"It is well-documented history that the Rockefeller family took over Western medicine
by setting up and financing medical associations. These suppressed traditional
natural-based medicine in favor of petroleum and chemical-based medicine.
Since Western medicine has long been structured as a military organization
headed by 'surgeon generals,' it was easy to co-opt this system by taking
control of its command structure. This is the WHO, the various medical
associations, and assorted 'surgeon generals.' Any doctor who
dissents from this command structure will have their medical
'license' removed and lose their access to a lucrative salary."
--Ben Fulford, Summer Solstice Turning Point as Military
Industrial Complex Takes on Medical Industrial Complex
"It's very interesting how there's a programming that medicine or science has become like
a religion. And it's nowhere more true than in the medical establishment... And I'm not
trying to put down doctors necessarily, but the profession as a whole has become
basically a PLOT against Humanity that's all controlled by the pharmaceutical
industry, so that even doctors HAVE to prescribe certain drugs... There IS
a concerted plot and there are companies at the top of the food chain in
terms of pharmaceuticals..." --Kerry Cassidy, Virus and Germ Theory
"The medical profession, or rather I should say, the medical establishment,
has always been slow to accept and assimilate new ideas, and slow to
see the obvious. I've long thought that the main problem with modern
medical education is that it's largely based upon learning by rote, and
upon eliminating all original thought. This is deliberate, since the aim
of an orthodox, modern medical education is to help maintain the
status quo and preserve the position of the pharmaceutical industry."
--Dr. Vernon Coleman - Ignorance and Prejudice in Medicine
"People (need to) recognize that the scientific establishment, which people
have bowed down to and people get 'educated' through, basically doesn't
serve the interest of the people any more. That scientific establishment,
their entire purpose unfortunately is not to pursue science, but to pursue
the almighty dollar. Science has become pay to play. It's moved away
from the scientific method to scientific consensus." --Dr. Shiva
talks Viruses, Vaccines, Immunity, and Globalism
"We were brought up the same as everyone else--we believed, faithfully,
that the medical establishment was correct and that it was based on
sound science. So it was just as big a shock to us to find out that it
wasn't, and that it's just based on dogma, and not sound science
at all..." --David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
"You cannot regulate your physiology with a chemical and expect
to get a positive result. It's impossible and a violation of
biologic law. Our entire medical system is built on a
lie--it's completely false." --Dr Bergman DC
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
"The whole world is a business, and we are the livestock, we're the chattel.
And how they can get us to exploit and profit from each other and keep us
divided from each other and fighting against each other and all this
shit--this is how they control us... So you've got to spend your life
running on the treadmill to collect paper in order to have access
to the abundance of the world around you. It's such a scam. And
what's happening now is that the façade is breaking down and
people are seeing it, and so the politicians are running scared.
They are doing everything they can to control and cull the
population." --Max Igan, The Real Game Is About To begin
by setting up and financing medical associations. These suppressed traditional
natural-based medicine in favor of petroleum and chemical-based medicine.
Since Western medicine has long been structured as a military organization
headed by 'surgeon generals,' it was easy to co-opt this system by taking
control of its command structure. This is the WHO, the various medical
associations, and assorted 'surgeon generals.' Any doctor who
dissents from this command structure will have their medical
'license' removed and lose their access to a lucrative salary."
--Ben Fulford, Summer Solstice Turning Point as Military
Industrial Complex Takes on Medical Industrial Complex
"It's very interesting how there's a programming that medicine or science has become like
a religion. And it's nowhere more true than in the medical establishment... And I'm not
trying to put down doctors necessarily, but the profession as a whole has become
basically a PLOT against Humanity that's all controlled by the pharmaceutical
industry, so that even doctors HAVE to prescribe certain drugs... There IS
a concerted plot and there are companies at the top of the food chain in
terms of pharmaceuticals..." --Kerry Cassidy, Virus and Germ Theory
"The medical profession, or rather I should say, the medical establishment,
has always been slow to accept and assimilate new ideas, and slow to
see the obvious. I've long thought that the main problem with modern
medical education is that it's largely based upon learning by rote, and
upon eliminating all original thought. This is deliberate, since the aim
of an orthodox, modern medical education is to help maintain the
status quo and preserve the position of the pharmaceutical industry."
--Dr. Vernon Coleman - Ignorance and Prejudice in Medicine
"People (need to) recognize that the scientific establishment, which people
have bowed down to and people get 'educated' through, basically doesn't
serve the interest of the people any more. That scientific establishment,
their entire purpose unfortunately is not to pursue science, but to pursue
the almighty dollar. Science has become pay to play. It's moved away
from the scientific method to scientific consensus." --Dr. Shiva
talks Viruses, Vaccines, Immunity, and Globalism
"We were brought up the same as everyone else--we believed, faithfully,
that the medical establishment was correct and that it was based on
sound science. So it was just as big a shock to us to find out that it
wasn't, and that it's just based on dogma, and not sound science
at all..." --David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
"You cannot regulate your physiology with a chemical and expect
to get a positive result. It's impossible and a violation of
biologic law. Our entire medical system is built on a
lie--it's completely false." --Dr Bergman DC
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
"The whole world is a business, and we are the livestock, we're the chattel.
And how they can get us to exploit and profit from each other and keep us
divided from each other and fighting against each other and all this
shit--this is how they control us... So you've got to spend your life
running on the treadmill to collect paper in order to have access
to the abundance of the world around you. It's such a scam. And
what's happening now is that the façade is breaking down and
people are seeing it, and so the politicians are running scared.
They are doing everything they can to control and cull the
population." --Max Igan, The Real Game Is About To begin
The Coronavirus Psyop [part I]
"Tell-lie-vision network news broadcasts are nothing more than
thought-shaping propaganda, and are simply the mouth-piece
for corporate tyranny..." --Brad Olsen, Beyond Esoteric
thought-shaping propaganda, and are simply the mouth-piece
for corporate tyranny..." --Brad Olsen, Beyond Esoteric
Thanks in large part to tell-lie-vision mind control programming by the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, the Controllers of Humanity were finally able to bamboozle the sheeple, I mean the general public, into actually believing the idea that there is a global outbreak of a deadly disease called "COVID-19" or "the Coronavirus." Yes, by and large the sheeple bought it, as evidenced by all of the covidiots still wearing their stupid face masks. They all drank the COVID Kool-Aid and so have become utterly convinced of this Deep State psyop. They completely fail to apprehend that "the COVID-19 pandemic as a global hoax of unprecedented proportions." --Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated On The Human Race!
"The world is currently witnessing one of the largest psyops in recent years. I speak, of course, about the media-induced mass hysteria surrounding Coronavirus. Despite the fact that at present 98-99% of people getting the virus recover, the whole world is losing its collective mind."--The Coronavirus Psyop
So "if you see someone who's acting like a straight up retard, stay away from them! All of these people who have gotten the vaccination, most of them are obedient, slave-minded morons. And they are telling the obedient, slave-minded morons to continue wearing a mask (even) after (taking) the vaccine, so usually you can spot them a mile away." --Nurse Warns To Stay Away From Vaccinated People
"Psyops only work on weak-minded (people and) nations which feel no sense of destiny and duty. A moral, upright, and informed people cannot be hoodwinked by baseless lies. Yet, if they become detached from their national roots, shed their heritage, and reject their God, then psyops can work to lead them this way or that at whim of the social engineers." --The Coronavirus Psyop
And with the demonization of prophylactic, effective theraputics like zinc, Quentin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine by criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and by the incredibly corrupt agencies like the WHO and the CDC, Big Pharma was finally able profit Big Time by the roll out the NWO Globalist's depopulation agenda "vaccination program," also known as U.N. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030.
"The truth about the deadly nature of the U.S vaccination programs, and especially this ‘COVID’ scam injection, is becoming abundantly clear, but more need to shun not only this lethal shot, but others as well. This is especially true concerning the very young, and all children that are subject to any public school system. They are the targeted ones, because if all are injected over their lives, they will be little more than state-controlled robots in the future. With that accomplished over the next generation or two, there will be no freedom whatsoever left to consider in this land called America." --The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, shows that there is no real pandemic and that the public-health practices being mandated are scientifically absurd. Then she reasons that, if obscene profits were the only motive for this crime, it would not be necessary to put so many exotic and toxic components into the vaccines. A simpler product could be sold at the same price with a greater profit margin. Therefore, there must be some additional purpose for the vaccines. She makes a compelling case that the end game is nothing less than human enslavement and massive depopulation – both of which are long-held ideals of those who direct the pharmaceutical cartel."--The Covid Con Game and End Game
"Another Doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors and scientists have said COVID-19 could never be 'isolated' and the CDC has had no proof all along.... The whole thing was a hoax to force people to take vaccines as part of a TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA ...as I have said all along." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
"We have now come to the firm conclusion, through all our research and lab work, that the COVID-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called COVID... I have yet to find a single viable sample of COVID to work with..." --California PhD Virologist proves COVID-19 does not exist:
So "if you see someone who's acting like a straight up retard, stay away from them! All of these people who have gotten the vaccination, most of them are obedient, slave-minded morons. And they are telling the obedient, slave-minded morons to continue wearing a mask (even) after (taking) the vaccine, so usually you can spot them a mile away." --Nurse Warns To Stay Away From Vaccinated People
"Psyops only work on weak-minded (people and) nations which feel no sense of destiny and duty. A moral, upright, and informed people cannot be hoodwinked by baseless lies. Yet, if they become detached from their national roots, shed their heritage, and reject their God, then psyops can work to lead them this way or that at whim of the social engineers." --The Coronavirus Psyop
And with the demonization of prophylactic, effective theraputics like zinc, Quentin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine by criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and by the incredibly corrupt agencies like the WHO and the CDC, Big Pharma was finally able profit Big Time by the roll out the NWO Globalist's depopulation agenda "vaccination program," also known as U.N. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030.
"The truth about the deadly nature of the U.S vaccination programs, and especially this ‘COVID’ scam injection, is becoming abundantly clear, but more need to shun not only this lethal shot, but others as well. This is especially true concerning the very young, and all children that are subject to any public school system. They are the targeted ones, because if all are injected over their lives, they will be little more than state-controlled robots in the future. With that accomplished over the next generation or two, there will be no freedom whatsoever left to consider in this land called America." --The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, shows that there is no real pandemic and that the public-health practices being mandated are scientifically absurd. Then she reasons that, if obscene profits were the only motive for this crime, it would not be necessary to put so many exotic and toxic components into the vaccines. A simpler product could be sold at the same price with a greater profit margin. Therefore, there must be some additional purpose for the vaccines. She makes a compelling case that the end game is nothing less than human enslavement and massive depopulation – both of which are long-held ideals of those who direct the pharmaceutical cartel."--The Covid Con Game and End Game
"Another Doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors and scientists have said COVID-19 could never be 'isolated' and the CDC has had no proof all along.... The whole thing was a hoax to force people to take vaccines as part of a TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA ...as I have said all along." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
"We have now come to the firm conclusion, through all our research and lab work, that the COVID-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called COVID... I have yet to find a single viable sample of COVID to work with..." --California PhD Virologist proves COVID-19 does not exist:
"COVID appears to only exist in the digital realm. It does not seem to exist in physical reality... The COVID virus that people are being diagnosed with via PCR, which is fraudulent.. doesn't seem to be real...This virus has NEVER been isolated. Nobody anywhere in the world has a vial of just SARS-CoV-2. There is no vial of COVID--it doesn't exist...as an isolated virus...the viral machinery component has NEVER been isolated...
"Essentially what the're doing is just taking people, running this fraudulent PCR test on them and detecting the common cold and calling it COVID. Which means they're moving people from the influenza or the flu column into the COVID column... Influenza was just re-labeled COVID because of the faulty PCR testing. So what you have here is...an admission by the FDA that no physical COVID-19 was ever used in the creation of the PCR test, which means the test is fraudulent, unscientific. And then an admission by the CDC that the test could not differentiate between influenza and COVID, and a request by the CDC to pull the test by the end of the year after they're done faking the whole pandemic, because now they have everybody on vaccines, and they can spread the spike protein through the vaccines...
"So if this virus doesn't really exist, what were people getting sick from last year? The flu. Did you notice last year influenza diagnoses and influenza deaths went to basically zero... Last year all of those people [previously diagnosed with the flu] were said to have COVID, and no one was said to have influenza. How can that be? How could influenza vanish from the planet? It vanished last year--everything was COVID. How can that be?...
"What I know for sure right now is that influenza vanished for the whole year of 2020. The CDC just said they're retiring that PCR test that had been used to diagnose everybody with COVID, and now they say they're going to differentiate COVID from influenza. So it looks like all the COVID cases from last year were really just the flu... People's lives are being destroyed over this fraudulent PCR testing that has no scientific basis.
"Are you starting to see just how insane this entire deception has been?..." --Mike Adams: Digital DELUSION: Zero evidence that covid-19 virus exists in the physical world
"Essentially what the're doing is just taking people, running this fraudulent PCR test on them and detecting the common cold and calling it COVID. Which means they're moving people from the influenza or the flu column into the COVID column... Influenza was just re-labeled COVID because of the faulty PCR testing. So what you have here is...an admission by the FDA that no physical COVID-19 was ever used in the creation of the PCR test, which means the test is fraudulent, unscientific. And then an admission by the CDC that the test could not differentiate between influenza and COVID, and a request by the CDC to pull the test by the end of the year after they're done faking the whole pandemic, because now they have everybody on vaccines, and they can spread the spike protein through the vaccines...
"So if this virus doesn't really exist, what were people getting sick from last year? The flu. Did you notice last year influenza diagnoses and influenza deaths went to basically zero... Last year all of those people [previously diagnosed with the flu] were said to have COVID, and no one was said to have influenza. How can that be? How could influenza vanish from the planet? It vanished last year--everything was COVID. How can that be?...
"What I know for sure right now is that influenza vanished for the whole year of 2020. The CDC just said they're retiring that PCR test that had been used to diagnose everybody with COVID, and now they say they're going to differentiate COVID from influenza. So it looks like all the COVID cases from last year were really just the flu... People's lives are being destroyed over this fraudulent PCR testing that has no scientific basis.
"Are you starting to see just how insane this entire deception has been?..." --Mike Adams: Digital DELUSION: Zero evidence that covid-19 virus exists in the physical world
"This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but an integral part of the proposed post-pandemic 'Great Reset,' Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19... The COVID-19 pandemic was 'just another social engineering project deliberately planned and implemented by predatory meta capitalism to achieve the ultimate end: redefining and re configuring the human nature and condition,' he argued in a presentation in Spanish.
“I have the firm conviction that this pandemic has been manufactured and its purpose is none other than to initiate...or implement the 'Great Reset,' which will open the door to the advancement of the Transhumanist agenda, he said." --Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists' 'Great Reset' agenda
Yes, by now it has been pretty well established that “there is no pandemic.There is a virus less deadly than the flu, fake prediction models, recommended treatments that are killing people, unreliable and contaminated test kits, ridiculously inflated death counts, and media-induced hysteria to push an agenda whereby the end goal is to enslave Humanity with forced vaccinations, microchips, and police state surveillance. This is UN Agenda 21 being played out in real life.” If you are one of the still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple unable to acknowledge this obvious truth, or a lying Deep State shill "fact checker," then this post is not for you. Nothing for you to see here folks... Kindly move along...
But for those of you who may have escaped being deceived and deluded by this blatant psyop, in this post we will continue to examine the nefarious nature of the so-called "global pandemic" and the relationship between viruses, vaccines and the (by all accounts) extremely detrimental 5G frequencies that the fascist New World Order Globalists expect to install everywhere.
"If you dig deep enough, some disturbing connections arise between 5G and the men who have developed or are developing vaccines for novel viruses like...the new coronavirus COVID-19..." --There's A Connection Between Coronavirus and 5G
“I have the firm conviction that this pandemic has been manufactured and its purpose is none other than to initiate...or implement the 'Great Reset,' which will open the door to the advancement of the Transhumanist agenda, he said." --Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists' 'Great Reset' agenda
Yes, by now it has been pretty well established that “there is no pandemic.There is a virus less deadly than the flu, fake prediction models, recommended treatments that are killing people, unreliable and contaminated test kits, ridiculously inflated death counts, and media-induced hysteria to push an agenda whereby the end goal is to enslave Humanity with forced vaccinations, microchips, and police state surveillance. This is UN Agenda 21 being played out in real life.” If you are one of the still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple unable to acknowledge this obvious truth, or a lying Deep State shill "fact checker," then this post is not for you. Nothing for you to see here folks... Kindly move along...
But for those of you who may have escaped being deceived and deluded by this blatant psyop, in this post we will continue to examine the nefarious nature of the so-called "global pandemic" and the relationship between viruses, vaccines and the (by all accounts) extremely detrimental 5G frequencies that the fascist New World Order Globalists expect to install everywhere.
"If you dig deep enough, some disturbing connections arise between 5G and the men who have developed or are developing vaccines for novel viruses like...the new coronavirus COVID-19..." --There's A Connection Between Coronavirus and 5G
Viruses, Bacteria, and Germs
"We now know from very clear scientific studies that if you poison a cell or a tissue, it breaks down into little packages of genetic material which are called exosomes, as a method of detoxification... These detoxification packages that are called exosomes are mistaken for viruses and they are not contagious, they're not infectious. They are how the body communicates what happens and (and how it) detoxifies." --Contagion Myth & Unconventional Ways To Treat Viruses - Dr. Thomas Cowan
"A virus is nothing more than the waste products of cellular breakdown. It's the acid or the exotoxin... Retroviruses are non-living fragments of RNA which then infect the cells and borrow from the cell to reconstitute itself." --Dr. Robert Young, What Is A Virus?
"A retrovirus is a type of virus that inserts a copy of its RNA genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing the genome of that cell. Once inside the host cell's cytoplasm, the virus uses its own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce DNA from its RNA genome, the reverse of the usual pattern, thus retro (backwards)." --Wikipedia
Most "authoritative" sources define viruses as infectious agents, but are they really? According to the "scientific" website LiveScience, "viruses are microscopic parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria. They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body. Predominantly, viruses have a reputation for being the cause of contagion. Widespread events of disease and death have no doubt bolstered such a reputation..." --What Are Viruses?
But "to be able to say that a virus or show that a virus is the cause of something you would first have to properly isolate it, purify it, and then you would have to fully categorize its makeup, and then you'd have to conduct tests to prove that that particular virus particle is the sole cause of the particular disease attributed to it... Something that should be done for every virus that they claim causes a particular disease...and none of those tests have ever been done for ANY virus..." --Dawn Lester and David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
Dr. Robert Young concurs with David Parker on this point: "If you can identify it, isolate it, culture it...and then re-infect an animal or another organism and create the same symptoms that existed in the first organism where you obtained the sample, then you have identified the virus (as cause)... This has never been done, never been done for any retrovirus...
"The gold standard for determining if any bacterium, any fungi, or any virus (is causal) is called Koch's Postulates. Robert Koch set the established protocol for the scientific method for determining the existence of any microbe, any germ. And there's basically three steps: You have to isolate the sample that you are using... and then you have to purify, and then you have to evaluate that, both by its DNA and also by its chemical makeup..." --Dr. Robert O Young, What Is A Virus?
"A virus is nothing more than the waste products of cellular breakdown. It's the acid or the exotoxin... Retroviruses are non-living fragments of RNA which then infect the cells and borrow from the cell to reconstitute itself." --Dr. Robert Young, What Is A Virus?
"A retrovirus is a type of virus that inserts a copy of its RNA genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing the genome of that cell. Once inside the host cell's cytoplasm, the virus uses its own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce DNA from its RNA genome, the reverse of the usual pattern, thus retro (backwards)." --Wikipedia
Most "authoritative" sources define viruses as infectious agents, but are they really? According to the "scientific" website LiveScience, "viruses are microscopic parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria. They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body. Predominantly, viruses have a reputation for being the cause of contagion. Widespread events of disease and death have no doubt bolstered such a reputation..." --What Are Viruses?
But "to be able to say that a virus or show that a virus is the cause of something you would first have to properly isolate it, purify it, and then you would have to fully categorize its makeup, and then you'd have to conduct tests to prove that that particular virus particle is the sole cause of the particular disease attributed to it... Something that should be done for every virus that they claim causes a particular disease...and none of those tests have ever been done for ANY virus..." --Dawn Lester and David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
Dr. Robert Young concurs with David Parker on this point: "If you can identify it, isolate it, culture it...and then re-infect an animal or another organism and create the same symptoms that existed in the first organism where you obtained the sample, then you have identified the virus (as cause)... This has never been done, never been done for any retrovirus...
"The gold standard for determining if any bacterium, any fungi, or any virus (is causal) is called Koch's Postulates. Robert Koch set the established protocol for the scientific method for determining the existence of any microbe, any germ. And there's basically three steps: You have to isolate the sample that you are using... and then you have to purify, and then you have to evaluate that, both by its DNA and also by its chemical makeup..." --Dr. Robert O Young, What Is A Virus?
"They have never isolated the actual organism yet--the CDC has admitted that. It's never been isolated by Koch's Postulates or River's postulates, which are the gold standard for isolating an organism... They've admitted that we have never isolated the organism as the infectious agent that's making people sick yet. So because of that they've done a lot of assumptions, and based on the assumptions they actually used a computer generated, A.I generated code. So, that is frightening, because we don't know for sure what we are injecting into people. Is it really the thing at all that can even help from what is making people sick today? We have absolutely no idea..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Future Effects of Those Vaccinated for COVID
"Most doctors cannot think outside of the box, they cannot think outside of what they've been indoctrinated (into)... The majority of doctors are well-meaning people who believe in what they're doing. It's just that their training has provided them with the wrong information, because the starting point is always the germ theory, which, within the words themselves--'germ theory'-- it's just a theory, it's never been proven...
"And then of course it became a convenience because the germ theory sort of sets out that you've got something to kill in a bacteria, fungi, or viruses. And a growing pharmaceutical business was quick to jump in and say, 'Oh great! We've got lots of lotions and potions that will kill these things'... A nice business model.
"And unfortunately that's what's grown and that's what's kept it growing, and I'm sure as everyone knows the pharmaceutical companies are hugely rich and will do everything they can to prevent the truth from coming out. Because without the Germ Theory, without the knowledge (belief) that there are germs that make people ill, they have no business. And when you're talking about billions, a billion dollar business a year, they've got big vested interests."--Dawn Lester and David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
Big Pharma profits billions of dollars a year from the sales of their toxic drugs and vaccines as a result of having convinced the sheeple that germs and viruses are pathogenic foreign invaders from outside of the body, and also highly contagious.
Yet “even in the days of the great plagues in England there were those smitten who did not die, and there were those untouched by the disease who dealt with the sick and dying. Those survivors, who were actively involved, saw themselves in a completely different light than those who succumbed, however: They were those, untouched by despair, who saw themselves as effective rather than ineffective. Often they roused themselves from lives of previously unheroic situations, and then performed with great bravery. The horror of the conditions overwhelmed them where earlier they were not involved. The sight of the dying gave them visions of the meaning of life, and stirred new ideas of sociological, political, and spiritual natures, so that in your terms the dead did not die in vain." --Seth, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
"Going back to 1907 to the case of Typhoid Mary, she was an unfortunate housemaid working in a well-to-do household in New York when there were cases of typhoid around. But she never got it, even though she was working with and caring for people with typhoid, she never contracted it, she never got ill. So in their infinite wisdom, the local authorities, including the police and the medical establishment, decided, even though she's not getting ill, she must be a carrier, and therefore declared her as a public menace and put her in prison in solitary confinement. And they left her there for the rest of her life, which was 30 years. She died in prison. This is historical record, and as far as we can see the medical establishment has not improved or gotten any smarter, because we are seeing exactly the same thing with the COVID thing, where they are telling people who are well that nonetheless they should self-isolate...
"They have a term that they like to apply to people when they can't prove anything and that's 'asymptomatic', which is another way of saying, 'Well, you're a healthy person but we think you're carrying the disease,' which again is nonsense... They are telling people who are well nonetheless they should self-isolate and stay in the house for two weeks. They are imprisoning you in your house, so you are being imprisoned for being healthy...
"This just shows the stupidity of the medical establishment and their complete denial of true scientific facts, and the fact that they haven't improved in over a hundred years." --Dawn Lester and David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
"Most doctors cannot think outside of the box, they cannot think outside of what they've been indoctrinated (into)... The majority of doctors are well-meaning people who believe in what they're doing. It's just that their training has provided them with the wrong information, because the starting point is always the germ theory, which, within the words themselves--'germ theory'-- it's just a theory, it's never been proven...
"And then of course it became a convenience because the germ theory sort of sets out that you've got something to kill in a bacteria, fungi, or viruses. And a growing pharmaceutical business was quick to jump in and say, 'Oh great! We've got lots of lotions and potions that will kill these things'... A nice business model.
"And unfortunately that's what's grown and that's what's kept it growing, and I'm sure as everyone knows the pharmaceutical companies are hugely rich and will do everything they can to prevent the truth from coming out. Because without the Germ Theory, without the knowledge (belief) that there are germs that make people ill, they have no business. And when you're talking about billions, a billion dollar business a year, they've got big vested interests."--Dawn Lester and David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
Big Pharma profits billions of dollars a year from the sales of their toxic drugs and vaccines as a result of having convinced the sheeple that germs and viruses are pathogenic foreign invaders from outside of the body, and also highly contagious.
Yet “even in the days of the great plagues in England there were those smitten who did not die, and there were those untouched by the disease who dealt with the sick and dying. Those survivors, who were actively involved, saw themselves in a completely different light than those who succumbed, however: They were those, untouched by despair, who saw themselves as effective rather than ineffective. Often they roused themselves from lives of previously unheroic situations, and then performed with great bravery. The horror of the conditions overwhelmed them where earlier they were not involved. The sight of the dying gave them visions of the meaning of life, and stirred new ideas of sociological, political, and spiritual natures, so that in your terms the dead did not die in vain." --Seth, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
"Going back to 1907 to the case of Typhoid Mary, she was an unfortunate housemaid working in a well-to-do household in New York when there were cases of typhoid around. But she never got it, even though she was working with and caring for people with typhoid, she never contracted it, she never got ill. So in their infinite wisdom, the local authorities, including the police and the medical establishment, decided, even though she's not getting ill, she must be a carrier, and therefore declared her as a public menace and put her in prison in solitary confinement. And they left her there for the rest of her life, which was 30 years. She died in prison. This is historical record, and as far as we can see the medical establishment has not improved or gotten any smarter, because we are seeing exactly the same thing with the COVID thing, where they are telling people who are well that nonetheless they should self-isolate...
"They have a term that they like to apply to people when they can't prove anything and that's 'asymptomatic', which is another way of saying, 'Well, you're a healthy person but we think you're carrying the disease,' which again is nonsense... They are telling people who are well nonetheless they should self-isolate and stay in the house for two weeks. They are imprisoning you in your house, so you are being imprisoned for being healthy...
"This just shows the stupidity of the medical establishment and their complete denial of true scientific facts, and the fact that they haven't improved in over a hundred years." --Dawn Lester and David Parker, COVID, Viruses and Germ Theory
Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory
"With the invention of the light microscope people started seeing these unicellular organisms called bacteria, and then came the theory that some of the diseases that we see and maybe even most of them, are because this bacteria goes from one person to another and makes them sick. And that's basically the foundation of the germ theory.
"Now there were a lot of people at that time--the 1850s to the 1880s--in particular Antoine Béchamp, who said that's just not true. In fact, these bacteria are just scavengers in nature and they're feeding off dead material and they don't cause any disease--it's the situation of the person. So you have this debate of Germ vs Terrain. Terrain just means the condition of the person or the animal. " --The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan
So in current times "we're dealing with a world that has been completely programmed by Big Pharma, that there is something called Germ Theory, and that the virus is this little thing that gets into you, travels around, climbs in your body, takes it over and makes you sick, and so on.
"All of that is FALSE. The science is WRONG, and it's been proven wrong. And I've talked to so many doctors about it... There is a HUGE number of people out there who have been completely programmed--they take pills all the time, they believe in the whole Big Pharma story, they believe their doctors are the authorities over their bodies.
"Now there were a lot of people at that time--the 1850s to the 1880s--in particular Antoine Béchamp, who said that's just not true. In fact, these bacteria are just scavengers in nature and they're feeding off dead material and they don't cause any disease--it's the situation of the person. So you have this debate of Germ vs Terrain. Terrain just means the condition of the person or the animal. " --The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan
So in current times "we're dealing with a world that has been completely programmed by Big Pharma, that there is something called Germ Theory, and that the virus is this little thing that gets into you, travels around, climbs in your body, takes it over and makes you sick, and so on.
"All of that is FALSE. The science is WRONG, and it's been proven wrong. And I've talked to so many doctors about it... There is a HUGE number of people out there who have been completely programmed--they take pills all the time, they believe in the whole Big Pharma story, they believe their doctors are the authorities over their bodies.
"That's the reason why Fauci got away with it, why Gates continues to get away with it. Because all of these people (sheeple)--they're sick, they eat bad food, drink bad water, their mentality is horrendous, they live terrible lifestyles. They get to the age of about 50 and their body starts giving out, just one organ after the other. And so they are all dependent upon pills, all dependent upon Big Pharma, just to keep stumbling along like the Biden clone you see.
"Those people think the magic cure of anything is coming from the doctor, and it's going to be like, you know, a shot. Because they've been programmed for the last 60 years to believe that. And you can not change these people's point-of-view overnight..." --Author Patricia Cori Interviews Kerry Cassidy on Current Events
"If you're eating beef, chicken, pork and fish; if you're having high concentrations of sugar in your diet; if you're exposed to air pollution; if you're exposed to electromagnetic frequencies--these are all contributing factors that cause an imbalance in the internal fluids of the body, because we ARE a body of water. And the cleanliness of that water is determined by what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel, what you believe, and how you live. If you're living in a soup of environmental pollution coupled with electromagnetic pollution, coupled with noise pollution, coupled with carbon monoxide pollution, coupled with carbon dioxide pollution from wearing the mask, I'm surprised that anybody survives." --Dr. Robert O Young, COVID-19 Revelations and Bringing the Virus Model Into Question
"For over 100 years medical science has followed Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory. Essentially, Pasteur argued that diseases are caused by specific microorganisms which invade our bodies from the outside.
"But Pasteur’s rival – a friend and contemporary – Antoine Béchamp proposed an alternative. Instead, Béchamp argued that illness stems from an unhealthy immune system which triggers changes in minute particles of the body that can lead to disease.
"Those people think the magic cure of anything is coming from the doctor, and it's going to be like, you know, a shot. Because they've been programmed for the last 60 years to believe that. And you can not change these people's point-of-view overnight..." --Author Patricia Cori Interviews Kerry Cassidy on Current Events
"If you're eating beef, chicken, pork and fish; if you're having high concentrations of sugar in your diet; if you're exposed to air pollution; if you're exposed to electromagnetic frequencies--these are all contributing factors that cause an imbalance in the internal fluids of the body, because we ARE a body of water. And the cleanliness of that water is determined by what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel, what you believe, and how you live. If you're living in a soup of environmental pollution coupled with electromagnetic pollution, coupled with noise pollution, coupled with carbon monoxide pollution, coupled with carbon dioxide pollution from wearing the mask, I'm surprised that anybody survives." --Dr. Robert O Young, COVID-19 Revelations and Bringing the Virus Model Into Question
"For over 100 years medical science has followed Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory. Essentially, Pasteur argued that diseases are caused by specific microorganisms which invade our bodies from the outside.
"But Pasteur’s rival – a friend and contemporary – Antoine Béchamp proposed an alternative. Instead, Béchamp argued that illness stems from an unhealthy immune system which triggers changes in minute particles of the body that can lead to disease.
- Microbes exist naturally in the body.
- Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.
- These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and assist in the metabolic processes of the body.
- The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical.
- Micro-organisms are pleomorphic (having many forms): they change their shapes and colors (shape-shift) to reflect the condition of the host.
- Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
- Disease results when microbes change form, function, and toxicity according to the terrain of the host. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.
- Disease is built by unhealthy conditions.
- To prevent disease we have to create health.
"Béchamp’s theory was simple, cost-effective and focused on the preventative – pursuing good nutrition, eating a varied and healthy diet, avoiding pollution and being fit and active. However it wasn’t a money-spinner.
"Instead, pharmaceutical manufacturers saw huge potential in Pasteur’s ideas which presented real money-making opportunities in both preventative and curative medicine by way of developing, marketing and selling expensive drug therapies and vaccinations programs..." --COVID-19 Pandemic 'Hoax' Re-opens Great Germ Theory Debate
"The vast majority of people around the world believe that the healthcare system promoted by the agencies responsible for public health, especially the WHO, is firmly based on ‘sound science’. This system, known as ‘modern medicine’, is perceived to represent an ‘elite’ branch of science, which suggests that any other approach to healthcare and healing must be pseudoscience or quackery. This elitist attitude is inculcated into medical students during their training...
"It will undoubtedly be a shock for people to discover that ‘modern medicine’ is not firmly established from the basis of true ‘science’. Laboratory experimentation is certainly used within modern medicine, but it would be a mistake to equate such experiments with ‘science’...
"One of the main theories on which ‘modern medicine’ is based is the ‘germ theory’; a theory that claims microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. This theory, which is usually attributed to Louis Pasteur in the early 1860s, underpins a large and very significant proportion of medical practices; without it, most of modern medicine becomes redundant, which explains why the medical establishment refuses to recognize its fatal flaws. The retention of the theory is not unequivocal proof that it has been fully established and represents truth. In fact, the research we conducted for our book, What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, led us to discover that there is no evidence to support the assertions of the medical establishment with respect to the ‘germ theory’. The term ‘medical establishment’ refers to all of the people, organisations, industries, and academic and research institutions that praise, research, teach, promote and otherwise support the system of modern medicine." --Dawn Lester and David Parker, What Really Makes You Ill?
(For a more detailed overview please visit: CONTAGIOUS DISEASES and the GERM THEORY by Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D)
"The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus (the Coronavirus Psyop), because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda...
"German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka...explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.
"Lanka’s main point... is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus.
"Our lack of understanding about viruses, disease, the immune system, terrain theory and much more is exploited by Big Pharma to push dangerous medical interventions such as vaccines...
"The virus misconception has been with us a long time. As insane as the current fear-based, mask-wearing, social-distancing submission is, there are those people who are using Operation Coronavirus (the Coronavirus Psyop) as a chance to wake up. While some go deeper into unconsciousness and look to new protective products...others have seen the coronavirus coup for what it truly is: a chance to roll out all kinds of control architecture while people sleepwalk in fear. It is always a good idea to question the base assumptions of any governmental pronouncement, because almost always, it can open up a portal that leads to the truth." --Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception
"Instead, pharmaceutical manufacturers saw huge potential in Pasteur’s ideas which presented real money-making opportunities in both preventative and curative medicine by way of developing, marketing and selling expensive drug therapies and vaccinations programs..." --COVID-19 Pandemic 'Hoax' Re-opens Great Germ Theory Debate
"The vast majority of people around the world believe that the healthcare system promoted by the agencies responsible for public health, especially the WHO, is firmly based on ‘sound science’. This system, known as ‘modern medicine’, is perceived to represent an ‘elite’ branch of science, which suggests that any other approach to healthcare and healing must be pseudoscience or quackery. This elitist attitude is inculcated into medical students during their training...
"It will undoubtedly be a shock for people to discover that ‘modern medicine’ is not firmly established from the basis of true ‘science’. Laboratory experimentation is certainly used within modern medicine, but it would be a mistake to equate such experiments with ‘science’...
"One of the main theories on which ‘modern medicine’ is based is the ‘germ theory’; a theory that claims microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. This theory, which is usually attributed to Louis Pasteur in the early 1860s, underpins a large and very significant proportion of medical practices; without it, most of modern medicine becomes redundant, which explains why the medical establishment refuses to recognize its fatal flaws. The retention of the theory is not unequivocal proof that it has been fully established and represents truth. In fact, the research we conducted for our book, What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, led us to discover that there is no evidence to support the assertions of the medical establishment with respect to the ‘germ theory’. The term ‘medical establishment’ refers to all of the people, organisations, industries, and academic and research institutions that praise, research, teach, promote and otherwise support the system of modern medicine." --Dawn Lester and David Parker, What Really Makes You Ill?
(For a more detailed overview please visit: CONTAGIOUS DISEASES and the GERM THEORY by Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D)
"The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus (the Coronavirus Psyop), because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda...
"German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka...explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.
"Lanka’s main point... is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus.
"Our lack of understanding about viruses, disease, the immune system, terrain theory and much more is exploited by Big Pharma to push dangerous medical interventions such as vaccines...
"The virus misconception has been with us a long time. As insane as the current fear-based, mask-wearing, social-distancing submission is, there are those people who are using Operation Coronavirus (the Coronavirus Psyop) as a chance to wake up. While some go deeper into unconsciousness and look to new protective products...others have seen the coronavirus coup for what it truly is: a chance to roll out all kinds of control architecture while people sleepwalk in fear. It is always a good idea to question the base assumptions of any governmental pronouncement, because almost always, it can open up a portal that leads to the truth." --Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception
“If you look at any study done on contagion, what they have to do in order to produce a disease response, is poison the host. That’s exactly what vaccines do, by the way. If you actually could make a vaccine with just the isolate of what you were trying to promote some sort of immune response from, what would happen is nothing! Because you would have to first poison the host in order for them to go through a violent response and produce cytokine storms and all kinds of immuno-particles, to get this absolute non-self out of the body. And that’s why vaccines don’t ‘work’ unless they put the poison adjuvants in—the metals, the polysorbates and all of the ‘violent tissues’ that don’t belong in your body. So right there, we don’t have contagion and we don’t have viruses...” --Amanda Vollmer Talks About Viruses and Germ Theory
The Myth of Contagion
"This sort of western science, western medicine, is not the only stream of thought going on in the past 2000 years. There's Chinese medicine, there's probably traditional Iranian medicine, there's Native American medicine, and there's Ayruvedic medicine. These are very old, sucessful medical systems, and what you find is none of them thought diseases were contagious. None of them. There is no concept in Chimese medicine that something unseen passes from one person to another, and in no other system did that exist...
"So then we get to around the 1800s, and now we're really talking about 1850, and there was what I call the first eureka moment. So we're thinking, one person is sick, another person gets sick, there must be something spread. And that observsation is what's called epidemiological observation...
"Epidemiological observations, like this person got sick, and then somebody else got sick, is well accepted in medicine. That is not how we prove causation. And you hear this now all the time, well a lot of people in one place got sick so it must be a virus... Or they'll say, if it spreads from one place to another that proves it's a virus...
"That's what Louis Pasteur famously did. What he used was the case of sheep. He said there's all these sheep getting sick, one sheep after another, sometimes the people who were handling the sheep got sick, so there must be something that's passed. So the first eureka moment in history then is that they could see this bacteria under the microscope, and they saw the bacteria in the sheep, and they saw it in the next sheep who got sick. End of story--that's what caused the sheep to get sick called anthrax...
"This process that you're calling getting sick, is simply a detoxification reaction. So in other words, you poison somebody with whatever--it could be emotional poison, it could be bad food, it could be toxins in the house, it could be that we're all exposed to glyphosate, it could be that we're all exposed to electromagnetic fields. All of these things distort the gels in our cells and then the body has to flush them out. It does this through making fever, making mucus. We call that infectious disease and it turns out it's just a detoxification reaction. And the thing about it is when you treat it like that, you get people who have no bad outcomes and are better for life...
"We now know from very clear scientific studies that if you poison a cell or a tissue, it breaks down into little packages of genetic material which are called exosomes as a method of detoxification... These detoxification packages that are called exosomes are mistaken for viruses and they are not contagious, they're not infectious. They are how the body communicates what happens when it detoxifies."--Contagion Myth & Unconventional Ways To Treat Viruses - Dr. Thomas Cowan
"And so with the advent of the electron microscope they observed these exoxomes, these so-called 'virus' particles at the cellular level whenever disease was present, and so concluded that these exosomes must be the cause of disease. That's a bit like saying every time you see a building on fire you see firemen, therefore firemen must be the cause of fires, which is, of course, absurd." -5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
"In the first place, the causes (of disease) are not biological. Biology is simply the carrier of a ‘deadly intent'... No person becomes ill unless that illness serves a psychic or psychological reason, so many people escape such complications. In the meantime, however, scientists and medical men find more and more viruses against which the population ‘must’ be inoculated. Each one is considered singly. There is a rush to develop a new inoculation against the newest virus. Much of this is on a predictive basis: The scientists ‘predict’ how many people might be ‘attacked’ by, say, a virus that has caused a given number of deaths. Then as a preventative measure the populace is invited to the new inoculation... Many people who would not get the disease in any case are then religiously inoculated with it. The body is exerted to use its immune system to the utmost, and sometimes, according to the inoculation, overextended (under such) conditions."--The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
"So then we get to around the 1800s, and now we're really talking about 1850, and there was what I call the first eureka moment. So we're thinking, one person is sick, another person gets sick, there must be something spread. And that observsation is what's called epidemiological observation...
"Epidemiological observations, like this person got sick, and then somebody else got sick, is well accepted in medicine. That is not how we prove causation. And you hear this now all the time, well a lot of people in one place got sick so it must be a virus... Or they'll say, if it spreads from one place to another that proves it's a virus...
"That's what Louis Pasteur famously did. What he used was the case of sheep. He said there's all these sheep getting sick, one sheep after another, sometimes the people who were handling the sheep got sick, so there must be something that's passed. So the first eureka moment in history then is that they could see this bacteria under the microscope, and they saw the bacteria in the sheep, and they saw it in the next sheep who got sick. End of story--that's what caused the sheep to get sick called anthrax...
"This process that you're calling getting sick, is simply a detoxification reaction. So in other words, you poison somebody with whatever--it could be emotional poison, it could be bad food, it could be toxins in the house, it could be that we're all exposed to glyphosate, it could be that we're all exposed to electromagnetic fields. All of these things distort the gels in our cells and then the body has to flush them out. It does this through making fever, making mucus. We call that infectious disease and it turns out it's just a detoxification reaction. And the thing about it is when you treat it like that, you get people who have no bad outcomes and are better for life...
"We now know from very clear scientific studies that if you poison a cell or a tissue, it breaks down into little packages of genetic material which are called exosomes as a method of detoxification... These detoxification packages that are called exosomes are mistaken for viruses and they are not contagious, they're not infectious. They are how the body communicates what happens when it detoxifies."--Contagion Myth & Unconventional Ways To Treat Viruses - Dr. Thomas Cowan
"And so with the advent of the electron microscope they observed these exoxomes, these so-called 'virus' particles at the cellular level whenever disease was present, and so concluded that these exosomes must be the cause of disease. That's a bit like saying every time you see a building on fire you see firemen, therefore firemen must be the cause of fires, which is, of course, absurd." -5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
"In the first place, the causes (of disease) are not biological. Biology is simply the carrier of a ‘deadly intent'... No person becomes ill unless that illness serves a psychic or psychological reason, so many people escape such complications. In the meantime, however, scientists and medical men find more and more viruses against which the population ‘must’ be inoculated. Each one is considered singly. There is a rush to develop a new inoculation against the newest virus. Much of this is on a predictive basis: The scientists ‘predict’ how many people might be ‘attacked’ by, say, a virus that has caused a given number of deaths. Then as a preventative measure the populace is invited to the new inoculation... Many people who would not get the disease in any case are then religiously inoculated with it. The body is exerted to use its immune system to the utmost, and sometimes, according to the inoculation, overextended (under such) conditions."--The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
"Many viruses inherently capable of causing death, in normal conditions contribute to the overall health of the body, existing side by side as it were with other viruses, each contributing quite necessary activities that maintain bodily equilibrium. If (certain viruses) are triggered, however, to higher activity or overproduction by mental states [such as fear, despair, or hopelessness], they then become ‘deadly.’ (But) initially there is a psychic contagion: Despair moves faster than a mosquito, or any outward carrier of a given disease. The mental state brings about the activation of a virus that is, in those terms, passive. Despair may seem passive only because it feels that exterior action is hopeless — but its fires rage inwardly, and that kind of contagion can leap from bed to bed and from heart to heart. It touches those, however, who are in the same state only, and to some extent it brings about an acceleration... Physically they (viruses) may then be passed on in whatever manner is peculiar to a specific strain...
"Left alone, the body can defend itself against any disease, but it cannot defend itself appropriately against an exaggerated general fear of disease on the individual’s part. It must mirror your own feelings and assessments. Usually, now, your entire medical systems (and mainstream media outlets) literally generate as much disease as is cured — for you are everywhere hounded by the symptoms of various diseases, and filled with the fear of disease, overwhelmed by what seems to be the body’s propensity toward illness — and nowhere is the body’s vitality or natural defense system stressed. Private disease, then, happens also in a social context. This context is the result of personal and mass beliefs that are intertwined at all cultural levels..." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
"Left alone, the body can defend itself against any disease, but it cannot defend itself appropriately against an exaggerated general fear of disease on the individual’s part. It must mirror your own feelings and assessments. Usually, now, your entire medical systems (and mainstream media outlets) literally generate as much disease as is cured — for you are everywhere hounded by the symptoms of various diseases, and filled with the fear of disease, overwhelmed by what seems to be the body’s propensity toward illness — and nowhere is the body’s vitality or natural defense system stressed. Private disease, then, happens also in a social context. This context is the result of personal and mass beliefs that are intertwined at all cultural levels..." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
Nowhere was this more evident than in the absolute hysteria generated over COVID-19 by those Enemies of Humanity who work for the various mainstream media outlets, like the Communist News Network (CNN). The hysteria and fear porn being pushed out by the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media was completely disproportionate to the actual threat. The media was causing undue panic. Yes the virus was serious, yes it can kill but it was not, based on the real info that we have, anything that we needed to be even close to panicking about. "Due to the global reach and instantaneous nature of modern media, fear contagion spreads faster than the dangerous yet invisible virus." --Coronavirus Fear Is More Dangerous Than the Virus
"Senility is a mental and physical epidemic — a needless one. You ‘catch’ it because when you are young you believe that old people cannot perform. There are no inoculations against beliefs, so when young people with such beliefs grow old they become ‘victims'... The question of epidemics cannot be answered from a biological standpoint alone. It involves great sweeping psychological attitudes on the part of many, and meets the needs and desires of those involved — needs which, in your terms, arise in a framework of religious, psychological and cultural realities that cannot be isolated from biological results...
"When people feel powerless and in a state of generalized fear, they can even turn the most natural earthly ingredients against themselves. Your television, and your arts and sciences as well, add up to (disease-inducing) mass meditations... Many people are almost consciously aware of what they are doing. All they have to do is pay attention to the suggestions offered so freely by the society. The temperature does rise. Concern causes the throat to become dry. Dormant viruses — which up to now have done no harm — are activated...
"A specific disease will of course have its effects on other portions of the body as well, [effects] which have not been studied, or even known... Inoculations, therefore, cannot take that into consideration. There are also cases where alterations occur after inoculation, so that for a while people actually become carriers of diseases, and can infect others... In the most basic of terms, however, inoculations do no good, though I am aware that medical history would seem to contradict me...but I am afraid that scientific medicine has caused as many new diseases as it has cured...
"You could not live without viruses, nor could your biological reality as you know it now exist. Viruses appear to be ‘the bad guys,’ and as a rule you think of them separately, as for example the smallpox virus. There are overall affiliations in which viruses take part, however, in which delicate balances are maintained biologically. Each body contains countless viruses that could be deadly at any given time and under certain conditions. These — and I am putting it as simply as possible — take turns being active or inactive within the body, in accordance with the body’s overall condition. Viruses that are ‘deadly’ in certain stages are not in others, and in those later stages they react biologically in quite beneficial ways, adding to the body’s stability by bringing about necessary changes, say, in cellular activities that are helpful at given rates of action. These in turn trigger other cellular changes, again of a beneficial nature...
"The viruses in the body have a social, cooperative existence. Their effects become deadly only under certain conditions. The viruses must be triggered into destructive activity, and this happens only at a certain point, when the individual involved is actively seeking either death or a crisis situation biologically. The initial contagion in such cases is always emotional and mental... You are immune from ill health as long as you believe that you are." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
"It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his 'germ theory' now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything'...
And "while the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and 'fizzing' feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G." --Thomas S Cowan, The Truth About Contagion
"Senility is a mental and physical epidemic — a needless one. You ‘catch’ it because when you are young you believe that old people cannot perform. There are no inoculations against beliefs, so when young people with such beliefs grow old they become ‘victims'... The question of epidemics cannot be answered from a biological standpoint alone. It involves great sweeping psychological attitudes on the part of many, and meets the needs and desires of those involved — needs which, in your terms, arise in a framework of religious, psychological and cultural realities that cannot be isolated from biological results...
"When people feel powerless and in a state of generalized fear, they can even turn the most natural earthly ingredients against themselves. Your television, and your arts and sciences as well, add up to (disease-inducing) mass meditations... Many people are almost consciously aware of what they are doing. All they have to do is pay attention to the suggestions offered so freely by the society. The temperature does rise. Concern causes the throat to become dry. Dormant viruses — which up to now have done no harm — are activated...
"A specific disease will of course have its effects on other portions of the body as well, [effects] which have not been studied, or even known... Inoculations, therefore, cannot take that into consideration. There are also cases where alterations occur after inoculation, so that for a while people actually become carriers of diseases, and can infect others... In the most basic of terms, however, inoculations do no good, though I am aware that medical history would seem to contradict me...but I am afraid that scientific medicine has caused as many new diseases as it has cured...
"You could not live without viruses, nor could your biological reality as you know it now exist. Viruses appear to be ‘the bad guys,’ and as a rule you think of them separately, as for example the smallpox virus. There are overall affiliations in which viruses take part, however, in which delicate balances are maintained biologically. Each body contains countless viruses that could be deadly at any given time and under certain conditions. These — and I am putting it as simply as possible — take turns being active or inactive within the body, in accordance with the body’s overall condition. Viruses that are ‘deadly’ in certain stages are not in others, and in those later stages they react biologically in quite beneficial ways, adding to the body’s stability by bringing about necessary changes, say, in cellular activities that are helpful at given rates of action. These in turn trigger other cellular changes, again of a beneficial nature...
"The viruses in the body have a social, cooperative existence. Their effects become deadly only under certain conditions. The viruses must be triggered into destructive activity, and this happens only at a certain point, when the individual involved is actively seeking either death or a crisis situation biologically. The initial contagion in such cases is always emotional and mental... You are immune from ill health as long as you believe that you are." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
"It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his 'germ theory' now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything'...
And "while the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and 'fizzing' feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G." --Thomas S Cowan, The Truth About Contagion
"So, which is it? Is the flu caused by long dormant viruses, which are suddenly triggered by (intense emotions such as fear or despair or even by) electrical disruptions in the atmosphere? Or, as it is generally believed, is the flu transmitted by viruses mainly found in birds, or poultry that somehow find their way into the human population? Actually, both theories may be correct... While the virus is real, it may be both triggered and accelerated by changes in the electrical (and mental) environment. Such changes undermine our immune response to these viruses [until] we are unable to fight them off." --Could 5G Be Triggering the Spread of the Coronavirus?
And I would also add that these animal viruses do not "somehow" find their way into the human body and the human population--they have been INTENTIONALLY INJECTED into humans by the "medical profession" with every tetanus shot, every flu shot, and every other 'vaccination" ever given to you throughout your lifetime. Ponder on that.
"The only way that a human being can get a Bird Flu or a Swine Flu is if it is injected into them... You cannot get a virus into another animal. Viruses are cellularly produced (inside your own body) in their whole form... There is no cross-species of viruses--it's impossible... If certain tissue needs to clean out every 2 years, your body will create a solvent--a virus--that cleans that particular tissue every 2 years... (Virus transmission) is all a fiction of the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs..
"Solvents are not contagious. I can inject it into you and then you would get sick. And that's the only way people can get the Swine Flu. They've taken a pig tissue, grown it in a solvent, toxic environment, and then the swine cells create a virus to break itself down. You can inject into humans and then you will find those actual swine tissues in there. And now the body has to clean that waste product out of the body. And it's going to be very alarmed because you've got foreign tissue in there, injected into the body... That's why anaphylactic shock occurs when you inject people with foreign debris, foreign tissue. The body goes into shock. You can even die from the shock of foreign tissue being injected into you." -5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
And I would also add that these animal viruses do not "somehow" find their way into the human body and the human population--they have been INTENTIONALLY INJECTED into humans by the "medical profession" with every tetanus shot, every flu shot, and every other 'vaccination" ever given to you throughout your lifetime. Ponder on that.
"The only way that a human being can get a Bird Flu or a Swine Flu is if it is injected into them... You cannot get a virus into another animal. Viruses are cellularly produced (inside your own body) in their whole form... There is no cross-species of viruses--it's impossible... If certain tissue needs to clean out every 2 years, your body will create a solvent--a virus--that cleans that particular tissue every 2 years... (Virus transmission) is all a fiction of the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs..
"Solvents are not contagious. I can inject it into you and then you would get sick. And that's the only way people can get the Swine Flu. They've taken a pig tissue, grown it in a solvent, toxic environment, and then the swine cells create a virus to break itself down. You can inject into humans and then you will find those actual swine tissues in there. And now the body has to clean that waste product out of the body. And it's going to be very alarmed because you've got foreign tissue in there, injected into the body... That's why anaphylactic shock occurs when you inject people with foreign debris, foreign tissue. The body goes into shock. You can even die from the shock of foreign tissue being injected into you." -5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
Fifth Generation Wireless
"Coronavirus: A highly contagious...virus that is put on super-steroids
whenever and wherever they flip the switch on 5G while amping up the
flu vaccination programs...and chemtrailing overhead with toxin-laden
aerosols that further trigger influenza symptoms. The 'corona aspect'
of this virus is directly related to one of the greatest silent killers of the
modern age—the generation and conveyance of electricity used
to power the entire planet.* --State of the Nation
whenever and wherever they flip the switch on 5G while amping up the
flu vaccination programs...and chemtrailing overhead with toxin-laden
aerosols that further trigger influenza symptoms. The 'corona aspect'
of this virus is directly related to one of the greatest silent killers of the
modern age—the generation and conveyance of electricity used
to power the entire planet.* --State of the Nation
"So what happened in 1918? In every pandemic in the last 150 years there was a quantum leap in the electrification of the Earth. In the late fall of 1917 there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever you expose any biological system to a new electromagnetic field, you poison it, you kill some, and the rest go into kind of a suspended animation so that interestingly they live a little bit longer and sicker.
"And the next pandemic started during World War II with the introduction of radar equipment all over the Earth, blanketing the entire Earth in radar fields. It was the first time humans had ever been exposed to that.
"In 1968 there was the Hong-Kong Flu, and it was the first time--the Earth has a protective layer in the Van Allen Belt, which essentially integrates the cosmic fields, from the sun and the Earth and the moon and Jupiter, etc.--integrates that and essentially distributes that to the living beings of the Earth. And we put satellites emitting radioactive frequencies in the Van Allen Belt, and within six months we had a new viral pandemic.
"Why viral? Because the people are poisoned, they excrete toxins that look like viruses, people think it's a flu epidemic...
"You can read about this in a book called The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg who chronicles all the steps in the elictrification of the Earth and how within 6 months there was a new flu pandemic all over the world.
"And when you hear the normal explanations (for pandemics), how did it go from Kansas to South Africa in two weeks so the entire world got the symptoms at the same time in spite of the fact that the mode of transportation was horseback and boats. And there's no explanation for it--they just say we don't know how that happened.
"And the next pandemic started during World War II with the introduction of radar equipment all over the Earth, blanketing the entire Earth in radar fields. It was the first time humans had ever been exposed to that.
"In 1968 there was the Hong-Kong Flu, and it was the first time--the Earth has a protective layer in the Van Allen Belt, which essentially integrates the cosmic fields, from the sun and the Earth and the moon and Jupiter, etc.--integrates that and essentially distributes that to the living beings of the Earth. And we put satellites emitting radioactive frequencies in the Van Allen Belt, and within six months we had a new viral pandemic.
"Why viral? Because the people are poisoned, they excrete toxins that look like viruses, people think it's a flu epidemic...
"You can read about this in a book called The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg who chronicles all the steps in the elictrification of the Earth and how within 6 months there was a new flu pandemic all over the world.
"And when you hear the normal explanations (for pandemics), how did it go from Kansas to South Africa in two weeks so the entire world got the symptoms at the same time in spite of the fact that the mode of transportation was horseback and boats. And there's no explanation for it--they just say we don't know how that happened.
"But when you think about it, with these radio waves and other frequencies that some of you have in your pocket and on your wrists, you can send a signal to Japan and it arrives instantaneously. So any of you who don't believe there is an electromagnetic field that communicates globally within seconds just have not been paying attention.
"And I will finish by pointing out that there has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last six months with the electrification of the Earth. And I'm sure a lot of you know what that is, it's called 5G, where they now have 20,000 radiation-emitting satellites, just like the radiation emitting thing in your pocket and on your wrist that you use all the time. That is not compatible with health. That is a water de-structuring device...
"We are electrical beings and the chemicals are only the byproduct of those electrical impulses. And does anybody want to make a guess as to where the first completely blanketed 5G city was? Wuhan.
"So when you start thinking about this, we are in an existential crisis here folks, the likes of which humankind has never seen... This is something that is unprecedented, the blanketing of the Earth with thousands of these satellites.
"And this actually has something to do with the vaccine question... The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body, as well as the quality of the water in your cells. So if you start injecting aluminum in people, they become receptors for absorbing increased electromagnetic fields, and that is a perfect storm for the kind of deterioration of the species, which is what we're now experiencing..." --Thomas S Cowan, Electromagnetic Radiation, Coronavirus, and 5G Networks
"On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.
"Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call 'contagions,' numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?
"As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no 'coronavirus' at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, 'the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.' --Thomas S Cowan, The Truth About Contagion
"And I will finish by pointing out that there has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last six months with the electrification of the Earth. And I'm sure a lot of you know what that is, it's called 5G, where they now have 20,000 radiation-emitting satellites, just like the radiation emitting thing in your pocket and on your wrist that you use all the time. That is not compatible with health. That is a water de-structuring device...
"We are electrical beings and the chemicals are only the byproduct of those electrical impulses. And does anybody want to make a guess as to where the first completely blanketed 5G city was? Wuhan.
"So when you start thinking about this, we are in an existential crisis here folks, the likes of which humankind has never seen... This is something that is unprecedented, the blanketing of the Earth with thousands of these satellites.
"And this actually has something to do with the vaccine question... The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body, as well as the quality of the water in your cells. So if you start injecting aluminum in people, they become receptors for absorbing increased electromagnetic fields, and that is a perfect storm for the kind of deterioration of the species, which is what we're now experiencing..." --Thomas S Cowan, Electromagnetic Radiation, Coronavirus, and 5G Networks
"On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.
"Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call 'contagions,' numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?
"As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no 'coronavirus' at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, 'the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.' --Thomas S Cowan, The Truth About Contagion
The Dangers of 5G Frequencies
"Vaccines and now microwaves have often been used by Eugenicists, Technocrats
and Transhumanists to cull the population of 'undesirables' and dissidents. As 5G,
60 gigahertz millimeter wave towers get switched on in more and more cities,
they need a scapegoat for the mass deaths and respiratory illness that will follow.
They need you to believe at all costs that it is the Coronavirus and not the
5G towers."--5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
and Transhumanists to cull the population of 'undesirables' and dissidents. As 5G,
60 gigahertz millimeter wave towers get switched on in more and more cities,
they need a scapegoat for the mass deaths and respiratory illness that will follow.
They need you to believe at all costs that it is the Coronavirus and not the
5G towers."--5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
"Most people are in a trance. Most people are zombies. Most people are self-absorbed myopic children, even though they're 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, even 80 years old. They just want to go and stare at the TV and cuddle up with their little blankies and stay on their merry-go-round and microwave their Hot Pockets.
"Folks, we are being herded into the compact cities and they are putting the towers in. Now they're going to be putting in the micro cells instead of these huge towers that are already in place...
"What's coming is a kill grid, make no bones about it. These people tell your kids we're over-populated. These people that run things, like Mr. Gates, Prince Phillip, Mr. Rockefeller, the Rothschilds -- all these people talk about is how to reduce the population 95% down from what it is right now.
"Folks, we are being herded into the compact cities and they are putting the towers in. Now they're going to be putting in the micro cells instead of these huge towers that are already in place...
"What's coming is a kill grid, make no bones about it. These people tell your kids we're over-populated. These people that run things, like Mr. Gates, Prince Phillip, Mr. Rockefeller, the Rothschilds -- all these people talk about is how to reduce the population 95% down from what it is right now.
"We are in the midst of a silent war. They're not going to fire a shot folks. They're going to cook you, and they're going to do it with invisible radio frequency emissions that you are addicted to and in love with because your junk works no matter where you go..." --Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"We are being educated on the forms of science that they want us to consider valid, while keeping our education limited on those forms of science that may expose what they are trying to accomplish. We have PhD level biological and chemical scientists coming out of our ears, but there is no such thing as a PhD in MagnetoBiology. What's ManetoBiology? Exactly. It's the study of how electromagnetic fields (like 2.4 and 60 GHz) have impact on the human body and all biology in general...
"We know that 60 gigahertz has been released all across China because, like America, they too have decided to make that particular millimeter wave unlicensed. 60 GHz is selected to be the next unlicensed frequency and so We the People will be bombarded with it. That means that we need to know what it does..
"The impacts of 60 GHz are NOT widely published information but here's what I can tell you... 60 GHz has a very distinct impact on, none other than oxygen itself... 60 GHz is absorbable by oxygen.." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"We are being educated on the forms of science that they want us to consider valid, while keeping our education limited on those forms of science that may expose what they are trying to accomplish. We have PhD level biological and chemical scientists coming out of our ears, but there is no such thing as a PhD in MagnetoBiology. What's ManetoBiology? Exactly. It's the study of how electromagnetic fields (like 2.4 and 60 GHz) have impact on the human body and all biology in general...
"We know that 60 gigahertz has been released all across China because, like America, they too have decided to make that particular millimeter wave unlicensed. 60 GHz is selected to be the next unlicensed frequency and so We the People will be bombarded with it. That means that we need to know what it does..
"The impacts of 60 GHz are NOT widely published information but here's what I can tell you... 60 GHz has a very distinct impact on, none other than oxygen itself... 60 GHz is absorbable by oxygen.." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"Now the frequencies that they're deploying are weaponized frequencies... They have been feeding you lies for decades and decades and decades... You can't broadcast unless the FCC gives you a license. Now what they've done is the most harmful frequencies imaginable--the 2.4 gigahertz--that happens to be the frequency that he water molecules start to rotate on their axis when they're hit with the radio frequency emissions at that particular frequency. Why are they messing with the water molecules? Well, we're 70% water and they know what this stuff does.
"So what the FCC did is they opened up that frequency band, that part of the spectrum to everybody--you don't even need a license to broadcast on it. And you know what that did? That virtually ensures complete proliferation and saturation or radio frequency emissions in that part of the spectrum. In other words, they want to bathe you in the frequency that messes with the water molecules. Is that a good idea? That's not a good idea. Maybe you're not aware of this.
"So they got you addicted to Wi-Fi and your gadgets. They're doubling down now because they're coming out with the new 5G frequency.. The systems that are in place with these towers is so overkill it's not even funny... They got you addicted to these devices and now they're going to bring a new technology up...
"The FCC has opened up the millimeter wave band and they're going to be broadcasting on 60 gigahertz. Wi-Fi right now is using the frequency of water molecules. Their rotation on their axis begins at 2.4 gigahertz. In other words, that's the spot on the spectrum of the trillions of frequencies; that's the spot on the spectrum where the maximum dielectric loss of water begins...
"Well they're going to use 60 gigahertz for the new 5G and the new Wi-Fi. It's called Wi-Gig, Okay? You need to understand something. This stuff is wicked because 60 gigahertz is the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum... This is the frequency that the oxygen molecules start reacting to. So they're using Wi-Fi to mess with the water and they're going to use Wi-Gig and 5G to mess with the oxygen..." Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"The way that 60 gigahertz impacts oxygen is this: Oxygen, the atom, is 'O'. Oxygen the molecule, is 'O2', two atoms together. Now these two atoms are sharing some electrons. 60 gigahertz causes the electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, somewhat akin to how high powered microwaves (running on 2.4 GHz) are impacting molecules such as water in food. They are heating in part by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super-tiny water molecules is actually helping to heat the rest of the food." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"So what the FCC did is they opened up that frequency band, that part of the spectrum to everybody--you don't even need a license to broadcast on it. And you know what that did? That virtually ensures complete proliferation and saturation or radio frequency emissions in that part of the spectrum. In other words, they want to bathe you in the frequency that messes with the water molecules. Is that a good idea? That's not a good idea. Maybe you're not aware of this.
"So they got you addicted to Wi-Fi and your gadgets. They're doubling down now because they're coming out with the new 5G frequency.. The systems that are in place with these towers is so overkill it's not even funny... They got you addicted to these devices and now they're going to bring a new technology up...
"The FCC has opened up the millimeter wave band and they're going to be broadcasting on 60 gigahertz. Wi-Fi right now is using the frequency of water molecules. Their rotation on their axis begins at 2.4 gigahertz. In other words, that's the spot on the spectrum of the trillions of frequencies; that's the spot on the spectrum where the maximum dielectric loss of water begins...
"Well they're going to use 60 gigahertz for the new 5G and the new Wi-Fi. It's called Wi-Gig, Okay? You need to understand something. This stuff is wicked because 60 gigahertz is the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum... This is the frequency that the oxygen molecules start reacting to. So they're using Wi-Fi to mess with the water and they're going to use Wi-Gig and 5G to mess with the oxygen..." Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"The way that 60 gigahertz impacts oxygen is this: Oxygen, the atom, is 'O'. Oxygen the molecule, is 'O2', two atoms together. Now these two atoms are sharing some electrons. 60 gigahertz causes the electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, somewhat akin to how high powered microwaves (running on 2.4 GHz) are impacting molecules such as water in food. They are heating in part by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super-tiny water molecules is actually helping to heat the rest of the food." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"So in a similar way that 2.4 GHz causes H2O to oscillate, 60 GHz, even at lower power, is causing the electrons on oxygen molecules to spin. And as you might imagine, changes to the spin frequencies in oxygen electrons can have impacts on human biology.
"When you breathe in, the reason that breathing air into your lungs gets oxygen into your blood, and therefore important places like your brain, is because the oxygen entering into your lungs gets picked up by a very important, iron-containing protein in your blood called hemoglobin. But the unfortunate impact of the oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body..." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"When you start affecting the oxygen molecules ability to bind to the hemoglobin in your blood you can't transport the oxygen in your tissues... It also affects your ability to produce vitamin D. 60 gigahertz is a weapon--it affects the oxygen molecules and it affects your skin's ability to produce vitamin D. Your skin produces vitamin D when sunlight hits your skin and also the same thing happens when the sunlight goes through your eyes. That's why they go you wearing sunglasses and contacts so they got you blocking all the sun. They don't want you in the sun folks, they want you deficient..." -Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"When you breathe in, the reason that breathing air into your lungs gets oxygen into your blood, and therefore important places like your brain, is because the oxygen entering into your lungs gets picked up by a very important, iron-containing protein in your blood called hemoglobin. But the unfortunate impact of the oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body..." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"When you start affecting the oxygen molecules ability to bind to the hemoglobin in your blood you can't transport the oxygen in your tissues... It also affects your ability to produce vitamin D. 60 gigahertz is a weapon--it affects the oxygen molecules and it affects your skin's ability to produce vitamin D. Your skin produces vitamin D when sunlight hits your skin and also the same thing happens when the sunlight goes through your eyes. That's why they go you wearing sunglasses and contacts so they got you blocking all the sun. They don't want you in the sun folks, they want you deficient..." -Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"What they are calling the 'coronavirus' is acute, respiratory disease. And while you cannot believe 100% anything coming out of China, it seems to me that there were enough images of people suddenly falling over in the street that the CCP doesn't want people talking about or sharing, who had no other apparent illness.
"Coronavirus is not new. It's a cold, it's a flu. That's why it says on the side of hand sanitizers like Purell, and on the side of a can of Lysol, that it kills coronavirus. It's common enough to be listed on the most common disinfectants. But now, the Chinese government is admitting that people can have virtually no symptoms and suddenly fall over? Lack of oxygen can do that too... If your lungs are not putting oxygen in you blood, how long would it take you to fall over? Not long... Not long..." ---Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
So "they are going to roll out a 5G microwave weaponry system that is going to induce symptoms that people are going to think are a new type of virulent strain...some newly-discovered strain...and they're gonna have another shot ready for you and they're going to make it mandatory. Mark my words--that's the plan here." -Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"Coronavirus is not new. It's a cold, it's a flu. That's why it says on the side of hand sanitizers like Purell, and on the side of a can of Lysol, that it kills coronavirus. It's common enough to be listed on the most common disinfectants. But now, the Chinese government is admitting that people can have virtually no symptoms and suddenly fall over? Lack of oxygen can do that too... If your lungs are not putting oxygen in you blood, how long would it take you to fall over? Not long... Not long..." ---Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
So "they are going to roll out a 5G microwave weaponry system that is going to induce symptoms that people are going to think are a new type of virulent strain...some newly-discovered strain...and they're gonna have another shot ready for you and they're going to make it mandatory. Mark my words--that's the plan here." -Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
The Vaccinated As Pariahs
As of this writing millions of sheeple, I mean Americans, have already willingly become contaminated, I mean vaccinated, with the dangerous experimental gene modification therapy drug, I mean the "COVID-19 vaccine." And now thousands of reports are pouring in from across the country and across the world of the un-vaccinated coming down with strange symptoms merely by being in close proximity with the vaccinated, who appear to be "shedding" infectious spike proteins! WTF?
Mike Adams: "We are all being targeted as a global genocide effort. This is an extinction level event. Humanity is being targeted for extermination and we've come to learn that the weapon is not the coronavirus. The weapon is the spike protein, and people are being injected with bioweapons, directly. And then through mRNA vaccines the body's cells are being turned into factories to churn out bioweapons that are then being transmitted to other people around them, people who are not vaccinated... Vaccinated people are walking bio-bombs, they are walking bioweapons and they are transmitting deadly, infectious agents to other people around them." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 3rd, 2021
Mike Adams: "We are all being targeted as a global genocide effort. This is an extinction level event. Humanity is being targeted for extermination and we've come to learn that the weapon is not the coronavirus. The weapon is the spike protein, and people are being injected with bioweapons, directly. And then through mRNA vaccines the body's cells are being turned into factories to churn out bioweapons that are then being transmitted to other people around them, people who are not vaccinated... Vaccinated people are walking bio-bombs, they are walking bioweapons and they are transmitting deadly, infectious agents to other people around them." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 3rd, 2021
Dr. Larry Palevsky: “What we have is a massive, brilliant propaganda of genocide. They don’t have to inject everyone to get the results that they are looking for, because now we see that those people who are getting injected are actually the lepers, are actually the pariahs, and are actually making healthy people who have never been injected get COVID symptoms, bleeding, miscarriages and death.. This is genocide. This is a weapon of mass destruction, and it is requiring us to speak up. There is something being passed from people who are shot up with this poison to others who have not gotten the shot. We should be quarantining those people who are injected with this poison." --5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: “Thousands and thousands of people, women and men, have been complaining about unusual bleeding and issues with menstrual cycles. They are in contact with people who have been given the shot, not necessarily intimately, or even living in the same household, but they’ve been exposed to (vaccinated) people...and something is being transmitted between people that we haven't clearly identified yet… What is it that is possibly being transmitted from the vaccinated person to an un-vaccinated person?” --5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
Dr. Christiane Northrup: "We know that a regular menstrual cycle is considered one of the ways that we determine a woman’s health. And when suddenly you have thousands of people all over the world, many of whom have not been vaccinated but have been around those who have, we begin to wonder…There are so many things that affect the menstrual cycle but the reports that we are getting are not only swelling of the genitals, erectile dysfunction in males, scrotum swelling, problems of this nature...These abnormalities are occurring when you’re simply around someone who’s had this shot.
“So my feeling on this is that’s there’s some kind of bioweapon that the body is now secreting, transmitting, from somebody who’s had the shot. This is not a normal immunization. It is something that causes the body to make a synthetic protein against a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.. It doesn't shut off... There is no way this is going to stop, because it’s made your body into a factory for a synthetic protein that’s never been seen before, that theoretically can be in your saliva, urine, feces, sweat, seminal fluid, blood, possibly flatus… and so when you’re around a person then I think this is coming out of their body... My feeling about this is that something is being produced by the body of a vaccinated person that is possibly adversely affecting others, and it is of great concern to me..." --5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
Dr. Carrie Madej: "I absolutely believe, just like Dr. Northrup does, that something is happening with these people who are getting these injections. I have a slightly different feeling about it because with at least with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, one of the key components is the nano-lipid particles, which are a brand new technology on Humanity. They are using a nano-technology which is pretty much little tiny computer bits (called) nanobots, or another word is hydrogel. Inside of those two vaccines is this sci-fi kind of substance.
"So that has concerned me from the very beginning because that substance can do many different things… We know this substance can last many, many years--who knows how long in the body. And it serves many purposes: First of all it's on demand--it can be triggered at any moment to deliver the payload. Number two, very importantly, it can be used for bio-sensors in the body… it actually has the ability to accumulate data from your body...
"This substance (hydrogel), because it's like little bits of computers in your body, it obviously has the ability to act through Wi-Fi. It can transmit and receive energy, or messages or frequencies or impulses. That issue has never been addressed by these companies. Well, what does that do to the Human, right? This is the first time they've done it large scale...
"Just imagine, you're getting this new substance in you, and it can react to things all around you-- the 5G, your smart device, your phones. What's happening with that? What if something is triggering it too, like an impulse, a frequency? We have something completely foreign in the human body that has never been launched large scale. And it happens at this time that we are now seeing more 5G cell towers going in, the school systems, the cruises, the hospitals, etc. are putting more and more of this EMF frequency out.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: “Thousands and thousands of people, women and men, have been complaining about unusual bleeding and issues with menstrual cycles. They are in contact with people who have been given the shot, not necessarily intimately, or even living in the same household, but they’ve been exposed to (vaccinated) people...and something is being transmitted between people that we haven't clearly identified yet… What is it that is possibly being transmitted from the vaccinated person to an un-vaccinated person?” --5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
Dr. Christiane Northrup: "We know that a regular menstrual cycle is considered one of the ways that we determine a woman’s health. And when suddenly you have thousands of people all over the world, many of whom have not been vaccinated but have been around those who have, we begin to wonder…There are so many things that affect the menstrual cycle but the reports that we are getting are not only swelling of the genitals, erectile dysfunction in males, scrotum swelling, problems of this nature...These abnormalities are occurring when you’re simply around someone who’s had this shot.
“So my feeling on this is that’s there’s some kind of bioweapon that the body is now secreting, transmitting, from somebody who’s had the shot. This is not a normal immunization. It is something that causes the body to make a synthetic protein against a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.. It doesn't shut off... There is no way this is going to stop, because it’s made your body into a factory for a synthetic protein that’s never been seen before, that theoretically can be in your saliva, urine, feces, sweat, seminal fluid, blood, possibly flatus… and so when you’re around a person then I think this is coming out of their body... My feeling about this is that something is being produced by the body of a vaccinated person that is possibly adversely affecting others, and it is of great concern to me..." --5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
Dr. Carrie Madej: "I absolutely believe, just like Dr. Northrup does, that something is happening with these people who are getting these injections. I have a slightly different feeling about it because with at least with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, one of the key components is the nano-lipid particles, which are a brand new technology on Humanity. They are using a nano-technology which is pretty much little tiny computer bits (called) nanobots, or another word is hydrogel. Inside of those two vaccines is this sci-fi kind of substance.
"So that has concerned me from the very beginning because that substance can do many different things… We know this substance can last many, many years--who knows how long in the body. And it serves many purposes: First of all it's on demand--it can be triggered at any moment to deliver the payload. Number two, very importantly, it can be used for bio-sensors in the body… it actually has the ability to accumulate data from your body...
"This substance (hydrogel), because it's like little bits of computers in your body, it obviously has the ability to act through Wi-Fi. It can transmit and receive energy, or messages or frequencies or impulses. That issue has never been addressed by these companies. Well, what does that do to the Human, right? This is the first time they've done it large scale...
"Just imagine, you're getting this new substance in you, and it can react to things all around you-- the 5G, your smart device, your phones. What's happening with that? What if something is triggering it too, like an impulse, a frequency? We have something completely foreign in the human body that has never been launched large scale. And it happens at this time that we are now seeing more 5G cell towers going in, the school systems, the cruises, the hospitals, etc. are putting more and more of this EMF frequency out.
Dr. Carrie Madej: "And so my personal belief is that there's something to do with the EMF, the frequency that's being emitted. Because if these people have this inside of them, this can act like an antennae and actually transmit it outwardly as well.
"So if you look up the research on this substance (hydrogel), it produces its own voltage, which is an EMF, many times more. So we know it will produce that kind of effect… and if you look at what EMF does to a human… all the red blood cells go into string-like patterns called Rouleaux formations. These strings are so long and sticky, of course they make it prone to clotting and blood problems if this goes on for a matter of time.
"So just being around this kind of abnormal frequency which is not conducive to a human body is destructive in many ways. We know that one of the things most affected will be the red blood cells—they're very sensitive to that.
"So what I've been seeing is that there's definitely something to do with radiation or EMF toxicity that has definitely gone up in recent times. And I am concerned about what is happening inside these vaccines that has to do with those frequencies as well...
“(Joyful activities)--that brings the energy up, because that is the key to this. This is a frequency war we’re under. This is a battle between good and evil. This is what we’ve read about in the Book of Revelation. It’s here—but don’t be afraid. Because we’re the ones with the power. We’ve just been manipulated and lied to about reality. Lied to about who we are, what we are and what we came form and what we are capable of. So don’t let the fear and the panic get to you.
“And let me tell you that, there’s no bioweapon I’ve ever seen--and believe me this is not the first time that they’ve launched them--that is that strong. Because we are amazing beings—we’re spiritual beings as well. We always learn how to adapt and overcome. And this is no different, I promise you. But if you let yourself get in that fear and panic, that low frequency, then yes, it will affect you. So it’s definitely a hard war because it’s in our minds and we have to be strong enough to realize that…
“You cannot depend on any one magic person to come here. The governments are gone as we know them, because under the Emergency Act they do not exist. The Executive Branch answers to FEMA in our country. They are just figureheads—it doesn’t matter who is in power there, it doesn’t matter. And our medicine, unfortunately, sadly, took a very dark turn, particularly in the last few years, so do not expect them as a group to come up with a magic cure either.
“But that’s OK because the power still comes from within us. And this is the time that you come back and you reach and you find that love and that energy and that brilliance, and that light is going to shine from us, I promise you." --5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
"So if you look up the research on this substance (hydrogel), it produces its own voltage, which is an EMF, many times more. So we know it will produce that kind of effect… and if you look at what EMF does to a human… all the red blood cells go into string-like patterns called Rouleaux formations. These strings are so long and sticky, of course they make it prone to clotting and blood problems if this goes on for a matter of time.
"So just being around this kind of abnormal frequency which is not conducive to a human body is destructive in many ways. We know that one of the things most affected will be the red blood cells—they're very sensitive to that.
"So what I've been seeing is that there's definitely something to do with radiation or EMF toxicity that has definitely gone up in recent times. And I am concerned about what is happening inside these vaccines that has to do with those frequencies as well...
“(Joyful activities)--that brings the energy up, because that is the key to this. This is a frequency war we’re under. This is a battle between good and evil. This is what we’ve read about in the Book of Revelation. It’s here—but don’t be afraid. Because we’re the ones with the power. We’ve just been manipulated and lied to about reality. Lied to about who we are, what we are and what we came form and what we are capable of. So don’t let the fear and the panic get to you.
“And let me tell you that, there’s no bioweapon I’ve ever seen--and believe me this is not the first time that they’ve launched them--that is that strong. Because we are amazing beings—we’re spiritual beings as well. We always learn how to adapt and overcome. And this is no different, I promise you. But if you let yourself get in that fear and panic, that low frequency, then yes, it will affect you. So it’s definitely a hard war because it’s in our minds and we have to be strong enough to realize that…
“You cannot depend on any one magic person to come here. The governments are gone as we know them, because under the Emergency Act they do not exist. The Executive Branch answers to FEMA in our country. They are just figureheads—it doesn’t matter who is in power there, it doesn’t matter. And our medicine, unfortunately, sadly, took a very dark turn, particularly in the last few years, so do not expect them as a group to come up with a magic cure either.
“But that’s OK because the power still comes from within us. And this is the time that you come back and you reach and you find that love and that energy and that brilliance, and that light is going to shine from us, I promise you." --5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
Virus Activation, Spike Proteins, and Modes of Transmission
Mike Adams: "There is some misinformation out there that I really feel needs to be corrected, and this is important for you to know. There are people in independent media who are claiming, right now, that there is no such thing as a virus, and that there's no such thing as a virus that can infect a human being. And there are strong-willed people who are making arguments, and they are saying that there is no such thing as any virus that causes influenza; there's no such thing as tuberculosis caused by a pathogen, and so on. And so they say COVID is completely fake, that there's no COVID virus, that it never existed. And that all of the deaths and so on are caused by 5G exposure or other things.
"So I think that they are very wrong. There ARE viruses. The COVID virus was engineered. It's a bioweapon. It was funded by the NIH. It was funded with the help of [Anthony] Fauci and Barack Obama. And it was released and it does infect people and it does kill some people. It's just that the death rate isn't very high, so they had to hype that up and exaggerate that.
"But I can assure you that there are airborne pathogens that infect people. There is no question that this is the case... I know viruses are real, folks. They are real. They do exist, they do infect, and they are spread from person to person. The answer, however, is not social distancing and masks and vaccines, which cause more shedding and more strains and more mutants to be spread out there. That's not the answer. The answer is strong immune system response, innate immunity." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, April 28th, 2021
It would seem that there is some merit to both sides of the debate over whether viruses are disease-causing pathogens or not. We have seen that so-called viruses are an integral part of our biological and cellular integrity, and "many viruses inherently capable of causing death, in normal conditions contribute to the overall health of the body, existing side by side as it were with other viruses, each contributing quite necessary activities that maintain bodily equilibrium. If [certain viruses] are triggered, however, to higher activity...they then become ‘deadly.’ Physically they may be passed on in whatever manner is peculiar to a specific strain..." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
Colliers encyclopedia endorses this notion that viruses remain dormant in the body until activated in some way: "In some cases viruses do not begin to reproduce immediately after entering cells; instead they remain dormant. Various stimuli such as radiation. may induce viruses to begin reproducing themselves." --1980 Colliers Encyclopedia on viruses
"You already have thousands of different viruses in your body, yes many of the harmful ones, but they are dormant (sleeping) and will not wake up unless your immune system sends distress signals." --Radiation and Viruses
As we have seen, dormant viruses can be activated or triggered into greater activity by internal psychological factors, such as belief, intent, or strong emotions such as fear, or via external environmental factors, such as EMF or scalar radiation. The question we will examine now is, once activated or triggered, how are viruses then transmitted to other living organisms? In other words, does the idea of contagion have any real validity? Remember Seth's contention is that "the initial contagion...is always emotional and mental."
According to conventional wisdom, "some viruses are transmitted in nature via several modes, others exclusively via only one mode... Modes of transmission of viruses can be characterized as direct contact, indirect contact, common vehicle, airborne, vector-borne, iatrogenic, and nosocomial... 'Direct contact transmission' involves actual physical contact between an infected subject and a susceptible subject... Indirect contact transmission occurs via 'fomites', such as shared eating utensils, improperly sterilized surgical equipment, or improperly sterilized non-disposable syringes and needles... 'Common vehicle transmission' pertains to fecal contamination of food and water supplies (e.g., norovirus diarrhea). Common vehicle transmission commonly results in epidemic disease. 'Airborne transmission' typically results in respiratory infections (and less typically in intestinal infections), but these infections may also be transmitted by direct contact... 'Vector-borne transmission' involves the bites of arthropod vectors (e.g., mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies). 'Iatrogenic transmission' involves health care procedures, materials, and workers (e.g., physicians, nurses, dentists, and veterinarians). And 'nosocomial transmission' pertains to infections acquired while a patient, human or animal, is in the hospital." -Modes of Virus Transmission
"Viruses rely on the cells of other organisms to survive and reproduce, because they can’t capture or store energy themselves. In other words they cannot function outside a host organism, which is why they are often regarded as non-living. Outside a cell, a virus it wraps itself up into an independent particle called a virion. The virion can 'survive' in the environment for a certain period of time, which means it remains structurally intact and is capable of infecting a suitable organism if one comes into contact..." --What is a virus? How do they spread? How do they make us sick?
But for the un-vaccinated to be adversely affected by being in close proximity to those people who have been shot up with this poison, this toxic mRNA vaccine, is curious. "What is the mode of acquisition? People mentioned shedding… My problem with that is if we’re talking about the spike protein which is just part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, one wouldn’t think initially that a portion of a virus is going to be transmissible. Normally viruses go out through your cells, you breathe them out, little virions squeak out and float around and infect people. But this isn’t the whole virus—the spike protein is just part of it...." --Dr. Lee Merritt, 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
"The mRNA vaccines do not shed live viruses, so what exactly is being transmitted from the vaccinated to the un-vaccinated?...
"So I think that they are very wrong. There ARE viruses. The COVID virus was engineered. It's a bioweapon. It was funded by the NIH. It was funded with the help of [Anthony] Fauci and Barack Obama. And it was released and it does infect people and it does kill some people. It's just that the death rate isn't very high, so they had to hype that up and exaggerate that.
"But I can assure you that there are airborne pathogens that infect people. There is no question that this is the case... I know viruses are real, folks. They are real. They do exist, they do infect, and they are spread from person to person. The answer, however, is not social distancing and masks and vaccines, which cause more shedding and more strains and more mutants to be spread out there. That's not the answer. The answer is strong immune system response, innate immunity." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, April 28th, 2021
It would seem that there is some merit to both sides of the debate over whether viruses are disease-causing pathogens or not. We have seen that so-called viruses are an integral part of our biological and cellular integrity, and "many viruses inherently capable of causing death, in normal conditions contribute to the overall health of the body, existing side by side as it were with other viruses, each contributing quite necessary activities that maintain bodily equilibrium. If [certain viruses] are triggered, however, to higher activity...they then become ‘deadly.’ Physically they may be passed on in whatever manner is peculiar to a specific strain..." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
Colliers encyclopedia endorses this notion that viruses remain dormant in the body until activated in some way: "In some cases viruses do not begin to reproduce immediately after entering cells; instead they remain dormant. Various stimuli such as radiation. may induce viruses to begin reproducing themselves." --1980 Colliers Encyclopedia on viruses
"You already have thousands of different viruses in your body, yes many of the harmful ones, but they are dormant (sleeping) and will not wake up unless your immune system sends distress signals." --Radiation and Viruses
As we have seen, dormant viruses can be activated or triggered into greater activity by internal psychological factors, such as belief, intent, or strong emotions such as fear, or via external environmental factors, such as EMF or scalar radiation. The question we will examine now is, once activated or triggered, how are viruses then transmitted to other living organisms? In other words, does the idea of contagion have any real validity? Remember Seth's contention is that "the initial contagion...is always emotional and mental."
According to conventional wisdom, "some viruses are transmitted in nature via several modes, others exclusively via only one mode... Modes of transmission of viruses can be characterized as direct contact, indirect contact, common vehicle, airborne, vector-borne, iatrogenic, and nosocomial... 'Direct contact transmission' involves actual physical contact between an infected subject and a susceptible subject... Indirect contact transmission occurs via 'fomites', such as shared eating utensils, improperly sterilized surgical equipment, or improperly sterilized non-disposable syringes and needles... 'Common vehicle transmission' pertains to fecal contamination of food and water supplies (e.g., norovirus diarrhea). Common vehicle transmission commonly results in epidemic disease. 'Airborne transmission' typically results in respiratory infections (and less typically in intestinal infections), but these infections may also be transmitted by direct contact... 'Vector-borne transmission' involves the bites of arthropod vectors (e.g., mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies). 'Iatrogenic transmission' involves health care procedures, materials, and workers (e.g., physicians, nurses, dentists, and veterinarians). And 'nosocomial transmission' pertains to infections acquired while a patient, human or animal, is in the hospital." -Modes of Virus Transmission
"Viruses rely on the cells of other organisms to survive and reproduce, because they can’t capture or store energy themselves. In other words they cannot function outside a host organism, which is why they are often regarded as non-living. Outside a cell, a virus it wraps itself up into an independent particle called a virion. The virion can 'survive' in the environment for a certain period of time, which means it remains structurally intact and is capable of infecting a suitable organism if one comes into contact..." --What is a virus? How do they spread? How do they make us sick?
But for the un-vaccinated to be adversely affected by being in close proximity to those people who have been shot up with this poison, this toxic mRNA vaccine, is curious. "What is the mode of acquisition? People mentioned shedding… My problem with that is if we’re talking about the spike protein which is just part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, one wouldn’t think initially that a portion of a virus is going to be transmissible. Normally viruses go out through your cells, you breathe them out, little virions squeak out and float around and infect people. But this isn’t the whole virus—the spike protein is just part of it...." --Dr. Lee Merritt, 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bio-weapons
"The mRNA vaccines do not shed live viruses, so what exactly is being transmitted from the vaccinated to the un-vaccinated?...
"Protein synthesis is a continuous process carried out by the cells. These proteins may come in the form of enzymes, which are needed to facilitate biochemical reactions. These proteins can be antibodies, which help the immune system fight infections. The proteins produced by cells can be structural proteins that provide support for connective tissues or they can be contractile proteins that help with muscle contraction and movement. Proteins can also be hormones, which help coordinate bodily functions. Proteins are also used for transportation; for example, hemoglobin proteins transport oxygen through the blood. DNA-associated proteins are produced to regulate chromosome structure during cell division and/or play a role in regulating future genetic expression. The mRNA vaccines put these natural processes on hold, forcing the body to produce something that is not beneficial to the body at all – properties of a coronavirus bioweapon.
"The various proteins, whether they are hormonal, structural or antibodies, are designed to benefit the human body, providing vital functions for life. So why would scientists dare to interfere in this natural process, forcing the body to create foreign spike proteins that are nothing more than inflammatory toxins? This process effectively trains the immune responsive cells to attack the body’s own process of protein synthesis. The ensuing inflammation on the cell surface is not accounted for...
"What are the consequences of training the immune cells to attack one of the most important functions of the cells? What if the foreign vaccine mRNA translation process continues unabated, creating perpetual inflammation and autoimmune issues? How does foreign mRNA affect genetic expression over time? Does the injected mRNA change how the cells read the innate genetic code from the DNA in the future? On a much larger scale, do these spike proteins transmit from person-to-person, through inhalation, body fluids, blood donation, or skin-to-skin contact?" --Can experimental mRNA vaccines act as bio-weapons and transmit coronavirus spike proteins to the un-vaccinated?
"This technology is immorally infecting the unknowing un-vaxxed population who have unintentional contact with the mRNA vaxxed. This is a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code from 1947 and is further evidence that experimental mRNA injections for Covid-19 are in fact genetic bio-warfare... So now the 'vaxxed' mRNA injected individuals are the true super spreaders. Pfizer had complete prior knowledge that transmission occurs from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed and therefore this genocide was intentionally planned.
"People need to understand that the masks, swab 'tests' and injections all contain lethal bioweapons without your Informed Consent. These weapons cut your life short by causing Prion Disease and blood coagulation which is leading to clotting. The COVID-19 injection from Pfizer has been confirmed to cause brain damage and neurodegenerative disease. These are weapons of war for depopulation...
"The COVID shots are raping the human being by a process known as bio-hacking. Messenger RNA (mRNA) and adenoviruses are being directly deposited into your cells for genetic reprogramming using a lipid-nanotechnology delivery system. None of these bio-technologies have ever been tested on humans before and now they are being used worldwide without informed consent of the ingredients or of the adverse reactions." --The COVID Vaxxed Must Ne Quarantined!
"They want the human body, but in order to get it, It has a soul. So how do you hack into a human body?... There is a way to do it through nanotechnology. Once a virus gets in and you get vaccinated, one, two (shots), then it starts replicating itself. Then you merge with machines and with Artificial Intelligence... That’s the entire Transhumanist Agenda. These are concepts that people find hard to believe, that’s why I made a movie called AI: The Plan To Invade Humanity...
“When you chip people, you can download and connect them to satellites, and at the same time you vaccinate them. So you’ve got them at the physical level, then you alter their brain and start re-writing the software in their brain... So it’s a step by step process..." --Cyrus Parsa with Charlie Ward Talks China, Artificial Intelligence, Holograms
"They do everything in the mockery of God. They want you to live forever by uploading your memories to the cloud and then downloading them into another form, a digital form or clone body. That's not immortality. They do believe that we should be connected, but not through the soul, connected by Artificial Intelligence--a hive mind. No! To me that's not being connected. And by that way you can be conneted to their central server--god--which knows everything about you, is omnipotent but in a very technocratic way, terrible way, it's about control..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
"The various proteins, whether they are hormonal, structural or antibodies, are designed to benefit the human body, providing vital functions for life. So why would scientists dare to interfere in this natural process, forcing the body to create foreign spike proteins that are nothing more than inflammatory toxins? This process effectively trains the immune responsive cells to attack the body’s own process of protein synthesis. The ensuing inflammation on the cell surface is not accounted for...
"What are the consequences of training the immune cells to attack one of the most important functions of the cells? What if the foreign vaccine mRNA translation process continues unabated, creating perpetual inflammation and autoimmune issues? How does foreign mRNA affect genetic expression over time? Does the injected mRNA change how the cells read the innate genetic code from the DNA in the future? On a much larger scale, do these spike proteins transmit from person-to-person, through inhalation, body fluids, blood donation, or skin-to-skin contact?" --Can experimental mRNA vaccines act as bio-weapons and transmit coronavirus spike proteins to the un-vaccinated?
"This technology is immorally infecting the unknowing un-vaxxed population who have unintentional contact with the mRNA vaxxed. This is a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code from 1947 and is further evidence that experimental mRNA injections for Covid-19 are in fact genetic bio-warfare... So now the 'vaxxed' mRNA injected individuals are the true super spreaders. Pfizer had complete prior knowledge that transmission occurs from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed and therefore this genocide was intentionally planned.
"People need to understand that the masks, swab 'tests' and injections all contain lethal bioweapons without your Informed Consent. These weapons cut your life short by causing Prion Disease and blood coagulation which is leading to clotting. The COVID-19 injection from Pfizer has been confirmed to cause brain damage and neurodegenerative disease. These are weapons of war for depopulation...
"The COVID shots are raping the human being by a process known as bio-hacking. Messenger RNA (mRNA) and adenoviruses are being directly deposited into your cells for genetic reprogramming using a lipid-nanotechnology delivery system. None of these bio-technologies have ever been tested on humans before and now they are being used worldwide without informed consent of the ingredients or of the adverse reactions." --The COVID Vaxxed Must Ne Quarantined!
"They want the human body, but in order to get it, It has a soul. So how do you hack into a human body?... There is a way to do it through nanotechnology. Once a virus gets in and you get vaccinated, one, two (shots), then it starts replicating itself. Then you merge with machines and with Artificial Intelligence... That’s the entire Transhumanist Agenda. These are concepts that people find hard to believe, that’s why I made a movie called AI: The Plan To Invade Humanity...
“When you chip people, you can download and connect them to satellites, and at the same time you vaccinate them. So you’ve got them at the physical level, then you alter their brain and start re-writing the software in their brain... So it’s a step by step process..." --Cyrus Parsa with Charlie Ward Talks China, Artificial Intelligence, Holograms
"They do everything in the mockery of God. They want you to live forever by uploading your memories to the cloud and then downloading them into another form, a digital form or clone body. That's not immortality. They do believe that we should be connected, but not through the soul, connected by Artificial Intelligence--a hive mind. No! To me that's not being connected. And by that way you can be conneted to their central server--god--which knows everything about you, is omnipotent but in a very technocratic way, terrible way, it's about control..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Vaccines, NanoTech and the Transhumanist Agenda
"As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S.
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
Kerry Cassidy: "I for one, am so fed up with the amount of lies that have been perpetrated on the American people and the world...with regard to the COVID situation, with the fact that the COVID is packaged together with these prions which is attached to nano A.I. The A.I. can come in from any direction. It can come in through the 5G, and basically stimulate the cells and the nano in your body to perform or to act a certain way. It can get huge populations to basically do whatever they want and take total control. They can track you--they're already tracking you, but this hydrogel that is part of the vaccines and has actually been involved as part of the (PCR) tests as well, the COVID tests.
"So this has already been put out there--it's been in the chemtrails, its been in our food and our water, our groundwater, you name it, for twenty years... This is, as I have said many times, a Transhumanist Agenda. So when I talk about the Transhumanist Agenda, it's important to understand that nano has the ability to multiply itself over and over and over again, to bypass the blood-brain barrier, to jump from one human to another and from one place to another, and in fact to basically go wherever it is sent using scalar waves, using various methods--electronic, magnetic, and so on...
"So the whole COVID thing is actually involving nano and A.I. They don't care how many people they get to vaccinate now. They've pretty much hit the critical mass that they needed on the planet, and especially, by the way, in the United States, where they're saying 32% are vaccinated. This is where (the sheeple) have been inculcated and have accepted willingly the nano / A.I. combination that is a delivery package which is indeed a bioweapon, and contains a lot of other things besides those two things. But those two are paramount because they are going to change our DNA and make it manipulable, so that they can manipulate our DNA with the flick of a button, at long distance...
"So none of this nonsense to do with masks and social distancing and all of this is going to do you one bit of good. It is true that people who are vaccinated are carrying this nano in concentrations, let's say, within their bodies. So they could go 'fully nano,' for example, and in essence become androids... They want you to be like a robot, more robotic, more malleable to taking orders when told..." --Kerry Cassidy Update, May 6th, 2021
"So this has already been put out there--it's been in the chemtrails, its been in our food and our water, our groundwater, you name it, for twenty years... This is, as I have said many times, a Transhumanist Agenda. So when I talk about the Transhumanist Agenda, it's important to understand that nano has the ability to multiply itself over and over and over again, to bypass the blood-brain barrier, to jump from one human to another and from one place to another, and in fact to basically go wherever it is sent using scalar waves, using various methods--electronic, magnetic, and so on...
"So the whole COVID thing is actually involving nano and A.I. They don't care how many people they get to vaccinate now. They've pretty much hit the critical mass that they needed on the planet, and especially, by the way, in the United States, where they're saying 32% are vaccinated. This is where (the sheeple) have been inculcated and have accepted willingly the nano / A.I. combination that is a delivery package which is indeed a bioweapon, and contains a lot of other things besides those two things. But those two are paramount because they are going to change our DNA and make it manipulable, so that they can manipulate our DNA with the flick of a button, at long distance...
"So none of this nonsense to do with masks and social distancing and all of this is going to do you one bit of good. It is true that people who are vaccinated are carrying this nano in concentrations, let's say, within their bodies. So they could go 'fully nano,' for example, and in essence become androids... They want you to be like a robot, more robotic, more malleable to taking orders when told..." --Kerry Cassidy Update, May 6th, 2021
Kerry Cassidy: "This (nano) is stimulated and excited by 5G. This is a delivery process by which they are changing Humanity and they decided to jump start the entire program with this fake coronavirus (the Coronavirus Psyop), packaging it in a flu-type (envelope). Because what happens is the nano can actually get into your system to such an extent that it will cause a cytokine storm, which will basically overpower your ability to breathe... So you're going to be in competition with those A.I.'s to be the master of your (own) body and your destiny...and it's going to be difficult for a lot of people... So we're looking at a very complex future for Humanity right now." --Kerry Cassidy Update, May 6th, 2021
Lisa Renee: We have entered a new era when these many substances are being combined with nanotech to functionally interface us with a host of electronic devices which transmit digitally coded frequencies, along with their artificial intelligence programs that are designed for collecting data, implanting thoughts, surveillance and hooking up our brain’s neuronal links into the hive net..." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
Dr, Carrie Madej: "We need that critical mass (of Humanity) to finally stand up and...turn this thing around. Because I have seen a glimpse of our world and what it would be like to be a Human in the future if we do nothing and we let this plan go forward. And it's awful! It's not just about Transhumanism. We need to look harder into this...
"Nanotechnology--nobody really understands it very fully, and it's something that we haven't been taught, but we need to learn about it because that is the future of what they're trying to do to all of us. They're already using nanotechnology.
"So nanotechnology can do numerous different things, but what is this synthetic, self-replicating, inorganic, live-but-not-alive substance? What is THAT doing? This has many functions and we can't ignore that. Because once these little particles get inside you, and they're using them in these vaccines--at least Pfizer and Moderna--once they're inside of you, what they're saying is, 'it's just for on-demand drug delivery.' But first of all it's on-demand, so it has to have a trigger, it has to have a cue. What is that 'on-demand'?...
"There is absolutely overwhelming evidence to see that these injections are NOT in the health and wellness and benefit of the human body or Humanity... So then you have to ask yourself, well then why push this? Why this insessant push for these injections to happen?...
"So I would look at the people pushing the agenda, look at what they're doing, what their motivations are and see their history. Then you'll get the answer. We always talk about [Creepy] Bill Gates, and I always talk about the father of human genomics Dr. Craig Venter. These are some of the people who are pushing this agenda. You see people like Elon Musk getting involved. And then you look at their common theme and you see that they're all self-proclaimed Transhumanists. They claim that they're atheists...but they do say that they believe that they can become gods, that humans can do that because we can take our evolvement into our own hands...and their date for all of us is 2030.
"So they want to change the world, change what it means to be human--what's called Transhumanism--and that's through genomics, neuro-biology and Artificial Intelligence. And then they also say that we all should just become cyborgs. It's easier, it's much easier on the world if we're cyborgs..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Lisa Renee: We have entered a new era when these many substances are being combined with nanotech to functionally interface us with a host of electronic devices which transmit digitally coded frequencies, along with their artificial intelligence programs that are designed for collecting data, implanting thoughts, surveillance and hooking up our brain’s neuronal links into the hive net..." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
Dr, Carrie Madej: "We need that critical mass (of Humanity) to finally stand up and...turn this thing around. Because I have seen a glimpse of our world and what it would be like to be a Human in the future if we do nothing and we let this plan go forward. And it's awful! It's not just about Transhumanism. We need to look harder into this...
"Nanotechnology--nobody really understands it very fully, and it's something that we haven't been taught, but we need to learn about it because that is the future of what they're trying to do to all of us. They're already using nanotechnology.
"So nanotechnology can do numerous different things, but what is this synthetic, self-replicating, inorganic, live-but-not-alive substance? What is THAT doing? This has many functions and we can't ignore that. Because once these little particles get inside you, and they're using them in these vaccines--at least Pfizer and Moderna--once they're inside of you, what they're saying is, 'it's just for on-demand drug delivery.' But first of all it's on-demand, so it has to have a trigger, it has to have a cue. What is that 'on-demand'?...
"There is absolutely overwhelming evidence to see that these injections are NOT in the health and wellness and benefit of the human body or Humanity... So then you have to ask yourself, well then why push this? Why this insessant push for these injections to happen?...
"So I would look at the people pushing the agenda, look at what they're doing, what their motivations are and see their history. Then you'll get the answer. We always talk about [Creepy] Bill Gates, and I always talk about the father of human genomics Dr. Craig Venter. These are some of the people who are pushing this agenda. You see people like Elon Musk getting involved. And then you look at their common theme and you see that they're all self-proclaimed Transhumanists. They claim that they're atheists...but they do say that they believe that they can become gods, that humans can do that because we can take our evolvement into our own hands...and their date for all of us is 2030.
"So they want to change the world, change what it means to be human--what's called Transhumanism--and that's through genomics, neuro-biology and Artificial Intelligence. And then they also say that we all should just become cyborgs. It's easier, it's much easier on the world if we're cyborgs..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Dr. Carrie Madej: "Just know that this nanotechnology with the hydrogel can actually start to make you part synthetic in the inside of your body. You literally can turn into part cyborg over time. And this is how you can create a human cyborg even when they [humans] are fully grown..." --Dr Carrie Madej - COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism
"I'm hearing all this and I still can't believe it. If you look around you will see all of them saying the same thing, saying the same deadline (2030). So we've got to listen to them because that's what they're telling us. Do you want that kind of existence? Do you want to experiment with that? I don't. It sounds like this crazy sci-fi thing but we have to look at it." -Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Mike Adams: "I would just add that under Transhumanism they eventually destroy your human body and they say you are ascendant and you have been uploaded into a machine and then that's where you exist. But guess what? If they destroy your body and your brain, they don't even believe in the existence of a soul or a spirit. So all they've done is murdered you and then replicated your language as an avatar in a machine somewhere and claim you're still alive. You're not. And by the way, then they can just delete you.
"But half of America has signed up for this vaccine, kind of the gullible half, but it's about half the country, and there's no un-do. If this vaccine is going to kill them they're already dead, they're like the walking dead if that's the case. How easy was it for them to exterminate half the population. Unbelievably easy."
Dr. Carrie Madej: "I'm surprised at how easy people complied without thinking or questioning or speaking up. I hope that people see the bigger agenda--it's very evil... They call themselves atheists but they are Satanic... It's definitely like a Dr. Mengele kind of experiment going on. I've never seen anything in medicine even close to it, and people need to wake up... And I do believe that the people pushing the buttons are getting more and more nervous, because as each one of us wakes up to what is really happening right now, they lose power over us. It's all about psychological warfare right now.
"So it's a battle of time really, about how many of us wake up before they get to push their (insane genocidal) agenda forward..."
"I'm hearing all this and I still can't believe it. If you look around you will see all of them saying the same thing, saying the same deadline (2030). So we've got to listen to them because that's what they're telling us. Do you want that kind of existence? Do you want to experiment with that? I don't. It sounds like this crazy sci-fi thing but we have to look at it." -Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Mike Adams: "I would just add that under Transhumanism they eventually destroy your human body and they say you are ascendant and you have been uploaded into a machine and then that's where you exist. But guess what? If they destroy your body and your brain, they don't even believe in the existence of a soul or a spirit. So all they've done is murdered you and then replicated your language as an avatar in a machine somewhere and claim you're still alive. You're not. And by the way, then they can just delete you.
"But half of America has signed up for this vaccine, kind of the gullible half, but it's about half the country, and there's no un-do. If this vaccine is going to kill them they're already dead, they're like the walking dead if that's the case. How easy was it for them to exterminate half the population. Unbelievably easy."
Dr. Carrie Madej: "I'm surprised at how easy people complied without thinking or questioning or speaking up. I hope that people see the bigger agenda--it's very evil... They call themselves atheists but they are Satanic... It's definitely like a Dr. Mengele kind of experiment going on. I've never seen anything in medicine even close to it, and people need to wake up... And I do believe that the people pushing the buttons are getting more and more nervous, because as each one of us wakes up to what is really happening right now, they lose power over us. It's all about psychological warfare right now.
"So it's a battle of time really, about how many of us wake up before they get to push their (insane genocidal) agenda forward..."
Dr. Carrie Madej: "We have no sound science any more... Our medicine is gone, what you've known of it is completely gone. Science has turned to the dark side, it really has. It's not about protecting the integrity and ethics anymore like it used to be. It's about doing the most obscure and insane scientific techniques and novel technologies just to see what happens. That's a mad scientist without a heart! That's not how we used to be.That's not how I was trained. We've lost our way..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Mike Adams: "The medical ethics are abandoned, so there's no informed consent. They're not telling people, 'Hey, this might kill you. We're going to tell you all the risks and then you can choose.' No, they're saying: 'It's harmless, nobody's been harmed, nobody has died, take it, it works, it's 95% effective...' It's all a LIE..." --Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Steve Hotze on COVID, vaccines, eugenics and the diabolical agenda to injure billions
Mike Adams: "The medical ethics are abandoned, so there's no informed consent. They're not telling people, 'Hey, this might kill you. We're going to tell you all the risks and then you can choose.' No, they're saying: 'It's harmless, nobody's been harmed, nobody has died, take it, it works, it's 95% effective...' It's all a LIE..." --Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Steve Hotze on COVID, vaccines, eugenics and the diabolical agenda to injure billions
"Don't forget who we are. I think that's why so many people are in fear, clinging to this way of life. You forgot that we are made in the image of God. We are Light Beings. We have energetic potential, and we are energy... Praying is powerful. Being UNITED is powerful, and remember that this is a battle between good and evil..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Shedding vs Transmission
Many people have reported the strange phenomenon of the non-vaxxed being adversely affected by being in close proximity to the vaxxed. Originally reported as "viral shedding", something appears to be being transmitted from those poisoned by the "shot" to those who have refused the poison:
"Many have experienced it. The COVID vaxxed are transmitting something to those around them (including many unvaccinated people) that is causing those around them to suffer strange symptoms (migraines, nosebleeds, bruising, bloating, period pain, serious irregularity with menstruation, etc.)... Something is happening on an energetic level not just a physical level, and since energy moves in waves, and waves travel at different frequencies, the answer will involve frequency..." --Frequency Change: A Deeper Look at COVID Vax Transmission Phenomenon
"It's not really about shedding some substance so much as a transmission of what is in the vaccine, or what the vaccine is giving off... Everything in this reality, in its foundation, is about frequency. The body is a receiver-transmitter of information... DNA is a receiver-transmitter of information… How that DNA antenna is receiving and transmitting dictates what we are interacting with …
"[They want to] change the nature of DNA …so it's not picking up those [high] frequencies, it's only picking up the frequencies of [the] technological sub-reality – the Smart Grid. So this nanotechnology, which is in these vaccine potions, is changing the receiver-transmitter antenna nature of DNA ...so our Mission Control is not expanded consciousness, it's simply the Cloud…so we receive and transmit only their information.
"People who…have had the vaccine are having [their] DNA antenna re-wired so that [they] receive and transmit different kinds of information, and it locks [them] in to this Smart Grid, this Cloud. That's the foundation; I am not saying there's not a chemical element to this transmission we're hearing about, but for me the key area is this frequency. And if you get nanotechnology in the body, and then it starts transmitting its frequency, then obviously that frequency, that substance which is impacting upon the person who's had it, as it transmits its frequency, it's going to impact in the same way on others who pick up that frequency, even though they've not actually had the jab.
"I think this is the foundation of what's going on. They've turned these vaccinated people into antennae, transmitting their frequency." --David Icke, Human Antennae - Broadcasting the Vaccine Frequency
"By the way there are some colleagues of mine that have identified people that have already been injected, that they are emitting a signal that is synthetic. It is not from organic nature. So all of them so are are emitting this unique signal coming from them. They are still trying to identify this because these [signals] aren't in the database--they're brand new...
"I think there is overwhelming evidence to say that we are dealing with Transhumanism in action, and we're dealing with not just these synthetic fibers or these synthetic substances but we're dealing with, to me, it's a syncing life form that is not anything that I have ever come across in my research or been taught..." --Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID, Nano and the Vax
--Vaccinated man connecting to AstraZenica via Bluetooth devices!
"Many have experienced it. The COVID vaxxed are transmitting something to those around them (including many unvaccinated people) that is causing those around them to suffer strange symptoms (migraines, nosebleeds, bruising, bloating, period pain, serious irregularity with menstruation, etc.)... Something is happening on an energetic level not just a physical level, and since energy moves in waves, and waves travel at different frequencies, the answer will involve frequency..." --Frequency Change: A Deeper Look at COVID Vax Transmission Phenomenon
"It's not really about shedding some substance so much as a transmission of what is in the vaccine, or what the vaccine is giving off... Everything in this reality, in its foundation, is about frequency. The body is a receiver-transmitter of information... DNA is a receiver-transmitter of information… How that DNA antenna is receiving and transmitting dictates what we are interacting with …
"[They want to] change the nature of DNA …so it's not picking up those [high] frequencies, it's only picking up the frequencies of [the] technological sub-reality – the Smart Grid. So this nanotechnology, which is in these vaccine potions, is changing the receiver-transmitter antenna nature of DNA ...so our Mission Control is not expanded consciousness, it's simply the Cloud…so we receive and transmit only their information.
"People who…have had the vaccine are having [their] DNA antenna re-wired so that [they] receive and transmit different kinds of information, and it locks [them] in to this Smart Grid, this Cloud. That's the foundation; I am not saying there's not a chemical element to this transmission we're hearing about, but for me the key area is this frequency. And if you get nanotechnology in the body, and then it starts transmitting its frequency, then obviously that frequency, that substance which is impacting upon the person who's had it, as it transmits its frequency, it's going to impact in the same way on others who pick up that frequency, even though they've not actually had the jab.
"I think this is the foundation of what's going on. They've turned these vaccinated people into antennae, transmitting their frequency." --David Icke, Human Antennae - Broadcasting the Vaccine Frequency
"By the way there are some colleagues of mine that have identified people that have already been injected, that they are emitting a signal that is synthetic. It is not from organic nature. So all of them so are are emitting this unique signal coming from them. They are still trying to identify this because these [signals] aren't in the database--they're brand new...
"I think there is overwhelming evidence to say that we are dealing with Transhumanism in action, and we're dealing with not just these synthetic fibers or these synthetic substances but we're dealing with, to me, it's a syncing life form that is not anything that I have ever come across in my research or been taught..." --Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID, Nano and the Vax
--Vaccinated man connecting to AstraZenica via Bluetooth devices!
"We want to make sure that we differentiate between shedding versus transmission... So first shedding. When you're sick with the virus the cells in your body hosting the infection release infectious virus particles which then shed into the environment. This process is called viral shedding. The term 'shedding' has always been connected with viruses like the flu or polio vaccines or chicken pox...
"Transmission is the passage or transfer of a disease from one individual to another...or the passage of a nerve impulse across a synapse...or the passage of radio waves in the space between transmitting and receiving stations.
"So what's happening with the COVID injections isn't shedding--it's something different. So we're calling it transmission. Something is being transmitted from...a person who got the shot...to an unvaccinated person, and we haven't really clearly defined that yet...
"EMF properties of hydrogel in COVID injections--hydrogel is also called by many other names to describe the very same structure--nano-lipid particles, nanobots, nanotechnology... It's all hydrogel and it was invented by DARPA...
"We know that hydrogels can remain in the body for many years after they have been injected... Hydrogels are 'On Demand' which means that they can be triggered at any moment to deliver a payload. Hydrogels can be used as bio-sensors in the body, meaning they have the ability to accumulate data from your body, such as your breathing, respiration, thoughts and emotions, etc. And hydrogels have the ability to act through Wi-Fi. They can both transmit and receive energy, messages, frequencies or impulses..." --SGT Report, This Is A War Against God and His Creation
The influence of EMF--electromagnetic frequency--pollution and 5G frequencies on the Human body and bio-field cannot be overlooked. We have already seen how 5G frequencies pulsating at 60 GHz interferes with oxygen uptake. The oxygen entering into your lungs gets picked up by a very important, iron-containing protein in your blood called hemoglobin, and 60 GHz interferes with hemoglobin's ability to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body, essentially starving your tissues. There may be other deleterious effects of 5G and EMF pollution as well.
"You are an electromagnetic being. Everything you experience is electromagnetic... Everything that you experience--every touch, every feeling, everything that you are you experience electromagnetically. So therefore you can be controlled electromagnetically. And they've recently done studies where they've actually injected nano particulates into rats and they've hit them with an electromagnetic frequency, and the nano particulates inside the rats have been programmed to switch the genes on and off. So they can literally switch genes [on or off] with nano particulates using electromagnetic signals. In mainstream science they are telling you they can so this...
"See they're putting together a control grid, an electromagnetic control grid [with 5G and 'smart' devices]. That's what they are putting together...
"So you'll have different sections of the population that will start to change in different ways. The whole Transhumanist Agenda--people think that it's people getting microchips and people getting add-ons like the Borg, an eyepiece or a helmet or something. But what if they're doing it from the inside out? What if they're genetically modifying you and then merging the human race with machines, but they're doing it on a cellular level, they're doing it on a DNA level? They're doing it by getting people ingesting nano particulates, creating a genetic environment inside of them and modifying them from the inside out...
"So when they do it on a genetic level it's indelible, it can't be changed because it's done on the most basic of all levels. It's not something you can add on or take off. They're modifying you from a cellular level, from a genetic level, through nano particulates, GM foods, chemtrails, and EMR (electromagnetic radiation). That's what they're doing.
"And vaccination is important because it modifies the body, it creates genetic environments. Vaccination is a great delivery system as well for all sorts of codes they want to share around the world..." --Max Igan & Rick Simpson, Croatia, 2012
"One could ask the logical question: Is what is happening in the world of mandatory over-vaccinating everybody who will stand still the Zombie Apocalypse, or is it just another false flag 'pseudo-epidemic'? Here are some truths from some...unbiased scientists:
"Bioeffects (from electromagnetic radiation such as 5G) are clearly established and occur at very low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation... What is most shocking about the Microwave Age is not that profit-mongers will gleefully deploy deadly radiation to maim and kill kids for a 'buck', but that most people submit to such abuse in a livestock sort of way. Unaware, disinterested and possibly too dim to survive as a genetically viable species, Americans just 'suck it up'. Despite thousands of medical studies warning of dire medical ramifications, the masses remain willfully clueless about what the US military knew seventy-five years ago: that each human cell/tissue and internal organ has its own dielectric properties and that the brain, heart and lungs are primary hot spots for the wave carcinogen now ever-blasting through weak and ailing bodies..." --Did 5G's Neurotoxic and Immunotoxic Electromagnetic Radiation Make Wuhan's Coronavirus Epidemic Deadlier?
"Transmission is the passage or transfer of a disease from one individual to another...or the passage of a nerve impulse across a synapse...or the passage of radio waves in the space between transmitting and receiving stations.
"So what's happening with the COVID injections isn't shedding--it's something different. So we're calling it transmission. Something is being transmitted from...a person who got the shot...to an unvaccinated person, and we haven't really clearly defined that yet...
"EMF properties of hydrogel in COVID injections--hydrogel is also called by many other names to describe the very same structure--nano-lipid particles, nanobots, nanotechnology... It's all hydrogel and it was invented by DARPA...
"We know that hydrogels can remain in the body for many years after they have been injected... Hydrogels are 'On Demand' which means that they can be triggered at any moment to deliver a payload. Hydrogels can be used as bio-sensors in the body, meaning they have the ability to accumulate data from your body, such as your breathing, respiration, thoughts and emotions, etc. And hydrogels have the ability to act through Wi-Fi. They can both transmit and receive energy, messages, frequencies or impulses..." --SGT Report, This Is A War Against God and His Creation
The influence of EMF--electromagnetic frequency--pollution and 5G frequencies on the Human body and bio-field cannot be overlooked. We have already seen how 5G frequencies pulsating at 60 GHz interferes with oxygen uptake. The oxygen entering into your lungs gets picked up by a very important, iron-containing protein in your blood called hemoglobin, and 60 GHz interferes with hemoglobin's ability to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body, essentially starving your tissues. There may be other deleterious effects of 5G and EMF pollution as well.
"You are an electromagnetic being. Everything you experience is electromagnetic... Everything that you experience--every touch, every feeling, everything that you are you experience electromagnetically. So therefore you can be controlled electromagnetically. And they've recently done studies where they've actually injected nano particulates into rats and they've hit them with an electromagnetic frequency, and the nano particulates inside the rats have been programmed to switch the genes on and off. So they can literally switch genes [on or off] with nano particulates using electromagnetic signals. In mainstream science they are telling you they can so this...
"See they're putting together a control grid, an electromagnetic control grid [with 5G and 'smart' devices]. That's what they are putting together...
"So you'll have different sections of the population that will start to change in different ways. The whole Transhumanist Agenda--people think that it's people getting microchips and people getting add-ons like the Borg, an eyepiece or a helmet or something. But what if they're doing it from the inside out? What if they're genetically modifying you and then merging the human race with machines, but they're doing it on a cellular level, they're doing it on a DNA level? They're doing it by getting people ingesting nano particulates, creating a genetic environment inside of them and modifying them from the inside out...
"So when they do it on a genetic level it's indelible, it can't be changed because it's done on the most basic of all levels. It's not something you can add on or take off. They're modifying you from a cellular level, from a genetic level, through nano particulates, GM foods, chemtrails, and EMR (electromagnetic radiation). That's what they're doing.
"And vaccination is important because it modifies the body, it creates genetic environments. Vaccination is a great delivery system as well for all sorts of codes they want to share around the world..." --Max Igan & Rick Simpson, Croatia, 2012
"One could ask the logical question: Is what is happening in the world of mandatory over-vaccinating everybody who will stand still the Zombie Apocalypse, or is it just another false flag 'pseudo-epidemic'? Here are some truths from some...unbiased scientists:
"Bioeffects (from electromagnetic radiation such as 5G) are clearly established and occur at very low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation... What is most shocking about the Microwave Age is not that profit-mongers will gleefully deploy deadly radiation to maim and kill kids for a 'buck', but that most people submit to such abuse in a livestock sort of way. Unaware, disinterested and possibly too dim to survive as a genetically viable species, Americans just 'suck it up'. Despite thousands of medical studies warning of dire medical ramifications, the masses remain willfully clueless about what the US military knew seventy-five years ago: that each human cell/tissue and internal organ has its own dielectric properties and that the brain, heart and lungs are primary hot spots for the wave carcinogen now ever-blasting through weak and ailing bodies..." --Did 5G's Neurotoxic and Immunotoxic Electromagnetic Radiation Make Wuhan's Coronavirus Epidemic Deadlier?
"Let me tell you categorically, factually, and scientifically, Coronavirus is NOT the problem. It is questionable whether it is even a contagion, in the context of a disease that is spreading from person to person. What we are seeing are symptoms of a virus. What we are not aware of is what is causing those symptoms... What this is is our bodies reacting to what is known as radio-spectrum radiation, or radio frequency radiation...
"So what is happening is that 5G...is reacting adversely with human cells, causing cells in our bodies to be poisoned, toxic, and our natural defense mechanisms is pushing out that toxicity in the form of a virus. So what you're seeing is not Coronavirus per se. You're seeing cell poisoning... Most diseases are excretions from cells that we are trying to push out of our bodies...
"So all that is occurring around the world is a reaction by human bodies to the electrification of the universe through 5G satellites, 5G towers, 5G cells that are being populated in major cities around the world. This is what is causing this 'pandemic'. This is the largest global cover-up in history...
"So what is happening is not the Coronavirus. It is a virus that is being produced by cell poisoning. And because it has a flu-type characteristic, they are using 'Coronavirus' to hide the fact that people are dying from the 5G frequencies... Italy has had more fatalities than any other country because it is densely populated with 5G and the older generation doesn't have the immune system to fight against it..." --5G Activates Disease In Your Body
"So what is happening is that 5G...is reacting adversely with human cells, causing cells in our bodies to be poisoned, toxic, and our natural defense mechanisms is pushing out that toxicity in the form of a virus. So what you're seeing is not Coronavirus per se. You're seeing cell poisoning... Most diseases are excretions from cells that we are trying to push out of our bodies...
"So all that is occurring around the world is a reaction by human bodies to the electrification of the universe through 5G satellites, 5G towers, 5G cells that are being populated in major cities around the world. This is what is causing this 'pandemic'. This is the largest global cover-up in history...
"So what is happening is not the Coronavirus. It is a virus that is being produced by cell poisoning. And because it has a flu-type characteristic, they are using 'Coronavirus' to hide the fact that people are dying from the 5G frequencies... Italy has had more fatalities than any other country because it is densely populated with 5G and the older generation doesn't have the immune system to fight against it..." --5G Activates Disease In Your Body
Viruses, Vaccines, and the 5G Global Control Grid
"The agenda is to hook every single material thing on the planet, as well as humans
themselves, onto a vast planet-wide web where everything and everyone become
nodes on the network – connected by microchips which are nano-size and can be
inhaled (like smart dust)... 5G is not merely an upgrade of wireless infrastructure;
it is a giant leap towards the erection and installation of a total technological
control grid. The agenda is to cover the entire Earth – including rural areas –
with the 5G electromagnetic blanket, so that its effects can literall
not be escaped by anyone living on this planet."
--5G IoT: Total Techological Control Grid
"5G contains the blueprint of a future only elite madmen want."
--The Hidden Purpose Behind 5G, Jon Rappoport
themselves, onto a vast planet-wide web where everything and everyone become
nodes on the network – connected by microchips which are nano-size and can be
inhaled (like smart dust)... 5G is not merely an upgrade of wireless infrastructure;
it is a giant leap towards the erection and installation of a total technological
control grid. The agenda is to cover the entire Earth – including rural areas –
with the 5G electromagnetic blanket, so that its effects can literall
not be escaped by anyone living on this planet."
--5G IoT: Total Techological Control Grid
"5G contains the blueprint of a future only elite madmen want."
--The Hidden Purpose Behind 5G, Jon Rappoport
"This is... a unique in depth overview of the Globalist's strategy to use COVID-19 as an excuse to create global tyranny... You will see how they suppress every effective cure for COVID-19 (e.g. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin), so they can enforce a very dangerous vaccine onto all of humanity. This vaccine will contain nanotechnology that connects us to artificial intelligence and start the process of Transhumanism, making us hybrids that lose the ability to think freely. If you think that's insane, you're right. It is pure madness, but it's nevertheless the hidden agenda behind the vaccine for COVID-19..."
"You will also see abundant evidence that the pandemic has been planned for decades and how everything is orchestrated with mass fraud, global bribery, unprecedented censorship and extreme corruption in media, and governments..."
"COVID-19 is being used to introduce a new level of authoritarian control... The plan is to get hundreds of thousands of people infected with it and create the next phase of control... According to their 'Scenario of the future' written in 2010, the entire world population should get a digital ID that indicates who has received all the vaccines. Without sufficient vaccinations, access to schools, concerts, churches, public transport etc. will be denied. Now in 2020 that is exactly what Bill Gates and many governments are calling for...
"The strategy is clear: cause a global pandemic in order to enforce unprecedented levels of authoritarian control. This means people lose their most basic freedoms and rights and become slaves at the merciless hands of power hungry billionaires who will pull the strings on vaccines, digital ID's, contact tracing etc.
"The keyword here is 'vaccines'. These will be the golden key to lock the global prison doors: 'Everybody must get our vaccines or they will be excluded from normal life...' The millions of lives severely damaged by his vaccines, coupled with his (Bill Gates) evil plan to reduce mankind by 15%, have prompted half a million people to take steps.
"A petition has been submitted to the White House with 600,000 signatures, demanding that Bill Gates be investigated for 'crimes against humanity'... Many vaccines are infected with gamma-retroviruses, because they use viruses grown in infected animal cell lines. This leads to diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancer, leukaemias and lymphomas... The vaccination process, by its very nature, entails significant risks of illness, injury and death, which are persistently denied and covered up by the manufacturers, the CDC and the doctors who speak out in favor." --The Plan To Control the World
"You will also see abundant evidence that the pandemic has been planned for decades and how everything is orchestrated with mass fraud, global bribery, unprecedented censorship and extreme corruption in media, and governments..."
"COVID-19 is being used to introduce a new level of authoritarian control... The plan is to get hundreds of thousands of people infected with it and create the next phase of control... According to their 'Scenario of the future' written in 2010, the entire world population should get a digital ID that indicates who has received all the vaccines. Without sufficient vaccinations, access to schools, concerts, churches, public transport etc. will be denied. Now in 2020 that is exactly what Bill Gates and many governments are calling for...
"The strategy is clear: cause a global pandemic in order to enforce unprecedented levels of authoritarian control. This means people lose their most basic freedoms and rights and become slaves at the merciless hands of power hungry billionaires who will pull the strings on vaccines, digital ID's, contact tracing etc.
"The keyword here is 'vaccines'. These will be the golden key to lock the global prison doors: 'Everybody must get our vaccines or they will be excluded from normal life...' The millions of lives severely damaged by his vaccines, coupled with his (Bill Gates) evil plan to reduce mankind by 15%, have prompted half a million people to take steps.
"A petition has been submitted to the White House with 600,000 signatures, demanding that Bill Gates be investigated for 'crimes against humanity'... Many vaccines are infected with gamma-retroviruses, because they use viruses grown in infected animal cell lines. This leads to diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancer, leukaemias and lymphomas... The vaccination process, by its very nature, entails significant risks of illness, injury and death, which are persistently denied and covered up by the manufacturers, the CDC and the doctors who speak out in favor." --The Plan To Control the World
"Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON "SM-102 - Not for Human or Veterinary Use"
“Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine… Believe not in vaccination, it is a worldwide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.” –Dr Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy
However frightening these toxic vaccines may be, the "super-vaccination program" is just one aspect of the NWO Globalist's tyrannical agenda for world dominion and depopulation. "The best way to understand why the coronavirus pandemic exploded worldwide in the very same year that the military deployment of 5G was greatly advanced in China, Italy, South Korea, United States and other IT-savvy nations is to view them both as a binary weapon system, which is then coordinated with vaccine programs and chemtrail operations to function as a quaternary weapon system...
"The Coronavirus COVID-19, 5G 60 GHz millimeter wave, chemtrail-disseminated Smart Dust and vaccine-delivered digitized RNA are mutually intensifying Quaternary Weapons deliberately launched and coordinated to shut down a targeted city or nation, commit genocide, depopulate and/or trigger an ELE (Extinction Level Event)..
“Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine… Believe not in vaccination, it is a worldwide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.” –Dr Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy
However frightening these toxic vaccines may be, the "super-vaccination program" is just one aspect of the NWO Globalist's tyrannical agenda for world dominion and depopulation. "The best way to understand why the coronavirus pandemic exploded worldwide in the very same year that the military deployment of 5G was greatly advanced in China, Italy, South Korea, United States and other IT-savvy nations is to view them both as a binary weapon system, which is then coordinated with vaccine programs and chemtrail operations to function as a quaternary weapon system...
"The Coronavirus COVID-19, 5G 60 GHz millimeter wave, chemtrail-disseminated Smart Dust and vaccine-delivered digitized RNA are mutually intensifying Quaternary Weapons deliberately launched and coordinated to shut down a targeted city or nation, commit genocide, depopulate and/or trigger an ELE (Extinction Level Event)..
"The connection between 5G and the coronavirus has been firmly established and can no longer be ignored, especially by smartphone-addicted Americans. In point of fact, many smartphone users suffer from either a low-grade 5G Flu or full-blown 5G Syndrome. In both cases, they are usually unaware of the primary cause of their chronic illness—their smartphone, wireless home environment and/or workplace WiFi.
"Now add COVID-19 into the mix. Clearly, the result is a highly consequential global predicament the mainstream media has labelled 'the coronavirus pandemic.' However, what we’re really seeing is a new man-made plague called the Coronavirus Syndrome...
"5G Syndrome is a much more serious medical ailment than 5G Flu. 5G Syndrome represents a much more extensive list of severe symptoms, some of which are life-threatening. However, as the whole world has witnessed, 5G Flu can also kill you—FAST—depending on your overall health profile and the strength of your immune system. That's why the elderly and infirm succumb to 5G Flu so quickly … and children seem to have a natural immunity.
"Nonetheless, it's 5G Syndrome that is the quiet killer because of how many symptoms will occur completely under the radar over years. Also, many of those symptoms will be routinely misinterpreted as other disease processes by medical and holistic doctors alike. This kind of misdiagnosis and under-diagnosis by physicians everywhere has occurred over several decades regarding Electrohypersensitivity illness, often by the intentional design of the Medical-Big Pharma Complex.
"Then there are those individuals who suffer from both 5G Flu and early-onset 5G Syndrome; they're the ones dropping like flies in Wuhan, China. Their addiction to smartphones and other wireless devices blinded them to the adverse health effects caused by the sudden influx of 5G energies (which include extremely high radiofrequency signal ranges and ultra-strong microwave transmissions) when they flipped the switch in 2019 in Hubei Province.
"In general, 5G Flu is more of an acute illness whereas 5G Syndrome is a long-term, chronic disease. They mutually support and feed off each other which is what makes them so dangerous and increasingly fatal. A person who has 5G Syndrome is much more susceptible to contracting 5G Flu. And, a person with 5G Flu is a good candidate for developing 5G Syndrome.
"One who repeatedly gets the Wuhan coronavirus (or 5G Flu), as many Chinese sufferers have to date, will exhibit a greater likelihood of developing 5G Syndrome; that is, if they don't already have a case of it. The extraordinary re-infection rates for COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus bioweapon triggering 5G Flu, offer compelling circumstantial evidence that it’s really an electromagnetic radiation-driven disease more than a bioengineered coronavirus; although, it’s really both co-factors working in tandem to turbo-charge each other...
"5G Syndrome insidiously develops over a period of sustained exposure to a 5G power grid and/or usage of even a small-scale version of a home-based IoT or a full-scale office build-out of the Internet of Things. The longer any individual sits in those unsafe levels of 5G-disseminated EMFs and microwaves, the more likely they will experience the evolution of their own unique form of 5G Syndrome. Eventually, they will become vulnerable to not only 5G Flu (i.e. Wuhan coronavirus), but also to the whole host of other bioengineered flu strains and naturally occurring influenzas.
"The most critical point here is that every long-term, habitual smartphone user is at great risk for developing either 5G Flu and 5G Syndrome, or both. During the annual flu seasons, they will be more susceptible than others to any type of influenza that passes through the neighborhood, especially a coronavirus bioengineered to be highly contagious...
"Some medical researchers have declared that 5G actually triggers COVID-19, which then sets into motion a unique disease process that manifests differently in each patient. Because there appears to be a bioengineered capacity for COVID-19 to mutate in vivo, the symptom set can change quickly or slowly thereby eluding proper diagnosis and effective treatment. The longer any patient is exposed to a 5G environment, the more severe the symptoms will be. Similarly, additional symptoms, some of which are quite unusual and life-threatening, will also emerge as the disease process evolves.
"Not only does 5G seem to trigger the onset of the Coronavirus Syndrome, it also appears to cause an extraordinary mutation and morphing of COVID-19 into an altogether different coronavirus pathogen, which then lies latent in the body well after the patient has been cured. This is quite similar to Epstein-Barr virus which eventually evolves into EBV-Stage 4 after passing through Stages 1, 2 and 3 over decades of latency...
"Vaccines represent a profound assault against the human body often with consequences that are irreversible. In numerous cases, children are killed by these toxic formulations, just as adults can be debilitated for life by a single flu vaccine. Does anyone know for sure what's in these Big Pharma-manufactured chemical and biological time bombs?!
"Now add COVID-19 into the mix. Clearly, the result is a highly consequential global predicament the mainstream media has labelled 'the coronavirus pandemic.' However, what we’re really seeing is a new man-made plague called the Coronavirus Syndrome...
"5G Syndrome is a much more serious medical ailment than 5G Flu. 5G Syndrome represents a much more extensive list of severe symptoms, some of which are life-threatening. However, as the whole world has witnessed, 5G Flu can also kill you—FAST—depending on your overall health profile and the strength of your immune system. That's why the elderly and infirm succumb to 5G Flu so quickly … and children seem to have a natural immunity.
"Nonetheless, it's 5G Syndrome that is the quiet killer because of how many symptoms will occur completely under the radar over years. Also, many of those symptoms will be routinely misinterpreted as other disease processes by medical and holistic doctors alike. This kind of misdiagnosis and under-diagnosis by physicians everywhere has occurred over several decades regarding Electrohypersensitivity illness, often by the intentional design of the Medical-Big Pharma Complex.
"Then there are those individuals who suffer from both 5G Flu and early-onset 5G Syndrome; they're the ones dropping like flies in Wuhan, China. Their addiction to smartphones and other wireless devices blinded them to the adverse health effects caused by the sudden influx of 5G energies (which include extremely high radiofrequency signal ranges and ultra-strong microwave transmissions) when they flipped the switch in 2019 in Hubei Province.
"In general, 5G Flu is more of an acute illness whereas 5G Syndrome is a long-term, chronic disease. They mutually support and feed off each other which is what makes them so dangerous and increasingly fatal. A person who has 5G Syndrome is much more susceptible to contracting 5G Flu. And, a person with 5G Flu is a good candidate for developing 5G Syndrome.
"One who repeatedly gets the Wuhan coronavirus (or 5G Flu), as many Chinese sufferers have to date, will exhibit a greater likelihood of developing 5G Syndrome; that is, if they don't already have a case of it. The extraordinary re-infection rates for COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus bioweapon triggering 5G Flu, offer compelling circumstantial evidence that it’s really an electromagnetic radiation-driven disease more than a bioengineered coronavirus; although, it’s really both co-factors working in tandem to turbo-charge each other...
"5G Syndrome insidiously develops over a period of sustained exposure to a 5G power grid and/or usage of even a small-scale version of a home-based IoT or a full-scale office build-out of the Internet of Things. The longer any individual sits in those unsafe levels of 5G-disseminated EMFs and microwaves, the more likely they will experience the evolution of their own unique form of 5G Syndrome. Eventually, they will become vulnerable to not only 5G Flu (i.e. Wuhan coronavirus), but also to the whole host of other bioengineered flu strains and naturally occurring influenzas.
"The most critical point here is that every long-term, habitual smartphone user is at great risk for developing either 5G Flu and 5G Syndrome, or both. During the annual flu seasons, they will be more susceptible than others to any type of influenza that passes through the neighborhood, especially a coronavirus bioengineered to be highly contagious...
"Some medical researchers have declared that 5G actually triggers COVID-19, which then sets into motion a unique disease process that manifests differently in each patient. Because there appears to be a bioengineered capacity for COVID-19 to mutate in vivo, the symptom set can change quickly or slowly thereby eluding proper diagnosis and effective treatment. The longer any patient is exposed to a 5G environment, the more severe the symptoms will be. Similarly, additional symptoms, some of which are quite unusual and life-threatening, will also emerge as the disease process evolves.
"Not only does 5G seem to trigger the onset of the Coronavirus Syndrome, it also appears to cause an extraordinary mutation and morphing of COVID-19 into an altogether different coronavirus pathogen, which then lies latent in the body well after the patient has been cured. This is quite similar to Epstein-Barr virus which eventually evolves into EBV-Stage 4 after passing through Stages 1, 2 and 3 over decades of latency...
"Vaccines represent a profound assault against the human body often with consequences that are irreversible. In numerous cases, children are killed by these toxic formulations, just as adults can be debilitated for life by a single flu vaccine. Does anyone know for sure what's in these Big Pharma-manufactured chemical and biological time bombs?!
"Vaccines, especially flu shots, play an integral part in this Quaternary Weapon System. The annual flu vaccine, that's aggressively pushed each and every year because it's so vital to this global depopulation scheme, contains a cocktail of harmful biological material and unsafe chemical compounds. Some of the vaccine ingredients are nano-sized particles that are both digitized and controllable by remote, which can wreak havoc with the human immune system.
"The elderly are quite easily scare-mongered into receiving their annual flu shot. With each flu vaccine, they are injected with 'digitized, controllable RNA', which can then be activated by 5G-disseminated 60 GHz millimeter wave bands. This is why older folks who get the coronavirus are totally incapacitated so quickly, with a high percentage of them dying in short order.
"Even the mortality rate for young adults is increasing, especially for those who have been regular flu shot recipients and are regular smartphone users. Children in the United States are now exhibiting a much higher infection rate than other countries because of the vigorously enforced childhood vaccination schedules and wireless home environments. The extraordinarily high incidence of ADD and ADHD, Autism and Asperger's, Dyslexia and Developmental Disabilities are all proof of the extreme neurological impacts from the dangerous vaccines mandated for delicate babies and fragile young children.
"The American people, collectively, are the biggest victim of 'the Super-Vaccination Agenda' in the world because of the overwhelming political power and corporate influence of the Big Pharma-Medical Complex. Hence, a significantly higher infection rate and mortality rate can be expected from COVID-19 in all 50 states, particularly in those cities and counties with the most vaccine compliance, 5G-intensive power grids, chemtrailed skies and coronavirus releases..." --QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion
"Coronavirus is a highly contagious virus that is put on super-steroids whenever and wherever they flip the switch on 5G, all the while amping up the flu vaccination programs, and chemtrailing overhead with toxin-laden aerosols that further trigger influenza symptoms... Vaccines do not prevent disease but actually foster their spread... In reality, vaccines have succeeded in creating a rash of new diseases and unnecessary harm, a fact which is actively suppressed by the medical mafia 'authorities'..." --Brad Olsen, Beyond Esoteric
"The elderly are quite easily scare-mongered into receiving their annual flu shot. With each flu vaccine, they are injected with 'digitized, controllable RNA', which can then be activated by 5G-disseminated 60 GHz millimeter wave bands. This is why older folks who get the coronavirus are totally incapacitated so quickly, with a high percentage of them dying in short order.
"Even the mortality rate for young adults is increasing, especially for those who have been regular flu shot recipients and are regular smartphone users. Children in the United States are now exhibiting a much higher infection rate than other countries because of the vigorously enforced childhood vaccination schedules and wireless home environments. The extraordinarily high incidence of ADD and ADHD, Autism and Asperger's, Dyslexia and Developmental Disabilities are all proof of the extreme neurological impacts from the dangerous vaccines mandated for delicate babies and fragile young children.
"The American people, collectively, are the biggest victim of 'the Super-Vaccination Agenda' in the world because of the overwhelming political power and corporate influence of the Big Pharma-Medical Complex. Hence, a significantly higher infection rate and mortality rate can be expected from COVID-19 in all 50 states, particularly in those cities and counties with the most vaccine compliance, 5G-intensive power grids, chemtrailed skies and coronavirus releases..." --QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion
"Coronavirus is a highly contagious virus that is put on super-steroids whenever and wherever they flip the switch on 5G, all the while amping up the flu vaccination programs, and chemtrailing overhead with toxin-laden aerosols that further trigger influenza symptoms... Vaccines do not prevent disease but actually foster their spread... In reality, vaccines have succeeded in creating a rash of new diseases and unnecessary harm, a fact which is actively suppressed by the medical mafia 'authorities'..." --Brad Olsen, Beyond Esoteric
End Game - the Vaccine Kill Shot
"If you don't understand how sinister this End Game is, then you're just not
paying attention." --Nurse Warns To Stay Away From Vaccinated People
paying attention." --Nurse Warns To Stay Away From Vaccinated People
"Around the world, reports are pouring in of people dying shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. In many cases, they die suddenly within hours of getting the shot. In others, death occurs within the span of a couple of weeks. One notable case is baseball legend Hank Aaron, 86, who died January 22, 2021, 17 days after publicly getting vaccinated for COVID-19..." --Seniors Dying After COVID Vaccine Labeled as Natural Causes
"There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact. You can try to explain it or justify it, or even argue it doesn’t matter, but you can’t deny it.
"There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact. You can try to explain it or justify it, or even argue it doesn’t matter, but you can’t deny it.
"We’re not talking about a modest increase in death reports, something we might chat about in concerned voices over Chai tea and bagels at a company mixer. We’re talking about a huge and unprecedented increase—so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history. So massive it’s literally 'off the chart'...
"With all the many experts at the [incredibly corrupt] Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the [incredibly corrupt] Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ostensibly dedicated to COVID-19 and vaccine safety, not a single one has attempted to explain or analyze, or has even mentioned, the massive increase in deaths reported to VAERS from the COVID-19 shots. The silence is telling..." --The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Coverup
Here is just a small sample of deaths and severe neurological reactions directly attributed to the COVID "vaccines" :
--Vaccine Deaths from the Covid Vaccines
--Sudden Death In Young People After COVID Vaccination
--Elderly are DYING LIKE FLIES after 'Covid' fake DNA-manipulating 'vaccine' while those not taking the 'vaccine' are still alive
--Outbreak of DEATH occurs at Canadian nursing home following mass vaccination of patients and staff
--Zero COVID Deaths in Auburn NY Nursing Home Then Deaths Begin AFTER Vaccines Are Administered
--Norway reports deaths of 23 elderly soon after receiving Pfizer vaccine
--Shaking, Seizures & Passing Out: People Losing Control Of Their Bodies Within Hours Of Vaxcs?
--Baseball Legend hank Aaron dies 2 Weeks After Receiving the Coronavirus Vaccine
--Mike's Sister Took the Shot, And Now She Tested Positive and Is Bed Ridden!
--Nurse speaks out - Many nurses off sick after taking COVID-19 vaccination
--Miami Obstetrician Dies After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine
--Lady from Indiana suffers severe adverse reaction from the COVID vaccine
--Nurse collapses on television minutes after receiving COVID vaccine
--This Is What the COVID19 Vaccine Can do...
--Dangerous side affects caused by the vaccine
--Nurse Gets Bells Palsy From "Vaccine"
--Another Nurse Develops Bell's Palsy After COVID Vaccine
--39-year-old woman dies 4 days after second Moderna vaccine
--33 Year Old Doctor In Perfect Health After mRNA Vaccine
--28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist DEAD 2 Days After Being Injected with COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine
--28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection
"With all the many experts at the [incredibly corrupt] Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the [incredibly corrupt] Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ostensibly dedicated to COVID-19 and vaccine safety, not a single one has attempted to explain or analyze, or has even mentioned, the massive increase in deaths reported to VAERS from the COVID-19 shots. The silence is telling..." --The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Coverup
Here is just a small sample of deaths and severe neurological reactions directly attributed to the COVID "vaccines" :
--Vaccine Deaths from the Covid Vaccines
--Sudden Death In Young People After COVID Vaccination
--Elderly are DYING LIKE FLIES after 'Covid' fake DNA-manipulating 'vaccine' while those not taking the 'vaccine' are still alive
--Outbreak of DEATH occurs at Canadian nursing home following mass vaccination of patients and staff
--Zero COVID Deaths in Auburn NY Nursing Home Then Deaths Begin AFTER Vaccines Are Administered
--Norway reports deaths of 23 elderly soon after receiving Pfizer vaccine
--Shaking, Seizures & Passing Out: People Losing Control Of Their Bodies Within Hours Of Vaxcs?
--Baseball Legend hank Aaron dies 2 Weeks After Receiving the Coronavirus Vaccine
--Mike's Sister Took the Shot, And Now She Tested Positive and Is Bed Ridden!
--Nurse speaks out - Many nurses off sick after taking COVID-19 vaccination
--Miami Obstetrician Dies After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine
--Lady from Indiana suffers severe adverse reaction from the COVID vaccine
--Nurse collapses on television minutes after receiving COVID vaccine
--This Is What the COVID19 Vaccine Can do...
--Dangerous side affects caused by the vaccine
--Nurse Gets Bells Palsy From "Vaccine"
--Another Nurse Develops Bell's Palsy After COVID Vaccine
--39-year-old woman dies 4 days after second Moderna vaccine
--33 Year Old Doctor In Perfect Health After mRNA Vaccine
--28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist DEAD 2 Days After Being Injected with COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine
--28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection
"In the U.S., 292.1 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of May 28, 2021. This includes 123 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 158 million doses of Pfizer and 11 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.
"Of the 5,165 deaths reported as of May 28, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated."--Latest VAERS Data
"Of the 5,165 deaths reported as of May 28, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated."--Latest VAERS Data
"Many experts are predicting a surge of life-threatening infections, inflammatory disorders and deaths in the coming months and years for those who have received this 'treatment'..." --So-Called Vaccines Are Really Dangerous, Experimantal Gene Therapy!
But what I find to be really disturbing and disgusting is the lengths to which the Controllers will go to to coerce people into taking their deadly and toxic "vaccines". For example, if you participate in the California Vaccine Lottery, you could become a Vaccine Zombie winner! Oh, and guess what? Did you know that "Krispy Kreme will give you a free doughnut every day this year — if you've been vaccinated!" Really? Sign me up! Cancer thrives on sugar! Not to mention Type II Diabetes. And did you know that "You Can Get Free Fries At Shake Shack If You're Vaccinated!" Wow! Free fries are certainly an incentive for me to inject poison into my body! Where's the nearest Shake Shack? Hope they have a COVID testing station set up! I would love an A.I. nano-tech infested test swab twisted and twirled into my blood-brain barrier! [NOT!]
But what I find to be really disturbing and disgusting is the lengths to which the Controllers will go to to coerce people into taking their deadly and toxic "vaccines". For example, if you participate in the California Vaccine Lottery, you could become a Vaccine Zombie winner! Oh, and guess what? Did you know that "Krispy Kreme will give you a free doughnut every day this year — if you've been vaccinated!" Really? Sign me up! Cancer thrives on sugar! Not to mention Type II Diabetes. And did you know that "You Can Get Free Fries At Shake Shack If You're Vaccinated!" Wow! Free fries are certainly an incentive for me to inject poison into my body! Where's the nearest Shake Shack? Hope they have a COVID testing station set up! I would love an A.I. nano-tech infested test swab twisted and twirled into my blood-brain barrier! [NOT!]
'"New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio chomped on fries and a burger during a press briefing on Thursday, May 13, as he announced that fast-food restaurant chain Shake Shack would be offering free food to customers who can prove they've been vaccinated. De Blasio said many people were ready to be vaccinated but needed an 'extra incentive'..." --NYC Mayor Chomps on Fries While Announcing Vaccine Incentive
Bill de Blasio is offering "extra incentives" for people in his city to get the jab. So it should come as no surprise that New York City is "introducing thousands of new sources of millimeter-wave microwave radiation, as 5G is fast-tracked throughout the city." Gee I wonder what the relationship between the ubiquitous broadcast of 5G frequencies and the widespread vaccination of the population is? Nothing suspicious going on there...
So why are the so-called "elites" and their mafioso puppet politicians so keen on "vaccinating" as many people as they possibly can as quickly as they possibly can? I know! Surely it must be due to "public health and safety concerns" over the spread of "ever-mutating coronaviruses," right?
"What's happening now is that the façade is breaking down and people are seeing it, and so the politicians are running scared.
They are doing everything they can to control and cull the population." --Max Igan, The Real Game Is About To begin
"The vaccines are causing the spiking of deaths and hospitalizations around the world... All of these countries are experiencing the same thing, which is an engineered, extermination bioweapon that's disguised as a vaccine. It's not really a vaccine--it's a death shot, and it's designed to kill people, but also to cause infertility...
"This is biological warfare happening against Humanity being waged by the vaccine industry and all of its promoters--the doctors, the pharmacists, the so-called journalists, the Fauci's of the world, the CDC, the FDA, the UN, the WHO, the local health departments... They're all in on it, they're all mass murderers, they know what they're doing. They're killing people with these vaccines and they're causing global infertility..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 24th, 2021 [Part 4]
Bill de Blasio is offering "extra incentives" for people in his city to get the jab. So it should come as no surprise that New York City is "introducing thousands of new sources of millimeter-wave microwave radiation, as 5G is fast-tracked throughout the city." Gee I wonder what the relationship between the ubiquitous broadcast of 5G frequencies and the widespread vaccination of the population is? Nothing suspicious going on there...
So why are the so-called "elites" and their mafioso puppet politicians so keen on "vaccinating" as many people as they possibly can as quickly as they possibly can? I know! Surely it must be due to "public health and safety concerns" over the spread of "ever-mutating coronaviruses," right?
"What's happening now is that the façade is breaking down and people are seeing it, and so the politicians are running scared.
They are doing everything they can to control and cull the population." --Max Igan, The Real Game Is About To begin
"The vaccines are causing the spiking of deaths and hospitalizations around the world... All of these countries are experiencing the same thing, which is an engineered, extermination bioweapon that's disguised as a vaccine. It's not really a vaccine--it's a death shot, and it's designed to kill people, but also to cause infertility...
"This is biological warfare happening against Humanity being waged by the vaccine industry and all of its promoters--the doctors, the pharmacists, the so-called journalists, the Fauci's of the world, the CDC, the FDA, the UN, the WHO, the local health departments... They're all in on it, they're all mass murderers, they know what they're doing. They're killing people with these vaccines and they're causing global infertility..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 24th, 2021 [Part 4]
"It doesn't make sense you might think. Why would Big Pharma kill it's own customers? Why would they kill off the population if they're making money off the population? Answer: Because this is the End Game. This is it. They don't want humans around any longer. They don't need humans for their future vision... The billionaires, the corporatists, the government elite--they all own massive 10,000 acre ranches run by robots, and they get to enjoy the planet without all the other 'useless eaters' that used to be around. They don't need you! They don't need any more profit from Humanity...
"In fact, they no longer need western medicine, they no longer need the dollar--they're going to crash the dollar, have a Global Reset, and confiscate all the assets. They don't need a Constitution, they don't need nations. They're going to destroy America if they can get away with it, destroy the Constitution and all borders.
"This is Globalism, a One World Government. They're going to kill off people with the vaccines, which has already begun, obviously... So it's full on biological warfare against Humanity. It is designed to end lives in the short term, to cause hyper-inflammatory reactions in the medium term, and in the long term to collapse human fertility. And it's all being done by the Globalists in the name of saving the planet...
"And remember it was Bill Gates who said in his TED Talk, 'We can reduce the population by 10 to 15% if we do a really good job on vaccines and reproductive health.' So what does he mean when he says 'vaccines and reproductive health'? He's talking about vaccines that make you infertile. And the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the last 20 years, has been funding research on infertility technology...
"So just remember, the 'pandemic' is being sustained by the vaccines, because they're injecting people with spike proteins. So they are spreading the spike protein, which is the bioweapon. And remember that anytime they want to push the 'pandemic' a little more, all they have to do is announce another booster shot and say, 'Oh, there's another variant out there. Everybody needs a booster shot to cover that variant, and then they give everybody a booster shot. Big Pharma makes another hundred billion dollars with the booster shots. The government just prints the money and hands it over to the drug companies. It's all a big scam, obviously, a giant swindle.
"And then people start dying again. And then the media says, 'See, look how dangerous COVID is. Good thing we had the booster shots ready in time or things would have been way worse.' No. The booster shots are spreading the spike protein. The booster shots ARE the weapon. And they can continue this cycle forever, forever, year after year after year until they exterminate the numbers they want. And all this time they can blame the un-vaccinated people-- 'Oh, the un-vaccinated people are the reason we haven't solved this yet, those irresponsible un-vaccinated people. We need to require them to be vaccinated' they'll say. 'That's the only way we're ever going to beat COVID. The un-vaccinated people continue to spread it.' Meanwhile it's actually their vaccines that are spreading it, of course. While the un-vaccinated are the only ones helping NOT spread it. It's the vaccinated people who are shedding it and transmitting it, spreading it everywhere.
"But again the media knowingly lies, and it's all a giant racket to keep people enslaved, keep people sick, keep the money flowing into the vaccine industry and to Big Pharma, to keep everybody in a state of fear and mass hysteria. It's Medical Dictatorship. Along with infertility and deaths and Antibody Dependent Enhancement--it's all part of the plan. Massive human extermination and total global enslavement under a Medical Dictatorship. This is the plan, this is the plandemic. And it's moving along like clockwork..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 24th, 2021 [Part 4]
"In fact, they no longer need western medicine, they no longer need the dollar--they're going to crash the dollar, have a Global Reset, and confiscate all the assets. They don't need a Constitution, they don't need nations. They're going to destroy America if they can get away with it, destroy the Constitution and all borders.
"This is Globalism, a One World Government. They're going to kill off people with the vaccines, which has already begun, obviously... So it's full on biological warfare against Humanity. It is designed to end lives in the short term, to cause hyper-inflammatory reactions in the medium term, and in the long term to collapse human fertility. And it's all being done by the Globalists in the name of saving the planet...
"And remember it was Bill Gates who said in his TED Talk, 'We can reduce the population by 10 to 15% if we do a really good job on vaccines and reproductive health.' So what does he mean when he says 'vaccines and reproductive health'? He's talking about vaccines that make you infertile. And the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the last 20 years, has been funding research on infertility technology...
"So just remember, the 'pandemic' is being sustained by the vaccines, because they're injecting people with spike proteins. So they are spreading the spike protein, which is the bioweapon. And remember that anytime they want to push the 'pandemic' a little more, all they have to do is announce another booster shot and say, 'Oh, there's another variant out there. Everybody needs a booster shot to cover that variant, and then they give everybody a booster shot. Big Pharma makes another hundred billion dollars with the booster shots. The government just prints the money and hands it over to the drug companies. It's all a big scam, obviously, a giant swindle.
"And then people start dying again. And then the media says, 'See, look how dangerous COVID is. Good thing we had the booster shots ready in time or things would have been way worse.' No. The booster shots are spreading the spike protein. The booster shots ARE the weapon. And they can continue this cycle forever, forever, year after year after year until they exterminate the numbers they want. And all this time they can blame the un-vaccinated people-- 'Oh, the un-vaccinated people are the reason we haven't solved this yet, those irresponsible un-vaccinated people. We need to require them to be vaccinated' they'll say. 'That's the only way we're ever going to beat COVID. The un-vaccinated people continue to spread it.' Meanwhile it's actually their vaccines that are spreading it, of course. While the un-vaccinated are the only ones helping NOT spread it. It's the vaccinated people who are shedding it and transmitting it, spreading it everywhere.
"But again the media knowingly lies, and it's all a giant racket to keep people enslaved, keep people sick, keep the money flowing into the vaccine industry and to Big Pharma, to keep everybody in a state of fear and mass hysteria. It's Medical Dictatorship. Along with infertility and deaths and Antibody Dependent Enhancement--it's all part of the plan. Massive human extermination and total global enslavement under a Medical Dictatorship. This is the plan, this is the plandemic. And it's moving along like clockwork..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 24th, 2021 [Part 4]
And not only is this experimental, deadly mRNA gene-altering drug being administered without informed consent in violation of the Nuremberg Code, but the "vaccine" manufacturers are also entirely exempt from any legal liability for any adverse reactions to their "product." "You have to be completely insane to accept an untested experimental vaccine from a criminal manufacturer that rushes its safety programs and profits enormously from pressuring people into taking it."--Boris Dragin
“It’s really irrational to take a brand new, untested, untried technology from a company that’s completely shielded from prosecution, when on the other hand I’ve got a drug that’s 65 years old (Hydroxychloroquine) that has been given billions of times and is completely safe for all age groups.” --Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine
"There is no pandemic. This is all about getting people to take the shot... At the very least we are being subjected to an illegal experiment, and at the worst, global genocide... The experimental jab is in clear violation of all 10 Nuremberg Codes... As far as duress, constraint and coercion, it's everywhere--if you want your life back, get the shot... This experiment has been exclusively run by politicians, the media, celebrities, and Big Pharma bureaucrats...This is likely the biggest crime ever committed against the world population, and the question is, do we still have a judicial system to exact justice?" --Greg Reese, Info Wars
“It’s really irrational to take a brand new, untested, untried technology from a company that’s completely shielded from prosecution, when on the other hand I’ve got a drug that’s 65 years old (Hydroxychloroquine) that has been given billions of times and is completely safe for all age groups.” --Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine
"There is no pandemic. This is all about getting people to take the shot... At the very least we are being subjected to an illegal experiment, and at the worst, global genocide... The experimental jab is in clear violation of all 10 Nuremberg Codes... As far as duress, constraint and coercion, it's everywhere--if you want your life back, get the shot... This experiment has been exclusively run by politicians, the media, celebrities, and Big Pharma bureaucrats...This is likely the biggest crime ever committed against the world population, and the question is, do we still have a judicial system to exact justice?" --Greg Reese, Info Wars
So why are people so easily swayed by these cheap "incentives" to get the jab? Why are they so blind to the obvious nefarious intentions behind the "vaccinations" and the vaccine pushers? Why do the people continue to put their blind trust in the so-called "medical authorities," and in the politicians, celebrities and (deep) state-run media? They have the information of a thousand libraries at their fingertips in that pocket device they are so fond of fondling, yet they fail to investigate whether that jab they are so willing to take is beneficial or actually harmful to them. Really?
Sean from SGT Report: "I like this testimonial: 'So my idiot husband got both vaccines.' You know a lot of people are struggling with this right now--loved ones not listening and going ahead and getting the damn jab, not knowing what's in it, not listening to those that actually care about them, trying to inform them to stay away or at least do the research before they take this life-altering, experimental drug gene therapy... 'So my idiot husband got both jabs.' I wonder how many people feel that way--my idiot wife, my idiot neighbor, my idiot mom, (my idiot co-workers...) So many of us are unable to wake these people up." --This Is A War Against God and His Creation
Sean from SGT Report: "I like this testimonial: 'So my idiot husband got both vaccines.' You know a lot of people are struggling with this right now--loved ones not listening and going ahead and getting the damn jab, not knowing what's in it, not listening to those that actually care about them, trying to inform them to stay away or at least do the research before they take this life-altering, experimental drug gene therapy... 'So my idiot husband got both jabs.' I wonder how many people feel that way--my idiot wife, my idiot neighbor, my idiot mom, (my idiot co-workers...) So many of us are unable to wake these people up." --This Is A War Against God and His Creation
I'm with Sean on this one. The sheeple have demonstrated time and again that they do not want to wake up. They prefer to remain in the comfortable ignorance of their delusional bubbles, their attention inexorably fixed on the black magic babbling box of the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media and the non-stop gas-lighting propaganda narrative, blithely accepting of the insidious offer of the poison "vaccines", and waiting for the next "mutated strain of the coronavirus" to appear so that they can run out and get their "booster" shot. Meanwhile the 5G control grid continues to be stealthily erected all around them. How sad. How blind. How deluded. Perhaps Joe Imbriano said it best, and it bears repeating:
"Most people are in a trance. Most people are zombies. Most people are self-absorbed myopic children, even though they're 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, even 80 years old. They just want to go and stare at the TV and cuddle up with their little blankies and stay on their merry-go-round and microwave their Hot Pockets... Aside from the fact that this vaccine is going to make you sick and it's going to screw everyone up, it's going to make a lot of people very wealthy and it's going to concentrate power, because a sick, weak-minded populace becomes servile slaves really quickly..."--Joe Imbriano
"Most people are in a trance. Most people are zombies. Most people are self-absorbed myopic children, even though they're 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, even 80 years old. They just want to go and stare at the TV and cuddle up with their little blankies and stay on their merry-go-round and microwave their Hot Pockets... Aside from the fact that this vaccine is going to make you sick and it's going to screw everyone up, it's going to make a lot of people very wealthy and it's going to concentrate power, because a sick, weak-minded populace becomes servile slaves really quickly..."--Joe Imbriano
"What needs to happen is that people need to start thinking for themselves. Stop exposing yourselves to being saturated in cellular radiation. You’ve never questioned the irony that it’s called 'cellular' technology and that it directly causes 'cellular' damage? The wireless industry is an insidious entity that is building an infrastructure that, 'Oh, WOW!—it provides faster downloads for my porn and Hollywood movies filled with filth!' – but is actually building a global microwave oven to help your body download an infection or a cancer that will be a pandemic beyond biblical proportions."--5G Causes Coronavirus Disease!
"It’s a contagious radiation... Just try for a moment to imagine what this 5G is doing…how easily a person who is exposed to 5G will contaminate another human…and infect them with the 5G Virus. Whether these people actually came down with a Coronavirus due to their immunity being suppressed from 5G radiation -or- Coronavirus/Covid-19 is a complete hoax altogether to cover up the disastrous health implications of the hasty 5G roll-out– I don’t know. But I do know you’re being lied to. Stop believing the media, and stop panicking. Then, do everything you can do to remove yourself and your family and pets from any 5G source as soon as possible. This is not a contagious, airborne pathogen; it’s a radioactive frequency that’s choking out your air supply and poisoning you!" --5G Causes Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease!
"The evidence that COVID-19 is a bioweapon is overwhelming – and so is the evidence that 5G is involved to either cause the flu-like symptoms/pneumonia people have been experiencing, and/or to exacerbate the virility of the virus by weakening people’s immune systems and subjecting them to pulsed waves of EMF to open [them] up to foreign DNA fragments including viruses [previously injected into them via routine 'vaccinations']..." --There's A Connection Between Coronavirus and 5G
"One of the major agendas sought by those running this country is population control. This control includes not only physical and mental control of entire populations, but also includes controlling population numbers. What is happening and being planned is a eugenicist’s dream. Those like [creepy] Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, the WHO, the CDC, the major pharmaceutical companies, and the heads of the 'healthcare' systems are of course all involved, and this may be the most sinister aspect of this entire fraud. I believe the most major agenda item at this time is mandatory global vaccination, and the goal is to vaccinate all 8 billion people on earth. Many agendas will be accomplished with this heinous plan now widely accepted by not only the controlling elite, but by the political system as well.
"This vaccination plan has been in place for decades, and the manner in which to accomplish this goal has been in place for very many years under the guise of 'health safety.' Nothing could be more ludicrous. Vaccination of everyone leaves open the possibility to massively reduce the world’s population though death, weakened immune systems, permanent DNA alteration, sterilization of mass populations, and microchip implanting through vaccination that would allow for 100% monitoring and control of everyone. This is not science fiction, but has already been planned by [creepy] Bill Gates, as he has major control of most all government and private 'healthcare' organizations and NGOs worldwide... His agendas cannot be allowed to go forward..." --Gary D Bennett, The Coronavirus Response: The Ultimate Goal is Control of All Humanity
So will We the People demand a stop to the dangerous 5G technology roll-out and an end to all "COVID-19" vaccination plans, or will wee the sheeple continue to unconsciously and obsequiously acquiesce to medical tyranny, censorship of the truth, blatant mainstream media propaganda, fascism, restriction of our freedoms and continued erosion of our personal liberty?
"The evidence that COVID-19 is a bioweapon is overwhelming – and so is the evidence that 5G is involved to either cause the flu-like symptoms/pneumonia people have been experiencing, and/or to exacerbate the virility of the virus by weakening people’s immune systems and subjecting them to pulsed waves of EMF to open [them] up to foreign DNA fragments including viruses [previously injected into them via routine 'vaccinations']..." --There's A Connection Between Coronavirus and 5G
"One of the major agendas sought by those running this country is population control. This control includes not only physical and mental control of entire populations, but also includes controlling population numbers. What is happening and being planned is a eugenicist’s dream. Those like [creepy] Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, the WHO, the CDC, the major pharmaceutical companies, and the heads of the 'healthcare' systems are of course all involved, and this may be the most sinister aspect of this entire fraud. I believe the most major agenda item at this time is mandatory global vaccination, and the goal is to vaccinate all 8 billion people on earth. Many agendas will be accomplished with this heinous plan now widely accepted by not only the controlling elite, but by the political system as well.
"This vaccination plan has been in place for decades, and the manner in which to accomplish this goal has been in place for very many years under the guise of 'health safety.' Nothing could be more ludicrous. Vaccination of everyone leaves open the possibility to massively reduce the world’s population though death, weakened immune systems, permanent DNA alteration, sterilization of mass populations, and microchip implanting through vaccination that would allow for 100% monitoring and control of everyone. This is not science fiction, but has already been planned by [creepy] Bill Gates, as he has major control of most all government and private 'healthcare' organizations and NGOs worldwide... His agendas cannot be allowed to go forward..." --Gary D Bennett, The Coronavirus Response: The Ultimate Goal is Control of All Humanity
So will We the People demand a stop to the dangerous 5G technology roll-out and an end to all "COVID-19" vaccination plans, or will wee the sheeple continue to unconsciously and obsequiously acquiesce to medical tyranny, censorship of the truth, blatant mainstream media propaganda, fascism, restriction of our freedoms and continued erosion of our personal liberty?
We appear to be living through the death or demise of our Constitutional Republic and all that "America" represents. Ba-baaa...
Addendum: The Real [End] Game Is About To Begin
Max Igan: "What a load of SHIT [these people] are peddling! None of it is based on science, none of it is based on fact! I think all of it is pretty well based on psychopathy, folks. I think that's what our governments are doing. If anybody had any doubt that our world is run by psychopaths just look at this fraud. Look at what these people are doing. Look at the amount of damage that they are dong to the economies, the damage that they are doing to people's lives." --The Real [End] Game Is About To Begin
Addendum: 5G Activates COVID-19 Spike Proteins & More
WesTruther: "Folks, I'm telling you something--REAL BAD things are ahead... They have engineered that COVID vaccine to where 5G identifies and communicates with the spike protein that is produced, which, once it gets inside your body it replicates itself over and over again... And 5G communicates with that DNA, and that DNA is going to CONSUME your DNA... Look at what these doctors are saying--everybody who takes the shot is DOOMED." --5G Activates COV-19 [Spike] Proteins and More
Addendum: The Spike Protein IS The Bioweapon
Mike Adams: "This is the most malicious assault on Humanity that has ever been conducted in the history of our known planet. This is a global, biological weapon attack, an assault that was then coupled with an economic lock-down and vaccine compliance so that the vaccines could be used to CONTINUE the spreading of the spike protein. The vaccines CONTAIN the spike protein so that it keeps spreading...
"In retrospect, what we now know, is that it's way worse than we ever could have imagined. It's more malicious than anything I ever could have even dreamed. And the institution of science and medicine and vaccines is a terrorist, murderous, anti-human institution that is seeking genocide against the Human Race. Those are not exaggerations, it's not hyperbole. That is literally what we are facing right now..." --The Spike Protein IS the Bioweapon, Mike Adams
"In retrospect, what we now know, is that it's way worse than we ever could have imagined. It's more malicious than anything I ever could have even dreamed. And the institution of science and medicine and vaccines is a terrorist, murderous, anti-human institution that is seeking genocide against the Human Race. Those are not exaggerations, it's not hyperbole. That is literally what we are facing right now..." --The Spike Protein IS the Bioweapon, Mike Adams
Addendum: The ACTUAL CONTENTS Inside Pfizer Vials EXPOSED!
Dr. Jane Ruby: "Since the Nuremberg Trials you can not experiment on human beings regardless of the drug. You cannot do it without the approval of a human subject's review board. That's an independent board that approves your protocol and your informed consent, which no one has ever seen a real informed consent for these jabs."
Stew Peters: "It's impossible to get proper informed consent because nobody knows what's in it. Nobody knows what the potential side effcts are because those would all be listed [on the insert] but 'this page is left intentionally blank.' Is it possible that nobody knows, other than the manufacturer, what is really inside this thing? And, that the manufacturer was directed, by the likes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates as to exactly what formula to use to create this... These people are intentionally trying to kill you--they're trying to murder you. They have the technology and they have the recipe for disaster and they are intentionally pushing this on the American people to thin the herd, to control the population, to make men sterile, to make women infertile..."
Dr. Jane Ruby: "Yep, there's also some information coning in...of the fact that when you get your body filled with enough graphine oxide...it can be manipulated, your body can be affected by the vibrations [frequencies] from the 5G network... At that point that will just be the residual people who haven't died from their lung or heart disease from the excess toxic chemicals [in these 'vaccines']..."
Stew Peters: "It's impossible to get proper informed consent because nobody knows what's in it. Nobody knows what the potential side effcts are because those would all be listed [on the insert] but 'this page is left intentionally blank.' Is it possible that nobody knows, other than the manufacturer, what is really inside this thing? And, that the manufacturer was directed, by the likes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates as to exactly what formula to use to create this... These people are intentionally trying to kill you--they're trying to murder you. They have the technology and they have the recipe for disaster and they are intentionally pushing this on the American people to thin the herd, to control the population, to make men sterile, to make women infertile..."
Dr. Jane Ruby: "Yep, there's also some information coning in...of the fact that when you get your body filled with enough graphine oxide...it can be manipulated, your body can be affected by the vibrations [frequencies] from the 5G network... At that point that will just be the residual people who haven't died from their lung or heart disease from the excess toxic chemicals [in these 'vaccines']..."
"Those people who have been afflicted by chemical poisoning which is now scrambling their DNA / RNA courtesy of their own stupidity, number one, courtesy of your stupidity. What kind of a subhuman--and I don't care if I'm speaking to all of your mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters--I'm going to say it plainly. What kind of a fucking imbecile, what kind of a moron chooses interventionism over your own reason? Chooses medical interventionism over your own intuition? Over your own inner knowing about what is foundationally right and wrong?
"What kind of imbecile chooses to roll up a sleeve and take an experimental, chemical poison? What kind of a moron still chooses to turn television on and watch it for four hours a day, given all of the witchery we're involved in that we have witnessed? What kind of an imbecile is still choosing to plug into the Matrix, and drink the poison of the Dreamspell, through academia, through mainstream media, and all the rest of it? What kind of an imbecile chooses to wear a costume and wield a taser and go knocking on doors like the Stasi or the Storm-trooper Nazis, terrorizing innocent people in suburbia, with statutes and ordinances that are pure evil? What kind of a moron chooses to purpose their soul in this world into that action? And don't come at me with your bullshit excuses about putting food on the table for your children! Shame on you by the eternal God! Shame upon you, each of you!
"And I'm speaking principally to the imbeciles in Australia, who have hit the front wave of the evil of this world, and are the ones who are supposed to be standing strong. And yet, and yet, what do we see? We see most--the vast majority of people rolling over, like the lemmings they have apparently chosen to be, feet in the air and acquiescing. Well, they'll be dead, so be clear about this and please understand that this is the time for harsh language. Boldness is the only thing that is going to matter in the days ahead. I'll say igt again--BOLDNESS is the only thing that is going to matter in the days ahead to you and me. Learn to be BOLD. Learn to know internally, to think internally and to express externally BOLDNESS. That will win the day. Boldness and meekness are the same thing, incidentally, in this sense. Boldness is what the meek wield in order to be meek of heart. You've got to be absolute in your honesty.
"So the people who have chosen to take poison into their system, poisons into their minds, and to action and purpose their lives toward terrorizing others through moral code or through making people feel guilty in the bus queue because they'ye not wearing three masks--all of that evil, because that is all within the spectrum of evil, the pure absence of Light--means death. That's what it means--it equates to death. You have chosen death over life; you have chosen fear over love; you have chosed entropy over negentropy. And you will get what you wish for, because that's how the Lords of Time divvy up the poker game at the end. And that's exactly where we've arrived at.
"So own it, be present, be prepared to say good-bye and triage a great many people because they'll be dead. The people who have had three boosters...will be dead within 12 to 18 months.
"Am I now gong to be criminalized as a scare-monger? Probably. The fact that your government IS the scare-monger and the genocidal sociopath--let's not worry ourselves about THAT! Let's point the finger at truthers like me, people who've spent the best part of a quarter of a century walking the straight line. But the point is, BOLDNESS will win the day..." --Carly & Julia speak with the Incomparable Sasha Stone
"What kind of imbecile chooses to roll up a sleeve and take an experimental, chemical poison? What kind of a moron still chooses to turn television on and watch it for four hours a day, given all of the witchery we're involved in that we have witnessed? What kind of an imbecile is still choosing to plug into the Matrix, and drink the poison of the Dreamspell, through academia, through mainstream media, and all the rest of it? What kind of an imbecile chooses to wear a costume and wield a taser and go knocking on doors like the Stasi or the Storm-trooper Nazis, terrorizing innocent people in suburbia, with statutes and ordinances that are pure evil? What kind of a moron chooses to purpose their soul in this world into that action? And don't come at me with your bullshit excuses about putting food on the table for your children! Shame on you by the eternal God! Shame upon you, each of you!
"And I'm speaking principally to the imbeciles in Australia, who have hit the front wave of the evil of this world, and are the ones who are supposed to be standing strong. And yet, and yet, what do we see? We see most--the vast majority of people rolling over, like the lemmings they have apparently chosen to be, feet in the air and acquiescing. Well, they'll be dead, so be clear about this and please understand that this is the time for harsh language. Boldness is the only thing that is going to matter in the days ahead. I'll say igt again--BOLDNESS is the only thing that is going to matter in the days ahead to you and me. Learn to be BOLD. Learn to know internally, to think internally and to express externally BOLDNESS. That will win the day. Boldness and meekness are the same thing, incidentally, in this sense. Boldness is what the meek wield in order to be meek of heart. You've got to be absolute in your honesty.
"So the people who have chosen to take poison into their system, poisons into their minds, and to action and purpose their lives toward terrorizing others through moral code or through making people feel guilty in the bus queue because they'ye not wearing three masks--all of that evil, because that is all within the spectrum of evil, the pure absence of Light--means death. That's what it means--it equates to death. You have chosen death over life; you have chosen fear over love; you have chosed entropy over negentropy. And you will get what you wish for, because that's how the Lords of Time divvy up the poker game at the end. And that's exactly where we've arrived at.
"So own it, be present, be prepared to say good-bye and triage a great many people because they'll be dead. The people who have had three boosters...will be dead within 12 to 18 months.
"Am I now gong to be criminalized as a scare-monger? Probably. The fact that your government IS the scare-monger and the genocidal sociopath--let's not worry ourselves about THAT! Let's point the finger at truthers like me, people who've spent the best part of a quarter of a century walking the straight line. But the point is, BOLDNESS will win the day..." --Carly & Julia speak with the Incomparable Sasha Stone