“Every large institution that’s in society today is doing the OPPOSITE of what it claims to do.
Public education is about mis-education or anti-education—it’s about taking knowledge
away from people, turning children into anti-knowledge puppets of the social engineered
fascist system. Government, which claims to be of the people, by the people and for
the people, is really all about controlling the people, suppressing the people, and now
terrorizing the people, and then calling the people terrorists at the same time…
The mainstream news industry—it’s not about news. It’s about fabricating
hysteria, running psychological operations, using your neurology against
you, (and) weaponizing your perception of reality in order to achieve the
goals of the governments of the world, which are literally now trying
to kill you.”--Mike Adams – Situation Update Jan 17th, 2022
“We’re all frustrated. We’re all pissed off right now—all of us! We see what’s
happening, we see the deaths (from the COVID shots), we see our borders
wide fucking open, we see the cargo ships being held out at sea. We are
at war, and for those of you who don’t understand this—you’re fucking
stupid! This is war!… Divide and conquer is real folks. That’s what’s
happening—war is on our soil. We are at war…and they’re going to
mind fuck you with all the propaganda in the media that they’re
pushing out daily.” --David Nino Rodriguez – War Has Cometh
"The Controllers are attempting to psychologically beat us into submission
with this plandemic in order to get us to passively accept their anti-human
vision of the AI technocracy policing our every move, with identification
tattoos, nano-tech biosensors, neural links and automated robots
that replace natural human connections and intimacy."
--Lisa Renee, Stripping Humanity of Personal Freedom
"Most people cannot fathom that we are fighting an ALIEN AI
that wants to infect us with its tech and then control us.
This is what COVID-19 is all about. Nano AI is the
tech. This is a War of the Worlds scenario..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
Public education is about mis-education or anti-education—it’s about taking knowledge
away from people, turning children into anti-knowledge puppets of the social engineered
fascist system. Government, which claims to be of the people, by the people and for
the people, is really all about controlling the people, suppressing the people, and now
terrorizing the people, and then calling the people terrorists at the same time…
The mainstream news industry—it’s not about news. It’s about fabricating
hysteria, running psychological operations, using your neurology against
you, (and) weaponizing your perception of reality in order to achieve the
goals of the governments of the world, which are literally now trying
to kill you.”--Mike Adams – Situation Update Jan 17th, 2022
“We’re all frustrated. We’re all pissed off right now—all of us! We see what’s
happening, we see the deaths (from the COVID shots), we see our borders
wide fucking open, we see the cargo ships being held out at sea. We are
at war, and for those of you who don’t understand this—you’re fucking
stupid! This is war!… Divide and conquer is real folks. That’s what’s
happening—war is on our soil. We are at war…and they’re going to
mind fuck you with all the propaganda in the media that they’re
pushing out daily.” --David Nino Rodriguez – War Has Cometh
"The Controllers are attempting to psychologically beat us into submission
with this plandemic in order to get us to passively accept their anti-human
vision of the AI technocracy policing our every move, with identification
tattoos, nano-tech biosensors, neural links and automated robots
that replace natural human connections and intimacy."
--Lisa Renee, Stripping Humanity of Personal Freedom
"Most people cannot fathom that we are fighting an ALIEN AI
that wants to infect us with its tech and then control us.
This is what COVID-19 is all about. Nano AI is the
tech. This is a War of the Worlds scenario..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
Introduction To the Globalist Agenda
“The game is being run by Globalists…(and) this Globalist club has a plan—they want to depopulate the
planet by any possible means. Why? Why would they want to do that? Because they believe like Nero
did in Rome (that) if they burn it all down baby, they can rebuild it in their own image. Their thinking
is perverted in ways that most people can’t even comprehend. The lunatics are in charge of the
asylum--it couldn’t even be any more blatant… They’re criminally insane, not just clinically insane,
(but) criminally insane. And that’s the hard thing that people have to wrap their mind around.
They have to wrap their mind around the fact that these people exist, they are psychotic (and)
they are psychopaths. They want nothing more than the destruction of the human species…”
--David Nino Rodriguez – Juan O Savin – The Genie Is Completely Out of the Bottle
"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could experience if we weren't being
attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist maniacs who hate Humanity because
they are demon-infested wicked creatures of death and destruction..."
--Mike Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
"As I have mentioned many times, the world has been engaged in a silent
war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The
COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to
reduce the world population to 500,000,000. We are in the ‘end phase’
of their clandestine depopulation agenda that is hidden in plain sight
for all to see, read and hear. The elite talk about it and they write
about it. These facts cannot be denied." --6 Billion
Humans to Be Killed by the Elite
planet by any possible means. Why? Why would they want to do that? Because they believe like Nero
did in Rome (that) if they burn it all down baby, they can rebuild it in their own image. Their thinking
is perverted in ways that most people can’t even comprehend. The lunatics are in charge of the
asylum--it couldn’t even be any more blatant… They’re criminally insane, not just clinically insane,
(but) criminally insane. And that’s the hard thing that people have to wrap their mind around.
They have to wrap their mind around the fact that these people exist, they are psychotic (and)
they are psychopaths. They want nothing more than the destruction of the human species…”
--David Nino Rodriguez – Juan O Savin – The Genie Is Completely Out of the Bottle
"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could experience if we weren't being
attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist maniacs who hate Humanity because
they are demon-infested wicked creatures of death and destruction..."
--Mike Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
"As I have mentioned many times, the world has been engaged in a silent
war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The
COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to
reduce the world population to 500,000,000. We are in the ‘end phase’
of their clandestine depopulation agenda that is hidden in plain sight
for all to see, read and hear. The elite talk about it and they write
about it. These facts cannot be denied." --6 Billion
Humans to Be Killed by the Elite
"Millions of people worldwide are aware that their lives, and their children’s lives, are being threatened by lockdowns. vaccine mandates and loss of free speech. And there is a growing awareness that these immediate and obvious threats are merely parts of a complex overall plan to implement a technocratic system of world governance that can be described as a neo-feudal system that seeks to increase and consolidate the power and wealth of the world’s billionaire individuals and families by destroying any possibility of autonomous individual behaviour. The intention of these psychopathic elitists is that 'we the people’ become literal extensions of their will, through technological invasion of all aspects of our lives which will lead to the total loss of our capacity to feel, think and act for ourselves..." --"We Are Human, We Are Free": "The Great Reset" Must Be Defeated
"The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this 'New World Order'. Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves). A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendants of those that ruled for at least the past 2 centuries - kings and queens, bankers, robber barons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives. Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history. It is their nature after all.
"In the modern manifestation these people can be seen as kings and queens, international bankers, the military industrial complex and their servants - the corporate CEOs, scientists, professors, lawyers, heads of NGO's, politicians, and media leaders - all of whom the elite control partially or completely. Sad but true - you can buy or brainwash most national bankers, soldiers, bureaucrats, CEOs, scientists, lawyers, NGOs, politicians and journalists to say what you want them to say.
"If we allow their plans to proceed, you will see how under the guise of keeping us all safe with anti-terrorist laws, the Globalists will see all citizens gradually and incrementally lose their civil liberties preventing any dissent against either the government or the ruling elite who give the government their orders." --How the Elite Control Your Mind and Your Life
"The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this 'New World Order'. Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves). A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendants of those that ruled for at least the past 2 centuries - kings and queens, bankers, robber barons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives. Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history. It is their nature after all.
"In the modern manifestation these people can be seen as kings and queens, international bankers, the military industrial complex and their servants - the corporate CEOs, scientists, professors, lawyers, heads of NGO's, politicians, and media leaders - all of whom the elite control partially or completely. Sad but true - you can buy or brainwash most national bankers, soldiers, bureaucrats, CEOs, scientists, lawyers, NGOs, politicians and journalists to say what you want them to say.
"If we allow their plans to proceed, you will see how under the guise of keeping us all safe with anti-terrorist laws, the Globalists will see all citizens gradually and incrementally lose their civil liberties preventing any dissent against either the government or the ruling elite who give the government their orders." --How the Elite Control Your Mind and Your Life
The "Elite" Globalist Cabal and the New World Order Agenda
"We've got a monster on our hands behind the cloak of secrecy. We've got to get rid of it. Our country has cancer.
Our country's freedom is dying of cancer. The cancer is called CIA, NSA, NRO, DIA, FBI -- those are the acronyms
of the death of freedom... If you want to find psychosis in our country, people in need of therapy, go to the Secret
Government and you'll find people who desperately need to be on the psychiatrist's couch. The problem is,
instead of being on the psychiatrist's couch, they have absolute power and the possession of unlimited sources
of funds and technology of almost unbelievable potency. We've put psychotics in control of the most powerful
weapons in the world and then closed the door and said, 'Go do this on your own' and crazy stuff is starting
to come out of there. And we better watch it because we're in trouble..." --Whitley Strieber
"In the world today, gigantic multi-national corporations have taken over the role of autocratic royalty,
constituting predatory oligarchies disguised by a veneer of democracy that siphon the wealth of
entire nations; tunnel-visioned dinosaurs oblivious to any values except immediate profit,
determined to let nothing stand in the way of their systematically trashing this planet's
biosphere and irrevocably polluting our environment. I have long been puzzled by the
fact that such policies do not make sense even on a business level. To deliberately
sacrifice not only the well-being but the survival of our children and grandchildren
for short-term financial gain is so obviously suicidal that it makes no sense in
human terms. It is difficult to understand how such policies achieved dominance
and official acceptance in human society. However, if at the highest levels of
our main financial and governmental structures the decision-making power
is under the control of non-human aliens whose only concern is to harvest
this planet's resources (including the human population) as efficiently
as possible, these policies become quite understandable..."
--Extra-Terrestrial Friends & Foes, George C Andrews
"The Threat reveals why the aliens are here and what they want, explains why
their agenda has been kept secret, and exposes their frightening plans for
earth and its inhabitants. In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers
who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually
uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing
and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination
(of the Earth) at its core." --The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
"The New World Order and the (Negative) Alien Agenda are one and the same:
It's world takeover and the decimation of the population of this planet..."
--Phil Schneider - The Alien Agenda
Our country's freedom is dying of cancer. The cancer is called CIA, NSA, NRO, DIA, FBI -- those are the acronyms
of the death of freedom... If you want to find psychosis in our country, people in need of therapy, go to the Secret
Government and you'll find people who desperately need to be on the psychiatrist's couch. The problem is,
instead of being on the psychiatrist's couch, they have absolute power and the possession of unlimited sources
of funds and technology of almost unbelievable potency. We've put psychotics in control of the most powerful
weapons in the world and then closed the door and said, 'Go do this on your own' and crazy stuff is starting
to come out of there. And we better watch it because we're in trouble..." --Whitley Strieber
"In the world today, gigantic multi-national corporations have taken over the role of autocratic royalty,
constituting predatory oligarchies disguised by a veneer of democracy that siphon the wealth of
entire nations; tunnel-visioned dinosaurs oblivious to any values except immediate profit,
determined to let nothing stand in the way of their systematically trashing this planet's
biosphere and irrevocably polluting our environment. I have long been puzzled by the
fact that such policies do not make sense even on a business level. To deliberately
sacrifice not only the well-being but the survival of our children and grandchildren
for short-term financial gain is so obviously suicidal that it makes no sense in
human terms. It is difficult to understand how such policies achieved dominance
and official acceptance in human society. However, if at the highest levels of
our main financial and governmental structures the decision-making power
is under the control of non-human aliens whose only concern is to harvest
this planet's resources (including the human population) as efficiently
as possible, these policies become quite understandable..."
--Extra-Terrestrial Friends & Foes, George C Andrews
"The Threat reveals why the aliens are here and what they want, explains why
their agenda has been kept secret, and exposes their frightening plans for
earth and its inhabitants. In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers
who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually
uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing
and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination
(of the Earth) at its core." --The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
"The New World Order and the (Negative) Alien Agenda are one and the same:
It's world takeover and the decimation of the population of this planet..."
--Phil Schneider - The Alien Agenda
In several of my previous posts, most notably Totalitarian Tyranny Threatens To Subjugate All of Humanity and The Globalist Plan For A New World Order and Creepy Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda, I described the current assault that Humanity is under from certain Dark Forces associated with the New World Order agenda that wish to decimate the human global population and completely subjugate and enslave the survivors of this genocidal onslaught through the illegal edicts of their minions, psychopaths and puppets--i.e. the tyrannical governors, mayors, prime ministers, and corrupt police officials. Virtually all of our so-called "governmental leaders" have "sold their souls to the devil" so to speak, and are actively working against Humanity and the interests of We the People.
Ultimately, however, "the key players in the Black Alliance on Earth...are not specific individuals. They are non-physical forces such as: Luciferian, including demonic and satanic forces, negative extraterrestrials, including some reptilians, Annunaki and tall Greys, and Archons, including some but not all Artificial Intelligences and demons." --Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity
Ultimately, however, "the key players in the Black Alliance on Earth...are not specific individuals. They are non-physical forces such as: Luciferian, including demonic and satanic forces, negative extraterrestrials, including some reptilians, Annunaki and tall Greys, and Archons, including some but not all Artificial Intelligences and demons." --Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity
"The Globalists...the Khazarian Mafia as they’re also known, basically the Satanists, who are in control of our government, and in control of many governments around the world...most of them believe in Satanic or Luciferian ideals. They believe not in God, but they are god. That’s the distinction, therefore they worship themselves, they worship the mirror, the mirror image of themselves, so they are in love with themselves...
“Let’s get down to the bottom line here. The Globalists are blood drinking vampires… The Illuminati families have a lot of what you call reptilian DNA. Because of that reptilian DNA they have a proclivity for drinking blood for power over others… They basically feed on our adrenaline, if you will, what gets into our glands, what humans have in plenty—they call it loosh. It’s an aphrodisiac for reptilian type entities. Humanity has been invaded by reptilians and certain races have more reptilian DNA than others…
“So these beings have this proclivity to want to, not only murder each other in cold blood, but to be blood-drinking vampires. And of course history is full of all these stories. So that’s what we’re dealing with. On this Earth, if you want to look really big picture, and it’s important that you do, that’s what’s really going on…" -- Kerry Cassidy, Interviewed by Mel Carmine
And it should be noted that "the shadowy forces behind the New World Order are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over humanity and the resources of our planet. David Icke coined the term 'the totalitarian tiptoe' because 'they' are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive slavery... As a result, the masses (aka 'sheeple') remain relatively unconscious of the fact that their freedoms are being taken little by little, while the octopus power of NWO grows steadily." --The 13 Families That Rule the World: Dark Forces behind the New World Order
“Let’s get down to the bottom line here. The Globalists are blood drinking vampires… The Illuminati families have a lot of what you call reptilian DNA. Because of that reptilian DNA they have a proclivity for drinking blood for power over others… They basically feed on our adrenaline, if you will, what gets into our glands, what humans have in plenty—they call it loosh. It’s an aphrodisiac for reptilian type entities. Humanity has been invaded by reptilians and certain races have more reptilian DNA than others…
“So these beings have this proclivity to want to, not only murder each other in cold blood, but to be blood-drinking vampires. And of course history is full of all these stories. So that’s what we’re dealing with. On this Earth, if you want to look really big picture, and it’s important that you do, that’s what’s really going on…" -- Kerry Cassidy, Interviewed by Mel Carmine
And it should be noted that "the shadowy forces behind the New World Order are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over humanity and the resources of our planet. David Icke coined the term 'the totalitarian tiptoe' because 'they' are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive slavery... As a result, the masses (aka 'sheeple') remain relatively unconscious of the fact that their freedoms are being taken little by little, while the octopus power of NWO grows steadily." --The 13 Families That Rule the World: Dark Forces behind the New World Order
“We’ve really had just a handful of psychopaths running the planet. But there is a continuum, as you know… (At one end) you’re going to have some self-centered person, self-absorbed—you can kind of live with them. And then (at the other end of the spectrum) there’s the psychopaths with no empathy, no human compassion whatsoever. And I believe that that’s been the Khazarian Mafia, the 12 bloodline families—that whole group has been running the planet, and they are not like normal compassionate humans. They’re a different species..." --Dr Christiane Northrup, Tarot by Janine
"When it comes to who runs the world and who is behind world events, it is very hard for many people to accept that it is possible that things can be orchestrated on such a massive scale by relatively very few people. But when one does the research, they can find information about how there has been an agenda for world domination and a One World Government, and that agenda has been around for centuries.."--The Global Cabal, Global Network, Illuminati
And under the pretext of a fake "global pandemic," this Elite Globalist Cabal (aka the Controllers of Humanity) have been aggressively pushing forward their New World Order depopulation agenda (i.e. Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030) for the genocide and complete and total enslavement of the human race. This is not hyperbole. This is not a "conspiracy theory." This is not idle conjecture. This is happening right now, in real time, in your country, in your own backyard, and on the world stage...
"When it comes to who runs the world and who is behind world events, it is very hard for many people to accept that it is possible that things can be orchestrated on such a massive scale by relatively very few people. But when one does the research, they can find information about how there has been an agenda for world domination and a One World Government, and that agenda has been around for centuries.."--The Global Cabal, Global Network, Illuminati
And under the pretext of a fake "global pandemic," this Elite Globalist Cabal (aka the Controllers of Humanity) have been aggressively pushing forward their New World Order depopulation agenda (i.e. Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030) for the genocide and complete and total enslavement of the human race. This is not hyperbole. This is not a "conspiracy theory." This is not idle conjecture. This is happening right now, in real time, in your country, in your own backyard, and on the world stage...
Who Are the Globalists?
I would point out the sheer level of deception and disinformation used by the Globalists
over the past several decades. This deception is designed to maneuver the public
towards accepting a one world economy and eventually one world governance.
If you have to lie consistently to people about your ideology in order to get
them to support it, then there must be something very wrong with your
ideology..." --Who Are the Globalists and What Do They Want?
“And so knowledge is power, and people have to know who the enemy of
mankind is, and these people (the Khazarian Mafia) really fit the bill.”
--The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
over the past several decades. This deception is designed to maneuver the public
towards accepting a one world economy and eventually one world governance.
If you have to lie consistently to people about your ideology in order to get
them to support it, then there must be something very wrong with your
ideology..." --Who Are the Globalists and What Do They Want?
“And so knowledge is power, and people have to know who the enemy of
mankind is, and these people (the Khazarian Mafia) really fit the bill.”
--The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
So who exactly is this "elite" Globalist Cabal, this Black Alliance of elitists that seek to destroy, control and enslave sovereign Humanity at all costs? Who exactly are these evil enemies of We the People, these genocidal maniacs, these psychopaths, these "demon-infested wicked creatures of death and destruction" as Mike Adams calls them?
For those of you unfamiliar with the long history of the incredibly evil Globalist Cabal known as the Khazarian Mafia, it would behoove you to familiarize yourself with the excellent extensive information presented on the websites here, here, and here.
"The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books. The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its 'evil beyond imagination' that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal...
"The big question remains: Was the true cause of leaders of the Khazarian Mafia’s incredible evil and savagery toward the human race a byproduct or nature or nurture? Some believe that this gross parasitism and inclination to mass-murder, engage in pedophilia and child bloodletting and child sacrifice is due to a toxic culture, best described as malignant Tribalism, characterized by a paranoid group racial superiority delusion.
"Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, 'children of Cain', that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience, but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside. Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. It is time for the world to work together to eradicate this problem now and forever, by whatever means necessary..." --Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
For those of you unfamiliar with the long history of the incredibly evil Globalist Cabal known as the Khazarian Mafia, it would behoove you to familiarize yourself with the excellent extensive information presented on the websites here, here, and here.
"The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books. The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its 'evil beyond imagination' that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal...
"The big question remains: Was the true cause of leaders of the Khazarian Mafia’s incredible evil and savagery toward the human race a byproduct or nature or nurture? Some believe that this gross parasitism and inclination to mass-murder, engage in pedophilia and child bloodletting and child sacrifice is due to a toxic culture, best described as malignant Tribalism, characterized by a paranoid group racial superiority delusion.
"Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, 'children of Cain', that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience, but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside. Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. It is time for the world to work together to eradicate this problem now and forever, by whatever means necessary..." --Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Apart from the Khazarian Mafia, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and the 13 bloodline families, the World Economic Forum has been cranking out "world leaders" dedicated to the fascist, Globalist, New World Order agenda since 1971, "leaders" such as Angela Merkel of Germany; Bill Gates of the United States; Sebastian Corts, Chancellor of Austria; Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada; Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Emmanuel Macron, President of France; just to name a few.
"Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for Humanity..." --World Economic Forum "Young Global Leaders" Revealed
“In our state we’re finding right now how infiltrated our state has been with Young Global Leaders of the Klaus Schwab group and the World Economic Forum… You can use google to find out what the background is of these Young Global Leaders, and of course Turd-deau there has been one of these in a big way, (along) with Klaus Anal-Schwab...” --Dr Northrup, Tarot By Janine
"Klaus Schwab was born on March 30th, 1938, in Ravensburg, Germany... As Klaus Schwab grew, he lived in a country that used a police state built on fear and violence, brown shirts and operatives, surveillance, brainwashing and control, propaganda and lies, the merger of government and businesses, eugenics, dehumanization, and a focus on hygiene.
"Today Klaus Schwab heads up the World Economic Forum and is the Great Reset’s driving force... Mr. Schwab seems to be fascinated with Transhumanism, where he sees a merger of humans and machines whereby in his own words, will be 'curious mixes of digital and analog life.' He delights in 'sensors, memory switches and circuits that can be encoded in common human gut bacteria' and that 'Smart Dust, arrays of full computers with antennas, each much smaller than a grain of sand, can now organize themselves inside the body' and that 'implanted devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a built-in smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or mood by reading brain waves and other signals.' With these ideas, one cannot help but think of Joseph Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death, who conducted medical experiments on the Jews in concentration camps...
"Adolph Hitler would be proud of Mr. Schwab’s quest for a Master Race of people. As if this is not alarming enough, Mr. Schwab is now using the pandemic to promote his personal version of hygiene. According to Mr. Schwab, 'the pandemic will certainly heighten our focus on hygiene. A new obsession with cleanliness will particularly entail the creation of new forms of packaging. We will be encouraged not to touch the products we buy. Simple pleasures like smelling a melon or squeezing a fruit will be frowned upon and may even become a thing of the past.'
"Further Mr. Schwab states as it pertains to the COVID 19 Pandemic that 'the next hurdle is the political challenge of vaccinating enough people worldwide (we are collectively as strong as the weakest link) with a high enough compliance rate despite the rise of anti-vaxxers.' The question here becomes who comprises the weakest link which is perhaps a veiled statement about the German idea of 'racial hygiene' or eugenics..." --Worldview: Klaus Schwab – The Most Dangerous Man In The World
"Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, 'Are we really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global conflagration?' For a while there, I believed that Western allies had endured enough death and slaughter from the first two world wars to forge an informal understanding among themselves that uncontrolled German megalomania invariably leads to malignant outcomes for all...
"That's where we are today, as the world's 1% of the 1% celebrate their own magnificence in Davos and plot mankind's future without even the pretense of seeking mankind's consultation, let alone permission. 'The future is not just happening,' Schwab proclaimed to his SPECTRE-like cabal in Switzerland. 'The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room.' 'Good German' Klaus and his merry band of global gentry have decided to take over the planet, and they're so confident in their endeavors that they no longer deign to pretend otherwise...
"In another era, World Economic Forum attendees would be rounded up and put on trial for undermining the health and security of sovereign nations. Heck, if people properly understood the WEF as an evil engine for driving Marxist totalitarianism around the planet, they might skip the trials and go straight to the sentencing. When so many of today's leaders have already handed over their nation states' keys to the aspiring dictators in Davos, however, ordinary people around the world have a real problem...
"When 'elites' cooperate among themselves, they take what they can, regulate what they can't, and shiv everyone else. That's the World Economic Forum in a nutshell..." --The True Evil of the World Economic Forum
Tom Rentz: “Have you followed this Yuval Noah Harari guy? This guy is a psychopath. You talk about a sick… Jesus Christ is fake news...all this stuff… (He’s) promoting Nazism… I want to talk about the ties between Klaus Schwab and the Nazi sympathizer ( Yuval Noah Harari)… This guy belongs in an institution or jail or both.”
Mel K: “Yeah, well first of all he’s a straight up eugenicist. He believes that they are a superior race and that they should control us. He said humans have no free will, this idea of God—we’re God. They actually say that ‘we’re God’. Soros has said it, he (Harari) said it… And Transhumanism is their thing, which is also eugenics… They’re all into this Transhumanism, Human 2.0, (and) a big, big part if it is getting rid of God, getting rid of people that believe in God, and the more we’re learning, as terrifying as it is, mass mind control by design with them controlling it. And...they’re way advanced into what would be like a kind of melding of humans and AI technology without even, they don’t think it’s wrong. They think that it’s efficient for their end goal which is to decrease Humanity so that they can control whoever’s left. We’re watching it every day get stronger and stronger, and whatever we’re seeing they’re already way ahead of that. That’s what people need to know about and start dismantling.” --Mel K & Warrior Lawyer Tom Renz on Fighting For Justice & Rooting Out the NWO Players
Over and above Klaus Schwab, his minions and his Great Fascist Reset, another major figurehead in this "elite" Globalist cabal is the evil billionaire George Soros, who has been funding the undermining of Democracy and Capitalism and fomenting chaos, death and destruction in countries across the globe for decades.
"George Soros is an evil man. He's anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good. He killed and robbed his own Jewish people. If George Soros isn't the world's preeminent 'malignant messianic narcissist,' he'll do until Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot are reincarnated.
"What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath's lack of conscience. He considers himself to be an elitist world class philosopher, despises the American Way and just loves to do social engineering (change cultures)." --Who Is George Soros?
"A lot of people don’t realize it but George Soros is a literal Nazi. And he on many occasions has stated that taking down America was his life’s goal, and he’s doing a great job of it. Why he is still alive I don’t know. If I was President, he would be the first person I would take out, along with Klaus Schwaub, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and a few others. Those people at a minimum need to be arrested and put on trial… The job of soldiers during war is to arrest and/or kill the enemy. Well first you have to know who the enemy is and I’m clearly stating who the enemy is. The enemy is Nazi Klaus Schwaub, Bill Gates of Hell, George Sore-Ass, Dr. Death Fauci, Dementia Joe, Kamala Whore-Ass—there’s a few others...
“Dr. Death Fauci—he is the great architect, he is the greatest mass murderer in the history of the world, he’s the architect of COVID-19, the Frankenstein virus, which includes part of the HIV virus, part of SARS virus, part of the RSV virus and then the spike protein. They use that Frankenstein virus and the fear campaign, the global fear campaign with the fake news media to scare everybody and convince everybody to take the experimental gene editing poison, which, in my opinion, are slow-acting lethal injections...” --Dr. Ben Marble, Interviewed by Alex Jones of InfoWars
“They’ve already given over ten billion doses of the poison...(to) over four billion people—half the planet—so they’ve already dosed half the planet with slow-acting lethal injections. So now they can flip flop on all the things (that) we know don’t work—masks don’t work...a three-year-old should understand that masks don’t stop COVID. The lockdowns and the social distancing don’t work. But (all) that was all designed to convince people to take the poison. And the problem is that over 4 billion people did, so now they can stop all the things that we know don’t work because all they have to do now is wait for everybody to die…

"What we really need is some of the police, the upper level military, to start arresting these evil people. They need to be arrested and in prison, and then we can hold trials. I’m actually in favor the global veil of death penalty. But in the time of war when millions of people are getting killed by the enemy, we have to do something to hold these people accountable. They cannot be allowed to remain free.
“Fauci would be another person—he needs to be in prison, he needs to be on trial, and how do we make that happen is the great mystery because it seems like the billionaires have bribed everybody. Everybody’s corrupt… All the global leaders globally like Justin Trudeau—why is that guy not in prison? It’s ridiculous what it going on but the people see through it. So how do we take back power? We just need to overthrow all these ‘leaders’ and get rid of them, throw them all in prison where they belong...” --Dr. Ben Marble, Interviewed by Alex Jones of InfoWars
And “those people that are telling you lies, on CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post—they are captured operations, and they know what they’re doing. And they believe still, just like Klaus Schwab believes, that these so-called 'elites'... they still believe that they’re gonna win this and that they’re gonna enslave Humanity under a One World Government and (that) we have no choice. The problem (for them) is that we DO have a choice…” --Mel K & Rob Really News and Geopolitical Roundup
“Fauci would be another person—he needs to be in prison, he needs to be on trial, and how do we make that happen is the great mystery because it seems like the billionaires have bribed everybody. Everybody’s corrupt… All the global leaders globally like Justin Trudeau—why is that guy not in prison? It’s ridiculous what it going on but the people see through it. So how do we take back power? We just need to overthrow all these ‘leaders’ and get rid of them, throw them all in prison where they belong...” --Dr. Ben Marble, Interviewed by Alex Jones of InfoWars
And “those people that are telling you lies, on CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post—they are captured operations, and they know what they’re doing. And they believe still, just like Klaus Schwab believes, that these so-called 'elites'... they still believe that they’re gonna win this and that they’re gonna enslave Humanity under a One World Government and (that) we have no choice. The problem (for them) is that we DO have a choice…” --Mel K & Rob Really News and Geopolitical Roundup
The Transhumanist Agenda and the One World Order
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that
people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.”
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
“It’s so obvious what they’re doing. It’s almost jaw-dropping that
people aren’t seeing it. I have lost all respect for anybody who
doesn’t get it right now—I have zero tolerance.”
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
Of all the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by dark demonic forces at this momentous moment in human history, none is more abhorrent, more heinous, or more egregious than the Globalist plan to permanently pervert, subvert and transform Humanity’s innate God-given biology into a cyborg abomination, a chimera, an unnatural hybrid blend of human anatomy and Artificial Intelligence technology. What the brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple STILL fail to realize is that this was and is the real purpose behind the entire manufactured COVID scamdenic crisis—to get the alien nano technology injected into as many human bodies as possible, in as short a time as possible.
I am both amazed and disheartened by just how easily my friends, family and co-workers were bamboozled into rolling up their sleeves to take a poisonous, deadly, experimental gene-modifying mRNA drug, a drug that, if it doesn't kill them outright over the next few years, will eventually transform their carbon-based biology into a silicon-based one. Morgellons anyone?
“I really am concerned that most people don’t understand that this (COVID scam) is a long-range plan that actually involves Transhumanism. If you don’t understand that and you’re kind of locked in the idea that they want to eliminate population, which of course they do—that’s just a normal thing (for the Globalists). That’s what they always want to do…
“They are actually rolling out a concoction that is AI derived, so they got help from an alien AI that comes from an alien race off planet. So this is what they basically used—the alien information—to then compile this bioweapon to put into your body in order to make a race of human cyborgs. And so this is where it’s headed, this is what the graphine oxide does, the spike proteins linking to the graphene oxide…” --Kerry Cassidy, Kerry’s Video Update: God, Aliens & AI
I am both amazed and disheartened by just how easily my friends, family and co-workers were bamboozled into rolling up their sleeves to take a poisonous, deadly, experimental gene-modifying mRNA drug, a drug that, if it doesn't kill them outright over the next few years, will eventually transform their carbon-based biology into a silicon-based one. Morgellons anyone?
“I really am concerned that most people don’t understand that this (COVID scam) is a long-range plan that actually involves Transhumanism. If you don’t understand that and you’re kind of locked in the idea that they want to eliminate population, which of course they do—that’s just a normal thing (for the Globalists). That’s what they always want to do…
“They are actually rolling out a concoction that is AI derived, so they got help from an alien AI that comes from an alien race off planet. So this is what they basically used—the alien information—to then compile this bioweapon to put into your body in order to make a race of human cyborgs. And so this is where it’s headed, this is what the graphine oxide does, the spike proteins linking to the graphene oxide…” --Kerry Cassidy, Kerry’s Video Update: God, Aliens & AI
"This Transhumanism agenda to unleash the AI demon into the global grids is designed to break apart any last vestiges of human authenticity, curtailing the ability to freely express human kindness and interfering with heart-based interactions between real and organic people.
"Instead the vision being painted for our dystopian future is that we fearfully hide behind our enforced burka-esque uniform of masks, gloves and hazmat suits, spraying disinfectants with every next cycle of mysterious plandemic outbreak.
"This is not about human health--it is about holding people hostage while they intend to destroy; human health, human economic autonomy and personal sanity. We have to see the motivations leading to the desired end results of this dark anti-human agenda very clearly, before we are able to come together as a unified group that is fully equipped to stop it.
"Our true identity and history are under attack through how we express ourselves in the world with loving kindness, compassion and empathy, and personal autonomy which is now being intentionally weaponized against us...
"The western value system that was intended to uphold the constitutional liberties and human rights for all peoples is taking the last stand through those brave individuals who love personal freedom and recognize the many dangers behind the current Draconian ordinances. The carefully planned policies to limit human freedom are being synchronized and put into place now in all of the westernized governments, which historically happens just before a major coup attempt.
"In this case it is being orchestrated to generate consent into the fall of tyranny, with the shadow government rising to enforce the One World Order. We are teetering on that precipice..." --Lisa Renee, Tyranny or Freedom?
"Instead the vision being painted for our dystopian future is that we fearfully hide behind our enforced burka-esque uniform of masks, gloves and hazmat suits, spraying disinfectants with every next cycle of mysterious plandemic outbreak.
"This is not about human health--it is about holding people hostage while they intend to destroy; human health, human economic autonomy and personal sanity. We have to see the motivations leading to the desired end results of this dark anti-human agenda very clearly, before we are able to come together as a unified group that is fully equipped to stop it.
"Our true identity and history are under attack through how we express ourselves in the world with loving kindness, compassion and empathy, and personal autonomy which is now being intentionally weaponized against us...
"The western value system that was intended to uphold the constitutional liberties and human rights for all peoples is taking the last stand through those brave individuals who love personal freedom and recognize the many dangers behind the current Draconian ordinances. The carefully planned policies to limit human freedom are being synchronized and put into place now in all of the westernized governments, which historically happens just before a major coup attempt.
"In this case it is being orchestrated to generate consent into the fall of tyranny, with the shadow government rising to enforce the One World Order. We are teetering on that precipice..." --Lisa Renee, Tyranny or Freedom?
The Horrors of Shanghai - Hell On Earth
"China’s latest lockdown is a crime against humanity—and
we ignore it at our peril, because what’s happening there
will surely happen here eventually, if we let it..."
--Communist China Lockdown
we ignore it at our peril, because what’s happening there
will surely happen here eventually, if we let it..."
--Communist China Lockdown
If you want a clear and explicit example of the kind of the hellish dystopian future that the One World Order Globalists envision for all of Humanity, look no further than the current horrific situation in Shanghai China.
Under the guise or pretext of a (fake) global pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party has implemented all manner of tyrannical Draconian controls over the population of Shanghai. Citizens are being forced to kneel in the streets while jack-booted thugs in hazmat suits scan the QR codes of their vaccine passports for "vaccine" compliance. People's pets--dogs and cats--are being forcibly taken from them and killed instantly, on the spot, or bagged alive. Citizens are being locked in their apartments indefinitely and denied access to food and water, while drones fly overhead admonishing them to renounce their soul's desire for freedom. People are jumping from high rise apartments and plummeting to their deaths below. Are you fucking kidding me?
“Is this a beta test coming to a city near you? The Globalists love to test (and) this is an enslavement program my friends… Drones with loudspeakers are ordering people in Shanghai to stop singing and curb their thirst for freedom.
“In lockdown a city fights the country's worst COVID-19 outbreak since Wuhan, supposedly. Video posted on the Weibo social media platform appeared to show a drone hovering between blocks of high-rise flats as residents were told to follow the city's zero COVID policy including mass testing, mandatory quarantine and sweeping restrictions. Beast tech programming my friends. 'Control your souls thirst for freedom' a female voice said. 'Do not open your windows and sing, there will be no singing, no dancing.' That’s why do they want to take your guns here in the United States. Comply or die...
“Unbelievable, but it's gone from singing to screaming...and it is hellish--it just sounds like the pit of hell. I've heard multiple testimonies of people that have died and gone to hell and then survived and they just said constant screaming. Folks they're murdering the pets--anything that you love they're going to murder and take it away--the State needs to be your God.
“People are trying to escape these hazmat suits type people who are just beating the living crap out of them... One guy's screaming there's no food available. I mean, this is just a nightmare..." --Disturbing Footage From Shanghai
Under the guise or pretext of a (fake) global pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party has implemented all manner of tyrannical Draconian controls over the population of Shanghai. Citizens are being forced to kneel in the streets while jack-booted thugs in hazmat suits scan the QR codes of their vaccine passports for "vaccine" compliance. People's pets--dogs and cats--are being forcibly taken from them and killed instantly, on the spot, or bagged alive. Citizens are being locked in their apartments indefinitely and denied access to food and water, while drones fly overhead admonishing them to renounce their soul's desire for freedom. People are jumping from high rise apartments and plummeting to their deaths below. Are you fucking kidding me?
“Is this a beta test coming to a city near you? The Globalists love to test (and) this is an enslavement program my friends… Drones with loudspeakers are ordering people in Shanghai to stop singing and curb their thirst for freedom.
“In lockdown a city fights the country's worst COVID-19 outbreak since Wuhan, supposedly. Video posted on the Weibo social media platform appeared to show a drone hovering between blocks of high-rise flats as residents were told to follow the city's zero COVID policy including mass testing, mandatory quarantine and sweeping restrictions. Beast tech programming my friends. 'Control your souls thirst for freedom' a female voice said. 'Do not open your windows and sing, there will be no singing, no dancing.' That’s why do they want to take your guns here in the United States. Comply or die...
“Unbelievable, but it's gone from singing to screaming...and it is hellish--it just sounds like the pit of hell. I've heard multiple testimonies of people that have died and gone to hell and then survived and they just said constant screaming. Folks they're murdering the pets--anything that you love they're going to murder and take it away--the State needs to be your God.
“People are trying to escape these hazmat suits type people who are just beating the living crap out of them... One guy's screaming there's no food available. I mean, this is just a nightmare..." --Disturbing Footage From Shanghai
“Man when the supermarkets go down only three days worth of supply, just in time inventory. When they go down it's going to be Mad Max. You're going to see armed guards in supermarkets--it's going to be the wild west my friends..." --Disturbing Footage From Shanghai
Following is a horrific video depicting Shanghai residents committing suicide by jumping from high rise apartments or hanging themselves after extended CCP government lockdowns without food. Viewer discretion is advised...
The Fight For Freedom
"When Joe Biden was pressed last autumn about his administration’s enforcing
vaccine mandates against the will of many Americans, he actually mocked
the idea that citizens in the 'land of the free' should possibly have the
freedom to refuse the government’s demands that they inject a foreign
substance into their bodies. In what is left of his mind, it was
simply absurd that anybody could have the right to make a
personal health decision that contradicts the State’s official
'science'..." --Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God
"If people that voted for Biden don't realize right now that they voted for
the One World Government and the Globalists and the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to run America, then I don't know what else to say.
But if you voted for Biden and you don't regret it right now, (then)
I don't know who you pray to, but you're not for God, and you're
not for the country, and you're not for justice." --Mel K and
Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
“If you’re not convinced that this guy (Biden) is here to take down
America, wake the fuck up! Everything that is happening right
now is completely engineered! He’s a Trojan horse for the CCP!”
--David Nino Rodriguez, The Race To Crash America
The CCP, the Global Elite, the far left and some compromised right
along with the major vaccine companies are in lockstep in a
population control take down America program.The
socially engineered, critically thinking impaired, morally
compromised masses are complying, willingly and in
ignorance, with their own enslavement and
demise." --James Gilliland, ECETI News
vaccine mandates against the will of many Americans, he actually mocked
the idea that citizens in the 'land of the free' should possibly have the
freedom to refuse the government’s demands that they inject a foreign
substance into their bodies. In what is left of his mind, it was
simply absurd that anybody could have the right to make a
personal health decision that contradicts the State’s official
'science'..." --Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God
"If people that voted for Biden don't realize right now that they voted for
the One World Government and the Globalists and the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to run America, then I don't know what else to say.
But if you voted for Biden and you don't regret it right now, (then)
I don't know who you pray to, but you're not for God, and you're
not for the country, and you're not for justice." --Mel K and
Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
“If you’re not convinced that this guy (Biden) is here to take down
America, wake the fuck up! Everything that is happening right
now is completely engineered! He’s a Trojan horse for the CCP!”
--David Nino Rodriguez, The Race To Crash America
The CCP, the Global Elite, the far left and some compromised right
along with the major vaccine companies are in lockstep in a
population control take down America program.The
socially engineered, critically thinking impaired, morally
compromised masses are complying, willingly and in
ignorance, with their own enslavement and
demise." --James Gilliland, ECETI News
"The Canadian truckers and freedom protesters deserve huge credit for bringing Humanity to a tipping point against tyranny. Thanks to the courage, determination and dedication to peace that’s demonstrated by Canada’s protesters, Humanity is withdrawing its consent from government tyrants all over the world.
"Globalism is crashing, and centralization of power is being ripped to shreds. The entire model of globalism is dead, and no human being that’s aware and alive right now wants to return to a society structured as a top-down, totalitarian, centralized control system of global enslavement run by a few hundred hyper-wealthy freakazoids like Zuckerberg and Gates.
"What I’m trying to explain here is that this is about much more than COVID vaccines or lockdowns. This is about Humanity rising up against the very idea of centralized government, corporations, media and tech giants . The era of centralization has come to an end, and the free people of the world have begun the process of dismantling it by simply withdrawing their consent. Consider the impact of the realizations now spreading across the world:
* Government failed the people.
* Corporations murdered people for profit.
* Doctors, hospitals and the medical system betrayed the people.
* Big Tech platforms silenced the truth, costing millions of lives.
* Big Media was complicit in the plandemic and the vaccine biowar against Humanity.
* The institution of science deceived the people and proved it is hopelessly corrupt and evil.
"What we’ve all lived through over the last two years is corrupt, deceptive, anti-human institutions waging war against truth and Humanity, showing their true cards and exposing the depth of their evil. And that’s why the people of the world are now peacefully rising up and demanding an end to the entire centralization structure of globalism. It is the centralized control over media, information, government and 'science' that brought us all to the brink of destruction.
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and for the past several generations, the people have handed over far too much power to governments, science journals, media giants and tech platforms. Now, the people are taking their power back...
"The evil governments, predictably, call these peaceful protesters 'terrorists' — even as the governments themselves are carrying out acts of terrorism and mass murder against their own people. --Humanity Withdraws Consent From Globalist Tyrants
"Globalism is crashing, and centralization of power is being ripped to shreds. The entire model of globalism is dead, and no human being that’s aware and alive right now wants to return to a society structured as a top-down, totalitarian, centralized control system of global enslavement run by a few hundred hyper-wealthy freakazoids like Zuckerberg and Gates.
"What I’m trying to explain here is that this is about much more than COVID vaccines or lockdowns. This is about Humanity rising up against the very idea of centralized government, corporations, media and tech giants . The era of centralization has come to an end, and the free people of the world have begun the process of dismantling it by simply withdrawing their consent. Consider the impact of the realizations now spreading across the world:
* Government failed the people.
* Corporations murdered people for profit.
* Doctors, hospitals and the medical system betrayed the people.
* Big Tech platforms silenced the truth, costing millions of lives.
* Big Media was complicit in the plandemic and the vaccine biowar against Humanity.
* The institution of science deceived the people and proved it is hopelessly corrupt and evil.
"What we’ve all lived through over the last two years is corrupt, deceptive, anti-human institutions waging war against truth and Humanity, showing their true cards and exposing the depth of their evil. And that’s why the people of the world are now peacefully rising up and demanding an end to the entire centralization structure of globalism. It is the centralized control over media, information, government and 'science' that brought us all to the brink of destruction.
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and for the past several generations, the people have handed over far too much power to governments, science journals, media giants and tech platforms. Now, the people are taking their power back...
"The evil governments, predictably, call these peaceful protesters 'terrorists' — even as the governments themselves are carrying out acts of terrorism and mass murder against their own people. --Humanity Withdraws Consent From Globalist Tyrants
"Unless there is cosmic intervention -- which is always a possibility -- it is now inescapable that anti-human Globalists are going to escalate conflict into World War III and use that conflict to collapse human civilization on planet Earth. This would, of course, lead to the near-extermination of the human race and a planetary-scale genocide event. (Cosmic-level ethnic cleansing.) Over the next several years -- unless they are stopped -- they will drive the global population of humans down toward one billion remaining survivors. This will be achieved through a combination of vaccine genocide, nuclear war, mass starvation, biosphere collapse, 5G weaponization, weather weapons, financial collapse, cyber attacks and of course ongoing psychological trauma from the Globalist-run corporate (whore) media. After several years of such attacks, Humanity will face the very real possibility of planetary-scale extinction.
"It is in that moment of facing imminent and permanent death that Humanity will be offered a choice: Choose LIFE or choose DEATH. It is critical that we all survive to that moment so that we can be among the human survivors who choose life, God, abundance and freedom." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Mar 21. 2022, The DEATH and REBIRTH of human civilization will lead to universal AWAKENING
"It is in that moment of facing imminent and permanent death that Humanity will be offered a choice: Choose LIFE or choose DEATH. It is critical that we all survive to that moment so that we can be among the human survivors who choose life, God, abundance and freedom." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Mar 21. 2022, The DEATH and REBIRTH of human civilization will lead to universal AWAKENING
Addendum: The Communist Takeover of America
Mel K: “Our government has been hijacked. The United States of America is currently
being run by the World Economic Forum and certain agents within our country that are
billionaires… We have a very small class of people that are socially engineering
America to be a Communist entity that answers to a foreign entity that these people
belong to. If you don’t understand that that is what is going on in America, then you
do not value your citizenship, your life, this country, life, liberty and pursuit of
happiness, or your children or their children…”
being run by the World Economic Forum and certain agents within our country that are
billionaires… We have a very small class of people that are socially engineering
America to be a Communist entity that answers to a foreign entity that these people
belong to. If you don’t understand that that is what is going on in America, then you
do not value your citizenship, your life, this country, life, liberty and pursuit of
happiness, or your children or their children…”
America is in pretty bad shape right now, and "from a straight political standpoint, things are not going well for the Democrats. It’s difficult to cite a time in post-World War II America when so many things on so many fronts went this badly this quickly, and the voting public knows it’s their (the Democrats) fault:
"It is clear that OUR CURRENT government under the Biden puppet / Obama / Communist Chinese are our enemies… anyone who doesn’t know that by now is deaf, dumb and blind and most likely vaxed to oblivion...
"So the question then becomes when exactly is Trump--who Juan/JFK claims was sworn in by our military in March of 2021 after they researched the election and found that indeed Biden and the election steal was done by none other than the CCP and the Globalists--going to act? (There has clearly been) a digital takeover of our American government orchestrated by using the Dominion Servers and other more mundane types of voter fraud for which they have ample evidence (see 2000 Mules).
"And then you might ask, if our military truly came to this conclusion why have they waited so long to come forward or act to take our country back?... What is the hold up? The answer is they are waiting for 'we the people' to wake up and be united in removing Biden so that we don’t dissolve into civil war because we are invaded by the foreign governments (under alien AI control we call the Globalists) and civil war within the US at a time of invasion from outside the country would surely take us down. At least that is the thinking..." --Kerry Cassidy, War of Worlds: Putin, Trump and the Globalists
- Inflation at 40-year highs and spiking energy prices
- Out of control illegal immigration, being encouraged by Democrats to bolster liberal voting rolls
- Weakened military, with an inexplicable emphasis on woke social issues instead of combat readiness
- Crime running rampant, with many big-city DA’s refusing to prosecute the offenders
- Woke policies and wildly disproportionate attention on gender and diversity issues eroding the once-dependable foundation of American society
"It is clear that OUR CURRENT government under the Biden puppet / Obama / Communist Chinese are our enemies… anyone who doesn’t know that by now is deaf, dumb and blind and most likely vaxed to oblivion...
"So the question then becomes when exactly is Trump--who Juan/JFK claims was sworn in by our military in March of 2021 after they researched the election and found that indeed Biden and the election steal was done by none other than the CCP and the Globalists--going to act? (There has clearly been) a digital takeover of our American government orchestrated by using the Dominion Servers and other more mundane types of voter fraud for which they have ample evidence (see 2000 Mules).
"And then you might ask, if our military truly came to this conclusion why have they waited so long to come forward or act to take our country back?... What is the hold up? The answer is they are waiting for 'we the people' to wake up and be united in removing Biden so that we don’t dissolve into civil war because we are invaded by the foreign governments (under alien AI control we call the Globalists) and civil war within the US at a time of invasion from outside the country would surely take us down. At least that is the thinking..." --Kerry Cassidy, War of Worlds: Putin, Trump and the Globalists
“And all you politicians, again I cannot stress it enough—fuck you! All you reporters—fuck you! I hope you all die miserable horrible deaths. Because all of you people that are embracing this, all you traitors in the Democrat party that are embracing this, traitors in the Republican (party) that have been embracing this, the traitors in the media, the doctors, the ‘medical experts’, the vaccine companies—all you people who think that you are part of the club, you’re going to get fucked and burned, all of you people…
“It’s time to wake up folks, really, it’s time to wake up... It’s time that everybody take the blinders off, stop fighting amongst each other, stop with all this division that people have been creating. We have to get the focus off COVID as well because COVID has been a huge distraction. I been focused on it because I’ve been trying to wake people up to the fact it’s a fraud, and to get them to actually stand up for themselves. But it’s getting to the point folks, that if we don't stand up for ourselves soon, by the end of this year I think we’re going to be living in a very, very different (i.e. communist) world. So it’s time to pay attention, ladies and gentlemen...” --Max Igan, The Hidden Game of World War 3
"We've been sick with this disease of believing the whole tyranny of the medical establishment that established itself over Humanity back in the 1900s, and Big Pharma has been lying to people ever since. And these doctors who are slaves to that system, they are financially paid off to shut up in countless ways. And it's amazing that they did start coming forward and thank God for the ones who have, how brave they have to be, the Frontline Doctors, etc., putting their whole lives, their lifestyles basically in danger, and their friends and families and so on...
"Kudos to them for doing that on behalf of Humanity, but hello, if we don't stand up for each other now, we WILL be taken over, we WILL be divided and conquered, PERMANENTLY..." -Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
“It’s time to wake up folks, really, it’s time to wake up... It’s time that everybody take the blinders off, stop fighting amongst each other, stop with all this division that people have been creating. We have to get the focus off COVID as well because COVID has been a huge distraction. I been focused on it because I’ve been trying to wake people up to the fact it’s a fraud, and to get them to actually stand up for themselves. But it’s getting to the point folks, that if we don't stand up for ourselves soon, by the end of this year I think we’re going to be living in a very, very different (i.e. communist) world. So it’s time to pay attention, ladies and gentlemen...” --Max Igan, The Hidden Game of World War 3
"We've been sick with this disease of believing the whole tyranny of the medical establishment that established itself over Humanity back in the 1900s, and Big Pharma has been lying to people ever since. And these doctors who are slaves to that system, they are financially paid off to shut up in countless ways. And it's amazing that they did start coming forward and thank God for the ones who have, how brave they have to be, the Frontline Doctors, etc., putting their whole lives, their lifestyles basically in danger, and their friends and families and so on...
"Kudos to them for doing that on behalf of Humanity, but hello, if we don't stand up for each other now, we WILL be taken over, we WILL be divided and conquered, PERMANENTLY..." -Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind