"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could experience
if we weren't being attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist
maniacs who hate Humanity because they are demon-infested
wicked creatures of death and destruction..." --Mike
Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
"The (Deep) State’s attack on the people of Maui was in my studied
opinion, premeditated, brutal, murderous beyond explanation, and
targeted to achieve a preconceived agenda which was the total
destruction of Lahaina by extreme property devastation and
mass death of much of the local population." --Gary Barnett
"The DEW-triggered Lahaina Inferno...was carefully planned out to the
very last detail. And...it was designed as a HUGE land grab from
start to finish... What the Hawaiian government...have perpetrated
against their own residents is nothing less than a horrendous
genocide, quickly followed by a predacious land theft attempt
almost carried out before anyone had a chance to think about
the highly organized and well planned crime spree..."
--Maui Massacre Investigation Team, SOTN
if we weren't being attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist
maniacs who hate Humanity because they are demon-infested
wicked creatures of death and destruction..." --Mike
Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
"The (Deep) State’s attack on the people of Maui was in my studied
opinion, premeditated, brutal, murderous beyond explanation, and
targeted to achieve a preconceived agenda which was the total
destruction of Lahaina by extreme property devastation and
mass death of much of the local population." --Gary Barnett
"The DEW-triggered Lahaina Inferno...was carefully planned out to the
very last detail. And...it was designed as a HUGE land grab from
start to finish... What the Hawaiian government...have perpetrated
against their own residents is nothing less than a horrendous
genocide, quickly followed by a predacious land theft attempt
almost carried out before anyone had a chance to think about
the highly organized and well planned crime spree..."
--Maui Massacre Investigation Team, SOTN
Burn Baby Burn: The Deep State Goes Scorched Earth
"This 'scorching heat' thing is all MAN-MADE... all the fires are man-made...
Insanity. The Reptilians and their minions the ILLUMINATI like to use
fire to convey HOW ANGRY THEY ARE that we don't believe
them anymore..." --Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
“The game is being run by Globalists…(and) this Globalist club has a
plan—they want to depopulate the planet by any possible means.
Why? Why would they want to do that? Because they believe
like Nero did in Rome (that) if they burn it all down baby,
they can rebuild it in their own image." --Juan O Savin
"If enough people start to catch on and organize to fight back against
the tyranny, the Globalists are ready and waiting with a 'Plan B'
of sorts that involves going scorched earth and burning the
entire thing to the ground. It is almost expected that scorched
earth will win out in the end now that everyone is talking about
the Biden Crime Family and the collusion and corruption
involved between the federal government and Big Tech."
--The Only Thing Systemic Is the Destruction of America
“The Globalist elite just want to see the world burn, and get
rich while it happens... But there is just one problem for the
Globalist elite and their plans to enslave the human race.
Their plans rely on the people of the world remaining
ignorant, and we’re not going to let that happen…"
--The People's Voice, Hamas Attack Inside Job
Insanity. The Reptilians and their minions the ILLUMINATI like to use
fire to convey HOW ANGRY THEY ARE that we don't believe
them anymore..." --Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
“The game is being run by Globalists…(and) this Globalist club has a
plan—they want to depopulate the planet by any possible means.
Why? Why would they want to do that? Because they believe
like Nero did in Rome (that) if they burn it all down baby,
they can rebuild it in their own image." --Juan O Savin
"If enough people start to catch on and organize to fight back against
the tyranny, the Globalists are ready and waiting with a 'Plan B'
of sorts that involves going scorched earth and burning the
entire thing to the ground. It is almost expected that scorched
earth will win out in the end now that everyone is talking about
the Biden Crime Family and the collusion and corruption
involved between the federal government and Big Tech."
--The Only Thing Systemic Is the Destruction of America
“The Globalist elite just want to see the world burn, and get
rich while it happens... But there is just one problem for the
Globalist elite and their plans to enslave the human race.
Their plans rely on the people of the world remaining
ignorant, and we’re not going to let that happen…"
--The People's Voice, Hamas Attack Inside Job
"On June 2, 2023, longtime Geological Watchdog Michael Janitch aka DutchSinse discovered all of South East Canada caught on fire, at the same exact time, on a clear day! This appears to be an act of terrorism or an attack, or at the very least, a coordinated event.
"Fast forward to today, almost a month later, the fires are still raging. As of June 27, there are 480 active fires across the country, with 251 out of control and 152 under control, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.
"People in various states (of the US) are reporting (myself included), a plastic-like smell with symptoms such as agitated, watery, or burning eyes, difficulties breathing… etc Many have been speculating based off of videos where people are using handheld meters detecting highly toxic levels of formaldehyde...
"So… the smoke coming from these Canadian fires into the US is highly toxic, more so in some areas." --MJTruth
“This is planned, and I’ll tell you why it’s planned. They want to move people out of the countryside into cities, then they want to lock ‘em down in 15-minute cities. How do you do that? Contaminate the air, contaminate the water, and so on. They started contaminating the water, as you know, in the past few months with the train derailments and all that stuff all across North America, not just in Canada. And that was purposefully done to contaminate water sources, and then justify people’s re-location by saying the water’s contaminated, you can’t stay here. Or the earth’s contaminated, you can’t stay here. Relocating them into hotels, different establishments within city limits. This is all a ploy and a plan to get people into cities, to implement their smart cities, and it’s the only way they can control you.
“First they have to go to digital currency, and (then) get you into smart cities. This is happening and this is real, this is evil, this is pure evil. It’s our time to fight back… I’m actually totally surprised that there isn’t complete and utter outrage, and an uprising like this world has never seen before. Because this is what we need to take our countries back—complete outrage, and an uprising. Nothing less is going to do, nothing less is going to make this place a better world. We have to take our countries back, and the way we do that is we expel those that are destroying our way of life… They don’t want to go willingly—that’s fine, we’ll help that out the door...” --Nyla Nguyen – Globalist Cabal Attacks on North America
"Fast forward to today, almost a month later, the fires are still raging. As of June 27, there are 480 active fires across the country, with 251 out of control and 152 under control, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.
"People in various states (of the US) are reporting (myself included), a plastic-like smell with symptoms such as agitated, watery, or burning eyes, difficulties breathing… etc Many have been speculating based off of videos where people are using handheld meters detecting highly toxic levels of formaldehyde...
"So… the smoke coming from these Canadian fires into the US is highly toxic, more so in some areas." --MJTruth
“This is planned, and I’ll tell you why it’s planned. They want to move people out of the countryside into cities, then they want to lock ‘em down in 15-minute cities. How do you do that? Contaminate the air, contaminate the water, and so on. They started contaminating the water, as you know, in the past few months with the train derailments and all that stuff all across North America, not just in Canada. And that was purposefully done to contaminate water sources, and then justify people’s re-location by saying the water’s contaminated, you can’t stay here. Or the earth’s contaminated, you can’t stay here. Relocating them into hotels, different establishments within city limits. This is all a ploy and a plan to get people into cities, to implement their smart cities, and it’s the only way they can control you.
“First they have to go to digital currency, and (then) get you into smart cities. This is happening and this is real, this is evil, this is pure evil. It’s our time to fight back… I’m actually totally surprised that there isn’t complete and utter outrage, and an uprising like this world has never seen before. Because this is what we need to take our countries back—complete outrage, and an uprising. Nothing less is going to do, nothing less is going to make this place a better world. We have to take our countries back, and the way we do that is we expel those that are destroying our way of life… They don’t want to go willingly—that’s fine, we’ll help that out the door...” --Nyla Nguyen – Globalist Cabal Attacks on North America
"It is now fairly obvious that something serious is going on... Not control burns, not natural (from lightning), and not from 'climate change'. This looks like an attack of some kind at this point, but I can’t rule out the plate shifting / heat releases along the craton edge yet.
"If an attack, it could be 1 of 2 ways… either a huge group of people doing it coordinated, or a DEW from above (space or air based directed energy weapon). Those are the options. Natural plate shifting releasing heat, coordinated attack orchestrated by hundreds of people working in unison somehow secretly, or a DEW from above.
"This is getting insane, but there it is..." --DutchSinse
Deborah Tavares: “We certainly all witnessed the horrific fires in Canada that, interestingly enough, seemed to have burned quite a few of the petroleum-based facilities down, and caused such severe smoke events that, over 13 states in the United States have had record-breaking toxic weather events. Because we know that smoke is a weapon as well. And I know Kerry, you’re probably looking at the Greek Islands that are ablaze, and people are being evacuated…”
Kerry Cassidy: “That’s actually insane, because these have to be man-made.”
Deborah Tavares: “They are—all of it—all of it is man-made. These are strikes, absolutely... All of these fires are intentional. The number of years that the ground has been coated with extremely combustible heavy metals is just turning the dead and dying trees, that are just dying by the millions upon millions upon millions… The trees can’t survive—they’re dying… because there’s no discussion in replanting any trees about the ongoing poisonous effects of the aerosol spraying (Chemtrails) and how toxic the soil is already, everywhere, worldwide. And trees and plants can no longer survive in an intentionally created poisonous environment. So they’re dying, and no one will tell you that plants and all living things are being exterminated...
“’Climate Change’ is weather weapons, and we are told human activity is suspected to have caused these fires. We’re also being told that they need transformational change and a big re-think on how we fight fires. So here’s (their) solution: Close the forests and public lands because people cause the fires. They’re claiming that people cause them when we’re camping, or using off-road vehicles in the forest. So due to increased warming climate (a lie), fire season could last all year round. So, close the forests and the public lands…
“This is 'Human Access Denied'. This is the Wild-lands Project that we’ve talked so long about for so many years. This is UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030 and every other UN agenda combined. Ultimately humans will be forced to relocate, and we will all be becoming ‘climate refugees’. We already see that happening...
“Those humans that survive will be forcibly re-located within the city growth boundaries known as kill cities, a.k.a., human settlement zones. People are now calling them 15-minute cities...Every city is leading up to this. Don’t just think, Oh California! No! It’s your city too... It’s a lot of prisons being built for all of us because they are going to re-locate people that are in the rural, country areas...” --Kerry Cassidy, Deborah Tavares Reveals the Truth About the Forest Fires
"If an attack, it could be 1 of 2 ways… either a huge group of people doing it coordinated, or a DEW from above (space or air based directed energy weapon). Those are the options. Natural plate shifting releasing heat, coordinated attack orchestrated by hundreds of people working in unison somehow secretly, or a DEW from above.
"This is getting insane, but there it is..." --DutchSinse
Deborah Tavares: “We certainly all witnessed the horrific fires in Canada that, interestingly enough, seemed to have burned quite a few of the petroleum-based facilities down, and caused such severe smoke events that, over 13 states in the United States have had record-breaking toxic weather events. Because we know that smoke is a weapon as well. And I know Kerry, you’re probably looking at the Greek Islands that are ablaze, and people are being evacuated…”
Kerry Cassidy: “That’s actually insane, because these have to be man-made.”
Deborah Tavares: “They are—all of it—all of it is man-made. These are strikes, absolutely... All of these fires are intentional. The number of years that the ground has been coated with extremely combustible heavy metals is just turning the dead and dying trees, that are just dying by the millions upon millions upon millions… The trees can’t survive—they’re dying… because there’s no discussion in replanting any trees about the ongoing poisonous effects of the aerosol spraying (Chemtrails) and how toxic the soil is already, everywhere, worldwide. And trees and plants can no longer survive in an intentionally created poisonous environment. So they’re dying, and no one will tell you that plants and all living things are being exterminated...
“’Climate Change’ is weather weapons, and we are told human activity is suspected to have caused these fires. We’re also being told that they need transformational change and a big re-think on how we fight fires. So here’s (their) solution: Close the forests and public lands because people cause the fires. They’re claiming that people cause them when we’re camping, or using off-road vehicles in the forest. So due to increased warming climate (a lie), fire season could last all year round. So, close the forests and the public lands…
“This is 'Human Access Denied'. This is the Wild-lands Project that we’ve talked so long about for so many years. This is UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030 and every other UN agenda combined. Ultimately humans will be forced to relocate, and we will all be becoming ‘climate refugees’. We already see that happening...
“Those humans that survive will be forcibly re-located within the city growth boundaries known as kill cities, a.k.a., human settlement zones. People are now calling them 15-minute cities...Every city is leading up to this. Don’t just think, Oh California! No! It’s your city too... It’s a lot of prisons being built for all of us because they are going to re-locate people that are in the rural, country areas...” --Kerry Cassidy, Deborah Tavares Reveals the Truth About the Forest Fires
More man-made fires courtesy of the Deep State:
Greek Islands
"Uncontrolled wildfires have forced thousands of people to flee their homes on the Greek island of Evia after a blaze ripped through vast areas of pristine forest, with ferries on standby to evacuate those living nearby.Residents described losing entire villages to the flames while the country’s prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said Greece had suffered a 'nightmarish summer'. The blaze on Evia, the second-largest Greek island in both area and population after Crete, quickly spread on several fronts. Thousands of acres of forest across the northern part of the island were ablaze, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. More than 2,000 people have been evacuated since the fire broke out on Tuesday." --Thousands flee homes as blaze ravages Greek island
Greek Islands
"Uncontrolled wildfires have forced thousands of people to flee their homes on the Greek island of Evia after a blaze ripped through vast areas of pristine forest, with ferries on standby to evacuate those living nearby.Residents described losing entire villages to the flames while the country’s prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said Greece had suffered a 'nightmarish summer'. The blaze on Evia, the second-largest Greek island in both area and population after Crete, quickly spread on several fronts. Thousands of acres of forest across the northern part of the island were ablaze, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. More than 2,000 people have been evacuated since the fire broke out on Tuesday." --Thousands flee homes as blaze ravages Greek island
Maui Hawaii
"Rapidly moving wildfires in western Maui have killed at least 36 people and displaced thousands of others. The fires, which erupted on Tuesday night, have torn through the historic town of Lahaina, destroying buildings and injuring dozens of people. Rescuers with the US Coast Guard pulled more than 10 people from the ocean who had dived into the water to escape the smoke and flames. 'It’s horrifying,' said Richard Olsten, a helicopter pilot for a tour company. 'We never thought we’d experience anything like this in our whole life'..." --Dozens Die in Unprecedented Hawaii Wildfires
Canary Islands, Spain
"A wildfire that broke out in a mountainous national park on the Spanish island of Tenerife today spread to 4,450 acres in 24 hours. The fire's perimeter expanded to 22 kilometres (14 miles)." --Wildfires in Tenerife Causes Mandatory Evacuations
Max Igan: “They’re doing this everywhere folks. There’s fires in Greece, huge fires in Greece, and they’re coming for the Australians again as well… They’re gonna be running these fire campaigns as well. They’re already calling it fire season and they’re telling you to watch out. There’s massive amounts of propaganda on the Australian news telling people to watch out because it’s going to be a vicious fire season this year, all to push this global warming scam, which is a complete and utter scam. There is no global warming—it’s all being done by them, folks. They’re controlling the weather—they’ve been doing it since the 1960’s…
“So that’s what’s going on, folks. They’re doing it all over the world, they’re doing it in Greece, they’re doing it in Maui, and they’re about to do it in Australia as well… This is happening, it’s happening all over the world and at what point is enough going to be enough?" --Max Igan, Hawaiian Holocaust
Kerry Cassidy: “No one has come forward on an official capacity to announce what really happened (in Maui)… There are a lot of ‘normies’ who think it was simply weather, which is beyond stupid. But this is a sign of the kind of disconnect that we have going on in our society right now… I have a map...of the fires around the world that were going on around the same time… It kind of clarifies to the mind (that) something is going on on our planet that is so unprecedented and so extreme and insane...just insane, and I mean, what are we talking about here?… If you’re selling global warming—they’re selling that so that they can bring in their smart cities, their 15-minute cities, etc. They’re selling all kinds of nonsense along the lines of Climate Change. They can’t have people believing in global warming if there is no global warming, right? And so if you start a lot of fires then maybe that will heat up the atmosphere...” --Kerry Cassidy – Patriot Underground Interview
“So that’s what’s going on, folks. They’re doing it all over the world, they’re doing it in Greece, they’re doing it in Maui, and they’re about to do it in Australia as well… This is happening, it’s happening all over the world and at what point is enough going to be enough?" --Max Igan, Hawaiian Holocaust
Kerry Cassidy: “No one has come forward on an official capacity to announce what really happened (in Maui)… There are a lot of ‘normies’ who think it was simply weather, which is beyond stupid. But this is a sign of the kind of disconnect that we have going on in our society right now… I have a map...of the fires around the world that were going on around the same time… It kind of clarifies to the mind (that) something is going on on our planet that is so unprecedented and so extreme and insane...just insane, and I mean, what are we talking about here?… If you’re selling global warming—they’re selling that so that they can bring in their smart cities, their 15-minute cities, etc. They’re selling all kinds of nonsense along the lines of Climate Change. They can’t have people believing in global warming if there is no global warming, right? And so if you start a lot of fires then maybe that will heat up the atmosphere...” --Kerry Cassidy – Patriot Underground Interview
Greg Reese: "Climate Change is not only a hoax, it's a depopulation program, and our entire government is going along with it..." --Greg Reese, Reese Report, Depopulation, Climate Change, and Weather Weapons
Deborah Tavares: "We’re heading into a world where we don’t easily survive." And as the Canadian man in the previous video by Nyla Nguyen points out, only a massive uprising of awakened, outraged people all over the world will suffice to take our countries back from this evil force that is destroying our civilization and our planet...
Humanity Held Hostage
"If you want to find psychosis in our country, people in need of therapy,
go to the Secret Government and you'll find people who desperately
need to be on the psychiatrist's couch. The problem is, instead of
being on the psychiatrist's couch, they have absolute power and
the possession of unlimited sources of funds and technology of
almost unbelievable potency. We've put psychotics in control
of the most powerful weapons in the world and then closed
the door and said, 'Go do this on your own' and crazy stuff
is starting to come out of there. And we better watch it
because we're in trouble..." --Whitley Strieber
go to the Secret Government and you'll find people who desperately
need to be on the psychiatrist's couch. The problem is, instead of
being on the psychiatrist's couch, they have absolute power and
the possession of unlimited sources of funds and technology of
almost unbelievable potency. We've put psychotics in control
of the most powerful weapons in the world and then closed
the door and said, 'Go do this on your own' and crazy stuff
is starting to come out of there. And we better watch it
because we're in trouble..." --Whitley Strieber
Sirian High Council: "For far too long, humankind has been denied the truth regarding the covert management of your planet, but that is coming to an end in your lifetimes. Observe, and you cannot but see the web of deceit and lies unraveling: the towers of power are collapsing all around you...
Yet "the Secret Government still does not believe you are ready—nor are they prepared to release you. And so, the message being sent into the Cosmos by the militia that rules your planet is less than inviting, and their alien allies of the dark persuasion are just as forbidding.
“Let us paint a picture for you, through which you can see yourselves, for just an instant, as some members of your greater galactic family look upon you and your planet from afar. Besides the alien civilizations that have already connected with Earth or that are capable of studying you in detail, there are yet other remote worlds that have attuned, in varying degrees, to your realm.
“Many are the extraterrestrial beings who, in studying Gaia’s atmospheric conditions, electromagnetic emissions, and violent eruptions, surmise that Earth is a discordant, violent planet, clearly inhabited by some form of intelligent life. Here, it seems, is a technologically advancing civilization, responsible for causing highly disruptive electromagnetic frequencies to course through the planetary body and out into deep space—a civilization with an apparent disregard for the sanctity of space and what appears to be a total lack of awareness of the consequences of its actions.
“Observers of your planet find it is encased in a clutter of satellite devices, most of which are bouncing electromagnetic waves of varying degree back and forth from the surface, rather than serving as humanity’s voice out into space. Many are armed weapons systems, and these, too, are pointing down at you. This is understood to serve as some primitive kind of control network--the paranoid behavior of an unevolved governing body, which (whatever the intended purpose) appears to be holding the planet hostage while discouraging interplanetary exchange. That, of itself, is a most revealing insight into the living conditions there. Numerous alien scientific-research teams have intercepted an unnatural electromagnetic grid encircling the planet—an indication that some form of aggressive intervention has occurred during its evolution.
“Let us paint a picture for you, through which you can see yourselves, for just an instant, as some members of your greater galactic family look upon you and your planet from afar. Besides the alien civilizations that have already connected with Earth or that are capable of studying you in detail, there are yet other remote worlds that have attuned, in varying degrees, to your realm.
“Many are the extraterrestrial beings who, in studying Gaia’s atmospheric conditions, electromagnetic emissions, and violent eruptions, surmise that Earth is a discordant, violent planet, clearly inhabited by some form of intelligent life. Here, it seems, is a technologically advancing civilization, responsible for causing highly disruptive electromagnetic frequencies to course through the planetary body and out into deep space—a civilization with an apparent disregard for the sanctity of space and what appears to be a total lack of awareness of the consequences of its actions.
“Observers of your planet find it is encased in a clutter of satellite devices, most of which are bouncing electromagnetic waves of varying degree back and forth from the surface, rather than serving as humanity’s voice out into space. Many are armed weapons systems, and these, too, are pointing down at you. This is understood to serve as some primitive kind of control network--the paranoid behavior of an unevolved governing body, which (whatever the intended purpose) appears to be holding the planet hostage while discouraging interplanetary exchange. That, of itself, is a most revealing insight into the living conditions there. Numerous alien scientific-research teams have intercepted an unnatural electromagnetic grid encircling the planet—an indication that some form of aggressive intervention has occurred during its evolution.
"Diverse alien scientific commissions studying Earth have deduced that this energy grid is disintegrating and that such peculiar satellite mechanisms may be an attempt to reweave an ancient girdle of controlling frequencies around the surface. Judging from the perennial explosion of nuclear weapons that have been recorded there, the planet is believed to be inhabited by warring, violent beings, who (given what most of the intelligent universe understands about radiation) may be nearing the point of extinction. And it is seen as a destructive population, one that is burning the green belts that supply its oxygen, ripping apart its atmosphere, and filling the blue waters—the source of all life there—with the blackness of its own unprocessed waste.
"And we ask you: do you really wonder why beings from other worlds are so terribly hesitant to show themselves to you?" --Sirian High Council, Patricia Cori – No More Secrets, No More Lies
"And we ask you: do you really wonder why beings from other worlds are so terribly hesitant to show themselves to you?" --Sirian High Council, Patricia Cori – No More Secrets, No More Lies
Directed Energy Weapons: Paradise, 9/11 & Maui
“When I was in my 20’s we had a president (Ronald Reagan)
who was on national TV. He tells the world, ‘We’re developing
our Star Wars defense system’… He said that and we all
laughed at him. We’re not laughing any more. They’ve
been working on this a long time..." --Robert Brane
"WHEN are the humans going to figure out they
--Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
who was on national TV. He tells the world, ‘We’re developing
our Star Wars defense system’… He said that and we all
laughed at him. We’re not laughing any more. They’ve
been working on this a long time..." --Robert Brane
"WHEN are the humans going to figure out they
--Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
Juan O Savin: “In Maui...it’s very important here that people understand (that) within our military satellite surveillance system we have...satellites that use a prism-like system that breaks down light and temperature… These satellites can detect with exact precision the temperature of something like a rocket lifting off…
“Our satellite systems are very, very, very precise, and they’re watching over broad areas. Anywhere that you have an ignition of this type the satellite scans (and) within moments it knows whether or not it’s something that’s a weapon of a certain type, or it’s just a regular combustion of a house fire, forest fire, etc.
“There should be zero question in anyone’s mind that from a military perspective, American military surveillance systems saw what happened in Maui as it was happening, and the high temperatures involved, and the way that it propagated, and know precisely what happened there. This is going to be easy to have already (been) determined. It was determined within moments of its beginning as as it continued to build out…" --DefCon5 - James Grundvig interviews Juan O Savin
“Our satellite systems are very, very, very precise, and they’re watching over broad areas. Anywhere that you have an ignition of this type the satellite scans (and) within moments it knows whether or not it’s something that’s a weapon of a certain type, or it’s just a regular combustion of a house fire, forest fire, etc.
“There should be zero question in anyone’s mind that from a military perspective, American military surveillance systems saw what happened in Maui as it was happening, and the high temperatures involved, and the way that it propagated, and know precisely what happened there. This is going to be easy to have already (been) determined. It was determined within moments of its beginning as as it continued to build out…" --DefCon5 - James Grundvig interviews Juan O Savin
Juan O Savin: “I want people not to be living under any illusions. From a military standpoint we have a very high capability to look at this and know with exacting precision the origins and nature of those fires in Maui... Now the question is, who’s telling us lies and who’s telling us the truth?… Of course they’ll tell us some story if they don’t want to reveal what truly happened here, but I believe that it’s becoming more and more obvious that an advanced weapon was utilized here, precisely the same as what happened with the Paradise Fire in California, precisely the same as what happened at 9/11…
“And so the question is, when will we get an honest conversation with our government? And who’s behind it? Is it a Chinese satellite? Who are they doing it on behalf of? We know that a Chinese satellite came through here prior to this and did a terrain-mapping scan with lasers… And so, if they’re the ones doing the scan are they the ones that did it so that they could do an exact targeting, a final registration of the system, if you will, to make sure they got everything exactly right and get what they want to get...?
“And if that’s the case, are they doing it on behalf of some Global Cabal? Are they doing it in some coordinated effort? And is our government standing down like they did with the balloons and just watching it happen? Is there a war taking place in plain sight that the American people have not completely understood or been advised of?… Are we in some type of war that the American people have not been read in on and this is a second Pearl Harbor? Those are very inflammatory, incendiary words, but I’m telling you (that) this is the question that needs to be answered...
“Do the American people need to be advised that we’re under attack in a tit-for-tat war of some type, be it from the Chinese, or a Globalist Cabal that’s in collusion, working together for some bizarre purpose (like UN) Agenda 21, (UN) Agenda 2030, their 15-minute cities. They tell you in plain sight what their intent is and where they’re trying to go. You see it there in the islands, getting all ready to make an AI operated 15-minute city. Well, first they have to clear things out...
“And so the question is, when will we get an honest conversation with our government? And who’s behind it? Is it a Chinese satellite? Who are they doing it on behalf of? We know that a Chinese satellite came through here prior to this and did a terrain-mapping scan with lasers… And so, if they’re the ones doing the scan are they the ones that did it so that they could do an exact targeting, a final registration of the system, if you will, to make sure they got everything exactly right and get what they want to get...?
“And if that’s the case, are they doing it on behalf of some Global Cabal? Are they doing it in some coordinated effort? And is our government standing down like they did with the balloons and just watching it happen? Is there a war taking place in plain sight that the American people have not completely understood or been advised of?… Are we in some type of war that the American people have not been read in on and this is a second Pearl Harbor? Those are very inflammatory, incendiary words, but I’m telling you (that) this is the question that needs to be answered...
“Do the American people need to be advised that we’re under attack in a tit-for-tat war of some type, be it from the Chinese, or a Globalist Cabal that’s in collusion, working together for some bizarre purpose (like UN) Agenda 21, (UN) Agenda 2030, their 15-minute cities. They tell you in plain sight what their intent is and where they’re trying to go. You see it there in the islands, getting all ready to make an AI operated 15-minute city. Well, first they have to clear things out...
“There’s a karma rule in the occult that they have to tell you what they’re gonna do before they do it. (And) if you don’t do anything about it then you’re in agreement with it. So you’re good to go. So there’s sins of comission and there’s sins of omission. In this particular case they’re hoping that we commit the sin of omission by not taking action as a people, not forcing the government that We (the People) are supposedly putting in place to protect us and to communicate with us about what is really going on. There’s a point where the secrecy is no longer valid as an excuse for what is happening here. The Paradise fire, this fire, 9/11—they’re all tied together… What the fuck is going on here?” --DefCon5 - James Grundvig interviews Juan O Savin
Paradise California: What kind of 'forest fire" burns houses completely to the ground yet leaves the surrounding trees intact? "The 'forest' fire was all around the city. It literally came from all side. This is not how forest fires work. They come from one side and are pushed by the wind. Wake up folks--these are advanced weapons we are not allowed to know about. These images and video evidence should at least show you something is suspicious about this situation..." --Proof: Maui Fire From DEW
"The...fire in Paradise, California began on November 8th 2018, destroying over 153,000 acres before finally being put out over a month later on December 14th. Over 13,000 homes and hundreds of businesses were destroyed, with more than half of this damage described as occurring within the first four hours.
"The anomalies of the Paradise Fire were ignored by the mainstream media and were only reported on a handful of independent websites, including ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net. Fires were observed burning at temperatures at least three times hotter than an average house fire; hot enough to melt aluminum and glass, reducing homes to pure ash yet leaving plastic trash cans beside them untouched.
"Most of us are familiar with how microwave ovens heat and interact with foods and how this differs from the effects of thermal or convection ovens. We know that plastics are 'microwave safe', whereas metals explode violently when subjected microwaves. The effects of the NorCal fires of the past couple of years have been widely observed to resemble the effects one might expect to see from directed microwave radiation or masers.
"Maser is the acronym for 'microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation'. Likewise, laser is the acronym for 'light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation'. Both masers and lasers are forms of amplified, coherent, electromagnetic radiation and both frequency ranges are used in various Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). DEWs are a newer class of weapons that are starting to come into wider use.
"The SupposedlyShelly YouTube channel interviewed retired California firemen, John Lord and Matt (last name withheld) about the anomalies they've observed and both were left to conclude that DEWs were involved. The firemen reported that plastics attached to metal completely melted while plastics standing alone withstood what must have been extraordinary heat. Other investigators observed how guardrails caught fire at the points where the metal bolts connected to the wood. DEWs could produce these effects...
"One disturbing effect mentioned by the firemen that I hadn't seen until I saw this video was the anomalous scarring along large swathes of forest, with the rest untouched. The question of course is why the innocent populace of Paradise would be the target of a diabolical stealth attack using advanced weapons – and by whom?" --California Firemen Find Signatures of DIrected Energy Weapons
"The anomalies of the Paradise Fire were ignored by the mainstream media and were only reported on a handful of independent websites, including ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net. Fires were observed burning at temperatures at least three times hotter than an average house fire; hot enough to melt aluminum and glass, reducing homes to pure ash yet leaving plastic trash cans beside them untouched.
"Most of us are familiar with how microwave ovens heat and interact with foods and how this differs from the effects of thermal or convection ovens. We know that plastics are 'microwave safe', whereas metals explode violently when subjected microwaves. The effects of the NorCal fires of the past couple of years have been widely observed to resemble the effects one might expect to see from directed microwave radiation or masers.
"Maser is the acronym for 'microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation'. Likewise, laser is the acronym for 'light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation'. Both masers and lasers are forms of amplified, coherent, electromagnetic radiation and both frequency ranges are used in various Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). DEWs are a newer class of weapons that are starting to come into wider use.
"The SupposedlyShelly YouTube channel interviewed retired California firemen, John Lord and Matt (last name withheld) about the anomalies they've observed and both were left to conclude that DEWs were involved. The firemen reported that plastics attached to metal completely melted while plastics standing alone withstood what must have been extraordinary heat. Other investigators observed how guardrails caught fire at the points where the metal bolts connected to the wood. DEWs could produce these effects...
"One disturbing effect mentioned by the firemen that I hadn't seen until I saw this video was the anomalous scarring along large swathes of forest, with the rest untouched. The question of course is why the innocent populace of Paradise would be the target of a diabolical stealth attack using advanced weapons – and by whom?" --California Firemen Find Signatures of DIrected Energy Weapons
Many people have pointed out the undeniable correspondences between the images we saw in the Paradise California fire and those seen around Ground Zero of melted steel, melted aluminum engine blocks beside unburned paper, wood and trees. In her groundbreaking book, Where Did the Towers Go?, Dr. Judy Wood details the fact that the Twin Towers were "dustified" or turned to dust right before our very eyes, and proposed that many of the anomalies observed in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers were undeniable evidence of the use of Directed Energy Weapons.
"Based in large part on her website and on the research she's been doing for over eight years, Where Did the Towers Go? is an exhaustive study of what happened to those two, quarter mile high, 110-storey skyscrapers on that horrible day and how they literally disappeared to dust. A structural engineering firm involved in building the Trade Center estimated there should have been almost 1.2 million tons of rubble. But, because we see mostly dust and unburned paper on the ground and a minimum of debris in the basements, Dr. Wood asks, 'Where did it all go?'..." --Alan S. Glassman
"Based in large part on her website and on the research she's been doing for over eight years, Where Did the Towers Go? is an exhaustive study of what happened to those two, quarter mile high, 110-storey skyscrapers on that horrible day and how they literally disappeared to dust. A structural engineering firm involved in building the Trade Center estimated there should have been almost 1.2 million tons of rubble. But, because we see mostly dust and unburned paper on the ground and a minimum of debris in the basements, Dr. Wood asks, 'Where did it all go?'..." --Alan S. Glassman
Robert Brane: “I believe most of these fires are microwave-based. They are not normal wood fires that we know of… Of course they’ve got their trillion-watt lasers, things like that. They always act like, 'We don’t have that technology yet, but we’re working on it.' Well they’re 30, 40 years ahead of us and they’re just lying. Of course they’ve got it, and this isn’t happening from 5G or planes passing over (or from 'climate change')… We think they (the microwaves) are coming from satellites, because it’s concentrated on the area for hours... They’re coming from satellites…
“When I was in my 20’s we had a president (Ronald Reagan) that was on national TV. He tells the world, ‘We’re developing our Star Wars defense system’… He said that and we all laughed at him. We’re not laughing any more. They’ve been working on this a long time.
"Just like with 9/11, the buildings didn't just burn up and fall down, they disintegrated in mid-air--a technology so advanced we can't even comprehend it. And this is the same or very similar technology (used in Lahaina). The cars look the same as that day on 9/11..." --Outstanding Report on the Maui "WildFires"
Juan O Savin: “The reports on the number of potentially dead in Maui are staggering, staggering. It literally is, potentially, Pearl Harbor type numbers. We don’t even know the true number of people dead in the Paradise Fires yet. 9/11—you’re told a number but have we even got a full, complete number there? Something else is going on behind the scenes and the American people need...(to know)--understand that you’re a target..."--DefCon5 - James Grundvig interviews Juan O Savin
“When I was in my 20’s we had a president (Ronald Reagan) that was on national TV. He tells the world, ‘We’re developing our Star Wars defense system’… He said that and we all laughed at him. We’re not laughing any more. They’ve been working on this a long time.
"Just like with 9/11, the buildings didn't just burn up and fall down, they disintegrated in mid-air--a technology so advanced we can't even comprehend it. And this is the same or very similar technology (used in Lahaina). The cars look the same as that day on 9/11..." --Outstanding Report on the Maui "WildFires"
Juan O Savin: “The reports on the number of potentially dead in Maui are staggering, staggering. It literally is, potentially, Pearl Harbor type numbers. We don’t even know the true number of people dead in the Paradise Fires yet. 9/11—you’re told a number but have we even got a full, complete number there? Something else is going on behind the scenes and the American people need...(to know)--understand that you’re a target..."--DefCon5 - James Grundvig interviews Juan O Savin
Greg Reese: "Hawaii is being usurped by the same billionaires pushing for the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset'. They have been planning on turning Maui into a test bed for their Artificial Intelligence smartgrid. But the people were in their way, so they burned them out. Maui will either be a major milestone for the ruling class, or a line in the sand for We the People..." --Greg Reese
Maui Hawaii: A "Pearl Harbor" Event
“Hawaii is the heart of our Mother Earth. It is the aloha of her soul. We have
had a direct hit on Maui by the nefarious people that are still here trying
to take us out and enslave us. The strategy has always been to take
over. The Hawaiian Islands have been used as a hub...for many,
many years, for child and human trafficking… We really need to
bring awareness of what is really happening on the Earth, and
here--that we are being targeted by these nefarious people,
that they are trying to take away our land; they are trying
to take away our soul; they are trying to take everything
from us." --Hawaiian Islands Hub For Child Trafficking
“I don’t care what people think anymore. People died, they were
murdered in Maui. I don’t think we know exactly what happened--
there’s probably a lot of facets to what’s going on over there,
but we are under attack, and Maui is a very blatant example
of that...” --Tara Crete, Awake Nation Round-Table
had a direct hit on Maui by the nefarious people that are still here trying
to take us out and enslave us. The strategy has always been to take
over. The Hawaiian Islands have been used as a hub...for many,
many years, for child and human trafficking… We really need to
bring awareness of what is really happening on the Earth, and
here--that we are being targeted by these nefarious people,
that they are trying to take away our land; they are trying
to take away our soul; they are trying to take everything
from us." --Hawaiian Islands Hub For Child Trafficking
“I don’t care what people think anymore. People died, they were
murdered in Maui. I don’t think we know exactly what happened--
there’s probably a lot of facets to what’s going on over there,
but we are under attack, and Maui is a very blatant example
of that...” --Tara Crete, Awake Nation Round-Table
David Nino Rodriguez: “I really want to see what intel you are getting on the Maui fires, what’s on the horizon that you see coming, and where we’re at right now. I personally believe from the interviews that I’ve had, that Hawaii was hit with a Direct Energy Weapon. It’s very obvious to me—melted cars, melted boats, there’s over a thousand people missing, over a hundred dead already. It’s like today’s Pearl Harbor…"
Michael Jaco: “Yeah, it looks like a nuclear attack, just like 9/11, just like Paradise (California), just like Malibu—all the same patterns..."
David Nino Rodriguez: “There are still people though, that are not connecting the dots... There are always going to be those people, I call them casualties of war."
Michael Jaco: “Yeah, and we don’t have time for that… Yeah, a Direct Energy Weapon… People on the ground said that the numbers (of dead) were probably going to be more than 9/11…
Kerry Cassidy: “The bottom line as far as I’m concerned is that this is a direct hit on the American military, a la Pearl Harbor… Juan (O Savin) is starting to say that this is a Pearl Harbor type event. The reason that it is so important for people to get that perspective is to understand that, that was a direct hit on our military, on Space Force... Hawaii is a major base for our military..." --David Nino Rodriguez, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco - Round-table on Maui Fires
"As I have already stated several times on shows...there is a MASSIVE GREY ET BASE UNDER THE BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII… any tunnels under Maui would ultimately be linked to this base. So if the White Hats were attempting to rescue the around 2000 children abducted and killed during the DEW attack or after..or to follow the children taken off planet they would end up in the tunnels in the Grey ET base under Hawaii." --Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
Michael Jaco: “Yeah, it looks like a nuclear attack, just like 9/11, just like Paradise (California), just like Malibu—all the same patterns..."
David Nino Rodriguez: “There are still people though, that are not connecting the dots... There are always going to be those people, I call them casualties of war."
Michael Jaco: “Yeah, and we don’t have time for that… Yeah, a Direct Energy Weapon… People on the ground said that the numbers (of dead) were probably going to be more than 9/11…
Kerry Cassidy: “The bottom line as far as I’m concerned is that this is a direct hit on the American military, a la Pearl Harbor… Juan (O Savin) is starting to say that this is a Pearl Harbor type event. The reason that it is so important for people to get that perspective is to understand that, that was a direct hit on our military, on Space Force... Hawaii is a major base for our military..." --David Nino Rodriguez, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco - Round-table on Maui Fires
"As I have already stated several times on shows...there is a MASSIVE GREY ET BASE UNDER THE BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII… any tunnels under Maui would ultimately be linked to this base. So if the White Hats were attempting to rescue the around 2000 children abducted and killed during the DEW attack or after..or to follow the children taken off planet they would end up in the tunnels in the Grey ET base under Hawaii." --Kerry Cassidy, Telegram Channel
Kerry Cassidy: “What we are looking at is an agenda that involves the New World Order, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), (and) MI6, which were all part of stealing our election, putting Biden in power...
“This is war, like big time war. This is not like, a little shot over here and a little shot over there. We’ve been playing this kind of game, you know, give Turkey a little earthquake because they’re not getting on board with NATO, and all that crap. This is much more major... We have been attacked in such a direct hit on our military—through the people, yes. But that’s how they work.
(And) "don’t forget the evidence of a Satanic sacrifice that is a major component of this hit, which...is that there at least 500 children that have disappeared. Even (Dr.) Carrie Madej suggested...that they could have come with ships and actually taken those children out of the area. They didn’t necessarily burn to death—they were taken for sacrifice and for sexual trafficking purposes. So that’s another component...where you cannot walk away from that; you can’t ignore that..."--David Nino Rodriguez, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco - Round-table on Maui Fires
“This is war, like big time war. This is not like, a little shot over here and a little shot over there. We’ve been playing this kind of game, you know, give Turkey a little earthquake because they’re not getting on board with NATO, and all that crap. This is much more major... We have been attacked in such a direct hit on our military—through the people, yes. But that’s how they work.
(And) "don’t forget the evidence of a Satanic sacrifice that is a major component of this hit, which...is that there at least 500 children that have disappeared. Even (Dr.) Carrie Madej suggested...that they could have come with ships and actually taken those children out of the area. They didn’t necessarily burn to death—they were taken for sacrifice and for sexual trafficking purposes. So that’s another component...where you cannot walk away from that; you can’t ignore that..."--David Nino Rodriguez, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco - Round-table on Maui Fires
Michael Jaco: “Their plan is to destroy America, to break America up… That is the plan... And climate change—it’s all a distraction... Anyone pushing that narrative is part of the Deep State’s narrative...You have General Milley who’s the head of the military in the United States who is compromised. You don’t think there’s more people compromised down below him? Look at our government—there’s like 98% of our government (that) is compromised. The enemy is within, so we’re in a very difficult situation..."
Kerry Cassidy: “Don’t forget that all the stars’ properties were untouched. This was directed...this was engineered to be a shot, so direct...and I can’t believe that we’re just sitting here staring at our boots... We have been attacked by the New World Order, by Klaus Schwab and his cohorts, and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Why don’t people admit it? Why doesn’t anyone say, ‘We are now at war’?
David Nino Rodriguez: “OK, right, we’ve been at war. But the same 70% that got vaccinated, they’re still watching Fox News and CNN. They don’t watch our programs.”
Kerry Cassidy: “The point is that you can galvanize the people if you tell them the truth… We are fighting the Nazis in the final conflagration. In other words, this is D-Day for us. We are basically facing the enemy in the most final mano a mano way. Again, you’ve got a Satanic sacrifice--how many children have to die? Do we need more children to die? Do we need another hit on another part of the United States?" --David Nino Rodriguez, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco - Round-table on Maui Fires
Kerry Cassidy: “Don’t forget that all the stars’ properties were untouched. This was directed...this was engineered to be a shot, so direct...and I can’t believe that we’re just sitting here staring at our boots... We have been attacked by the New World Order, by Klaus Schwab and his cohorts, and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Why don’t people admit it? Why doesn’t anyone say, ‘We are now at war’?
David Nino Rodriguez: “OK, right, we’ve been at war. But the same 70% that got vaccinated, they’re still watching Fox News and CNN. They don’t watch our programs.”
Kerry Cassidy: “The point is that you can galvanize the people if you tell them the truth… We are fighting the Nazis in the final conflagration. In other words, this is D-Day for us. We are basically facing the enemy in the most final mano a mano way. Again, you’ve got a Satanic sacrifice--how many children have to die? Do we need more children to die? Do we need another hit on another part of the United States?" --David Nino Rodriguez, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco - Round-table on Maui Fires
“All year—it’s laughable. They’ve been taking down trains; they’ve been doing weather wars. They’ve been doing all kinds of crazy stuff--poisoning the water in Ohio… We have been hit over and over again and DONE NOTHING, sat there and talked about it. That’s it—that’s all we do in the alternative, we talk. Right? IT’S TIME TO MOBILIZE THE PEOPLE!” --David Nino Rodriguez, Kerry Cassidy, Michael Jaco - Round-table on Maui Fires
A Hawaiian Holocaust
"They're going to fucking barbeque all these people down in Lahaina.
We're all trapped down in here.They're blocking off all exits, and
everyone is just stuck going in a circle in a fire pit..."
--Lahaina resident attempting to escape fires
"This is nothing more than the billionaire’s club getting together
and orchestrating destruction of the common people… They’ve
got a weapon now that’s so unimaginable they can do what-
ever they want...” --Maui Fire Was NOT A Wildfire!
“The infrastructure that we allowed to be built around us--
which we now call the federal government—has totally
gone rogue. And it has gone so rogue that it has made
the citizen its enemy… That’s just a fact, and you all
need to be aware of it, you all need to let that sink in..."
--Alex Collier - Webinar 185 - June 16, 2023
We're all trapped down in here.They're blocking off all exits, and
everyone is just stuck going in a circle in a fire pit..."
--Lahaina resident attempting to escape fires
"This is nothing more than the billionaire’s club getting together
and orchestrating destruction of the common people… They’ve
got a weapon now that’s so unimaginable they can do what-
ever they want...” --Maui Fire Was NOT A Wildfire!
“The infrastructure that we allowed to be built around us--
which we now call the federal government—has totally
gone rogue. And it has gone so rogue that it has made
the citizen its enemy… That’s just a fact, and you all
need to be aware of it, you all need to let that sink in..."
--Alex Collier - Webinar 185 - June 16, 2023
James Gilliland: “So Lahaina was known as the truth capitol of Hawaii by the royal families which resisted the Globalist's plan to turn the Hawaiian Islands into a 15-minute smart city pedo-world orchestrated by the governor (Josh Green) who is a WEF (World Economic Forum) card-carrying member. The governor (Josh Green) also signed an executive order to end the protection of ancestry lands, and is also not allowing any of the victims to sell or re-build. The State will own the land—in other words, the WEF, the World Economic Forum, will control the re-building of Lahaina into 15-minute smart cities...
“They used DEW weapons...spaced-based, to remove these (people and houses)… They have a map of the whole area and they know what they want to target, to remove he low-income people and get them out of there, the locals and indigenous people, so that they can bring in their smart cities…
“Despite the news blackouts, 2000 children are still missing. Where are they? Where did they go? There’s wild rumors out there circulating from being incinerated to being kidnapped for child trafficking. So this needs to be investigated by teams outside the ‘inner circle’… So the death count will eventually be in the thousands...” --James Gilliland - Breaking News you wont hear on lame stream media
“They used DEW weapons...spaced-based, to remove these (people and houses)… They have a map of the whole area and they know what they want to target, to remove he low-income people and get them out of there, the locals and indigenous people, so that they can bring in their smart cities…
“Despite the news blackouts, 2000 children are still missing. Where are they? Where did they go? There’s wild rumors out there circulating from being incinerated to being kidnapped for child trafficking. So this needs to be investigated by teams outside the ‘inner circle’… So the death count will eventually be in the thousands...” --James Gilliland - Breaking News you wont hear on lame stream media
James Gilliland: “It has been confirmed that the exits out of Lahaina were blocked by police so people could not escape the fires. There is no reason whatsoever to block the north exit, and police doing so said they were ‘just following orders’… We need to demand who gave those orders and why. Because there’s a lot of witnesses who said they walked out or rode bikes out and they said there was no reason for those exits to be blocked…
“Automobiles were incinerated, all aluminum engine parts, rims, wiring, sitting in the middle of graveled areas where the fire did not reach. Entire families were found incinerated in their cars. Witnesses watched waves of energy, like a wall, and when rescuers entered, they did not come out. And this is a classic earmark of a Directed Energy Weapon..." --James Gilliland - Breaking News you wont hear on lame stream media
“Automobiles were incinerated, all aluminum engine parts, rims, wiring, sitting in the middle of graveled areas where the fire did not reach. Entire families were found incinerated in their cars. Witnesses watched waves of energy, like a wall, and when rescuers entered, they did not come out. And this is a classic earmark of a Directed Energy Weapon..." --James Gilliland - Breaking News you wont hear on lame stream media
James Gilliland: “The town (of Lahaina) was totally encircled by fire, and it didn’t come down like a front—the whole town was encircled in fire… It’s not anything like a regular fire. And shutting off the water was part of what looks like an orchestrated event to pretty much wipe out Lahaina and its residents...off the face of the Earth..." --James Gilliland - Breaking News you wont hear on lame stream media
Max Igan: “This isn’t any conspiracy theory—this is a full-fledged conspiracy, to carry out a massacre in the town of Lahaina, to kill as many people as possible—they want the casualties high because it serves their purpose to have a lot of people injured; it serves their purpose to have as many people as they can in the kill zone; it serves their purpose to have all the children killed; it serves their purpose completely to have entire families incinerated in their cars, because they don’t want people going back to the land, they want to claim the land for themselves. And they want the death toll to be high because that way it’s going to justify what they have to do…
“It’s such a scam, folks, and there are so many red flags in there that it’s a massacre, the whole thing was a massacre. It was a literal holocaust, because ‘holocaust’, of course, literally means 'burnt offering,' and that’s exactly what we just saw in Lahaina.
“Of course, most of the town burned down but not the ‘elite’ houses along the shoreline. And somehow all the small businesses burned down but of course not the K-Mart and the big shopping center… It doesn’t make sense folks. This whole thing has been incredibly contrived..
“There’s talk that there’s around 1500 people very likely dead, maybe more. The say 1500 people dead, 1500 casualties, but there’s still, apparently, 2037 children who have not shown up to school—missing. Not dead, just missing… Some people are speculating that the children were stolen during the whole kerfuffle...
“The fire was apparently so intense and the wind was so intense that the fire actually went out to the bay and burned all the boats in the bay… And there’s so much evidence coming out on the use of Directed Energy Weapons…
“The death toll in Maui is shocking. The blatant way (that) they’ve done this, literally rounding people up and shooting them into town, making them go into town. Forcing them onto Front Street where they knew the fire was the worst. And the stories of entire families being burned out in cars, entire families of ash, parents in the front, kids in the back. Animals, dogs, pets—everything just destroyed...
“This was a huge set-up folks, and this was, it’s an act of war, I mean, what can you say? This is one of the worst atrocities (that) we’ve seen in the last few years... This is an attack against the American people by their own government…" --Max Igan - A Hawaiian Holocaust
“It’s such a scam, folks, and there are so many red flags in there that it’s a massacre, the whole thing was a massacre. It was a literal holocaust, because ‘holocaust’, of course, literally means 'burnt offering,' and that’s exactly what we just saw in Lahaina.
“Of course, most of the town burned down but not the ‘elite’ houses along the shoreline. And somehow all the small businesses burned down but of course not the K-Mart and the big shopping center… It doesn’t make sense folks. This whole thing has been incredibly contrived..
“There’s talk that there’s around 1500 people very likely dead, maybe more. The say 1500 people dead, 1500 casualties, but there’s still, apparently, 2037 children who have not shown up to school—missing. Not dead, just missing… Some people are speculating that the children were stolen during the whole kerfuffle...
“The fire was apparently so intense and the wind was so intense that the fire actually went out to the bay and burned all the boats in the bay… And there’s so much evidence coming out on the use of Directed Energy Weapons…
“The death toll in Maui is shocking. The blatant way (that) they’ve done this, literally rounding people up and shooting them into town, making them go into town. Forcing them onto Front Street where they knew the fire was the worst. And the stories of entire families being burned out in cars, entire families of ash, parents in the front, kids in the back. Animals, dogs, pets—everything just destroyed...
“This was a huge set-up folks, and this was, it’s an act of war, I mean, what can you say? This is one of the worst atrocities (that) we’ve seen in the last few years... This is an attack against the American people by their own government…" --Max Igan - A Hawaiian Holocaust
Robert Brame: “To me this was a ‘kill city’, my own term. They weren’t letting people out of the city—they were making you stay there, that’s your police department. The firemen didn’t show up, or very few did. They turned the cell phones off for the town; they also turned the water off in the town. This was planned, who knows, six months or a year before. And all these larger entities are in on it to some degree. They are told what to do...all these people have a lot of evil in them..."
The sheer magnitude of this evil is staggering--to intentionally incinerate entire families in their cars and burn their houses down to the ground. What kind of human being can take part in any of that? And this fetid pustule of a governor--Josh Green--needs to be held accountable for his part in the orchestration of this attack on Humanity.
Michelle Melendez: “Yeah the governor actually put out an emergency proclamation with no emergency three weeks before the fire and he suspended seven laws that affect housing and land development… It’s atrocious what they’re doing…”
Robert Brame: “Yeah, they make up the rules as they go along. This is nothing more than the billionaire’s club getting together and orchestrating destruction of the common people… They’ve got a weapon now that’s so unimaginable they can do whatever they want. They control every news outlet, and on Maui you have the largest military base of the Hawaiian Islands. So there’s no stopping them… They tell the military exactly what to do, and this is worldwide. Your military personnel are used to saying ‘Yes sir!’ and following orders no matter what. They don’t want them to think on their own and have a heart and some empathy and think for themselves. So it’s really hard to stop this...” --48-yr Arborist Shares How Maui Fire Was NOT A Wildfire!
The sheer magnitude of this evil is staggering--to intentionally incinerate entire families in their cars and burn their houses down to the ground. What kind of human being can take part in any of that? And this fetid pustule of a governor--Josh Green--needs to be held accountable for his part in the orchestration of this attack on Humanity.
Michelle Melendez: “Yeah the governor actually put out an emergency proclamation with no emergency three weeks before the fire and he suspended seven laws that affect housing and land development… It’s atrocious what they’re doing…”
Robert Brame: “Yeah, they make up the rules as they go along. This is nothing more than the billionaire’s club getting together and orchestrating destruction of the common people… They’ve got a weapon now that’s so unimaginable they can do whatever they want. They control every news outlet, and on Maui you have the largest military base of the Hawaiian Islands. So there’s no stopping them… They tell the military exactly what to do, and this is worldwide. Your military personnel are used to saying ‘Yes sir!’ and following orders no matter what. They don’t want them to think on their own and have a heart and some empathy and think for themselves. So it’s really hard to stop this...” --48-yr Arborist Shares How Maui Fire Was NOT A Wildfire!
Max Igan: "This was a holocaust, this was a massacre that was carried out by the government of Hawaii and whatever forces are working with them, the Globalists, et al., because it’s all one system. This is an act of war folks (and) you have to wonder how much the people are going to take… If I lived on Maui and this had happened, I’d be rallying the people, and I’d be saying, No, you’re not going to be evicting us from our sacred lands. We’re gonna evict you from the islands. We’ll give you, and FEMA, and all you police and all the people who carried out this atrocity, we’ll give you ‘til midday to be on boats sliding off the shore. Otherwise we’re coming for you..." --Max Igan - A Hawaiian Holocaust
The following has been reprinted from the Stand Together Hawaii website:
The following has been reprinted from the Stand Together Hawaii website:
Hawaii Governor, Maui Mayor, & Police Chief MUST Step Down!
Email Hawaii Senators and Reps. and ask for 4-Actions:
Demand the Governor, Maui Mayor & Police Chief STEP-DOWN
1st Amendment MUST Be reinstated in Lahaina!
END the Emergency Housing Proclamation that Governor Green Enacted 3-Weeks BEFORE The Fires!
Demand the Maui fire be investigated! It was NOT a wildfire!
Email Hawaii Senators and Reps. and ask for 4-Actions:
Demand the Governor, Maui Mayor & Police Chief STEP-DOWN
1st Amendment MUST Be reinstated in Lahaina!
END the Emergency Housing Proclamation that Governor Green Enacted 3-Weeks BEFORE The Fires!
Demand the Maui fire be investigated! It was NOT a wildfire!
The Hawaii Governor, Maui Mayor and new police chief are clearly do NOT stand for the Hawaiian people. They all must step-down and preferably leave the Hawaiian islands!
The 1st Amendment of freedom of the press must be reinstated in Lahaina immediately! The Governor is violating the Constitution which is another reason who should be removed from office!
The emergency proclamation, Governor Green enacted with NO emergency must END! He has suspended 7-laws that are there to protect people's property. He has met with unelected officials in Oahu to discuss the fate of Maui and left before hearing public input! Please END this madness! He is NOT a dictator but is acting like one! He is clearly NOT for the people of Hawaii. Link: https://governor.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/2307073.pdf
Lastly, please tell the attorney general to investigate the Maui fires. It was not a wildfire! The police chief should be investigated for blocking people's way out, which is murder! There needs to be a new Maui coroner hired immediately! The police chief should not be the coroner. That is a conflict of interest!
Here is a list of more violations that the Governor, Maui Mayor, and police chief are doing to Hawaii's people:
Hawaii is under US occupation and these legislative actors MUST be REMOVED and their violations revoked! We need proper investigation into this attack on Maui! --Stand Together Hawaii
The 1st Amendment of freedom of the press must be reinstated in Lahaina immediately! The Governor is violating the Constitution which is another reason who should be removed from office!
The emergency proclamation, Governor Green enacted with NO emergency must END! He has suspended 7-laws that are there to protect people's property. He has met with unelected officials in Oahu to discuss the fate of Maui and left before hearing public input! Please END this madness! He is NOT a dictator but is acting like one! He is clearly NOT for the people of Hawaii. Link: https://governor.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/2307073.pdf
Lastly, please tell the attorney general to investigate the Maui fires. It was not a wildfire! The police chief should be investigated for blocking people's way out, which is murder! There needs to be a new Maui coroner hired immediately! The police chief should not be the coroner. That is a conflict of interest!
Here is a list of more violations that the Governor, Maui Mayor, and police chief are doing to Hawaii's people:
- Violating the 1st Amendment (Blocking the freedom of the press and keeping drones from flying? They are violating constitutional rights to see what happened and what is happening! They are not dictators but they are acting like it.)
- Negligence for not taking action to keep Lahania safe from fire danger (2018 report showed that Lahaina was in danger of fire Link: https://www.civilbeat.org/2023/08/maui-county-knew-of-lahainas-fire-risk-for-years/)
- No-transparency (refusing to answer questions like, "Where are the children?")
- Allowing relief efforts for the victims of Maui to be blocked
- Allowing police to block people's way out of Lahaina during the fire (That is murder and MUST be investigated)
- This fire was NOT normal and should be investigated! (Wildfires don't melt metal and winds do not cause temperatures that hot!)
- Standing more for the occupied US Corporation than the land of Hawaii and her people
Hawaii is under US occupation and these legislative actors MUST be REMOVED and their violations revoked! We need proper investigation into this attack on Maui! --Stand Together Hawaii
"There are at least a few men who need to be held accountable before we consider going after bigger fish: Governor Josh Green, Police Chief and Coroner John Pelletier, and Deputy Director for the State of Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management M. Kaleo Manuel. And let’s not forget Herman Andaya, head of the Maui Emergency Management Agency, who made the brilliant decision not to sound the disaster sirens. Mr. Andaya immediately resigned, due to…um…'health issues.'
"And we need to know more about the policeman who refused to let desperate drivers get out of harms way because he was 'following orders.' He likely believed he was doing the right thing, and that his superiors knew of hazards unknown to him. After all, he was risking his own life standing there with the flames approaching. Nevertheless, since the choice was between certain death from burning alive if people stayed put in their cars, and the possibility of escape, he should have stepped aside and let them drive toward safety.
"Whether we call them the Davos Elites, Globalists, the Billionaires’ Club, the Cabal, etc., these powerful players who’re all in for creating a One World Government with themselves at the helm are the ultimate culprits behind nearly everything nefarious transpiring in our world today. This includes not only the new breed of 'wildfires', but also the plandemic, the Color Revolution in America that saddled us with Beijing O’Biden and the Kackler, and much, much more.
"Some may be unknown to most of us, hiding at the top of the pile of crazed megalomaniacs, but many are familiar suspects, along with their large eponymous foundations always ready to help with their 'philanthropy.' In no particular order, here’s a partial list: the Rockefellers, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Larry Fink, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, the Clintons, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, the person formerly known as Sustainable Prince Charles, et al., and with a nod to their various organizations of duplicity, chicanery and treason: the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, etc., presumably with Blackrock and Vanguard not far behind.
"True, we can’t simply point to this or that member of these 'elites' as the culprit who organized the annihilation of Lahaina. That’s why we call them 'the Cabal.' But they’ve left their fingerprints all over this atrocity..." --Cherie Zaslawsk, The Firebombing of Maui
"And we need to know more about the policeman who refused to let desperate drivers get out of harms way because he was 'following orders.' He likely believed he was doing the right thing, and that his superiors knew of hazards unknown to him. After all, he was risking his own life standing there with the flames approaching. Nevertheless, since the choice was between certain death from burning alive if people stayed put in their cars, and the possibility of escape, he should have stepped aside and let them drive toward safety.
"Whether we call them the Davos Elites, Globalists, the Billionaires’ Club, the Cabal, etc., these powerful players who’re all in for creating a One World Government with themselves at the helm are the ultimate culprits behind nearly everything nefarious transpiring in our world today. This includes not only the new breed of 'wildfires', but also the plandemic, the Color Revolution in America that saddled us with Beijing O’Biden and the Kackler, and much, much more.
"Some may be unknown to most of us, hiding at the top of the pile of crazed megalomaniacs, but many are familiar suspects, along with their large eponymous foundations always ready to help with their 'philanthropy.' In no particular order, here’s a partial list: the Rockefellers, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Larry Fink, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, the Clintons, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, the person formerly known as Sustainable Prince Charles, et al., and with a nod to their various organizations of duplicity, chicanery and treason: the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, etc., presumably with Blackrock and Vanguard not far behind.
"True, we can’t simply point to this or that member of these 'elites' as the culprit who organized the annihilation of Lahaina. That’s why we call them 'the Cabal.' But they’ve left their fingerprints all over this atrocity..." --Cherie Zaslawsk, The Firebombing of Maui
"This is nothing more than the billionaire’s club getting together and orchestrating destruction of the common people… They’ve
got a weapon now that’s so unimaginable they can do whatever they want...” --Maui Fire Was NOT A Wildfire!
got a weapon now that’s so unimaginable they can do whatever they want...” --Maui Fire Was NOT A Wildfire!
The Secret Government Plays the "Alien Card"
"I don't know how anybody can put any faith in their governments
any more folks, after all that's happened in the last three years…
Everything the government says is a lie. If you only have
one rule in life, it should be to never believe a single word
the government tells you." --Max Igan, It's One Big Scam!
“They are taking us over—they’ve invaded us. How can you have
invaders inside the gates...and do nothing, and not tell your
people? In my mind this is the most extreme, nonsensical
reality that I’ve ever seen. How can people be invaded
and not know it? The propaganda is so good that they
have no idea. This is so dangerous for your fellow
humans that I think everyone should be screaming
this at the top of their lungs, basically.” --Kerry
Cassidy Guest On Awake Nation Round-table
any more folks, after all that's happened in the last three years…
Everything the government says is a lie. If you only have
one rule in life, it should be to never believe a single word
the government tells you." --Max Igan, It's One Big Scam!
“They are taking us over—they’ve invaded us. How can you have
invaders inside the gates...and do nothing, and not tell your
people? In my mind this is the most extreme, nonsensical
reality that I’ve ever seen. How can people be invaded
and not know it? The propaganda is so good that they
have no idea. This is so dangerous for your fellow
humans that I think everyone should be screaming
this at the top of their lungs, basically.” --Kerry
Cassidy Guest On Awake Nation Round-table
Buddy Brown: “There’s this vintage interview and it’s getting tons of steam now. It’s like a tidal wave because it’s about 2024 and we’re almost there. It’s from 1989 and it’s got an ex CIA operative named Joseph Spencer… This guy from ‘89 predicted the pandemic in 2019--predicted it.…and he actually nailed it…
“Later on in the interview though, he says a massive crisis is going to happen in 2024 where everyone is convinced there’s aliens in the sky—completely convinced. They’re actually going to be government created 'aircrafts' to fool the whole world. He said everyone in the entire world is going to look at this stuff and all civilization is going to lose their freaking mind…
“Now that Spencer has predicted all these kind of things, and nailed them, and it’s almost 2024, we’re required to at least take a look at it, right? So he’s saying that the worldwide shock of what we’re gonna see in this fake alien invasion is going to be so convincing that all sovereign nations are basically going to turn over all control for the sake of mankind--let’s all band together…” --Buddy Brown - Ex-CIA confirms alien invasion planned soon!
“Later on in the interview though, he says a massive crisis is going to happen in 2024 where everyone is convinced there’s aliens in the sky—completely convinced. They’re actually going to be government created 'aircrafts' to fool the whole world. He said everyone in the entire world is going to look at this stuff and all civilization is going to lose their freaking mind…
“Now that Spencer has predicted all these kind of things, and nailed them, and it’s almost 2024, we’re required to at least take a look at it, right? So he’s saying that the worldwide shock of what we’re gonna see in this fake alien invasion is going to be so convincing that all sovereign nations are basically going to turn over all control for the sake of mankind--let’s all band together…” --Buddy Brown - Ex-CIA confirms alien invasion planned soon!
David Nino Rodriguez: “Today we’re going to be talking about...the UAP’s (and) on what came out in the House (hearing) today… I feel that this is all leading up to the ‘alien card’ that the government is going to play at some point…
Kerry Cassidy: “Well I agree that this is going to be the ‘alien card’ but it’s more complex than that… I think this is historic, I think this is major, because we have never had a public session where in the session we’ve had three absolutely impeccable witnesses from the intelligence world and the military world… I have to say that all three witnesses came across incredibly well—they were no holds barred in terms of what they were allowed to say... This hearing today was Congress basically saying unequivocally... that (this technology) has to come from off world…
David Nino Rodriguez: “Don’t you think that this is obviously what they would play before the alien card?”
Kerry Cassidy: “Yes, because otherwise nobody is going to accept that there--even if they have a hologram of aliens, a hologram of alien battles, with ships, you have to prime the public. Because up to now something like that would not be taken seriously... 68% of the people think (that) the government is lying about the reality of UFO’s…
“So the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter whether there are bad intentions behind this, which there are, OK? The Illuminati, the Deep State, the Secret Government—all of them are basically on the line right now, because we the public are clued in, and we the truth tellers have been cluing people in steadily, every single day. We’re beating this drum, we are exposing the lies, and that includes the COVID lies, the fact that they’re out to get us, the fact that they want to eliminate the population, and the whole alien/UFO, undersea, under the earth…
“Listen: this is the real thing. This is basically acknowledging that this is real… Congress is now admitting that they are NOT in the know, that they are not allowed access, that in essence there’s a Secret Space Program… We have a secret government, a Secret Space Program where Congress does not have access. Even Unacknowledged Special Access Programs—that’s in essence the tip of the iceberg when you talk about the Secret Space Programs Black Projects...
“What we’re talking about is the government Secret Space Program that has been running (for) 80 years, (since the) 1930’s… This is going to open the floodgates to that and to the fake alien invasion. But we have a real alien invasion anyway." --David Nino Rodriguez and Kerry Cassidy - Playing The Alien Card
Kerry Cassidy: “Well I agree that this is going to be the ‘alien card’ but it’s more complex than that… I think this is historic, I think this is major, because we have never had a public session where in the session we’ve had three absolutely impeccable witnesses from the intelligence world and the military world… I have to say that all three witnesses came across incredibly well—they were no holds barred in terms of what they were allowed to say... This hearing today was Congress basically saying unequivocally... that (this technology) has to come from off world…
David Nino Rodriguez: “Don’t you think that this is obviously what they would play before the alien card?”
Kerry Cassidy: “Yes, because otherwise nobody is going to accept that there--even if they have a hologram of aliens, a hologram of alien battles, with ships, you have to prime the public. Because up to now something like that would not be taken seriously... 68% of the people think (that) the government is lying about the reality of UFO’s…
“So the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter whether there are bad intentions behind this, which there are, OK? The Illuminati, the Deep State, the Secret Government—all of them are basically on the line right now, because we the public are clued in, and we the truth tellers have been cluing people in steadily, every single day. We’re beating this drum, we are exposing the lies, and that includes the COVID lies, the fact that they’re out to get us, the fact that they want to eliminate the population, and the whole alien/UFO, undersea, under the earth…
“Listen: this is the real thing. This is basically acknowledging that this is real… Congress is now admitting that they are NOT in the know, that they are not allowed access, that in essence there’s a Secret Space Program… We have a secret government, a Secret Space Program where Congress does not have access. Even Unacknowledged Special Access Programs—that’s in essence the tip of the iceberg when you talk about the Secret Space Programs Black Projects...
“What we’re talking about is the government Secret Space Program that has been running (for) 80 years, (since the) 1930’s… This is going to open the floodgates to that and to the fake alien invasion. But we have a real alien invasion anyway." --David Nino Rodriguez and Kerry Cassidy - Playing The Alien Card
Timothy Alberino: “There is a real danger here for, let’s say, a global response to an alien threat. The consolidation of power by, let’s say a Global Cabal, the One World Government, the New World Order. And this certainly could be furthered by citing an alien threat. Alien beings that are in possession of technology that is far advanced than anything that we have, they obviously constitute a global threat, right? And so what does a global threat require? A global response.
“So you can see how this could be used, and I think it will be used to consolidate power in a global body. And that is, of course, a threat to the sovereignty of the United States…" --Aliens Attack Village in Peru?
“So you can see how this could be used, and I think it will be used to consolidate power in a global body. And that is, of course, a threat to the sovereignty of the United States…" --Aliens Attack Village in Peru?
Timothy Alberino: “But at the same time, I also want to acknowledge that there is an alien threat. I think the alien threat is legitimate. For example we have a large body of data relating to alien abductions. And that data lends itself to scientific inquiry. It has all the proof. All the evidence you would ever need to prove in a court of law that the Gray aliens exist is in that body of data, the abduction phenomenon that’s been going on for decades…
“Believe me, this is the last thing the government wants to talk about—the abduction phenomenon… The government wants to couch this conversation in anomalous phenomenon, right? Anomalous phenomenon—lights in the sky, ambiguous things that we can’t figure out… That’s where the government wants this conversation. They don’t want to talk about the decades of an aggressive cover-up that has been perpetrated by the government, by these Department of Defense military contractors, specifically aerospace contractors who have been recovering crash retrievals and the bodies for decades, and reverse engineering the technology in secret in these Deep Underground Military Bases and doing who knows what else with the technology. And what is it that they know? What do they know about these entities?
“So I think (that) there is a clear and present danger as it relates to these entities. That is real, but again let me reiterate that also, we need to be cautious because the global response is also coming, and that is also very real, and that’s also very dangerous—the consolidation of power by a Globalist entity to ‘combat’ the alien threat...” --Aliens Attack Village in Peru?
Kerry Cassidy: “So understand, this has always been their plan. They want to deluge us from every angle. They’re gonna do Earth changes—that hasn’t even started yet. It will, OK? They’ve been doing fires everywhere. They are doing all kinds of weather wars. It’s a huge list of what they are already releasing simultaneously. You think this is a distraction—it’s ALL a distraction, but it’s all also very important. If you’re dying from so-called fires in Canada, if they’re giving you air that you can’t breathe in the northern United States because of Canada, this is a weather war. The derailed trains—these are attacks on our country. Even the Biden administration is run by the CCP—there’s tons of evidence...about their financial backing to steal the election and take control of the United States….” --David Nino Rodriguez and Kerry Cassidy - Playing The Alien Card
“Believe me, this is the last thing the government wants to talk about—the abduction phenomenon… The government wants to couch this conversation in anomalous phenomenon, right? Anomalous phenomenon—lights in the sky, ambiguous things that we can’t figure out… That’s where the government wants this conversation. They don’t want to talk about the decades of an aggressive cover-up that has been perpetrated by the government, by these Department of Defense military contractors, specifically aerospace contractors who have been recovering crash retrievals and the bodies for decades, and reverse engineering the technology in secret in these Deep Underground Military Bases and doing who knows what else with the technology. And what is it that they know? What do they know about these entities?
“So I think (that) there is a clear and present danger as it relates to these entities. That is real, but again let me reiterate that also, we need to be cautious because the global response is also coming, and that is also very real, and that’s also very dangerous—the consolidation of power by a Globalist entity to ‘combat’ the alien threat...” --Aliens Attack Village in Peru?
Kerry Cassidy: “So understand, this has always been their plan. They want to deluge us from every angle. They’re gonna do Earth changes—that hasn’t even started yet. It will, OK? They’ve been doing fires everywhere. They are doing all kinds of weather wars. It’s a huge list of what they are already releasing simultaneously. You think this is a distraction—it’s ALL a distraction, but it’s all also very important. If you’re dying from so-called fires in Canada, if they’re giving you air that you can’t breathe in the northern United States because of Canada, this is a weather war. The derailed trains—these are attacks on our country. Even the Biden administration is run by the CCP—there’s tons of evidence...about their financial backing to steal the election and take control of the United States….” --David Nino Rodriguez and Kerry Cassidy - Playing The Alien Card
Addendum: WW III Is Underway
"(Maui) is the strategic defense for the entire United States. This was a Pearl Harbor type attack on Space Force and where Space Force was located, and on the underground installations... The bottom line is the people, and the island itself, and these fires that were caused by the Directed Energy Weapons, is a kind of distraction for the actual attack happening on Space Force... This was a very direct attack on Space Force..."
Addendum: Report On the Maui "WildFires"
"I believe most of these fires are microwave based--they're not normal wood fires that we know of..."
Epilogue: The Government Slaughter In Lahaina
"Where does one begin when attempting to prepare an accounting of all the real terror,
tyranny, warmongering, torture, poisoning, fatal injections, financial manipulation,
government and media race-baiting, insane ‘transgender’ promotion, depopulation
efforts, police brutality, deadly animal experimentation and slaughter, monetary
destruction, and digitization of the entire economy by the ruling class and its
government? Is there any amount of dictatorial oppression and felo-
nious corruption that will cause the common man to even blink?"
--Gary D. Barnett, A Dose of Reality: Can You Handle It?
tyranny, warmongering, torture, poisoning, fatal injections, financial manipulation,
government and media race-baiting, insane ‘transgender’ promotion, depopulation
efforts, police brutality, deadly animal experimentation and slaughter, monetary
destruction, and digitization of the entire economy by the ruling class and its
government? Is there any amount of dictatorial oppression and felo-
nious corruption that will cause the common man to even blink?"
--Gary D. Barnett, A Dose of Reality: Can You Handle It?
"We are in the midst of a heinous crime in what is falsely referred to as the ‘American’ State of Hawaii, so vile and evil, that it should sicken all who have any remote possibility of exhibiting mental acquaintance with truth, compassion, or empathy. The State’s attack on the people of Maui was in my studied opinion, premeditated, brutal, murderous beyond explanation, and targeted to achieve a preconceived agenda which was the total destruction of Lahaina by extreme property devastation and mass death of much of the local population. This was necessary in the mind of the State in order to steal the land and rebuild based on the World Economic Forum and U.N. plan for captured cities, as evidenced by the evil piece of garbage governor, Josh Green, who immediately claimed he wanted to acquire by theft the purposely destroyed land and property for the State, while smoldering embers still burned, and bodies had not been found.
"Today, I went to the ten top mainstream news sites searching all news stories, and did not find a single story about the Lahaina fires, except one showing the slimy Biden sleeping while at a meeting with Maui victims; this after offering these victims $700 per family after they had lost everything, including many of their family members. In other words, this story has been purposely scrubbed from view, not different than what happened after the intentional chemical fire devastated East Palestine, Ohio, and left that town and many others with deadly pollutants. A tall black fence was actually built around the town of Lahaina, at taxpayer cost of course, and a no fly zone order was given to hide the gruesome murder scene from any view and scrutiny.
"What is insanely troubling about the reporting concerning this horrific crime in Maui by all mainstream outlets, and even many alternative sites, is that most continue to call this a ‘wild fire,’ while the evidence of such nonsense does not exist. The anomalies and reactions to this so-called ‘natural’ event, are staggering beyond recognition, and reek of the stench of total corruption at the highest levels. This was a land grab of epoch proportion, but it was much worse than that, as high death counts were pursued by the State thugs, as they locked the residents of Lahaina inside the rings of deadly fire likely caused by directed energy and microwave attacks; creating fires that were strategically targeted, with heat that was in some cases double that of any wild fire. This was clearly evident given the melting of aluminum and steel, and also the melting of automobile windshields which requires heat at or above 2,500 degrees. Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001. This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.
"Today, I went to the ten top mainstream news sites searching all news stories, and did not find a single story about the Lahaina fires, except one showing the slimy Biden sleeping while at a meeting with Maui victims; this after offering these victims $700 per family after they had lost everything, including many of their family members. In other words, this story has been purposely scrubbed from view, not different than what happened after the intentional chemical fire devastated East Palestine, Ohio, and left that town and many others with deadly pollutants. A tall black fence was actually built around the town of Lahaina, at taxpayer cost of course, and a no fly zone order was given to hide the gruesome murder scene from any view and scrutiny.
"What is insanely troubling about the reporting concerning this horrific crime in Maui by all mainstream outlets, and even many alternative sites, is that most continue to call this a ‘wild fire,’ while the evidence of such nonsense does not exist. The anomalies and reactions to this so-called ‘natural’ event, are staggering beyond recognition, and reek of the stench of total corruption at the highest levels. This was a land grab of epoch proportion, but it was much worse than that, as high death counts were pursued by the State thugs, as they locked the residents of Lahaina inside the rings of deadly fire likely caused by directed energy and microwave attacks; creating fires that were strategically targeted, with heat that was in some cases double that of any wild fire. This was clearly evident given the melting of aluminum and steel, and also the melting of automobile windshields which requires heat at or above 2,500 degrees. Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001. This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.
"The fires in Maui that were said to have been caused ‘naturally,’ a brazen lie, were almost identical to the fires in Paradise, California as well; fires that were targeted, burning homes to white ash without burning trees or plastic, and in areas desired by the State criminals for rebuilding so-called 'smart cities.' In Lahaina, homes of the very rich were magically spared, as were certain state buildings, grand hotels, and other areas of State favor. But the homes and families of the local residents were attacked head on, with absolutely no regard for the lives or property of these innocent people. The ‘crime’ supposedly committed, as seen by the State, was not bowing down, and giving up their homes and lives voluntarily, so a direct false flag action of slaughter and murder was created to complete the State’s agenda of land theft. To hell with the people and their property was the private battle cry of these State politicians and their murderous enforcers called police.
"No sirens were turned on even though there were 80 active sirens on Maui. All water was turned off so fires could not be fought. Wi-fi was turned off, as was most all electric power. Roads out were closed, and police roadblocks were manned to forcibly keep all the residents inside the fire perimeter, causing purposeful mass death. Schools were shut down, so that children were home alone when these intentional fires raged through Lahaina, and many burned to death without help from any State service. The real numbers of deaths are still being hidden as far as I can tell. In addition. before and after the fire, speculators were attempting to buy these properties, and while bodies were still unfound, the government announced its intentions to buy up this land. None of these are coincidences, but the State and its complicit media would have you believe that all of these, and many, many, more impossibilities are all coincidental. How could anyone with two brain cells to rub together, buy into the propagandized narratives being presented by the evil State?
"I fully realize, especially considering the nearly complete lack of any ability to think critically by the masses, that what I am presenting here will be ignored by a very large swath of the population. The long-term dumbing down of individuals, and the now digitally-manipulated population, has embraced indifference to such an extent, as to have escaped all reality. In fact, common sense, logic, and reason appear to be nearly non-existent generally speaking. It is much easier for the collective herd to believe the State narratives than to do the work necessary to ferret out fact and truth. Unfortunately, the ruling class understands this weak and apathetic trait that seems to have captured the very large percentage of dead men walking among us. How much more obvious corruption, lies, and murder at the hands of the State will have to take place before any majority comes to terms with the reality that this world is ending in favor of mass slavery and depopulation? Will the flock ever fight back?
"The forced annexation of Hawaii, the staged Pearl Harbor attack, the world wars, Operation Northwoods, MK Ultra, the Cuban missile crisis, the JFK assassination, Operation Gladio, U.S. aggressive invasion after invasion, Desert Storm, 9/11, the Patriot Act, the War of Terror, the fake ‘covid pandemic,’ bogus ‘climate change, intentional chemical spills, and weather geo-engineering; these just a few of the major false flag events, and government terror operations that have taken place. Now there are deliberately set fires in Canada, all over the U.S., Hawaii, Australia, Turkey, Greece, China, and many other areas, and the sheep continue to hide their proverbial heads in the sand.
"Everything happening is planned, and being done intentionally in order to achieve a particular agenda. This has been outlined, discussed openly, warned about, written about in policy journals at the WEF, WHO, U.N., and most everywhere else I might add. The big picture has been discussed for decades, and the agenda being sought is a one-world governing order, where the ‘elite’ rule all, and the rest of us are slaves of the State. This agenda is as clear as day, so why cannot the lowly collective herd see that the way to achieve this evil goal is for the State to destroy the current system in favor of a system that will allow the control of everyone? Each planned event, whether fire, weather, war, geo-engineering, bio-weapon production and use, fake ‘viruses,’ and every so-called emergency, are staged only to create fear and panic through economic devastation, property theft, (land grabs) monetary and transaction digitization, mass surveillance, and total censorship.
"No sirens were turned on even though there were 80 active sirens on Maui. All water was turned off so fires could not be fought. Wi-fi was turned off, as was most all electric power. Roads out were closed, and police roadblocks were manned to forcibly keep all the residents inside the fire perimeter, causing purposeful mass death. Schools were shut down, so that children were home alone when these intentional fires raged through Lahaina, and many burned to death without help from any State service. The real numbers of deaths are still being hidden as far as I can tell. In addition. before and after the fire, speculators were attempting to buy these properties, and while bodies were still unfound, the government announced its intentions to buy up this land. None of these are coincidences, but the State and its complicit media would have you believe that all of these, and many, many, more impossibilities are all coincidental. How could anyone with two brain cells to rub together, buy into the propagandized narratives being presented by the evil State?
"I fully realize, especially considering the nearly complete lack of any ability to think critically by the masses, that what I am presenting here will be ignored by a very large swath of the population. The long-term dumbing down of individuals, and the now digitally-manipulated population, has embraced indifference to such an extent, as to have escaped all reality. In fact, common sense, logic, and reason appear to be nearly non-existent generally speaking. It is much easier for the collective herd to believe the State narratives than to do the work necessary to ferret out fact and truth. Unfortunately, the ruling class understands this weak and apathetic trait that seems to have captured the very large percentage of dead men walking among us. How much more obvious corruption, lies, and murder at the hands of the State will have to take place before any majority comes to terms with the reality that this world is ending in favor of mass slavery and depopulation? Will the flock ever fight back?
"The forced annexation of Hawaii, the staged Pearl Harbor attack, the world wars, Operation Northwoods, MK Ultra, the Cuban missile crisis, the JFK assassination, Operation Gladio, U.S. aggressive invasion after invasion, Desert Storm, 9/11, the Patriot Act, the War of Terror, the fake ‘covid pandemic,’ bogus ‘climate change, intentional chemical spills, and weather geo-engineering; these just a few of the major false flag events, and government terror operations that have taken place. Now there are deliberately set fires in Canada, all over the U.S., Hawaii, Australia, Turkey, Greece, China, and many other areas, and the sheep continue to hide their proverbial heads in the sand.
"Everything happening is planned, and being done intentionally in order to achieve a particular agenda. This has been outlined, discussed openly, warned about, written about in policy journals at the WEF, WHO, U.N., and most everywhere else I might add. The big picture has been discussed for decades, and the agenda being sought is a one-world governing order, where the ‘elite’ rule all, and the rest of us are slaves of the State. This agenda is as clear as day, so why cannot the lowly collective herd see that the way to achieve this evil goal is for the State to destroy the current system in favor of a system that will allow the control of everyone? Each planned event, whether fire, weather, war, geo-engineering, bio-weapon production and use, fake ‘viruses,’ and every so-called emergency, are staged only to create fear and panic through economic devastation, property theft, (land grabs) monetary and transaction digitization, mass surveillance, and total censorship.
"Will the blind ever see, will the deaf ever hear, will the dumb ever speak, or will the bulk of this dependent and lazy population, simply sit back locked inside their cell phones and ‘social media’ absurdity, waiting for the end of times?..." --Gary D. Barnett, The Government Slaughter in Lahaina
"And some day Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
"And some day Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind