"As I have mentioned many times, the world has been engaged in a silent
war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The
COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to
reduce the world population to 500,000,000. We are in the ‘end phase’
of their clandestine depopulation agenda that is hidden in plain sight
for all to see, read and hear. The elite talk about it and they write
about it. These facts cannot be denied." --6 Billion
Humans to Be Killed by the Elite
"If people that voted for Biden don't realize right now that they voted for
the One World Government and the Globalists and the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to run America, then I don't know what else to say.
But if you voted for Biden and you don't regret it right now, (then)
I don't know who you pray to, but you're not for God, and you're
not for the country, and you're not for justice." --Mel K and
Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
"The whole world is a business, and we are the livestock, we're the chattel.
And how they can get us to exploit and profit from each other and keep us
divided from each other and fighting against each other and all this
shit--this is how they control us... So you've got to spend your life
running on the treadmill to collect paper in order to have access
to the abundance of the world around you. It's such a scam. And
what's happening now is that the façade is breaking down and
people are seeing it, and so the politicians are running scared.
They are doing everything they can to control and cull the
population." --Max Igan, The Real Game Is About To begin
war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The
COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to
reduce the world population to 500,000,000. We are in the ‘end phase’
of their clandestine depopulation agenda that is hidden in plain sight
for all to see, read and hear. The elite talk about it and they write
about it. These facts cannot be denied." --6 Billion
Humans to Be Killed by the Elite
"If people that voted for Biden don't realize right now that they voted for
the One World Government and the Globalists and the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to run America, then I don't know what else to say.
But if you voted for Biden and you don't regret it right now, (then)
I don't know who you pray to, but you're not for God, and you're
not for the country, and you're not for justice." --Mel K and
Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
"The whole world is a business, and we are the livestock, we're the chattel.
And how they can get us to exploit and profit from each other and keep us
divided from each other and fighting against each other and all this
shit--this is how they control us... So you've got to spend your life
running on the treadmill to collect paper in order to have access
to the abundance of the world around you. It's such a scam. And
what's happening now is that the façade is breaking down and
people are seeing it, and so the politicians are running scared.
They are doing everything they can to control and cull the
population." --Max Igan, The Real Game Is About To begin
Welcome To the New World Order
Much has been written about the Globalist Cabal and their plans for a New World Order. Just perform an internet search and you will find scores of articles written on this topic. What was once tin-foil hat "conspiracy theory" is now shockingly manifest in the world today, for those with "the eyes to see". In essence, "the New World Order is a (real) conspiracy to enslave Humanity through a (one) world government controlled by a select few. The goal is to essentially turn humans into robots where they are unable to think for themselves and must depend on the NWO for their sustenance." --An Idiots Guide to the New World Order
"The Globalist Luciferian Cabal have many names--Illuminati, New World Order, The Cabal, Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller. When Orwell wrote the book 1984 coincidentally in 1948, he was so horrified of the plan The New World Order Elite had for humanity that he wrote a book to warn humanity of the plan. They killed him for his publication nine months after the book was published. The book 1984 is the Globalist plan for humanity in detail! Something they love to do is hide the truth in plain sight. The Globalist Luciferian Elite Cabal is not just about control and domination. They are a very evil dark demonic force that wants to destroy all human life on earth..." --The Globalist Luciferian Cabal Agenda Of Complete Domination Of Humanity
"There is no pandemic, there never was. This is a global assault to capture the very soul of Humanity. The Cabal have invented this pandemic to destroy the global economy in order to usher in a global New World Order Orwellian nightmare of control, and they are well on their way to succeeding. Between the continuous lies and propaganda of the mouthpiece of the Cabal, the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, and COVID-19 bullshit shoved in the worlds face... Humanity is in real trouble..." --The Entirety Of Humanity Is Under Attack By The Globalist Luciferian Cabal
"The Globalist Luciferian Cabal have many names--Illuminati, New World Order, The Cabal, Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller. When Orwell wrote the book 1984 coincidentally in 1948, he was so horrified of the plan The New World Order Elite had for humanity that he wrote a book to warn humanity of the plan. They killed him for his publication nine months after the book was published. The book 1984 is the Globalist plan for humanity in detail! Something they love to do is hide the truth in plain sight. The Globalist Luciferian Elite Cabal is not just about control and domination. They are a very evil dark demonic force that wants to destroy all human life on earth..." --The Globalist Luciferian Cabal Agenda Of Complete Domination Of Humanity
"There is no pandemic, there never was. This is a global assault to capture the very soul of Humanity. The Cabal have invented this pandemic to destroy the global economy in order to usher in a global New World Order Orwellian nightmare of control, and they are well on their way to succeeding. Between the continuous lies and propaganda of the mouthpiece of the Cabal, the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, and COVID-19 bullshit shoved in the worlds face... Humanity is in real trouble..." --The Entirety Of Humanity Is Under Attack By The Globalist Luciferian Cabal
Brainwashed Sheeple and the Takedown of America
"(The awake) know what’s happening. We all feel it, we all see it. We’re watching in horror as our
country gets raped right in front of us. It literally is like watching a rape. It’s like watching your
girlfriend, your best friend, your mother, get raped in an alley. We’re watching it and the
Liberals are still saying: ‘It’s all Trump’s fault.’ I hear them still saying that! Cognitive
Dissonance much? ‘It’s all Trump’s fault.’ They don’t understand the key component
here, which is the Globalist Agenda, and taking down America, and how Trump was
just the guy that was between them (the Globalists) and us. They don’t seem to get
that! They don’t fucking compute it, ‘because he was mean, he had mean tweets.’
(Sheeple) are fucking sick—I’m so tired of them.” --The Race To Crash America
"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. When you're inside, you
look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters--
the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these
people are still part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You
have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent upon the
system, that they will fight to protect it..." --The Matrix, 1999
"Basically the world is divided into people who are completely brainwashed
and people who are awake or waking up. And the primary issue with the
brainwashed people is that they don't actually want to wake up... The
brainwashed people have their free will and they've made their choice--
they don't want to wake up, they just want to stay asleep, and nothing
you can do will actually wake them up. And any kind of attempt to red
pill them has the opposite effect, and actually puts them further
asleep because they reject your kind of help. It's essentially
impossible...to wake up the brainwashed people. Anyone who
has tried that with their family or friends will know. They are
completely brainwashed and it's like nothing will ever
change that..." --The Matrix 4 Resurrections trailer
"I quickly despaired of attempting to educate them. It seemed
they didn’t want to know the truth. Tragically, they appeared
fully invested in their delusional belief system and acknowledged
having no desire to reconsider it. Like members of a cult who
have turned their backs on family, friends, and society, they
preferred this new life to the old one." --Mark
McDonald, The United States of Fear
"I want to see the departure now, of the zombie-class human. I want to say
good-bye to the imbecile, the moron... I want to say good-bye, thank you
for your creepy-crawly ignominious existence in this paradise. Thank
you for contaminating and distorting and defiling and degrading our
Divine expression in the ways that you have done as a conduit of
lower astral forces. Thank you for the role that you have played--
you've played it rather well. Now please, shuffle off..."
--Sasha Stone, Time to be Bold!
"Sheeple: Brainwashed people due to excessive exposure to
Western mainstream media (MSM) fake news and
propaganda." --Sheeple - Syria News
country gets raped right in front of us. It literally is like watching a rape. It’s like watching your
girlfriend, your best friend, your mother, get raped in an alley. We’re watching it and the
Liberals are still saying: ‘It’s all Trump’s fault.’ I hear them still saying that! Cognitive
Dissonance much? ‘It’s all Trump’s fault.’ They don’t understand the key component
here, which is the Globalist Agenda, and taking down America, and how Trump was
just the guy that was between them (the Globalists) and us. They don’t seem to get
that! They don’t fucking compute it, ‘because he was mean, he had mean tweets.’
(Sheeple) are fucking sick—I’m so tired of them.” --The Race To Crash America
"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. When you're inside, you
look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters--
the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these
people are still part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You
have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent upon the
system, that they will fight to protect it..." --The Matrix, 1999
"Basically the world is divided into people who are completely brainwashed
and people who are awake or waking up. And the primary issue with the
brainwashed people is that they don't actually want to wake up... The
brainwashed people have their free will and they've made their choice--
they don't want to wake up, they just want to stay asleep, and nothing
you can do will actually wake them up. And any kind of attempt to red
pill them has the opposite effect, and actually puts them further
asleep because they reject your kind of help. It's essentially
impossible...to wake up the brainwashed people. Anyone who
has tried that with their family or friends will know. They are
completely brainwashed and it's like nothing will ever
change that..." --The Matrix 4 Resurrections trailer
"I quickly despaired of attempting to educate them. It seemed
they didn’t want to know the truth. Tragically, they appeared
fully invested in their delusional belief system and acknowledged
having no desire to reconsider it. Like members of a cult who
have turned their backs on family, friends, and society, they
preferred this new life to the old one." --Mark
McDonald, The United States of Fear
"I want to see the departure now, of the zombie-class human. I want to say
good-bye to the imbecile, the moron... I want to say good-bye, thank you
for your creepy-crawly ignominious existence in this paradise. Thank
you for contaminating and distorting and defiling and degrading our
Divine expression in the ways that you have done as a conduit of
lower astral forces. Thank you for the role that you have played--
you've played it rather well. Now please, shuffle off..."
--Sasha Stone, Time to be Bold!
"Sheeple: Brainwashed people due to excessive exposure to
Western mainstream media (MSM) fake news and
propaganda." --Sheeple - Syria News
“Sheeple are members of a culture or society who are not necessarily oblivious to the reality of their surroundings; they may have been exposed to valuable truths on numerous occasions. However, when confronted with facts contrary to their conditioned viewpoint, they become aggressive and antagonistic in their behavior, seeking to dismiss and attack the truth by attacking the messenger and denying reason.
“Sheeple exist on both sides of America's false political paradigm, and they exist in all social 'classes'. In fact, the 'professional class' and the hierarchy of academia are rampant breeding grounds for sheeple, who I sometimes refer to as 'intellectual idiots'. Doctors and lawyers, scientists and politicians are all just as prone to the sheeple plague as anyone else; the only difference is that they have a bureaucratic apparatus behind them which gives them a false sense of importance. All they have to do is tow the establishment line, and promote the establishment view.
“Of course the common argument made by sheeple is that EVERYONE thinks everyone else is blind to the truth, which in their minds, somehow vindicates their behavior. However, the characteristic that absolutely defines a sheeple is not necessarily a lack of knowledge, but an unwillingness to consider or embrace obvious logic or truth in order to protect their egos and biases from harm. A sheeple's mindset is driven by self centered motives.
“So-called mainstream media outlets go out of their way to reinforce this aggressive mindset by establishing the illusion that sheeple are the ‘majority’ and that the majority perception (which has been constructed by the MSM) is the only correct perception… The goal is to give sheeple comfort that they are ‘normal’ and that anyone who steps outside the bounds of the mainstream is ‘abnormal’ and a welcome target for the collective.” --Don't Be A Sheeple
The Globalist takedown of America is happening right now, in real time, on multiple simultaneous fronts. And yet the brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple appear to be completely oblivious to what is really going on in our country at this time. In their delusional somnambulist stupor they continue to fixate their unwavering attention on the tell-lie-vision mind control programming of the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media and unquestionably swallow everything that they are being spoon fed from these Deep State corporate-whore propaganda outlets. They are either unwilling or unable to think for themselves.
“Sheeple exist on both sides of America's false political paradigm, and they exist in all social 'classes'. In fact, the 'professional class' and the hierarchy of academia are rampant breeding grounds for sheeple, who I sometimes refer to as 'intellectual idiots'. Doctors and lawyers, scientists and politicians are all just as prone to the sheeple plague as anyone else; the only difference is that they have a bureaucratic apparatus behind them which gives them a false sense of importance. All they have to do is tow the establishment line, and promote the establishment view.
“Of course the common argument made by sheeple is that EVERYONE thinks everyone else is blind to the truth, which in their minds, somehow vindicates their behavior. However, the characteristic that absolutely defines a sheeple is not necessarily a lack of knowledge, but an unwillingness to consider or embrace obvious logic or truth in order to protect their egos and biases from harm. A sheeple's mindset is driven by self centered motives.
“So-called mainstream media outlets go out of their way to reinforce this aggressive mindset by establishing the illusion that sheeple are the ‘majority’ and that the majority perception (which has been constructed by the MSM) is the only correct perception… The goal is to give sheeple comfort that they are ‘normal’ and that anyone who steps outside the bounds of the mainstream is ‘abnormal’ and a welcome target for the collective.” --Don't Be A Sheeple
The Globalist takedown of America is happening right now, in real time, on multiple simultaneous fronts. And yet the brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple appear to be completely oblivious to what is really going on in our country at this time. In their delusional somnambulist stupor they continue to fixate their unwavering attention on the tell-lie-vision mind control programming of the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media and unquestionably swallow everything that they are being spoon fed from these Deep State corporate-whore propaganda outlets. They are either unwilling or unable to think for themselves.
In point of fact "we are under the biggest attack in the history of the world, in multiple lanes. It's not just the (COVID) shot, it's the finances. It's not just finances, it's actual possibilities of war in the Middle East and the China Sea. It's the drug attack on America, with the Fentanyl being manufactured in China and then using chemicals from China in other locations, down in Mexico. It's the migrant crisis that is being funded and pushed. Migrants from Haiti?... They are being boated and air-crafted in. Who's paying for that? These people coming from all over South America headed for our border, brought out of prison... Who's behind that, to drill holes in the foundation of America? To bring these kids into America to be trafficked...as human slaves?
“Who benefits if America is out of the way? Who benefits if our military is unable to function? Who benefits if our economy is unable to function? Who benefits if our politicians are unable to work to protect us on all of those fronts? Who benefits if our borders are breached and our policing forces are unable to protect us? Who benefits? At the end of the day it’s the Globalists. Who even runs China? China isn’t being run by the Chinese—it’s being run by the Globalists..."--Pete Santilli, Juan O Savin
The takedown of America has been carefully orchestrated over decades according to the following playbook: (1) the infiltration and subversion of the Democratic party, Congress, the court system, Big Tech, the mainstream media, Universities, local school boards and corporations across America by Chinese Communist Party agents and Marxist ideology ("woke-ism," transgenderism, and Critical Race Theory anyone?); (2) the use of domestic terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter to create chaos and foment violence in cities across America in order to undermine this country's rich cultural heritage and re-write America's history (e.g. the 1619 Project); (3) the creation of the "global pandemic" false narrative and the unleashing of a man-made bioweapon upon the populations of the world, thus allowing the Deep State Globalists to steal the 2020 presidential election (mail in ballots, vote rigging, etc.) and illegitimately return themselves to power in the United States; (4) the overturning of Trump's border wall protection policies and the allowing of the wholesale invasion of the United States' southern border by hordes of illegal immigrants and undesirable criminal elements; (5) defunding police departments in cities across America while simultaneously releasing hardened criminals--felons--from prison; (6) the closing down of the Keystone XL pipeline and the overturning of the Trump Administration's establishment of the United States as an energy-independent sovereign nation; (7) mandating that all U.S. citizens take the poisonous, experimental mRNA gene modification drug commonly referred to as the "COVID-19 vaccine" in order to kill off, sterilize, cripple and maim as many Americans as possible, as quickly as possible; (8) imploding the U.S. economy in order to usher in the tyrannical Great Reset whereby private property is abolished and vaccine passports and digital I.D.'s will be utilized to track, trace and control the finances and movement of every American and global citizen; (9) the imposition of the fake "Climate Crisis" narrative/agenda in order to generate additional monies (in the form of carbon taxes) for the Globalist Cabal and thus allow them to implement further lock-downs and controls on the movement and freedoms of the sovereign citizens of America and of the Earth; (10) deliberately engineered food shortages and the disallowing of container ships to dock at any U.S.port; (11) the flooding of the American market with Fentanyl and other highly addictive illicit drugs; (12) the creation of false flag events around Second Amendment issues in order to attempt to confiscate guns from law-abiding Americans; (13) the eventual introduction of CCP and/or U.N. troops onto American soil.
Kerry Cassidy concurs: "The Globalist/NWO crowd have tried to destroy every America institution by: confusing normal male/female sex roles; destroying the family; the abomination of our food with GMO and the poisoning and contamination of our water and air and clothing; perverting the schools and education; dirtying up the cities with CIA trafficked narcotics and illegal drugs like Chinese manufactured synthetic opiates that kill 60-90,000 Americans a year; deploying a bioweapon CV-19 and derivatives along with low level spraying of poison gasses to irritate the lungs like CV-19, all done to create mass death, chaos, destroy small business and transfer massive funds to the large corporations; withholding of known effective treatments for CV-19 and actual wrong treatments deployed to murder those with CV-19 while in the hospital by some hospitals; massive illegal immigration financed by Soros and other Globalist/NWO folks providing trucks, busses and transport means to take these illegals to the US border from their native countries or wherever they are. Every weapon of war that can be conceived has been deployed against us to mass-murder us, take away our livelihood, destroy our happiness and destroy America and American Society. Note that the jab is not a vaccine, it is a spike protein micro nano factory inserted in many cells designed to harm you. Some will survive it, many may not..." --Kerry Cassidy, the Globalist/NWO Agenda
“Who benefits if America is out of the way? Who benefits if our military is unable to function? Who benefits if our economy is unable to function? Who benefits if our politicians are unable to work to protect us on all of those fronts? Who benefits if our borders are breached and our policing forces are unable to protect us? Who benefits? At the end of the day it’s the Globalists. Who even runs China? China isn’t being run by the Chinese—it’s being run by the Globalists..."--Pete Santilli, Juan O Savin
The takedown of America has been carefully orchestrated over decades according to the following playbook: (1) the infiltration and subversion of the Democratic party, Congress, the court system, Big Tech, the mainstream media, Universities, local school boards and corporations across America by Chinese Communist Party agents and Marxist ideology ("woke-ism," transgenderism, and Critical Race Theory anyone?); (2) the use of domestic terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter to create chaos and foment violence in cities across America in order to undermine this country's rich cultural heritage and re-write America's history (e.g. the 1619 Project); (3) the creation of the "global pandemic" false narrative and the unleashing of a man-made bioweapon upon the populations of the world, thus allowing the Deep State Globalists to steal the 2020 presidential election (mail in ballots, vote rigging, etc.) and illegitimately return themselves to power in the United States; (4) the overturning of Trump's border wall protection policies and the allowing of the wholesale invasion of the United States' southern border by hordes of illegal immigrants and undesirable criminal elements; (5) defunding police departments in cities across America while simultaneously releasing hardened criminals--felons--from prison; (6) the closing down of the Keystone XL pipeline and the overturning of the Trump Administration's establishment of the United States as an energy-independent sovereign nation; (7) mandating that all U.S. citizens take the poisonous, experimental mRNA gene modification drug commonly referred to as the "COVID-19 vaccine" in order to kill off, sterilize, cripple and maim as many Americans as possible, as quickly as possible; (8) imploding the U.S. economy in order to usher in the tyrannical Great Reset whereby private property is abolished and vaccine passports and digital I.D.'s will be utilized to track, trace and control the finances and movement of every American and global citizen; (9) the imposition of the fake "Climate Crisis" narrative/agenda in order to generate additional monies (in the form of carbon taxes) for the Globalist Cabal and thus allow them to implement further lock-downs and controls on the movement and freedoms of the sovereign citizens of America and of the Earth; (10) deliberately engineered food shortages and the disallowing of container ships to dock at any U.S.port; (11) the flooding of the American market with Fentanyl and other highly addictive illicit drugs; (12) the creation of false flag events around Second Amendment issues in order to attempt to confiscate guns from law-abiding Americans; (13) the eventual introduction of CCP and/or U.N. troops onto American soil.
Kerry Cassidy concurs: "The Globalist/NWO crowd have tried to destroy every America institution by: confusing normal male/female sex roles; destroying the family; the abomination of our food with GMO and the poisoning and contamination of our water and air and clothing; perverting the schools and education; dirtying up the cities with CIA trafficked narcotics and illegal drugs like Chinese manufactured synthetic opiates that kill 60-90,000 Americans a year; deploying a bioweapon CV-19 and derivatives along with low level spraying of poison gasses to irritate the lungs like CV-19, all done to create mass death, chaos, destroy small business and transfer massive funds to the large corporations; withholding of known effective treatments for CV-19 and actual wrong treatments deployed to murder those with CV-19 while in the hospital by some hospitals; massive illegal immigration financed by Soros and other Globalist/NWO folks providing trucks, busses and transport means to take these illegals to the US border from their native countries or wherever they are. Every weapon of war that can be conceived has been deployed against us to mass-murder us, take away our livelihood, destroy our happiness and destroy America and American Society. Note that the jab is not a vaccine, it is a spike protein micro nano factory inserted in many cells designed to harm you. Some will survive it, many may not..." --Kerry Cassidy, the Globalist/NWO Agenda
"High-level officials in the Pentagon (Gen. Milley, Gen. Austin, etc.) are all-in with this plan, as are Biden regime officials who answer to the CCP. The corporate media is pushing all the required narratives (race hatred, anti-white bigotry, COVID hysteria, etc.) in order to create the necessary mental state that can be triggered into an eruption like what we’re seeing right now in South Africa...
"The more chaos the anti-American Marxists can unleash, the more they can assert power and control over the nation to achieve their ultimate goal: The mass extermination of hundreds of millions of Americans and the complete takedown of the United States of America as a sovereign nation." --How the anti-American Globalists hope their plan will unfold
"Naturally, as this is being done by out top politicians, government leaders and corporate officials, their actions are so anti-American, anti-Constitutional, so anti-law, so anti-human and so extreme that the average America is in shock and just cannot fathom what is being done and why and what is wrong inside their brains. Sad to say many Americans believe the major mass media’s stories which are now always false and supporting to this takedown and destruction of American Society piece by piece and the mass-murder of Americans using deployed bioweapons...
"Whether the enemy succeeds or fails is now up to us and how we respond. One thing is for certain, if folks sit back and stay in shock and do nothing, our side loses, we are all eliminated and no more children will be allowed to be conceived, born or live in due time.
"On the other hand we know that inculcated truth is the most powerful weapon of war, so learn all you can from trusted Alt Media Internet authors who have a long track record and can be trusted. Ignore the major mass media which is an illegal News Cartel and does nothing but lie, only reporting weather and half truths at beats usually designed to create fear and mislead. Share information with trusted friends who want to know it, ignore those who are mind controlled and filled with lies." --Kerry Cassidy, the Globalist/NWO Agenda
"The more chaos the anti-American Marxists can unleash, the more they can assert power and control over the nation to achieve their ultimate goal: The mass extermination of hundreds of millions of Americans and the complete takedown of the United States of America as a sovereign nation." --How the anti-American Globalists hope their plan will unfold
"Naturally, as this is being done by out top politicians, government leaders and corporate officials, their actions are so anti-American, anti-Constitutional, so anti-law, so anti-human and so extreme that the average America is in shock and just cannot fathom what is being done and why and what is wrong inside their brains. Sad to say many Americans believe the major mass media’s stories which are now always false and supporting to this takedown and destruction of American Society piece by piece and the mass-murder of Americans using deployed bioweapons...
"Whether the enemy succeeds or fails is now up to us and how we respond. One thing is for certain, if folks sit back and stay in shock and do nothing, our side loses, we are all eliminated and no more children will be allowed to be conceived, born or live in due time.
"On the other hand we know that inculcated truth is the most powerful weapon of war, so learn all you can from trusted Alt Media Internet authors who have a long track record and can be trusted. Ignore the major mass media which is an illegal News Cartel and does nothing but lie, only reporting weather and half truths at beats usually designed to create fear and mislead. Share information with trusted friends who want to know it, ignore those who are mind controlled and filled with lies." --Kerry Cassidy, the Globalist/NWO Agenda
Vaccines and the Globalist Depopulation Agenda (part II)
"This COVID is an invasion, it's an invasionary tactic. You could even call it a
softening tactic..." --Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
“If these people continue to take control of America the way they’re doing, you’re
dead! And your kids are fucked! What do you think this clot shot is?
--Pete Santilli interviews Juan O Savin
"There are a lot of people who believe in vaccines. They obviously
haven't read the real literature..." --Alex Collier, Webinar 120
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
"The 'vaccine' is not a vaccine but a medical procedure, essentially a bioweapon
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
"As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S.
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
--The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"I'm not getting the shot! And I hope to hell everybody listening...isn't
getting the stupid-ass shot!... Because it's a stupid thing to get this
shot right now! It's an experimental drug and you shouldn't be part
of the experiment... It's an experiment to see if we will sit there and
take extermination--that's what it really is. To find out if America
will roll over and go away quietly... Bullshit! Slaves no
fucking more! Wake up America!" --Juan O' Savin
and America's Call to Action
softening tactic..." --Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
“If these people continue to take control of America the way they’re doing, you’re
dead! And your kids are fucked! What do you think this clot shot is?
--Pete Santilli interviews Juan O Savin
"There are a lot of people who believe in vaccines. They obviously
haven't read the real literature..." --Alex Collier, Webinar 120
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
"The 'vaccine' is not a vaccine but a medical procedure, essentially a bioweapon
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
"As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S.
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
--The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"I'm not getting the shot! And I hope to hell everybody listening...isn't
getting the stupid-ass shot!... Because it's a stupid thing to get this
shot right now! It's an experimental drug and you shouldn't be part
of the experiment... It's an experiment to see if we will sit there and
take extermination--that's what it really is. To find out if America
will roll over and go away quietly... Bullshit! Slaves no
fucking more! Wake up America!" --Juan O' Savin
and America's Call to Action
In my previous posts entitled Creepy Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda and Viruses, Vaccines and 5G Frequencies I detailed how criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci along with the Deep State Globalists are currently embarked upon a War Against Humanity and an illegal agenda of global genocide via the roll-out of their "vaccine" mandates across America and across the entire world.
“And on our watch, we should not let a single Attorney General or US Attorney; we should not let a single elected official; we should not let a single public health officer get away with any public statement that does not confirm that this is a bioweapons program meant to destroy, maim and kill the citizens of the United States and the people of the world. This is a crime, and we need to start treating it like a crime, instead of watching a bank robber walk out of a bank and (then) calling the Uber for them. This is about getting Anthony Fauci cuffed and perp walked! That’s what this is about!" --Dr. David Martin
What exactly is the Globalist Deep State Agenda? To summarize the salient points of the work of Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Carrie Madej, Lisa Renee, Cyrus Parsa, et al., "The public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns." The actual agenda of the Deep State Cabal is to block the real healing therapies (like Hydroychloroquine, Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide) by demonizing these therapeutics through their bought and paid for puppets in the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, then push their deadly, toxic genocidal jabs on the global population as the only "solution" to the fake COVID scamdemic which they themselves created (Problem--Reaction--Solution), all the while covertly building the infrastructure for their deadly worldwide 5G frequency control networks.
And in the case of COVID-19, the mRNA "vaccine" is experimental, has never been fully tested, and is actually intended to depopulate the planet. This is NOT speculation or idle conjecture, or a "conspiracy theory", as many of the sheeple still like to believe. And if you're lucky enough to not be immediately killed off, sterilized or permanently disabled by the vaccines, then your body and mind will become "technologically possessed" through nanotechnology by the Artificial Intelligence 5G satellite networks, and you will become a zombified, completely controllable, programmable node in the Internet of Things (IoT).
That is, "if you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
“And on our watch, we should not let a single Attorney General or US Attorney; we should not let a single elected official; we should not let a single public health officer get away with any public statement that does not confirm that this is a bioweapons program meant to destroy, maim and kill the citizens of the United States and the people of the world. This is a crime, and we need to start treating it like a crime, instead of watching a bank robber walk out of a bank and (then) calling the Uber for them. This is about getting Anthony Fauci cuffed and perp walked! That’s what this is about!" --Dr. David Martin
What exactly is the Globalist Deep State Agenda? To summarize the salient points of the work of Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Carrie Madej, Lisa Renee, Cyrus Parsa, et al., "The public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns." The actual agenda of the Deep State Cabal is to block the real healing therapies (like Hydroychloroquine, Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide) by demonizing these therapeutics through their bought and paid for puppets in the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, then push their deadly, toxic genocidal jabs on the global population as the only "solution" to the fake COVID scamdemic which they themselves created (Problem--Reaction--Solution), all the while covertly building the infrastructure for their deadly worldwide 5G frequency control networks.
And in the case of COVID-19, the mRNA "vaccine" is experimental, has never been fully tested, and is actually intended to depopulate the planet. This is NOT speculation or idle conjecture, or a "conspiracy theory", as many of the sheeple still like to believe. And if you're lucky enough to not be immediately killed off, sterilized or permanently disabled by the vaccines, then your body and mind will become "technologically possessed" through nanotechnology by the Artificial Intelligence 5G satellite networks, and you will become a zombified, completely controllable, programmable node in the Internet of Things (IoT).
That is, "if you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
We are actually currently embroiled in an all-out War Against Humanity, a spiritual war for the bodies and soul of human beings, and for the soul of planet Earth. However "this "war against Humanity isn’t merely a Globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans (like Gates and Fauci). Far beyond that. There is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization
"This is the most dangerous time for Humanity in the history of Humanity. Social credit scoring systems are being rolled out right now combined with massive censorship, media maliciousness, all the lies, the fake science, the fake news, the fake elections, and the fake history they are rolling out. This is a very dangerous time for all of us…
“The ICU’s are full of infant patients presenting with cardiac issues… All the mothers are fully vaccinated. We may be looking at...many many years of children being born with defects… This is going to be the next Thalidomide times a million. We’re gonna have children born with major defects, and it looks like it has already begun. The question is, How long can they cover it up? Because of course, the hospitals are murder centers, the doctors are medical murderers so they’ll lie, they’ll cheat, they’ll commit fraud—anything to cover this up so they can keep injecting pregnant women with spike protein vaccines that cause just unbelievable suffering and death of children. Because the doctors are demons at this point. That’s really what they have become, absolute demons. Like, literal demon-infested, anti-human lunatics...” --Mike Adams Update, Nov 11, 2021
“The vaccines don’t work, and those who took the vaccines are filling the hospitals and dying. And Fauci admits it, and he uses this explanation to say, ‘This is why America must urgently take the booster shot'… Aren’t you just shaking your head in disgust at that piece of crap Fauci? So how does another full dose of the same garbage that didn’t work the first time, how does it work now? How does it suddenly magically decide to work when it’s been failing all along?" --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"This is the most dangerous time for Humanity in the history of Humanity. Social credit scoring systems are being rolled out right now combined with massive censorship, media maliciousness, all the lies, the fake science, the fake news, the fake elections, and the fake history they are rolling out. This is a very dangerous time for all of us…
“The ICU’s are full of infant patients presenting with cardiac issues… All the mothers are fully vaccinated. We may be looking at...many many years of children being born with defects… This is going to be the next Thalidomide times a million. We’re gonna have children born with major defects, and it looks like it has already begun. The question is, How long can they cover it up? Because of course, the hospitals are murder centers, the doctors are medical murderers so they’ll lie, they’ll cheat, they’ll commit fraud—anything to cover this up so they can keep injecting pregnant women with spike protein vaccines that cause just unbelievable suffering and death of children. Because the doctors are demons at this point. That’s really what they have become, absolute demons. Like, literal demon-infested, anti-human lunatics...” --Mike Adams Update, Nov 11, 2021
“The vaccines don’t work, and those who took the vaccines are filling the hospitals and dying. And Fauci admits it, and he uses this explanation to say, ‘This is why America must urgently take the booster shot'… Aren’t you just shaking your head in disgust at that piece of crap Fauci? So how does another full dose of the same garbage that didn’t work the first time, how does it work now? How does it suddenly magically decide to work when it’s been failing all along?" --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"It’s so obvious at this point that this is not about public health, this is not about halting transmission, this is not about saving lives. The vaccines are about killing people. And Fauci just wants to make sure that you take part in his mop-up operation to inject as many people as possible with the KILL SHOT so that you die this winter or over the next few years from cancer, if the blood clots don’t get you first. Or if the Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) doesn’t get you.
“This is Fauci and the associated press carrying out vaccine murder, homicide, and conspiracy to commit a vaccine holocaust and they are all in on this. And we all have to ask this question: At this point, do you really feel sorry for the MORONS that are continuing to take the booster shot? It’s kind of like, haven’t they seen enough warnings at this point?
“Folks, you’ve got sports stars dropping dead on the soccer fields and the football fields and the basketball court, and the running marathons and the cyclists and the deep ocean divers and these people are dropping dead on video all around the world after taking the vaccine… And the hospitals are being overrun by previously vaccinated patients. How can any rational person, or sane person at this point, how can they observe this world and say to themselves, ‘Oh, the answer obviously must be that everybody needs to take another booster shot.' More poison, more poison! And then a third booster, and a forth, and a fifth--until they’re dead… At this point they have kind of affirmed that they want to commit suicide. It’s like they have chosen vaccine euthanasia as their path. They have chosen it. And it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for...an adult who keeps making the decision to take more vaccine shots. It’s kind of hard to feel sorry for them at this point. Because the evidence is right in front of them, that the shots are killing people, and they choose to remain BLIND.” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
“This is Fauci and the associated press carrying out vaccine murder, homicide, and conspiracy to commit a vaccine holocaust and they are all in on this. And we all have to ask this question: At this point, do you really feel sorry for the MORONS that are continuing to take the booster shot? It’s kind of like, haven’t they seen enough warnings at this point?
“Folks, you’ve got sports stars dropping dead on the soccer fields and the football fields and the basketball court, and the running marathons and the cyclists and the deep ocean divers and these people are dropping dead on video all around the world after taking the vaccine… And the hospitals are being overrun by previously vaccinated patients. How can any rational person, or sane person at this point, how can they observe this world and say to themselves, ‘Oh, the answer obviously must be that everybody needs to take another booster shot.' More poison, more poison! And then a third booster, and a forth, and a fifth--until they’re dead… At this point they have kind of affirmed that they want to commit suicide. It’s like they have chosen vaccine euthanasia as their path. They have chosen it. And it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for...an adult who keeps making the decision to take more vaccine shots. It’s kind of hard to feel sorry for them at this point. Because the evidence is right in front of them, that the shots are killing people, and they choose to remain BLIND.” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Those making these vaccines know these vaccines will kill you. They know science--they're not stupid. When you spend billions of dollars to build a factory to produce these vaccines you have enough scientists to know that antibody priming will kill you. And we have to face the reality of what is going on, that this IS the intention. The intention is to exterminate Humanity..." --Friar Alex Bugnolo, What We Are About To See
“Genocide is underway, and if you are unable to recognize the signs of genocide, that’s not a good survival trait... If you miss the signs of genocide as they’re coming for you, you’re probably not going to make it.” --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Rather than help 'save lives' as they claimed to do, eugenicists Bill Gates and Tony Fauci actually launched this global genocide that is still in motion. It started with lockdowns and business closures and has since progressed to mass 'vaccination,' the full impact of which still remains to be seen. The entire gamut of constitutional rights has been trampled on this past year in a way that we couldn’t have imagined even two years ago...(and) Fauci bears much of the responsibility for all this.
"By categorizing his endeavors as 'dual use,' Fauci was able to provide cover for his bioweapons endeavors by claiming they were for 'research' involving new 'vaccines.' It happened decades ago and it is still happening today, with the Chinese Virus being the current iteration... The reason Fauci has so much power is that his agency was supposed to be studying allergies and infectious diseases to get to the root cause of why they occur. Instead, he abused his post to conduct bioweapons research like some kind of homicidal maniac...
"Along with Gates, who also has a penchant for genocide, Fauci has been sending untold millions of taxpayer dollars to China and elsewhere to be used for bioweapons research... Since Fauci came into office, there has been an explosion of chronic disease, autoimmune disease, autism and other illnesses that never used to exist before he was installed into his position. How has he gotten away with this?" --Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns that Fauci, Gates are committing mass genocide against humanity
“Genocide is underway, and if you are unable to recognize the signs of genocide, that’s not a good survival trait... If you miss the signs of genocide as they’re coming for you, you’re probably not going to make it.” --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Rather than help 'save lives' as they claimed to do, eugenicists Bill Gates and Tony Fauci actually launched this global genocide that is still in motion. It started with lockdowns and business closures and has since progressed to mass 'vaccination,' the full impact of which still remains to be seen. The entire gamut of constitutional rights has been trampled on this past year in a way that we couldn’t have imagined even two years ago...(and) Fauci bears much of the responsibility for all this.
"By categorizing his endeavors as 'dual use,' Fauci was able to provide cover for his bioweapons endeavors by claiming they were for 'research' involving new 'vaccines.' It happened decades ago and it is still happening today, with the Chinese Virus being the current iteration... The reason Fauci has so much power is that his agency was supposed to be studying allergies and infectious diseases to get to the root cause of why they occur. Instead, he abused his post to conduct bioweapons research like some kind of homicidal maniac...
"Along with Gates, who also has a penchant for genocide, Fauci has been sending untold millions of taxpayer dollars to China and elsewhere to be used for bioweapons research... Since Fauci came into office, there has been an explosion of chronic disease, autoimmune disease, autism and other illnesses that never used to exist before he was installed into his position. How has he gotten away with this?" --Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns that Fauci, Gates are committing mass genocide against humanity
“On August 5 of this year CDC Director Rochelle Walensky confessed on CNN (Communist News Network) that the vaccines can no longer ‘prevent transmission.’ In other words, the vaccines have little effectiveness in protecting people from becoming infected with the virus and then in turn infecting other people with it…
“The disturbing part of this is that the vaccinators have known about the vaccine failure at least from the early summer. But rather than calling off the worldwide vaccination drives that have injected hundreds of millions of people with ineffective substances, the vaccinators changed their tack and argued that even though the vaccines will not protect you from infection they will still keep you from serious COVID and death. Last week, however, this lie was also put to rest by none other than Dr. Fauci himself.
“How, then, should we describe vaccines that do not protect their recipients from getting infected and infecting others, and do not protect their recipients against hospitalization and death? 'Complete failure' is the phrase that fits best here.
“But these vaccines are worse than useless. They are, in fact, very likely among the most deadly and dangerous pharmaceuticals ever released upon the public. The question is this: Why are we still injecting people with these ineffective and dangerous substances? What is the purpose other than to enrich those who are involved in their production and distribution?
“Now Big Pharma, Fauci and Co. and their media shills say we need to take their boosters to keep ourselves protected (which we never really were). The boosters, however, will likely be as ineffective as the original failed shots. The CDC has recently approved a fourth shot for the vulnerable. This is an indirect admission on their part that the previous three shots have failed. Why in the world would anyone believe that the fourth injection will work?
“The COVID vaccination travesty must be stopped now!” --Fauci Finally Admits Vaccines Don't Protect Against Serious COVID or Death
“The disturbing part of this is that the vaccinators have known about the vaccine failure at least from the early summer. But rather than calling off the worldwide vaccination drives that have injected hundreds of millions of people with ineffective substances, the vaccinators changed their tack and argued that even though the vaccines will not protect you from infection they will still keep you from serious COVID and death. Last week, however, this lie was also put to rest by none other than Dr. Fauci himself.
“How, then, should we describe vaccines that do not protect their recipients from getting infected and infecting others, and do not protect their recipients against hospitalization and death? 'Complete failure' is the phrase that fits best here.
“But these vaccines are worse than useless. They are, in fact, very likely among the most deadly and dangerous pharmaceuticals ever released upon the public. The question is this: Why are we still injecting people with these ineffective and dangerous substances? What is the purpose other than to enrich those who are involved in their production and distribution?
“Now Big Pharma, Fauci and Co. and their media shills say we need to take their boosters to keep ourselves protected (which we never really were). The boosters, however, will likely be as ineffective as the original failed shots. The CDC has recently approved a fourth shot for the vulnerable. This is an indirect admission on their part that the previous three shots have failed. Why in the world would anyone believe that the fourth injection will work?
“The COVID vaccination travesty must be stopped now!” --Fauci Finally Admits Vaccines Don't Protect Against Serious COVID or Death
The Variant Ruse (part II)
"The new BULLSHIT variant has arrived, according to the (fake news) mainstream media, and it's 500 times more contagious than the previous strain..." --New BULLSHIT Variant 500 Times More Contagious Than the Previous Strain
Yes, “the big news that is being pushed heavily, heavily by the (fake news) mainstream media is this new variant. Oh my God! It’s a new COVID variant—it’s called the B-dot-one-dot-five-two-nine. And all the media in a coordinated fashion are screaming about this new variant. It’s from Botswana, from South Africa. Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Get vaccinated! Even though the ‘vaccine’ doesn't cover this variant they’re going to tell people to go get vaccinated." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
Yes, “the big news that is being pushed heavily, heavily by the (fake news) mainstream media is this new variant. Oh my God! It’s a new COVID variant—it’s called the B-dot-one-dot-five-two-nine. And all the media in a coordinated fashion are screaming about this new variant. It’s from Botswana, from South Africa. Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Get vaccinated! Even though the ‘vaccine’ doesn't cover this variant they’re going to tell people to go get vaccinated." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
“So I just wanted to give you the heads up on this. It’s just another chapter of the SCAM. They say, ‘Oh, it has 32 HORRIFIC mutations!’ This is from the UK Daily Mail. 32 horrific mutations? I’m like, Hey UK Daily Mail you got the wrong holiday, that was Halloween. You should have done that a month ago. This is Thanksgiving, enough with the horror. And they say it’s the most evolved COVID strain ever! And could be worse than Delta! An expert says it may have emerged in an HIV patient! Oh My God! It’s COVID AIDS!
“Um, you know what? Note to everyone: We already have COVID AIDS—that’s from the COVID ‘vaccines’. People get the ‘vaccines’, they lose their immune function, (and) they basically have Vaccine Induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome—VIIDS...
“The UK Daily Mail, Newsweek, Yahoo—they’re all trying to freak everybody out. Oh my God this could be worse than anything else in the wold! Because you see FEAR has worked so well to just coral everybody into (taking the) ‘vaccines’ so far, and into masks and so on. So this is their latest thing...
“And by the way, you know that it’s never going to end as long as people (sheeple) comply. If you think (that) you can obey your way into ending this—forget it! You notice how some countries are now dealing with the third wave or the fourth wave, and in Israel I think they’re worried about a fifth wave of COVID. The waves keep coming because they keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ and the ‘vaccines’ are causing the waves. And it’s NEVER going to end because they can always say there’s a new variant! This variant, is from Zimbabwe! This variant is from Hong Kong. This variant is from wherever. And they can assign new numbers to it. ‘Oh this is the c-one-dot-two-dot-seven-two-nine-four-five. Oh my God! And they’ll just add numbers until they make it sound really scary. It’s a variant! Oh, my God, it’s got lots of numbers! It’s got dots in it! One-dot-three-dot-seven-dash-A-seven-four-five-six. And it’s from this odd-sounding country! Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid!
“This is their whole strategy at this point—it’s completely insane. There’s no science to it whatsoever. They say they’ve only found ten cases in the world. Ten cases? Ten cases!? I thought they said this has infected billions of people? So ten out of, let’s just say, one billion...is point zero zero one percent? I mean it’s nothing! Basically zero. Ten out of a billion is essentially zero, almost zero. And we’re supposed to be afraid of this? This is just complete QUACKERY from the media, but it’s got to be used to push more ‘vaccines’. Remember the ‘vaccines’ don’t stop this, whatever ‘this’ is, if it even exists. “Vaccines’ don’t stop it. All the ‘vaccines’ do is give people more COVID, to cause more people to test positive (in order to) have another wave. The whole thing is a SCAM!” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
“Um, you know what? Note to everyone: We already have COVID AIDS—that’s from the COVID ‘vaccines’. People get the ‘vaccines’, they lose their immune function, (and) they basically have Vaccine Induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome—VIIDS...
“The UK Daily Mail, Newsweek, Yahoo—they’re all trying to freak everybody out. Oh my God this could be worse than anything else in the wold! Because you see FEAR has worked so well to just coral everybody into (taking the) ‘vaccines’ so far, and into masks and so on. So this is their latest thing...
“And by the way, you know that it’s never going to end as long as people (sheeple) comply. If you think (that) you can obey your way into ending this—forget it! You notice how some countries are now dealing with the third wave or the fourth wave, and in Israel I think they’re worried about a fifth wave of COVID. The waves keep coming because they keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ and the ‘vaccines’ are causing the waves. And it’s NEVER going to end because they can always say there’s a new variant! This variant, is from Zimbabwe! This variant is from Hong Kong. This variant is from wherever. And they can assign new numbers to it. ‘Oh this is the c-one-dot-two-dot-seven-two-nine-four-five. Oh my God! And they’ll just add numbers until they make it sound really scary. It’s a variant! Oh, my God, it’s got lots of numbers! It’s got dots in it! One-dot-three-dot-seven-dash-A-seven-four-five-six. And it’s from this odd-sounding country! Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid!
“This is their whole strategy at this point—it’s completely insane. There’s no science to it whatsoever. They say they’ve only found ten cases in the world. Ten cases? Ten cases!? I thought they said this has infected billions of people? So ten out of, let’s just say, one billion...is point zero zero one percent? I mean it’s nothing! Basically zero. Ten out of a billion is essentially zero, almost zero. And we’re supposed to be afraid of this? This is just complete QUACKERY from the media, but it’s got to be used to push more ‘vaccines’. Remember the ‘vaccines’ don’t stop this, whatever ‘this’ is, if it even exists. “Vaccines’ don’t stop it. All the ‘vaccines’ do is give people more COVID, to cause more people to test positive (in order to) have another wave. The whole thing is a SCAM!” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
“And so now the WHO has called a special meeting, reportedly, to discuss this new variant...to discuss what it may mean for ‘vaccine’ treatment. They detected 30 mutations to the spike protein! The part of the virus that binds to the cells in the body, which could have implications for ‘vaccine’ efficacy.
“So in addition to the fear factor of this, do you know what it’s also going to be used for? To tell people that their current vaccines no longer count. This is going to be used to cancel all vaccine passports and say, ‘Well, we have the new Botswana Variant, therefore, so sorry about you taking the vaccine already and getting your boosters and everything. It’s irrelevant now, you’ve got to start over with the new vaccines for the new variant’ which they will eventually come out with or claim to. And then they’ll say everybody’s got to go get those. Again—this cycle never ends!" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
“So in addition to the fear factor of this, do you know what it’s also going to be used for? To tell people that their current vaccines no longer count. This is going to be used to cancel all vaccine passports and say, ‘Well, we have the new Botswana Variant, therefore, so sorry about you taking the vaccine already and getting your boosters and everything. It’s irrelevant now, you’ve got to start over with the new vaccines for the new variant’ which they will eventually come out with or claim to. And then they’ll say everybody’s got to go get those. Again—this cycle never ends!" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
Vaccine Passports - The Ultimate Tyranny
"The current Western financial system consists of Oligarchs using the
central banks they own to pump money into the corporations they also
own. That is why you have the worlds’ wealth vanishing into a black
hole headquartered around Lake Geneva, Switzerland... These
criminals, aware their control grid is collapsing, have been
trying desperately to vaccinate the world into obedience with
a fake pandemic. They planned to inject people with a
machine-readable mark of the beast ID (Certificate Of
Vaccine ID) and make their ability to earn a living
dependent on that ID." --Benjamin Fulford 11-1-21
central banks they own to pump money into the corporations they also
own. That is why you have the worlds’ wealth vanishing into a black
hole headquartered around Lake Geneva, Switzerland... These
criminals, aware their control grid is collapsing, have been
trying desperately to vaccinate the world into obedience with
a fake pandemic. They planned to inject people with a
machine-readable mark of the beast ID (Certificate Of
Vaccine ID) and make their ability to earn a living
dependent on that ID." --Benjamin Fulford 11-1-21
"The imposition of vaccine passports represents a major expansion of state power. While they are portrayed as a means of restoring pre-pandemic freedoms, in reality they will extend restrictions on people who refuse to comply.
"There is also evidence that vaccine passports form part of a wider agenda to introduce biometric digital identity systems. The EU was already making plans for vaccine passports in 2018, long before anyone had heard of COVID-19. And there are other disturbing initiatives, such as ID2020, backed by powerful transnational foundations with deep links to Western governments..." --An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
“ID 2020—of course Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture--they’re the main ones there with ID 2020. They formed this back in 2016, they were ahead of the game on this. We already knew this was coming. Many people had been talking about ID 2020 long before COVID even hit. And so this is something they had been working on, wanting to get everyone onto this digital identity...
"So the (vaccine) passport really integrates...the idea of a global digital I.D. system, totally global and totally centrally controlled. And one of the selling points is, ‘Oh, it's going to give you complete privacy.’ People can confirm this or that about you without compromising your privacy… It’s what I call the data beast and the data beast has been growing for a long, long time, funded by our taxpayers money…" -- Catherine Austin Fitts & Corey Lynn on Vaccine ID Passports
"Vaccine passports can be interpreted as a stepping stone towards comprehensive digital IDs, a way of getting the public and businesses used to presenting and accepting them. Such IDs will hold not just health records, but also financial information, biometric details and other data on individuals. They will obviously be terrible news for privacy, but they could also be made mandatory for voting, access to jobs and bank accounts, to rent housing, conduct transactions, obtain health services etc. They would enable governments to exclude people who refuse to take part in the system and also people who carry the IDs but upset the 'elite' in some way. Dissidents could find their access to basic services switched off, both to punish them and nudge them to comply.
"The imposition of vaccine passports might be less worrying if it wasn’t taking place in the context of rapidly expanding state surveillance (and control)." ----An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
"Can you imagine being locked out of your office? Can you imagine being locked out of a school? Can you imagine being locked out of a grocery store? It's happening all over the world. It's happening in France, it's happening in New York... Living in Texas you don't even think about the fact that this is going on in people's lives. You literally cannot get food in certain parts of the Unite States of America without what? A vaccine passport!" --Del Bigtree, Exposing Vaccine Passports
“Proposals like these (vaccine passports) smack of 1940s Nazi Germany. We must make every effort to keep America from becoming a ‘show your papers society’...” said Cawthorn, a freshman Republican congressman from North Carolina... “The Constitution and our founding principles decry this type of totalitarianism.” --Vaccine passports are being compared to yellow Stars of David from the Holocaust
"There is also evidence that vaccine passports form part of a wider agenda to introduce biometric digital identity systems. The EU was already making plans for vaccine passports in 2018, long before anyone had heard of COVID-19. And there are other disturbing initiatives, such as ID2020, backed by powerful transnational foundations with deep links to Western governments..." --An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
“ID 2020—of course Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture--they’re the main ones there with ID 2020. They formed this back in 2016, they were ahead of the game on this. We already knew this was coming. Many people had been talking about ID 2020 long before COVID even hit. And so this is something they had been working on, wanting to get everyone onto this digital identity...
"So the (vaccine) passport really integrates...the idea of a global digital I.D. system, totally global and totally centrally controlled. And one of the selling points is, ‘Oh, it's going to give you complete privacy.’ People can confirm this or that about you without compromising your privacy… It’s what I call the data beast and the data beast has been growing for a long, long time, funded by our taxpayers money…" -- Catherine Austin Fitts & Corey Lynn on Vaccine ID Passports
"Vaccine passports can be interpreted as a stepping stone towards comprehensive digital IDs, a way of getting the public and businesses used to presenting and accepting them. Such IDs will hold not just health records, but also financial information, biometric details and other data on individuals. They will obviously be terrible news for privacy, but they could also be made mandatory for voting, access to jobs and bank accounts, to rent housing, conduct transactions, obtain health services etc. They would enable governments to exclude people who refuse to take part in the system and also people who carry the IDs but upset the 'elite' in some way. Dissidents could find their access to basic services switched off, both to punish them and nudge them to comply.
"The imposition of vaccine passports might be less worrying if it wasn’t taking place in the context of rapidly expanding state surveillance (and control)." ----An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
"Can you imagine being locked out of your office? Can you imagine being locked out of a school? Can you imagine being locked out of a grocery store? It's happening all over the world. It's happening in France, it's happening in New York... Living in Texas you don't even think about the fact that this is going on in people's lives. You literally cannot get food in certain parts of the Unite States of America without what? A vaccine passport!" --Del Bigtree, Exposing Vaccine Passports
“Proposals like these (vaccine passports) smack of 1940s Nazi Germany. We must make every effort to keep America from becoming a ‘show your papers society’...” said Cawthorn, a freshman Republican congressman from North Carolina... “The Constitution and our founding principles decry this type of totalitarianism.” --Vaccine passports are being compared to yellow Stars of David from the Holocaust
"Germany may have lost World War II but the Nazi’s did not. And the truth of the matter is, as Satan always does, a group of people led by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger and George Bush senior’s father (Preston Bush) and a bunch of high-level Nazis and high-level Monarchs and Oligarchs around the world, when they knew that the Third Reich (the One World Government) was not going to happen, they removed through Operation High Jump, Operation Paperclip, 30,000 of the highest ranking Nazis—their physicists, their scientists, their doctors, their educators, their journalists, and they brought them to America and they inserted them into our universities, our NGO’s, our think tanks, our Hollywood, our media, and worst of all they created something called the United Nations.
“And I will tell you right now there’s not a doubt in my mind (that) the United Nations is literally the Fourth Reich. And they know that people of God that love country and love family and love the children and love nature and all the things that make this planet amazing, are empathetic, compassionate people who want to do good things for other humans. And they use that against us to convince us that this was what the goal of the United Nations was.
“Let’s just say, the one thing not welcome at the United Nations is God. They are God in their minds… The only thing standing in the way of their Great Reset, the One World Government, the dystopian hell for Humanity is the United States Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Judeo-Christian beliefs in inalienable rights given by God.
“And I will tell you right now, they are challenging this at every turn. They cannot have a faith in God compete with their god, which is them…" --Mel K On Fire - ReAwaken America Tour - San Antonio 11.21.21
“They lie to Humans about who we truly are. If they can dumb you down, if they can convince you that you are less than, then they’ve won. And that’s what they’re busy doing right now--they are roiling out a Nazi-type of regime where without your papers and your jab you can’t go anywhere. You’re locked in your house, your neighbor will spy on you. It just goes on and on and on. Yes, it has to stop… The more awakened our neighbors are, the more they can join the battle and yes, turn the tide..." --Kerry Cassidy, Demons and Aliens Roundtable
“And I will tell you right now there’s not a doubt in my mind (that) the United Nations is literally the Fourth Reich. And they know that people of God that love country and love family and love the children and love nature and all the things that make this planet amazing, are empathetic, compassionate people who want to do good things for other humans. And they use that against us to convince us that this was what the goal of the United Nations was.
“Let’s just say, the one thing not welcome at the United Nations is God. They are God in their minds… The only thing standing in the way of their Great Reset, the One World Government, the dystopian hell for Humanity is the United States Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Judeo-Christian beliefs in inalienable rights given by God.
“And I will tell you right now, they are challenging this at every turn. They cannot have a faith in God compete with their god, which is them…" --Mel K On Fire - ReAwaken America Tour - San Antonio 11.21.21
“They lie to Humans about who we truly are. If they can dumb you down, if they can convince you that you are less than, then they’ve won. And that’s what they’re busy doing right now--they are roiling out a Nazi-type of regime where without your papers and your jab you can’t go anywhere. You’re locked in your house, your neighbor will spy on you. It just goes on and on and on. Yes, it has to stop… The more awakened our neighbors are, the more they can join the battle and yes, turn the tide..." --Kerry Cassidy, Demons and Aliens Roundtable
The Invasion of America (part I)
"As Sleepy Joe gets shuffled away from the press by his handlers, the border crisis is only intensifying. This video was taken out of Southeast Texas and paints a picture of how the American border is WIDE OPEN thanks to Biden’s open border policy.
"Thanks to the Biden Administration, a well-oiled machine prime for drug smugglers and human traffickers is invading the United States. And the current White House is 100% complicit." --The American Invasion at Our Southern Border Under Joe Biden
As if this torrential flood of illegal immigrants and undesirable criminal elements of drug smugglers and human traffickers isn't enough, to add insult to injury "the Biden administration is considering paying illegal immigrant families who were separated at the border under former President Donald Trump’s policies up to $450,000 each, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday..." --Biden Considering $450,000 Payments To Illegal Immigrant Families
"Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton likened the plan to that paying a burglar for breaking into your home... 'It’s unthinkable to pay a burglar who broke into your home for the ‘psychological trauma’ they endured during the crime,' he tweeted. 'Yet the Biden admin wants to reward migrants who illegally entered our country with up to $450,000 each for just that reason.' Cotton also referred to the plan as 'insanity'..." --Biden Plan To Pay Illegal Immigrants
"Thanks to the Biden Administration, a well-oiled machine prime for drug smugglers and human traffickers is invading the United States. And the current White House is 100% complicit." --The American Invasion at Our Southern Border Under Joe Biden
As if this torrential flood of illegal immigrants and undesirable criminal elements of drug smugglers and human traffickers isn't enough, to add insult to injury "the Biden administration is considering paying illegal immigrant families who were separated at the border under former President Donald Trump’s policies up to $450,000 each, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday..." --Biden Considering $450,000 Payments To Illegal Immigrant Families
"Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton likened the plan to that paying a burglar for breaking into your home... 'It’s unthinkable to pay a burglar who broke into your home for the ‘psychological trauma’ they endured during the crime,' he tweeted. 'Yet the Biden admin wants to reward migrants who illegally entered our country with up to $450,000 each for just that reason.' Cotton also referred to the plan as 'insanity'..." --Biden Plan To Pay Illegal Immigrants
But free money isn't the only reason that hordes of illegal immigrants are headed to the southern border of the United States. "The Grey-Human hybrid program was very concentrated in Central and South America. That is because the US government actually made a deal with them to get them to stop abducting so many members of the United States and actually sent them down south. They are always looking for a race that are closer to its original racial roots, and that’s where the South American, Mexican American, Latin American are very close in their bloodline to the original Mayan, Aztec, and various root races.
“So what that provides an alien race that comes in and wants to inject their DNA into the mixture, to merge their DNA into those beings, is a strong kind of stock, if you will. So when we see what is happening right this minute with the droves of humans headed for the border to invade the United States, this is a Grey alien agenda. These people, many of them, maybe even most of them, are being programmed by the Greys...
“We would not necessarily want to be merged with some of these (alien) races. That’s why we call them invaders. In essence, we are being invaded by the COVID concoction which contains the alien DNA. Cyrus Parsa is one of the experts on what actually goes into that, what it is really made of. But it is an alien agenda to invade our species, absolutely." --Kerry Cassidy, Demons and Aliens Roundtable
Regarding "some of the battles going on down at the (southern border), the hot story, the breaking news, is some kind of quasi-invasion by the (Globalist) Cabal, or by troops being financed and outfitted with weapons by the Cabal.
“Basically I had the developing story saying a small town that was close to the border was taken over by the Cartel...and we’ve got illegals that are on the way to the border and more and more coming every day. This particular battle was taking place with the National Guard… I included links to other epic news items with regard to this so-called invasion of the US Texas border.
“So we are definitely having something going on down there that is MASSIVE. And I do want to say...that what we’re really dealing with is the Grey ET Agenda with regard to moving large numbers of Grey-Human hybrids from South and Central America up to the border. These people, some of them, are definitely programmed. They are basically getting a message to come. The idea is to create a diversion of a sort at the border to where the Chinese will also come in. The Cartel is sort of the front flank of the Chinese advance. I have had dreams of the future in which we were being invaded by the Chinese. More and more that seems highly likely… I’ve got lots of evidence of Chinese troops in Canada, being trained there, being along the borders. Also in Pennsylvania, also in Wisconsin they were reported, as well as down in the southern border as well as underground…" --Kerry Cassidy Video Update 11.2.21
“So what that provides an alien race that comes in and wants to inject their DNA into the mixture, to merge their DNA into those beings, is a strong kind of stock, if you will. So when we see what is happening right this minute with the droves of humans headed for the border to invade the United States, this is a Grey alien agenda. These people, many of them, maybe even most of them, are being programmed by the Greys...
“We would not necessarily want to be merged with some of these (alien) races. That’s why we call them invaders. In essence, we are being invaded by the COVID concoction which contains the alien DNA. Cyrus Parsa is one of the experts on what actually goes into that, what it is really made of. But it is an alien agenda to invade our species, absolutely." --Kerry Cassidy, Demons and Aliens Roundtable
Regarding "some of the battles going on down at the (southern border), the hot story, the breaking news, is some kind of quasi-invasion by the (Globalist) Cabal, or by troops being financed and outfitted with weapons by the Cabal.
“Basically I had the developing story saying a small town that was close to the border was taken over by the Cartel...and we’ve got illegals that are on the way to the border and more and more coming every day. This particular battle was taking place with the National Guard… I included links to other epic news items with regard to this so-called invasion of the US Texas border.
“So we are definitely having something going on down there that is MASSIVE. And I do want to say...that what we’re really dealing with is the Grey ET Agenda with regard to moving large numbers of Grey-Human hybrids from South and Central America up to the border. These people, some of them, are definitely programmed. They are basically getting a message to come. The idea is to create a diversion of a sort at the border to where the Chinese will also come in. The Cartel is sort of the front flank of the Chinese advance. I have had dreams of the future in which we were being invaded by the Chinese. More and more that seems highly likely… I’ve got lots of evidence of Chinese troops in Canada, being trained there, being along the borders. Also in Pennsylvania, also in Wisconsin they were reported, as well as down in the southern border as well as underground…" --Kerry Cassidy Video Update 11.2.21
“My dreams of the future often come true, so I pay attention. I don’t want this to happen, but according to my dreams they let them in. That sounds a lot like Biden. So as long as Biden is in office and allowed to do the will of the Deep State...we are dealing with this dark side energy…" --Kerry Cassidy Video Update 11.2.21
The Negative Alien Agenda (part I)
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The Threat reveals why the aliens are here and what they want, explains why
their agenda has been kept secret, and exposes their frightening plans for
earth and its inhabitants. In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers
who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually
uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing
and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination
(of the Earth) at its core." --The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
"The New World Order and the (Negative) Alien Agenda are one and the same:
It's world takeover and the decimation of the population of this planet..."
--Phil Schneider - The Alien Agenda
"Someone wants the human race ignorant, weak, passive and scared to death.
Anyone who doesn't believe there's some sort of conspiracy against the
human race (not all that walks in the guise of man is human) just
plain isn't paying attention..." --Robin Landry
"Most people cannot fathom that we are fighting an ALIEN A.I.
that wants to infect us with its tech and then control us.
This is what COVID-19 is all about. Nano A.I. is the
tech. This is a War of the Worlds scenario..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The Threat reveals why the aliens are here and what they want, explains why
their agenda has been kept secret, and exposes their frightening plans for
earth and its inhabitants. In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers
who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually
uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing
and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination
(of the Earth) at its core." --The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
"The New World Order and the (Negative) Alien Agenda are one and the same:
It's world takeover and the decimation of the population of this planet..."
--Phil Schneider - The Alien Agenda
"Someone wants the human race ignorant, weak, passive and scared to death.
Anyone who doesn't believe there's some sort of conspiracy against the
human race (not all that walks in the guise of man is human) just
plain isn't paying attention..." --Robin Landry
"Most people cannot fathom that we are fighting an ALIEN A.I.
that wants to infect us with its tech and then control us.
This is what COVID-19 is all about. Nano A.I. is the
tech. This is a War of the Worlds scenario..."
--Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
Negative Aliens "are extradimensional beings that have lost their Consciousness connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source (like a parasite) to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on higher mind principles than the human Three Layers of Ego. They are similar to a Mad Scientist that manipulates and genetically modifies human beings, similarly as a farmer interested in gaining more resources out of his herd of cattle on the farm. They consider humans an investment in their energy resource portfolio. The Negative Alien Agenda can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm for their own amusement.
"These beings have been manipulating the human world of affairs for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes... These are inter-dimensional and extra-dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelic in ancient history and they use many technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race...
"When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities 'purpose' actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is 'alien' to the true nature of humanity..."-- Lisa Renee, Negative Alien Agenda (NAA)
Two of the most commonly reported negative alien species are the Greys and the (Draco) Reptilians. "The Grey alien agenda on earth has been debated long and hard. There’s plenty of confusion about who they really are. Some argue they are malevolent while others say they are benevolent beings. Then there’s an argument that they are really the 'worker bees' for other species (the Draco Reptilians) while another theory is that they are machines (synthetic life forms). --Grey Alien Agenda To Capture And Harvest The Human Soul
"These beings have been manipulating the human world of affairs for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes... These are inter-dimensional and extra-dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelic in ancient history and they use many technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race...
"When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities 'purpose' actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is 'alien' to the true nature of humanity..."-- Lisa Renee, Negative Alien Agenda (NAA)
Two of the most commonly reported negative alien species are the Greys and the (Draco) Reptilians. "The Grey alien agenda on earth has been debated long and hard. There’s plenty of confusion about who they really are. Some argue they are malevolent while others say they are benevolent beings. Then there’s an argument that they are really the 'worker bees' for other species (the Draco Reptilians) while another theory is that they are machines (synthetic life forms). --Grey Alien Agenda To Capture And Harvest The Human Soul
Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot has been interviewing insiders and whistle-blowers since 2005. In a two-part interview here and here she interviewed William Mills Tompkins, who worked for North American Aviation, Northrop and Douglas Aircraft, designing advanced space crafts and weapons systems, and assisted with the Saturn and Apollo Space Programs for NASA. Some of Mr. Tompkins "bombshell" revelations in this Project Camelot interview are as follows:
"This is not your planet, that is not your moon. Humanity is in fact an experiment for extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. We are food (for them)...
"Our secret government...sprays chemicals into the air (chemtrails) that aid in detection of UFO’s as they disturb the atmosphere, and for other more nefarious purposes such as nanotechnology which can be weaponized. Chemtrails also have the added 'benefit' of concealing the ongoing wars in space between our own forces and those of the 'Black Hat' ET’s...
"We, Humanity, have been lied to for thousands of years, Everything we have been taught is wrong, from our religions to our universities and of the cosmos itself.
"We are not from this planet, and this planet is but one of thousands under control and domination by the Reptilian species. We are not human but extraterritorial ourselves. We are an experiment and the Earth is a lab.
"The Reptilians have been in control of this planet for thousands of years. Most of the worlds leaders are in fact Reptilian shapeshifters. Humans are assisting Reptilians in carrying out operations against humanity. Some because of an affinity of their goals and values willingly perform Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifice. Others are forced to comply, they have no choice in the matter (mind control, coercion)..." --Bombshell Interview Exposes Reptilian Control of Earth
Author George C. Andrews concurs with this assessment about our so-called "world leaders". In his book Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes he states: "In the world today, the gigantic multi-national corporations have taken over the role of autocratic royalty, constituting predatory oligarchies disguised by a veneer of democracy that siphon the wealth of entire nations; tunnel-visioned dinosaurs oblivious to any values except immediate profit, determined to let nothing stand in the way of their systematically trashing this planet's biosphere and irrevocably polluting our environment. I have long been puzzled by the fact that such policies do not make sense even on a business level. To deliberately sacrifice not only the well-being but the survival of our children and grandchildren for short-term financial gain is so obviously suicidal that it makes no sense in human terms. It is difficult to understand how such policies achieved dominance and official acceptance in human society. However, if at the highest levels of our main financial and governmental structures the decision-making power is under the control of non-human aliens whose only concern is to harvest this planet's resources (including the human population) as efficiently as possible, these policies become quite understandable." --ET Friends & Foes, George Andrews
Another author, Susan Reed, wrote a book called The Body Snatchers: A Real Alien Conspiracy within which she confirms the Negative Alien Agenda. She was killed one year after publishing the book. I wonder why. In her book Ms. Reed makes the following key points:
--Depopulation, a micro-chipped population, the debt burden upon the public and scientifically induced malnutrition are all designed by the Reptilians to ensure control of the surface population.
--The Reptilians ultimate goal is to take over the planet and to turn the surviving Humans into slaves.
--Reptilian-Human hybrids in key positions within the government and scientific community are directed to implement these changes.
--Scientists who refuse to go along with the various programs designed to oppress the human race are eliminated.
--The educational system and media are being used for mass brainwashing and propaganda.
--Reptilian-Human hybrids will eventually supplant the human race on this planet. We are already seeing this with the mass influx of the Human-appearing hybrids with Reptilian consciousnesses.
"The Global Elite's plan to cull the Earth's human population by at least 80% is a documented fact. Notorious Reptilian hybrid Henry Kissinger stated this fiendish desire in a State Department memo. We have already seen the bitter fruit of this longstanding agenda in the form of designer wars, designer plagues, a medical and pharmaceutical industry that kills countless people, genetically modified food that makes people ill and a global financial system that impoverishes and starves millions of people..." --The Failed Reptilian Agenda
We are actually currently embroiled in an all-out War Against Humanity, a spiritual war for the bodies and souls of human beings, and for the soul of planet Earth. However "this "war against Humanity isn’t merely a Globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans (like Gates and Fauci). Far beyond that. There is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the Human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization
Author David M Jacobs is an American historian and retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in 20th-century American history. He has written several books on his investigation of the Gray-Human hybrid agenda based on his hypnotic regression of subjects who say that they were abducted by negative ET's.
In his book The Threat, Dr. Jacobs states: “In my most recent research, I have uncovered information that allows UFO researchers to solve the UFO mystery… I have put many pieces of the puzzle together…and I do not like what I see… I am frightened of it. Understanding…has led to a profound apprehension for the future. The abduction phenomenon is far more ominous than I had thought… I know why the aliens are here---and what the human consequences will be if their mission is successful.” (Pg. 20)
Later, he adds, “The production of a hybrid species appears to be the means to the aliens’ goal. So far, researchers have been unable to uncover any other purpose for the UFO and abduction phenomena, and the Breeding Program. Why are aliens producing hybrids?” (Pg. 128)
According to Dr. Jacobs, the Gray-Human hybrid program has been somewhat successful, and these alien hybrids are invading and infiltrating all levels of our society. They walk among us, and are indistinguishable from ordinary human beings.
Claire Edwards: “The future looks pretty bleak for Humans. This invasion is going on, and really, how many people are aware that this is an alien invasion? There are only a handful (of Humans) that are actually aware of what is going on here. So how on earth can we suggest that human beings are going to survive if we don’t even know that we are under attack, or who we are under attack from?
Kerry Cassidy: “I think it’s so important to not think about this like a child, in a very naive sense, to actually get into a different head space. And that’s going to be required of the entire planet, and that is why this is happening, why we are being invaded in a way that, they are taking over our bodies right in front of our faces, instead of surreptitiously coming in at night and playing with your DNA individually. This is en masse, and this is being done by humans in collusion with a certain alien race.
"This is not your planet, that is not your moon. Humanity is in fact an experiment for extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. We are food (for them)...
"Our secret government...sprays chemicals into the air (chemtrails) that aid in detection of UFO’s as they disturb the atmosphere, and for other more nefarious purposes such as nanotechnology which can be weaponized. Chemtrails also have the added 'benefit' of concealing the ongoing wars in space between our own forces and those of the 'Black Hat' ET’s...
"We, Humanity, have been lied to for thousands of years, Everything we have been taught is wrong, from our religions to our universities and of the cosmos itself.
"We are not from this planet, and this planet is but one of thousands under control and domination by the Reptilian species. We are not human but extraterritorial ourselves. We are an experiment and the Earth is a lab.
"The Reptilians have been in control of this planet for thousands of years. Most of the worlds leaders are in fact Reptilian shapeshifters. Humans are assisting Reptilians in carrying out operations against humanity. Some because of an affinity of their goals and values willingly perform Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifice. Others are forced to comply, they have no choice in the matter (mind control, coercion)..." --Bombshell Interview Exposes Reptilian Control of Earth
Author George C. Andrews concurs with this assessment about our so-called "world leaders". In his book Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes he states: "In the world today, the gigantic multi-national corporations have taken over the role of autocratic royalty, constituting predatory oligarchies disguised by a veneer of democracy that siphon the wealth of entire nations; tunnel-visioned dinosaurs oblivious to any values except immediate profit, determined to let nothing stand in the way of their systematically trashing this planet's biosphere and irrevocably polluting our environment. I have long been puzzled by the fact that such policies do not make sense even on a business level. To deliberately sacrifice not only the well-being but the survival of our children and grandchildren for short-term financial gain is so obviously suicidal that it makes no sense in human terms. It is difficult to understand how such policies achieved dominance and official acceptance in human society. However, if at the highest levels of our main financial and governmental structures the decision-making power is under the control of non-human aliens whose only concern is to harvest this planet's resources (including the human population) as efficiently as possible, these policies become quite understandable." --ET Friends & Foes, George Andrews
Another author, Susan Reed, wrote a book called The Body Snatchers: A Real Alien Conspiracy within which she confirms the Negative Alien Agenda. She was killed one year after publishing the book. I wonder why. In her book Ms. Reed makes the following key points:
--Depopulation, a micro-chipped population, the debt burden upon the public and scientifically induced malnutrition are all designed by the Reptilians to ensure control of the surface population.
--The Reptilians ultimate goal is to take over the planet and to turn the surviving Humans into slaves.
--Reptilian-Human hybrids in key positions within the government and scientific community are directed to implement these changes.
--Scientists who refuse to go along with the various programs designed to oppress the human race are eliminated.
--The educational system and media are being used for mass brainwashing and propaganda.
--Reptilian-Human hybrids will eventually supplant the human race on this planet. We are already seeing this with the mass influx of the Human-appearing hybrids with Reptilian consciousnesses.
"The Global Elite's plan to cull the Earth's human population by at least 80% is a documented fact. Notorious Reptilian hybrid Henry Kissinger stated this fiendish desire in a State Department memo. We have already seen the bitter fruit of this longstanding agenda in the form of designer wars, designer plagues, a medical and pharmaceutical industry that kills countless people, genetically modified food that makes people ill and a global financial system that impoverishes and starves millions of people..." --The Failed Reptilian Agenda
We are actually currently embroiled in an all-out War Against Humanity, a spiritual war for the bodies and souls of human beings, and for the soul of planet Earth. However "this "war against Humanity isn’t merely a Globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans (like Gates and Fauci). Far beyond that. There is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the Human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization
Author David M Jacobs is an American historian and retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in 20th-century American history. He has written several books on his investigation of the Gray-Human hybrid agenda based on his hypnotic regression of subjects who say that they were abducted by negative ET's.
In his book The Threat, Dr. Jacobs states: “In my most recent research, I have uncovered information that allows UFO researchers to solve the UFO mystery… I have put many pieces of the puzzle together…and I do not like what I see… I am frightened of it. Understanding…has led to a profound apprehension for the future. The abduction phenomenon is far more ominous than I had thought… I know why the aliens are here---and what the human consequences will be if their mission is successful.” (Pg. 20)
Later, he adds, “The production of a hybrid species appears to be the means to the aliens’ goal. So far, researchers have been unable to uncover any other purpose for the UFO and abduction phenomena, and the Breeding Program. Why are aliens producing hybrids?” (Pg. 128)
According to Dr. Jacobs, the Gray-Human hybrid program has been somewhat successful, and these alien hybrids are invading and infiltrating all levels of our society. They walk among us, and are indistinguishable from ordinary human beings.
Claire Edwards: “The future looks pretty bleak for Humans. This invasion is going on, and really, how many people are aware that this is an alien invasion? There are only a handful (of Humans) that are actually aware of what is going on here. So how on earth can we suggest that human beings are going to survive if we don’t even know that we are under attack, or who we are under attack from?
Kerry Cassidy: “I think it’s so important to not think about this like a child, in a very naive sense, to actually get into a different head space. And that’s going to be required of the entire planet, and that is why this is happening, why we are being invaded in a way that, they are taking over our bodies right in front of our faces, instead of surreptitiously coming in at night and playing with your DNA individually. This is en masse, and this is being done by humans in collusion with a certain alien race.
"So now it’s in our face. Are we going to admit that we are prey? Are we going to admit, indeed, that we are being manipulated, and that there are many races—not just one—that wants to control us? This is a huge play, a huge conspiracy of many different races with different agendas. Some are positive, some are negative. It’s as above, so below—the same thing happens on earth as in heaven." --Demons and Aliens Roundtable
Controversial author and researcher David Icke has been writing for years, if not decades, on the topic of shapeshifting Reptilians manipulating and controlling Humanity. "Much of the theory's popularity comes from Icke's interpretations of Gnostic texts such as the Nag Hammadi, as well as biblical Apocrypha like the Dead Sea Scrolls. He says he believes these texts contain evidence that certain higher vibrational beings of frequency, known as Archons, appear on Earth as Humans, masking their true Reptilian form.
Controversial author and researcher David Icke has been writing for years, if not decades, on the topic of shapeshifting Reptilians manipulating and controlling Humanity. "Much of the theory's popularity comes from Icke's interpretations of Gnostic texts such as the Nag Hammadi, as well as biblical Apocrypha like the Dead Sea Scrolls. He says he believes these texts contain evidence that certain higher vibrational beings of frequency, known as Archons, appear on Earth as Humans, masking their true Reptilian form.
"These 'Archontic' forces are undoubtedly evil, intent on enslaving Humanity for their own selfish reasons. Icke says these forces are like a computer virus that manifested itself in elite bloodlines throughout mankind's history. Also known to use their most infamous arm of clandestine influence, the Illuminati, these famous Reptilian shapeshifters form a psychopathic ruling class that pulls the strings in all of the world's financial and political power structures.
"And it's not hard to sympathize with Icke's belief; the decisions made by politicians, bankers, and the global elite are often selfish, detrimental to the environment, and subversive to the betterment of society at large – three signs of psychopathy. But are they really Reptilian?" --David Icke's Famous Reptilians Conspiracy: Do They Walk Among Us?
"And it's not hard to sympathize with Icke's belief; the decisions made by politicians, bankers, and the global elite are often selfish, detrimental to the environment, and subversive to the betterment of society at large – three signs of psychopathy. But are they really Reptilian?" --David Icke's Famous Reptilians Conspiracy: Do They Walk Among Us?
"It is time for the public to know the truth about the alien presence on our planet, what its overall goals are, and what we can do about it. The official policy of all governments has been to deny that extraterrestrial phenomenon even exists, but this is clearly nonsense given the overwhelming amount of leaked documentation, credible high-level testimonies, genuine experiences, and extensive research that proves otherwise. This is a topic that receives virtually no media attention or serious consideration by the majority of people. Yet the reality of advanced extraterrestrial life is one of the most profound realizations anyone can make. And it is one we must make if we are to continue serving as the preeminent stewards of this planet without losing our freedoms as a race.
"We cannot afford to be naive and ignorant any longer, for the magnitude of this situation becomes quite clear once you really see it for what it is. Most of us can fathom a human power elite vying for world domination, but we also need to consider the role that some extraterrestrial forces are having here too. It isn’t to say that every ET race is interested in takeover, it is quite possible that many are interested in peace, but it is also true that a takeover agenda could be the goal of some ET races. Our very freedoms depend on us seeing and knowing what we are truly up against.." --James Branson, Black Ops Whistleblower Exposes Alien Takeover Agenda
"We cannot afford to be naive and ignorant any longer, for the magnitude of this situation becomes quite clear once you really see it for what it is. Most of us can fathom a human power elite vying for world domination, but we also need to consider the role that some extraterrestrial forces are having here too. It isn’t to say that every ET race is interested in takeover, it is quite possible that many are interested in peace, but it is also true that a takeover agenda could be the goal of some ET races. Our very freedoms depend on us seeing and knowing what we are truly up against.." --James Branson, Black Ops Whistleblower Exposes Alien Takeover Agenda
Addendum: Big Pharma's Rape of All Mankind
Addendum: COVID Is A Hoax!
Addendum: The COVIDIAN CULT of Brainwashed Sheeple
Addendum: Ted Nugent Speaks to the Vaccinated
"The New World Order agenda IS the (Negative) Alien Agenda, as the late whistle-blower Phil Schneider once said.
"Many are too afraid to touch the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers. There are even many alternative researchers who struggle with the idea that the creeping centralization of power is a manifestation of an alien agenda.
"However, the truth is the truth, and the evidence, as we shall see, is overwhelming. If you're wondering how ETs (extraterrestrials) or aliens fit into the whole picture of the NWO (New World Order), it's simple: they're intimately involved at the top of the pyramid. The NWO agenda IS the (Negative) Alien Agenda--they are one and the same.
"It's essential to realize that the directors of the entire NWO worldwide conspiracy are non-human entities: groups of interfering ETs, and behind them, a shadowy force known as the Djinn or Archons.
"If you go down the rabbit hole deep enough, the trail goes off planet - both to other worlds and to other dimensions... There is not just one alien agenda. There are many alien agendas that crop up and emerge as common themes throughout the testimonies of alien contactees and alien abductees. It would be most accurate to say the New World Order agenda is AN alien agenda, not "the" alien agenda.
"The NWO plan is... to trap, subjugate and dominate humanity, and make it a stable source of (emotional) food for its masters...
"Given the compelling amount of evidence--which not only indicates the existence of ETs, but also shows many are interfering in Earth affairs with a hostile agenda--it's surprising that there is still the belief out there among some circles that 'all ETs are benevolent and have humanity's best interest at heart'.
"This is foolish nonsense - and dangerous nonsense too, because it gives people a false idea about our galactic neighbors, and thus lowering their defenses and making them more susceptible to some kind of invasion or manipulation...
"We are not alone, and we never have been alone, as Bob Dean says. What makes some people think humans are the only species with high intelligence or capable of rational thought in the entire known universe? It is narrow-minded to think so, and it is equally narrow-minded to assume that any extraterrestrial motive or alien agenda would be neutral or beneficial to us.
"The cosmos is brimming full of life of all kinds. We all need to remember the Game is a whole lot grander than we think.
"The New World Order doesn't end with just political control; police brutality; indoctrination; assassination; infiltration; free trade agreements; geoengineering; international banking; suppressed technology; microchips; (and forced 'vaccinations'). Copious evidence shows it goes off-planet into far more bizarre realms (like the Negative Alien Agenda) than the average person could imagine.
"How many are up for the task of exploring and analyzing these realms to get to the bottom of the Truth?" --The NWO Agenda IS the Negative Alien Agenda
"Many are too afraid to touch the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers. There are even many alternative researchers who struggle with the idea that the creeping centralization of power is a manifestation of an alien agenda.
"However, the truth is the truth, and the evidence, as we shall see, is overwhelming. If you're wondering how ETs (extraterrestrials) or aliens fit into the whole picture of the NWO (New World Order), it's simple: they're intimately involved at the top of the pyramid. The NWO agenda IS the (Negative) Alien Agenda--they are one and the same.
"It's essential to realize that the directors of the entire NWO worldwide conspiracy are non-human entities: groups of interfering ETs, and behind them, a shadowy force known as the Djinn or Archons.
"If you go down the rabbit hole deep enough, the trail goes off planet - both to other worlds and to other dimensions... There is not just one alien agenda. There are many alien agendas that crop up and emerge as common themes throughout the testimonies of alien contactees and alien abductees. It would be most accurate to say the New World Order agenda is AN alien agenda, not "the" alien agenda.
"The NWO plan is... to trap, subjugate and dominate humanity, and make it a stable source of (emotional) food for its masters...
"Given the compelling amount of evidence--which not only indicates the existence of ETs, but also shows many are interfering in Earth affairs with a hostile agenda--it's surprising that there is still the belief out there among some circles that 'all ETs are benevolent and have humanity's best interest at heart'.
"This is foolish nonsense - and dangerous nonsense too, because it gives people a false idea about our galactic neighbors, and thus lowering their defenses and making them more susceptible to some kind of invasion or manipulation...
"We are not alone, and we never have been alone, as Bob Dean says. What makes some people think humans are the only species with high intelligence or capable of rational thought in the entire known universe? It is narrow-minded to think so, and it is equally narrow-minded to assume that any extraterrestrial motive or alien agenda would be neutral or beneficial to us.
"The cosmos is brimming full of life of all kinds. We all need to remember the Game is a whole lot grander than we think.
"The New World Order doesn't end with just political control; police brutality; indoctrination; assassination; infiltration; free trade agreements; geoengineering; international banking; suppressed technology; microchips; (and forced 'vaccinations'). Copious evidence shows it goes off-planet into far more bizarre realms (like the Negative Alien Agenda) than the average person could imagine.
"How many are up for the task of exploring and analyzing these realms to get to the bottom of the Truth?" --The NWO Agenda IS the Negative Alien Agenda