"These powers behind the scenes view us, the American people, as sheep, cattle, to be herded,
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as true
whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their
own without scrutiny." --Definitions and Translations
"People around the world, especially in the United States, are lining up
in droves to get the vaccine, and to get it more than once... I mean
these people are just, they are running like sheep to the slaughter.
And if it is going to kill them they have volunteered in a big way..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Kerry's Video Update: March 11, 2021
"Look around you. 90% of the people are SHEEP, and they're walking
around with their heads up their ass... I'm looking at people right now
in their cars driving with their masks on.." --David Nino Rodriguez
and Kerry Cassidy Discuss the Plan to Save America
"Americans have been lied to for a very long time. And some people
--the Sheep--they have no clue about what's happening..."
--X22 Report, Ep. 2378b, Silent Running
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as true
whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their
own without scrutiny." --Definitions and Translations
"People around the world, especially in the United States, are lining up
in droves to get the vaccine, and to get it more than once... I mean
these people are just, they are running like sheep to the slaughter.
And if it is going to kill them they have volunteered in a big way..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Kerry's Video Update: March 11, 2021
"Look around you. 90% of the people are SHEEP, and they're walking
around with their heads up their ass... I'm looking at people right now
in their cars driving with their masks on.." --David Nino Rodriguez
and Kerry Cassidy Discuss the Plan to Save America
"Americans have been lied to for a very long time. And some people
--the Sheep--they have no clue about what's happening..."
--X22 Report, Ep. 2378b, Silent Running
I keep reading about this "great awakening" of Humanity that is supposed to be happening right now, however I'm afraid that I don't see much evidence of that in my own circle of friends, family and co-workers. Most all of the people that I know are still "asleep with all the anchormen of the TV news", if I might quote Da Free John. They are all suffering from some degree or other of Corona Hoax Psychosis, and they believe unconditionally whatever the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media spoon feeds them. After all it's "the news" so it must be true...(Duh).
Symptoms of Corona Hoax Psychosis, as first identified by Max Igan of Austrailia, include any or all of the following: (1) the fixed delusion that there exists a "global pandemic" commonly referred to as "COVID-19" or "the Coronavirus" that is threatening the lives of every global citizen; (2) the underlying fear that "there is no cure" for this imagined virus, and the belief that if one contracts this virus then one will most certainly perish; (3) the delusional belief that placing a piece of cloth on one's face will protect one from contracting this imagined virus; (4) the Nazi-like insistence that everyone else around them share their delusion and place a piece of cloth over their face; (5) agitation and aggression when when the awakened ones refuse to comply with their delusional demands; (6) a blind obedience to and unquestioning acceptance of the Deep State-controlled fake news media propaganda broadcasts and print media; (7) a blind obedience to and unquestioning acceptance of the edicts and dictates of false authorities; (7) a remarkable lack of discernment and critical thinking skills; (8) a pervasive underlying intense feeling of fear or foreboding, helplessness and/or depression; (9) abject paranoia.
In Benjamin Fulford's article here, he refers to the un-awakened masses as "the still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple" and I am afraid that I must concur with that assessment. The still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple believe whatever the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media tells them, and appear to be completely oblivious to the fact that they are being played for fools by this Deep State-controlled corporate-whore media. Their willingness to comply with the Deep State psyop, with the Controllers of Humanity and with the illegal edicts of their minions, psychopaths and puppets--i.e. the tyrannical governors and mayors and corrupt judicial and police authorities--only serves to perpetuate the continuation of the lock-downs, mandates, restrictions and loss of personal liberties and ultimately the total subjugation, domination and control of Humanity. The brainwashed obsequious sheeple completely and utterly fail to apprehend that the only way to regain our God-given liberties and freedoms and take back our country is TOTAL NON-COMPLIANCE with any and all mandates, lock-downs, curfews, forced vaccinations, masks, or vaccine passports. "The only cure is to STOP complying." --Kerry Cassidy
Witness this pathetic display of submissive, compliant sheeple behavior submitted by Richard Citizen Journalist in the Washington DC area.. The sheeple are flocking in droves, lining up for miles, in order to prostrate themselves before the false authority of the medical establishment, volunteering to be tested for yet another fake "variant" of the fictitious COVID disease.
Richard Citizen Journalist: "Ok guys in this latest episode of upside-down Twilight Zone clown world, these people are lined up like cattle, like sheep. OK this guy's got two masks on. I guess some of these people do have jobs, but they line up for testing for something that isn't real. They're still wearing masks outside, not breathing fresh air. They've all probably been boosted for a vaccine that clearly doesn't work. And they're just lined up like this. Look at this! It's crazy!... This is unbelievable!... These people are lined up like sheep, and they don’t respond to you... The news is telling people to line up like this to get a test that doesn't work, for something that doesn't exist, and all these people are just brainwashed...
"So you have the masses lined up like this in this grand delusion, a giant psychological operation, and look at them, they just are defeated, hopeless, broken, zombied out. This is the Zombie Apocalypse… Most of these people are just zombies—look at them! They just take a few steps forward, get a thing shoved up your nose...
"I'm at the point now where I have trouble understanding any of this, on so many levels. Why is it happening? I don't get it. I'm at the point now where I truly don't get it other than a mass delusion and the end of the world apocalypse. It doesn't make any more sense to me beyond this point... It's unbelievable--I don't see any end in sight... This is just so crazy...
"It's just a phenomenon now... These people will be standing in line all day… This IS the pandemic. These people ARE the pandemic. They believe in something that is not real. They're perfectly healthy standing here...and it just goes on and on..." --Richard Citizen Journalist - Sheep Lining Up To Be Tested
"The one thing that everyone can do is to refuse testing. And this is because testing is the primary tool that is being used to create artificial cases of a 'disease' which characterize healthy people..." --Dr Andrew Kaufman On Testing
"So you have the masses lined up like this in this grand delusion, a giant psychological operation, and look at them, they just are defeated, hopeless, broken, zombied out. This is the Zombie Apocalypse… Most of these people are just zombies—look at them! They just take a few steps forward, get a thing shoved up your nose...
"I'm at the point now where I have trouble understanding any of this, on so many levels. Why is it happening? I don't get it. I'm at the point now where I truly don't get it other than a mass delusion and the end of the world apocalypse. It doesn't make any more sense to me beyond this point... It's unbelievable--I don't see any end in sight... This is just so crazy...
"It's just a phenomenon now... These people will be standing in line all day… This IS the pandemic. These people ARE the pandemic. They believe in something that is not real. They're perfectly healthy standing here...and it just goes on and on..." --Richard Citizen Journalist - Sheep Lining Up To Be Tested
"The one thing that everyone can do is to refuse testing. And this is because testing is the primary tool that is being used to create artificial cases of a 'disease' which characterize healthy people..." --Dr Andrew Kaufman On Testing
"As soon as you guys stop getting tested this is over! There's no reason for a test--you're healthy, you're standing in line... It's absolutely mind-blowing... It's absolutely crazy…
"If you get vaccinated, doesn't that mean that you can't get sick? You don't know? You're just lining up like good sheep? Ok, do whatever you're told to do sheep... Do you think to use your brain, or are you just a good sheep? Are you just a good sheep? This is how they are--they're just zombie brainwashed people, that's what we're dealing with..." --Richard Citizen Journalist - Sheep Lining Up To Be Tested
"If you get vaccinated, doesn't that mean that you can't get sick? You don't know? You're just lining up like good sheep? Ok, do whatever you're told to do sheep... Do you think to use your brain, or are you just a good sheep? Are you just a good sheep? This is how they are--they're just zombie brainwashed people, that's what we're dealing with..." --Richard Citizen Journalist - Sheep Lining Up To Be Tested
"You can have a virus associated with a psychosis. It starts to sound like what we're doing with COVID--we're creating psychotic individuals. We've already put a mask on them and created a mask psychosis. We're changing the behavior of people and we know exactly how to do that. And we've got zombies walking around..." --Dr. Judy Mikovits Drops Truth Bombs About Gain Of Function & Vaccines (Truth Warrior)
"For anyone who hasn't done any research that's still stupid enough to fall for this ignorant narrative--you're stupid, you're responsible for yourself. You're absolutely 100% responsible for yourself. So if you’re too fucking stupid to have done any research to not understand how the PCR test works… They have never isolated COVID-19, EVER. It’s never been isolated...so there is no COVID-19, there’s no such thing. They’ve admitted that. And the flu has basically disappeared since the beginning of this. So basically every illness under the sun is being named COVID-19…
“It’s ignorance to use the PCR test. The creator of the PCR test himself said that that test should never be used to test for any illness. So if you’re too fucking stupid to understand this and you’re running out and getting a test, you’re an absolute moron if you’re like, ‘Well the cases are in the rise’. Because RETARDS are running out and getting tests!" --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"For anyone who hasn't done any research that's still stupid enough to fall for this ignorant narrative--you're stupid, you're responsible for yourself. You're absolutely 100% responsible for yourself. So if you’re too fucking stupid to have done any research to not understand how the PCR test works… They have never isolated COVID-19, EVER. It’s never been isolated...so there is no COVID-19, there’s no such thing. They’ve admitted that. And the flu has basically disappeared since the beginning of this. So basically every illness under the sun is being named COVID-19…
“It’s ignorance to use the PCR test. The creator of the PCR test himself said that that test should never be used to test for any illness. So if you’re too fucking stupid to understand this and you’re running out and getting a test, you’re an absolute moron if you’re like, ‘Well the cases are in the rise’. Because RETARDS are running out and getting tests!" --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
“When in the history of the fucking world has anyone run out and got a test when they have no symptoms? You have no symptoms of a respiratory illness and you’re running out and getting tested for a respiratory illness! The moronacy of this shit and the retarded thinking of people (is unbelievable). And then you come down with flu symptoms now?" --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"Everybody in the medical establishment knew masking didn't do anything...(But) as with 'social distancing,' you were accused of essentially being a murderer if you didn't go along... This was never about science or evidence. It was a sinister confluence of some people's irrational fear with other people's desire to control, shame, and isolate..." --Tom Woods, The Maskers Just Took A Beating
"Are you one of the stupid fucking retards that are wearing a mask at any point at all? Because that increases your risk of getting sick!... I'm a Registered Nurse with a Masters Degree and I will never put a fucking mask on my face or on my child's face, nor will I put us at risk because of your moron, retard nonsense! Nor will I social distance which also lowers immunity. I won't do this stupid shit because you're an idiot!... When did people wear masks before? This is part of their fucking plot! And your ignorance--you're too fucking stupid to look into it! You won't look into it--you don't want to look into the plot-- 'Oh that's a conspiracy theory'... OK. Why didn't anybody wear a fucking mask when Ebola was around, when H1N1 was around, when those numbers were actually through the roof?..." --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"Are you one of the stupid fucking retards that are wearing a mask at any point at all? Because that increases your risk of getting sick!... I'm a Registered Nurse with a Masters Degree and I will never put a fucking mask on my face or on my child's face, nor will I put us at risk because of your moron, retard nonsense! Nor will I social distance which also lowers immunity. I won't do this stupid shit because you're an idiot!... When did people wear masks before? This is part of their fucking plot! And your ignorance--you're too fucking stupid to look into it! You won't look into it--you don't want to look into the plot-- 'Oh that's a conspiracy theory'... OK. Why didn't anybody wear a fucking mask when Ebola was around, when H1N1 was around, when those numbers were actually through the roof?..." --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"Everyone is getting reactive illness from wearing these masks. I refuse to put myself in harms way just because you are afraid because they're putting fear into your head... You don't walk around in fear of catching Leprosy, you know why? Because they don't tell you to be afraid of Leprosy. Nobody says: 'Hey, we better be afraid of Leprosy, we better get a vaccine ready.' Nobody says that shit. You would be (afraid of Leprosy) if they told you to, but they don't tell you to. You're not afraid of anything at all right now unless you're a moron and you're afraid of COVID-19 because they say it. COVID-19 is the name of their HOAX. COVID-19 is the name of their plot and their plan, not the name of any illness..." --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
The Two Groups of People - Awakened and Asleep
"Basically the world is divided into people who are completely brainwashed
and people who are awake or waking up. And the primary issue with the
brainwashed people is that they don't actually want to wake up... The
brainwashed people have their free will and they've made their choice--
they don't want to wake up, they just want to stay asleep, and nothing
you can do will actually wake them up. And any kind of attempt to red
pill them has the opposite effect, and actually puts them further
asleep because they reject your kind of help. It's essentially
impossible...to wake up the brainwashed people. Anyone who
has tried that with their family or friends will know. They are
completely brainwashed and it's like nothing will ever
change that..." --The Matrix 4 Resurrections trailer
"I quickly despaired of attempting to educate them. It seemed
they didn’t want to know the truth. Tragically, they appeared
fully invested in their delusional belief system and acknowledged
having no desire to reconsider it. Like members of a cult who
have turned their backs on family, friends, and society, they
preferred this new life to the old one." --Mark
McDonald, The United States of Fear
"The brainwashing is so deep, some of these people are NEVER
gonna wake up. They've got their blinders on, they got their head
buried in the sand, and they're just gonna take ten boosters
until they're dead..." --Dr. Ben Marble
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that
people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.”
"Those who refuse to awaken feed those who control them."
--Pleiaidians, Channeled by Barbara J. Marciniak
and people who are awake or waking up. And the primary issue with the
brainwashed people is that they don't actually want to wake up... The
brainwashed people have their free will and they've made their choice--
they don't want to wake up, they just want to stay asleep, and nothing
you can do will actually wake them up. And any kind of attempt to red
pill them has the opposite effect, and actually puts them further
asleep because they reject your kind of help. It's essentially
impossible...to wake up the brainwashed people. Anyone who
has tried that with their family or friends will know. They are
completely brainwashed and it's like nothing will ever
change that..." --The Matrix 4 Resurrections trailer
"I quickly despaired of attempting to educate them. It seemed
they didn’t want to know the truth. Tragically, they appeared
fully invested in their delusional belief system and acknowledged
having no desire to reconsider it. Like members of a cult who
have turned their backs on family, friends, and society, they
preferred this new life to the old one." --Mark
McDonald, The United States of Fear
"The brainwashing is so deep, some of these people are NEVER
gonna wake up. They've got their blinders on, they got their head
buried in the sand, and they're just gonna take ten boosters
until they're dead..." --Dr. Ben Marble
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that
people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.”
"Those who refuse to awaken feed those who control them."
--Pleiaidians, Channeled by Barbara J. Marciniak
(Note: Please don't confuse being "awake" with being "woke". Being "awake" and being "woke" are two entirely different things. Awakeness is a state or level of conscious awareness; a penetrating insight that pierces through the veils of illusion; the accurate apperception by your spirit or soul of the ultimate true nature of reality. "Wokeness," on the other hand, is a malignant Marxist political ideology predicated on a pretentious or ostentatious display of social justice, ironically embraced by the unawakened, usually associated with the identity politics of the radical left, intended to further divide and weaken We the People and pit us against each other through the imposition of false dichotomies.)
“One of the most fascinating things about living today is that it is laying bare how people think. More than ever it is becoming clear that there are roughly two groups (of people). These two groups have always existed, but the current state of the world is making it more and more obvious just how different these two groups are.
“The first group consists of people who generally believe that they’re told, and they WANT to believe what they’re told. They live in a world where the State is the highest form of authority and should be trusted. They believe that elections are a fair reflection of the will of the people. They believe that politicians are generally there to help us, and that we should follow them, because we need leaders to run society efficiently. They put scientists, academics, and doctors on a pedestal because they are objective and should be trusted without question.
“This first group has been told their whole lives that if they just follow the rules everything will be fine. In short, these people want to be led.
“The second group, by contrast, consists of people who don’t necessarily believe what they’re told. They understand that human beings are complex and don’t always tell the truth, that some people have ulterior motives. To the second group, trust must be earned. They can be very skeptical. They will listen to a sales pitch but then go do their own research. They like to verify things for themselves. Above all, they value personal freedom--the freedom to speak; the freedom to run their own lives the way they see fit; and the freedom to go about their business unhindered. They believe people should live and let live, that we should all be free to conduct our lives in peace.
“The first group genuinely believes that the second group is a bunch of conspiracy nuts. They’ve been told that the second group is obtuse, uneducated, self-centered, and paranoid" (and also racist, misogynist, supremacist, and terrorist -- all of the usual vacuous epithets spewed out by the gas-lighting talking heads of loony liberal left.)
“The second group, on the other hand, thinks that the first group is a bunch of willfully ignorant sheep who blithely choose to bury their heads in the sand, accept everything they’re told, and exhibit a frustrating inability to wake up and face reality.
“The fascinating thing is that these two groups might as well be living on different planets. Their thinking is utterly alien to the other. Their perception of reality is so different that when they look at the same issue, their interpretations and conclusions are dramatically divergent." --One Of The BEST Red-Pill Videos
“One of the most fascinating things about living today is that it is laying bare how people think. More than ever it is becoming clear that there are roughly two groups (of people). These two groups have always existed, but the current state of the world is making it more and more obvious just how different these two groups are.
“The first group consists of people who generally believe that they’re told, and they WANT to believe what they’re told. They live in a world where the State is the highest form of authority and should be trusted. They believe that elections are a fair reflection of the will of the people. They believe that politicians are generally there to help us, and that we should follow them, because we need leaders to run society efficiently. They put scientists, academics, and doctors on a pedestal because they are objective and should be trusted without question.
“This first group has been told their whole lives that if they just follow the rules everything will be fine. In short, these people want to be led.
“The second group, by contrast, consists of people who don’t necessarily believe what they’re told. They understand that human beings are complex and don’t always tell the truth, that some people have ulterior motives. To the second group, trust must be earned. They can be very skeptical. They will listen to a sales pitch but then go do their own research. They like to verify things for themselves. Above all, they value personal freedom--the freedom to speak; the freedom to run their own lives the way they see fit; and the freedom to go about their business unhindered. They believe people should live and let live, that we should all be free to conduct our lives in peace.
“The first group genuinely believes that the second group is a bunch of conspiracy nuts. They’ve been told that the second group is obtuse, uneducated, self-centered, and paranoid" (and also racist, misogynist, supremacist, and terrorist -- all of the usual vacuous epithets spewed out by the gas-lighting talking heads of loony liberal left.)
“The second group, on the other hand, thinks that the first group is a bunch of willfully ignorant sheep who blithely choose to bury their heads in the sand, accept everything they’re told, and exhibit a frustrating inability to wake up and face reality.
“The fascinating thing is that these two groups might as well be living on different planets. Their thinking is utterly alien to the other. Their perception of reality is so different that when they look at the same issue, their interpretations and conclusions are dramatically divergent." --One Of The BEST Red-Pill Videos
“When it comes to the issue of vaccines, the normal group and the awake group couldn’t be further apart. While the normals (normies) believe that current rules are the way they are because governments and corporations are just trying to make the world a safer place, we, the awake, understand the following five points:
“1. Awake people know that the political establishment has become completely corrupt. It’s impossible to reach a high level of political office without being compromised in some way, such as being bought off, blackmailed, indebted, threatened or initiated. Therefore, there can never be a political solution to any of our problems. Politicians will always serve their masters, never the people.
“2. Awake people know that vaccine passports have been planned for many years, and although health is the excuse to implement them, they have nothing to do with health. Their purpose is to get people to accept being tied ti a digital identity, where citizens can be rewarded, punished, manipulated, traced and tracked, all leading ultimately to a dominant surveillance state.
“3. Awake people know that selling vaccines is incredibly profitable. The Center for Disease Control is a private company owned primarily by big pharmaceutical companies. It makes its immense profits in the many biollions of dollars by selling vaccines. The awake also know that the World Health Organization is funded mostly by Big Pharma to help them create markets around the world. If that wasn’t bad enough, Big Pharma is the only industry in the world powerful enough to make governments pass legislation to exempt vaccine makers from any liability from damages they may cause.
“4. Awake people know that they should be very, very wary about what is being pushed on them. These big pharmaceutical companies have a terrible track record. They have wreaked havoc all over the world for many years, have been under criminal investigation countless times, and quietly settled for billions of dollars many, many times.
“5. Awake people know that there could be long-term health consequences for taking the (experimental, highly toxic) mRNA vaccines… It does appear that certain disconcerting patterns are starting to emerge. The mainstream media is clearly trying to cover this up… When power-hungry people are extremely motivated to have us do something, is it rational to be on our guard?
“Unfortunately some decisions can’t be undone. The two groups, the normals (normies) and the awake, view the world in an entirely different way,. A few years ago this would have been perfectly fine. In the past we could cut the normal, asleep people some slack. After all, they should be allowed to live their lives anyway they want. The problem now, however, is that if they refuse to even understand that they are in danger, they will continue in their state of slumber and apathy and let very bad people have their way with all of us" (i.e. their continued willful ignorance is seriously endangering all of us...)
"Awake people understand that if more people would wake up and acknowledge what is really happening, the powers-that-be would have no chance of manipulating us. This is where it’s so frustrating. By choosing to be blind and bury their heads in the sand, the normals (normies) are doing their part in taking us down a road that is already leading to a very dark place. Although it’s hard to wake the normals (normies) up, we have to keep trying… When their lives start to be more disrupted, some normal people will start to wake up, and the narrative will shift..." --One Of The BEST Red-Pill Videos
“1. Awake people know that the political establishment has become completely corrupt. It’s impossible to reach a high level of political office without being compromised in some way, such as being bought off, blackmailed, indebted, threatened or initiated. Therefore, there can never be a political solution to any of our problems. Politicians will always serve their masters, never the people.
“2. Awake people know that vaccine passports have been planned for many years, and although health is the excuse to implement them, they have nothing to do with health. Their purpose is to get people to accept being tied ti a digital identity, where citizens can be rewarded, punished, manipulated, traced and tracked, all leading ultimately to a dominant surveillance state.
“3. Awake people know that selling vaccines is incredibly profitable. The Center for Disease Control is a private company owned primarily by big pharmaceutical companies. It makes its immense profits in the many biollions of dollars by selling vaccines. The awake also know that the World Health Organization is funded mostly by Big Pharma to help them create markets around the world. If that wasn’t bad enough, Big Pharma is the only industry in the world powerful enough to make governments pass legislation to exempt vaccine makers from any liability from damages they may cause.
“4. Awake people know that they should be very, very wary about what is being pushed on them. These big pharmaceutical companies have a terrible track record. They have wreaked havoc all over the world for many years, have been under criminal investigation countless times, and quietly settled for billions of dollars many, many times.
“5. Awake people know that there could be long-term health consequences for taking the (experimental, highly toxic) mRNA vaccines… It does appear that certain disconcerting patterns are starting to emerge. The mainstream media is clearly trying to cover this up… When power-hungry people are extremely motivated to have us do something, is it rational to be on our guard?
“Unfortunately some decisions can’t be undone. The two groups, the normals (normies) and the awake, view the world in an entirely different way,. A few years ago this would have been perfectly fine. In the past we could cut the normal, asleep people some slack. After all, they should be allowed to live their lives anyway they want. The problem now, however, is that if they refuse to even understand that they are in danger, they will continue in their state of slumber and apathy and let very bad people have their way with all of us" (i.e. their continued willful ignorance is seriously endangering all of us...)
"Awake people understand that if more people would wake up and acknowledge what is really happening, the powers-that-be would have no chance of manipulating us. This is where it’s so frustrating. By choosing to be blind and bury their heads in the sand, the normals (normies) are doing their part in taking us down a road that is already leading to a very dark place. Although it’s hard to wake the normals (normies) up, we have to keep trying… When their lives start to be more disrupted, some normal people will start to wake up, and the narrative will shift..." --One Of The BEST Red-Pill Videos
Mass Psychosis in the World Today (part I) - Delusion
"We are living in times of great confusion and mass psychosis. And the worse part
of it is that mental illness is no longer an exception from the rules but actually has
become the rule. Normalized and culturally accepted, like alcohol, it is seen any-
where you look. Mad people appear on TV to tell the sane and law-abiding
citizens how to live their lives... We have entered an era of inverted reality,
where bad is considered to be good and good is considered to be bad.
People who should be locked up in mental asylums and prisons for
committing crimes against humanity are making global health
policies and dictate to the rest of the world how they should
be living their lives." --Psycho-spiritual Immunity
in the Era of Mass Psychosis
"Isn't it so blatant and in your face how now you can (actually) see a demon
in the flesh? This is a spiritual war folks. You can see these demons in the
fucking flesh on TV. I either see a mind-controlled empty container of a
human being, or I see a fucking demon. That's all I see now..."
--David Nino Roriguez - Shots Fired
"A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication
for huge profits is not a real society but a huge mental asylum.” –Dr. Sebi
of it is that mental illness is no longer an exception from the rules but actually has
become the rule. Normalized and culturally accepted, like alcohol, it is seen any-
where you look. Mad people appear on TV to tell the sane and law-abiding
citizens how to live their lives... We have entered an era of inverted reality,
where bad is considered to be good and good is considered to be bad.
People who should be locked up in mental asylums and prisons for
committing crimes against humanity are making global health
policies and dictate to the rest of the world how they should
be living their lives." --Psycho-spiritual Immunity
in the Era of Mass Psychosis
"Isn't it so blatant and in your face how now you can (actually) see a demon
in the flesh? This is a spiritual war folks. You can see these demons in the
fucking flesh on TV. I either see a mind-controlled empty container of a
human being, or I see a fucking demon. That's all I see now..."
--David Nino Roriguez - Shots Fired
"A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication
for huge profits is not a real society but a huge mental asylum.” –Dr. Sebi
"It does not take a conspiratorial mind to come to the conclusion that all of the craziness we’re seeing around us in America today is being driven by something unlike anything we’ve dealt with in our lifetimes. For those of us who recognize certain realities that are being dismissed by the masses, it’s often challenging to understand how so many people can be so blind.
"There are two explanations for this, though they’re likely the same thing seen from different perspectives. One is scientific and is properly demonstrated in Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article here. The other is supernatural. To me, we’re witnessing an anti-Biblical, possibly demonic spirit of delusion spreading across the nation and the world...
"There are dozens of other clear examples of mass psychosis allowing a post-truth society to emerge in America. While it’s possible to explain away some of it with the effects of Cultural Marxism, mass media indoctrination, a radical progressive education system, and plain old ignorance, the body of work for the Principalities and Powers cannot be dismissed with casual explanations. This is clearly mass psychosis likely driven by a strong delusion from supernatural forces." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
"There are two explanations for this, though they’re likely the same thing seen from different perspectives. One is scientific and is properly demonstrated in Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article here. The other is supernatural. To me, we’re witnessing an anti-Biblical, possibly demonic spirit of delusion spreading across the nation and the world...
"There are dozens of other clear examples of mass psychosis allowing a post-truth society to emerge in America. While it’s possible to explain away some of it with the effects of Cultural Marxism, mass media indoctrination, a radical progressive education system, and plain old ignorance, the body of work for the Principalities and Powers cannot be dismissed with casual explanations. This is clearly mass psychosis likely driven by a strong delusion from supernatural forces." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
"Totalitarianism is a society built on delusions... In a totalitarian society, there are two classes: the rulers and the ruled, and both groups undergo a pathological transformation. Rulers are raised to a god-like status where they can do no wrong — a view that easily leads to corruption and unethical behavior — while the ruled are transformed into dependent subjects, which leads to psychological regression.
"Joost Meerloo, author of 'Rape of the Mind,' compares the reactions of citizens living in totalitarian states to that of schizophrenics. Both rulers and the ruled are ill. Both live in a delusional fog, as the entire society and its rules are sustained by delusional thinking...
"Only deluded people regress to a child-like state of total submissiveness, and only a deluded ruling class will believe they possess the knowledge and wisdom to control society in a top-down manner. And, only a deluded person will believe that a power-hungry elite ruling a mentally regressed society will result in anything but mass suffering and financial ruin...
"Whether the totalitarian mindset takes the form of communism, fascism or technocracy, a ruling elite that has succumbed to their own delusions of grandeur then sets about to indoctrinate the masses into their own twisted worldview. All that’s needed to accomplish that reorganization of society is the manipulation of collective feelings." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
And this manipulation of collective feelings has already been cleverly and efficiently accomplished by the tell-lie-vision mind control programming of the Deep State-controlled Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media.
“'The Covidian Cult' is an article written by American playwright CJ Hopkins published in October 2020. Hopkins argues that we are in the middle of a global totalitarian movement, the first of its kind in human history. And the Covidian Cult is made up of those of us who have drank the Kool-Aid of the official COVID narrative...
"Members of the Covidian Cult trust their health experts and trust the mainstream media. If you’re anything like me, however, you’re worried that the real global threat are these brainwashed Bozos.
“A cult used to be a small band of weirdos hiding on a commune, away from the prying eyes and interference of family members. But as Hopkins argues, in the age of COVID, this paradigm has been turned on it’s head. The dominant culture is now the Covidians, and non-believers like me are the minority, tiny islands on a crazy planet.
“Hopkins says that the key ingredient of totalitarian societies and cults is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. This psychotic official narrative is based on paranoia and is not bound by logic or reason. The cult is faithful to the narrative, and this faith cannot be shaken by facts...
“The point of the narrative is not that it makes sense. The point of the narrative is that you unquestionably have faith in it. By attacking the mind with a never-ending stream of facts, the ability to use logic and reason is further shut down. A campaign of endless slogans and phrases, including wartime-loaded language, has been pumped into the zeitgeist to guide our opinions and fill any cracks in the narrative. From the manipulative use of guilt to absurd scientific studies...we are being bombarded by endless conflicting directives, wild speculation and outright lies.
“The end result is that science and facts no longer matter, not to the Covidian Cult. The pandemic should be over, based on the CDC’s and WHO’s own documents… But the COVID narrative is a PSYCHOTIC official narrative. It is a matter of faith, not facts. The danger is a not-so-distant future with two types of people—the vaccinated, and the un-vaccinated. If we are not members of the Covidian Cult that dutifully blend in by following the rules, if we do not open our businesses and remove our useless masks all at once, then the Covidian Cult WILL drive our car off a cliff, and unfortunately we will have paid for the gas..." --The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
"Joost Meerloo, author of 'Rape of the Mind,' compares the reactions of citizens living in totalitarian states to that of schizophrenics. Both rulers and the ruled are ill. Both live in a delusional fog, as the entire society and its rules are sustained by delusional thinking...
"Only deluded people regress to a child-like state of total submissiveness, and only a deluded ruling class will believe they possess the knowledge and wisdom to control society in a top-down manner. And, only a deluded person will believe that a power-hungry elite ruling a mentally regressed society will result in anything but mass suffering and financial ruin...
"Whether the totalitarian mindset takes the form of communism, fascism or technocracy, a ruling elite that has succumbed to their own delusions of grandeur then sets about to indoctrinate the masses into their own twisted worldview. All that’s needed to accomplish that reorganization of society is the manipulation of collective feelings." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
And this manipulation of collective feelings has already been cleverly and efficiently accomplished by the tell-lie-vision mind control programming of the Deep State-controlled Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media.
“'The Covidian Cult' is an article written by American playwright CJ Hopkins published in October 2020. Hopkins argues that we are in the middle of a global totalitarian movement, the first of its kind in human history. And the Covidian Cult is made up of those of us who have drank the Kool-Aid of the official COVID narrative...
"Members of the Covidian Cult trust their health experts and trust the mainstream media. If you’re anything like me, however, you’re worried that the real global threat are these brainwashed Bozos.
“A cult used to be a small band of weirdos hiding on a commune, away from the prying eyes and interference of family members. But as Hopkins argues, in the age of COVID, this paradigm has been turned on it’s head. The dominant culture is now the Covidians, and non-believers like me are the minority, tiny islands on a crazy planet.
“Hopkins says that the key ingredient of totalitarian societies and cults is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. This psychotic official narrative is based on paranoia and is not bound by logic or reason. The cult is faithful to the narrative, and this faith cannot be shaken by facts...
“The point of the narrative is not that it makes sense. The point of the narrative is that you unquestionably have faith in it. By attacking the mind with a never-ending stream of facts, the ability to use logic and reason is further shut down. A campaign of endless slogans and phrases, including wartime-loaded language, has been pumped into the zeitgeist to guide our opinions and fill any cracks in the narrative. From the manipulative use of guilt to absurd scientific studies...we are being bombarded by endless conflicting directives, wild speculation and outright lies.
“The end result is that science and facts no longer matter, not to the Covidian Cult. The pandemic should be over, based on the CDC’s and WHO’s own documents… But the COVID narrative is a PSYCHOTIC official narrative. It is a matter of faith, not facts. The danger is a not-so-distant future with two types of people—the vaccinated, and the un-vaccinated. If we are not members of the Covidian Cult that dutifully blend in by following the rules, if we do not open our businesses and remove our useless masks all at once, then the Covidian Cult WILL drive our car off a cliff, and unfortunately we will have paid for the gas..." --The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
"Dr. Mark McDonald is board-certified in both child and adolescent psychiatry, with extensive additional training in adult psychoanalysis... Dr. McDonald believes that the real crisis is not medical in nature... (He) believes the true public health crisis lies in the widespread fear which morphed and evolved into a form of mass delusional psychosis. In simpler words, the American public is suffering from mass insanity due to their delusional fear of COVID-19 (a fictitious disease)...
"Instead of facing reality, the delusional person would rather live in their world of make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality, they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around them also pretends to live in their imaginary world. In simpler words, the delusional person rejects reality. And in this rejection of reality, others have to play along with how they view the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their world view...
"Because objective reality threatens to unravel their carefully crafted imaginary world, the delusional person lashes out at others who dare act in contradiction to their delusions...
"As Dr. McDonald stated in one of his talks, he is concerned about the ultimate end of society’s delusional psychosis. It’s not unthinkable that the final outcome would be total societal control on every aspect of your life. Consider this – the endpoint of a mentally ill person is for them to be put under a controlled environment (institutionalized like an asylum) where all freedoms are restricted. And it's looking more and more like that's the endpoint of where this mass psychosis is heading." --Dr. Mark McDonald, The True Public Health Crisis Is Psychological in Nature
"Instead of facing reality, the delusional person would rather live in their world of make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality, they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around them also pretends to live in their imaginary world. In simpler words, the delusional person rejects reality. And in this rejection of reality, others have to play along with how they view the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their world view...
"Because objective reality threatens to unravel their carefully crafted imaginary world, the delusional person lashes out at others who dare act in contradiction to their delusions...
"As Dr. McDonald stated in one of his talks, he is concerned about the ultimate end of society’s delusional psychosis. It’s not unthinkable that the final outcome would be total societal control on every aspect of your life. Consider this – the endpoint of a mentally ill person is for them to be put under a controlled environment (institutionalized like an asylum) where all freedoms are restricted. And it's looking more and more like that's the endpoint of where this mass psychosis is heading." --Dr. Mark McDonald, The True Public Health Crisis Is Psychological in Nature
Mass Psychosis in the World Today (part II) - Fear
“All one’s neighbors are in the grip of some uncontrolled and uncontrollable fear. . .
In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more
dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage
or hatred.” --Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion
“It’s never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always
about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully
get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate
in a new crypto-currency based system which will be the system
that the world will use for finance.” --Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Discusses the New World Order Slave System
"Whenever I mention that 'they' probably want to keep us locked down,
normies (aka sheeple) always look at me as if I’m crazy, and ask:
'What do you mean by ‘they’?'...” --Jordan Sather
In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more
dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage
or hatred.” --Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion
“It’s never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always
about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully
get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate
in a new crypto-currency based system which will be the system
that the world will use for finance.” --Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Discusses the New World Order Slave System
"Whenever I mention that 'they' probably want to keep us locked down,
normies (aka sheeple) always look at me as if I’m crazy, and ask:
'What do you mean by ‘they’?'...” --Jordan Sather
"Adopting a worldview that rejects and attacks reality is psychotic. Although we most often see it in individuals—cult leaders, homeless drug addicts, celebrity stalkers—psychotic illness can also affect groups of people and, indeed, whole societies. This can happen when everyone becomes hyperfocused on one issue, when fear becomes the predominant emotion, and rational faculties become paralyzed en masse. That is exactly what happened to Americans in 2020." --Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"In the extreme, when fear spreads throughout an entire society, the effect is paralyzing. Decision-making becomes irrational and reactive. The sensationalizing of outlier events and the pursuit of safety supplants sound public policy. Media begin covering the 'fear story' and serving it to their audience on a regular basis. Fear-driven official pronouncements evoke more fear among the citizenry, who demand more protection from politicians. A vicious cycle ensues. Mass hysteria develops, and people lose their capacity to think and act rationally. This becomes dangerous, similar to the way a mob functions—acting on pure groupthink and raw emotion. It’s a form of developmental regression that hobbles society. Unfortunately, there is no cure for fear on a societal level. The only way to address it is individually, one patient at a time."--Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"Individual mental health problems can thus transform into a truly societal illness. As I continued to observe my patients and the people around me, it became undeniable that a shared state of irrationality had arisen from the underlying pandemic of fear. In short, everyone had apparently agreed to go crazy at the same time. This mass delusional psychosis, as I began to call it in my public talks, was rooted in fear but organized around a perverse worship of safety. To secure that safety, no sacrifice was too great: canceling graduation and prom, depriving individuals of their ability to make a living, masking children, banning Easter, ordering ailing nursing home patients to die alone and then prohibiting their grieving family members from holding funerals. This movement had been brewing for some time in the US, with society’s elevation of physical safety and self-esteem over mastery, accomplishment, and truth." --Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"Individual mental health problems can thus transform into a truly societal illness. As I continued to observe my patients and the people around me, it became undeniable that a shared state of irrationality had arisen from the underlying pandemic of fear. In short, everyone had apparently agreed to go crazy at the same time. This mass delusional psychosis, as I began to call it in my public talks, was rooted in fear but organized around a perverse worship of safety. To secure that safety, no sacrifice was too great: canceling graduation and prom, depriving individuals of their ability to make a living, masking children, banning Easter, ordering ailing nursing home patients to die alone and then prohibiting their grieving family members from holding funerals. This movement had been brewing for some time in the US, with society’s elevation of physical safety and self-esteem over mastery, accomplishment, and truth." --Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"Fear of disease or infection is a particularly insidious kind of fear, present in humans for thousands of years. Perhaps because the source of disease is invisible, it has the power to overtake reason and develop into a special kind of shared panic. For example, although the AIDS epidemic was real and carried a mortality rate of 100 percent for those infected, the threat to the general population was wildly exaggerated. Yet much of America was paralyzed for several years by the fear of contracting AIDS, in the same way it has been for the past eighteen months due to the Wuhan virus...
"Meanwhile, with everyone stuck at home in front of a screen, media had a captive audience. That audience was already fearful, and it is human nature to seek out emotionally driven content that resonates with your current emotional state. Every day, print, cable, and online news media made a point to announce how many more people had tested positive, been hospitalized, or died of the virus. Every day the running tally would increase. There was never any mention of preventive measures one could take against infection, other than fear-reinforcing behaviors such as mask-wearing and social isolation. Nor was there any mention of outpatient treatment options unless they were being attacked as ineffective and dangerous. These attacks began in early 2020 with hydroxychloroquine, a fifty-year-old medication that had been used safely and effectively throughout the world to prevent malaria in infants, pregnant and breast-feeding women, and the elderly. Any positive news of hope from this treatment was ridiculed, and fearful behaviors were reinforced with constant reminders that one was 'safer at home,' that 'masks save lives,' and that we should all 'do our part, by staying apart,' as LA Mayor Eric Garcetti was fond of repeating. By focusing not on real news but instead promoting isolation and fear, American media guaranteed an audience eager to have its hysteria reinforced by terrifying statistics and despairing predictions of mass death...
"Restrictions embolden the hysterical, validating their fears. A vicious cycle ensues, one that becomes nearly impossible to halt, much less reverse. Many people now appear to be addicted to the daily drama of fear and the power it confers on hysterical and angry individuals, irresponsible media outlets, and overweening public officials." --Mark McDonald, United States of Fear
"Meanwhile, with everyone stuck at home in front of a screen, media had a captive audience. That audience was already fearful, and it is human nature to seek out emotionally driven content that resonates with your current emotional state. Every day, print, cable, and online news media made a point to announce how many more people had tested positive, been hospitalized, or died of the virus. Every day the running tally would increase. There was never any mention of preventive measures one could take against infection, other than fear-reinforcing behaviors such as mask-wearing and social isolation. Nor was there any mention of outpatient treatment options unless they were being attacked as ineffective and dangerous. These attacks began in early 2020 with hydroxychloroquine, a fifty-year-old medication that had been used safely and effectively throughout the world to prevent malaria in infants, pregnant and breast-feeding women, and the elderly. Any positive news of hope from this treatment was ridiculed, and fearful behaviors were reinforced with constant reminders that one was 'safer at home,' that 'masks save lives,' and that we should all 'do our part, by staying apart,' as LA Mayor Eric Garcetti was fond of repeating. By focusing not on real news but instead promoting isolation and fear, American media guaranteed an audience eager to have its hysteria reinforced by terrifying statistics and despairing predictions of mass death...
"Restrictions embolden the hysterical, validating their fears. A vicious cycle ensues, one that becomes nearly impossible to halt, much less reverse. Many people now appear to be addicted to the daily drama of fear and the power it confers on hysterical and angry individuals, irresponsible media outlets, and overweening public officials." --Mark McDonald, United States of Fear
“They don’t plan (for) this to (ever) end. They don’t plan this to ever cease. They want you fucking permanently locked down and under control. That’s it. And getting (the ‘vaccinations’). This is the main piece of the puzzle your liberal friends are missing. This is a big piece right here. They don’t understand—they think it’s just a conspiracy, that it’s disinformation. This is the part they don’t get! That this is a Globalist fucking agenda! And they want you in lock-down… Wake up! Wake up! It’s time.” --David Nino Rodriguez - THE MARK OF THE BEAST & THOUGHTS ON GENERAL FLYNN
Mass Formation Psychosis
"I still find it hard to believe that so many people continue to take this genocidal
bioweapon when there is such a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence on the
internet from scores of prestigious and honest professionals in medicine
and science who are explaining – with microscopic photos, dark field
live-blood analysis, spectrophotometric analysis, etc., why you should
NEVER consider injecting these high tech poisons into your body."
--Is Chlorine Dioxide A Miracle Cure?
"Don't do it (take the COVID "vaccine"). Anybody who does that now after
everything that's been put out all over the world on these gazillions of
channels...and somebody still does it? That's on them, that's on them...
If people are too stupid not to put their hand over the fire when you
tell them, 'You're going to burn your hand if you do that.You're going
to burn your hand.' And they say: 'I'll chance it'... That's what
we're dealing with now folks..." --John B Wells, Episode 1669
“But understand the only way they can get people to roll up their sleeves
and take the death shots is to pretend that it’s medicine, to pretend that
there’s a deadly pandemic, and if you don’t take the vaccine you’re
going to die! The truth is (that) the vaccine IS the pandemic, the
vaccine is what’s killing people… It’s an incredible scientific fraud
that they’re carrying out, and if they would just stop injecting
people with the vaccines the pandemic would be over."
--Mike Adams Situation Update, Jan 12, 2022
The CCP, the Global Elite, the far left and some compromised right along
with the major vaccine companies are in lockstep in a population control
take down America program. The socially engineered, critically thinking
impaired, morally compromised masses are complying,
willingly and in ignorance, with their own enslavement
and demise." --James Gilliland, ECETI News
bioweapon when there is such a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence on the
internet from scores of prestigious and honest professionals in medicine
and science who are explaining – with microscopic photos, dark field
live-blood analysis, spectrophotometric analysis, etc., why you should
NEVER consider injecting these high tech poisons into your body."
--Is Chlorine Dioxide A Miracle Cure?
"Don't do it (take the COVID "vaccine"). Anybody who does that now after
everything that's been put out all over the world on these gazillions of
channels...and somebody still does it? That's on them, that's on them...
If people are too stupid not to put their hand over the fire when you
tell them, 'You're going to burn your hand if you do that.You're going
to burn your hand.' And they say: 'I'll chance it'... That's what
we're dealing with now folks..." --John B Wells, Episode 1669
“But understand the only way they can get people to roll up their sleeves
and take the death shots is to pretend that it’s medicine, to pretend that
there’s a deadly pandemic, and if you don’t take the vaccine you’re
going to die! The truth is (that) the vaccine IS the pandemic, the
vaccine is what’s killing people… It’s an incredible scientific fraud
that they’re carrying out, and if they would just stop injecting
people with the vaccines the pandemic would be over."
--Mike Adams Situation Update, Jan 12, 2022
The CCP, the Global Elite, the far left and some compromised right along
with the major vaccine companies are in lockstep in a population control
take down America program. The socially engineered, critically thinking
impaired, morally compromised masses are complying,
willingly and in ignorance, with their own enslavement
and demise." --James Gilliland, ECETI News
What Max Igan of Austrailia first defined as Corona Hoax Psychosis, other researchers have since identified and defined as “Mass Formation Psychosis”.
“We as a society have become grossly fragmented, through social media, electronic appliances, the stress of what we’ve experienced, and this leads into this whole issue of Mass Formation Psychosis that Professor Mattias Desmet at the University of Ghent has promoted…
“Now what Mattias Desmet has shared with us...comes from basically European intellectual inquiry into ‘What the heck happened in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s?’ (They were) a very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. How did that happen? The answer is Mass Formation Psychosis.” --Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
“Professor Mattias Desmet...observed...the way we are being induced into this sort of mass hypnosis with regards to the COVID-19 Plandemic. It really explains a lot about how things got to where we are now.”--Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
According to Professor Desmet, four conditions need to be present in a society in order for this Mass Hysteria Psychosis (what he calls Mass Formation Psychosis) to emerge:
"1) There needs to a lot of socially isolated people or people who experience a lack of social bond; 2) (There needs to be) people who experience a lack of ‘sense making’ (and are) unable to come to sensible conclusions; 3) There is a lot of Free-Floating Anxiety (FFA). Free-Floating because there’s nothing to connect their anxiety to, no focal point. (They are) unable to identify what’s causing (it) and so (have) no way to deal with it; 4) There’s also a lot of Free-Floating Psychological-Discontent (e.g. frustration and aggression). People may experience their daily lives as lacking any purpose or meaning." --Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
“We as a society have become grossly fragmented, through social media, electronic appliances, the stress of what we’ve experienced, and this leads into this whole issue of Mass Formation Psychosis that Professor Mattias Desmet at the University of Ghent has promoted…
“Now what Mattias Desmet has shared with us...comes from basically European intellectual inquiry into ‘What the heck happened in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s?’ (They were) a very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. How did that happen? The answer is Mass Formation Psychosis.” --Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
“Professor Mattias Desmet...observed...the way we are being induced into this sort of mass hypnosis with regards to the COVID-19 Plandemic. It really explains a lot about how things got to where we are now.”--Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
According to Professor Desmet, four conditions need to be present in a society in order for this Mass Hysteria Psychosis (what he calls Mass Formation Psychosis) to emerge:
"1) There needs to a lot of socially isolated people or people who experience a lack of social bond; 2) (There needs to be) people who experience a lack of ‘sense making’ (and are) unable to come to sensible conclusions; 3) There is a lot of Free-Floating Anxiety (FFA). Free-Floating because there’s nothing to connect their anxiety to, no focal point. (They are) unable to identify what’s causing (it) and so (have) no way to deal with it; 4) There’s also a lot of Free-Floating Psychological-Discontent (e.g. frustration and aggression). People may experience their daily lives as lacking any purpose or meaning." --Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
Professor Desmet "says...(that) if these conditions are met, then society is ripe for a hypnotist to come along and create a narrative into which the people will buy. The people will buy into it because it seems to alleviate those conditions--they can suddenly have a target for their Free Floating Anxiety, frustration and aggression. They don’t feel so alone because ‘We’re all in this together’. And he says that if the hypnotist is skilled enough...if the mass media messaging from the ‘experts’ and the politicians is uniform and repeated enough, people will just believe it and then they become dedicated to it. It’s almost like blinkers get put on--they forget about everything else and they are totally dedicated to this new way of life, the ‘new normal’…” --Amazing Polly - Mass Formation Psychosis – How They Did It
"The conditions to set up mass formation psychosis include lack of social connectedness and sense-making as well as large amounts of latent anxiety and passive aggression. When people are inundated with a narrative that presents a plausible 'object of anxiety' and strategy for coping with it, then many individuals group together to battle the object with a collective single-mindedness. This allows people to stop focusing on their own problems, avoiding personal mental anguish. Instead, they focus all their thought and energy on this new object.
"As mass formation progresses, the group becomes increasingly bonded and connected. Their field of attention is narrowed and they become unable to consider alternative points of view. Leaders of the movement are revered, unable to do no wrong." --Mass Formation Psychosis. The Madness of Crowds. And The End Of Progressive America
(This answers) the ‘how’ question of a third of the population basically being hypnotized and totally wrapped up in whatever Tony Fauci and the mainstream media feeds them, whatever CNN tells them is true…" --Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
"Left unabated, a society under the spell of mass formation will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of otherwise unthinkable atrocities in order to maintain compliance. A note: mass formation is different from group think. There are easy ways to fix group think by just bringing in dissenting voices and making sure you give them platforms. It isn’t so easy with mass formation. Even when the narrative falls apart, cracks in the strategy clearly aren’t solving the issue, the hypnotized crowd can’t break free of the narrative. This is what appears to be happening now with COVID-19. The solution for those in control of the narrative is to produce bigger and bigger lies to prop up the solution. Those being controlled by mass formation no longer are able to use reason to break free of the group narrative..." --Mass Formation Psychosis. The Madness of Crowds. And The End Of Progressive America
"The conditions to set up mass formation psychosis include lack of social connectedness and sense-making as well as large amounts of latent anxiety and passive aggression. When people are inundated with a narrative that presents a plausible 'object of anxiety' and strategy for coping with it, then many individuals group together to battle the object with a collective single-mindedness. This allows people to stop focusing on their own problems, avoiding personal mental anguish. Instead, they focus all their thought and energy on this new object.
"As mass formation progresses, the group becomes increasingly bonded and connected. Their field of attention is narrowed and they become unable to consider alternative points of view. Leaders of the movement are revered, unable to do no wrong." --Mass Formation Psychosis. The Madness of Crowds. And The End Of Progressive America
(This answers) the ‘how’ question of a third of the population basically being hypnotized and totally wrapped up in whatever Tony Fauci and the mainstream media feeds them, whatever CNN tells them is true…" --Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
"Left unabated, a society under the spell of mass formation will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of otherwise unthinkable atrocities in order to maintain compliance. A note: mass formation is different from group think. There are easy ways to fix group think by just bringing in dissenting voices and making sure you give them platforms. It isn’t so easy with mass formation. Even when the narrative falls apart, cracks in the strategy clearly aren’t solving the issue, the hypnotized crowd can’t break free of the narrative. This is what appears to be happening now with COVID-19. The solution for those in control of the narrative is to produce bigger and bigger lies to prop up the solution. Those being controlled by mass formation no longer are able to use reason to break free of the group narrative..." --Mass Formation Psychosis. The Madness of Crowds. And The End Of Progressive America
"Free-Floating Anxiety is the most painful psychological phenomena to experience and leads to panic attacks. In this state of unfocused anxiety the mind tries to connect it’s anxiety to something, an 'Object of Anxiety'. The next piece of the puzzled is a strategy to deal with this Object of Anxiety.
"So when these pre-conditions are highly present within a population and then the media provide a narrative which indicates a focal-point for this anxiety while at the same time describing a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety then all the anxiety connects to this object of anxiety.
"If a large segment of people are willing to follow this strategy to deal with this object of anxiety no matter the cost, then in a second step people start a collective and heroic battle with this Object of Anxiety and in that way a new kind of social bond emerges, and with that a new kind of 'sense making' or purpose. Suddenly life is all directed towards battling this Object of Anxiety. This creates new sense of connectedness with others in the Mass-Formation.
"This sudden and radical switch from the negative state of lack of social-connection to the opposite, a massive increase in social connection leads up to a mental intoxication.
"In hypnosis only the hypnotized are focused in this way. The hypnosis expert is not narrowly focused. In Mass-Formation leaders emerge which are even more narrowly focused than the followers.
"When people experience this mental intoxication it no longer matters if the narrative is wrong or even blatantly false. What matters is that it leads up to this mental intoxication. This is why they will continue to go along with the narrative. The resistance to understanding the narrative is false or wrong is driven by the fear of returning to the state of Free-Floating Anxiety and wanting to continue to experience the mental intoxication.
"This explains why arguing based on facts will not work. Facts no longer matter to them. Given the facts, they are be unable to come to sensible conclusions, even in their own best interests. Mass-Formation is also similar to mass-hypnosis in terms of people’s willingness to put up with things normally intolerable...
"Mass-Formation focuses the attention so much on one point that you can take everything away from people, their physical well-being, their material well-being and they won’t even notice its absence. In Mass-Formations people become radically intolerant of dissident voices. This person (the dissident) threatens to wake the people up, and they get angry when confronted by the initial anxiety and discontent they experience by challenges to the official doctrine. The crowd (then) directs all their aggression at dissident voices.
"At the same time they are radically tolerant of their leaders who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can lie and cheat and do everything they want and will always be forgiven by the crowd. All the lying, dishonesty and misbehavior is seen by the crowd as doing it for their own safety..." --Mass-Formation, Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology Univ. of Ghent
"We’ve got to get people out of this state of hysteria, but because they are entranced by the mainstream media and by social media, the hypnotists will just keep working their magic, forever, unless we stop it. Mattias Desmet explains that breaking the hypnotic spell has to happen in some extreme way. It can’t come from the hypnotist and it can’t come from the person waking up, because, as he says, the narrative will be so meaningful to the hypnotized people, these hysterical people, that they will do things that even hurt themselves rather than break with the narrative...” --Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
(We are suffering from) “over-enthusiasm about the medical-technical-scientific-expert complex...which has been badly, badly compromised by decades of political correctness, the opinion corridor, and cancel culture. We are now left with bent science because these institutions are filled with bent people.
“We need a way out of this. I don’t know if we can save some of the (covidian) cult members, some of the hysterics, and Mattias Desmet says that there’s about 14% who you will never (be able to save); they will never snap out of it—they're done, they’re gone! But we can (perhaps) save a lot of other people.” --Amazing Polly - Mass Formation Psychosis – How They Did It
"So knowing the nature of the control mechanisms Mass-Formation exerts, what to do to wake them up?" ---Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
"So when these pre-conditions are highly present within a population and then the media provide a narrative which indicates a focal-point for this anxiety while at the same time describing a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety then all the anxiety connects to this object of anxiety.
"If a large segment of people are willing to follow this strategy to deal with this object of anxiety no matter the cost, then in a second step people start a collective and heroic battle with this Object of Anxiety and in that way a new kind of social bond emerges, and with that a new kind of 'sense making' or purpose. Suddenly life is all directed towards battling this Object of Anxiety. This creates new sense of connectedness with others in the Mass-Formation.
"This sudden and radical switch from the negative state of lack of social-connection to the opposite, a massive increase in social connection leads up to a mental intoxication.
"In hypnosis only the hypnotized are focused in this way. The hypnosis expert is not narrowly focused. In Mass-Formation leaders emerge which are even more narrowly focused than the followers.
"When people experience this mental intoxication it no longer matters if the narrative is wrong or even blatantly false. What matters is that it leads up to this mental intoxication. This is why they will continue to go along with the narrative. The resistance to understanding the narrative is false or wrong is driven by the fear of returning to the state of Free-Floating Anxiety and wanting to continue to experience the mental intoxication.
"This explains why arguing based on facts will not work. Facts no longer matter to them. Given the facts, they are be unable to come to sensible conclusions, even in their own best interests. Mass-Formation is also similar to mass-hypnosis in terms of people’s willingness to put up with things normally intolerable...
"Mass-Formation focuses the attention so much on one point that you can take everything away from people, their physical well-being, their material well-being and they won’t even notice its absence. In Mass-Formations people become radically intolerant of dissident voices. This person (the dissident) threatens to wake the people up, and they get angry when confronted by the initial anxiety and discontent they experience by challenges to the official doctrine. The crowd (then) directs all their aggression at dissident voices.
"At the same time they are radically tolerant of their leaders who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can lie and cheat and do everything they want and will always be forgiven by the crowd. All the lying, dishonesty and misbehavior is seen by the crowd as doing it for their own safety..." --Mass-Formation, Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology Univ. of Ghent
"We’ve got to get people out of this state of hysteria, but because they are entranced by the mainstream media and by social media, the hypnotists will just keep working their magic, forever, unless we stop it. Mattias Desmet explains that breaking the hypnotic spell has to happen in some extreme way. It can’t come from the hypnotist and it can’t come from the person waking up, because, as he says, the narrative will be so meaningful to the hypnotized people, these hysterical people, that they will do things that even hurt themselves rather than break with the narrative...” --Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
(We are suffering from) “over-enthusiasm about the medical-technical-scientific-expert complex...which has been badly, badly compromised by decades of political correctness, the opinion corridor, and cancel culture. We are now left with bent science because these institutions are filled with bent people.
“We need a way out of this. I don’t know if we can save some of the (covidian) cult members, some of the hysterics, and Mattias Desmet says that there’s about 14% who you will never (be able to save); they will never snap out of it—they're done, they’re gone! But we can (perhaps) save a lot of other people.” --Amazing Polly - Mass Formation Psychosis – How They Did It
"So knowing the nature of the control mechanisms Mass-Formation exerts, what to do to wake them up?" ---Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent
Why Sheeple Are Properties of the State and Are in a Daze
“The key element that allows people to see the truth is you have to resist belief in
false authority. That’s the number one issue. The people who are brainwashed
and suckered into all of this, the ones who are easily hypnotized, are people who
believe in false authority. So they believe the CDC, they believe the science
journals, they believe the fake news media. Those who can actually see the
future and where things are going are people who, at a soul level, have total
distrust for authority, who challenge everything with their thinking. Critical
thinkers are people who challenge everything.”-- Mike Adams
“Did you ever bother to check the scientific literature yourself, or
do you religiously practice blind faith in what unqualified
people tell you?” --The End of Germ Theory
false authority. That’s the number one issue. The people who are brainwashed
and suckered into all of this, the ones who are easily hypnotized, are people who
believe in false authority. So they believe the CDC, they believe the science
journals, they believe the fake news media. Those who can actually see the
future and where things are going are people who, at a soul level, have total
distrust for authority, who challenge everything with their thinking. Critical
thinkers are people who challenge everything.”-- Mike Adams
“Did you ever bother to check the scientific literature yourself, or
do you religiously practice blind faith in what unqualified
people tell you?” --The End of Germ Theory
"According to Merriam-Webster.com, the word sheeple means, 'people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced : people likened to sheep'. This word is derived from the combination of the words sheep and people. In many ways, sheeple are people who are naive and lack critical thinking skills, and obediently follow orders because they are too afraid to question their so-called authorities." --The Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple from Birth to Death
"The zombie-like lives of sheeple begin on the day they are born. Shortly after sheeple are born, their parental sheeple give them a name and register them to the State using the 'birth' certificate.
"The sad thing that parental sheeple do not know is that the birth certificate is the legal document used by the State to trick them to 'abandon' their babies or 'lambs', allowing the government to claim their babies/lambs as chattels (personal properties).
"It also allows the government to transfer their babies/lambs to the land of the DEAD (legal fiction), turning their babies/lambs into dead entities in the eyes of the law. Hence, the name in all capital letters on their social security cards and driver’s licenses. The name in all capital letters is the same all caps name written on gravestones.
"What sheeple do not know about governments is that nearly all of them have been incorporated and thereby are legal fictions. In the United States (incorporated), the U.S. government is a FOREIGN corporation with respect to a state of the United States of America (unincorporated). For evidence of this, read this article...
"Most, if not all, sheeple have been brainwashed so bad that they actually think that governments are living entities and have power over them. There is NO government that is living in reality, because there is no living man or woman who is the government itself. There are only men and women acting as agents for the government. Sheeple wake up in the morning thinking they are awake, but they do not realize that they are actually in a daze, which etymologically means 'to become weary'..
"Nearly every morning/mourning, especially during the weekday or 'week-daze', millions, if not billions, of sheeple throughout the world go to work at corporations, which can be abbreviated as corps. Phonetically, the word corps sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as /a dead body, usually of a human being'...
"After decades of working, partying and drinking, sheeple’s bodies cannot handle the stress anymore, causing them to die prematurely. After they die, their names are written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS on gravestones to seal the deal and let other sheeple know that they are officially DEAD. What sheeple do not know is that shortly after their births, the government incorporated them, turning them into dead entities before they even learn how to say a word...
"The sheeple are so brainwashed and spiritually brain dead that they are not even aware that they have been monetized and turned into dead entities, so they can be sold on the stock market by the traders/traitors of mankind. To make fun of them, the Elite order their minions to create TV series and movies about zombies, such as The Walking Dead. In this TV series, the zombies represent the sheeple that do not even realize that they are legally dead. The so-called Zombie Apocalypse is already here, because the sheeple are, in a sense, the walking dead! It is time to wake up sheeple and stop acting like zombies! The grass is much greener on the side of the living." --The Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple from Birth to Death
"The sad thing that parental sheeple do not know is that the birth certificate is the legal document used by the State to trick them to 'abandon' their babies or 'lambs', allowing the government to claim their babies/lambs as chattels (personal properties).
"It also allows the government to transfer their babies/lambs to the land of the DEAD (legal fiction), turning their babies/lambs into dead entities in the eyes of the law. Hence, the name in all capital letters on their social security cards and driver’s licenses. The name in all capital letters is the same all caps name written on gravestones.
"What sheeple do not know about governments is that nearly all of them have been incorporated and thereby are legal fictions. In the United States (incorporated), the U.S. government is a FOREIGN corporation with respect to a state of the United States of America (unincorporated). For evidence of this, read this article...
"Most, if not all, sheeple have been brainwashed so bad that they actually think that governments are living entities and have power over them. There is NO government that is living in reality, because there is no living man or woman who is the government itself. There are only men and women acting as agents for the government. Sheeple wake up in the morning thinking they are awake, but they do not realize that they are actually in a daze, which etymologically means 'to become weary'..
"Nearly every morning/mourning, especially during the weekday or 'week-daze', millions, if not billions, of sheeple throughout the world go to work at corporations, which can be abbreviated as corps. Phonetically, the word corps sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as /a dead body, usually of a human being'...
"After decades of working, partying and drinking, sheeple’s bodies cannot handle the stress anymore, causing them to die prematurely. After they die, their names are written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS on gravestones to seal the deal and let other sheeple know that they are officially DEAD. What sheeple do not know is that shortly after their births, the government incorporated them, turning them into dead entities before they even learn how to say a word...
"The sheeple are so brainwashed and spiritually brain dead that they are not even aware that they have been monetized and turned into dead entities, so they can be sold on the stock market by the traders/traitors of mankind. To make fun of them, the Elite order their minions to create TV series and movies about zombies, such as The Walking Dead. In this TV series, the zombies represent the sheeple that do not even realize that they are legally dead. The so-called Zombie Apocalypse is already here, because the sheeple are, in a sense, the walking dead! It is time to wake up sheeple and stop acting like zombies! The grass is much greener on the side of the living." --The Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple from Birth to Death
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer.' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history!" --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
Addendum: The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
"'The Covidian Cult' is an article written by American playwright CJ Hopkins published in October 2020. Hopkins argues that we are in the middle of a global totalitarian movement, the first of its kind in human history. And the Covidian Cult is made up of those of us who have drank the Kool-Aid of the official COVID narrative...
"Members of the Covidian Cult trust their health experts and trust the mainstream media. If you’re anything like me, however, you’re worried that the real global threat are these brainwashed Bozos.
“A cult used to be a small band of weirdos hiding on a commune, away from the prying eyes and interference of family members. But as Hopkins argues, in the age of COVID, this paradigm has been turned on it’s head. The dominant culture is now the Covidians, and non-believers like me are the minority, tiny islands on a crazy planet.
“Hopkins says that the key ingredient of totalitarian societies and cults is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. This psychotic official narrative is based on paranoia and is not bound by logic or reason. The cult is faithful to the narrative, and this faith cannot be shaken by facts...
“The point of the narrative is not that it makes sense. The point of the narrative is that you unquestionably have faith in it. By attacking the mind with a never-ending stream of facts, the ability to use logic and reason is further shut down. A campaign of endless slogans and phrases, including wartime-loaded language, has been pumped into the zeitgeist to guide our opinions and fill any cracks in the narrative. From the manipulative use of guilt to absurd scientific studies...we are being bombarded by endless conflicting directives, wild speculation and outright lies.
“The end result is that science and facts no longer matter, not to the Covidian Cult. The pandemic should be over, based on the CDC’s and WHO’s own documents… But the COVID narrative is a PSYCHOTIC official narrative. It is a matter of faith, not facts. The danger is a not-so-distant future with two types of people—the vaccinated, and the un-vaccinated. If we are not members of the Covidian Cult that dutifully blend in by following the rules, if we do not open our businesses and remove our useless masks all at once, then the Covidian Cult WILL drive our car off a cliff, and unfortunately we will have paid for the gas..." --The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
"Members of the Covidian Cult trust their health experts and trust the mainstream media. If you’re anything like me, however, you’re worried that the real global threat are these brainwashed Bozos.
“A cult used to be a small band of weirdos hiding on a commune, away from the prying eyes and interference of family members. But as Hopkins argues, in the age of COVID, this paradigm has been turned on it’s head. The dominant culture is now the Covidians, and non-believers like me are the minority, tiny islands on a crazy planet.
“Hopkins says that the key ingredient of totalitarian societies and cults is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. This psychotic official narrative is based on paranoia and is not bound by logic or reason. The cult is faithful to the narrative, and this faith cannot be shaken by facts...
“The point of the narrative is not that it makes sense. The point of the narrative is that you unquestionably have faith in it. By attacking the mind with a never-ending stream of facts, the ability to use logic and reason is further shut down. A campaign of endless slogans and phrases, including wartime-loaded language, has been pumped into the zeitgeist to guide our opinions and fill any cracks in the narrative. From the manipulative use of guilt to absurd scientific studies...we are being bombarded by endless conflicting directives, wild speculation and outright lies.
“The end result is that science and facts no longer matter, not to the Covidian Cult. The pandemic should be over, based on the CDC’s and WHO’s own documents… But the COVID narrative is a PSYCHOTIC official narrative. It is a matter of faith, not facts. The danger is a not-so-distant future with two types of people—the vaccinated, and the un-vaccinated. If we are not members of the Covidian Cult that dutifully blend in by following the rules, if we do not open our businesses and remove our useless masks all at once, then the Covidian Cult WILL drive our car off a cliff, and unfortunately we will have paid for the gas..." --The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
Addendum: Attack of the Mask Nazis
"These people (mask Nazis) are absolutely like rabid dogs. I can tell you for a fact that the masks are not only ridiculous and mind control, but they're also very bad for you health-wise. You don't have to be a doctor to realize that breathing in your own carbon dioxide is not good. So how brain-dead can you be?... What I am seeing out there is so much blindness, and so much of a lack of a willingness to entertain new ideas." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
These people--mask Nazis and Liberal Leftists--are stuck in their delusions, delusions engendered by the Communist News Network (CNN) and other fake news media outlets. Blind, unquestioning acceptance of fake news media propaganda and the dictates of false authorities creates unhinged, mentally unstable individuals and concomitant bizarre behaviors...
These people--mask Nazis and Liberal Leftists--are stuck in their delusions, delusions engendered by the Communist News Network (CNN) and other fake news media outlets. Blind, unquestioning acceptance of fake news media propaganda and the dictates of false authorities creates unhinged, mentally unstable individuals and concomitant bizarre behaviors...
Addendum: Attack of the Brainwashed Retards
Two crazed women attack a man in an elevator, apparently because he was not wearing a face mask. The mass hysteria and mass psychosis of the brainwashed sheeple is leading to deranged, unprovoked, bizarre and aggressive behavior...
Addendum: How Fearful the Sheeple
A pathetic, terrified Walmart shopper wearing several masks snaps a photo in the store of another man and his young daughter "so he could stay alive" and a confrontation ensues. Bizarre behavior is manifesting everywhere in society these days...
Addendum: Ted Nugent Speaks To the Vaccinated
Ted Nugent nails it. No further explanation is needed...
Epilogue: On Human Stupidity
- Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
- The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
- A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses (him- or herself).
- Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
- A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. --The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity, Carlo Cipolla
"So many Americans are still brainwashed into thinking that vaccines work…but these vaccines are not good. In fact they’re dangerous… But, who’s dumb enough to take the vaccines anyway? It’s mostly Democrats, have you noticed that? It’s Democrats lining up to take the vaccines. So if the vaccines are harmful, because they’re tainted on purpose under the influence of Communist China, and then a bunch of radical Leftists/Communists end up taking those vaccines and thereby removing themselves from the human gene pool—Isn’t that kind of like winning the Commie Darwin Award or something like that? There is kind of an IQ test at work here…” --Mike Adams, Situation Update Dec. 14th
So basically it's the stupid people who continue to obediently take these deadly booster shots. "Is there any additional risk in taking a booster shot after already taking two experimental gene-based vaccines in less than a year? Considerable risk...
“Given that booster shots repeatedly boost the immune response to the spike protein, they will progressively boost self-to-self immune attack, including boosting complement-mediated damage to vessel walls." --The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
So basically it's the stupid people who continue to obediently take these deadly booster shots. "Is there any additional risk in taking a booster shot after already taking two experimental gene-based vaccines in less than a year? Considerable risk...
“Given that booster shots repeatedly boost the immune response to the spike protein, they will progressively boost self-to-self immune attack, including boosting complement-mediated damage to vessel walls." --The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
"Clinically speaking, the greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage. From stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, the symptoms can range from death to headaches, nausea and vomiting, all of which heavily populate adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.
"As well as damage from leakage and clotting alone, it is additionally possible that the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues. Should this take place, the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls. Damage to major organs such as the lungs, ovaries, placenta and heart can be expected ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out.
"So, it’s the double-whammy. On the one hand, the booster will perform largely like the original vaccine, penetrating cells and forcing them to produce spike protein which, in turn, generates blood clots and leaky blood vessels. And, on the other, the newly-produced S proteins trigger a damaging immune response in which the complement system attacks and destroys the cells that line the inside of the blood vessels. Every additional booster will intensify this process weakening the vascular system and increasing the clotting. If the Doctors are correct in their analysis, then we could see a sharp uptick in all-cause mortality in the heavily-vaccinated countries in less than a year. Cardiac arrests are already rising...
"The COVID-19 vaccine was supposed to fail like all the coronavirus vaccines before it. That’s the point. That’s why the drug companies skipped the animal testing and long-term safety trials. That’s why the FDA rushed it through the regulatory process and suppressed the other life-saving medications, and silenced all critics of the policy, and pushed for universal vaccination regardless of the risks of blood clotting, cardiac arrest, stroke and death. And that’s why the world is on the threshold of an 'international catastrophe of mass mortality.' It’s because that’s how the strategy was planned from the very beginning.
"The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all..." --The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right; It IS a "Poison-Death Shot"
Dr. Lee Merritt: "If you want my actual worldview, I believe that we're at war, and that this is a take-down of Western civilization if not Humanity. So it's an attack on us as humans and they're coming after us, they're coming after our children and they want us dead or sterilized." --The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
"As well as damage from leakage and clotting alone, it is additionally possible that the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues. Should this take place, the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls. Damage to major organs such as the lungs, ovaries, placenta and heart can be expected ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out.
"So, it’s the double-whammy. On the one hand, the booster will perform largely like the original vaccine, penetrating cells and forcing them to produce spike protein which, in turn, generates blood clots and leaky blood vessels. And, on the other, the newly-produced S proteins trigger a damaging immune response in which the complement system attacks and destroys the cells that line the inside of the blood vessels. Every additional booster will intensify this process weakening the vascular system and increasing the clotting. If the Doctors are correct in their analysis, then we could see a sharp uptick in all-cause mortality in the heavily-vaccinated countries in less than a year. Cardiac arrests are already rising...
"The COVID-19 vaccine was supposed to fail like all the coronavirus vaccines before it. That’s the point. That’s why the drug companies skipped the animal testing and long-term safety trials. That’s why the FDA rushed it through the regulatory process and suppressed the other life-saving medications, and silenced all critics of the policy, and pushed for universal vaccination regardless of the risks of blood clotting, cardiac arrest, stroke and death. And that’s why the world is on the threshold of an 'international catastrophe of mass mortality.' It’s because that’s how the strategy was planned from the very beginning.
"The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all..." --The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right; It IS a "Poison-Death Shot"
Dr. Lee Merritt: "If you want my actual worldview, I believe that we're at war, and that this is a take-down of Western civilization if not Humanity. So it's an attack on us as humans and they're coming after us, they're coming after our children and they want us dead or sterilized." --The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.” --TAROT READINGS BY JANINE
"I want to see the departure now, of the zombie-class human. I want to say good-bye to the imbecile, the moron... I want to say good-bye, thank you for your creepy-crawly ignominious existence in this paradise. Thank you for contaminating and distorting and defiling and degrading our Divine expression in the ways that you have done it, as a conduit of lower astral forces. Thank you for the role that you have played--you've played it rather well. Now please, shuffle off..." --Sasha Stone, Time to be Bold!
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.” --TAROT READINGS BY JANINE
"I want to see the departure now, of the zombie-class human. I want to say good-bye to the imbecile, the moron... I want to say good-bye, thank you for your creepy-crawly ignominious existence in this paradise. Thank you for contaminating and distorting and defiling and degrading our Divine expression in the ways that you have done it, as a conduit of lower astral forces. Thank you for the role that you have played--you've played it rather well. Now please, shuffle off..." --Sasha Stone, Time to be Bold!
“This is a pandemic of the IGNORANT, and it’s killing our country. So, for all you Progressives and Democrats and Radical Leftists out there, do us all a favor please and GO GET VACCINATED! In fact don’t stop there—get double-vaccinated and be sure to get all your boosters, all 3 or 4 of them. But why stop there? If more is better, get 5, 6—get 10 boosters!
"All the rest of us sane, freedom-loving Americans, are counting on YOU to get your injections. The survival of our country depends on it..." --Vaccine Deaths Grossly Under-Counted
"All the rest of us sane, freedom-loving Americans, are counting on YOU to get your injections. The survival of our country depends on it..." --Vaccine Deaths Grossly Under-Counted