"A digital ID is the first step towards total identity control, as in biometric
tattoos and microchip implants. Actually, they will not have to ‘chip’ you
as they do cattle. They can introduce nano-technology by vaccines and
by food, that once activated in your body it generates an identity-code
based on your biology and that is picked up by your mobile phone and
your Digital ID. You’ll be chipped and marked without even realizing it."
--Agenda2030, The Great Reset, & The New World Order
“Right now, it is our sovereignty, our borders, language, culture, future,
our children, our freedom, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, vs
Agenda 2030, the Globalist top-down world wide totalitarian tech-
nocracy controlled by satellites, bio-metric data, internet of bodies,
internet of things – NO FREEDOM, folks…" --Mel K, SGT Report
tattoos and microchip implants. Actually, they will not have to ‘chip’ you
as they do cattle. They can introduce nano-technology by vaccines and
by food, that once activated in your body it generates an identity-code
based on your biology and that is picked up by your mobile phone and
your Digital ID. You’ll be chipped and marked without even realizing it."
--Agenda2030, The Great Reset, & The New World Order
“Right now, it is our sovereignty, our borders, language, culture, future,
our children, our freedom, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, vs
Agenda 2030, the Globalist top-down world wide totalitarian tech-
nocracy controlled by satellites, bio-metric data, internet of bodies,
internet of things – NO FREEDOM, folks…" --Mel K, SGT Report
The Tyrannical Globalist Control Agenda
"This global network has its tentacles into so many things on a global scale.
They control governments throughout the world, the world banking system,
media, intelligence agencies, etc... They control so many things, and have
for so long now, but they plan to take this control to the max, and they are
carrying out the New World Order (aka Great Reset), which is an agenda
that will put Humanity under a global fascist dictatorship..."
--The Global Cabal, Global Network, Illuminati
"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could experience
if we weren't being attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist
maniacs who hate Humanity because they are demon-infested
wicked creatures of death and destruction..." --Mike
Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
"Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies
openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, 'Are we
really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global
conflagration?'..." --The True Evil of the World Economic Forum
"Theoretically, we are supposed to live in republics and democracies.
How is it, then, that unelected psychopaths, such as Klaus Schwab
and Yuval Noah Harari, have appointed themselves, with no man-
date whatsoever from the world’s people, to rule our destiny?"
--Will Psychopaths Control the Future?
"This is not something that I ever thought that I would live to see.
It's really disgusting. A bunch of self-interested assholes who
can't imagine a paradigm where they don't control everything,
are willing to kill innocent men, women and children to get
what they want, to push everybody towards slavery..."
--Australian Deaths Are Off the Charts
They control governments throughout the world, the world banking system,
media, intelligence agencies, etc... They control so many things, and have
for so long now, but they plan to take this control to the max, and they are
carrying out the New World Order (aka Great Reset), which is an agenda
that will put Humanity under a global fascist dictatorship..."
--The Global Cabal, Global Network, Illuminati
"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could experience
if we weren't being attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist
maniacs who hate Humanity because they are demon-infested
wicked creatures of death and destruction..." --Mike
Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
"Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies
openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, 'Are we
really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global
conflagration?'..." --The True Evil of the World Economic Forum
"Theoretically, we are supposed to live in republics and democracies.
How is it, then, that unelected psychopaths, such as Klaus Schwab
and Yuval Noah Harari, have appointed themselves, with no man-
date whatsoever from the world’s people, to rule our destiny?"
--Will Psychopaths Control the Future?
"This is not something that I ever thought that I would live to see.
It's really disgusting. A bunch of self-interested assholes who
can't imagine a paradigm where they don't control everything,
are willing to kill innocent men, women and children to get
what they want, to push everybody towards slavery..."
--Australian Deaths Are Off the Charts
"Globalist organizations, such as the World Economic Forum, are establishing worldwide tyranny, which will gradually remove all rights, freedoms, and possessions from Humanity. They claim this will improve the state of the world. This is known as the Great Reset, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Build Back Better, New World Order, etc..." --Stop World Control
"Globalists see Humanity as cattle (or sheeple) to be exploited for as long as needed, then culled like cattle herds when they are no longer useful. As Globalist advisor Yuval Harari is now saying (paraphrased), the age of humans is coming to an end on planet Earth, and Globalists have activated a multi-faceted plan to 'cleanse' the planet of all human beings... " --Mike Adams, The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way
“We have to be aware of who the true enemy is, and these people are operating in the physical realm, but they are honoring the demon spirits, the Satanic personages who they believe that they gain power and control from in this heavenly battle that’s happening right here on the Earth… You have to understand your enemy. These people are totally dead serious… Those are the people in charge in your government. That is the fight we’re having—it’s a religious (spiritual) war, literally, with a Satanic crowd, that has taken control of the country...” --DefCon5 - James Grundvig interviews Juan O Savin
“The Establishment in power on Earth (at present) is a child sacrificing cult of pure evil. And they way they maintain their power is through propaganda, through censorship, money printing, and also energetically they feed off of the pain and suffering and sacrifice of children. They do harvest and consume the blood of children--it’s not a myth. It’s part of the energy ecosystem of the Satanists..." --Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
This Globalist Establishment is in the process of creating a permanent control matrix in order to completely squash all remaining vestiges of human sovereignty and individual personal liberty. This is not hyperbole. “Someone who just believes the Establishment’s lies will end up dying, because the Establishment is a Satanic death cult… The Globalist Establishment is at war with Humanity, and is working for Satanic forces to try to conquer Earth for evil. And it is that same Satanic force that tells you to do things like eat foods with pesticides on them, which is everything that is not organic, by the way.
“They tell you, keep taking the jabs; keep being injected with biological weapons; keep believing that Joe Biden is the most popular president in history--just utter nonsense--keep saving your money in the dollar; keep aborting your babies, and just on and on and on. These are all messages from the Satanic, anti-human Globalists, who run the censorship industrial complex, and who seek to stamp out human freedom and human knowledge, and they do it through Big Tech, among other means..." --Mike Adams, Aug 7, 2023 - Demonic globalists go CRAZY trying to suppress these 14 POWERFUL TRUTHS
"Globalists see Humanity as cattle (or sheeple) to be exploited for as long as needed, then culled like cattle herds when they are no longer useful. As Globalist advisor Yuval Harari is now saying (paraphrased), the age of humans is coming to an end on planet Earth, and Globalists have activated a multi-faceted plan to 'cleanse' the planet of all human beings... " --Mike Adams, The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way
“We have to be aware of who the true enemy is, and these people are operating in the physical realm, but they are honoring the demon spirits, the Satanic personages who they believe that they gain power and control from in this heavenly battle that’s happening right here on the Earth… You have to understand your enemy. These people are totally dead serious… Those are the people in charge in your government. That is the fight we’re having—it’s a religious (spiritual) war, literally, with a Satanic crowd, that has taken control of the country...” --DefCon5 - James Grundvig interviews Juan O Savin
“The Establishment in power on Earth (at present) is a child sacrificing cult of pure evil. And they way they maintain their power is through propaganda, through censorship, money printing, and also energetically they feed off of the pain and suffering and sacrifice of children. They do harvest and consume the blood of children--it’s not a myth. It’s part of the energy ecosystem of the Satanists..." --Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
This Globalist Establishment is in the process of creating a permanent control matrix in order to completely squash all remaining vestiges of human sovereignty and individual personal liberty. This is not hyperbole. “Someone who just believes the Establishment’s lies will end up dying, because the Establishment is a Satanic death cult… The Globalist Establishment is at war with Humanity, and is working for Satanic forces to try to conquer Earth for evil. And it is that same Satanic force that tells you to do things like eat foods with pesticides on them, which is everything that is not organic, by the way.
“They tell you, keep taking the jabs; keep being injected with biological weapons; keep believing that Joe Biden is the most popular president in history--just utter nonsense--keep saving your money in the dollar; keep aborting your babies, and just on and on and on. These are all messages from the Satanic, anti-human Globalists, who run the censorship industrial complex, and who seek to stamp out human freedom and human knowledge, and they do it through Big Tech, among other means..." --Mike Adams, Aug 7, 2023 - Demonic globalists go CRAZY trying to suppress these 14 POWERFUL TRUTHS
These Globalists are not stopping with the rollout of their totalitarian control agenda, and “we are in a state of clear and present danger… The focus needs to be on freedom; the focus needs to be on exposing these tyrannical parasites that are in the process of murdering our populations. 137 thousand people (are) vax injured in Australia, (with) reports of up to 6 million in the United States. And not just vaccine injured but many of these people have died.
“(And) while this is happening they’re destroying our economies, they’re wanting to bring in a digital currency (CBDC) so they can control what you buy. They want to inject this digital currency under your skin because of course it’s the only way to keep you safe..." --Max Igan – It’s One Big Scam
"A Wisconsin-based technology company, announced that it was implanting microchips under the skin of its employees. While the process was voluntary, at least 50 of the 80 employees at the company’s headquarters agreed to have a small chip — the size of a grain of rice — implanted between their index finger and thumb. The company held a 'chip party' where participating employees received the $300 implant. Is this practice ethical? Is this a slippery slope to nefarious uses? Is it a confirmation of end time prophecy?" --Implanting Microchips: Sign of Progress or Mark of the Beast?
“(And) while this is happening they’re destroying our economies, they’re wanting to bring in a digital currency (CBDC) so they can control what you buy. They want to inject this digital currency under your skin because of course it’s the only way to keep you safe..." --Max Igan – It’s One Big Scam
"A Wisconsin-based technology company, announced that it was implanting microchips under the skin of its employees. While the process was voluntary, at least 50 of the 80 employees at the company’s headquarters agreed to have a small chip — the size of a grain of rice — implanted between their index finger and thumb. The company held a 'chip party' where participating employees received the $300 implant. Is this practice ethical? Is this a slippery slope to nefarious uses? Is it a confirmation of end time prophecy?" --Implanting Microchips: Sign of Progress or Mark of the Beast?
"Today, more than 50,000 people have elected to have a subdermal chip surgically inserted between the thumb and index finger, serve as their new swipe key, or credit card. In Germany, for example, more than 2,000 Germans have opted to receive these implants; one man even used it to store a link to his last will and testament...
"Chip implants are just one of the many types of emerging technologies in the Internet of Things (IoT) — an expanding digital cosmos of wirelessly connected internet-enabled devices. Some technologists are worried, however, that hackers targeting IoT vulnerabilities in sensors and network architecture also may try to hack chip implants. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips are identifying transponders that typically carry a unique identification number and can be tagged with user data such as health records, social media profiles, and financial information...
"Several social scientists also are apprehensive about the risks to privacy and human rights if the body becomes a type of 'human barcode.' According to microbiologist Ben Libberton at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute, chip implants can reveal sensitive personal information about your health and even 'data about your whereabouts, how often you’re working, how long you’re working, if you’re taking toilet breaks and things like that'..." --Human Microchip Implants Take Center Stage
"The World Economic Forum (WEF), the insidious organization pushing the “Great Reset” and led by Klaus Schwab (currently being charged in an international court with genocide due to his actions during the COVID-19 plandemic), has a new proposal for a comprehensive digital ID that would essentially function as a social credit score..." --WEF Wants You to Have to Use a Digital ID to Buy or Do Anything
"Chip implants are just one of the many types of emerging technologies in the Internet of Things (IoT) — an expanding digital cosmos of wirelessly connected internet-enabled devices. Some technologists are worried, however, that hackers targeting IoT vulnerabilities in sensors and network architecture also may try to hack chip implants. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips are identifying transponders that typically carry a unique identification number and can be tagged with user data such as health records, social media profiles, and financial information...
"Several social scientists also are apprehensive about the risks to privacy and human rights if the body becomes a type of 'human barcode.' According to microbiologist Ben Libberton at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute, chip implants can reveal sensitive personal information about your health and even 'data about your whereabouts, how often you’re working, how long you’re working, if you’re taking toilet breaks and things like that'..." --Human Microchip Implants Take Center Stage
"The World Economic Forum (WEF), the insidious organization pushing the “Great Reset” and led by Klaus Schwab (currently being charged in an international court with genocide due to his actions during the COVID-19 plandemic), has a new proposal for a comprehensive digital ID that would essentially function as a social credit score..." --WEF Wants You to Have to Use a Digital ID to Buy or Do Anything
"Just make all of your rights and privileges depend on the whims of elites who have consistently shown a complete lack of interest in people’s welfare and probably created the COVID-19 plandemic (and certainly continue to enforce policies that ensure the destruction of many lives)! What could go wrong, right?"
"The WEF positions this digital ID framework as the part of the solution to a ‘trust gap in data sharing’ and notes that vaccine passports, which were mandated across the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, do ‘by nature serve as a form of digital identity.’ The WEF also praises the way vaccine passports have allowed governments to harvest data from their populations without ‘notice and consent’..." --WEF Wants You to Have to Use a Digital ID to Buy or Do Anything
"A lot of people seem to have difficulties with grasping the entire concept of what is written in plain sight in Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 – what is also referred to as The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, and The New World Order. When mentioning buzz words such as ‘Digital ID,’ ‘One World Currency,’ ‘Social Credit Score,’ and ‘Universal Basic Income,’ most sheep seem oblivious to what impact it will actually have in real life..." --What Exactly is Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, The New World Order?
"The WEF positions this digital ID framework as the part of the solution to a ‘trust gap in data sharing’ and notes that vaccine passports, which were mandated across the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, do ‘by nature serve as a form of digital identity.’ The WEF also praises the way vaccine passports have allowed governments to harvest data from their populations without ‘notice and consent’..." --WEF Wants You to Have to Use a Digital ID to Buy or Do Anything
"A lot of people seem to have difficulties with grasping the entire concept of what is written in plain sight in Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 – what is also referred to as The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, and The New World Order. When mentioning buzz words such as ‘Digital ID,’ ‘One World Currency,’ ‘Social Credit Score,’ and ‘Universal Basic Income,’ most sheep seem oblivious to what impact it will actually have in real life..." --What Exactly is Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, The New World Order?
"China’s totalitarian social credit score is coming to a country near you, and quickly... You will not be able to purchase groceries, or own a phone, or withdraw your own money from the bank, or receive necessary healthcare without the ID--it’s all out in the open. The 'Great Reset' is meant to create global tyranny the likes of which has never been seen in history before. If you think that you can afford to stay silent and stay out of politics or the public square, think again. Soon you will not be able to blink without your overlords knowing about it... " --WEF Wants You to Have to Use a Digital ID
Do you really want your life to be under the scrutiny and complete control of these psychopathic, criminally insane assholes?
Do you really want your life to be under the scrutiny and complete control of these psychopathic, criminally insane assholes?
“Folks, it’s about time that everybody stopped and took their fucking blinders off, and (you had) best look behind you, because the World Economic Forum just came up torch in hand and lit your fucking wagon on fire. Everything that you know, your entire way of life, is under direct assault from them sons of bitches RIGHT NOW. Your sovereignty in the nation that you live (in); your financial stability; your food source; your energy source; your transportation and your freedom as a human being are all under direct attack by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.
“It is Mr. Schwab’s intention, in his Fourth Industrial Revolution, to integrate your biological self with your digital self, to remove God from the equation, the miracle of life. These fuckers are serious, people, (and) they’re playing for keeps--this isn’t a joke. So it is time. Take your blinders off, look around you, realize what’s going on. There’s some serious shit coming up behind you. Once you see what’s going on and you arm yourself with facts, start telling people. This is where we have to sway the mass of consciousness. We have to make people aware. Information is invaluable right now. That’s your ammunition. You are a warrior—use your accurate information and TRUTH. Spread it! Get in the fight!” --Take Your Fucking Blinders Off!
"To echo a great American, 'I know not what course others may take, but as for me—give me liberty or give me death!'..." --WEF Wants You to Have to Use a Digital ID to Buy or Do Anything
Central Bank Digital Currency, Agenda 2030 & Financial Tyranny
“We are a captured nation by the worst people on the planet... and they’re
encouraging people to sign up for the Central Bank Digital Currency pilot
program in America right now. And we should be warning people, once
you’re in, it’s full track and trace surveillance. They watch every-
thing and it is really, really important that people do NOT fall for this.
There is NOTHING GOOD about the government watching every
transaction and being able to police you financially. It is the end
of freedom...” --Mel K, SGT Report – Pure Evil In the Oval
"Whether we like it or not we are in the middle of a war against God.
Satan is the great imitator and to the global oligarchs he is their god.
Through One World Government, and global control of the financial
and monetary system, they plan to control every aspect of our lives.
This will include a cashless society and digital implantable ID tech-
nology, and a social credit system as in China. Vaccine passports
or health passes with QR codes are only the beginning..." --Mer-
chants of Death: Global Oligarchs and Their War On Humanity
“The infrastructure that we allowed to be built around us--which
we now call the federal government—has totally gone rogue.
And it has gone so rogue that it has made the citizen its
enemy… That’s just a fact, and you all need to
be aware of it, you all need to let that sink in..."
--Alex Collier - Webinar 185 - June 16, 2023
encouraging people to sign up for the Central Bank Digital Currency pilot
program in America right now. And we should be warning people, once
you’re in, it’s full track and trace surveillance. They watch every-
thing and it is really, really important that people do NOT fall for this.
There is NOTHING GOOD about the government watching every
transaction and being able to police you financially. It is the end
of freedom...” --Mel K, SGT Report – Pure Evil In the Oval
"Whether we like it or not we are in the middle of a war against God.
Satan is the great imitator and to the global oligarchs he is their god.
Through One World Government, and global control of the financial
and monetary system, they plan to control every aspect of our lives.
This will include a cashless society and digital implantable ID tech-
nology, and a social credit system as in China. Vaccine passports
or health passes with QR codes are only the beginning..." --Mer-
chants of Death: Global Oligarchs and Their War On Humanity
“The infrastructure that we allowed to be built around us--which
we now call the federal government—has totally gone rogue.
And it has gone so rogue that it has made the citizen its
enemy… That’s just a fact, and you all need to
be aware of it, you all need to let that sink in..."
--Alex Collier - Webinar 185 - June 16, 2023
"The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) have reportedly joined forces to explore the concept of tokenization. This collaboration aims to leverage tokenization technology to streamline financial processes and enhance global economic development, Reuters reported Tuesday (Nov. 28).
"Tokenization involves converting traditional financial assets into unique digital tokens, enabling faster and more efficient transactions, according to the report. The partnership also includes Switzerland’s central bank, which has been at the forefront of tokenization initiatives...
"Tokenization also presents an opportunity to encode policy and regulatory requirements into a common protocol, according to the report... The collaboration also touches upon the emergence of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), the report said. As CBDCs gain traction worldwide, there is a growing need for global standards and technology compatibility to ensure seamless interoperability with existing payment systems..." --IMF, World Bank and BIS Collaborating on Uses of Tokenization
"Tokenization involves converting traditional financial assets into unique digital tokens, enabling faster and more efficient transactions, according to the report. The partnership also includes Switzerland’s central bank, which has been at the forefront of tokenization initiatives...
"Tokenization also presents an opportunity to encode policy and regulatory requirements into a common protocol, according to the report... The collaboration also touches upon the emergence of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), the report said. As CBDCs gain traction worldwide, there is a growing need for global standards and technology compatibility to ensure seamless interoperability with existing payment systems..." --IMF, World Bank and BIS Collaborating on Uses of Tokenization
"Today’s FIAT currency and economic model has been in band-aid since at least 2012. The economic crash is looming and they want to replace all current currencies with a One World Government controlled digital currency. For them, this means that they can control and trace every transaction. And it also means that they can cut your funds within seconds if you are deemed a terrorist or extremist by your social credit score..." --Agenda2030, The Great Reset, & The New World Order
Mel K.: “If people don’t believe there’s a one-world banking system, the Central Bank Digital Currency...is run by the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank that is connected to all these other groups. This octopus of global control is real. The IMF and the World Bank and the...BIS, they will be running that Central Bank Digital Currency. The BIS and the IMF put out all the parameters for running this to all countries, including America. So this is not an American digital currency – it is a global digital currency...
"I believe this is all about Agenda 2030… We have to take down the entire octopus of global control as I call it… They’ve got their tentacles, and the World Health Organization is one of their tentacles, and all of them need to be taken out. The real problem is...this Globalist Billionaire Oligarchy that has installed the regime in DC. They have their people in the Biden regime that are actually writing the worst of the amendments, and we have to remember that…
“Obama signed us on to Agenda 2030 in 2015 without the United States knowing, without anyone understanding what the 17 development goals were, that this was the beginning of Globalism, a global world and the ending of our sovereignty, our freedom, of our nation, of our Constitution. And everything since 2015 when Obama signed that has been the walk towards Agenda 2030. And the World Health Organization’s piece is a big part, and taking that out is a big wound to them...
Mel K.: “If people don’t believe there’s a one-world banking system, the Central Bank Digital Currency...is run by the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank that is connected to all these other groups. This octopus of global control is real. The IMF and the World Bank and the...BIS, they will be running that Central Bank Digital Currency. The BIS and the IMF put out all the parameters for running this to all countries, including America. So this is not an American digital currency – it is a global digital currency...
"I believe this is all about Agenda 2030… We have to take down the entire octopus of global control as I call it… They’ve got their tentacles, and the World Health Organization is one of their tentacles, and all of them need to be taken out. The real problem is...this Globalist Billionaire Oligarchy that has installed the regime in DC. They have their people in the Biden regime that are actually writing the worst of the amendments, and we have to remember that…
“Obama signed us on to Agenda 2030 in 2015 without the United States knowing, without anyone understanding what the 17 development goals were, that this was the beginning of Globalism, a global world and the ending of our sovereignty, our freedom, of our nation, of our Constitution. And everything since 2015 when Obama signed that has been the walk towards Agenda 2030. And the World Health Organization’s piece is a big part, and taking that out is a big wound to them...
Mel K.: “The best time for totalitarian takeover is when the people believe everything and nothing at the same time, when they think everything is possible and nothing is true. And this level of gas-lighting coming out of this (Biden) regime here is so disturbing because I know what it’s about. It’s about getting people so that they can no longer think, they can no longer use critical thinking because they are being hit with so much from all sides. We are in a mind war and I hope people understand that this war right now is being fought in every individual’s brain. And this is straight up evil what they’re doing, they’re twisting everything around..." --Mel K, SGT Report – Pure Evil In the Oval
The Biden regime's press secretary (Karine Jean-Pierre) "is part of this entire movement to destroy America from within, and when they put out stuff from Joe Biden’s office she is one of the people that is orchestrating the wording and everything. We have to remember the World Health Organization just at their last meeting re-defined ‘pandemic’ to include climate change, gun violence, systematic racism, inequality, all this stuff. And you have to remember that their whole goal...is Agenda 2030. They are all committed to it – they’re post America at this point. The Globalist Billionaire Oligarchs of America are already done with America in my opinion, and this woman (Karine Jean-Pierre) is pushing and perpetuating this…
The Biden regime's press secretary (Karine Jean-Pierre) "is part of this entire movement to destroy America from within, and when they put out stuff from Joe Biden’s office she is one of the people that is orchestrating the wording and everything. We have to remember the World Health Organization just at their last meeting re-defined ‘pandemic’ to include climate change, gun violence, systematic racism, inequality, all this stuff. And you have to remember that their whole goal...is Agenda 2030. They are all committed to it – they’re post America at this point. The Globalist Billionaire Oligarchs of America are already done with America in my opinion, and this woman (Karine Jean-Pierre) is pushing and perpetuating this…
Mel K.: “If these were good people, they would be telling the American people right now: ‘Listen, the BRIC’s nations are coming together, the dollar is in danger, we have to tighten our belts, we should be being very practical; right now it should be about saving what you have, weathering the storm. And they’re saying the exact opposite. They’re actually encouraging people, ‘The economy’s good, go out and shop’, all of this. Every day they are pushing, pushing and pushing people to be more and more susceptible to brain washing. That’s all I see here..."
Sean Turnbull: “They’re as close to getting their One World Government and New World Order as they have ever been, and they are as far away from it as they have ever been, which really does put them in a very precarious situation as Humanity wakes up... I love our Republic, I love our nation, but I hate our government, and I think more and more Americans are feeling that way. This despotic, corporate government in Washington DC, the District of Columbia, is its own sovereign nation unto itself. It does not represent We the People – that’s why it’s been hijacked by this criminal cartel, the Zionist Rothschild banking cartel. The international bankers ARE the terrorists… It is the criminal international banks that are the terrorists…
“CBDC will ultimately be held on a small microchip implanted under the skin...and that is really deeply disturbing. And it really does help us all understand the slippery slope into this digital terrorism, this digital fascism...
Sean Turnbull: “They’re as close to getting their One World Government and New World Order as they have ever been, and they are as far away from it as they have ever been, which really does put them in a very precarious situation as Humanity wakes up... I love our Republic, I love our nation, but I hate our government, and I think more and more Americans are feeling that way. This despotic, corporate government in Washington DC, the District of Columbia, is its own sovereign nation unto itself. It does not represent We the People – that’s why it’s been hijacked by this criminal cartel, the Zionist Rothschild banking cartel. The international bankers ARE the terrorists… It is the criminal international banks that are the terrorists…
“CBDC will ultimately be held on a small microchip implanted under the skin...and that is really deeply disturbing. And it really does help us all understand the slippery slope into this digital terrorism, this digital fascism...
“And the Globalist Billionaire Oligarchy, they have showed us that they have the money to end homelessness all over America...if they wanted it. They don’t want it. They want slavery, and now digital track and trace surveillance for the Western world that’s developed, and (to) keep that (other) place undeveloped… All they want to do is suck the resources and everything they can out of these (third world) nations like they did to Libya...and leave them shells of what they were. And I think Humanity and We the People and the people of the world get it. And I think on the other side of this, when we win this battle and we move forward, that we’re going to find real cooperation for all nations…” --Mel K, SGT Report – Pure Evil In the Oval
However, "this is their vision for a New World Order: A complete slave society where you and your actions are tracked 24/7. They will say that it is for your protection; to end crime and wars. They will say it’s for the environment, and therefore everything will be rationed and you will own nothing and you will be happy. But will you?..." --Agenda2030, The Great Reset, & The New World Order
Transhumanism, mRNA "Vaccines", 5G Frequencies & the Zombie Apocalypse
"Biological organisms are holograms...we are all energy bounded by frequency..."
--Everything Is About Frequency, And Your DNA Is The Ultimate Antenna
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms
of energy, frequency and vibration..." --Nikola Tesla Quotes
“(This is) an absolute wake up call to all the sheeple people to avoid the bioweapon
masquerading as a vaccine. Why? Because it’s going to turn you into a CDC, vax
lobotomized zombie...” --Sean Turnbull, SGT Report, Vax Lobotomized Zombies
"I still find it hard to believe that so many people continue to take this genocidal
bioweapon when there is such a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence on the
internet from scores of prestigious and honest professionals in medicine
and science who are explaining – with microscopic photos, dark field
live-blood analysis, spectrophotometric analysis, etc., why you should
NEVER consider injecting these high tech poisons into your body."
--Is Chlorine Dioxide A Miracle Cure?
"COVID vaccines are not ‘harmless jabs’, but potentially violent
interventions in the subtle structures of the human body, soul
and spirit. The vaccines even have implications for an individual’s
life beyond death. Instead of the soul evolving in the afterlife,
it could remain bound to the earth, suffering deeply..."
--Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
"The jab is malevolent and deliberately created to cause as
much harm as possible to humans, (and it is) in service to
the Satanic pedophiliac psychopathic criminally insane
haters of all that is Good..." --elosito
"WHEN are the humans going to figure out they
--Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
--Everything Is About Frequency, And Your DNA Is The Ultimate Antenna
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms
of energy, frequency and vibration..." --Nikola Tesla Quotes
“(This is) an absolute wake up call to all the sheeple people to avoid the bioweapon
masquerading as a vaccine. Why? Because it’s going to turn you into a CDC, vax
lobotomized zombie...” --Sean Turnbull, SGT Report, Vax Lobotomized Zombies
"I still find it hard to believe that so many people continue to take this genocidal
bioweapon when there is such a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence on the
internet from scores of prestigious and honest professionals in medicine
and science who are explaining – with microscopic photos, dark field
live-blood analysis, spectrophotometric analysis, etc., why you should
NEVER consider injecting these high tech poisons into your body."
--Is Chlorine Dioxide A Miracle Cure?
"COVID vaccines are not ‘harmless jabs’, but potentially violent
interventions in the subtle structures of the human body, soul
and spirit. The vaccines even have implications for an individual’s
life beyond death. Instead of the soul evolving in the afterlife,
it could remain bound to the earth, suffering deeply..."
--Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
"The jab is malevolent and deliberately created to cause as
much harm as possible to humans, (and it is) in service to
the Satanic pedophiliac psychopathic criminally insane
haters of all that is Good..." --elosito
"WHEN are the humans going to figure out they
--Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
Lisa Renee: "Despite the urban legends, the public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns. Behind the public façade, they were supporting the agendas of Directed Evolution and eugenics via the administering of synthetic compounds and chemical based genetic engineering, then marketing it to the masses as progressive science and medicine. Today, most medical authorities and patients actually have no idea what ingredients are being injected directly into their bloodstream through vaccinations. A payload of neurological toxins designed to Genetically Modify Human DNA and bypass all of the human body’s natural and true immunity is being delivered, forfeiting (natural innate) protection from pathogenic foreign invaders...
"This information is intended to help understand the larger agendas of Genetic Modification of Human DNA through the use of chemical based genetic engineering and cybernetics used to prepare the human body to be a conduit for artificial frequencies in order to be enslaved as a cyborg biological machine. Injections, GMO’s and synthetic pharmaceuticals that are commonly researched, manufactured and delivered through the system of the medical industry, are all based on standards set in place by partnerships made with the mafia run global health organizations... This is much more than corporate greed and incompetence as it serves a much larger agenda for nonhuman interests." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
Mike Adams: "The American people have been inoculated, injected (and) they’re going to be exterminated – that process has already begun and will be accelerated... Over the last three years we’ve seen many many confirmations of nano-circuitry, DNA contamination, and a lot of information of the mechanisms by which some of this exotic technology functions. Could you summarize for us what we know today?"
Celeste Solum: “I think most important...is that basically we were created in you can say the Divine image… And then they started to inject (us) under Directed Evolution, an experimental evolution, this process to turn us into bio-hybrids… And for the final result they have a few surprises for us to cavitate us, to hollow us out, to gut us like a fish or an animal...and fill us with soft robotics with the end game of (ending) carbon life forms..." --Mike Adams, Celeste Solum on synthetic biology, 5G activation
"This information is intended to help understand the larger agendas of Genetic Modification of Human DNA through the use of chemical based genetic engineering and cybernetics used to prepare the human body to be a conduit for artificial frequencies in order to be enslaved as a cyborg biological machine. Injections, GMO’s and synthetic pharmaceuticals that are commonly researched, manufactured and delivered through the system of the medical industry, are all based on standards set in place by partnerships made with the mafia run global health organizations... This is much more than corporate greed and incompetence as it serves a much larger agenda for nonhuman interests." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
Mike Adams: "The American people have been inoculated, injected (and) they’re going to be exterminated – that process has already begun and will be accelerated... Over the last three years we’ve seen many many confirmations of nano-circuitry, DNA contamination, and a lot of information of the mechanisms by which some of this exotic technology functions. Could you summarize for us what we know today?"
Celeste Solum: “I think most important...is that basically we were created in you can say the Divine image… And then they started to inject (us) under Directed Evolution, an experimental evolution, this process to turn us into bio-hybrids… And for the final result they have a few surprises for us to cavitate us, to hollow us out, to gut us like a fish or an animal...and fill us with soft robotics with the end game of (ending) carbon life forms..." --Mike Adams, Celeste Solum on synthetic biology, 5G activation
Sean Turnbull: “We know the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine is hurting people, it’s injuring people, is killing people. But did you know it is also altering people’s brains? It’s altering who they are from a personality level… What I’m concerned about here is people’s personalities being absolutely altered by something… There seems to be no more civility in our society – we’re losing it day by day...”
Dr. Diane Kazer: “Yeah, right now we have just so many people trapped in their brain, mental disease, suicide, depression, anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, the polarities, projection, witch hunts… This is the collective, and we’re all somehow impacted by not just the bioweapon, but also...so many things – it’s not just the jabs…”
Sean Turnbull: “No it’s not just the jabs...but where I really want to start today, Diane, is with that person close to your family who has been completely altered by the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine… Do you have any update on this?…”
Dr. Diane Kazer: “At first, this person that I know who’s wife has just been gone, depressed and checked out, he didn't know. He said I’m not sure if she’s taking Ozempec because she’s been losing a ton of weight. She seems like she’s obsessed; she’s essentially running away from the family. He didn’t know what it was but she’s definitely been jabbed…
“Ozempec is another injectible...and with all injectible we’re finding the hydrogel, and cesium. And Cesium 137 is the thing that draws in and activates this 5G and EMF frequency… (These frequencies) could actually be activating these nano-parasites to be released throughout the body, causing (aberrant behaviors). So we’re not sure what anybody has been injected with – nobody knows…
“Now the update is that they’re likely going to get a divorce. And she’s just a completely different person – she’s a hollow shell of who she used to be, and many of these doctors are showing that it’s essentially decreasing hippocampus activity so that it can’t grow anymore… People are losing their hippocampus – it’s essentially being wiped out and replaced; it’s being rewired, the hardware is being removed; the software is being rewired so that they are trained to only repeat propaganda instead of (authentically relating to) their own family… I can’t express enough how hard it is to mourn the loss of somebody who’s still alive but their soul has been ‘body-snatched’ and (is) essentially dead.” --SGT Report – Dr. Diane Kazer – Vax Lobotomized Zombies
Dr. Diane Kazer: “Yeah, right now we have just so many people trapped in their brain, mental disease, suicide, depression, anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, the polarities, projection, witch hunts… This is the collective, and we’re all somehow impacted by not just the bioweapon, but also...so many things – it’s not just the jabs…”
Sean Turnbull: “No it’s not just the jabs...but where I really want to start today, Diane, is with that person close to your family who has been completely altered by the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine… Do you have any update on this?…”
Dr. Diane Kazer: “At first, this person that I know who’s wife has just been gone, depressed and checked out, he didn't know. He said I’m not sure if she’s taking Ozempec because she’s been losing a ton of weight. She seems like she’s obsessed; she’s essentially running away from the family. He didn’t know what it was but she’s definitely been jabbed…
“Ozempec is another injectible...and with all injectible we’re finding the hydrogel, and cesium. And Cesium 137 is the thing that draws in and activates this 5G and EMF frequency… (These frequencies) could actually be activating these nano-parasites to be released throughout the body, causing (aberrant behaviors). So we’re not sure what anybody has been injected with – nobody knows…
“Now the update is that they’re likely going to get a divorce. And she’s just a completely different person – she’s a hollow shell of who she used to be, and many of these doctors are showing that it’s essentially decreasing hippocampus activity so that it can’t grow anymore… People are losing their hippocampus – it’s essentially being wiped out and replaced; it’s being rewired, the hardware is being removed; the software is being rewired so that they are trained to only repeat propaganda instead of (authentically relating to) their own family… I can’t express enough how hard it is to mourn the loss of somebody who’s still alive but their soul has been ‘body-snatched’ and (is) essentially dead.” --SGT Report – Dr. Diane Kazer – Vax Lobotomized Zombies
Jean-Claude: "This new study is finding that the spike protein or mRNA infection is present in the vagal nerve system. And a lot of researchers are suggesting that that nerve system is our biggest antenna to Source, the Universe, to our guidance, to our Higher Self. So it would make sense that this was also part of the strategy to cut us off here so that we continue to be these unwashed, automaton masses... What’s your thought on the COVID itself and how there was a design there to perhaps cull the population, but even to go further to leave the rest of us maybe more docile and compliant?”
Max Igan: “Absolutely. Actually this is the stuff that I have talked about since the beginning of this whole COVID scamdemic. If you can consider your DNA…(as) an antenna in your body, which picks up who you are from Source. Like I’ve said, your consciousness is not local to your body. Your consciousness exists in the field around you (and) the field itself is electrically charged. Everything comes from the field – this is the static electricity that you see at night, prana, as the Indians call it.
“This electricity manifests in the physical form and creates physical objects. There’s only really One of us here – we are all simply a thought in the mind of God, whatever you perceive God to be… But if you can imagine the electricity itself, the energy that the universe is made of, is conscious, and we all come from that Consciousness, simply different frequencies of that Consciousness, via the strand of DNA in my body which is tuned to the frequency of Max.
“So my body downloads that frequency and I experience this reality as Max in this vessel. You come from the same Source as I do – we are really connected, we are really each other, this is why I finish every show with In Lak’ech, I am another yourself, because there’s really only One of us here, we are all so beautiful in the mind of God. We are tuned into this frequency – that DNA is what I present as ‘me’...
Max Igan: “Absolutely. Actually this is the stuff that I have talked about since the beginning of this whole COVID scamdemic. If you can consider your DNA…(as) an antenna in your body, which picks up who you are from Source. Like I’ve said, your consciousness is not local to your body. Your consciousness exists in the field around you (and) the field itself is electrically charged. Everything comes from the field – this is the static electricity that you see at night, prana, as the Indians call it.
“This electricity manifests in the physical form and creates physical objects. There’s only really One of us here – we are all simply a thought in the mind of God, whatever you perceive God to be… But if you can imagine the electricity itself, the energy that the universe is made of, is conscious, and we all come from that Consciousness, simply different frequencies of that Consciousness, via the strand of DNA in my body which is tuned to the frequency of Max.
“So my body downloads that frequency and I experience this reality as Max in this vessel. You come from the same Source as I do – we are really connected, we are really each other, this is why I finish every show with In Lak’ech, I am another yourself, because there’s really only One of us here, we are all so beautiful in the mind of God. We are tuned into this frequency – that DNA is what I present as ‘me’...
Max Igan: “So they come along with this injection that they give people, with mRNA in it, and this changes your DNA strand, it changes the antenna that connects you to Source, that receives the frequency that is Jean-Claude… With these PCR ‘tests’ they come along, they get your DNA, they take it off and put it into a Cray (super) computer or something like that...and then they give you an mRNA injection which changes the antenna in your body. Now your body is not tuned to Jean-Claude in the field, it’s tuned to a different station. In that station they’ve got Jean-Claude in their little PCR swab that they’ve put on a mainframe somewhere, and now that signal goes to their mainframe. And now they can program whatever they want into it and send it back to the new antenna that they just put into your body. They put a back door into your body by simply giving you this swab and giving you this injection, because it’s all electrical...
“That’s why you’re seeing people who’ve had the jab, that’s why they’re all saying the same thing, parroting the same lines (technocratic narratives). A lot of people are saying they’re different. This is my sister still, and she’s still there, but she’s different from what she was...” --War Correspondent Special Report With Max Igan & Jean-Claude
Dr. Naomi Wolf: “This is something very common that I’ve seen, is people complaining about neighbors who used to greet them, (now) looking at them as if they are a rock. Or people being unable to engage in nuanced debate. Or people who used to be very good critical thinkers are (now just) parroting government talking points… Could all of those otherwise inexplicable behaviors be a manifestation of the symptomatology you just described?”
Dr. Michael Nehls: “That’s exactly what I am describing here, and it’s even worse. You already said that people are just repeating the narrative that they are hearing from the mainstream media… Index neurons are indexed for all the content of memory that we form. So what happens is the index neuron production is down based on the spike protein (contained in the mRNA injections)…and if the production of this index neuron is down, and you are forced to memorize things anyway, without index neurons the hippocampus only has one chance to do it and it has to override existing index neurons.
“So two things happen: First, with each new fear-mongering narrative you erase part of your former memories and part of your personality. That’s one thing. The other thing is, the new narrative that you are forced to memorize by over-riding former memories...these new incorporated thoughts and ideas of the technocratic narratives, these become your new personality… And when you talk to people about these narratives, if you put them in question, it’s almost like you attack the person itself.”
Dr. Naomi Wolf: “Exactly, and that’s actually what’s happening in the brain. The locus of personality is now being occupied by these narratives...” --mRNA Injections Erase Autobiographical Memory in Hippocampus
Dr. Diane Kazer: “We’ve been seeing this happen with these mad scientists for a long time and this is what they’ve been doing, treating us like lab rats with lobotomies. This is modern lobotomy in the masses – shots have been fired, and we’re in World War III…This is just the expeditious way that they have been tearing people apart...and the more fear, the more controllable that we are -- that’s how the frequencies work..." --SGT Report – Dr. Diane Kazer – Vax Lobotomized Zombies
“That’s why you’re seeing people who’ve had the jab, that’s why they’re all saying the same thing, parroting the same lines (technocratic narratives). A lot of people are saying they’re different. This is my sister still, and she’s still there, but she’s different from what she was...” --War Correspondent Special Report With Max Igan & Jean-Claude
Dr. Naomi Wolf: “This is something very common that I’ve seen, is people complaining about neighbors who used to greet them, (now) looking at them as if they are a rock. Or people being unable to engage in nuanced debate. Or people who used to be very good critical thinkers are (now just) parroting government talking points… Could all of those otherwise inexplicable behaviors be a manifestation of the symptomatology you just described?”
Dr. Michael Nehls: “That’s exactly what I am describing here, and it’s even worse. You already said that people are just repeating the narrative that they are hearing from the mainstream media… Index neurons are indexed for all the content of memory that we form. So what happens is the index neuron production is down based on the spike protein (contained in the mRNA injections)…and if the production of this index neuron is down, and you are forced to memorize things anyway, without index neurons the hippocampus only has one chance to do it and it has to override existing index neurons.
“So two things happen: First, with each new fear-mongering narrative you erase part of your former memories and part of your personality. That’s one thing. The other thing is, the new narrative that you are forced to memorize by over-riding former memories...these new incorporated thoughts and ideas of the technocratic narratives, these become your new personality… And when you talk to people about these narratives, if you put them in question, it’s almost like you attack the person itself.”
Dr. Naomi Wolf: “Exactly, and that’s actually what’s happening in the brain. The locus of personality is now being occupied by these narratives...” --mRNA Injections Erase Autobiographical Memory in Hippocampus
Dr. Diane Kazer: “We’ve been seeing this happen with these mad scientists for a long time and this is what they’ve been doing, treating us like lab rats with lobotomies. This is modern lobotomy in the masses – shots have been fired, and we’re in World War III…This is just the expeditious way that they have been tearing people apart...and the more fear, the more controllable that we are -- that’s how the frequencies work..." --SGT Report – Dr. Diane Kazer – Vax Lobotomized Zombies
Sean Turnbull: “And we haven’t even mentioned 5G EMF radiation that we are being absolutely cooked in on a daily basis... and this entire conversation reminds me of the CDC’s fear-mongering (campaign) back in the day… Get ready for the Zombie Apocalypse, Preparedness 101. Well now they are lobotomizing people with this bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine...and now we’re hearing (that) they want to put mRNA technology in ALL injectibles…"--SGT Report – Dr. Diane Kazer – Vax Lobotomized Zombies
"Not only do COVID jabs cause profound physical damage to bodily organs...but they also damage and destroy the tiny capillaries that exist in the brain as part of the critically important blood-brain barrier. This barrage of destruction caused by the shots eventually leads to major personality changes in recipients... In essence, COVID jabs are eating away at people’s brains in real time and turning them into lobotomized zombies.
"The master plan with all this seems to be to subdue the planet under some kind of mind control as this lobotomization allows for the subsequent brainwashing of jab recipients, possibly with the help of 5G and other advanced anti-population weaponry..." --COVID Injections Eat Away at the Brain
"The master plan with all this seems to be to subdue the planet under some kind of mind control as this lobotomization allows for the subsequent brainwashing of jab recipients, possibly with the help of 5G and other advanced anti-population weaponry..." --COVID Injections Eat Away at the Brain
Greg Reese: “Todd Calendar said that inside the lipid nanoparticles there are sealed pathogens, including E. coli, Marburg, and Ebola, and that different pathogens can be released by different frequencies pulsed through the 5G network.”
Todd Calendar: “Inside of these shots that people already received, inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel, there exist pathogens inside of the particles that have not yet opened. Those pathogens are chimeric (and) they include E. Coli, Marburg, Ebola, Staphylocococcus, and brewer’s yeast, among others.
“We know that upon the broadcast from the 5G system that is now deployed across the United States, and the world for that matter, (that) when they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal for one minute, three different times as a pulse, it will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marburg epidemic that they’ve already spent the money on. It’s already done. The Marburg epidemic for purposes of law has happened, and now we just need the actual disaster to happen.
“And there’s actually worse parts to it than that, including the 1P36 gene deletion that effectively will turn those poor people into zombies. As odd as that sounds, our government is preparing for that.”
Greg Reese: “He also points out that 1P36 gene deletion is the number one ‘side effect’ of the Pfizer shots, a disease with zombie-like symptoms, that make a person aggressive, with a propensity to bite. The CDC published a public service announcement on the preparedness for a zombie apocalypse in 2011. That same year CONPLAN 8888-11 ‘Counbter-Zombie Dominance’ was published...” --Reese Report - 5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse
Todd Calendar: “Inside of these shots that people already received, inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel, there exist pathogens inside of the particles that have not yet opened. Those pathogens are chimeric (and) they include E. Coli, Marburg, Ebola, Staphylocococcus, and brewer’s yeast, among others.
“We know that upon the broadcast from the 5G system that is now deployed across the United States, and the world for that matter, (that) when they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal for one minute, three different times as a pulse, it will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marburg epidemic that they’ve already spent the money on. It’s already done. The Marburg epidemic for purposes of law has happened, and now we just need the actual disaster to happen.
“And there’s actually worse parts to it than that, including the 1P36 gene deletion that effectively will turn those poor people into zombies. As odd as that sounds, our government is preparing for that.”
Greg Reese: “He also points out that 1P36 gene deletion is the number one ‘side effect’ of the Pfizer shots, a disease with zombie-like symptoms, that make a person aggressive, with a propensity to bite. The CDC published a public service announcement on the preparedness for a zombie apocalypse in 2011. That same year CONPLAN 8888-11 ‘Counbter-Zombie Dominance’ was published...” --Reese Report - 5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse
So let's just summarize what we've got so far with these amazing "safe and effective" mRNA COVID "vaccine" injections: (1) they are primarily designed to modify human DNA and destroy the innate biological immune system; (2) they utilize chemical based genetic engineering and cybernetics to prepare the human body to be used as a conduit for artificial (5G) frequencies; (3) they convert carbon-based biology into silicon-based biology in order to create a bio-hybrid or cyborg biological machine; (4) they are altering people's brains and personalities by destroying capilaries, decreasing and overriding index neurons and reducing the size of the hippocampus, essentailly creating an effective chemical lobotomy; (5) they are deleting the 1P36 gene, which results in aggressive, zombie-like behavior.
And bear in mind that these effects of the mRNA COVID "vaccine'" injections are in addition to the profound physical damage -- the myocarditis, pericarditis, the turbo cancers, the "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" -- healthy young people and athletes dropping dead from strokes and heart attacks -- that have been extensively documented in the past few years.
And bear in mind that these effects of the mRNA COVID "vaccine'" injections are in addition to the profound physical damage -- the myocarditis, pericarditis, the turbo cancers, the "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" -- healthy young people and athletes dropping dead from strokes and heart attacks -- that have been extensively documented in the past few years.
“God, these people are blood-thirsty killers, through and through. But the people behind this incredibly anti-human agenda must surely worship Satan himself. Otherwise why would they do this? They have a hatred for Humanity only akin to Lucifer’s hatred for Humanity...” --SGT Report – Dr. Diane Kazer – Vax Lobotomized Zombies
"There can be no doubt that Satan is behind the Transhumanism movement. Satan hates God’s plan to 'bring many sons to glory'... He will do everything he can to try to destroy mankind before that happens, and Transhumanism appears to be a way he is trying to do that... In so many ways, Transhumanism is Satan’s attempt to detour God in His incredible plans for mankind." --Why Transhumanism Is So Fundamentally Wrong
"This is a global assault to capture the very soul of Humanity (and turn us all into cyborg / zombies). The Globalist Cabal have invented the COVID pandemic to destroy the global economy in order to usher in a global New World Order Orwellian nightmare of control, and they are well on their way to succeeding. Between the continuous lies and propaganda of the mouthpiece of the Cabal, the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, and COVID-19 bullshit shoved in the worlds face... Humanity is in real trouble..." --The Entirety Of Humanity Is Under Attack By The Globalist Luciferian Cabal
"There can be no doubt that Satan is behind the Transhumanism movement. Satan hates God’s plan to 'bring many sons to glory'... He will do everything he can to try to destroy mankind before that happens, and Transhumanism appears to be a way he is trying to do that... In so many ways, Transhumanism is Satan’s attempt to detour God in His incredible plans for mankind." --Why Transhumanism Is So Fundamentally Wrong
"This is a global assault to capture the very soul of Humanity (and turn us all into cyborg / zombies). The Globalist Cabal have invented the COVID pandemic to destroy the global economy in order to usher in a global New World Order Orwellian nightmare of control, and they are well on their way to succeeding. Between the continuous lies and propaganda of the mouthpiece of the Cabal, the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, and COVID-19 bullshit shoved in the worlds face... Humanity is in real trouble..." --The Entirety Of Humanity Is Under Attack By The Globalist Luciferian Cabal
“They’re trying to create a society where you have a certain Aristocracy that gets to continue to enjoy the fruits of a materially prosperous western-style society, while everybody else becomes a zombified, technologically addicted drone, pursuing empty dopamine hits, instead of genuine, legitimate human experiences...” -- Russell Dobular, the Jimmy Dore Show
However “they are NOT in control. Oh, they want to be in control, and they want you to believe that they are in control, and their propaganda and their bioweapons are all designed to put them in control. And they are accelerating their race to the finish line...with their pact for the future… They are no longer even theoretically benign organizations. They have declared themselves the enemy of the people, all of the people – rich people, poor people, except themselves. They, the Neo-Aristocrats, see themselves as having the right – maybe divine right of kings – to control and destroy Humanity and the Earth for their own benefit. And we, everyone of us, have the ability to stop this...” --Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Next Phase of the Global Depopulation Plan!
“This is what their plans are, and this is what their wish is – it doesn’t necessarily mean that this is what they are going to achieve..." --Maria Zeee Interviews Hope and Tivon
In fact, "these plans are destined to fail, if we wake up to the anti-human future the Globalists have planned for us. The Globalists hate freedom, and what they hate the most is the greatest freedom document in human history, the United States Constitution... The Globalists believe they’ve planned for every possible contingency, but they hadn’t counted on the conscience and love of truth, which lives in the souls of good people..." --The Great Awakening: Defeating the Globalists and Launching the Next Great Renaissance
However “they are NOT in control. Oh, they want to be in control, and they want you to believe that they are in control, and their propaganda and their bioweapons are all designed to put them in control. And they are accelerating their race to the finish line...with their pact for the future… They are no longer even theoretically benign organizations. They have declared themselves the enemy of the people, all of the people – rich people, poor people, except themselves. They, the Neo-Aristocrats, see themselves as having the right – maybe divine right of kings – to control and destroy Humanity and the Earth for their own benefit. And we, everyone of us, have the ability to stop this...” --Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Next Phase of the Global Depopulation Plan!
“This is what their plans are, and this is what their wish is – it doesn’t necessarily mean that this is what they are going to achieve..." --Maria Zeee Interviews Hope and Tivon
In fact, "these plans are destined to fail, if we wake up to the anti-human future the Globalists have planned for us. The Globalists hate freedom, and what they hate the most is the greatest freedom document in human history, the United States Constitution... The Globalists believe they’ve planned for every possible contingency, but they hadn’t counted on the conscience and love of truth, which lives in the souls of good people..." --The Great Awakening: Defeating the Globalists and Launching the Next Great Renaissance
The Annunaki Warriors of Nebiru
"In the world today, gigantic multi-national corporations have taken over the role of autocratic royalty,
constituting predatory oligarchies disguised by a veneer of democracy that siphon the wealth of
entire nations; tunnel-visioned dinosaurs oblivious to any values except immediate profit,
determined to let nothing stand in the way of their systematically trashing this planet's
biosphere and irrevocably polluting our environment. I have long been puzzled by the
fact that such policies do not make sense even on a business level. To deliberately
sacrifice not only the well-being but the survival of our children and grandchildren
for short-term financial gain is so obviously suicidal that it makes no sense in
human terms. It is difficult to understand how such policies achieved dominance
and official acceptance in human society. However, if at the highest levels of
our main financial and governmental structures the decision-making power
is under the control of non-human aliens whose only concern is to harvest
this planet's resources (including the human population) as efficiently
as possible, these policies become quite understandable..."
--Extra-Terrestrial Friends & Foes, George C Andrews
constituting predatory oligarchies disguised by a veneer of democracy that siphon the wealth of
entire nations; tunnel-visioned dinosaurs oblivious to any values except immediate profit,
determined to let nothing stand in the way of their systematically trashing this planet's
biosphere and irrevocably polluting our environment. I have long been puzzled by the
fact that such policies do not make sense even on a business level. To deliberately
sacrifice not only the well-being but the survival of our children and grandchildren
for short-term financial gain is so obviously suicidal that it makes no sense in
human terms. It is difficult to understand how such policies achieved dominance
and official acceptance in human society. However, if at the highest levels of
our main financial and governmental structures the decision-making power
is under the control of non-human aliens whose only concern is to harvest
this planet's resources (including the human population) as efficiently
as possible, these policies become quite understandable..."
--Extra-Terrestrial Friends & Foes, George C Andrews
"Alien forces were involved in the destruction of Atlantis and they, too, are now faced with the karmic pay-off resulting from their actions. Yet, in many ways, they are still in denial. Here we are referring specifically to the Annunaki warriors of Nebiru, rulers of a technologically advanced, subterranean civilization which exists within a three-dimensional planet body that moves in and out of your solar system every 3,600 years. This eccentric planet, Nebiru, travels in a rather unnatural cyclical path to the outer reaches of Sirius and then back through the dark galactic winter until it reenters your Sun’s orbit. It traverses the body of Ra for a period of approximately thirty earth years and then moves back out again to return to the unknown … the cold journey through deep space.
“To understand the deeds and misdeeds of the Annunaki, one must first consider their isolation, for they are, in a sense, the homeless of the galaxy, spending most of their lifetimes far from the light and warmth of Solar Deity, inhabiting the underground cities and military installations of Nebiru’s inner being. Their survival depends upon their ability to procure and store necessary life-supporting resources, which they gather during their passing through these respective solar systems, so that they can survive their lone ship’s long, dark journey through the universe of matter. Theirs is a constant search for energy, which they derive primarily from minerals and ores—one essential reason that, throughout time, they have used you to mine the treasures of inner Earth for them.
“They draw from your emotional, mental, and lower astral bodies as well, for there is found an infinite source of energy that feeds the lower chakras, abating their insatiable hunger for more power and control over their own existence. Once you have understood their approach to managing your most precious resources, you will recognize what irony lies in their mindless destruction of the source that fuels them … and how that plays out karmically. You will understand how they have embroiled themselves in the very net they threw around Planet Earth when they first lassoed you.
“Like flies in the spider’s intricate web, the first Homo sapiens were trapped in the net, stunned by inconsonant electromagnetic frequencies, which the Annunaki master engineers wove so tightly around the emotional body of Gaia that it was as if the Goddess could no longer breathe in the light of Prime Creator... Many of the gifts and capabilities that had been your birthright as the starseeded super race were stripped from you. These were replaced with mechanisms that bind and suppress human thoughts and emotions, holding you locked into 3D, while they scrambled the light frequencies coming in on the Gossamer Web, so that you would somehow forget you were the blessed children of the stars. They were, to a great extent, effective...
“To understand the deeds and misdeeds of the Annunaki, one must first consider their isolation, for they are, in a sense, the homeless of the galaxy, spending most of their lifetimes far from the light and warmth of Solar Deity, inhabiting the underground cities and military installations of Nebiru’s inner being. Their survival depends upon their ability to procure and store necessary life-supporting resources, which they gather during their passing through these respective solar systems, so that they can survive their lone ship’s long, dark journey through the universe of matter. Theirs is a constant search for energy, which they derive primarily from minerals and ores—one essential reason that, throughout time, they have used you to mine the treasures of inner Earth for them.
“They draw from your emotional, mental, and lower astral bodies as well, for there is found an infinite source of energy that feeds the lower chakras, abating their insatiable hunger for more power and control over their own existence. Once you have understood their approach to managing your most precious resources, you will recognize what irony lies in their mindless destruction of the source that fuels them … and how that plays out karmically. You will understand how they have embroiled themselves in the very net they threw around Planet Earth when they first lassoed you.
“Like flies in the spider’s intricate web, the first Homo sapiens were trapped in the net, stunned by inconsonant electromagnetic frequencies, which the Annunaki master engineers wove so tightly around the emotional body of Gaia that it was as if the Goddess could no longer breathe in the light of Prime Creator... Many of the gifts and capabilities that had been your birthright as the starseeded super race were stripped from you. These were replaced with mechanisms that bind and suppress human thoughts and emotions, holding you locked into 3D, while they scrambled the light frequencies coming in on the Gossamer Web, so that you would somehow forget you were the blessed children of the stars. They were, to a great extent, effective...
"The Nebiruans played a key role in bringing to the (Egyptian) civilization the technological knowledge to build the great monuments (e.g. the Pyramids) and extraterrestrial constructs—records of their passing amongst you—while we came into that reality on other levels. There, too, they created control structures, generated lower vibrational electromagnetic frequencies, and imposed belief systems, whereas Sirian and Pleiadian energies were working to expand and accelerate Egyptian awareness. Never before, not even in Atlantis, has there been such multidimensional imprinting upon the collective human psyche...
“The Annunaki still operate in these realms through electromagnetic pulse technologies, etheric imprinting, and holographic imaging... The Annunaki are well aware of what their technologies have generated upon the Earth, for they have not forgotten the sinking of Atlantis and the silencing of vast expanses of life that resulted at many points of the globe. Nor have they forgotten their devastation of the Martian atmosphere, after their rape of that planet resulted in the destruction of its auric field … just as it is destroying your ozone and upper atmosphere...
“Do you wonder why the leaders of your world refuse to address environmental issues with any seriousness, considering the imminent disaster awaiting Planet Earth? Look to this explanation for an answer to your frustrated cries for ecological resolutions from the governments that rule you: it is not in the interest of the Annunaki lords. They are intent upon taking all there is from you, to prepare for their own salvation in the wake of what is about to take place in your Sun’s body, rippling all the way through the galaxy. Curtailing their rapacious theft of your vital resources for the sake of the environment and the living of Gaia is simply not part of their private agenda. It never has been.
“Unfortunately, their ego-centered consciousness, their feelings of isolation, and the cold darkness of their endless wheel in space do not allow them to care about your problems in any other ways but those which directly affect their own interests...
"There is no place for fear here. There is no place for rage. These dark emotions only bring you into resonance with the lowest Annunaki vibrations. Can you see how you draw them into you? By recognizing their emotional patterns, you can understand how they move about in your mental and emotional bodies and how they take from you. You can see how they have successfully held the Earth for so many thousands of years. The controls are weakening now, as the original grid rapidly disintegrates, and in their panic they are looking to the Moon for immediate solutions and beyond—to Mars—for ‘permanence.’
“Quite naturally, the time has never been better to release yourselves from their hold. With their attention diverted from Earth, you, the lightworkers of Gaia, are freer to concentrate upon raising the frequency to a level where they can no longer reach you and, in so doing, the light of all of Gaia will become brighter. You will have to ‘unplug’ some of the control devices and turn down the others if you wish to succeed in this full-scale effort. You must release yourselves from their nets while pulling the masses up out of the deep waters. It will not be enough to hold the wisdom and the way for your own edification, detaching yourselves … like hermits in the caves. The era of your isolation has all but ended. All the heart of humanity is needed now. This is the time for union…" --Sirian Revelations, Atlantis Rising, Patricia Cori
“The Annunaki still operate in these realms through electromagnetic pulse technologies, etheric imprinting, and holographic imaging... The Annunaki are well aware of what their technologies have generated upon the Earth, for they have not forgotten the sinking of Atlantis and the silencing of vast expanses of life that resulted at many points of the globe. Nor have they forgotten their devastation of the Martian atmosphere, after their rape of that planet resulted in the destruction of its auric field … just as it is destroying your ozone and upper atmosphere...
“Do you wonder why the leaders of your world refuse to address environmental issues with any seriousness, considering the imminent disaster awaiting Planet Earth? Look to this explanation for an answer to your frustrated cries for ecological resolutions from the governments that rule you: it is not in the interest of the Annunaki lords. They are intent upon taking all there is from you, to prepare for their own salvation in the wake of what is about to take place in your Sun’s body, rippling all the way through the galaxy. Curtailing their rapacious theft of your vital resources for the sake of the environment and the living of Gaia is simply not part of their private agenda. It never has been.
“Unfortunately, their ego-centered consciousness, their feelings of isolation, and the cold darkness of their endless wheel in space do not allow them to care about your problems in any other ways but those which directly affect their own interests...
"There is no place for fear here. There is no place for rage. These dark emotions only bring you into resonance with the lowest Annunaki vibrations. Can you see how you draw them into you? By recognizing their emotional patterns, you can understand how they move about in your mental and emotional bodies and how they take from you. You can see how they have successfully held the Earth for so many thousands of years. The controls are weakening now, as the original grid rapidly disintegrates, and in their panic they are looking to the Moon for immediate solutions and beyond—to Mars—for ‘permanence.’
“Quite naturally, the time has never been better to release yourselves from their hold. With their attention diverted from Earth, you, the lightworkers of Gaia, are freer to concentrate upon raising the frequency to a level where they can no longer reach you and, in so doing, the light of all of Gaia will become brighter. You will have to ‘unplug’ some of the control devices and turn down the others if you wish to succeed in this full-scale effort. You must release yourselves from their nets while pulling the masses up out of the deep waters. It will not be enough to hold the wisdom and the way for your own edification, detaching yourselves … like hermits in the caves. The era of your isolation has all but ended. All the heart of humanity is needed now. This is the time for union…" --Sirian Revelations, Atlantis Rising, Patricia Cori
Humanity Is Ruled By Aliens
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told..."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told..."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
David Icke: “This reality, this world we call human, is manipulated from the unseen (realms). These are the pantheon of gods like the Greek gods, and all these other gods that people worship but can’t see. According to mainstream science, the electromagnetic (energy) spectrum, which is basically our reality, is 0.005% of what exists in energy in all its forms in the (entire) universe… Visible light, which is the only band of frequency (that) we can see, is a fraction of the 0.005%. So we are basically blind...(to these other realities and dimensions).
"In all the ancient cultures and religions you find this (idea) of a non-human force, with negative intent (towards) Humanity, that is manipulating our world from the unseen (realms). So if you look at Christianity, they have the devil and Satan, their name for this force, collectively, and they talk about demons. Then you look at Islam, and how Islam is completely different from Christianity. Of course it is, (or) so people think. But actually there are big areas of agreement (and) one of them is the Jin. And the Jin are considered to be a force in the hidden (realms) that manipulate human society, and their collective name for the ruler of the Jin: Christian – Satan; Islam – Shatan..
“Then you look at the Gnostic belief system… The Nag Hammadi Library documents are describing a non-human force manipulating Humanity from the hidden (realms) which they call ‘Archons’, which in Greek means ‘rulers’…and their devil figure...is called the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth…
“All around the world you pick up this same theme (that Humanity is being manipulated by malevolent forces from the unseen dimensions)...” --David Icke - Aliens are HERE! Exposing the Illuminati Government
"In all the ancient cultures and religions you find this (idea) of a non-human force, with negative intent (towards) Humanity, that is manipulating our world from the unseen (realms). So if you look at Christianity, they have the devil and Satan, their name for this force, collectively, and they talk about demons. Then you look at Islam, and how Islam is completely different from Christianity. Of course it is, (or) so people think. But actually there are big areas of agreement (and) one of them is the Jin. And the Jin are considered to be a force in the hidden (realms) that manipulate human society, and their collective name for the ruler of the Jin: Christian – Satan; Islam – Shatan..
“Then you look at the Gnostic belief system… The Nag Hammadi Library documents are describing a non-human force manipulating Humanity from the hidden (realms) which they call ‘Archons’, which in Greek means ‘rulers’…and their devil figure...is called the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth…
“All around the world you pick up this same theme (that Humanity is being manipulated by malevolent forces from the unseen dimensions)...” --David Icke - Aliens are HERE! Exposing the Illuminati Government
Jay Weidner: “The Elohim have separated themselves from their interactions with us, which they were doing quite frequently, you know, the Greek myths, the Vedic myths, Chinese myths, Central America… And it’s ubiquitous along the line that we have been manipulated by them… But here’s the most important part: We were made, apparently as slaves, to do the work for the Elohim – mine gold, grow food and all the rest of the stuff. And what they did is they took away all of our ability to actually exist in our environment…
However “we are Divine creatures, and the Enki story seems to imply that the Elohim or the Annunaki...didn’t give us a soul, they let us keep our soul, is what they did. And that created a Divine connection which drives the Elohim nuts… I believe that we have something (soul) that they are jealous of, and so they suppress us and do everything they can to keep us 'down on the farm.' And right now, apparently, it looks like they’re thinning the herd. And that’s what’s been going on since 2020. Apparently they’ve decided that there’s too many of us, and they’re going to get rid of a lot of us, and they ARE getting rid of a lot of us… So there is a great die-off going on right now, and I believe that every time that human beings begin to discover the truth about the Elohim, the Elohim do something drastic...” --Jean-Claude & Jay Weidner - Who Are the Elohim?
Dr. Rima Laibow: “In late 2003 early 2004 I was treating a woman who is indeed a Head of State... And one day she just casually observed, You know, it’s almost time for the Great Culling to begin. And I said, what? What are you talking about? And she expanded quite comfortably on the fact that those people who were consuming their non-renewable natural resources, were useless eaters, and so 90% of them, which is the total world population, was to be culled….
“She assured me that the Mercantile Era which began in the 14th century in Germany with the Hanseatic League was coming to an end, and we were moving to the Neo-Feudal Era. And there would be the Neo-Aristocrats at the top, and of course she would be one of those, and there would be their servants and servitors below them, and around them at the base of the pyramid would be their technicians, and that would require only 10% of the world’s population…” --Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Next Phase of the Global Depopulation Plan!
However “we are Divine creatures, and the Enki story seems to imply that the Elohim or the Annunaki...didn’t give us a soul, they let us keep our soul, is what they did. And that created a Divine connection which drives the Elohim nuts… I believe that we have something (soul) that they are jealous of, and so they suppress us and do everything they can to keep us 'down on the farm.' And right now, apparently, it looks like they’re thinning the herd. And that’s what’s been going on since 2020. Apparently they’ve decided that there’s too many of us, and they’re going to get rid of a lot of us, and they ARE getting rid of a lot of us… So there is a great die-off going on right now, and I believe that every time that human beings begin to discover the truth about the Elohim, the Elohim do something drastic...” --Jean-Claude & Jay Weidner - Who Are the Elohim?
Dr. Rima Laibow: “In late 2003 early 2004 I was treating a woman who is indeed a Head of State... And one day she just casually observed, You know, it’s almost time for the Great Culling to begin. And I said, what? What are you talking about? And she expanded quite comfortably on the fact that those people who were consuming their non-renewable natural resources, were useless eaters, and so 90% of them, which is the total world population, was to be culled….
“She assured me that the Mercantile Era which began in the 14th century in Germany with the Hanseatic League was coming to an end, and we were moving to the Neo-Feudal Era. And there would be the Neo-Aristocrats at the top, and of course she would be one of those, and there would be their servants and servitors below them, and around them at the base of the pyramid would be their technicians, and that would require only 10% of the world’s population…” --Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Next Phase of the Global Depopulation Plan!
Mike Adams: “Let there be no mistake folks. There IS an agenda to exterminate the human race. The planet has value to non-human species for all kinds of reasons… And the effort has been underway for quite a long time to achieve mass depopulation, and we are now in the activation stage of that effort...
“And if you’re wondering, How could the world have gone so crazy? Who’s telling all these people to do all these crazy things? The answer is, as Phil Schneider says, at the highest levels it’s a non-human group that is claiming the planet...” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Feb 8th, 2022 - The ALIEN agenda to exterminate humanity was disclosed in 1995
Laura Nina: “The whole world at the moment is in a mess, we’re being run by criminals, really. So do you think they are not of this world, they’re not human as such?
Kerry Cassidy: “Well, I think that the Illuminati are more or less run by extraterrestrial races that do not have our best interests at heart, and they have been influenced through the making of deals, treaties...that we tried to establish through the Secret Space Program, and believe it or not, through what is called the UN. A division of the United Nations is actually having meetings with groups of extraterrestrials...
"The Annunaki, they are one race that came here...(and) a lot of times they are depicted, at least in Egypt, they can be depicted as being bigger than us. They are around 9 feet tall and they even hold humans on their laps. So they consider themselves related to us and what you might call progenitors but there is a fallacy...(and) part of the problem with the Bible is that the Bible was infiltrated by these races, especially the Annunaki, that came here around the time before the Bible and tried to convince humans that they should be worshiped. They organized our societies and they assigned certain humans that were more related to them by bloodline and genetics…
“The Annunaki are what you might call human reptilian hybrids themselves – they were invaded by the reptilians and taken over eons ago in their own trajectory. So when they came here they then invaded us...(and) when they talk about Adam and Eve and the snake in the Garden, that’s more a children’s story about genetic engineering...and putting their reptilian DNA into our females who then would have a child that would combine their DNA. And the ones that they decided were most closely related to them would be given the job of king or queen...ruling over all the rest of the humans.
“So that’s how the 'crown' and that whole thing started, and it’s even said that the royal family has of course got a lot of reptilian DNA. And this all gets into the human trafficking aspect and why what we think of as all humans would prey on another part. Because in most off planet races it’s unusual for one part of the race to prey on the other part, but this gets back to the reptilian DNA and the group that has more reptilian DNA than the average human…
Laura Nina: “When we talk about (the fact) that we are being governed, ruled, controlled by these non-human races, it makes some of us feel that maybe they are too powerful, too strong for us to fight. What do you think about that?”
“And if you’re wondering, How could the world have gone so crazy? Who’s telling all these people to do all these crazy things? The answer is, as Phil Schneider says, at the highest levels it’s a non-human group that is claiming the planet...” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Feb 8th, 2022 - The ALIEN agenda to exterminate humanity was disclosed in 1995
Laura Nina: “The whole world at the moment is in a mess, we’re being run by criminals, really. So do you think they are not of this world, they’re not human as such?
Kerry Cassidy: “Well, I think that the Illuminati are more or less run by extraterrestrial races that do not have our best interests at heart, and they have been influenced through the making of deals, treaties...that we tried to establish through the Secret Space Program, and believe it or not, through what is called the UN. A division of the United Nations is actually having meetings with groups of extraterrestrials...
"The Annunaki, they are one race that came here...(and) a lot of times they are depicted, at least in Egypt, they can be depicted as being bigger than us. They are around 9 feet tall and they even hold humans on their laps. So they consider themselves related to us and what you might call progenitors but there is a fallacy...(and) part of the problem with the Bible is that the Bible was infiltrated by these races, especially the Annunaki, that came here around the time before the Bible and tried to convince humans that they should be worshiped. They organized our societies and they assigned certain humans that were more related to them by bloodline and genetics…
“The Annunaki are what you might call human reptilian hybrids themselves – they were invaded by the reptilians and taken over eons ago in their own trajectory. So when they came here they then invaded us...(and) when they talk about Adam and Eve and the snake in the Garden, that’s more a children’s story about genetic engineering...and putting their reptilian DNA into our females who then would have a child that would combine their DNA. And the ones that they decided were most closely related to them would be given the job of king or queen...ruling over all the rest of the humans.
“So that’s how the 'crown' and that whole thing started, and it’s even said that the royal family has of course got a lot of reptilian DNA. And this all gets into the human trafficking aspect and why what we think of as all humans would prey on another part. Because in most off planet races it’s unusual for one part of the race to prey on the other part, but this gets back to the reptilian DNA and the group that has more reptilian DNA than the average human…
Laura Nina: “When we talk about (the fact) that we are being governed, ruled, controlled by these non-human races, it makes some of us feel that maybe they are too powerful, too strong for us to fight. What do you think about that?”
Kerry Cassidy: “Well, on the contrary… That’s why I call my book Rebel Gene because I posit that we’ve all got genes, genetics, DNA, some of which has been called ‘junk DNA’, that actually gives us a proclivity to either be an administrator, where you just do and say whatever you’ve been told to do and say, and you follow orders… But there’s this whole other group which has this rebel gene that’s been activated...(and) the ones with the rebel gene are going to be predisposed to fight against any kind of Controller...”
“We’re talking about this (hidden) drama playing out on Earth but it’s becoming more and more sort of in your face... It’s very important, I think, that as humans we begin to realize who we are, what our origins really are about, instead of the lies that have been told both in religion, through education that dumbs you down... People have been dumbed down to have a much watered down understanding of what it means to be human, and I don’t think that’s helping us in any way..." --Kerry Cassidy, Laura Nina interview – Aliens, UFO’s, Reptilians and more
“We’re talking about this (hidden) drama playing out on Earth but it’s becoming more and more sort of in your face... It’s very important, I think, that as humans we begin to realize who we are, what our origins really are about, instead of the lies that have been told both in religion, through education that dumbs you down... People have been dumbed down to have a much watered down understanding of what it means to be human, and I don’t think that’s helping us in any way..." --Kerry Cassidy, Laura Nina interview – Aliens, UFO’s, Reptilians and more
The Terraforming of Earth's Atmosphere
"The single biggest obstacle confronting those of us who have been attempting to terminate the
spraying of chemtrails in our skies is the disbelief of our fellow citizens. That’s right, it is both
the ignorance (they ignore what is going on in the skies right above them) and the outright
disbelief (many cling to the obvious contrail canard) of our families and friends, co-workers
and neighbors, which pose the most formidable obstacles to shutting down these illicit
programs." --CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
“It’s hard to get away from the idea that at the top of this there’s something that is
not human, because they’re geo-engineering the world for something other
than us…” --Dr. Lee Merritt Interviews Kerry Cassidy
“Who really is the government working for? They’re definitely not working for
(We) the People. And people need to know this all over the world. You
can’t trust your government; you definitely can’t trust the media;
and you absolutely can’t trust your medical system. All of those
have been completely compromised. Everybody’s figured it out here,
and if you haven’t, you’re in denial, you’re literally in denial. That’s
all we can say about sleepers at this point. It’s unfortunate, but
they are in denial.” --Janine Morigeau, Tarot by Janine
spraying of chemtrails in our skies is the disbelief of our fellow citizens. That’s right, it is both
the ignorance (they ignore what is going on in the skies right above them) and the outright
disbelief (many cling to the obvious contrail canard) of our families and friends, co-workers
and neighbors, which pose the most formidable obstacles to shutting down these illicit
programs." --CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
“It’s hard to get away from the idea that at the top of this there’s something that is
not human, because they’re geo-engineering the world for something other
than us…” --Dr. Lee Merritt Interviews Kerry Cassidy
“Who really is the government working for? They’re definitely not working for
(We) the People. And people need to know this all over the world. You
can’t trust your government; you definitely can’t trust the media;
and you absolutely can’t trust your medical system. All of those
have been completely compromised. Everybody’s figured it out here,
and if you haven’t, you’re in denial, you’re literally in denial. That’s
all we can say about sleepers at this point. It’s unfortunate, but
they are in denial.” --Janine Morigeau, Tarot by Janine
It is clearly evident to anyone who has awakened from the walking coma that plagues much of the oblivious masses of humanity that there are some very strange activities taking place in the skies above our heads. On any given day, anyone who bothers to look up from the hypnoptic allure of their cell phones screens can clearly see the criss-crossing lines of chemical clouds filling the skies. The skies above our heads are being sprayed with toxic chemtrails on a near daily basis -- Americans are being sprayed like bugs with aerosols consisting of barium and other harmful particulates. But do the American sheeple even notice? Nope. Deaf, dumb and blind they are. And if they do actually notice, they probably believe the usual canard promulgated by the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media that chemtrails are merely contrails -- ice particles generated by hot jet engines at high altitudes. Which is not to say that contrails do not exist -- it's just that they are not the only such "cloud trail" phenomena, and certainly not the most prevalent one...
"The governments of the world, which permit the daily chemical assault of its citizens, are first and foremost responsible for these ongoing crimes. The national airspace of each and every country across the planet is very closely monitored. Getting huge airliners aloft in order to heavily spray the skies is not only very expensive, it must require the foreknowledge and explicit approval of an assortment of federal and state agencies. Therefore, there is a whole range of governmental institutions which must directly participate in the decision-making process... In view of these very strict and onerous protocols necessary for fight approval, it is all the more obvious that there are many in government who are directly participating in this relentless chemical assault.
"That is essentially how they have gotten away with this deleterious practice for so long. Those responsible have made all of their decisions without any public involvement whatsoever. They have preplanned and engineered this ongoing scenario so that there is no single agency or decision-maker who is in charge of these covert programs. Furthermore, they intractably continue to deny their very existence, calling them normal contrail activity instead.
"By staying close to this script there is simply no target for the American people to identify as the real culprit(s). When those in government who are responsible for the regulation of clean skies willfully participate in a complex conspiracy to deceive the citizenry to this degree, it is clear that something quite nefarious is going on..." --Chemtrail Poisoning
"That is essentially how they have gotten away with this deleterious practice for so long. Those responsible have made all of their decisions without any public involvement whatsoever. They have preplanned and engineered this ongoing scenario so that there is no single agency or decision-maker who is in charge of these covert programs. Furthermore, they intractably continue to deny their very existence, calling them normal contrail activity instead.
"By staying close to this script there is simply no target for the American people to identify as the real culprit(s). When those in government who are responsible for the regulation of clean skies willfully participate in a complex conspiracy to deceive the citizenry to this degree, it is clear that something quite nefarious is going on..." --Chemtrail Poisoning
"Truly, the relentless chemtrailing of the skies of the USA represents a crime against the populace like no other, (and) the time has come for this Crime Against Humanity to be prosecuted..." --CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
And to add insult to injury, beyond the persistent daily chemtrail spraying of toxic particulates in our skies, the climate change fanatics are now insisting that CO2 -- carbon dioxide -- is a poisonous gas and must be removed from the atmosphere! Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas essential for the continuation of life on this planet, and to remove it from the atmosphere makes absolutely no sense whatsoever (at least not in human terms).
"The fact rarely heard among the climate fanatics is that carbon is the basis for all life on earth. And the source of carbon is carbon dioxide (CO2) taken from the atmosphere. Plants require carbon dioxide to survive... Carbon dioxide is essential to life on earth, and it comprises a mere 0.04 percent of the atmosphere." --The Global Warming Scam - Carbon Is NOT A Poison
Mike Adams: "The Globalists are trying to take away carbon dioxide from the trees and the plants and the crops and the grass in the same way that they worked to take away Ivermectin from the people. And by taking away Ivermectin they could kill off a lot more people. By taking away CO2, they can kill off trees and rain forests and grass and food crops, and also cause global famine. So once again this is engineered scarcity—it’s just that the scarcity being engineered in this case, with CO2--carbon sequestration—is so obvious...
“So they can’t admit the truth about what this is--’Oh we have to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere so that people starve and they become panicked, and you know, food scarcity is a weapon’. They can’t say that, so they’ve made up a fairy tale-- 'Carbon dioxide is evil, it’s a pollutant. We have to take it out of the air.’ (It's) ALL a lie, all a lie. If you take the CO2 out of the atmosphere you kill the whole planet...” --Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
And to add insult to injury, beyond the persistent daily chemtrail spraying of toxic particulates in our skies, the climate change fanatics are now insisting that CO2 -- carbon dioxide -- is a poisonous gas and must be removed from the atmosphere! Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas essential for the continuation of life on this planet, and to remove it from the atmosphere makes absolutely no sense whatsoever (at least not in human terms).
"The fact rarely heard among the climate fanatics is that carbon is the basis for all life on earth. And the source of carbon is carbon dioxide (CO2) taken from the atmosphere. Plants require carbon dioxide to survive... Carbon dioxide is essential to life on earth, and it comprises a mere 0.04 percent of the atmosphere." --The Global Warming Scam - Carbon Is NOT A Poison
Mike Adams: "The Globalists are trying to take away carbon dioxide from the trees and the plants and the crops and the grass in the same way that they worked to take away Ivermectin from the people. And by taking away Ivermectin they could kill off a lot more people. By taking away CO2, they can kill off trees and rain forests and grass and food crops, and also cause global famine. So once again this is engineered scarcity—it’s just that the scarcity being engineered in this case, with CO2--carbon sequestration—is so obvious...
“So they can’t admit the truth about what this is--’Oh we have to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere so that people starve and they become panicked, and you know, food scarcity is a weapon’. They can’t say that, so they’ve made up a fairy tale-- 'Carbon dioxide is evil, it’s a pollutant. We have to take it out of the air.’ (It's) ALL a lie, all a lie. If you take the CO2 out of the atmosphere you kill the whole planet...” --Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
The Globalist Billionaire Oligarchs "are building massive carbon sequestration machines to suck the CO2 out of the atmosphere – they brag about it. It’s not a conspiracy theory, they openly brag about it… And they want to take all the CO2 and liquefy it and bury it underground. And Bill Gates wants to cut down 70 million acres of trees and bury the trees and say that’s good for the climate as well...
“I have to ask...the extraterrestrial question, because if Earth was colonizing another planet out there and we had advanced faster-than-light travel, and we found a planet and we’re like, Oh, we want that planet, that would be great for us. But the atmosphere doesn’t quite match what we need so we would engage in terraforming operations and we would probably try to exterminate whatever indigenous life already existed there so that the planet could be ready for us to colonize. Is that (what is) happening to us?..."--Mike Adams, Celeste Solum on synthetic biology
“I have to ask...the extraterrestrial question, because if Earth was colonizing another planet out there and we had advanced faster-than-light travel, and we found a planet and we’re like, Oh, we want that planet, that would be great for us. But the atmosphere doesn’t quite match what we need so we would engage in terraforming operations and we would probably try to exterminate whatever indigenous life already existed there so that the planet could be ready for us to colonize. Is that (what is) happening to us?..."--Mike Adams, Celeste Solum on synthetic biology
Josh Reid: “Have you ever seen the 1996 movie with Charlie Sheen called The Arrival where you have these aliens that put on silicon suits as human beings and they are terraforming the planet through global warming, and they are in NASA, they are in the White House, and he discovers their signals? I think that the situation on this planet (right now) is more similar to that than anything else...
“I believe that they are here, they walk among us, that some of them look like us, some have the technology to look like us. I think that they are instituted within governments and high-power positions. I think that they are the puppet masters, that web of control, beyond the secret societies, that those secret societies worship, that people have looked at as the demonic gods throughout the ages. I think that they are in their final planning mission to create a new prison for Humanity on this planet, and that has a lot to do with the population and suppressing a lot of the knowledge, and our consciousness. And kind of what I mean by a new prison is a digital slave matrix that we see being integrated right now..." --Kerry Cassidy, Josh Reid – Current State of UFO/UAP Disclosure
“I believe that they are here, they walk among us, that some of them look like us, some have the technology to look like us. I think that they are instituted within governments and high-power positions. I think that they are the puppet masters, that web of control, beyond the secret societies, that those secret societies worship, that people have looked at as the demonic gods throughout the ages. I think that they are in their final planning mission to create a new prison for Humanity on this planet, and that has a lot to do with the population and suppressing a lot of the knowledge, and our consciousness. And kind of what I mean by a new prison is a digital slave matrix that we see being integrated right now..." --Kerry Cassidy, Josh Reid – Current State of UFO/UAP Disclosure
The Consumption Of Humanity
"These powers behind the scenes view us, the American people, as sheep, cattle, to be herded,
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“It comes from people… (adenochrome)… Your planet is a farm, Jupiter. There are
thousands of other planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an
ever increasing demand for more time (in physicality)… Someone killed a
hundred people to make this (adenochrome), not unlike butchering
a herd of cattle...” --Jupiter Ascending (2015)
"Nothing will unleash the emotion and conviction of the world’s
people like the disclosure of the systematic abduction, abuse
and killing of their children..." ---From Dark to Light:
Ending the Elite Victimization of Children
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“It comes from people… (adenochrome)… Your planet is a farm, Jupiter. There are
thousands of other planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an
ever increasing demand for more time (in physicality)… Someone killed a
hundred people to make this (adenochrome), not unlike butchering
a herd of cattle...” --Jupiter Ascending (2015)
"Nothing will unleash the emotion and conviction of the world’s
people like the disclosure of the systematic abduction, abuse
and killing of their children..." ---From Dark to Light:
Ending the Elite Victimization of Children
(Note: Andromedan contactee Alex Collier tried to warn us about child trafficking and child torture back in this 1994 interview with Rick Keefe, but apparently no one was listening then. Is there anyone listening now?)
Alex Collier (1994): "Most people are incredibly apathetic. They're stuck in their 9 to 5, I have to make my mortgage payment, my kid’s gotta get to school in the morning, and I don’t give a damn about anything else. And unfortunately, that isn’t going to work—it isn’t going to save you, it isn’t going to protect you. There's so much more going on here. And we are just one small part of this whole picture that’s going on, and we have to wake up..." --Alex Collier, Rick Keefe Interview 1994
"God didn’t put you on this Earth just to kick back and eat burgers and watch TV. I mean, that’s not what it’s about. So if you care about children at all I think you really need to step up at this time… We need our brothers and sisters, the closed-minded people, to start seeing and hearing the truth, and it needs to be everywhere...” --Kerry Cassidy On Awake Nation Round-table - Tell The Truth To The People Before Its Too Late
The Reptilians (Alpha Draconins) "have been living underground between 100 and 200 miles beneath the surface. Some of them have been here a long, long time. They have lifespans of thousands of years. They are carnivorous, they are not friendly to mankind, and they eat humans. And they won’t eat a dead human, it has to be alive at the time of the killing. Their preference is children.
“You know, we’ve been told, we’ve been told you shouldn’t talk about that! Other people say, ‘You better not talk about the Reptilians!’ Well you know, bull! Why not? According to the Andromedans, they (the Reptilians) are responsible for 31,712 children disappearing from the United States in the last 25 years. These children were food! And I’m just supposed to shut up and not say anything about it? Because people don’t want to hear it? That’s tough! That’s tough! You know Westchester County in the last 5 years, 3000 children in Westchester County New York have vanished without a trace! Where are they going? Why are we allowing this to happen? And why should people stay in denial about it?" --Alex Collier, Rick Keefe Interview 1994
Alex Collier (1994): "Most people are incredibly apathetic. They're stuck in their 9 to 5, I have to make my mortgage payment, my kid’s gotta get to school in the morning, and I don’t give a damn about anything else. And unfortunately, that isn’t going to work—it isn’t going to save you, it isn’t going to protect you. There's so much more going on here. And we are just one small part of this whole picture that’s going on, and we have to wake up..." --Alex Collier, Rick Keefe Interview 1994
"God didn’t put you on this Earth just to kick back and eat burgers and watch TV. I mean, that’s not what it’s about. So if you care about children at all I think you really need to step up at this time… We need our brothers and sisters, the closed-minded people, to start seeing and hearing the truth, and it needs to be everywhere...” --Kerry Cassidy On Awake Nation Round-table - Tell The Truth To The People Before Its Too Late
The Reptilians (Alpha Draconins) "have been living underground between 100 and 200 miles beneath the surface. Some of them have been here a long, long time. They have lifespans of thousands of years. They are carnivorous, they are not friendly to mankind, and they eat humans. And they won’t eat a dead human, it has to be alive at the time of the killing. Their preference is children.
“You know, we’ve been told, we’ve been told you shouldn’t talk about that! Other people say, ‘You better not talk about the Reptilians!’ Well you know, bull! Why not? According to the Andromedans, they (the Reptilians) are responsible for 31,712 children disappearing from the United States in the last 25 years. These children were food! And I’m just supposed to shut up and not say anything about it? Because people don’t want to hear it? That’s tough! That’s tough! You know Westchester County in the last 5 years, 3000 children in Westchester County New York have vanished without a trace! Where are they going? Why are we allowing this to happen? And why should people stay in denial about it?" --Alex Collier, Rick Keefe Interview 1994
Alex Collier (2023): “I tried to share (this information) but it’s so dark, it’s just so dark. And now the information is coming out with The Sound of Freedom, and the work that Mel Gibson is doing, and many others who have done this work… Epstein Island, Hollywood, Disney… Now that it is out in the open, I’m going to share this information...about specific things that were going on underground…
“I did not know the term ‘adrenochrome’ at the time. I didn’t learn about that until many, many years later… It wasn’t always just kids—at times it was adults as well. And in the ‘94 video I shared with you that we were food, that they were consuming Humanity, and that they prefer children because they weren’t ‘spoiled’ or they weren’t poisoned and their bodies were very vibrant because they were young.
“They would take these kids underground and they would torture them. They would absolutely freak them out, scare them to death, and they would scare them over long periods of time, to the point where they would not allow them to sleep. And if they had passed out, they would wake them up, and they would continue to torture—they would bring they literally to moments of death where their hearts were just going to explode and stop. And it would be at that particular point that they would consume them. And they would start with their liver and their organs…and it would be like a feeding frenzy… (and) the children were alive as they were being consumed…
“Now I’m going to bring Dulce (New Mexico) into this. There were vats, big vats of what looked like blood, that had body parts in it… And the Grays, they would put their hand in these vats, and they would take the fluid and they would put it on their arms and their bodies, and then their bodies would absorb the fluid, the human blood of people who had been tortured and chopped up, etc. And from what I understand...the Gray’s disposition would change… In other words, the fear, our fear, that humans were put through, is actually a narcotic drug for these extraterrestrials…
"This consumption of Humanity has gone back thousands of years, but it was never done in front of Humanity—it was always done in secret, because we had to be unsuspecting in order for them to farm us. And that’s basically what they were doing. Many of the Reptilian races, especially those underground, were farming us..." --The Consumption of Humanity
“I did not know the term ‘adrenochrome’ at the time. I didn’t learn about that until many, many years later… It wasn’t always just kids—at times it was adults as well. And in the ‘94 video I shared with you that we were food, that they were consuming Humanity, and that they prefer children because they weren’t ‘spoiled’ or they weren’t poisoned and their bodies were very vibrant because they were young.
“They would take these kids underground and they would torture them. They would absolutely freak them out, scare them to death, and they would scare them over long periods of time, to the point where they would not allow them to sleep. And if they had passed out, they would wake them up, and they would continue to torture—they would bring they literally to moments of death where their hearts were just going to explode and stop. And it would be at that particular point that they would consume them. And they would start with their liver and their organs…and it would be like a feeding frenzy… (and) the children were alive as they were being consumed…
“Now I’m going to bring Dulce (New Mexico) into this. There were vats, big vats of what looked like blood, that had body parts in it… And the Grays, they would put their hand in these vats, and they would take the fluid and they would put it on their arms and their bodies, and then their bodies would absorb the fluid, the human blood of people who had been tortured and chopped up, etc. And from what I understand...the Gray’s disposition would change… In other words, the fear, our fear, that humans were put through, is actually a narcotic drug for these extraterrestrials…
"This consumption of Humanity has gone back thousands of years, but it was never done in front of Humanity—it was always done in secret, because we had to be unsuspecting in order for them to farm us. And that’s basically what they were doing. Many of the Reptilian races, especially those underground, were farming us..." --The Consumption of Humanity
"These (torture) techniques were brought to Earth, and...I think the elite of this world, this was shared with them by the extraterrestrials, because it was a way to know how to control the elite, how to addict them to this process, and to give them longer lifespans, and to make sure that they complied with whatever the rules and regulations were going to be. Whatever it was that they were going to do with Humanity, whatever processes they wanted to use us for, this was a way to bring in control..."
“Being involved in wars on the surface, and seeing the carnage of war, you would think that it would help prepare us for what we would see in the tunnels. But it didn’t, it didn’t, especially when you get into some of these deep underground caverns, and you come across a farm where human beings were being grown who have never seen sunlight; some didn’t even have eyes because they didn’t need them; some who didn’t know how to speak, but nonetheless they were being farmed strictly for their fluids and their organs.
“And on these farms Humanity was plugged in to devices, and this is how they were getting their bodily fluids in order for their bodies to grow. But at the same time, there were these other devices attached to them that would torture the physical body. I mean this shit’s so dark, it’s just so dark, and for anyone of us that’s normal, you simply cannot wrap your head around how anyone could do this..." --Alex Collier, The Consumption of Humanity
“Being involved in wars on the surface, and seeing the carnage of war, you would think that it would help prepare us for what we would see in the tunnels. But it didn’t, it didn’t, especially when you get into some of these deep underground caverns, and you come across a farm where human beings were being grown who have never seen sunlight; some didn’t even have eyes because they didn’t need them; some who didn’t know how to speak, but nonetheless they were being farmed strictly for their fluids and their organs.
“And on these farms Humanity was plugged in to devices, and this is how they were getting their bodily fluids in order for their bodies to grow. But at the same time, there were these other devices attached to them that would torture the physical body. I mean this shit’s so dark, it’s just so dark, and for anyone of us that’s normal, you simply cannot wrap your head around how anyone could do this..." --Alex Collier, The Consumption of Humanity
"And when you realize that there are those from the surface who were down there participating in this process, for power, for control, for wealth, for the fluids themselves...and to then go back to the surface and re-integrate with Humanity, with their own families, you just don’t know how they can do this. How do you just turn yourselves on and off like this? Unless you’re either a complete split personality, a multiple personality, or a psychopath.
“And sadly it’s a combination of all of it...if you look at the world and the decisions that the ‘elites’ have been making, about choosing to genocide Humanity..." --Alex Collier, The Consumption of Humanity
“And sadly it’s a combination of all of it...if you look at the world and the decisions that the ‘elites’ have been making, about choosing to genocide Humanity..." --Alex Collier, The Consumption of Humanity
Alex Collier (1994): “Our moon is artificial, completely artificial. It was brought here from Ursa Minor...between 11 and 12 thousand years ago (for the purpose of) being a satellite and a base, which they evacuated some time ago but it’s now being operational again… It was brought here, it is older than the Earth, there are ruins all over it, there are bases underneath it—it’s everything that we are told that it isn’t…" --Alex Collier, Rick Keefe Interview 1994
William Tompkins: ""This is not your planet, that is not your moon. Humanity is in fact an experiment for extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. We are food (for them)...
"We, Humanity, have been lied to for thousands of years, Everything we have been taught is wrong, from our religions to our universities and of the cosmos itself. We are not from this planet, and this planet is but one of thousands under control and domination by the Reptilian species... We are an experiment and the Earth is a lab...
"The Reptilians have been in control of this planet for thousands of years. Most of the worlds leaders are in fact Reptilian shapeshifters. Humans are assisting Reptilians in carrying out operations against Humanity. Some because of an affinity of their goals and values willingly perform Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifice. Others are forced to comply, they have no choice in the matter (mind control, coercion)..." --Kerry Cassidy Interviews William Tompkins
William Tompkins: ""This is not your planet, that is not your moon. Humanity is in fact an experiment for extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. We are food (for them)...
"We, Humanity, have been lied to for thousands of years, Everything we have been taught is wrong, from our religions to our universities and of the cosmos itself. We are not from this planet, and this planet is but one of thousands under control and domination by the Reptilian species... We are an experiment and the Earth is a lab...
"The Reptilians have been in control of this planet for thousands of years. Most of the worlds leaders are in fact Reptilian shapeshifters. Humans are assisting Reptilians in carrying out operations against Humanity. Some because of an affinity of their goals and values willingly perform Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifice. Others are forced to comply, they have no choice in the matter (mind control, coercion)..." --Kerry Cassidy Interviews William Tompkins
Alex Collier (1994): “There are five different sub-species of Grays… They’re incredible masters of mind manipulation. But anyway, their race is dying. They have been so genetically altered by the Orion Group that they can not reproduce. So, they were told by the Orion Group to come down here...to come in here and set the stage, to break down the social structures so that when the Orion Group and the Draconins come back, there are two classes—royalty and workers. Which is exactly what they’re doing… Which is exactly what the Grays have been told to do, and they’re doing it..."
Rick Keefe: “How were the renegade Zeta Reticulans able to manipulate Earth’s most powerful governments into a position of checkmate?”
Alex Collier: “That was easy, that part was really easy. Number One: Their technology is 2500 years ahead of us. Number Two: Because of our greed factor, certain groups of 'power elite' are in touch with them on a physical level. Many of them are implanted; many of them are so implanted that they have now become part of the Gray group mind. And the Andromedans no longer consider some of these human beings human at all, anymore. They’re nothing but clones for what the Grays want...
“Also, playing on the greed factor, those who are still human, they look at the fact that well, they’re here, they’re the rulers, we can still maintain our place of privilege in the world, so we’ll form the new priesthood, we’ll be the go-between between the workers and the gods, just like we saw in Babylon, in Syria, Egypt—it’s history repeating itself all over again…
“And there’s also one more factor--it is about human beings, out for power, selling out their own race, just selling out the rest of us, the human race, for their moment of glory, for their privilege to be with the gods, so to speak, who are aliens. To have technology that can take them to the moon, technology that can take them to Mars...technology to do time travel. They totally sold out a race—our history, everything—for their brief moment in the sun…" --Alex Collier, Rick Keefe Interview 1994
Kerry Cassidy: "So now it’s in our face. Are we going to admit that we are prey? Are we going to admit, indeed, that we are being manipulated, and that there are many races—not just one—that wants to control us? This is a huge play, a huge conspiracy of many different races with different agendas. Some are positive, some are negative. It’s as above, so below—the same thing happens on earth as in heaven..." --Demons and Aliens Roundtable
Alex Collier: “That was easy, that part was really easy. Number One: Their technology is 2500 years ahead of us. Number Two: Because of our greed factor, certain groups of 'power elite' are in touch with them on a physical level. Many of them are implanted; many of them are so implanted that they have now become part of the Gray group mind. And the Andromedans no longer consider some of these human beings human at all, anymore. They’re nothing but clones for what the Grays want...
“Also, playing on the greed factor, those who are still human, they look at the fact that well, they’re here, they’re the rulers, we can still maintain our place of privilege in the world, so we’ll form the new priesthood, we’ll be the go-between between the workers and the gods, just like we saw in Babylon, in Syria, Egypt—it’s history repeating itself all over again…
“And there’s also one more factor--it is about human beings, out for power, selling out their own race, just selling out the rest of us, the human race, for their moment of glory, for their privilege to be with the gods, so to speak, who are aliens. To have technology that can take them to the moon, technology that can take them to Mars...technology to do time travel. They totally sold out a race—our history, everything—for their brief moment in the sun…" --Alex Collier, Rick Keefe Interview 1994
Kerry Cassidy: "So now it’s in our face. Are we going to admit that we are prey? Are we going to admit, indeed, that we are being manipulated, and that there are many races—not just one—that wants to control us? This is a huge play, a huge conspiracy of many different races with different agendas. Some are positive, some are negative. It’s as above, so below—the same thing happens on earth as in heaven..." --Demons and Aliens Roundtable
Janine Morigeau: “None of us have really been here before, I don’t think, in any lifetime. I think that whatever is going on right now could be a first for Humanity, to actually discover (that) we’ve been over-lorded by a group that were so hidden from us that they hid in plain sight, and we let them take all of our sovereignty away. And over time, everything that we thought was (of) Humanity could even sort of be fashioned after their way of doing things – all of our laws, all of our social structures, like the whole idea of upper class and lower class that is still around today, but maybe in subtler ways than it used to be.
“But we lived so many hundreds and hundreds of years with those class systems of our cultures. And I don’t think that they belong to us -- I think they were handed to us or created to somehow keep us in line and dis-empowered for these overlords, maybe through their minions... We’re actually living on the Earth...(as) their food source and their energy source. So (now) we found all of that out, and that’s just horrifying...” --Beyond the News with Janine & Jean-Claude
“But we lived so many hundreds and hundreds of years with those class systems of our cultures. And I don’t think that they belong to us -- I think they were handed to us or created to somehow keep us in line and dis-empowered for these overlords, maybe through their minions... We’re actually living on the Earth...(as) their food source and their energy source. So (now) we found all of that out, and that’s just horrifying...” --Beyond the News with Janine & Jean-Claude
Kerry Cassidy: “I don’t think (that) we have time, to be honest. I think that we are absolutely prey at this time on our planet. I think they’re taking us over, they’re killing us in huge numbers, and I think that if anyone loves children then you’ve got to stop this now. And it doesn’t matter that, oh, you’re gonna hurt some feelings or freak some people out. They need to know, OK? They need to know so that they can save their children; they need to know so that they can save their families.
“Look at Maui. These people were prey. It’s very likely that some of those children—what’s the better fate? Burning in a fire or being taken off-planet for sexual purposes and food and all kinds of horribleness?...” --Kerry Cassidy On Awake Nation Round-table - Tell The Truth To The People Before Its Too Late
Sean Turnbull: "These people are aliens unto the human species. They prey on us, they hate us, and they are NOT going to win this war..." --SGT Report, Alien Species -- Dave Hodges
“Look at Maui. These people were prey. It’s very likely that some of those children—what’s the better fate? Burning in a fire or being taken off-planet for sexual purposes and food and all kinds of horribleness?...” --Kerry Cassidy On Awake Nation Round-table - Tell The Truth To The People Before Its Too Late
Sean Turnbull: "These people are aliens unto the human species. They prey on us, they hate us, and they are NOT going to win this war..." --SGT Report, Alien Species -- Dave Hodges
Addendum: The Orwellian Nightmare
"The fear of a global dystopia, a nightmarish future, where the masses have been reduced to brainwashed zombies,
who live under the fist of a totalitarian world government, is becomming an ever-increasing concern in our time..."
who live under the fist of a totalitarian world government, is becomming an ever-increasing concern in our time..."
Addendum: "Leave the World Behind" Is A Frequency Weapon
"This weapon was used against anybody who watched the film..."
Addendum: Humanity's Gradual Assimilation Into the Metaverse
"Picture for a moment the confined life, the controlled life, that is being planned for all of us. Picture all the elements of that controlled life, and ask yourself this question: Does that look like the perfect setup for AI to literally control everything?"
Addendum: Rise Up!
"When you're ready to rise up, you'll rise up..."
Epilogue: Humanity at the Crossroads
"Humanity now stands at a crossroads between a world of unimaginable
wonders and one of unprecedented terrors. The choices we make now
will determine not only the shape of our future, but whether there will be
for us as a species, a future at all. But, if we are at such a crossroads,
are we even properly aware of it? As technology evolves, so must we;
but how and in what direction? Are we unavoidably fated to trade
liberty for security in ridding the world of terror and war?..."
--Humanity at the Crossroads of Spiritual Evolution
wonders and one of unprecedented terrors. The choices we make now
will determine not only the shape of our future, but whether there will be
for us as a species, a future at all. But, if we are at such a crossroads,
are we even properly aware of it? As technology evolves, so must we;
but how and in what direction? Are we unavoidably fated to trade
liberty for security in ridding the world of terror and war?..."
--Humanity at the Crossroads of Spiritual Evolution
Bashar: “You are not really fully human yet, you are becomming fully human. And part of what it means to be fully human is to be a more aware, engaged, evolved being in creation, in the idea that you are creating your reality... As we change our perspective and our consciousness, the reality changes (and) we get to experience more things...
"There are multiple realities here (on Earth). Even though it looks like one reality we are obviously engaged in multiple realities, because people are making choices that are completely incompatible with other choices that other people are making. Now we can still see them all...but eventually we're splitting apart like trains leaving a station going in different directions... And in the years to come, whoever is making this choice to go in this direction will no longer be able to even see or interact with the people who are making this chilce, in this direction. And they'll become two different realities, three different realities, five different realities, ad infinitum. Right now they're all still mixing and we can still see other choices, because this is the time of choosing...
"People say, why is it so crazy right now? And Bashar says, Well, you’ve been doing this cycle of negativity for thousands of years. You’re kind of at the end and you’re about to shift into something different. But, in order to do so, you kind of have to get everything out on the table – all of the negativity; all of the positivity; every choice that could possibly be made you’re now sort of seeing in one place..." --Daryl Anka and Bashar - Humanity At A Crossroads
Lisa Renee: "During this turbulent phase, we must recognize that many of the controlling dark forces are desperate, and that any traumatic experience or fear program they have an opportunity to exploit, they will manipulate those events with the purpose to intentionally corrupt, betray and break the human heart. The means by which they scheme to corrupt the human heart, is by attempting to intimidate and force people to unknowingly walk into traps where their personal consent is being manipulated and their intent usurped. To intentionally confuse by deceiving, gaslighting, and manipulating people to play out betrayal and abandonment fears, that further trigger victim-victimizer archetypes that can be hijacked by dark spiritual attachments. What many of us are being told on the surface by the mainstream media is not accurate or real. Where underneath are the complex deceptions designed to manipulate the masses into making unconscious agreements, to be in consent with a harmful system that is inverted, dead energy or feeding into the anti-human agendas..." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
“Do we want to continue this way? I mean, look how wrong the reflections are of things that are going on now -- war, and racism and all this stuff is just really bubbling to the surface because it’s about time for us to face all these issues and really make choices about what kind of world we wanna have... Bashar is basically saying like, here’s your opportunity, it’s only going to probably be available for a while, and some people are gonna make certain choices that take them in one way, and other people are gonna make choices that take them in another direction...
“And what he’s saying is, this goes into the whole idea of parallel realities, because he’s saying, everything exists all at once, time is an illusion. And there are different versions of Earth that exist right now. And the idea is not that we change the world we’re on, but that we change our vibration and it navigates us in the direction of a parallel version of Earth that’s already more reflective of what we prefer or what we don’t want. So right now it’s like a melting pot of ideas – here’s negativity, here’s positivity, here’s neutrality, here’s all these things we could choose. What do you want to choose?..." --Daryl Anka and Bashar - Humanity At A Crossroads
"There are multiple realities here (on Earth). Even though it looks like one reality we are obviously engaged in multiple realities, because people are making choices that are completely incompatible with other choices that other people are making. Now we can still see them all...but eventually we're splitting apart like trains leaving a station going in different directions... And in the years to come, whoever is making this choice to go in this direction will no longer be able to even see or interact with the people who are making this chilce, in this direction. And they'll become two different realities, three different realities, five different realities, ad infinitum. Right now they're all still mixing and we can still see other choices, because this is the time of choosing...
"People say, why is it so crazy right now? And Bashar says, Well, you’ve been doing this cycle of negativity for thousands of years. You’re kind of at the end and you’re about to shift into something different. But, in order to do so, you kind of have to get everything out on the table – all of the negativity; all of the positivity; every choice that could possibly be made you’re now sort of seeing in one place..." --Daryl Anka and Bashar - Humanity At A Crossroads
Lisa Renee: "During this turbulent phase, we must recognize that many of the controlling dark forces are desperate, and that any traumatic experience or fear program they have an opportunity to exploit, they will manipulate those events with the purpose to intentionally corrupt, betray and break the human heart. The means by which they scheme to corrupt the human heart, is by attempting to intimidate and force people to unknowingly walk into traps where their personal consent is being manipulated and their intent usurped. To intentionally confuse by deceiving, gaslighting, and manipulating people to play out betrayal and abandonment fears, that further trigger victim-victimizer archetypes that can be hijacked by dark spiritual attachments. What many of us are being told on the surface by the mainstream media is not accurate or real. Where underneath are the complex deceptions designed to manipulate the masses into making unconscious agreements, to be in consent with a harmful system that is inverted, dead energy or feeding into the anti-human agendas..." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
“Do we want to continue this way? I mean, look how wrong the reflections are of things that are going on now -- war, and racism and all this stuff is just really bubbling to the surface because it’s about time for us to face all these issues and really make choices about what kind of world we wanna have... Bashar is basically saying like, here’s your opportunity, it’s only going to probably be available for a while, and some people are gonna make certain choices that take them in one way, and other people are gonna make choices that take them in another direction...
“And what he’s saying is, this goes into the whole idea of parallel realities, because he’s saying, everything exists all at once, time is an illusion. And there are different versions of Earth that exist right now. And the idea is not that we change the world we’re on, but that we change our vibration and it navigates us in the direction of a parallel version of Earth that’s already more reflective of what we prefer or what we don’t want. So right now it’s like a melting pot of ideas – here’s negativity, here’s positivity, here’s neutrality, here’s all these things we could choose. What do you want to choose?..." --Daryl Anka and Bashar - Humanity At A Crossroads
“So he’s saying this is called the splitting prism, from his perspective. And it’s like we’re literally in a train station and we’re deciding what train and what track we’re going to be on, but eventually whatever train you board is going to be the only train that you can go onto, because now all the tracks are gong away in different directions, and once you’re too far away on your direction it’s gonna be even harder to decide, Oh, I wanna be on that other train. Because now it’s like hundreds of miles away...
“So, this is the time of choice; this is the time of choosing what reality we want and what we will inevitably experience, while other people will experience other kinds of realities completely different than ours, but they’ll experience that in a different parallel reality, a different probable reality...” --Daryl Anka and Bashar - Humanity At A Crossroads
Lisa Renee: "The more we recover our true history the easier it is to see the players and agendas behind the current events playing out in our globalscape. We are currently living through multiple trigger events purposed to permanently modify and eclipse all that makes us human. Many are awakening to see more clearly some of the players, institutional structures and hidden motivations working to achieve the Transhumanist Agenda and enslavement of Humanity. The choice is before us, will we become AI assimilated into the Technocracy or awaken human consciousness to a much higher potential?" --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
Lisa Renee: "The more we recover our true history the easier it is to see the players and agendas behind the current events playing out in our globalscape. We are currently living through multiple trigger events purposed to permanently modify and eclipse all that makes us human. Many are awakening to see more clearly some of the players, institutional structures and hidden motivations working to achieve the Transhumanist Agenda and enslavement of Humanity. The choice is before us, will we become AI assimilated into the Technocracy or awaken human consciousness to a much higher potential?" --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
Kerry Cassidy: "I think we’re right on the verge of a planetary takeover by the ‘elite’ and actually what they want to do is decimate Humanity down to 500 million...as the Georgia Guide-stones stated... I don't think (that) you can under-estimate the seriousness of where we are (right) now on the planet. We hang in the balance -- our freedoms hang in the balance. We're about to turn over to this Klaus Schwab, New World Order transformation / banking cartel takeover where you can't even spend a dime without them knowing where...you spent it. The surveillance society is so extensive. So if we don't speak up now, I don't think we will be able to in the (near) future..." --Kerry Cassidy, Dr. Lee Merritt Interviews Kerry Cassidy
So what's it going to be, Humanity? The New World Order Globalist's noose is growing tighter around our collective necks with each passing day. Are we going to wake up in time to free ourselves? Pick a lane...
"And some day Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
So what's it going to be, Humanity? The New World Order Globalist's noose is growing tighter around our collective necks with each passing day. Are we going to wake up in time to free ourselves? Pick a lane...
"And some day Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind