“The game is being run by Globalists…(and) this Globalist club has a plan—they want to depopulate the
planet by any possible means. Why? Why would they want to do that? Because they believe like Nero
did in Rome (that) if they burn it all down baby, they can rebuild it in their own image. Their thinking
is perverted in ways that most people can’t even comprehend. The lunatics are in charge of the
asylum--it couldn’t even be any more blatant… They’re criminally insane, not just clinically insane,
(but) criminally insane. And that’s the hard thing that people have to wrap their mind around.
They have to wrap their mind around the fact that these people exist, they are psychotic (and)
they are psychopaths. They want nothing more than the destruction of the human species…”
--David Nino Rodriguez – Juan O Savin – The Genie Is Completely Out of the Bottle
"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could experience if we weren't being
attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist maniacs who hate Humanity because
they are demon-infested wicked creatures of death and destruction..."
--Mike Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
planet by any possible means. Why? Why would they want to do that? Because they believe like Nero
did in Rome (that) if they burn it all down baby, they can rebuild it in their own image. Their thinking
is perverted in ways that most people can’t even comprehend. The lunatics are in charge of the
asylum--it couldn’t even be any more blatant… They’re criminally insane, not just clinically insane,
(but) criminally insane. And that’s the hard thing that people have to wrap their mind around.
They have to wrap their mind around the fact that these people exist, they are psychotic (and)
they are psychopaths. They want nothing more than the destruction of the human species…”
--David Nino Rodriguez – Juan O Savin – The Genie Is Completely Out of the Bottle
"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could experience if we weren't being
attacked by eugenicists and genocidal Globalist maniacs who hate Humanity because
they are demon-infested wicked creatures of death and destruction..."
--Mike Adams, Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021
The Takedown of America
"Where does one begin when attempting to prepare an accounting of all the real terror,
tyranny, warmongering, torture, poisoning, fatal injections, financial manipulation,
government and media race-baiting, insane ‘transgender’ promotion, depopulation
efforts, police brutality, deadly animal experimentation and slaughter, monetary
destruction, and digitization of the entire economy by the ruling class and its
government? Is there any amount of dictatorial oppression and felo-
nious corruption that will cause the common man to even blink?"
--Gary D. Barnett, A Dose of Reality: Can You Handle It?
“If you’re not convinced that this guy (Biden) is here to take down
America, wake the fuck up! Everything that is happening right
now is completely engineered! He’s a Trojan horse for the
CCP!” --David Nino, The Race To Crash America
"We're the last beacon of hope on the hill of freedom. If we lose
America, what other country could stand up to this Cabal, the
New World Order agenda?" --Brad Olsen, Kerry Cassidy
tyranny, warmongering, torture, poisoning, fatal injections, financial manipulation,
government and media race-baiting, insane ‘transgender’ promotion, depopulation
efforts, police brutality, deadly animal experimentation and slaughter, monetary
destruction, and digitization of the entire economy by the ruling class and its
government? Is there any amount of dictatorial oppression and felo-
nious corruption that will cause the common man to even blink?"
--Gary D. Barnett, A Dose of Reality: Can You Handle It?
“If you’re not convinced that this guy (Biden) is here to take down
America, wake the fuck up! Everything that is happening right
now is completely engineered! He’s a Trojan horse for the
CCP!” --David Nino, The Race To Crash America
"We're the last beacon of hope on the hill of freedom. If we lose
America, what other country could stand up to this Cabal, the
New World Order agenda?" --Brad Olsen, Kerry Cassidy
“We are all living in a time when the Globalists are attempting global tyranny, a dictatorship--total control over your life in every aspect—your money, your speech, your medical choices, your education, your children, and so much more… It’s an epic Biblical battle right ahead of us here, the battle for the future of human freedom on planet Earth. It’s the biggest battle that we have ever faced in the history of our civilization—it’s right in front of us, right now, and time is growing short.” --Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News, June 16, 2023
"Most people go through life not questioning the motivations of their political, financial, economic, (medical) and religious leaders. They naively believe they have achieved their positions of power because they have earned it through hard work, intellectual superiority, and moral authority. Most people are not sociopaths. They are just trying to steer around the potholes of life, raising families, earning a living, finding some enjoyment, leaving a positive legacy and trusting those in positions of power are looking out for their best interests.
"They are wrapped up in their day to day existence, so are not vigilant in monitoring what political, financial and corporate power players are plotting to further reduce their liberties, freedom, and bank accounts. After decades of government school social indoctrination dumbing down of the masses, relentless propaganda propagated by the corporate media mouthpieces of the Deep State, endless technological and sports distractions, and being lured into crushing levels of debt by Wall Street and Madison Avenue, the masses are incapable of critically assessing how they have been systematically screwed by the ruling class..." --The Only Thing Systemic Is the Destruction of America
However, for those who are awake, and have been paying attention, it is clear that “we are in a war, (that) we are at war—I call it a spiritual war. Some people call it a cultural war, I say it’s a spiritual war. We are at war with a very powerful Globalist elite who want to take down America first… First of all, the biggest war is on Humanity. This is about complete and utter control and slavery of Humanity. These people are very powerful, they own all the technology, they want to depopulate and control and manage the rest of Humanity…
“So we are at war with these people and now we’ve come to the culmination phase, the time of fruition when they’re going forward with their plans… It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican, it’s both sides of the aisle…
“The elite only know one way, and it’s forward, keep going forward with their plan. There are good guys opposing them—let’s call them the ‘White Hats’--and for arguments sake let’s cal the bad guys the ‘Black Hats’. They’re opposing forces, and the bad guys, the Black Hats, never thought that they would be opposed. Now they’re being opposed by let’s say, Trump… It’s very clear that Trump has always been, and is, a military high-level operation to overthrow this Globalist cabal. Now who’s in with the Globalist cabal? The Mainstream (Marxist Mockingbird) Media. Why are people told to hate Trump? Because it’s the Mainstream (Marxist Mockingbird) Media controlling everything you think and hear and see. It's the Mainstream (Marxist Mockingbird) Media who is controlled by the Cabal...
“And we are now in the final stretch of this war. When Trump beat Hillary Clinton, when Trump upset Hillary Clinton, they were not expecting that. That was out of left field, they were not expecting that. That upset the apple cart for the Globalist elite…
“And now they are in fast warp speed. So they’re going warp speed with the agenda with Joe Biden. They’re trying to bring down America. That's why you have the southern border open with the invasion of immigrants coming over… This along with the escalation of World War III and soon, believe it or not, the alien card. They’re gonna play an alien card, (where) we’re looking at holograms in the sky and shit like that. They’re already planning it. People need to wake up to this...
"It’s not the Right against the Left. It’s the Great Awakening against the Great Reset. We need to all be part of the Great Awakening. And how do we do that? We wake up to their plans, we understand what they're doing...
“They’ve been planning for this time so that’s why I say that this time that we’re in right now is a spiritual war—it’s not a cultural war. The Left will take it and say it’s a cultural war—it’s not. This is a spiritual war to the highest degree… It’s Fifth Generation Warfare at the highest level being waged on every American, and the first goal of this Globalist elite is to take down America..." --David Nino Rodriguez on What CHANGED his mind About Donald Trump!
"Most people go through life not questioning the motivations of their political, financial, economic, (medical) and religious leaders. They naively believe they have achieved their positions of power because they have earned it through hard work, intellectual superiority, and moral authority. Most people are not sociopaths. They are just trying to steer around the potholes of life, raising families, earning a living, finding some enjoyment, leaving a positive legacy and trusting those in positions of power are looking out for their best interests.
"They are wrapped up in their day to day existence, so are not vigilant in monitoring what political, financial and corporate power players are plotting to further reduce their liberties, freedom, and bank accounts. After decades of government school social indoctrination dumbing down of the masses, relentless propaganda propagated by the corporate media mouthpieces of the Deep State, endless technological and sports distractions, and being lured into crushing levels of debt by Wall Street and Madison Avenue, the masses are incapable of critically assessing how they have been systematically screwed by the ruling class..." --The Only Thing Systemic Is the Destruction of America
However, for those who are awake, and have been paying attention, it is clear that “we are in a war, (that) we are at war—I call it a spiritual war. Some people call it a cultural war, I say it’s a spiritual war. We are at war with a very powerful Globalist elite who want to take down America first… First of all, the biggest war is on Humanity. This is about complete and utter control and slavery of Humanity. These people are very powerful, they own all the technology, they want to depopulate and control and manage the rest of Humanity…
“So we are at war with these people and now we’ve come to the culmination phase, the time of fruition when they’re going forward with their plans… It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican, it’s both sides of the aisle…
“The elite only know one way, and it’s forward, keep going forward with their plan. There are good guys opposing them—let’s call them the ‘White Hats’--and for arguments sake let’s cal the bad guys the ‘Black Hats’. They’re opposing forces, and the bad guys, the Black Hats, never thought that they would be opposed. Now they’re being opposed by let’s say, Trump… It’s very clear that Trump has always been, and is, a military high-level operation to overthrow this Globalist cabal. Now who’s in with the Globalist cabal? The Mainstream (Marxist Mockingbird) Media. Why are people told to hate Trump? Because it’s the Mainstream (Marxist Mockingbird) Media controlling everything you think and hear and see. It's the Mainstream (Marxist Mockingbird) Media who is controlled by the Cabal...
“And we are now in the final stretch of this war. When Trump beat Hillary Clinton, when Trump upset Hillary Clinton, they were not expecting that. That was out of left field, they were not expecting that. That upset the apple cart for the Globalist elite…
“And now they are in fast warp speed. So they’re going warp speed with the agenda with Joe Biden. They’re trying to bring down America. That's why you have the southern border open with the invasion of immigrants coming over… This along with the escalation of World War III and soon, believe it or not, the alien card. They’re gonna play an alien card, (where) we’re looking at holograms in the sky and shit like that. They’re already planning it. People need to wake up to this...
"It’s not the Right against the Left. It’s the Great Awakening against the Great Reset. We need to all be part of the Great Awakening. And how do we do that? We wake up to their plans, we understand what they're doing...
“They’ve been planning for this time so that’s why I say that this time that we’re in right now is a spiritual war—it’s not a cultural war. The Left will take it and say it’s a cultural war—it’s not. This is a spiritual war to the highest degree… It’s Fifth Generation Warfare at the highest level being waged on every American, and the first goal of this Globalist elite is to take down America..." --David Nino Rodriguez on What CHANGED his mind About Donald Trump!
"Lately, there has been a lot of talk about a 'nuclear armageddon' and another round of lockdowns, this time to fight climate change and global warming. The daughter of Klaus Schwab, Nicole Schwab, has been pushing the idea of 'climate lockdowns' for some time now, and many others are calling on fake president Joe Biden to implement the same...
"If enough people start to catch on and organize to fight back against the tyranny, the Globalists are ready and waiting with a 'Plan B,' of sorts, that involves going scorched earth and burning the entire thing to the ground. It is almost expected that scorched earth will win out in the end now that everyone is talking about the Biden Crime Family and the collusion and corruption involved between the federal government and Big Tech.
"So with the entire world now falling all apart around Democrats, RINOs and the 'Biden Crime Family' at a time when more and more Americans are finally awakening to exactly what these devils in Washington D.C. will do to illegally hold on to power, including quite literally murdering the American people if they stand in their way..." --Ethan Huff, America's Globalist leaders are psychologically programming the public for World War III, nuclear Armageddon and climate LOCKDOWNS
"The Davos elitist lords have been emboldened by their success since 9/11, as they have utilized every crisis as an opportunity to further their agenda of consolidating power, wealth, and control over the plebs.
"The pandemic 'crisis' is being used as an opportunity to reset the world in a manner most beneficial for the Davos billionaires, by exploiting pandemic fear, engineered social chaos, a fake climate crisis and economic anxiety to implement a corporate fascist world order, disguised as a green new deal...socialist paradise. The apparently incomprehensible actions of left wing politicians, DA’s, the corporate media, surveillance state bad actors, compliant central bankers, and emboldened billionaires over the last few months begin to make sense when you realize it is part of the plan.
"As we have learned over the last decade, conspiracy theorists have been proven right, time after time, as a coup against a duly elected president (Trump) has been revealed through texts and incriminating documents... The selection of a senile handsy blunder zombie as a 'president' is clearly a Trojan horse...to inflict the Davos master plan (World Economic Forum) upon our country..." --The Only Thing Systemic Is the Destruction of America
"If enough people start to catch on and organize to fight back against the tyranny, the Globalists are ready and waiting with a 'Plan B,' of sorts, that involves going scorched earth and burning the entire thing to the ground. It is almost expected that scorched earth will win out in the end now that everyone is talking about the Biden Crime Family and the collusion and corruption involved between the federal government and Big Tech.
"So with the entire world now falling all apart around Democrats, RINOs and the 'Biden Crime Family' at a time when more and more Americans are finally awakening to exactly what these devils in Washington D.C. will do to illegally hold on to power, including quite literally murdering the American people if they stand in their way..." --Ethan Huff, America's Globalist leaders are psychologically programming the public for World War III, nuclear Armageddon and climate LOCKDOWNS
"The Davos elitist lords have been emboldened by their success since 9/11, as they have utilized every crisis as an opportunity to further their agenda of consolidating power, wealth, and control over the plebs.
"The pandemic 'crisis' is being used as an opportunity to reset the world in a manner most beneficial for the Davos billionaires, by exploiting pandemic fear, engineered social chaos, a fake climate crisis and economic anxiety to implement a corporate fascist world order, disguised as a green new deal...socialist paradise. The apparently incomprehensible actions of left wing politicians, DA’s, the corporate media, surveillance state bad actors, compliant central bankers, and emboldened billionaires over the last few months begin to make sense when you realize it is part of the plan.
"As we have learned over the last decade, conspiracy theorists have been proven right, time after time, as a coup against a duly elected president (Trump) has been revealed through texts and incriminating documents... The selection of a senile handsy blunder zombie as a 'president' is clearly a Trojan horse...to inflict the Davos master plan (World Economic Forum) upon our country..." --The Only Thing Systemic Is the Destruction of America
The Lie of Climate Change
"In America, indeed the entire Western world, we have been
lied to so persistently, so overwhelmingly, so convincingly,
that the lie has worked its way into almost every aspect
of our lives. Yet the science—the actual observational
data—does not support the climate change
narrative..." --The Global Warming Scam
"The big lie about what is causing climate change has created
a crisis that does not exist. The lie is not that the climate is
changing--always has, always will. The lie is the cause of
the change in the climate... Our existence is being funda-
mentally altered due to the big lie about what is causing
climate change.." --Climate Change - The Big Lie
lied to so persistently, so overwhelmingly, so convincingly,
that the lie has worked its way into almost every aspect
of our lives. Yet the science—the actual observational
data—does not support the climate change
narrative..." --The Global Warming Scam
"The big lie about what is causing climate change has created
a crisis that does not exist. The lie is not that the climate is
changing--always has, always will. The lie is the cause of
the change in the climate... Our existence is being funda-
mentally altered due to the big lie about what is causing
climate change.." --Climate Change - The Big Lie
“The Transhumanist Agenda is forthcoming right now with the Great Reset, with Agenda 2030, with sustainable development—they are utilizing the hinge of climate change, this lie of climate change, to progress their agenda. They are manipulating the global economies, the global governments, global war, in order to bring the world down to a point of massive reset—total, complete global annihilation, so that they can restructure the world in their own view, and begin implementing their Transhumanist wet dream..." --AI and Transhuman Agenda with Kerry Cassidy and Josh Reid
"According to the Globalists, climate change is the number 1 threat to humanity, necessitating radical quality of life sacrifices and the total relinquishing of privacy and freedom. Germany's health minister Karl Lauterbach, for example, in December 2020 proclaimed that addressing climate change will require restrictions on personal freedom, similar to those implemented to 'flatten the curve' of COVID... Climate change is also being used to explain away food shortages, justify the need to move people from the countrysides and suburbs into smart cities, and promote the replacement of beef with insects. The COVID-19 pandemic was even blamed on it." --Energy as a Vehicle of Control and the War on Carbon
"According to the Globalists, climate change is the number 1 threat to humanity, necessitating radical quality of life sacrifices and the total relinquishing of privacy and freedom. Germany's health minister Karl Lauterbach, for example, in December 2020 proclaimed that addressing climate change will require restrictions on personal freedom, similar to those implemented to 'flatten the curve' of COVID... Climate change is also being used to explain away food shortages, justify the need to move people from the countrysides and suburbs into smart cities, and promote the replacement of beef with insects. The COVID-19 pandemic was even blamed on it." --Energy as a Vehicle of Control and the War on Carbon
Laura Ingram: “It seems that the goal of this crowd is to kind of create the same panic about climate change that they successfully created around COVID. Do I have this wrong?”
Ned Ryun: “No, you have it correct. First of all we have to accept (that) the World Economic Forum is a fanatical, political organization that uses fear and manipulation like COVID hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they’re the savior. But really all you’re doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global-public-private-fascist movement and fusion of Big Government, Big Tech and Big Money, to create a technocratic ruling elite which conveniently is them..." --Max Igan, System Collapse
Ned Ryun: “No, you have it correct. First of all we have to accept (that) the World Economic Forum is a fanatical, political organization that uses fear and manipulation like COVID hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they’re the savior. But really all you’re doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global-public-private-fascist movement and fusion of Big Government, Big Tech and Big Money, to create a technocratic ruling elite which conveniently is them..." --Max Igan, System Collapse
"We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an 'overwhelming scientific consensus.' (But) 'it’s a manufactured consensus,' climate scientist Judith Curry tells me. She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue 'fame and fortune.' She knows about that because she once spread alarm about climate change...
"Alarmist scientists’ aggressive attempts to hide data suggesting climate change is not a crisis were revealed in leaked emails. 'Ugly things,' says Curry. Avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests. Trying to get journal editors fired. It made Curry realize that there is a 'climate-change industry' set up to reward alarmism. 'The origins go back to the UN environmental program,' says Curry. Some United Nations officials were motivated by 'anti-capitalism. They hated the oil companies and seized on the climate change issue to move their policies along'... That’s what we’ve got now: a massive government-funded climate alarmism complex." --Scientist admits the 'overwhelming consensus' on the climate change crisis is 'manufactured'
"The global warming lobby, relentless in its push for bigger government, more spending, and more regulation, will use any means necessary to scare you out of your wits--as well as your tax dollars and your liberties--with threats of rising oceans, deadly droughts, and unspeakable future consequences of 'climate change.' In pursuing their anti-energy, anti-capitalist, and pro-government agenda, the global warming alarmists--and unscrupulous scientists who see this scare as their gravy train to federal grants and foundation money--resort to dirty tricks, smear campaigns, and outright lies, abandoning scientific standards, journalistic integrity, and the old-fashioned notions of free speech and open debate.
"In Red Hot Lies, bestselling author Christopher Horner--himself the target of Greenpeace dirty tricks and alarmist smears--exposes the dark underbelly of the environmental movement. Power-hungry politicians blacklist scientists who reject global warming alarmism. U.S. senators threaten companies that fund climate change dissenters. Mainstream media outlets openly reject the notion of 'balance.' The occasional unguarded scientist candidly admits the need to twist the facts to paint an uglier picture in order to keep the faucet of government money flowing. In the name of 'saving the planet,' anything goes.
"But why the nasty tactics? Why the cover ups, lies, and intimidation? Because Al Gore and his ilk want to use Big Government at the local, state, federal, and global level to run your life, and they can brook no opposition. But the actual facts, as Red Hot Lies makes clear, aren't nearly as scary as their fiction..." --Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed
"Alarmist scientists’ aggressive attempts to hide data suggesting climate change is not a crisis were revealed in leaked emails. 'Ugly things,' says Curry. Avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests. Trying to get journal editors fired. It made Curry realize that there is a 'climate-change industry' set up to reward alarmism. 'The origins go back to the UN environmental program,' says Curry. Some United Nations officials were motivated by 'anti-capitalism. They hated the oil companies and seized on the climate change issue to move their policies along'... That’s what we’ve got now: a massive government-funded climate alarmism complex." --Scientist admits the 'overwhelming consensus' on the climate change crisis is 'manufactured'
"The global warming lobby, relentless in its push for bigger government, more spending, and more regulation, will use any means necessary to scare you out of your wits--as well as your tax dollars and your liberties--with threats of rising oceans, deadly droughts, and unspeakable future consequences of 'climate change.' In pursuing their anti-energy, anti-capitalist, and pro-government agenda, the global warming alarmists--and unscrupulous scientists who see this scare as their gravy train to federal grants and foundation money--resort to dirty tricks, smear campaigns, and outright lies, abandoning scientific standards, journalistic integrity, and the old-fashioned notions of free speech and open debate.
"In Red Hot Lies, bestselling author Christopher Horner--himself the target of Greenpeace dirty tricks and alarmist smears--exposes the dark underbelly of the environmental movement. Power-hungry politicians blacklist scientists who reject global warming alarmism. U.S. senators threaten companies that fund climate change dissenters. Mainstream media outlets openly reject the notion of 'balance.' The occasional unguarded scientist candidly admits the need to twist the facts to paint an uglier picture in order to keep the faucet of government money flowing. In the name of 'saving the planet,' anything goes.
"But why the nasty tactics? Why the cover ups, lies, and intimidation? Because Al Gore and his ilk want to use Big Government at the local, state, federal, and global level to run your life, and they can brook no opposition. But the actual facts, as Red Hot Lies makes clear, aren't nearly as scary as their fiction..." --Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed
“And really...with the World Economic Forum, they want to create Feudalism 2.0 in which we are serfs and they are the Lords ruling over us. ‘You'll have nothing and be happy’ is one of the things that comes out of Davos. That’s what they’re aiming for—they’re aiming for Feudalism in which we are serfs and we should be happy that they are ruling over us...” --Max Igan, System Collapse
Net Carbon Zero: The Real War Against Humanity
“When you say carbon dioxide is actually good for growing food,
for greening the planet, they (the Globalist Establishment)
claim that it’s disinformation..." --Mike Adams,
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
for greening the planet, they (the Globalist Establishment)
claim that it’s disinformation..." --Mike Adams,
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
"The fact rarely heard among the climate fanatics is that carbon is the basis for all life on earth. And the source of carbon is carbon dioxide (CO2) taken from the atmosphere. Plants require carbon dioxide to survive. Carbon dioxide is plant food. Greenhouses raise CO2 levels as high as 1,000 PPM to encourage plant growth.
"Plants take CO2 in from the atmosphere and, using the energy of the sun, combine it with water (H20) to make sugars in a process called photosynthesis. All sugars are multiples of the basic formula CH20. That is one carbon atom (C), two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (O). In its most basic formula, the chemical reaction can be expressed:
CO2 + H20 + sunlight ⇒ CH20 + O2
"The 'waste' product released into the air from this chemical reaction is the oxygen (O2) we breathe. The sugar actually produced is in this process is glucose (C6H12O6), which is used by plants to function and grow. Animals then eat the greens and fruit produced. Carbon dioxide is essential to life on earth, and it comprises a mere 0.04 percent of the atmosphere." --The Global Warming Scam - Carbon Is NOT A Poison
"Plants take CO2 in from the atmosphere and, using the energy of the sun, combine it with water (H20) to make sugars in a process called photosynthesis. All sugars are multiples of the basic formula CH20. That is one carbon atom (C), two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (O). In its most basic formula, the chemical reaction can be expressed:
CO2 + H20 + sunlight ⇒ CH20 + O2
"The 'waste' product released into the air from this chemical reaction is the oxygen (O2) we breathe. The sugar actually produced is in this process is glucose (C6H12O6), which is used by plants to function and grow. Animals then eat the greens and fruit produced. Carbon dioxide is essential to life on earth, and it comprises a mere 0.04 percent of the atmosphere." --The Global Warming Scam - Carbon Is NOT A Poison
“The higher the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere, the more food gets created for free. Crops produce more food when there’s more CO2 in the atmosphere. (And) of course they can’t allow more food. According to the Globalists, people have to be kept in a state of panic and starvation and scarcity.
“So higher CO2 would allow more third world counties or developing nations succeed and not need to be rescued, and not suffer from starvation and so on. And the population of the world would go up with higher CO2 in the atmosphere. So this is the primary reason why there is a war on carbon, and there’s carbon sequestration efforts underway, in order to engage in terraforming which is to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and put it underground through pipelines, liquefying it and pumping it into underground storage—to deprive the world’s plants of carbon dioxide…
“The Globalists are trying to take away carbon dioxide from the trees and the plants and the crops and the grass in the same way that they worked to take away Ivermectin from the people. And by taking away Ivermectin they could kill off a lot more people. By taking away CO2, they can kill off trees and rain forests and grass and food crops, and also cause global famine. So once again this is engineered scarcity—it’s just that the scarcity being engineered in this case, with CO2--carbon sequestration—is so obvious...
“So they can’t admit the truth about what this is--’Oh we have to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere so that people starve and they become panicked, and you know, food scarcity is a weapon’. They can’t say that, so they’ve made up a fairy tale--’Carbon dioxide is evil, it’s a pollutant. We have to take it out of the air.’ (It's) ALL a lie, all a lie. If you take the CO2 out of the atmosphere you kill the whole planet...” --Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
“So higher CO2 would allow more third world counties or developing nations succeed and not need to be rescued, and not suffer from starvation and so on. And the population of the world would go up with higher CO2 in the atmosphere. So this is the primary reason why there is a war on carbon, and there’s carbon sequestration efforts underway, in order to engage in terraforming which is to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and put it underground through pipelines, liquefying it and pumping it into underground storage—to deprive the world’s plants of carbon dioxide…
“The Globalists are trying to take away carbon dioxide from the trees and the plants and the crops and the grass in the same way that they worked to take away Ivermectin from the people. And by taking away Ivermectin they could kill off a lot more people. By taking away CO2, they can kill off trees and rain forests and grass and food crops, and also cause global famine. So once again this is engineered scarcity—it’s just that the scarcity being engineered in this case, with CO2--carbon sequestration—is so obvious...
“So they can’t admit the truth about what this is--’Oh we have to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere so that people starve and they become panicked, and you know, food scarcity is a weapon’. They can’t say that, so they’ve made up a fairy tale--’Carbon dioxide is evil, it’s a pollutant. We have to take it out of the air.’ (It's) ALL a lie, all a lie. If you take the CO2 out of the atmosphere you kill the whole planet...” --Mike Adams, Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023
"A bunch of climatologists are coming out and blowing the whistle on the lies regarding global warming and falsifying numbers. They were told essentially... to cover up the fact that for 15 years the temperatures have not risen overall worldwide. There’s Nobel Laureates coming out and speaking out right now... There is an agenda…
“The fear-mongering is all based on an obvious hoax… This week’s headlines: ‘Top Climate scientists say they were ordered to cover up truth that earth’s temperature hasn’t risen in 15 years’. And we have stories like this: ‘Nobel Winner in Science Dr. John Clauser: There is No Climate Crisis Threatening the Planet’.
“But meanwhile, as all this happens, we see this from ZeroHedge: ‘Biden Admin Targets Air Conditioning Refrigerants Over Climate Concerns’. They want us to starve, they want us to be uncomfortable so that we accept their new system of governing... They want to starve us and they’ve made that extraordinarily clear. Not just starve us though—they want to destroy the energy grid and the supply chain. They want to destroy the housing market so you don’t own property. They want to destroy economies so that they can bring in CBDCs that attach social credits and carbon credits to it, which they are doing. FedNow came out July 18th…
“This is an emergency situation, and...we (need to) win the war against these absolute, Globalist psychopaths..." --World Alternative Media – Climate Change Hoax Exposed!
“The fear-mongering is all based on an obvious hoax… This week’s headlines: ‘Top Climate scientists say they were ordered to cover up truth that earth’s temperature hasn’t risen in 15 years’. And we have stories like this: ‘Nobel Winner in Science Dr. John Clauser: There is No Climate Crisis Threatening the Planet’.
“But meanwhile, as all this happens, we see this from ZeroHedge: ‘Biden Admin Targets Air Conditioning Refrigerants Over Climate Concerns’. They want us to starve, they want us to be uncomfortable so that we accept their new system of governing... They want to starve us and they’ve made that extraordinarily clear. Not just starve us though—they want to destroy the energy grid and the supply chain. They want to destroy the housing market so you don’t own property. They want to destroy economies so that they can bring in CBDCs that attach social credits and carbon credits to it, which they are doing. FedNow came out July 18th…
“This is an emergency situation, and...we (need to) win the war against these absolute, Globalist psychopaths..." --World Alternative Media – Climate Change Hoax Exposed!
The Pure Evil of the Marxist/Democrat Party
"America has now come to the brink of falling into a communist abyss...
One of the two major U.S. parties, the Democratic Party, is no
longer the political party it used to be. Over the decades, it has
gradually been infiltrated by the same Marxist ideology that has
created the most brutal and repressive communist regimes in
history..." --A choice that transcends the political right and left
"If people that voted for Biden don't realize right now that they voted for
the One World Government and the Globalists and the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to run America, then I don't know what else to say.
But if you voted for Biden and you don't regret it right now, (then)
I don't know who you pray to, but you're not for God, and you're
not for the country, and you're not for justice." --Mel K and
Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
"The Democrat party, as currently constituted, is an evil entity,
on a mission to destroy America and everything it once stood
for. There is simply no other explanation for what they've
done to our once-great nation..." --Patricia McCarthy,
Our Government Is A Criminal Enterprise
One of the two major U.S. parties, the Democratic Party, is no
longer the political party it used to be. Over the decades, it has
gradually been infiltrated by the same Marxist ideology that has
created the most brutal and repressive communist regimes in
history..." --A choice that transcends the political right and left
"If people that voted for Biden don't realize right now that they voted for
the One World Government and the Globalists and the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to run America, then I don't know what else to say.
But if you voted for Biden and you don't regret it right now, (then)
I don't know who you pray to, but you're not for God, and you're
not for the country, and you're not for justice." --Mel K and
Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
"The Democrat party, as currently constituted, is an evil entity,
on a mission to destroy America and everything it once stood
for. There is simply no other explanation for what they've
done to our once-great nation..." --Patricia McCarthy,
Our Government Is A Criminal Enterprise
Not to overstate the bloody obvious, but some people (sheeple) still can't or won't see it--the fact that the Democratic Party has become the epitome of pure evil. It has been infiltrated and completely taken over by the Chinese Communist Party and their Marxist ideology, which fosters the destruction of traditional Christian and American family values, and promotes the grooming and sexualization of children. The DemonRats are actively promoting the normalization of pedophilia, the exposure of children to pornographic material (Drag Queen story hour), and the mutililation of children's genitalia (transgender insanity), all under the guise of "liberalism" and "progressivism". And strangely enough many American parents seem to be okay with that--and not just OK, but actively promoting the rights of "trans kids" to have the choice to mutilate their own genitalia! How insane is that? There would be no such thing as "trans kids" had these children not been groomed by the Marxists euphemistically referred to as 'liberal democrats" and the whole LGBTQ+ cult of perverts, sexual deviates, lunatics and fanatics. And incredibly, many Americans are still pledging their allegiance to the Marxist/Democrat Party and their covert agenda to take down America. Can you say "fucking brainwashed"? Why else would you support a political party that is actively destroying your own country?
Mike Adams: “I’ll cut to the chase. This is truly Satanic. The Democrat Party has been take over by pedophiles and child mutilators, and groomers, of course. And even a lot of old school Democrats are horrified at where their party has gone. Even they are asking, How did this happen? How did the ‘D’ become synonymous with pedophilia and child mutilation?
“This is, I think, Lucifer sort of rearing his ugly head and saying that he has dominion over your children. And there is an occult element to our modern medical system, the abortion industry in particular, but also organ harvesting and the organ trade that goes hand-in-hand with human trafficking… Others have documented that the United Nations has funded migrant camps in Panama and other countries through which human trafficking takes place to bring more bodies, more children, more organs to the United States. Many of those children disappear, they end up being sold off for sex farms, as sex slaves, (in) sex dungeons, that are very often linked to Democrats and all their spirit cooking, and all their Luciferian insanity..." --SGT Report – Mike Adams – Truly Wicked Beholden To Satan
“This is, I think, Lucifer sort of rearing his ugly head and saying that he has dominion over your children. And there is an occult element to our modern medical system, the abortion industry in particular, but also organ harvesting and the organ trade that goes hand-in-hand with human trafficking… Others have documented that the United Nations has funded migrant camps in Panama and other countries through which human trafficking takes place to bring more bodies, more children, more organs to the United States. Many of those children disappear, they end up being sold off for sex farms, as sex slaves, (in) sex dungeons, that are very often linked to Democrats and all their spirit cooking, and all their Luciferian insanity..." --SGT Report – Mike Adams – Truly Wicked Beholden To Satan
“None of this is a conspiracy theory—this is the way that these radical Democrats operate… this is spreading throughout the Democrat Party and it represents more than the majority of the Democrat Party at this point. They celebrate child mutilations...they allow their children to be mutilated so that they can score social points in their libtard social group. And that is some sick, twisted, criminal behavior… We must call for criminal prosecutions of these parents, and these surgeons that are mutilating children for their virtue-signaling points. It is a crime against children and a crime against Humanity. Even Adolph Hitler, as evil as he was…even he didn’t mutilate the genitalia of children. That’s too crazy for Hitler, (but) not too crazy for the Democrats. That’s where we are today...” --SGT Report – Mike Adams – Truly Wicked Beholden To Satan
"It was Obama who set us on the course for where we are today. Biden is just the mind-numbed, moronic tool of Obama's and his communist pals' plan to destroy the United States. Who installed him as president? Roaring lions seeking to devour anyone who gets in their way...
"Let's skip Obama's history of privilege, his disrespect for his white grandparents who raised him, and his communist indoctrination by an earlier mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and go directly to his promise to transform America. He was hugely successful! He mesmerized his acolytes, his disciples. We are now essentially a police state with institutions — the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS — all operating on the Stalinist model, each an arm of the Marxist/Democrat party." --Patricia McCarthy, Our Government Is A Criminal Enterprise
"Let's skip Obama's history of privilege, his disrespect for his white grandparents who raised him, and his communist indoctrination by an earlier mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and go directly to his promise to transform America. He was hugely successful! He mesmerized his acolytes, his disciples. We are now essentially a police state with institutions — the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS — all operating on the Stalinist model, each an arm of the Marxist/Democrat party." --Patricia McCarthy, Our Government Is A Criminal Enterprise
"While these so-called progressives have been undermining our constitutional and Judeo-Christian values since the turn of the last century (Woodrow Wilson was their patron saint), it was Obama that took the move toward tyranny from gradual to sudden. Now we are there. Surveillance, censorship, and control are their goal, the Constitution be damned...
"There are too many weak, compromised, and corrupt Republicans to mention, but their capitulation to the radical wing of the Democrat party that is loyal to the CCP has brought this nation to its lowest point in U.S. history. We are in decline by design, by Globalist intent, with the full approval of Obama and his wreck-America cronies. We are also in grave danger. Biden's lust to see Putin overthrown has made his persecution of the war in Ukraine the most dangerous since the Cuban Missile Crisis. China has surpassed our military readiness on every score. Evil is on the march, and too few among our elected leaders are willing to rise up and fight... Biden's two years in office have brought the U.S. to the brink of an abyss...
"The intensity with which the left is shoving LGBT issues down our throats, as if these 'communities' are oppressed minorities, which they certainly are not, has to raise the question: Why does the LGBT community adopt pride, the seventh deadly sin, as its mantra? It's an in-your-face affront, the intent to make those of us who oppose the sexual grooming of children cower in fear of their cancel culture.
"But in fact, almost no one discriminates against these folks; they bend over backward to let them live their lives as they wish. The Biden administration's slavish treatment of them is pathetic; on Monday, he referred to those trans guests at the White House, including the one who bared breasts for the camera, as the 'most courageous people he's ever met.' This from a man who has met more veterans than most of us.
"All this is just more of the left's cultural Marxism that seeks to destroy the nuclear family and all Judeo-Christian values. The Democrat party, as currently constituted, is an evil entity, on a mission to destroy America and everything it once stood for. There is simply no other explanation for what they've done to our once-great nation." --Patricia McCarthy, Our Government Is A Criminal Enterprise"
"There are too many weak, compromised, and corrupt Republicans to mention, but their capitulation to the radical wing of the Democrat party that is loyal to the CCP has brought this nation to its lowest point in U.S. history. We are in decline by design, by Globalist intent, with the full approval of Obama and his wreck-America cronies. We are also in grave danger. Biden's lust to see Putin overthrown has made his persecution of the war in Ukraine the most dangerous since the Cuban Missile Crisis. China has surpassed our military readiness on every score. Evil is on the march, and too few among our elected leaders are willing to rise up and fight... Biden's two years in office have brought the U.S. to the brink of an abyss...
"The intensity with which the left is shoving LGBT issues down our throats, as if these 'communities' are oppressed minorities, which they certainly are not, has to raise the question: Why does the LGBT community adopt pride, the seventh deadly sin, as its mantra? It's an in-your-face affront, the intent to make those of us who oppose the sexual grooming of children cower in fear of their cancel culture.
"But in fact, almost no one discriminates against these folks; they bend over backward to let them live their lives as they wish. The Biden administration's slavish treatment of them is pathetic; on Monday, he referred to those trans guests at the White House, including the one who bared breasts for the camera, as the 'most courageous people he's ever met.' This from a man who has met more veterans than most of us.
"All this is just more of the left's cultural Marxism that seeks to destroy the nuclear family and all Judeo-Christian values. The Democrat party, as currently constituted, is an evil entity, on a mission to destroy America and everything it once stood for. There is simply no other explanation for what they've done to our once-great nation." --Patricia McCarthy, Our Government Is A Criminal Enterprise"
"We need to expunge the idea that the Democrat Party is the political party that champions the working and average man. This idea is so far from the truth...
"The Democrat Party, today, is the party of corporate coercion and wealth; of rewarding their political benefactors and placing the most extreme elements of our society above every other demographic that comprises the United States. They are the party of Globalism and one-world government; of centralized government and authoritarianism. At every turn, they seek to attain more power over the people and, by doing so, to whittle away at our individual rights making the Bill of Rights a work of fiction.
"Today’s Democrats are, in fact, neo-fascists who use private-sector cronies to impose their will onto the people when their attempts at legislation fail..." --Frank Salvato - Underground USA – Less Government. More Freedom
"The Democrat Party, today, is the party of corporate coercion and wealth; of rewarding their political benefactors and placing the most extreme elements of our society above every other demographic that comprises the United States. They are the party of Globalism and one-world government; of centralized government and authoritarianism. At every turn, they seek to attain more power over the people and, by doing so, to whittle away at our individual rights making the Bill of Rights a work of fiction.
"Today’s Democrats are, in fact, neo-fascists who use private-sector cronies to impose their will onto the people when their attempts at legislation fail..." --Frank Salvato - Underground USA – Less Government. More Freedom
In October 2023 the HAMAS terrorist organization declared war on the people of Israel. “This is a global issue, and it involves Barack Obama and Joe Biden... Barack Obama provided all this funding to Iran… Iran was given billions of dollars in laundered currency by Obama who flew the cash in, quite literally, on a US cargo military plane, and violated all kinds of international money laundering laws in order to do that.
“That was all done before Trump, and at the same time Obama also arranged for Iran to capture a US military drone, to have it land at the airport in Tehran, so the Iranians could reverse-engineer it and get drone technology, which Iran is now using to mass-manufacture drones that are being purchased by Russia and used against Ukraine.
“So that’s all Barack Obama, by the way. And now, under Joe Biden, who is of course a puppet controlled by Barack Obama, under Joe Biden more money, billions of dollars, were released to Iran, and as a result of that there’s more funding for HAMAS, because Iran is funding HAMAS and HAMAS just fired five thousand rockets into Israel killing many Israeli people, and HAMAS is stockpiling tens of thousands of such rockets, many of which are paid for, indirectly, by the United States of America.
“So just to summarize: Israel is being attacked by the HAMAS terrorists, who have been funded by the United States government, under Barack Obama and Joe Biden...” --Mike Adams, HAMAS attacks on Israel prove the rules of warfare have drastically shifted
“That was all done before Trump, and at the same time Obama also arranged for Iran to capture a US military drone, to have it land at the airport in Tehran, so the Iranians could reverse-engineer it and get drone technology, which Iran is now using to mass-manufacture drones that are being purchased by Russia and used against Ukraine.
“So that’s all Barack Obama, by the way. And now, under Joe Biden, who is of course a puppet controlled by Barack Obama, under Joe Biden more money, billions of dollars, were released to Iran, and as a result of that there’s more funding for HAMAS, because Iran is funding HAMAS and HAMAS just fired five thousand rockets into Israel killing many Israeli people, and HAMAS is stockpiling tens of thousands of such rockets, many of which are paid for, indirectly, by the United States of America.
“So just to summarize: Israel is being attacked by the HAMAS terrorists, who have been funded by the United States government, under Barack Obama and Joe Biden...” --Mike Adams, HAMAS attacks on Israel prove the rules of warfare have drastically shifted
Are You Ready For the Next Scamdemic? (part I)
"The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus (the
Coronavirus Psyop), because without the concept of Germ Theory and
without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not
buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda..."
--Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception
Coronavirus Psyop), because without the concept of Germ Theory and
without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not
buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda..."
--Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception
"In this September 1, 2023, Highwire interview, Dr. Meryl Nass, a biowarfare and epidemics expert, exposes the threat posed by the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs), which add to and further strengthen the WHO’s powers under the treaty. The WHO’s One Health agenda is also part of this power grab.
"Nass also recently published an article, "The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Manmade Pandemics," in which she reviews the history of biological warfare and the role of gain-of-function research, where we are right now, and what the Globalists’ plan for our future is. It’s imperative everyone understand what the plan is, because we can only stop it by rejecting it en masse...
"So, what is the Globalists plan for our future? Summarized into as few words as possible: global dominion by the few and total control of the masses.
"As explained by Nass, the COVID pandemic showed us that the technocratic cabal has control over most if not all Western governments. World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab has even bragged about how his Young Global Leaders have 'penetrated' governments of the world.
"The technocratic cabal also has control over the bureaucratic structure of the WHO. Eighty-five percent of the WHO’s funding comes from private entities, most of which is earmarked for specific programs. 'So, the WHO is already owned by private interests,' Nass says...
"Based on the current treaty draft and proposed IHR amendments, it’s clear that mRNA-based vaccinations will be mandatory under the WHO’s power structure, and these vaccines will be made in 100 days rather than 10 years by skipping human trials and shaving safety and efficacy testing down to the bare bones.
"The WHO will also decide which medications can be used in medical emergencies, and which you cannot have. In other words, the WHO director-general will decide the health care for every person in every member state, and your local doctor will be required to follow his edicts. You’ll have no medical freedom or bodily autonomy anymore...
"The bottom line is, our health agencies are not protecting us. They’re controlled by private, Globalists interests, and they’re selling us out..." --Dr. Mercola, Global Takeover Advances To FInal Stages
"Nass also recently published an article, "The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Manmade Pandemics," in which she reviews the history of biological warfare and the role of gain-of-function research, where we are right now, and what the Globalists’ plan for our future is. It’s imperative everyone understand what the plan is, because we can only stop it by rejecting it en masse...
"So, what is the Globalists plan for our future? Summarized into as few words as possible: global dominion by the few and total control of the masses.
"As explained by Nass, the COVID pandemic showed us that the technocratic cabal has control over most if not all Western governments. World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab has even bragged about how his Young Global Leaders have 'penetrated' governments of the world.
"The technocratic cabal also has control over the bureaucratic structure of the WHO. Eighty-five percent of the WHO’s funding comes from private entities, most of which is earmarked for specific programs. 'So, the WHO is already owned by private interests,' Nass says...
"Based on the current treaty draft and proposed IHR amendments, it’s clear that mRNA-based vaccinations will be mandatory under the WHO’s power structure, and these vaccines will be made in 100 days rather than 10 years by skipping human trials and shaving safety and efficacy testing down to the bare bones.
"The WHO will also decide which medications can be used in medical emergencies, and which you cannot have. In other words, the WHO director-general will decide the health care for every person in every member state, and your local doctor will be required to follow his edicts. You’ll have no medical freedom or bodily autonomy anymore...
"The bottom line is, our health agencies are not protecting us. They’re controlled by private, Globalists interests, and they’re selling us out..." --Dr. Mercola, Global Takeover Advances To FInal Stages
Max Igan: “They’re locking us all down folks. That’s what the scamdemic was about, it’s all about moving it into Climate Change… We predicted this over a year ago that they were going to use all of the COVID guidelines as a guise in protecting us from Climate Change. And now they’ve got the people out there doing it for them. All these brain dead idiots who are out there marching and shutting the place down and calling for an end to fossil fuels. They're all working for the government folks and they don’t even know it..." --Max Igan – Building the Perfect Slave
Kerry Cassidy: “They’re just about to do another fucking lockdown… I can’t stand this shit, like I have no patience for that. So I have to say that I don’t think there’s time… I just think these people (the brainwashed sheeple), they’ve got to help us, they’ve got to help themselves. God didn’t put you on this Earth just to kick back and eat burgers and watch TV. I mean, that’s not what it’s about. So...I think you really need to step up at this time… We need our brothers and sisters, the closed-minded people, to start seeing and hearing the truth, and it needs to be everywhere...” --Kerry Cassidy - Guest On Awake Nation Round-table
But sadly, many of these obsequious sheeple did not learn ANYTHING from the first COVID scamdenic global exercise. Even to this day you can see these sad brainwashed creatures in supermarkets and medical clinics still clniging to their face diapers, or rather, their face diapers are still clinging to ther sad, sorry faces. Like good, obedient little sheep, they never really stopped wearing their muzzles. They believe that they are "protecting themselves" from the "killer virus" that is out there, lurking at large, just waiting to attack them at their weakest moment. Duh.
The fallacies in their thinking never occur to them, since they are so deeply brainwashed by the overt propaganda and the false authority of the Mendacious Murderous Medical Mafia, and are apparently all still getting thier "news" exclusively from the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media.
But those who are awake and aware need to "keep pushing back against the silly, stupid quack science mandates—the masks, the vaccines, the social distancing… Today we’re going to go through 10 things, 10 obvious lessons that every intelligent person should have learned from COVID 1.0. But, sadly, oblivious idiots still haven’t figured out these 10 things as COVID 2.0 is being unleashed. And why? Because it’s all an IQ test, folks. This is all a GIANT IQ test to see who’s stupid enough to keep going along with this…" --Mike Adams – Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 29th, 202
Kerry Cassidy: “They’re just about to do another fucking lockdown… I can’t stand this shit, like I have no patience for that. So I have to say that I don’t think there’s time… I just think these people (the brainwashed sheeple), they’ve got to help us, they’ve got to help themselves. God didn’t put you on this Earth just to kick back and eat burgers and watch TV. I mean, that’s not what it’s about. So...I think you really need to step up at this time… We need our brothers and sisters, the closed-minded people, to start seeing and hearing the truth, and it needs to be everywhere...” --Kerry Cassidy - Guest On Awake Nation Round-table
But sadly, many of these obsequious sheeple did not learn ANYTHING from the first COVID scamdenic global exercise. Even to this day you can see these sad brainwashed creatures in supermarkets and medical clinics still clniging to their face diapers, or rather, their face diapers are still clinging to ther sad, sorry faces. Like good, obedient little sheep, they never really stopped wearing their muzzles. They believe that they are "protecting themselves" from the "killer virus" that is out there, lurking at large, just waiting to attack them at their weakest moment. Duh.
The fallacies in their thinking never occur to them, since they are so deeply brainwashed by the overt propaganda and the false authority of the Mendacious Murderous Medical Mafia, and are apparently all still getting thier "news" exclusively from the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media.
But those who are awake and aware need to "keep pushing back against the silly, stupid quack science mandates—the masks, the vaccines, the social distancing… Today we’re going to go through 10 things, 10 obvious lessons that every intelligent person should have learned from COVID 1.0. But, sadly, oblivious idiots still haven’t figured out these 10 things as COVID 2.0 is being unleashed. And why? Because it’s all an IQ test, folks. This is all a GIANT IQ test to see who’s stupid enough to keep going along with this…" --Mike Adams – Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 29th, 202
"Between now & the next election (if it occurs) this is an all-in moment for all of Humanity. We should all understand that things most likely will get worse. They need people in fear.
"If they try lockdowns again, everyone needs to collectively say KISS OUR ASS.
"Whatever it is that they try to throws at us, e.g. wars, variants, manufactured climate events— KISS OUR ASS.
"No matter what psyops they throw at us to divide us— KISS OUR ASS.
"Stick together & keep fighting..." MJTruth Telegram Channel
"If they try lockdowns again, everyone needs to collectively say KISS OUR ASS.
"Whatever it is that they try to throws at us, e.g. wars, variants, manufactured climate events— KISS OUR ASS.
"No matter what psyops they throw at us to divide us— KISS OUR ASS.
"Stick together & keep fighting..." MJTruth Telegram Channel
Addendum: Net Carbon Zero Enslavement of Humanity
"There's really a more nefarious agenda, and it's called technocracy and world government..."
Addendum: Rich Men North of Richmond
"I wish politicians would look out for miners, and not just minors on an island somewhere..."
Addendum: Just You Try and Make Me, Bitch!
"If you think for one second you're gonna force me to take any fucking thing...I will fuck you up!"
Epilogue: How To Defeat the Globalist Cabal
"So often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and we
never even know we have the key..." --Already Gone, Eagles
never even know we have the key..." --Already Gone, Eagles
“We are in a state of clear and present danger…(and) the focus needs to be on freedom; the focus needs to be on exposing these tyrannical parasites that are in the process of murdering our populations. 137 thousand people (are) vax injured in Australia, (with) reports of up to 6 million in the United States. And not just vaccine injured but many of these people have died.
“(And) while this is happening they’re destroying our economies, they’re wanting to bring in a digital currency so they can control what you buy. They want to inject this digital currency under your skin because of course it’s the only way to keep you safe.
“They’re injecting mRNA into your food now. This is a ‘brand new’ technology, they’re claiming, a brand new form of vaccine. It’s so safe and effective that we’ve had millions of people die around the world. We’ve had the most incredible amount of unexplained deaths—excess deaths in all of our countries. Oh, it’s just a massive mystery—nothing to do with the mRNA injection that we gave everybody. It’s a joke, folks.
“So you look at all this, and you’ve got to see (that) the only solution to this problem is us. And what we have to do is put down our belief that the government is acting out of stupidity, and that these people have any worth or value at all, and they’re worthy of any respect at all. Even if you respect the government system, how can you respect what these people have done for the last couple of years?...
“We are huge. We are billions and billions of people folks, and we could fix this problem very simply if we put down our shit with each other… In Lak’ech—I am another yourself; we are each other (and) we face a common foe. We can name the politicians as being the foe, we can name the Jews, name the bankers, name the Jesuits, name the Freemasons--whatever you want. Really, the problem is our compliance with these people. It’s our inability to say ‘no’, our inability to believe in our own personal strength, because you're scared of what will happen if you were to stand up.
“But what if you put down all your shit with your neighbor? What if you put down all your shit with the people next door and you all stood up together, out of respect for each other, and out of respect for freedom?… Everybody is in a state of financial hardship—can we agree on that? Everybody is being squeezed out of their homes; everybody is having to pay too much for food; everybody is being squeezed out of everything. Nobody wants this digital currency; nobody wants to do anything the government is saying but they’re all saying, Gee, what can we do about it?
“You can unite as one worldwide movement of people who care... Stand up against these people folks—they’re just people… We literally hold the key—we hold all the cards, folks. The only thing that keeps this whole system going is people’s misplaced belief in authority--the authority of people who know better than you who dictate what you can and cannot do in your life. Because of course they know better, and you better do as they say because they are the government. Government—guber mente—control the mind. It’s unbelievable folks. We’ve got to shake off the chains..." --Max Igan – It’s One Big Scam
“(And) while this is happening they’re destroying our economies, they’re wanting to bring in a digital currency so they can control what you buy. They want to inject this digital currency under your skin because of course it’s the only way to keep you safe.
“They’re injecting mRNA into your food now. This is a ‘brand new’ technology, they’re claiming, a brand new form of vaccine. It’s so safe and effective that we’ve had millions of people die around the world. We’ve had the most incredible amount of unexplained deaths—excess deaths in all of our countries. Oh, it’s just a massive mystery—nothing to do with the mRNA injection that we gave everybody. It’s a joke, folks.
“So you look at all this, and you’ve got to see (that) the only solution to this problem is us. And what we have to do is put down our belief that the government is acting out of stupidity, and that these people have any worth or value at all, and they’re worthy of any respect at all. Even if you respect the government system, how can you respect what these people have done for the last couple of years?...
“We are huge. We are billions and billions of people folks, and we could fix this problem very simply if we put down our shit with each other… In Lak’ech—I am another yourself; we are each other (and) we face a common foe. We can name the politicians as being the foe, we can name the Jews, name the bankers, name the Jesuits, name the Freemasons--whatever you want. Really, the problem is our compliance with these people. It’s our inability to say ‘no’, our inability to believe in our own personal strength, because you're scared of what will happen if you were to stand up.
“But what if you put down all your shit with your neighbor? What if you put down all your shit with the people next door and you all stood up together, out of respect for each other, and out of respect for freedom?… Everybody is in a state of financial hardship—can we agree on that? Everybody is being squeezed out of their homes; everybody is having to pay too much for food; everybody is being squeezed out of everything. Nobody wants this digital currency; nobody wants to do anything the government is saying but they’re all saying, Gee, what can we do about it?
“You can unite as one worldwide movement of people who care... Stand up against these people folks—they’re just people… We literally hold the key—we hold all the cards, folks. The only thing that keeps this whole system going is people’s misplaced belief in authority--the authority of people who know better than you who dictate what you can and cannot do in your life. Because of course they know better, and you better do as they say because they are the government. Government—guber mente—control the mind. It’s unbelievable folks. We’ve got to shake off the chains..." --Max Igan – It’s One Big Scam
"And some day Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history..." --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind