflect settled science, let alone objective reality.
"Further, such instruction materials necessarily force teachers to operate beyond their professional depth and predetermined range of responsibility. Teachers are not psychologists. This was pointedly demonstrated by a mother who spoke at a PTA meeting in Spreckles, California after her daughter's teacher admitted to stalking her online in order to recruit her into an LGBTQA+ club. 'Do you have a doctorate in psychiatry that I don't know about?' she asked. Also, teachers are not paid by taxpayers to be activists involved in recruiting 5- to 8-year-olds into political causes. Too many teachers have departed the realm of education and entered into the realm of indoctrination, and often with a creepy, messianic air. As such, they must be reined in." --The Truly Remarkable Thing About Florida's Anti-Grooming Law
"The key term for those still attempting to comprehend this law is 'instruction.' The target is not the casual reference, but rather the systematic instruction of academic gender theory to prepubescent children. For instance, it has become common for teachers to utilize resources like 'The Genderbread Person' in SEL (social-emotional learning) curricula, as well as other ideologically tinged materials that do not reflect settled science, let alone objective reality.
"Further, such instruction materials necessarily force teachers to operate beyond their professional depth and predetermined range of responsibility. Teachers are not psychologists. This was pointedly demonstrated by a mother who spoke at a PTA meeting in Spreckles, California after her daughter's teacher admitted to stalking her online in order to recruit her into an LGBTQA+ club. 'Do you have a doctorate in psychiatry that I don't know about?' she asked. Also, teachers are not paid by taxpayers to be activists involved in recruiting 5- to 8-year-olds into political causes. Too many teachers have departed the realm of education and entered into the realm of indoctrination, and often with a creepy, messianic air. As such, they must be reined in." --The Truly Remarkable Thing About Florida's Anti-Grooming Law
"The Florida law prohibits teachers from formally instructing students on these matters before the 4th grade. Until then, the situation will remain in the hands of the students' families and their doctors." --Florida's Anti-Grooming Law
“The Republicans (in Florida) are doing the right thing—they are trying to protect children. That’s the whole goal. It’s not that they hate or they dislike gay people, or are trying to diminish gay people and their lives. It’s not that. There are grown adults who went out and got sex changes and they regret it. So what do you think is going to happen with 12, 13, 14...(year olds)? That’s kind of crazy. And you know (that) somebody groomed these kids to think that way… No kid cares about sex at 7 or 8 (years old). No kid gets up (in the morning) and says, ‘I’m gonna (go) play hop scotch and kick ball, and then I’m gonna go get my dick sucked.’ Don’t no kid think like that, unless they’ve been TAUGHT to think that way, groomed (to think that way)...
(Regarding) “that Florida Bill about not grooming kids… If a teacher wants to talk to kids at that age about sexuality--kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grade, preschool—that teacher should be no where near kids. They should be learning how to write their names, how to color between the lines. A little boy should not be putting on a dress and pretty pink panties… That’s not normal… Just let them be kids…
“Some things should not be taught to kids at that age—it’s irresponsible, it’s inappropriate. It could damage kids… That Florida law was just to keep sexuality out of the classroom… Stuff like that, it damages kids at a young age. Let them grow up, let them get older… Should you teach a kindergartner or 2nd grader about Calculus? That shit’s gonna go right over their heads. Same thing with transgenderism—some things are inappropriate for kids…
“Who made this political? Democrats did. They said people on the right hate homosexuals. That’s not true—that’s all lies. Y'all (liberals) made this a political issue… It’s inappropriate to have the authority over somebody else’s kids to push your beliefs. They took Christianity and prayer out of schools (and said) ‘You can’t push this religion on other kids.’ Why do y’all feel y’all can push somebody else’s lifestyle on kids? (And) sexuality? It’s like a fairy-tale lifestyle—y’all just making this shit up! If I can’t preach in schools (then) why the hell should somebody have the ability to teach kids about transgenderism, or there are 100 genders, and that fairy-tale lifestyle? No—you shouldn’t be able to do that. I don’t even know why it had to come to a Bill, you sick fucks!” --HodgeTwins - Jennifer Psaki Breaks Down Crying Over Trans Youths
“The Republicans (in Florida) are doing the right thing—they are trying to protect children. That’s the whole goal. It’s not that they hate or they dislike gay people, or are trying to diminish gay people and their lives. It’s not that. There are grown adults who went out and got sex changes and they regret it. So what do you think is going to happen with 12, 13, 14...(year olds)? That’s kind of crazy. And you know (that) somebody groomed these kids to think that way… No kid cares about sex at 7 or 8 (years old). No kid gets up (in the morning) and says, ‘I’m gonna (go) play hop scotch and kick ball, and then I’m gonna go get my dick sucked.’ Don’t no kid think like that, unless they’ve been TAUGHT to think that way, groomed (to think that way)...
(Regarding) “that Florida Bill about not grooming kids… If a teacher wants to talk to kids at that age about sexuality--kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grade, preschool—that teacher should be no where near kids. They should be learning how to write their names, how to color between the lines. A little boy should not be putting on a dress and pretty pink panties… That’s not normal… Just let them be kids…
“Some things should not be taught to kids at that age—it’s irresponsible, it’s inappropriate. It could damage kids… That Florida law was just to keep sexuality out of the classroom… Stuff like that, it damages kids at a young age. Let them grow up, let them get older… Should you teach a kindergartner or 2nd grader about Calculus? That shit’s gonna go right over their heads. Same thing with transgenderism—some things are inappropriate for kids…
“Who made this political? Democrats did. They said people on the right hate homosexuals. That’s not true—that’s all lies. Y'all (liberals) made this a political issue… It’s inappropriate to have the authority over somebody else’s kids to push your beliefs. They took Christianity and prayer out of schools (and said) ‘You can’t push this religion on other kids.’ Why do y’all feel y’all can push somebody else’s lifestyle on kids? (And) sexuality? It’s like a fairy-tale lifestyle—y’all just making this shit up! If I can’t preach in schools (then) why the hell should somebody have the ability to teach kids about transgenderism, or there are 100 genders, and that fairy-tale lifestyle? No—you shouldn’t be able to do that. I don’t even know why it had to come to a Bill, you sick fucks!” --HodgeTwins - Jennifer Psaki Breaks Down Crying Over Trans Youths
The Emasculation of Our Military
Edward: “The military right now (is another example)..." China has banned "sissy" men from appearing on TV in their own country, all the while stealthily and insidiously encouraging the radical feminization of men in America. Gee, I wonder why?
Lauren: “Nobody can represent women’s international month better than a man… what a joke. No wonder Putin isn’t afraid of us, no wonder China isn’t afraid of us—this is our United States military. It’s embarrassing!”
Edward: “It is embarrassing. That’s not a top gun. That’s not a fighter pilot…” --Groomer Teachers MELT DOWN Over Ban
They've turned our soldiers, our brave fighting men, into sissy soy-boy milquetoast pussies with their woke, "toxic masculinity" bullshit rhetoric, and then had the gall to celebrate this perverse pussification as if it were something good! What better way for the Marxists/Communists to infiltrate and overthrow our country than to do it ideologically, over many years, from within, and then brainwash the stupid sheeple to accept it as "progressive" and normal?
“All this was planned, all of this was engineered. They dumb you down, they weaken you, they condition you to think like pussies, OK? And then they come in and take the rug (out) from under you! This was all strategized, folks. And all the while China is now over-masculating (their) men. What are they getting ready for, while we emasculate our men?... No one sees the agenda here, it’s unbelievable... Liberalism was the easiest ideology to hijack, folks."--David Nino Rodriguez, NATO Defeated?
Lauren: “It’s sick! It’s literally sick!”
Edward: “It’s disgusting and they have made it dangerous for all of us. To be in a situation where spiritually we’re on the wrong side, spiritually we’re on the side of the devil (by accepting this deviant woke nonsense)..." --Groomer Teachers MELT DOWN Over Ban of Sexualization of Children
Edward: “It is embarrassing. That’s not a top gun. That’s not a fighter pilot…” --Groomer Teachers MELT DOWN Over Ban
They've turned our soldiers, our brave fighting men, into sissy soy-boy milquetoast pussies with their woke, "toxic masculinity" bullshit rhetoric, and then had the gall to celebrate this perverse pussification as if it were something good! What better way for the Marxists/Communists to infiltrate and overthrow our country than to do it ideologically, over many years, from within, and then brainwash the stupid sheeple to accept it as "progressive" and normal?
“All this was planned, all of this was engineered. They dumb you down, they weaken you, they condition you to think like pussies, OK? And then they come in and take the rug (out) from under you! This was all strategized, folks. And all the while China is now over-masculating (their) men. What are they getting ready for, while we emasculate our men?... No one sees the agenda here, it’s unbelievable... Liberalism was the easiest ideology to hijack, folks."--David Nino Rodriguez, NATO Defeated?
Lauren: “It’s sick! It’s literally sick!”
Edward: “It’s disgusting and they have made it dangerous for all of us. To be in a situation where spiritually we’re on the wrong side, spiritually we’re on the side of the devil (by accepting this deviant woke nonsense)..." --Groomer Teachers MELT DOWN Over Ban of Sexualization of Children
Pitiful Racist Theory
"Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s, built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Relegated for many years to universities and obscure academic journals, over the past decade it has increasingly become the default ideology in our public institutions. It has been injected into government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs, and corporate human resources departments in the form of diversity training programs, human resources modules, public policy frameworks, and school curricula.
"There are a series of euphemisms deployed by its supporters to describe critical race theory, including 'equity,' 'social justice,' 'diversity and inclusion,' and 'culturally responsive teaching.' Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that 'neo-Marxism' would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But the distinction is vast and important. Indeed, equality—the principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, defended in the Civil War, and codified into law with the 14th and 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965—is explicitly rejected by critical race theorists. To them, equality represents 'mere nondiscrimination' and provides 'camouflage' for white supremacy, patriarchy, and oppression..." --Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It
"The adaptation for the Communist takeover of America, the local adaptation, was formed as critical race theory. The race part was added just for America because that would be the weak point, that would be the spot in our national soul that could be probed and exposed and magnified and turned into the reason for every problem in America. And now we’re seeing it coming to the point where even little children are being brainwashed like little Communist zealots to hate White people and for Whites to even hate their whiteness. And it’s going to a very bad place..." --Matt Bracken - Critical Race Theory Will Lead To Race War
"There are a series of euphemisms deployed by its supporters to describe critical race theory, including 'equity,' 'social justice,' 'diversity and inclusion,' and 'culturally responsive teaching.' Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that 'neo-Marxism' would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But the distinction is vast and important. Indeed, equality—the principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, defended in the Civil War, and codified into law with the 14th and 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965—is explicitly rejected by critical race theorists. To them, equality represents 'mere nondiscrimination' and provides 'camouflage' for white supremacy, patriarchy, and oppression..." --Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It
"The adaptation for the Communist takeover of America, the local adaptation, was formed as critical race theory. The race part was added just for America because that would be the weak point, that would be the spot in our national soul that could be probed and exposed and magnified and turned into the reason for every problem in America. And now we’re seeing it coming to the point where even little children are being brainwashed like little Communist zealots to hate White people and for Whites to even hate their whiteness. And it’s going to a very bad place..." --Matt Bracken - Critical Race Theory Will Lead To Race War
“The plan was to pour poison, to deliberately poison the roots of America’s soul, namely our patriotism, our love of religion, and our devotion to our families. The plan was to pour poison on these by taking over the institutions and deliberately besmirching and fouling what we love the most—our flag, our religions, and our families. This was not an accident. This demoralization has been going on now in our entire lifetimes, and now we’re watching our schools down to the kindergartens being turned into little critical race theory brainwash sessions...” --Matt Bracken - Critical Race Theory Will Lead To Race War
Woketardation Rising... Civilization Declining... (Part I)
One glaring example of the absolute absurdity of the transgender movement is in the area of women's competitive sports. Biological males, declaring themselves now to be females, are in competition with real biological women, and for some strange reason are breaking all records previously set by women athletes. Go figure...
"Lia Thomas, a 22-year old transgender swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania, has been shattering women’s records at the school. Before her transition, she competed for three years at Penn as a man, named Will Thomas...
"As is always the case in stories like this, there is a lot of controversy about fairness of people who are born as men competing as women. 'Well of course women’s records are being smashed!' tweeted Chicago-based sports performance coach Linda Blade. 'Lia competed as male for first three years in #NCAA. This is not right! We need to return to #SexBasedSports! #SexNotGender to preserve fairness for female athletes'..." --UPenn transgender swimmer Lia Thomas sparks outrage by shattering women's records
"Lia Thomas, a 22-year old transgender swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania, has been shattering women’s records at the school. Before her transition, she competed for three years at Penn as a man, named Will Thomas...
"As is always the case in stories like this, there is a lot of controversy about fairness of people who are born as men competing as women. 'Well of course women’s records are being smashed!' tweeted Chicago-based sports performance coach Linda Blade. 'Lia competed as male for first three years in #NCAA. This is not right! We need to return to #SexBasedSports! #SexNotGender to preserve fairness for female athletes'..." --UPenn transgender swimmer Lia Thomas sparks outrage by shattering women's records
“And just in case you weren't sure that this is the end of sanity...UK hospitals are now being encouraged to ask all men under the age of 60 if they are pregnant, before getting medical procedures… So, the medical system is going to ask men if they are pregnant. So yes the word ‘woketard’ comes to mind here. You couldn’t find a more apt word in this case. Woketards are running the medical system…
“‘Am I pregnant?’...‘Are you retarded?’ would maybe be the correct reply… This has reached the point of total insanity. The medical system, which spent the last two years mass murdering people by denying them treatment with Ivermectin, murdering people with ventilators (and poisonous deadly COVID 'vaccines'), and now they’re going to assume that you might be pregnant if you are a man? Because the woketardation has become so extreme now in the minds of these completely useless people, that they’re going to literally sit there and pretend that men can get pregnant. It is biologically impossible, because by definition, if you could get pregnant, you’re not a man, you’re all woman. (And) I know that ‘woman’ is now a banned concept in our world. It’s banned in sports, apparently, you can’t say ‘woman’ or ‘women’s sports’ either. You can’t be a feminist, even. You can’t say that women have rights, Oh no, no, no… You're going to get attacked for that…" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, April 4, 2022
“Our current nominee who’s going to end up being on the Supreme Court (Ketanji Brown Jackson)...says (that) she can’t figure out if she’s a boy or a girl, even though she was nominated to the Supreme Court because she is a black woman. Biden told us he’s nominating a black woman. They asked her if she’s a woman and she said ‘I’m not sure’… So she’s going to make decisions on the law, including laws like Title IX regarding women’s issues in sports and things like that. She’s going to make these decisions but she’s not quite sure what a woman is. OK. When we have this level of stupidity—and I’m calling it stupidity but it’s really based on corruption and it’s intentional. You can’t have definitive truths if you want to be able to lie to people and get them to believe it. When you want to convince someone of a lie that’s obvious, you’ve got to get them to be willing to accept the lie that’s obvious, right? 2 plus 2 equals 5... In my world it’s 5 because that’s my truth. You have a penis and you’re a girl. What? No! You’re not! OK? This is not how it works… This indoctrination, this stupidity, first of all can only collapse… We either have truth or we don’t have truth. So eventually this is going to collapse but in the mean time it is really about causing chaos…” --Mel K & Warrior Lawyer Tom Renz on Fighting For Justice & Rooting Out the NWO Players
And if you need yet another example of the absolute absurdity of the "liberal progressive" transgender movement, "two women inmates at New Jersey's only all-women prison have become pregnant by the same trans-identified male who was housed there last year following a settlement agreement between the ACLU and the scandal-ridden Edna Mahan Correctional Facility.
"Twenty-seven men are now incarcerated there alongside 800 females, and under the agreement, surgery isn’t required. If national statistics are anything to go by, it’s likely the majority of those 27 men still have their penises, too. So the risk is real that such pregnancies could become the norm, not an aberration, at the Clinton, N.J. facility and others like it...
"Let's be clear: Men should not be incarcerated with women - full stop. Pregnancies are an inevitable and predictable consequence of housing males with females since a woman cannot get another woman pregnant while a man can. To deny this fact or twist reality does grave disservice to not just women – who WoLF advocates on behalf of – but to their children and society overall.
"Yet news story after news story on the pregnancy of not one but two inmates refers to the 27-year-old father Demitrius Minor as 'transgender' or a 'woman'. Again, a woman cannot fertilize another woman's eggs. This is an impossibility. While it's not a surprise the ACLU is still defending its lawsuit settlement with the Edna Mahan facility, it's distressing to see the Fourth Estate reveal its bias – almost in lockstep - towards trans-identified men. In doing so, it perpetuates confusion at the detriment of women everywhere..." --TWO NJ WOMEN'S PRISON INMATES IMPREGNATED BY MALE CRIMINAL
Is there any semi-rational person out there who still does not see how insane, demented and demonic the liberal woketard transgender agenda really is? Raise you hand if you can't or won't see it. No? Still can't see it?
“‘Am I pregnant?’...‘Are you retarded?’ would maybe be the correct reply… This has reached the point of total insanity. The medical system, which spent the last two years mass murdering people by denying them treatment with Ivermectin, murdering people with ventilators (and poisonous deadly COVID 'vaccines'), and now they’re going to assume that you might be pregnant if you are a man? Because the woketardation has become so extreme now in the minds of these completely useless people, that they’re going to literally sit there and pretend that men can get pregnant. It is biologically impossible, because by definition, if you could get pregnant, you’re not a man, you’re all woman. (And) I know that ‘woman’ is now a banned concept in our world. It’s banned in sports, apparently, you can’t say ‘woman’ or ‘women’s sports’ either. You can’t be a feminist, even. You can’t say that women have rights, Oh no, no, no… You're going to get attacked for that…" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, April 4, 2022
“Our current nominee who’s going to end up being on the Supreme Court (Ketanji Brown Jackson)...says (that) she can’t figure out if she’s a boy or a girl, even though she was nominated to the Supreme Court because she is a black woman. Biden told us he’s nominating a black woman. They asked her if she’s a woman and she said ‘I’m not sure’… So she’s going to make decisions on the law, including laws like Title IX regarding women’s issues in sports and things like that. She’s going to make these decisions but she’s not quite sure what a woman is. OK. When we have this level of stupidity—and I’m calling it stupidity but it’s really based on corruption and it’s intentional. You can’t have definitive truths if you want to be able to lie to people and get them to believe it. When you want to convince someone of a lie that’s obvious, you’ve got to get them to be willing to accept the lie that’s obvious, right? 2 plus 2 equals 5... In my world it’s 5 because that’s my truth. You have a penis and you’re a girl. What? No! You’re not! OK? This is not how it works… This indoctrination, this stupidity, first of all can only collapse… We either have truth or we don’t have truth. So eventually this is going to collapse but in the mean time it is really about causing chaos…” --Mel K & Warrior Lawyer Tom Renz on Fighting For Justice & Rooting Out the NWO Players
And if you need yet another example of the absolute absurdity of the "liberal progressive" transgender movement, "two women inmates at New Jersey's only all-women prison have become pregnant by the same trans-identified male who was housed there last year following a settlement agreement between the ACLU and the scandal-ridden Edna Mahan Correctional Facility.
"Twenty-seven men are now incarcerated there alongside 800 females, and under the agreement, surgery isn’t required. If national statistics are anything to go by, it’s likely the majority of those 27 men still have their penises, too. So the risk is real that such pregnancies could become the norm, not an aberration, at the Clinton, N.J. facility and others like it...
"Let's be clear: Men should not be incarcerated with women - full stop. Pregnancies are an inevitable and predictable consequence of housing males with females since a woman cannot get another woman pregnant while a man can. To deny this fact or twist reality does grave disservice to not just women – who WoLF advocates on behalf of – but to their children and society overall.
"Yet news story after news story on the pregnancy of not one but two inmates refers to the 27-year-old father Demitrius Minor as 'transgender' or a 'woman'. Again, a woman cannot fertilize another woman's eggs. This is an impossibility. While it's not a surprise the ACLU is still defending its lawsuit settlement with the Edna Mahan facility, it's distressing to see the Fourth Estate reveal its bias – almost in lockstep - towards trans-identified men. In doing so, it perpetuates confusion at the detriment of women everywhere..." --TWO NJ WOMEN'S PRISON INMATES IMPREGNATED BY MALE CRIMINAL
Is there any semi-rational person out there who still does not see how insane, demented and demonic the liberal woketard transgender agenda really is? Raise you hand if you can't or won't see it. No? Still can't see it?
How about another example? A 15 year old boy claiming to be a female, sexually assaulted a female classmate in the high school bathroom. "The assault, which occurred in a female bathroom at Stone Bridge High School in May, ignited a political firestorm after the victim’s father was arrested during a volatile Loudoun County school board meeting earlier this year.
"Scott Smith claimed his daughter was attacked in the girls’ bathroom by a boy 'wearing a skirt,' sparking backlash against a policy in Loudoun County schools that allows transgender students to use bathrooms that match their gender identity..." --Mom of Virginia teen convicted of sex assault says he doesn't identify as female despite wearing skirt
And if these examples of the perverse "progressiveness" of Wokeism are not enough, "some academics and social justice warrior activists are now claiming that 2+2 can equal 5 and the traditional understanding of 2+2=4 is a construct of Eurocentric whiteness. According to them, there is no such thing as objective reality, only cultural perspective..." --Wokeness Comes For Mathematics
This is pure insanity, a blatant indication of just how psychotic the Liberal Left has become. 2 + 2 = 5 is straight out of George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. "In the novel, it is used as an example of an obviously false dogma that one may be required to believe, similar to other obviously false slogans promoted by The Party in the novel" like "War Is Peace" and "Freedom Is Slavery" and "Ignorance Is Strength". The updated Liberal Progressive Woretard spin on this is "Diversity Is Strength", an obvious deception, as our true strength as We the People lies in UNITY and not diversity...
And because of the fact that "systemic racism" does not actually exist, the Marxist Woke ideology of the Liberal Left needs to inject this racism into every aspect of American society as a means to divide and conquer.
"The Left’s war on objective reality, a key step in the Deep State’s intended elevation of the State to godhood, has risen to the next level as voices in the Liberal camp begin rejecting universally accepted mathematical truths, including the elementary axiom that two plus two equals four... George Orwell used the concept that two plus two is four as illustrative of the battle of the individual and reality versus relativism and totalitarianism.
"In the novel, protagonist Winston Smith internally rebels against the oppressive government by reminding himself that two plus two will always be four, no matter what the government says. But the state tortures Smith to get him to concede that 'Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once.' When his will is finally broken, Smith accepts that two plus two can equal five if the government says so.
(There is) "a growing movement among the Left to dismiss objective reality, specifically attacking the concept of two plus two equals four — often on the grounds of combating (their delusional perception of) 'racism' and 'white supremacy'..."
"Marxism is tearing down the very foundations of reality, which are the foundations of society and civilization. It’s sowing the seeds of chaos, which is precisely what Marxists — and the global elites who use Marxism to advance their quest for total power — really want...
"If the elites can dominate our minds with their deceptive wordplay and mental gymnastics, they will culminate the conquering of our once-free nation without firing a single shot."--1984 Fulfilled: Leftists Say 2+2 Can Equal 5. Why That's a Threat to Freedom
"America is being plunged into a true Orwellian tyranny that knows no limits, and anyone who questions the official lies of the regime will be targeted as a 'national security threat'..." --Mike Adams, New DHS "Disinformation" unit is designed to spread the government's disinformation while criminalizing TRUTH
"Scott Smith claimed his daughter was attacked in the girls’ bathroom by a boy 'wearing a skirt,' sparking backlash against a policy in Loudoun County schools that allows transgender students to use bathrooms that match their gender identity..." --Mom of Virginia teen convicted of sex assault says he doesn't identify as female despite wearing skirt
And if these examples of the perverse "progressiveness" of Wokeism are not enough, "some academics and social justice warrior activists are now claiming that 2+2 can equal 5 and the traditional understanding of 2+2=4 is a construct of Eurocentric whiteness. According to them, there is no such thing as objective reality, only cultural perspective..." --Wokeness Comes For Mathematics
This is pure insanity, a blatant indication of just how psychotic the Liberal Left has become. 2 + 2 = 5 is straight out of George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. "In the novel, it is used as an example of an obviously false dogma that one may be required to believe, similar to other obviously false slogans promoted by The Party in the novel" like "War Is Peace" and "Freedom Is Slavery" and "Ignorance Is Strength". The updated Liberal Progressive Woretard spin on this is "Diversity Is Strength", an obvious deception, as our true strength as We the People lies in UNITY and not diversity...
And because of the fact that "systemic racism" does not actually exist, the Marxist Woke ideology of the Liberal Left needs to inject this racism into every aspect of American society as a means to divide and conquer.
"The Left’s war on objective reality, a key step in the Deep State’s intended elevation of the State to godhood, has risen to the next level as voices in the Liberal camp begin rejecting universally accepted mathematical truths, including the elementary axiom that two plus two equals four... George Orwell used the concept that two plus two is four as illustrative of the battle of the individual and reality versus relativism and totalitarianism.
"In the novel, protagonist Winston Smith internally rebels against the oppressive government by reminding himself that two plus two will always be four, no matter what the government says. But the state tortures Smith to get him to concede that 'Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once.' When his will is finally broken, Smith accepts that two plus two can equal five if the government says so.
(There is) "a growing movement among the Left to dismiss objective reality, specifically attacking the concept of two plus two equals four — often on the grounds of combating (their delusional perception of) 'racism' and 'white supremacy'..."
"Marxism is tearing down the very foundations of reality, which are the foundations of society and civilization. It’s sowing the seeds of chaos, which is precisely what Marxists — and the global elites who use Marxism to advance their quest for total power — really want...
"If the elites can dominate our minds with their deceptive wordplay and mental gymnastics, they will culminate the conquering of our once-free nation without firing a single shot."--1984 Fulfilled: Leftists Say 2+2 Can Equal 5. Why That's a Threat to Freedom
"America is being plunged into a true Orwellian tyranny that knows no limits, and anyone who questions the official lies of the regime will be targeted as a 'national security threat'..." --Mike Adams, New DHS "Disinformation" unit is designed to spread the government's disinformation while criminalizing TRUTH
“These are signs of the end of civilization, the collapse of rationality, the collapse of reason, the collapse of science and medicine and the legal system, and the collapse of monetary systems and the collapse of culture... Understand that these are symptoms of the end of the empire—this is it. We are living through the last chapter of the United States of America..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, April 4, 2022
"From a straight political standpoint, things are not going well for the Democrats. It’s difficult to cite a time in post-World War II America when so many things on so many fronts went this badly this quickly, and the voting public knows it’s their (the Democrats) fault:
Tom Rentz: “Wokeism is entirely about convincing people (that) they’ve awakened to something brilliant when really all it is is manipulative garbage convincing you to be a racist, sexist, bigoted monster and you’re too stupid to realize that you’re being manipulated... What they’re doing is they are manipulating these morons who think that they are smart because they’ve got an extra piece of paper on the wall... You don’t have to be smart to get your PhD anymore...
Mel K: “Well it’s even worse than that. They’re taking people for reasons that have nothing to do with being smart. They’re taking people based on color or gender...(and) all of it is imploding. The whole model that you’re talking about is imploding because of Wokeism, because they’re not taking exceptional students and putting them in exceptional programs with exceptional teachers as they did 20 years ago. It’s the opposite, it’s the dumbing down of America in real time..." --Mel K & Warrior Lawyer Tom Renz on Fighting For Justice & Rooting Out the NWO Players
- Inflation at 40-year highs and spiking energy prices
- Out of control illegal immigration, being encouraged by Democrats to bolster liberal voting rolls
- Weakened military, with an inexplicable emphasis on woke social issues instead of combat readiness
- Crime running rampant, with many big-city DA’s refusing to prosecute the offenders
- Woke policies and wildly disproportionate attention on gender and diversity issues eroding the once-dependable foundation of American society
Tom Rentz: “Wokeism is entirely about convincing people (that) they’ve awakened to something brilliant when really all it is is manipulative garbage convincing you to be a racist, sexist, bigoted monster and you’re too stupid to realize that you’re being manipulated... What they’re doing is they are manipulating these morons who think that they are smart because they’ve got an extra piece of paper on the wall... You don’t have to be smart to get your PhD anymore...
Mel K: “Well it’s even worse than that. They’re taking people for reasons that have nothing to do with being smart. They’re taking people based on color or gender...(and) all of it is imploding. The whole model that you’re talking about is imploding because of Wokeism, because they’re not taking exceptional students and putting them in exceptional programs with exceptional teachers as they did 20 years ago. It’s the opposite, it’s the dumbing down of America in real time..." --Mel K & Warrior Lawyer Tom Renz on Fighting For Justice & Rooting Out the NWO Players
"Wokeism's natural logic is to destroy the lives of people of both genders, of all races, and—if need be—those of every age, all to leverage an otherwise unworkable ideological agenda. It is nihilist and destroys everything it touches. It tears apart foes and friends alike, whether by fueling media-driven hatred of Donald Trump or faux-deification of the disaster that is now Joe Biden...
"We know wokeism is both contrary to human nature and antithetical to democracy and constitutional government... But above all, wokeism is a cruel cult—created by and for the careerist benefit of the privileged." --Wokeism Is A Cruel and Dangerous Cult
“America’s already been taken down. This loss (steal) of the Presidential election (in 2020) and then the US Senate seats in Georgia—that was the final straw of taking down America. They’ve already weaponized government; we’re under a Plutocracy—we’re not under a Republic... Look at the billionaires that fund everything. When you look at the billionaires you understand why Joe Biden said in his press conference that he and Xi Jinping had a discussion that it’s far better to have a Plutocracy because you only have to deal with a few people—the billionaires—versus the People. And that is what has occurred in America.” --Maria Zack, the Stew Peters Show, Who Stole 2020 and Who Is In Power?
"We know wokeism is both contrary to human nature and antithetical to democracy and constitutional government... But above all, wokeism is a cruel cult—created by and for the careerist benefit of the privileged." --Wokeism Is A Cruel and Dangerous Cult
“America’s already been taken down. This loss (steal) of the Presidential election (in 2020) and then the US Senate seats in Georgia—that was the final straw of taking down America. They’ve already weaponized government; we’re under a Plutocracy—we’re not under a Republic... Look at the billionaires that fund everything. When you look at the billionaires you understand why Joe Biden said in his press conference that he and Xi Jinping had a discussion that it’s far better to have a Plutocracy because you only have to deal with a few people—the billionaires—versus the People. And that is what has occurred in America.” --Maria Zack, the Stew Peters Show, Who Stole 2020 and Who Is In Power?
Addendum: Liberals Need To Apologize
JP Sears of Awaken With JP gives a satirical presentation
about Woke Liberal's inability to admit that they were wrong...
about Woke Liberal's inability to admit that they were wrong...
Addendum: Liberal Woketard Meltdown
A Woke Liberal has a serious meltdown before a council meeting.
The next booster shot should calm him down...
The next booster shot should calm him down...
Addendum: Things White People Can't Have
Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV points out the blatant anti-white
racism inherent in Woke Liberal Democrat (i.e. Marxist) ideology...
racism inherent in Woke Liberal Democrat (i.e. Marxist) ideology...
Addendum: The Fallacy of White Privilege
Many American colleges are promoting a subtle brand of racism based
upon a doctrine of “white privilege.” Political commentator Ben Shapiro
points out several fallacies on which this notion is based.
upon a doctrine of “white privilege.” Political commentator Ben Shapiro
points out several fallacies on which this notion is based.
Addendum: The Transgender Movement is DEMONIC
North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson
tells the TRUTH about transgenderism...
tells the TRUTH about transgenderism...
Addendum: Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Transgenderism Arguments
Speaking at Ferris State University, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro
took on transgenderism and pro-abortion advocates in the Q&A after the
speech, crushing their arguments in the process.
took on transgenderism and pro-abortion advocates in the Q&A after the
speech, crushing their arguments in the process.
Addendum - The Inanity of Trans-Speak
"A gross misrepresentation of what it is to be a homosexual..."
Addendum: Drag Queen Calls Out the Woke Mob
"Usually when you hear a Drag Queen talking it's something crazy, it's something
demented, it's something just...but this one Drag Queen was talking facts..."
demented, it's something just...but this one Drag Queen was talking facts..."
Addendum: The Communist Takeover of America
Mel K: “Our government has been hijacked. The United States of America is currently
being run by the World Economic Forum and certain agents within our country that are
billionaires… We have a very small class of people that are socially engineering
America to be a Communist entity that answers to a foreign entity that these people
belong to. If you don’t understand that that is what is going on in America, then you
do not value your citizenship, your life, this country, life, liberty and pursuit of
happiness, or your children or their children…”
being run by the World Economic Forum and certain agents within our country that are
billionaires… We have a very small class of people that are socially engineering
America to be a Communist entity that answers to a foreign entity that these people
belong to. If you don’t understand that that is what is going on in America, then you
do not value your citizenship, your life, this country, life, liberty and pursuit of
happiness, or your children or their children…”
"Although change is sometimes good, this isn't one of those times. Overnight, the US has changed into something alien, something sick. Wokeness has arrived with a vengeance, and it doesn't bode well for the nation's future.
"In the beginning, it seemed reasonable to dismiss ‘cancel culture’ as a bad joke, symptomatic of Trump Derangement Syndrome, a very real clinical condition known for unhinging even the brightest minds. But the joke was told years ago, and nobody is laughing anymore.
"The first sign that something sinister had infected the left side of the American cranium occurred in the unlikeliest of places: the college campus, the manicured citadel of free thought and expression where the very idea of censorship is wholly repugnant. But that was yesterday. Today, university students consider it their solemn duty to silence any individual or individuals who do not share their (liberal) worldview. Peak insanity occurred in February 2017, when violent protesters hurled rocks and torched buildings at the University of California, Berkeley to prevent conservative speakers – including controversial commentator Milo Yiannopoulos – from addressing a group of students. From there, it was off to the insanity races.
"In the wake of this collegiate brain rot, said to have taken root during World War II with the arrival of ‘Cultural Marxists’ from Germany to America’s unsuspecting shores, statues in the town square are being toppled, ‘offensive’ corporate logos removed, and historical works of American art and literature forever shelved; even being so bold as to suggest that ‘2+2=4’ risks turning a person into a social pariah...
"To subject an entire race of people to the most despicable sort of stereotypes, which portray whites as dyed-in-the-wool racists with little hope for rehabilitation, is unforgivable precisely because it is false. It is unfortunate that anyone would have to labor the point, but US history is simply loaded with too many examples of whites fighting on behalf of fairness and equality to go unmentioned. Yes, slavery was a horrible chapter in American history, but it cannot be discussed in a vacuum as though there was never a Civil War or a battle for civil rights, or affirmative action, for example, and many other pieces of legislation specifically designed to help minorities...
"It would appear that the entire woke brigade has learned nothing from the harsh lessons of history – which should come as no surprise, since universities have largely cancelled such invaluable studies, go figure – and what can come as a result of ruthlessly attacking a single race of people. Nobody can imagine a genocide happening today, any more than the Jews and gypsies could have imagined one occurring in the early days of Nazi Germany. But then again, nobody could have imagined just five years ago that white people in the United States would become the focal point of such an ugly ‘cancel culture’ hate campaign, largely fanned by an uncritical and complicit media.
"Attacks of a racist nature against any group are simply disgusting, and it is shocking that such a thing is allowed to happen in America, one of the most racially diverse countries in the world. It should be remembered that the US did not become diversified by accident; it became that way because it was encouraged to happen by the American people, the majority of whom are (still) white..." --Is 'cancel culture' just a euphemism for genocide?
The Cultural Marxists, the Democrats, and the Deep State puppet Joe Biden have but one clear goal: the take-down and total destruction of the social fabric and national sovereignty of the United States of America. And through the insidious lies of systemic racism, "white privilege" and identity politics, they are well on their way to achieving their goals.
In the mean time, will the liberal woketards and the brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple ever awaken from their delusional somnambulist mainstream-media-induced trance, so that collectively We the People can take our country back from the Marxists, from the fraudulent illegitimate Biden regime and the Chinese Communist Party? Or is this really the end of the American Republic?
"In the beginning, it seemed reasonable to dismiss ‘cancel culture’ as a bad joke, symptomatic of Trump Derangement Syndrome, a very real clinical condition known for unhinging even the brightest minds. But the joke was told years ago, and nobody is laughing anymore.
"The first sign that something sinister had infected the left side of the American cranium occurred in the unlikeliest of places: the college campus, the manicured citadel of free thought and expression where the very idea of censorship is wholly repugnant. But that was yesterday. Today, university students consider it their solemn duty to silence any individual or individuals who do not share their (liberal) worldview. Peak insanity occurred in February 2017, when violent protesters hurled rocks and torched buildings at the University of California, Berkeley to prevent conservative speakers – including controversial commentator Milo Yiannopoulos – from addressing a group of students. From there, it was off to the insanity races.
"In the wake of this collegiate brain rot, said to have taken root during World War II with the arrival of ‘Cultural Marxists’ from Germany to America’s unsuspecting shores, statues in the town square are being toppled, ‘offensive’ corporate logos removed, and historical works of American art and literature forever shelved; even being so bold as to suggest that ‘2+2=4’ risks turning a person into a social pariah...
"To subject an entire race of people to the most despicable sort of stereotypes, which portray whites as dyed-in-the-wool racists with little hope for rehabilitation, is unforgivable precisely because it is false. It is unfortunate that anyone would have to labor the point, but US history is simply loaded with too many examples of whites fighting on behalf of fairness and equality to go unmentioned. Yes, slavery was a horrible chapter in American history, but it cannot be discussed in a vacuum as though there was never a Civil War or a battle for civil rights, or affirmative action, for example, and many other pieces of legislation specifically designed to help minorities...
"It would appear that the entire woke brigade has learned nothing from the harsh lessons of history – which should come as no surprise, since universities have largely cancelled such invaluable studies, go figure – and what can come as a result of ruthlessly attacking a single race of people. Nobody can imagine a genocide happening today, any more than the Jews and gypsies could have imagined one occurring in the early days of Nazi Germany. But then again, nobody could have imagined just five years ago that white people in the United States would become the focal point of such an ugly ‘cancel culture’ hate campaign, largely fanned by an uncritical and complicit media.
"Attacks of a racist nature against any group are simply disgusting, and it is shocking that such a thing is allowed to happen in America, one of the most racially diverse countries in the world. It should be remembered that the US did not become diversified by accident; it became that way because it was encouraged to happen by the American people, the majority of whom are (still) white..." --Is 'cancel culture' just a euphemism for genocide?
The Cultural Marxists, the Democrats, and the Deep State puppet Joe Biden have but one clear goal: the take-down and total destruction of the social fabric and national sovereignty of the United States of America. And through the insidious lies of systemic racism, "white privilege" and identity politics, they are well on their way to achieving their goals.
In the mean time, will the liberal woketards and the brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple ever awaken from their delusional somnambulist mainstream-media-induced trance, so that collectively We the People can take our country back from the Marxists, from the fraudulent illegitimate Biden regime and the Chinese Communist Party? Or is this really the end of the American Republic?
"In the not so distant future, the Liberal ideology will be viewed as a horrific stain on human history. Future generations will ask how people fell for this madness. Just as we find it insane that the Nazis were a well supported socialist political party in 1920s-40s Germany..." --BioClandestine
"It’s time to stop the race-baiting and find the real source of this racial discontentment before the United States finds itself with far worse problems to consider than the (perceived) hidden racism of a Dr. Seuss book or the name of a pancake batter. The world is watching, America; get it together." --Is 'cancel culture' just a euphemism for genocide?
"It’s time to stop the race-baiting and find the real source of this racial discontentment before the United States finds itself with far worse problems to consider than the (perceived) hidden racism of a Dr. Seuss book or the name of a pancake batter. The world is watching, America; get it together." --Is 'cancel culture' just a euphemism for genocide?