"We are in the portals of evil, an anti-human evil that is using human beings like toilet paper...like that
initial mind control moment when everybody ran out and bought all the toilet paper. That was totally
programmed. Don't people get how sophisticated this technology is? They think that we are worms;
they think we are chattel; they think doing anything to you is fine as long as you don't wake up..."
"These powers behind the scenes view us, the American people, as sheep, cattle, to be herded,
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as true
whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their
own without scrutiny." --Definitions and Translations
“It comes from people… (adenochrome)… Your planet is a farm, Jupiter. There are
thousands of other planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an
ever increasing demand for more time (in physicality)… Someone killed a
hundred people to make this (adenochrome), not unlike butchering
a herd of cattle...” --Jupiter Ascending (2015)
"Whenever I mention that 'they' probably want to keep us locked down, normies
(aka sheeple) always look at me as if I’m crazy, and ask: 'What do you mean
by ‘they’?” --Jordan Sather
"Americans have been lied to for a very long time. And some people
--the Sheep--they have no clue about what's happening..."
--X22 Report, Ep. 2378b, Silent Running
“Wake up, Neo… The Matrix has you…” --The Matrix (1999)
initial mind control moment when everybody ran out and bought all the toilet paper. That was totally
programmed. Don't people get how sophisticated this technology is? They think that we are worms;
they think we are chattel; they think doing anything to you is fine as long as you don't wake up..."
"These powers behind the scenes view us, the American people, as sheep, cattle, to be herded,
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as true
whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their
own without scrutiny." --Definitions and Translations
“It comes from people… (adenochrome)… Your planet is a farm, Jupiter. There are
thousands of other planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an
ever increasing demand for more time (in physicality)… Someone killed a
hundred people to make this (adenochrome), not unlike butchering
a herd of cattle...” --Jupiter Ascending (2015)
"Whenever I mention that 'they' probably want to keep us locked down, normies
(aka sheeple) always look at me as if I’m crazy, and ask: 'What do you mean
by ‘they’?” --Jordan Sather
"Americans have been lied to for a very long time. And some people
--the Sheep--they have no clue about what's happening..."
--X22 Report, Ep. 2378b, Silent Running
“Wake up, Neo… The Matrix has you…” --The Matrix (1999)
The Coronavirus Psyop (part I)
"Tell-lie-vision network news broadcasts are nothing more than
thought-shaping propaganda, and are simply the mouth-piece
for corporate tyranny..." --Brad Olsen, Beyond Esoteric
thought-shaping propaganda, and are simply the mouth-piece
for corporate tyranny..." --Brad Olsen, Beyond Esoteric
Thanks in large part to tell-lie-vision mind control programming by the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, the Controllers of Humanity were finally able to bamboozle the sheeple, I mean the general public, into actually believing the idea that there is a global outbreak of a deadly disease called "COVID-19" or "the Coronavirus." Yes, by and large the sheeple bought it, as evidenced by all of the covidiots still wearing their stupid face masks. They all drank the COVID Kool-Aid and so have become utterly convinced of this Deep State psyop. They completely fail to apprehend that "the COVID-19 pandemic is a global hoax of unprecedented proportions." --Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated On The Human Race!
"The world is currently witnessing one of the largest psyops in recent years. I speak, of course, about the media-induced mass hysteria surrounding Coronavirus. Despite the fact that at present 98-99% of people getting the virus recover, the whole world is losing its collective mind."--The Coronavirus Psyop
So "if you see someone who's acting like a straight up retard, stay away from them! All of these people who have gotten the vaccination, most of them are obedient, slave-minded morons. And they are telling the obedient, slave-minded morons to continue wearing a mask (even) after (taking) the vaccine, so usually you can spot them a mile away." --Nurse Warns To Stay Away From Vaccinated People
"Psyops only work on weak-minded (people and) nations which feel no sense of destiny and duty. A moral, upright, and informed people cannot be hoodwinked by baseless lies. Yet, if they become detached from their national roots, shed their heritage, and reject their God, then psyops can work to lead them this way or that at whim of the social engineers." --The Coronavirus Psyop
And with the demonization of prophylactic, effective theraputics like zinc, Quentin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine by criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and by the incredibly corrupt agencies like the WHO and the CDC, Big Pharma was finally able profit Big Time by the roll out the NWO Globalist's depopulation agenda "vaccination program," also known as U.N. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030.
"The truth about the deadly nature of the U.S vaccination programs, and especially this ‘COVID’ scam injection, is becoming abundantly clear, but more need to shun not only this lethal shot, but others as well. This is especially true concerning the very young, and all children that are subject to any public school system. They are the targeted ones, because if all are injected over their lives, they will be little more than state-controlled robots in the future. With that accomplished over the next generation or two, there will be no freedom whatsoever left to consider in this land called America." --The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, shows that there is no real pandemic and that the public-health practices being mandated are scientifically absurd. Then she reasons that, if obscene profits were the only motive for this crime, it would not be necessary to put so many exotic and toxic components into the vaccines. A simpler product could be sold at the same price with a greater profit margin. Therefore, there must be some additional purpose for the vaccines. She makes a compelling case that the end game is nothing less than human enslavement and massive depopulation – both of which are long-held ideals of those who direct the pharmaceutical cartel."--The Covid Con Game and End Game
"Another Doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors and scientists have said COVID-19 could never be 'isolated' and the CDC has had no proof all along.... The whole thing was a hoax to force people to take vaccines as part of a TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA ...as I have said all along." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
"We have now come to the firm conclusion, through all our research and lab work, that the COVID-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called COVID... I have yet to find a single viable sample of COVID to work with..." --California PhD Virologist proves COVID-19 does not exist:
So "if you see someone who's acting like a straight up retard, stay away from them! All of these people who have gotten the vaccination, most of them are obedient, slave-minded morons. And they are telling the obedient, slave-minded morons to continue wearing a mask (even) after (taking) the vaccine, so usually you can spot them a mile away." --Nurse Warns To Stay Away From Vaccinated People
"Psyops only work on weak-minded (people and) nations which feel no sense of destiny and duty. A moral, upright, and informed people cannot be hoodwinked by baseless lies. Yet, if they become detached from their national roots, shed their heritage, and reject their God, then psyops can work to lead them this way or that at whim of the social engineers." --The Coronavirus Psyop
And with the demonization of prophylactic, effective theraputics like zinc, Quentin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine by criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and by the incredibly corrupt agencies like the WHO and the CDC, Big Pharma was finally able profit Big Time by the roll out the NWO Globalist's depopulation agenda "vaccination program," also known as U.N. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030.
"The truth about the deadly nature of the U.S vaccination programs, and especially this ‘COVID’ scam injection, is becoming abundantly clear, but more need to shun not only this lethal shot, but others as well. This is especially true concerning the very young, and all children that are subject to any public school system. They are the targeted ones, because if all are injected over their lives, they will be little more than state-controlled robots in the future. With that accomplished over the next generation or two, there will be no freedom whatsoever left to consider in this land called America." --The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, shows that there is no real pandemic and that the public-health practices being mandated are scientifically absurd. Then she reasons that, if obscene profits were the only motive for this crime, it would not be necessary to put so many exotic and toxic components into the vaccines. A simpler product could be sold at the same price with a greater profit margin. Therefore, there must be some additional purpose for the vaccines. She makes a compelling case that the end game is nothing less than human enslavement and massive depopulation – both of which are long-held ideals of those who direct the pharmaceutical cartel."--The Covid Con Game and End Game
"Another Doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors and scientists have said COVID-19 could never be 'isolated' and the CDC has had no proof all along.... The whole thing was a hoax to force people to take vaccines as part of a TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA ...as I have said all along." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
"We have now come to the firm conclusion, through all our research and lab work, that the COVID-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called COVID... I have yet to find a single viable sample of COVID to work with..." --California PhD Virologist proves COVID-19 does not exist:
"COVID appears to only exist in the digital realm. It does not seem to exist in physical reality... The COVID virus that people are being diagnosed with via PCR, which is fraudulent.. doesn't seem to be real...This virus has NEVER been isolated. Nobody anywhere in the world has a vial of just SARS-CoV-2. There is no vial of COVID--it doesn't exist...as an isolated virus...the viral machinery component has NEVER been isolated...
"Essentially what the're doing is just taking people, running this fraudulent PCR test on them and detecting the common cold and calling it COVID. Which means they're moving people from the influenza or the flu column into the COVID column... Influenza was just re-labeled COVID because of the faulty PCR testing. So what you have here is...an admission by the FDA that no physical COVID-19 was ever used in the creation of the PCR test, which means the test is fraudulent, unscientific. And then an admission by the CDC that the test could not differentiate between influenza and COVID, and a request by the CDC to pull the test by the end of the year after they're done faking the whole pandemic, because now they have everybody on vaccines, and they can spread the spike protein through the vaccines...
"So if this virus doesn't really exist, what were people getting sick from last year? The flu. Did you notice last year influenza diagnoses and influenza deaths went to basically zero... Last year all of those people (previously diagnosed with the flu) were said to have COVID, and no one was said to have influenza. How can that be? How could influenza vanish from the planet? It vanished last year--everything was COVID. How can that be?...
"What I know for sure right now is that influenza vanished for the whole year of 2020. The CDC just said they're retiring that PCR test that had been used to diagnose everybody with COVID, and now they say they're going to differentiate COVID from influenza. So it looks like all the COVID cases from last year were really just the flu... People's lives are being destroyed over this fraudulent PCR testing that has no scientific basis.
"Are you starting to see just how insane this entire deception has been?..." --Mike Adams: Digital DELUSION: Zero evidence that covid-19 virus exists in the physical world
"Essentially what the're doing is just taking people, running this fraudulent PCR test on them and detecting the common cold and calling it COVID. Which means they're moving people from the influenza or the flu column into the COVID column... Influenza was just re-labeled COVID because of the faulty PCR testing. So what you have here is...an admission by the FDA that no physical COVID-19 was ever used in the creation of the PCR test, which means the test is fraudulent, unscientific. And then an admission by the CDC that the test could not differentiate between influenza and COVID, and a request by the CDC to pull the test by the end of the year after they're done faking the whole pandemic, because now they have everybody on vaccines, and they can spread the spike protein through the vaccines...
"So if this virus doesn't really exist, what were people getting sick from last year? The flu. Did you notice last year influenza diagnoses and influenza deaths went to basically zero... Last year all of those people (previously diagnosed with the flu) were said to have COVID, and no one was said to have influenza. How can that be? How could influenza vanish from the planet? It vanished last year--everything was COVID. How can that be?...
"What I know for sure right now is that influenza vanished for the whole year of 2020. The CDC just said they're retiring that PCR test that had been used to diagnose everybody with COVID, and now they say they're going to differentiate COVID from influenza. So it looks like all the COVID cases from last year were really just the flu... People's lives are being destroyed over this fraudulent PCR testing that has no scientific basis.
"Are you starting to see just how insane this entire deception has been?..." --Mike Adams: Digital DELUSION: Zero evidence that covid-19 virus exists in the physical world
"This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but an integral part of the proposed post-pandemic 'Great Reset,' Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19... The COVID-19 pandemic was 'just another social engineering project deliberately planned and implemented by predatory meta capitalism to achieve the ultimate end: redefining and re configuring the human nature and condition,' he argued in a presentation in Spanish.
“I have the firm conviction that this pandemic has been manufactured and its purpose is none other than to initiate...or implement the 'Great Reset,' which will open the door to the advancement of the Transhumanist agenda, he said." --Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists' 'Great Reset' agenda
Yes, by now it has been pretty well established that “there is no pandemic.There is a virus less deadly than the flu, fake prediction models, recommended treatments that are killing people, unreliable and contaminated test kits, ridiculously inflated death counts, and media-induced hysteria to push an agenda whereby the end goal is to enslave Humanity with forced vaccinations, microchips, and police state surveillance. This is UN Agenda 21 being played out in real life.” If you are one of the still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple unable to acknowledge this obvious truth, or a lying Deep State shill "fact checker," then this post is not for you. Nothing for you to see here folks... Kindly move along...
But for those of you who may have escaped being deceived and deluded by this blatant psyop, in this post we will continue to examine the nefarious nature of the so-called "global pandemic" and the relationship between viruses, vaccines and the (by all accounts) extremely detrimental 5G frequencies that the fascist New World Order Globalists expect to install everywhere.
"If you dig deep enough, some disturbing connections arise between 5G and the men who have developed or are developing vaccines for novel viruses like...the new coronavirus COVID-19..." --There's A Connection Between Coronavirus and 5G
“I have the firm conviction that this pandemic has been manufactured and its purpose is none other than to initiate...or implement the 'Great Reset,' which will open the door to the advancement of the Transhumanist agenda, he said." --Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists' 'Great Reset' agenda
Yes, by now it has been pretty well established that “there is no pandemic.There is a virus less deadly than the flu, fake prediction models, recommended treatments that are killing people, unreliable and contaminated test kits, ridiculously inflated death counts, and media-induced hysteria to push an agenda whereby the end goal is to enslave Humanity with forced vaccinations, microchips, and police state surveillance. This is UN Agenda 21 being played out in real life.” If you are one of the still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple unable to acknowledge this obvious truth, or a lying Deep State shill "fact checker," then this post is not for you. Nothing for you to see here folks... Kindly move along...
But for those of you who may have escaped being deceived and deluded by this blatant psyop, in this post we will continue to examine the nefarious nature of the so-called "global pandemic" and the relationship between viruses, vaccines and the (by all accounts) extremely detrimental 5G frequencies that the fascist New World Order Globalists expect to install everywhere.
"If you dig deep enough, some disturbing connections arise between 5G and the men who have developed or are developing vaccines for novel viruses like...the new coronavirus COVID-19..." --There's A Connection Between Coronavirus and 5G
The Dangers of 5G Frequencies
"Vaccines and now microwaves have often been used by Eugenicists, Technocrats
and Transhumanists to cull the population of 'undesirables' and dissidents. As 5G,
60 gigahertz millimeter wave towers get switched on in more and more cities,
they need a scapegoat for the mass deaths and respiratory illness that will follow.
They need you to believe at all costs that it is the Coronavirus and not the
5G towers."--5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
and Transhumanists to cull the population of 'undesirables' and dissidents. As 5G,
60 gigahertz millimeter wave towers get switched on in more and more cities,
they need a scapegoat for the mass deaths and respiratory illness that will follow.
They need you to believe at all costs that it is the Coronavirus and not the
5G towers."--5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
"Most people are in a trance. Most people are zombies. Most people are self-absorbed myopic children, even though they're 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, even 80 years old. They just want to go and stare at the TV and cuddle up with their little blankies and stay on their merry-go-round and microwave their Hot Pockets.
"Folks, we are being herded into the compact cities and they are putting the towers in. Now they're going to be putting in the micro cells instead of these huge towers that are already in place...
"What's coming is a kill grid, make no bones about it. These people tell your kids we're over-populated. These people that run things, like Mr. Gates, Prince Phillip, Mr. Rockefeller, the Rothschilds -- all these people talk about is how to reduce the population 95% down from what it is right now." --Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"Folks, we are being herded into the compact cities and they are putting the towers in. Now they're going to be putting in the micro cells instead of these huge towers that are already in place...
"What's coming is a kill grid, make no bones about it. These people tell your kids we're over-populated. These people that run things, like Mr. Gates, Prince Phillip, Mr. Rockefeller, the Rothschilds -- all these people talk about is how to reduce the population 95% down from what it is right now." --Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"We are in the midst of a silent war. They're not going to fire a shot folks. They're going to cook you, and they're going to do it with invisible radio frequency emissions that you are addicted to and in love with because your junk works no matter where you go..." --Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"We are being educated on the forms of science that they want us to consider valid, while keeping our education limited on those forms of science that may expose what they are trying to accomplish. We have PhD level biological and chemical scientists coming out of our ears, but there is no such thing as a PhD in MagnetoBiology. What's ManetoBiology? Exactly. It's the study of how electromagnetic fields (like 2.4 and 60 GHz) have impact on the human body and all biology in general...
"We know that 60 gigahertz has been released all across China because, like America, they too have decided to make that particular millimeter wave unlicensed. 60 GHz is selected to be the next unlicensed frequency and so We the People will be bombarded with it. That means that we need to know what it does..
"The impacts of 60 GHz are NOT widely published information but here's what I can tell you... 60 GHz has a very distinct impact on, none other than oxygen itself... 60 GHz is absorbable by oxygen.." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"We are being educated on the forms of science that they want us to consider valid, while keeping our education limited on those forms of science that may expose what they are trying to accomplish. We have PhD level biological and chemical scientists coming out of our ears, but there is no such thing as a PhD in MagnetoBiology. What's ManetoBiology? Exactly. It's the study of how electromagnetic fields (like 2.4 and 60 GHz) have impact on the human body and all biology in general...
"We know that 60 gigahertz has been released all across China because, like America, they too have decided to make that particular millimeter wave unlicensed. 60 GHz is selected to be the next unlicensed frequency and so We the People will be bombarded with it. That means that we need to know what it does..
"The impacts of 60 GHz are NOT widely published information but here's what I can tell you... 60 GHz has a very distinct impact on, none other than oxygen itself... 60 GHz is absorbable by oxygen.." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"Now the frequencies that they're deploying are weaponized frequencies... They have been feeding you lies for decades and decades and decades... You can't broadcast unless the FCC gives you a license. Now what they've done is the most harmful frequencies imaginable--the 2.4 gigahertz--that happens to be the frequency that he water molecules start to rotate on their axis when they're hit with the radio frequency emissions at that particular frequency. Why are they messing with the water molecules? Well, we're 70% water and they know what this stuff does.
"So what the FCC did is they opened up that frequency band, that part of the spectrum to everybody--you don't even need a license to broadcast on it. And you know what that did? That virtually ensures complete proliferation and saturation or radio frequency emissions in that part of the spectrum. In other words, they want to bathe you in the frequency that messes with the water molecules. Is that a good idea? That's not a good idea. Maybe you're not aware of this.
"So they got you addicted to Wi-Fi and your gadgets. They're doubling down now because they're coming out with the new 5G frequency.. The systems that are in place with these towers is so overkill it's not even funny... They got you addicted to these devices and now they're going to bring a new technology up...
"The FCC has opened up the millimeter wave band and they're going to be broadcasting on 60 gigahertz. Wi-Fi right now is using the frequency of water molecules. Their rotation on their axis begins at 2.4 gigahertz. In other words, that's the spot on the spectrum of the trillions of frequencies; that's the spot on the spectrum where the maximum dielectric loss of water begins...
"Well they're going to use 60 gigahertz for the new 5G and the new Wi-Fi. It's called Wi-Gig, Okay? You need to understand something. This stuff is wicked because 60 gigahertz is the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum... This is the frequency that the oxygen molecules start reacting to. So they're using Wi-Fi to mess with the water and they're going to use Wi-Gig and 5G to mess with the oxygen..." Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"The way that 60 gigahertz impacts oxygen is this: Oxygen, the atom, is 'O'. Oxygen the molecule, is 'O2', two atoms together. Now these two atoms are sharing some electrons. 60 gigahertz causes the electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, somewhat akin to how high powered microwaves (running on 2.4 GHz) are impacting molecules such as water in food. They are heating in part by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super-tiny water molecules is actually helping to heat the rest of the food." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"So what the FCC did is they opened up that frequency band, that part of the spectrum to everybody--you don't even need a license to broadcast on it. And you know what that did? That virtually ensures complete proliferation and saturation or radio frequency emissions in that part of the spectrum. In other words, they want to bathe you in the frequency that messes with the water molecules. Is that a good idea? That's not a good idea. Maybe you're not aware of this.
"So they got you addicted to Wi-Fi and your gadgets. They're doubling down now because they're coming out with the new 5G frequency.. The systems that are in place with these towers is so overkill it's not even funny... They got you addicted to these devices and now they're going to bring a new technology up...
"The FCC has opened up the millimeter wave band and they're going to be broadcasting on 60 gigahertz. Wi-Fi right now is using the frequency of water molecules. Their rotation on their axis begins at 2.4 gigahertz. In other words, that's the spot on the spectrum of the trillions of frequencies; that's the spot on the spectrum where the maximum dielectric loss of water begins...
"Well they're going to use 60 gigahertz for the new 5G and the new Wi-Fi. It's called Wi-Gig, Okay? You need to understand something. This stuff is wicked because 60 gigahertz is the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum... This is the frequency that the oxygen molecules start reacting to. So they're using Wi-Fi to mess with the water and they're going to use Wi-Gig and 5G to mess with the oxygen..." Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"The way that 60 gigahertz impacts oxygen is this: Oxygen, the atom, is 'O'. Oxygen the molecule, is 'O2', two atoms together. Now these two atoms are sharing some electrons. 60 gigahertz causes the electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, somewhat akin to how high powered microwaves (running on 2.4 GHz) are impacting molecules such as water in food. They are heating in part by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super-tiny water molecules is actually helping to heat the rest of the food." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"So in a similar way that 2.4 GHz causes H2O to oscillate, 60 GHz, even at lower power, is causing the electrons on oxygen molecules to spin. And as you might imagine, changes to the spin frequencies in oxygen electrons can have impacts on human biology.
"When you breathe in, the reason that breathing air into your lungs gets oxygen into your blood, and therefore important places like your brain, is because the oxygen entering into your lungs gets picked up by a very important, iron-containing protein in your blood called hemoglobin. But the unfortunate impact of the oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body..." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"When you start affecting the oxygen molecules ability to bind to the hemoglobin in your blood you can't transport the oxygen in your tissues... It also affects your ability to produce vitamin D. 60 gigahertz is a weapon--it affects the oxygen molecules and it affects your skin's ability to produce vitamin D. Your skin produces vitamin D when sunlight hits your skin and also the same thing happens when the sunlight goes through your eyes. That's why they go you wearing sunglasses and contacts so they got you blocking all the sun. They don't want you in the sun folks, they want you deficient..." -Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"When you breathe in, the reason that breathing air into your lungs gets oxygen into your blood, and therefore important places like your brain, is because the oxygen entering into your lungs gets picked up by a very important, iron-containing protein in your blood called hemoglobin. But the unfortunate impact of the oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body..." --Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"When you start affecting the oxygen molecules ability to bind to the hemoglobin in your blood you can't transport the oxygen in your tissues... It also affects your ability to produce vitamin D. 60 gigahertz is a weapon--it affects the oxygen molecules and it affects your skin's ability to produce vitamin D. Your skin produces vitamin D when sunlight hits your skin and also the same thing happens when the sunlight goes through your eyes. That's why they go you wearing sunglasses and contacts so they got you blocking all the sun. They don't want you in the sun folks, they want you deficient..." -Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"What they are calling the 'coronavirus' is acute, respiratory disease. And while you cannot believe 100% anything coming out of China, it seems to me that there were enough images of people suddenly falling over in the street that the CCP doesn't want people talking about or sharing, who had no other apparent illness.
"Coronavirus is not new. It's a cold, it's a flu. That's why it says on the side of hand sanitizers like Purell, and on the side of a can of Lysol, that it kills coronavirus. It's common enough to be listed on the most common disinfectants. But now, the Chinese government is admitting that people can have virtually no symptoms and suddenly fall over? Lack of oxygen can do that too... If your lungs are not putting oxygen in you blood, how long would it take you to fall over? Not long... Not long..." ---Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"Coronavirus is not new. It's a cold, it's a flu. That's why it says on the side of hand sanitizers like Purell, and on the side of a can of Lysol, that it kills coronavirus. It's common enough to be listed on the most common disinfectants. But now, the Chinese government is admitting that people can have virtually no symptoms and suddenly fall over? Lack of oxygen can do that too... If your lungs are not putting oxygen in you blood, how long would it take you to fall over? Not long... Not long..." ---Dana Ashlie, The Best News Regarding Coronavirus You've Heard All Month! Kinda
"Did you think 5G was for faster downloads and higher definition? Think again. Electromagnetic nanobots, once deployed in your body, can become activated by external electromagnetic transmissions from (frequencies) such as 5G, through your skin...
"The 5G frequencies are microwaves that affect water, with humans comprising 99.9% water on a molecular level. 5G microwaves have already been used to control human behavior as crowd control technology as directed energy weaponry by the military. None of this tech is new.
"Energy as weaponry has been used as infrasound and ultrasound going back to World War II. For more than fifty years, DARPA and the CIA have developed infrasound technology, such as the infrasonic brainwave amplifier, to manipulate the human brain and nervous system, and to cause physical pain without detection. American diplomats in Cuba were victims of infrasonic devices. Project Soul Catcher is a ‘no touch torture’ used to silence Americans by government. A list of energy weapon patents shows the breadth of uses against humans. Pulsative manipulation of the Nervous system is one such patent." --Generation Robot
So "they are going to roll out a 5G microwave weaponry system that is going to induce symptoms that people are going to think are a new type of virulent strain...some newly-discovered strain...and they're gonna have another shot ready for you and they're going to make it mandatory. Mark my words--that's the plan here." --Joe Imbriano Warned Us -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
"The 5G frequencies are microwaves that affect water, with humans comprising 99.9% water on a molecular level. 5G microwaves have already been used to control human behavior as crowd control technology as directed energy weaponry by the military. None of this tech is new.
"Energy as weaponry has been used as infrasound and ultrasound going back to World War II. For more than fifty years, DARPA and the CIA have developed infrasound technology, such as the infrasonic brainwave amplifier, to manipulate the human brain and nervous system, and to cause physical pain without detection. American diplomats in Cuba were victims of infrasonic devices. Project Soul Catcher is a ‘no touch torture’ used to silence Americans by government. A list of energy weapon patents shows the breadth of uses against humans. Pulsative manipulation of the Nervous system is one such patent." --Generation Robot
So "they are going to roll out a 5G microwave weaponry system that is going to induce symptoms that people are going to think are a new type of virulent strain...some newly-discovered strain...and they're gonna have another shot ready for you and they're going to make it mandatory. Mark my words--that's the plan here." --Joe Imbriano Warned Us -- 60GHz blocks Oxygen Uptake
The Graphine Oxide "Connection"
"Why is the world's population being forced to inoculate itself with an experimental drug of dubious composition, or rather, one that was forbidden to analyze by law? Why, at the same time, has the installation of 5G antennas around the world not stopped, regardless of quarantines and border closures? There are key pieces in all this, and it has been a matter of being observant enough to fit them together perfectly, and that is what La Quinta Columna has managed to do.
"Ricardo and Dr. Sevillano have discovered that there is a connection between 5G technology and graphene oxide —a component that causes magnetization in people and is included in vaccines-- in order to control the human mind.
"Sound like something out of a science fiction movie? At first glance, yes, but it is not..." --La Quinta Columna: 5G technology, graphene oxide and neuro-rights
"As promised, they have delivered; the results are mind-blowing. Their theories about the presence of graphene oxide in the vials have been confirmed: there is definitely graphene oxide in the vials...
"Ricardo Delgado clarified the following: 'First of all, we are not saying that we are anti-vaccine. The problem is that this is not a vaccine, this is a dose of graphene (oxide) to a person." --Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles
“La Quinta Columna found graphine oxide in Pzifer, but what’s come out recently (is that) graphine oxide has been found in ALL of the COVID shots… But there’s MORE in those shots… Again, they said, ‘Graphine will change the world! Graphine will be in everything!’ and they meant it... We believe that graphene was renamed in 2004 and they are using graphene and the graphene flagship as a Trojan horse in order to get graphene oxide poison into as many people as possible..." --SGT Report - Graphine Oxide – NWO Horror Show
"Ricardo and Dr. Sevillano have discovered that there is a connection between 5G technology and graphene oxide —a component that causes magnetization in people and is included in vaccines-- in order to control the human mind.
"Sound like something out of a science fiction movie? At first glance, yes, but it is not..." --La Quinta Columna: 5G technology, graphene oxide and neuro-rights
"As promised, they have delivered; the results are mind-blowing. Their theories about the presence of graphene oxide in the vials have been confirmed: there is definitely graphene oxide in the vials...
"Ricardo Delgado clarified the following: 'First of all, we are not saying that we are anti-vaccine. The problem is that this is not a vaccine, this is a dose of graphene (oxide) to a person." --Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles
“La Quinta Columna found graphine oxide in Pzifer, but what’s come out recently (is that) graphine oxide has been found in ALL of the COVID shots… But there’s MORE in those shots… Again, they said, ‘Graphine will change the world! Graphine will be in everything!’ and they meant it... We believe that graphene was renamed in 2004 and they are using graphene and the graphene flagship as a Trojan horse in order to get graphene oxide poison into as many people as possible..." --SGT Report - Graphine Oxide – NWO Horror Show
"Like any material, graphene oxide has an 'electronic absorption band'. This means that it absorbs a certain frequency that excites and oxidizes this material very rapidly, which attacks our bodies’ natural antioxidant glutathione reserves...
"Just as radio waves carry data, which your radio converts into speech or music, so too could 5G carry data and the graphine oxide in your body could (then) be manipulated. If in the brain, maybe you could be controlled. Even pain could be caused, or you could be snuffed out!!
"This frequency is in the bandwidths of the new 5G network at 5GHz. That is why the deployment of these towers never stopped during the pandemic. In fact, they were among the few services that were maintained, along with the heightened state security around them.
"We suspect that during the 2019 anti-flu campaign, graphene oxide was introduced in these vials, since it was already being used as an adjuvant. With the subsequent 5G technology trials in different parts of the world, the COVID-19 disease developed in the interaction of the external electromagnetic fields and the graphene oxide now in their bodies.
"Recall that it all started in Wuhan. This was the first pilot sample city in the world for the 5G technology trial in late November 2019. There’s a coincidence in space and time. Both the pangolin and bat soup episodes were used for distraction...
"5G: This technology cooked your eyes like eggs in WWII. These are assault frequencies of military weapons. It’s microwave radiation." --Graphine Oxide and 5G
"Just as radio waves carry data, which your radio converts into speech or music, so too could 5G carry data and the graphine oxide in your body could (then) be manipulated. If in the brain, maybe you could be controlled. Even pain could be caused, or you could be snuffed out!!
"This frequency is in the bandwidths of the new 5G network at 5GHz. That is why the deployment of these towers never stopped during the pandemic. In fact, they were among the few services that were maintained, along with the heightened state security around them.
"We suspect that during the 2019 anti-flu campaign, graphene oxide was introduced in these vials, since it was already being used as an adjuvant. With the subsequent 5G technology trials in different parts of the world, the COVID-19 disease developed in the interaction of the external electromagnetic fields and the graphene oxide now in their bodies.
"Recall that it all started in Wuhan. This was the first pilot sample city in the world for the 5G technology trial in late November 2019. There’s a coincidence in space and time. Both the pangolin and bat soup episodes were used for distraction...
"5G: This technology cooked your eyes like eggs in WWII. These are assault frequencies of military weapons. It’s microwave radiation." --Graphine Oxide and 5G
5G Frequencies Utilized to Cause Suffocation, Seizures & Death
“The spiritual warfare I have long talked about manifested itself in the physical world Friday November 5th... Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert was replete with New World Order Illuminati symbolism—at the front gate and on stage, including the now prophetic phrase, ‘See ya on the other side’… Was this all just a laboratory for a New World Order test as they test run their technologies for the zombie apocalypse in World War Z? It’s something to consider."--The Devil's Frequency - A Concert in Hell
In the above video Nyla Nguyen of 3D to 5D Consciousness presents some clips and her analysis of what really went down at the Travis Scott Astro World "concert". You cannot trust the mainstream media to give you an accurate report of this event. Reports from people on the ground at the concert say that hundreds of people died that night, not just eight as reported in the mainstream media, and thousands of people were injured. They describe it as a "concert from hell" and as a demonic, satanic ritual to harvest the souls of the concert goers. This was a "vaccinated only" event where 5G frequencies were utilized to cause suffocation, seizures and death of those in attendance.
"And you’re looking at the news, supposedly good journalists, completely neglecting the nano-bio-electronics, the frequency resonance dynamics of the hydrogel in the vaccines that are enabling this brain-cloud connection. So there is censorship, there’s omissions, and misrepresentations which in law, is fraud."-- SGT Report - Biological & Acoustic Depopulation Weapons
"And you’re looking at the news, supposedly good journalists, completely neglecting the nano-bio-electronics, the frequency resonance dynamics of the hydrogel in the vaccines that are enabling this brain-cloud connection. So there is censorship, there’s omissions, and misrepresentations which in law, is fraud."-- SGT Report - Biological & Acoustic Depopulation Weapons
The Coronavirus Psyop (part II)
"As I have mentioned many times, the world has been engaged in a silent
war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The
COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to
reduce the world population to 500,000,000. We are in the ‘end phase’
of their clandestine depopulation agenda that is hidden in plain sight
for all to see, read and hear. The elite talk about it and they write
about it. These facts cannot be denied." --6 Billion
Humans to Be Killed by the Elite
war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The
COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to
reduce the world population to 500,000,000. We are in the ‘end phase’
of their clandestine depopulation agenda that is hidden in plain sight
for all to see, read and hear. The elite talk about it and they write
about it. These facts cannot be denied." --6 Billion
Humans to Be Killed by the Elite
Mike Adams: "COVID appears to only exist in the digital realm. It does not seem to exist in physical reality... The COVID virus that people are being diagnosed with via PCR, which is fraudulent.. doesn't seem to be real... This virus has NEVER been isolated. Nobody anywhere in the world has a vial of just SARS-CoV-2. There is no vial of COVID--it doesn't exist...as an isolated virus...the viral machinery component has NEVER been isolated...
"This admission (by the CDC) is absolutely huge. It is an admission that the entire PCR test upon which this 'pandemic' has been based, this PCR test NEVER tested COVID. It wasn't quality-controlled against COVID. They never even had COVID in developing the test and they admit it...
"What they (the CDC) are saying is that until now, the old PCR tests, that is, the original one, that they [the CDC] are pulling, has NOT been able to differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. It has NOT been able to tell the difference. In other words, the entire COVID 'pandemic' has been nothing but bad PCR testing that was actually detecting the common cold, either influenza or common coronaviruses and then labeling it (as) COVID...
"Essentially what the're doing is just taking people, running this fraudulent PCR test on them and detecting the common cold and calling it COVID. Which means they're moving people from the influenza or the flu column into the COVID column... " --Mike Adams: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in the physical world
"Influenza was just re-labeled COVID because of the faulty PCR testing. So what you have here is...an admission by the FDA that no physical COVID-19 was ever used in the creation of the PCR test, which means the test is fraudulent, unscientific. And then an admission by the CDC that the test could not differentiate between influenza and COVID, and a request by the CDC to pull the test by the end of the year after they're done faking the whole pandemic, because now they have everybody on vaccines, and they can spread the spike protein through the vaccines...
"And then, after people are 'vaccinated', which means they're being injected with these weaponized nano-particles, then they are shocked when they later test positive for COVID. Well, they were injected with the spike protein... If you were injected with spike protein it should not be a shocker that you then test positive for the spike protein. Does that mean that you then 'have a virus' known as COVID? I don't think so...
"So if this virus doesn't really exist, what were people getting sick from last year? The flu. Did you notice last year influenza diagnoses and influenza deaths went to basically zero... Last year all of those people (previously diagnosed with the flu) were said to have COVID, and no one was said to have influenza. How can that be? How could influenza vanish from the planet? It vanished last year--everything was COVID. How can that be?...
"No one has ever isolated COVID-19--that's the bottom line here, the astonishing conclusion. It doesn't seem to exist in the real world. The media has been running just a massive fear campaign to make people fear this virus, but no lab, no scientist, no doctor can produce it. And even if you look at what's in he vaccines, it's mostly graphine oxide and spike proteins. Like, where's the virus, the weakened virus?" --Mike Adams: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in the physical world
"What they (the CDC) are saying is that until now, the old PCR tests, that is, the original one, that they [the CDC] are pulling, has NOT been able to differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. It has NOT been able to tell the difference. In other words, the entire COVID 'pandemic' has been nothing but bad PCR testing that was actually detecting the common cold, either influenza or common coronaviruses and then labeling it (as) COVID...
"Essentially what the're doing is just taking people, running this fraudulent PCR test on them and detecting the common cold and calling it COVID. Which means they're moving people from the influenza or the flu column into the COVID column... " --Mike Adams: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in the physical world
"Influenza was just re-labeled COVID because of the faulty PCR testing. So what you have here is...an admission by the FDA that no physical COVID-19 was ever used in the creation of the PCR test, which means the test is fraudulent, unscientific. And then an admission by the CDC that the test could not differentiate between influenza and COVID, and a request by the CDC to pull the test by the end of the year after they're done faking the whole pandemic, because now they have everybody on vaccines, and they can spread the spike protein through the vaccines...
"And then, after people are 'vaccinated', which means they're being injected with these weaponized nano-particles, then they are shocked when they later test positive for COVID. Well, they were injected with the spike protein... If you were injected with spike protein it should not be a shocker that you then test positive for the spike protein. Does that mean that you then 'have a virus' known as COVID? I don't think so...
"So if this virus doesn't really exist, what were people getting sick from last year? The flu. Did you notice last year influenza diagnoses and influenza deaths went to basically zero... Last year all of those people (previously diagnosed with the flu) were said to have COVID, and no one was said to have influenza. How can that be? How could influenza vanish from the planet? It vanished last year--everything was COVID. How can that be?...
"No one has ever isolated COVID-19--that's the bottom line here, the astonishing conclusion. It doesn't seem to exist in the real world. The media has been running just a massive fear campaign to make people fear this virus, but no lab, no scientist, no doctor can produce it. And even if you look at what's in he vaccines, it's mostly graphine oxide and spike proteins. Like, where's the virus, the weakened virus?" --Mike Adams: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in the physical world
"In short, common cold viruses and monkey virus fragments found in flu shots are being mislabeled 'COVID,' and there is a weaponized spike protein bioweapon that’s being distributed via vaccine injections. That’s all real. But there’s no such thing as a real, physical, isolated COVID-19 virus that has been harvested from sick people and shown to infect other people and make them sick. What we’re really witnessing here, it now seems, is three distinct things:
1) A cocktail of common cold viruses labeled “COVID” which are circulating and causing sickness in some people, most likely because of the lack of immune system exposure to wild type viruses during all the global lock-downs.
2) A weaponized spike protein toxic nanoparticle that’s being injected into people as a 'clot shot'…and it’s likely shedding, causing harmful side effects in other, unvaccinated people.
3) A wholly fraudulent PCR 'casedemic' scheme that’s designed to flag almost anyone as 'positive' based almost entirely on how many cycles the PCR sample prep instruments are instructed to carry out, thereby amplifying instrument noise to the point of a 'positive' hit. Almost anything can be flagged as 'positive,' including genetic material fragments from previous years’ flu shots.
"These three things — combined with the media’s mass hysteria programming — have achieved a level of global fear and psychological terrorism that the world has never seen before. But it’s all based on lies, it turns out..." --Mike Adams, BOMBSHELL: the CDC has never isolated any 'COVID-19 virus'…the global HOAX is rapidly unraveling
1) A cocktail of common cold viruses labeled “COVID” which are circulating and causing sickness in some people, most likely because of the lack of immune system exposure to wild type viruses during all the global lock-downs.
2) A weaponized spike protein toxic nanoparticle that’s being injected into people as a 'clot shot'…and it’s likely shedding, causing harmful side effects in other, unvaccinated people.
3) A wholly fraudulent PCR 'casedemic' scheme that’s designed to flag almost anyone as 'positive' based almost entirely on how many cycles the PCR sample prep instruments are instructed to carry out, thereby amplifying instrument noise to the point of a 'positive' hit. Almost anything can be flagged as 'positive,' including genetic material fragments from previous years’ flu shots.
"These three things — combined with the media’s mass hysteria programming — have achieved a level of global fear and psychological terrorism that the world has never seen before. But it’s all based on lies, it turns out..." --Mike Adams, BOMBSHELL: the CDC has never isolated any 'COVID-19 virus'…the global HOAX is rapidly unraveling
"There is no COVID virus. There are spike protein nano-particles, and that's what was developed...in the lab. I don't think there's a SARS-CoV-2 virus at all. I think it's just a re-branding of a different kind of influenza...The whole thing is staged but the FEAR is real. That's what the media is really good at is pushing the fear. And then they fake like the hospitals are full when they're not. And they pay the social media influencers to all say the same thing...
"Are you starting to see how insane this entire deception has been?..." --Mike Adams: Digital DELUSION: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in the physical world
"Are you starting to see how insane this entire deception has been?..." --Mike Adams: Digital DELUSION: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in the physical world
Vaccines and the Globalist Depopulation Agenda (part I)
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
In my previous post entitled Viruses, Vaccines and 5G Frequencies I touched on the QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM that is currently being used in the War Against Humanity as delineated by the excellent website State of the Nation. According to State of the Nation, the War Against Humanity and the War On Consciousness are being waged on multiple simultaneous fronts--(1) the COVID-19 Bioweapon; (2) the 5G Energy Weapon; (3) the Chemtrail Chemical Weapon; and (4) the Flu Vaccine Hybrid Weapon. I would also add GMO Foods and engineered food shortages, weather warfare (HAARP), the alien Artificial Intelligence, hydrogel nano-technology, and voluminous toxins in our environment and hygiene products as additional assaults on the sanctity of the health and well-being of the Human population.
"Just look at the global pharmaceutical industry base going back to the Rockefeller Convention with John D Rockefeller, that fetid serpent... From John Rockefeller all the way through to (Bill) Gates and Anthony Fauci, you've got a clear line of pure wizardry and witchery that has been engineered by these Draconian bloodlines. Their function was to come in, to own and contain and control the alpha and the omega of human health and wellness and nutrition, up to and including the agro-chemical industries where they could, with impunity, saturate the air, the water and the soil with chemical poisons, and bring about a wholesale poisoning of all biological systems on this planet..." --Carly & Julia speak with the Incomparable Sasha Stone
"Just look at the global pharmaceutical industry base going back to the Rockefeller Convention with John D Rockefeller, that fetid serpent... From John Rockefeller all the way through to (Bill) Gates and Anthony Fauci, you've got a clear line of pure wizardry and witchery that has been engineered by these Draconian bloodlines. Their function was to come in, to own and contain and control the alpha and the omega of human health and wellness and nutrition, up to and including the agro-chemical industries where they could, with impunity, saturate the air, the water and the soil with chemical poisons, and bring about a wholesale poisoning of all biological systems on this planet..." --Carly & Julia speak with the Incomparable Sasha Stone
"Those making these vaccines know these vaccines will kill you. They know science--they're not stupid. When you spend billions of dollars to build a factory to produce these vaccines you have enough scientists to know that antibody priming will kill you. And we have to face the reality of what is going on, that this IS the intention. The intention is to exterminate Humanity..." --Friar Alex Bugnolo, What We Are About To See
This post reiterates and reasserts many of the salient points of several of my previous posts concerning the PROFOUNDLY POISONOUS nature of vaccines and the genocidal intention of the medical mafia's vaccination agenda, and also adds additional information, insights, and interviews to expand and expound on the nature of the current assault on Humanity which seems to be occurring on multiple, simultaneous fronts.
Anyone who is still able to exercise even a modicum of actual critical thinking skills and does even a tiny bit of independent research on this topic, and can see past their (media induced) mind control programming and not just blindly accept the medical mafia's blatant propaganda, will also arrive at similar conclusions--that vaccines serve no useful purpose other than to destroy human health and the human immune system, all the while generating HUGE PROFITS for the Big Pharma pharmaceutical industrial complex. So if you are one of the still brainwashed and sleepwalking dim-witted sheeple who "believes in science" and is unable to acknowledge this obvious truth, then this post is not for you. You have free will, and if you want to go FULL RETARD that is entirely your prerogative. I'm sure that there is some newly released "variant" out there lurking about, ready to get you, so go ahead and take your "booster" shot that will more than likely "boost" you into an early grave...
This post reiterates and reasserts many of the salient points of several of my previous posts concerning the PROFOUNDLY POISONOUS nature of vaccines and the genocidal intention of the medical mafia's vaccination agenda, and also adds additional information, insights, and interviews to expand and expound on the nature of the current assault on Humanity which seems to be occurring on multiple, simultaneous fronts.
Anyone who is still able to exercise even a modicum of actual critical thinking skills and does even a tiny bit of independent research on this topic, and can see past their (media induced) mind control programming and not just blindly accept the medical mafia's blatant propaganda, will also arrive at similar conclusions--that vaccines serve no useful purpose other than to destroy human health and the human immune system, all the while generating HUGE PROFITS for the Big Pharma pharmaceutical industrial complex. So if you are one of the still brainwashed and sleepwalking dim-witted sheeple who "believes in science" and is unable to acknowledge this obvious truth, then this post is not for you. You have free will, and if you want to go FULL RETARD that is entirely your prerogative. I'm sure that there is some newly released "variant" out there lurking about, ready to get you, so go ahead and take your "booster" shot that will more than likely "boost" you into an early grave...
Vaccines and the Globalist Depopulation Agenda (part II)
This COVID is an invasion, it's an invasionary tactic. You could even call it a
softening tactic..." --Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
“If these people continue to take control of America the way they’re doing, you’re
dead! And your kids are fucked! What do you think this clot shot is?
--Pete Santilli interviews Juan O Savin
"There are a lot of people who believe in vaccines. They obviously
haven't read the real literature..." --Alex Collier, Webinar 120
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
"I'm not getting the shot! And I hope to hell everybody listening...isn't
getting the stupid-ass shot!... Because it's a stupid thing to get this
shot right now! It's an experimental drug and you shouldn't be part
of the experiment... It's an experiment to see if we will sit there and
take extermination--that's what it really is. To find out if America
will roll over and go away quietly... Bullshit! Slaves no
fucking more! Wake up America!" --Juan O' Savin
and America's Call to Action
softening tactic..." --Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
“If these people continue to take control of America the way they’re doing, you’re
dead! And your kids are fucked! What do you think this clot shot is?
--Pete Santilli interviews Juan O Savin
"There are a lot of people who believe in vaccines. They obviously
haven't read the real literature..." --Alex Collier, Webinar 120
"It is becoming more and more apparent that none of this was any accident or a
mistake at any lab. It is time to wake up and face what the elites are trying to
do to us now. They are trying to kill us all. The coronavirus vaccine is the
'final solution' depopulation weapon against humanity; Globalists hope
to convince BILLIONS of people to commit 'suicide-via-vaccine'..."
--Increasing Infertility Risks of COVID-19 Injections, Spike
Protein Shedding & Pfizer Is Self-Amplifying
"I'm not getting the shot! And I hope to hell everybody listening...isn't
getting the stupid-ass shot!... Because it's a stupid thing to get this
shot right now! It's an experimental drug and you shouldn't be part
of the experiment... It's an experiment to see if we will sit there and
take extermination--that's what it really is. To find out if America
will roll over and go away quietly... Bullshit! Slaves no
fucking more! Wake up America!" --Juan O' Savin
and America's Call to Action
In my previous posts entitled Creepy Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda and Viruses, Vaccines and 5G Frequencies I detailed how criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci along with the Deep State Globalists are currently embarked upon a War Against Humanity and an illegal agenda of global genocide via the roll-out of their "vaccine" mandates across America and across the entire world.
“And on our watch, we should not let a single Attorney General or US Attorney; we should not let a single elected official; we should not let a single public health officer get away with any public statement that does not confirm that this is a bioweapons program meant to destroy, maim and kill the citizens of the United States and the people of the world. This is a crime, and we need to start treating it like a crime, instead of watching a bank robber walk out of a bank and (then) calling the Uber for them. This is about getting Anthony Fauci cuffed and perp walked! That’s what this is about!" --Dr. David Martin
What exactly is the Globalist Deep State Agenda? To summarize the salient points of the work of Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Carrie Madej, Lisa Renee, Cyrus Parsa, et al., "The public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns." The actual agenda of the Deep State Cabal is to block the real healing therapies (like Hydroychloroquine, Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide) by demonizing these therapeutics through their bought and paid for puppets in the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, then push their deadly, toxic genocidal jabs on the global population as the only "solution" to the fake COVID scamdemic which they themselves created (Problem--Reaction--Solution), all the while covertly building the infrastructure for their deadly worldwide 5G frequency control networks.
And in the case of COVID-19, the mRNA "vaccine" is experimental, has never been fully tested, and is actually intended to depopulate the planet. This is NOT speculation or idle conjecture, or a "conspiracy theory", as many of the sheeple still like to believe. And if you're lucky enough to not be immediately killed off, sterilized or permanently disabled by the vaccines, then your body and mind will become "technologically possessed" through nanotechnology by the Artificial Intelligence 5G satellite networks, and you will become a zombified, completely controllable, programmable node in the Internet of Things (IoT).
That is, "if you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
"Aside from external threats of frequency manipulation, there is the threat of an internal army of tiny robots deployed in the privacy of your body. Nanobots inside the body means there is no privacy and no self-control. A bio-invasion of nanobots also eliminates autonomy over your mind even though government agencies already have the ability to decipher human thoughts via patent 4,877,027.
"Nanobots in your DNA via viral mRNA (COVID injection) represent a genetic bioweapon attack on the human landscape; body, mind, and spirit, at the nanoscopic level..." --Generation Robot
“And on our watch, we should not let a single Attorney General or US Attorney; we should not let a single elected official; we should not let a single public health officer get away with any public statement that does not confirm that this is a bioweapons program meant to destroy, maim and kill the citizens of the United States and the people of the world. This is a crime, and we need to start treating it like a crime, instead of watching a bank robber walk out of a bank and (then) calling the Uber for them. This is about getting Anthony Fauci cuffed and perp walked! That’s what this is about!" --Dr. David Martin
What exactly is the Globalist Deep State Agenda? To summarize the salient points of the work of Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Carrie Madej, Lisa Renee, Cyrus Parsa, et al., "The public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns." The actual agenda of the Deep State Cabal is to block the real healing therapies (like Hydroychloroquine, Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide) by demonizing these therapeutics through their bought and paid for puppets in the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, then push their deadly, toxic genocidal jabs on the global population as the only "solution" to the fake COVID scamdemic which they themselves created (Problem--Reaction--Solution), all the while covertly building the infrastructure for their deadly worldwide 5G frequency control networks.
And in the case of COVID-19, the mRNA "vaccine" is experimental, has never been fully tested, and is actually intended to depopulate the planet. This is NOT speculation or idle conjecture, or a "conspiracy theory", as many of the sheeple still like to believe. And if you're lucky enough to not be immediately killed off, sterilized or permanently disabled by the vaccines, then your body and mind will become "technologically possessed" through nanotechnology by the Artificial Intelligence 5G satellite networks, and you will become a zombified, completely controllable, programmable node in the Internet of Things (IoT).
That is, "if you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
"Aside from external threats of frequency manipulation, there is the threat of an internal army of tiny robots deployed in the privacy of your body. Nanobots inside the body means there is no privacy and no self-control. A bio-invasion of nanobots also eliminates autonomy over your mind even though government agencies already have the ability to decipher human thoughts via patent 4,877,027.
"Nanobots in your DNA via viral mRNA (COVID injection) represent a genetic bioweapon attack on the human landscape; body, mind, and spirit, at the nanoscopic level..." --Generation Robot
"What the media calls a 'COVID vaccine' is, in fact, a 'medical device' that programs DNA through an injection of mRNA. It is a mechanical device in the form of a very small package of fat-encased technology that is implanted and installed into human cells. Once installed, nanobots self-assemble and manufacture more nanotechnology. You might call it a Trojan Horse with an unwelcome gift. It is Artificial Intelligence over Natural Intelligence. All by design...
"Does this technology plug your brain, a biological computer processor, into an an artificial internet processor and power source, while disconnecting you from your spirit? Does each new encoding diminish your body’s ability to respond as it was created to respond? Can your new processor be hacked or shut down without your consent? Is your lifespan (now) managed by an outside source?" --The mRNA Operating System
"Does this technology plug your brain, a biological computer processor, into an an artificial internet processor and power source, while disconnecting you from your spirit? Does each new encoding diminish your body’s ability to respond as it was created to respond? Can your new processor be hacked or shut down without your consent? Is your lifespan (now) managed by an outside source?" --The mRNA Operating System
Criminal Psychopaths and Genocidal Bioweapons
"The 'vaccine' is not a vaccine but a medical procedure, essentially a bioweapon
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
"As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S.
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
--The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
"As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S.
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
--The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
It would appear that we are currently embroiled in an all-out War Against Humanity, a spiritual war for the bodies and souls of human beings, and for the soul of planet Earth. However "this war against Humanity isn’t merely a Globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans (like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci). Far beyond that. There is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization
"This is the most dangerous time for Humanity in the history of Humanity. Social credit scoring systems are being rolled out right now combined with massive censorship, media maliciousness, all the lies, the fake science, the fake news, the fake elections, and the fake history they are rolling out. This is a very dangerous time for all of us…
“The ICU’s are full of infant patients presenting with cardiac issues… All the mothers are fully vaccinated. We may be looking at...many many years of children being born with defects… This is going to be the next Thalidomide times a million. We’re gonna have children born with major defects, and it looks like it has already begun. The question is, How long can they cover it up? Because of course, the hospitals are murder centers, the doctors are medical murderers so they’ll lie, they’ll cheat, they’ll commit fraud—anything to cover this up so they can keep injecting pregnant women with spike protein vaccines that cause just unbelievable suffering and death of children. Because the doctors are demons at this point. That’s really what they have become, absolute demons. Like, literal demon-infested, anti-human lunatics...” --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Nov 11, 2021
“The vaccines don’t work, and those who took the vaccines are filling the hospitals and dying. And Fauci admits it, and he uses this explanation to say, ‘This is why America must urgently take the booster shot'… Aren’t you just shaking your head in disgust at that piece of crap Fauci? So how does another full dose of the same garbage that didn’t work the first time, how does it work now? How does it suddenly magically decide to work when it’s been failing all along?" --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"This is the most dangerous time for Humanity in the history of Humanity. Social credit scoring systems are being rolled out right now combined with massive censorship, media maliciousness, all the lies, the fake science, the fake news, the fake elections, and the fake history they are rolling out. This is a very dangerous time for all of us…
“The ICU’s are full of infant patients presenting with cardiac issues… All the mothers are fully vaccinated. We may be looking at...many many years of children being born with defects… This is going to be the next Thalidomide times a million. We’re gonna have children born with major defects, and it looks like it has already begun. The question is, How long can they cover it up? Because of course, the hospitals are murder centers, the doctors are medical murderers so they’ll lie, they’ll cheat, they’ll commit fraud—anything to cover this up so they can keep injecting pregnant women with spike protein vaccines that cause just unbelievable suffering and death of children. Because the doctors are demons at this point. That’s really what they have become, absolute demons. Like, literal demon-infested, anti-human lunatics...” --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Nov 11, 2021
“The vaccines don’t work, and those who took the vaccines are filling the hospitals and dying. And Fauci admits it, and he uses this explanation to say, ‘This is why America must urgently take the booster shot'… Aren’t you just shaking your head in disgust at that piece of crap Fauci? So how does another full dose of the same garbage that didn’t work the first time, how does it work now? How does it suddenly magically decide to work when it’s been failing all along?" --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"It’s so obvious at this point that this is not about public health, this is not about halting transmission, this is not about saving lives. The vaccines are about killing people. And Fauci just wants to make sure that you take part in his mop-up operation to inject as many people as possible with the KILL SHOT so that you die this winter or over the next few years from cancer, if the blood clots don’t get you first. Or if the Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) doesn’t get you.
“This is Fauci and the Associated Press carrying out vaccine murder, homicide, and conspiracy to commit a vaccine holocaust and they are all in on this. And we all have to ask this question: At this point, do you really feel sorry for the MORONS that are continuing to take the booster shot? It’s kind of like, haven’t they seen enough warnings at this point?" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
“I’ve written umpteen thousand words about the short-term problem with these jabs, but I’ve also been investigating the medium- and long-term dangers and what I’ve found is truly terrifying. This really is a cull. Most of the vaxxed will, I fear, be lucky to last five years…
“To be honest, anyone who still accepts one of these jabs should be considered suicidal or certified insane. Life expectation is going to fall dramatically, and not just because of the quality of health care that is deteriorating daily. I honestly find it difficult to believe that there are people around that are so brainwashed and so terrified by the lies they’ve heard that they will accept as many jabs as they are offered..." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman - Here's Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early
“Folks, you’ve got sports stars dropping dead on the soccer fields and the football fields and the basketball court, and the running marathons and the cyclists and the deep ocean divers and these people are dropping dead on video all around the world after taking the vaccine… And the hospitals are being overrun by previously vaccinated patients. How can any rational person, or sane person at this point, how can they observe this world and say to themselves, ‘Oh, the answer obviously must be that everybody needs to take another booster shot.' More poison, more poison! And then a third booster, and a forth, and a fifth--until they’re dead… At this point they have kind of affirmed that they want to commit suicide. It’s like they have chosen vaccine euthanasia as their path. They have chosen it. And it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for...an adult who keeps making the decision to take more vaccine shots. It’s kind of hard to feel sorry for them at this point. Because the evidence is right in front of them, that the shots are killing people, and they choose to remain BLIND.” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
“This is Fauci and the Associated Press carrying out vaccine murder, homicide, and conspiracy to commit a vaccine holocaust and they are all in on this. And we all have to ask this question: At this point, do you really feel sorry for the MORONS that are continuing to take the booster shot? It’s kind of like, haven’t they seen enough warnings at this point?" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
“I’ve written umpteen thousand words about the short-term problem with these jabs, but I’ve also been investigating the medium- and long-term dangers and what I’ve found is truly terrifying. This really is a cull. Most of the vaxxed will, I fear, be lucky to last five years…
“To be honest, anyone who still accepts one of these jabs should be considered suicidal or certified insane. Life expectation is going to fall dramatically, and not just because of the quality of health care that is deteriorating daily. I honestly find it difficult to believe that there are people around that are so brainwashed and so terrified by the lies they’ve heard that they will accept as many jabs as they are offered..." -- Dr. Vernon Coleman - Here's Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early
“Folks, you’ve got sports stars dropping dead on the soccer fields and the football fields and the basketball court, and the running marathons and the cyclists and the deep ocean divers and these people are dropping dead on video all around the world after taking the vaccine… And the hospitals are being overrun by previously vaccinated patients. How can any rational person, or sane person at this point, how can they observe this world and say to themselves, ‘Oh, the answer obviously must be that everybody needs to take another booster shot.' More poison, more poison! And then a third booster, and a forth, and a fifth--until they’re dead… At this point they have kind of affirmed that they want to commit suicide. It’s like they have chosen vaccine euthanasia as their path. They have chosen it. And it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for...an adult who keeps making the decision to take more vaccine shots. It’s kind of hard to feel sorry for them at this point. Because the evidence is right in front of them, that the shots are killing people, and they choose to remain BLIND.” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Check out these people flopping around on television... It's not the COVID that is killing people--it's the 'vaccines' that are killing people. The numbers have skyrocketed since the 'vaccine' was introduced. There are countless videos, just like this, of people dying after taking the 'vaccine'. Dropping dead...after taking the 'vaccine'... countless examples, more and more, every day. People are dropping dead on live television, during live streams, and they've all been 'vaccinated'..." --New BULLSHIT Variant 500 Times More Contagious Than the Previous Strain
"Those making these vaccines know these vaccines will kill you. They know science--they're not stupid. When you spend billions of dollars to build a factory to produce these vaccines you have enough scientists to know that antibody priming will kill you. And we have to face the reality of what is going on, that this IS the intention. The intention is to exterminate Humanity..." --Friar Alex Bugnolo, What We Are About To See
“Genocide is underway, and if you are unable to recognize the signs of genocide, that’s not a good survival trait... If you miss the signs of genocide as they’re coming for you, you’re probably not going to make it.” --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Rather than help 'save lives' as they claimed to do, eugenicists Bill Gates and Tony Fauci actually launched this global genocide that is still in motion. It started with lockdowns and business closures and has since progressed to mass 'vaccination,' the full impact of which still remains to be seen. The entire gamut of constitutional rights has been trampled on this past year in a way that we couldn’t have imagined even two years ago...(and) Fauci bears much of the responsibility for all this.
"By categorizing his endeavors as 'dual use,' Fauci was able to provide cover for his bioweapons endeavors by claiming they were for 'research' involving new 'vaccines.' It happened decades ago and it is still happening today, with the Chinese Virus being the current iteration... The reason Fauci has so much power is that his agency was supposed to be studying allergies and infectious diseases to get to the root cause of why they occur. Instead, he abused his post to conduct bioweapons research like some kind of homicidal maniac...
"Along with Gates, who also has a penchant for genocide, Fauci has been sending untold millions of taxpayer dollars to China and elsewhere to be used for bioweapons research... Since Fauci came into office, there has been an explosion of chronic disease, autoimmune disease, autism and other illnesses that never used to exist before he was installed into his position. How has he gotten away with this?"--Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns that Fauci, Gates are committing mass genocide against humanity
“Genocide is underway, and if you are unable to recognize the signs of genocide, that’s not a good survival trait... If you miss the signs of genocide as they’re coming for you, you’re probably not going to make it.” --Mike Adams - Update, Nov 15, 2021
"Rather than help 'save lives' as they claimed to do, eugenicists Bill Gates and Tony Fauci actually launched this global genocide that is still in motion. It started with lockdowns and business closures and has since progressed to mass 'vaccination,' the full impact of which still remains to be seen. The entire gamut of constitutional rights has been trampled on this past year in a way that we couldn’t have imagined even two years ago...(and) Fauci bears much of the responsibility for all this.
"By categorizing his endeavors as 'dual use,' Fauci was able to provide cover for his bioweapons endeavors by claiming they were for 'research' involving new 'vaccines.' It happened decades ago and it is still happening today, with the Chinese Virus being the current iteration... The reason Fauci has so much power is that his agency was supposed to be studying allergies and infectious diseases to get to the root cause of why they occur. Instead, he abused his post to conduct bioweapons research like some kind of homicidal maniac...
"Along with Gates, who also has a penchant for genocide, Fauci has been sending untold millions of taxpayer dollars to China and elsewhere to be used for bioweapons research... Since Fauci came into office, there has been an explosion of chronic disease, autoimmune disease, autism and other illnesses that never used to exist before he was installed into his position. How has he gotten away with this?"--Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns that Fauci, Gates are committing mass genocide against humanity
“The key element that allows people to see the truth is you have to resist belief in false authority. That’s the number one issue. The people who are brainwashed and suckered into all of this, the ones who are easily hypnotized, are people who believe in false authority. So they believe the CDC, they believe the science journals, they believe the fake news media. Those who can actually see the future and where things are going are people who, at a soul level have total distrust for authority, who challenge everything with their thinking. Critical thinkers are people who challenge everything.”-- Mike Adams Update, Dec 13, 2021
The Variant Ruse (part I) - Transhuman Genetic Modification
What better way to perpetuate the highly organized and premeditated Covid Plandemic
than to roll out a never-ending series of COVID-19 variants, strains and
than to roll out a never-ending series of COVID-19 variants, strains and
Roseanne Lindsay, ND: "Vaccine science has shown that viruses mutate to cause variants, and vaccines create variants… Variants are vaccine side effects, also called breakthrough infections by the scientific community. The cure is the cause. When vaccines fail, infections break through. The one thing the experts know is that 21 COVID variants are coming down the pipeline.
"Yet still, no one knows the true costs to health from injected spike proteins and nanotechnology inherent in COVID vaccines. No time for research. And no clinical trial vaccine data is available for people to analyze for themselves before making a choice whether to inject, or not to inject, because clinical trials continue, live, in the population. And experimental vaccines are being deployed by chosen vaccine makers who have never produced this type of medical product before.
"No responsible party for negative consequences. Vaccine makers are not liable for damages from their experimental products. Doctors are not responsible for reporting any adverse reactions from the COVID vaccines to authorities, even though the CDC-authority has a reporting system called The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS collects less than 1% of adverse events reports from medical doctors who fail to report them...
"Meanwhile, the PCR test that drives the numbers of reported cases up, along with deaths, surges, and fear, has been deemed invalid by the CDC. The CDC has quietly withdrawn its request to use the PCR test to identify COVID vs. Flu This means that no valid tracking test exists for the virus that was never isolated, and that shut down the world, eliminated jobs, and caused suicide, hardship and regret for neglecting elderly family members who died alone.
"If no valid test exists to track the coronavirus, then what does that say about coronavirus itself? Is it real? Is it corona virus? Or is it just a word masquerading as a virus? Is it a bacterium? A figment of someone’s imagination? What does it say about the power of 'the experts' and their mandates who attempt to track a figment?
"Yet still, no one knows the true costs to health from injected spike proteins and nanotechnology inherent in COVID vaccines. No time for research. And no clinical trial vaccine data is available for people to analyze for themselves before making a choice whether to inject, or not to inject, because clinical trials continue, live, in the population. And experimental vaccines are being deployed by chosen vaccine makers who have never produced this type of medical product before.
"No responsible party for negative consequences. Vaccine makers are not liable for damages from their experimental products. Doctors are not responsible for reporting any adverse reactions from the COVID vaccines to authorities, even though the CDC-authority has a reporting system called The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS collects less than 1% of adverse events reports from medical doctors who fail to report them...
"Meanwhile, the PCR test that drives the numbers of reported cases up, along with deaths, surges, and fear, has been deemed invalid by the CDC. The CDC has quietly withdrawn its request to use the PCR test to identify COVID vs. Flu This means that no valid tracking test exists for the virus that was never isolated, and that shut down the world, eliminated jobs, and caused suicide, hardship and regret for neglecting elderly family members who died alone.
"If no valid test exists to track the coronavirus, then what does that say about coronavirus itself? Is it real? Is it corona virus? Or is it just a word masquerading as a virus? Is it a bacterium? A figment of someone’s imagination? What does it say about the power of 'the experts' and their mandates who attempt to track a figment?
"There are no consequences for the those who take part in modifying the genetics of the whole population. Under conditioning through the media, social engineers are taking advantage of human ignorance, by modifying human behavior right along with the genome. As long as the population consents to the biologic invasion, humanity becomes a farm of genetic material, ripe for DNA harvesting. Yet, each human has free will and the power to say NO!
"You have the power to not consent to biologic invasion and takeover of your humanity. Simply do not consent to anything that comes from FEAR. Declare out loud. 'I Do Not Consent to manipulation of my biologic identity.' I Do Not Consent to harvesting of my property. I Do Not Consent. Say it out loud and know it because no one has the right to violate your property, your body, your DNA, your mind, or your free will.
"Under mind manipulation, whether through the media, through government dictates, through frequencies emitted from towers or devices, or through intimidation by others, it is important to maintain a strong mind and your willpower. Mind over matter has never been more critical. The Corona-agenda was never about a runaway virus or Greek covariants. The agenda is about creating a Transhuman variant out of humanity via conditioning to be controlled..." --Roseanne Lindsay, The Variant Ruse
"You have the power to not consent to biologic invasion and takeover of your humanity. Simply do not consent to anything that comes from FEAR. Declare out loud. 'I Do Not Consent to manipulation of my biologic identity.' I Do Not Consent to harvesting of my property. I Do Not Consent. Say it out loud and know it because no one has the right to violate your property, your body, your DNA, your mind, or your free will.
"Under mind manipulation, whether through the media, through government dictates, through frequencies emitted from towers or devices, or through intimidation by others, it is important to maintain a strong mind and your willpower. Mind over matter has never been more critical. The Corona-agenda was never about a runaway virus or Greek covariants. The agenda is about creating a Transhuman variant out of humanity via conditioning to be controlled..." --Roseanne Lindsay, The Variant Ruse
"In a truly free society, the freedom to choose is non-negotiable and not open to interpretation by science or by any other means. When we allow government to remove the principle of choice, it binds freedom itself to a contract and choice becomes obsolete. Natural rights are a birthright and can neither be given away nor denied by any government or court...
"The choice to keep your identity and power is yours and no one else’s, even in attempts to reset the world stage. The evolution or devolution of humanity is dependent on whether each individual chooses to be healthy or to risk disease, whether each chooses to be weaponized by a government entity, or not." --New Logic For A Global Reset
"The choice to keep your identity and power is yours and no one else’s, even in attempts to reset the world stage. The evolution or devolution of humanity is dependent on whether each individual chooses to be healthy or to risk disease, whether each chooses to be weaponized by a government entity, or not." --New Logic For A Global Reset
The Variant Ruse (part II) - Be Very Afraid!
"The new BULLSHIT variant has arrived, according to the (fake news) mainstream media, and it's 500 times more contagious than the previous strain..." --New BULLSHIT Variant 500 Times More Contagious Than the Previous Strain
"The OMICRON virus, according to a new study, is only transmissible through your TV set and the mainstream media--it's more BULLSHIT! --Alex Collier, Intel Audio Only
Yes, “the big news that is being pushed heavily, heavily by the (fake news) mainstream media is this new variant. Oh my God! It’s a new COVID variant—it’s called the B-dot-one-dot-five-two-nine. And all the media in a coordinated fashion are screaming about this new variant. It’s from Botswana, from South Africa. Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Get vaccinated! Even though the ‘vaccine’ doesn't cover this variant they’re going to tell people to go get vaccinated." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
"The OMICRON virus, according to a new study, is only transmissible through your TV set and the mainstream media--it's more BULLSHIT! --Alex Collier, Intel Audio Only
Yes, “the big news that is being pushed heavily, heavily by the (fake news) mainstream media is this new variant. Oh my God! It’s a new COVID variant—it’s called the B-dot-one-dot-five-two-nine. And all the media in a coordinated fashion are screaming about this new variant. It’s from Botswana, from South Africa. Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Get vaccinated! Even though the ‘vaccine’ doesn't cover this variant they’re going to tell people to go get vaccinated." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
"So I just wanted to give you the heads up on this. It’s just another chapter of the SCAM. They say, ‘Oh, it has 32 HORRIFIC mutations!’ This is from the UK Daily Mail. 32 horrific mutations? I’m like, Hey UK Daily Mail you got the wrong holiday, that was Halloween. You should have done that a month ago. This is Thanksgiving, enough with the horror. And they say it’s the most evolved COVID strain ever! And could be worse than Delta! An expert says it may have emerged in an HIV patient! Oh My God! It’s COVID AIDS!
“Um, you know what? Note to everyone: We already have COVID AIDS—that’s from the COVID ‘vaccines’. People get the ‘vaccines’, they lose their immune function, (and) they basically have Vaccine Induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome—VIIDS...
“The UK Daily Mail, Newsweek, Yahoo—they’re all trying to freak everybody out. Oh my God this could be worse than anything else in the wold! Because you see FEAR has worked so well to just coral everybody into (taking the) ‘vaccines’ so far, and into masks and so on. So this is their latest thing...
“And by the way, you know that it’s never going to end as long as people (sheeple) comply. If you think (that) you can obey your way into ending this—forget it! You notice how some countries are now dealing with the third wave or the fourth wave, and in Israel I think they’re worried about a fifth wave of COVID. The waves keep coming because they keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ and the ‘vaccines’ are causing the waves. And it’s NEVER going to end because they can always say there’s a new variant! This variant, is from Zimbabwe! This variant is from Hong Kong. This variant is from wherever. And they can assign new numbers to it. ‘Oh this is the c-one-dot-two-dot-seven-two-nine-four-five. Oh my God! And they’ll just add numbers until they make it sound really scary. It’s a variant! Oh, my God, it’s got lots of numbers! It’s got dots in it! One-dot-three-dot-seven-dash-A-seven-four-five-six. And it’s from this odd-sounding country! Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid!
“This is their whole strategy at this point—it’s completely insane. There’s no science to it whatsoever. They say they’ve only found ten cases in the world. Ten cases? Ten cases!? I thought they said this has infected billions of people? So ten out of, let’s just say, one billion...is point zero zero one percent? I mean it’s nothing! Basically zero. Ten out of a billion is essentially zero, almost zero. And we’re supposed to be afraid of this? This is just complete QUACKERY from the media, but it’s got to be used to push more ‘vaccines’. Remember the ‘vaccines’ don’t stop this, whatever ‘this’ is, if it even exists. “Vaccines’ don’t stop it. All the ‘vaccines’ do is give people more COVID, to cause more people to test positive (in order to) have another wave. The whole thing is a SCAM!”
“And so now the WHO has called a special meeting, reportedly, to discuss this new variant...to discuss what it may mean for ‘vaccine’ treatment. They detected 30 mutations to the spike protein! The part of the virus that binds to the cells in the body, which could have implications for ‘vaccine’ efficacy.
“So in addition to the fear factor of this, do you know what it’s also going to be used for? To tell people that their current vaccines no longer count. This is going to be used to cancel all vaccine passports and say, ‘Well, we have the new Botswana Variant, therefore, so sorry about you taking the vaccine already and getting your boosters and everything. It’s irrelevant now, you’ve got to start over with the new vaccines for the new variant’ which they will eventually come out with or claim to. And then they’ll say everybody’s got to go get those. Again—this cycle never ends!" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
“Um, you know what? Note to everyone: We already have COVID AIDS—that’s from the COVID ‘vaccines’. People get the ‘vaccines’, they lose their immune function, (and) they basically have Vaccine Induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome—VIIDS...
“The UK Daily Mail, Newsweek, Yahoo—they’re all trying to freak everybody out. Oh my God this could be worse than anything else in the wold! Because you see FEAR has worked so well to just coral everybody into (taking the) ‘vaccines’ so far, and into masks and so on. So this is their latest thing...
“And by the way, you know that it’s never going to end as long as people (sheeple) comply. If you think (that) you can obey your way into ending this—forget it! You notice how some countries are now dealing with the third wave or the fourth wave, and in Israel I think they’re worried about a fifth wave of COVID. The waves keep coming because they keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ and the ‘vaccines’ are causing the waves. And it’s NEVER going to end because they can always say there’s a new variant! This variant, is from Zimbabwe! This variant is from Hong Kong. This variant is from wherever. And they can assign new numbers to it. ‘Oh this is the c-one-dot-two-dot-seven-two-nine-four-five. Oh my God! And they’ll just add numbers until they make it sound really scary. It’s a variant! Oh, my God, it’s got lots of numbers! It’s got dots in it! One-dot-three-dot-seven-dash-A-seven-four-five-six. And it’s from this odd-sounding country! Oh my God! Be afraid! Be very afraid!
“This is their whole strategy at this point—it’s completely insane. There’s no science to it whatsoever. They say they’ve only found ten cases in the world. Ten cases? Ten cases!? I thought they said this has infected billions of people? So ten out of, let’s just say, one billion...is point zero zero one percent? I mean it’s nothing! Basically zero. Ten out of a billion is essentially zero, almost zero. And we’re supposed to be afraid of this? This is just complete QUACKERY from the media, but it’s got to be used to push more ‘vaccines’. Remember the ‘vaccines’ don’t stop this, whatever ‘this’ is, if it even exists. “Vaccines’ don’t stop it. All the ‘vaccines’ do is give people more COVID, to cause more people to test positive (in order to) have another wave. The whole thing is a SCAM!”
“And so now the WHO has called a special meeting, reportedly, to discuss this new variant...to discuss what it may mean for ‘vaccine’ treatment. They detected 30 mutations to the spike protein! The part of the virus that binds to the cells in the body, which could have implications for ‘vaccine’ efficacy.
“So in addition to the fear factor of this, do you know what it’s also going to be used for? To tell people that their current vaccines no longer count. This is going to be used to cancel all vaccine passports and say, ‘Well, we have the new Botswana Variant, therefore, so sorry about you taking the vaccine already and getting your boosters and everything. It’s irrelevant now, you’ve got to start over with the new vaccines for the new variant’ which they will eventually come out with or claim to. And then they’ll say everybody’s got to go get those. Again—this cycle never ends!" --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 26, 2021
The Variant Ruse (part III) - OMICRON Madness
Mike Adams: “OMICRON is a virus of the mind—it’s not a real thing. It’s an infection for the psyche of the people of the world. This is psychological terrorism being played out right in front of our very eyes. And the good news is (that) there has been quite a bit of push back against the OMICRON hysteria over the weekend. So maybe this is going to flop…
“Humanity has been psychologically traumatized in 2020 and 2021 to the point where it’s kind of like the whole population is being MK-Ultra-ed, subjected to this horrendous neurological trauma, and then taught to follow certain keyword commands. And a certain keyword will trigger you to do crazy things. Well, today the keyword is ‘OMICRON’, which sounds alien and ominous to begin with…
“It’s crazy. Humanity is told: ‘You must take this shot of toxic spike protein bio-weapons!’ And you say ‘Why?’ And they say, ‘OMICRON!’ (And you reply) ‘Oh yes, Master! We will obey!’
“Or they say, ‘You must lock your children down! They cannot emerge from your home for weeks!’ And you say, ‘Why?’ (And they reply:) ‘OMICRON!’… It’s this trigger word, and the population has been trained to totally freak out... We might also call this OMICRON mutation the ‘mid-term elections cancellation variant’ because that’s what it seems the Democrats are trying to do…"
“Humanity has been psychologically traumatized in 2020 and 2021 to the point where it’s kind of like the whole population is being MK-Ultra-ed, subjected to this horrendous neurological trauma, and then taught to follow certain keyword commands. And a certain keyword will trigger you to do crazy things. Well, today the keyword is ‘OMICRON’, which sounds alien and ominous to begin with…
“It’s crazy. Humanity is told: ‘You must take this shot of toxic spike protein bio-weapons!’ And you say ‘Why?’ And they say, ‘OMICRON!’ (And you reply) ‘Oh yes, Master! We will obey!’
“Or they say, ‘You must lock your children down! They cannot emerge from your home for weeks!’ And you say, ‘Why?’ (And they reply:) ‘OMICRON!’… It’s this trigger word, and the population has been trained to totally freak out... We might also call this OMICRON mutation the ‘mid-term elections cancellation variant’ because that’s what it seems the Democrats are trying to do…"
“OMICRON is a psychological campaign against the world, against all of Humanity. This is a virus of the mind. As far as I can tell, OMICRON does not exist in physical reality. It’s completely made up. This is an artifact of the fake news media trying to inject viruses into your psyche. That’s what this is—it’s a pandemic of misinformation in an age where the tech giants all claim ‘well we have to fight disinformation’ but yet they spread it most—they are spreading all the disinformation, hyping up, multiplying the message of OMICRON. You might as well call it ‘Oh My Cron! Oh my God! Oh my panic! Panic-Cron! Hysteri-Cron! They are the ones filling people’s minds with complete fiction designed to instill FEAR and bypass rational decision-making. That’s the whole point of this thing..."--Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 29, 2021
“Everything — repeat everything — officially claimed about all things flu/COVID and fed Mainstream Media followers is false and misleading with the worst of diabolical aims in mind.
“Since early last year, US/Western dark forces, Pharma profiteers and Mainstream Media co-conspirators abandoned science in pursuing the mother of all state-sponsored, health and freedom-destroying scams... State-sponsored/Mainstream Media-proliferated mass deception works. ‘No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as FEAR’ Edmund Burke observed...
“When endlessly repeated, fear-mongering smothers reality, obliterates reason, and facilitates social control. When the mother of all health-destroying scams needs a booster shot, US/Western dark forces roll out a new scariant.
“When the more scariant than variant DELTA showed up in the US/West early last summer, its arrival was all about pushing for more extensive toxic mass-jabbing than already. The same goes for the OMICRON scariant. Its roll-out came at a time when jabbing and re-jabbing slowed at the onset of cold weather months.
“Like DELTA, its aim is getting more people to self-inflict harm from kill shots designed for this purpose. As earlier articles explained, all flu/COVID strains are virtually alike, none more harmful or scary than others. Claims otherwise by official and Mainstream Media sources are bald-faced Big Lies in pursuit of their diabolical health and freedom-destroying aims.
“As planned in advanced — notably after DELTA’s roll-out and now OMICRON — Mainstream Media-proliferated propaganda was unleashed to promote greater toxic mass-jabbing — along with brainwashing the public more than already to accept further draconian freedom-destroying restrictions if and when imposed.
"As usual, the lying machine NYT is in the vanguard of spreading fear-mongering mass deception… The more kill shots administered, the faster destruction of public health and freedom can be accomplished...” --Omicron Sequel to the Delta Hoax
“And so in order to be cognitively immunized against this we have to number one realize that the media are all liars. Not only are they liars, they are complicit liars, they are complicit in the genocide against Humanity. They know what they’re doing—they are spreading disinformation in order to cause a panic in order to achieve global depopulation by pushing people into injection centers where they are going to be injected with spike protein biological weapons that cause depopulation and infertility and mutagenesis, cancers, and everything else. They know what they’re doing! They’re doing it on purpose..
“But if they infect your mind, they can convince you to go commit vaccine suicide. So this is kind of like the zombie test. Or maybe a better thing would be like a spell-caster test… But some people can resist the spells. But a lot of people cannot, they fall for it. They fall for the fear and then they go line up for the vaccine shot, which is of course a death shot, a depopulation injection. But those who can resist the spell say what? Are you insane? If the first two shots didn’t work, why would this booster shot work? Why would this variant shot work? Why? And that’s resisting the spell, saving yourself. And that’s what we all need to do right now is be resistant to the spells. Because that’s all the media is is a bunch of spell casters, a bunch of evil wizards trying to brainwash everybody with this terrorism, this meme, this virus of the mind. That’s all they’re trying to do at this point..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 29, 2021
“Everything — repeat everything — officially claimed about all things flu/COVID and fed Mainstream Media followers is false and misleading with the worst of diabolical aims in mind.
“Since early last year, US/Western dark forces, Pharma profiteers and Mainstream Media co-conspirators abandoned science in pursuing the mother of all state-sponsored, health and freedom-destroying scams... State-sponsored/Mainstream Media-proliferated mass deception works. ‘No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as FEAR’ Edmund Burke observed...
“When endlessly repeated, fear-mongering smothers reality, obliterates reason, and facilitates social control. When the mother of all health-destroying scams needs a booster shot, US/Western dark forces roll out a new scariant.
“When the more scariant than variant DELTA showed up in the US/West early last summer, its arrival was all about pushing for more extensive toxic mass-jabbing than already. The same goes for the OMICRON scariant. Its roll-out came at a time when jabbing and re-jabbing slowed at the onset of cold weather months.
“Like DELTA, its aim is getting more people to self-inflict harm from kill shots designed for this purpose. As earlier articles explained, all flu/COVID strains are virtually alike, none more harmful or scary than others. Claims otherwise by official and Mainstream Media sources are bald-faced Big Lies in pursuit of their diabolical health and freedom-destroying aims.
“As planned in advanced — notably after DELTA’s roll-out and now OMICRON — Mainstream Media-proliferated propaganda was unleashed to promote greater toxic mass-jabbing — along with brainwashing the public more than already to accept further draconian freedom-destroying restrictions if and when imposed.
"As usual, the lying machine NYT is in the vanguard of spreading fear-mongering mass deception… The more kill shots administered, the faster destruction of public health and freedom can be accomplished...” --Omicron Sequel to the Delta Hoax
“And so in order to be cognitively immunized against this we have to number one realize that the media are all liars. Not only are they liars, they are complicit liars, they are complicit in the genocide against Humanity. They know what they’re doing—they are spreading disinformation in order to cause a panic in order to achieve global depopulation by pushing people into injection centers where they are going to be injected with spike protein biological weapons that cause depopulation and infertility and mutagenesis, cancers, and everything else. They know what they’re doing! They’re doing it on purpose..
“But if they infect your mind, they can convince you to go commit vaccine suicide. So this is kind of like the zombie test. Or maybe a better thing would be like a spell-caster test… But some people can resist the spells. But a lot of people cannot, they fall for it. They fall for the fear and then they go line up for the vaccine shot, which is of course a death shot, a depopulation injection. But those who can resist the spell say what? Are you insane? If the first two shots didn’t work, why would this booster shot work? Why would this variant shot work? Why? And that’s resisting the spell, saving yourself. And that’s what we all need to do right now is be resistant to the spells. Because that’s all the media is is a bunch of spell casters, a bunch of evil wizards trying to brainwash everybody with this terrorism, this meme, this virus of the mind. That’s all they’re trying to do at this point..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 29, 2021
"The annual administration of a global COVID vaccination regimen is central to the creation of a COVID-1984 New World Order. Toward that end, the globalists will aggressively utilize the OMICRON scare to compel and coerce and con every individual to get vaxxed. Although an extremely mild variant, governments the world over will use this wholly manufactured and baseless panic to order new, and even more draconian, vaccine mandates. Just watch the fearmongering crescendo throughout the winter north of the equator.
"There is one hidden motive that cannot be denied. The COVID crime perps have already crossed every line (and they have gone way over those lines). Their exceedingly brazen, utterly reckless and shamelessly desperate scheme to jab every single person on the planet with a patently poisonous and lethal COVID 'vaccine' has backed them into the corner WITH NO WAY OUT!
"In other words, the NWO cabal and all of their COVID crime co-conspirators are in a VERY serious 'do or die' situation for the rest of their lifetimes. Either they permanently lock down everyone who is not killed during their incessant bio-war against Humanity; or, they will face the wrath of every populace on Earth. Many are even saying and writing that:
"They All Need To Be Hung — LIVE — On The Internet!" --OMICRON: AN OBVIOUS HOAX & GLOBAL PSYOP
"There is one hidden motive that cannot be denied. The COVID crime perps have already crossed every line (and they have gone way over those lines). Their exceedingly brazen, utterly reckless and shamelessly desperate scheme to jab every single person on the planet with a patently poisonous and lethal COVID 'vaccine' has backed them into the corner WITH NO WAY OUT!
"In other words, the NWO cabal and all of their COVID crime co-conspirators are in a VERY serious 'do or die' situation for the rest of their lifetimes. Either they permanently lock down everyone who is not killed during their incessant bio-war against Humanity; or, they will face the wrath of every populace on Earth. Many are even saying and writing that:
"They All Need To Be Hung — LIVE — On The Internet!" --OMICRON: AN OBVIOUS HOAX & GLOBAL PSYOP
Mass Psychosis in the World Today (part I) - Delusion
"We are living in times of great confusion and mass psychosis. And the worse part
of it is that mental illness is no longer an exception from the rules but actually has
become the rule. Normalized and culturally accepted, like alcohol, it is seen any-
where you look. Mad people appear on TV to tell the sane and law-abiding
citizens how to live their lives... We have entered an era of inverted reality,
where bad is considered to be good and good is considered to be bad.
People who should be locked up in mental asylums and prisons for
committing crimes against humanity are making global health
policies and dictate to the rest of the world how they should
be living their lives." --Psycho-spiritual Immunity
in the Era of Mass Psychosis
"Isn't it so blatant and in your face how now you can (actually) see a demon
in the flesh? This is a spiritual war folks. You can see these demons in the
fucking flesh on TV. I either see a mind-controlled empty container of a
human being, or I see a fucking demon. That's all I see now..."
--David Nino Roriguez - Shots Fired
"Basically the world is divided into people who are completely brainwashed
and people who are awake or waking up. And the primary issue with the
brainwashed people is that they don't actually want to wake up... The
brainwashed people have their free will and they've made their choice--
they don't want to wake up, they just want to stay asleep, and nothing
you can do will actually wake them up. And any kind of attempt to red
pill them has the opposite effect, and actually puts them further
asleep because they reject your kind of help. It's essentially
impossible...to wake up the brainwashed people. Anyone who
has tried that with their family or friends will know. They are
completely brainwashed and it's like nothing will ever
change that..." --The Matrix 4 Resurrections trailer
"I quickly despaired of attempting to educate them. It seemed
they didn’t want to know the truth. Tragically, they appeared
fully invested in their delusional belief system and acknowledged
having no desire to reconsider it. Like members of a cult who
have turned their backs on family, friends, and society, they
preferred this new life to the old one." --Mark
McDonald, The United States of Fear
of it is that mental illness is no longer an exception from the rules but actually has
become the rule. Normalized and culturally accepted, like alcohol, it is seen any-
where you look. Mad people appear on TV to tell the sane and law-abiding
citizens how to live their lives... We have entered an era of inverted reality,
where bad is considered to be good and good is considered to be bad.
People who should be locked up in mental asylums and prisons for
committing crimes against humanity are making global health
policies and dictate to the rest of the world how they should
be living their lives." --Psycho-spiritual Immunity
in the Era of Mass Psychosis
"Isn't it so blatant and in your face how now you can (actually) see a demon
in the flesh? This is a spiritual war folks. You can see these demons in the
fucking flesh on TV. I either see a mind-controlled empty container of a
human being, or I see a fucking demon. That's all I see now..."
--David Nino Roriguez - Shots Fired
"Basically the world is divided into people who are completely brainwashed
and people who are awake or waking up. And the primary issue with the
brainwashed people is that they don't actually want to wake up... The
brainwashed people have their free will and they've made their choice--
they don't want to wake up, they just want to stay asleep, and nothing
you can do will actually wake them up. And any kind of attempt to red
pill them has the opposite effect, and actually puts them further
asleep because they reject your kind of help. It's essentially
impossible...to wake up the brainwashed people. Anyone who
has tried that with their family or friends will know. They are
completely brainwashed and it's like nothing will ever
change that..." --The Matrix 4 Resurrections trailer
"I quickly despaired of attempting to educate them. It seemed
they didn’t want to know the truth. Tragically, they appeared
fully invested in their delusional belief system and acknowledged
having no desire to reconsider it. Like members of a cult who
have turned their backs on family, friends, and society, they
preferred this new life to the old one." --Mark
McDonald, The United States of Fear
"It does not take a conspiratorial mind to come to the conclusion that all of the craziness we’re seeing around us in America today is being driven by something unlike anything we’ve dealt with in our lifetimes. For those of us who recognize certain realities that are being dismissed by the masses, it’s often challenging to understand how so many people can be so blind.
"There are two explanations for this, though they’re likely the same thing seen from different perspectives. One is scientific and is properly demonstrated in Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article here. The other is supernatural. To me, we’re witnessing an anti-Biblical, possibly demonic spirit of delusion spreading across the nation and the world...
"There are dozens of other clear examples of mass psychosis allowing a post-truth society to emerge in America. While it’s possible to explain away some of it with the effects of Cultural Marxism, mass media indoctrination, a radical progressive education system, and plain old ignorance, the body of work for the Principalities and Powers cannot be dismissed with casual explanations. This is clearly mass psychosis likely driven by a strong delusion from supernatural forces." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
"There are two explanations for this, though they’re likely the same thing seen from different perspectives. One is scientific and is properly demonstrated in Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article here. The other is supernatural. To me, we’re witnessing an anti-Biblical, possibly demonic spirit of delusion spreading across the nation and the world...
"There are dozens of other clear examples of mass psychosis allowing a post-truth society to emerge in America. While it’s possible to explain away some of it with the effects of Cultural Marxism, mass media indoctrination, a radical progressive education system, and plain old ignorance, the body of work for the Principalities and Powers cannot be dismissed with casual explanations. This is clearly mass psychosis likely driven by a strong delusion from supernatural forces." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
"Totalitarianism is a society built on delusions... In a totalitarian society, there are two classes: the rulers and the ruled, and both groups undergo a pathological transformation. Rulers are raised to a god-like status where they can do no wrong — a view that easily leads to corruption and unethical behavior — while the ruled are transformed into dependent subjects, which leads to psychological regression.
"Joost Meerloo, author of 'Rape of the Mind,' compares the reactions of citizens living in totalitarian states to that of schizophrenics. Both rulers and the ruled are ill. Both live in a delusional fog, as the entire society and its rules are sustained by delusional thinking...
"Only deluded people regress to a child-like state of total submissiveness, and only a deluded ruling class will believe they possess the knowledge and wisdom to control society in a top-down manner. And, only a deluded person will believe that a power-hungry elite ruling a mentally regressed society will result in anything but mass suffering and financial ruin...
"Whether the totalitarian mindset takes the form of communism, fascism or technocracy, a ruling elite that has succumbed to their own delusions of grandeur then sets about to indoctrinate the masses into their own twisted worldview. All that’s needed to accomplish that reorganization of society is the manipulation of collective feelings." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
And this manipulation of collective feelings has already been cleverly and efficiently accomplished by the tell-lie-vision mind control programming of the Deep State-controlled Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media.
“'The Covidian Cult' is an article written by American playwright CJ Hopkins published in October 2020. Hopkins argues that we are in the middle of a global totalitarian movement, the first of its kind in human history. And the Covidian Cult is made up of those of us who have drank the Kool-Aid of the official COVID narrative...
"Members of the Covidian Cult trust their health experts and trust the mainstream media. If you’re anything like me, however, you’re worried that the real global threat are these brainwashed Bozos.
“A cult used to be a small band of weirdos hiding on a commune, away from the prying eyes and interference of family members. But as Hopkins argues, in the age of COVID, this paradigm has been turned on it’s head. The dominant culture is now the Covidians, and non-believers like me are the minority, tiny islands on a crazy planet.
“Hopkins says that the key ingredient of totalitarian societies and cults is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. This psychotic official narrative is based on paranoia and is not bound by logic or reason. The cult is faithful to the narrative, and this faith cannot be shaken by facts...
“The point of the narrative is not that it makes sense. The point of the narrative is that you unquestionably have faith in it. By attacking the mind with a never-ending stream of facts, the ability to use logic and reason is further shut down. A campaign of endless slogans and phrases, including wartime-loaded language, has been pumped into the zeitgeist to guide our opinions and fill any cracks in the narrative. From the manipulative use of guilt to absurd scientific studies...we are being bombarded by endless conflicting directives, wild speculation and outright lies.
“The end result is that science and facts no longer matter, not to the Covidian Cult. The pandemic should be over, based on the CDC’s and WHO’s own documents… But the COVID narrative is a PSYCHOTIC official narrative. It is a matter of faith, not facts. The danger is a not-so-distant future with two types of people—the vaccinated, and the un-vaccinated. If we are not members of the Covidian Cult that dutifully blend in by following the rules, if we do not open our businesses and remove our useless masks all at once, then the Covidian Cult WILL drive our car off a cliff, and unfortunately we will have paid for the gas..." --The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
"Joost Meerloo, author of 'Rape of the Mind,' compares the reactions of citizens living in totalitarian states to that of schizophrenics. Both rulers and the ruled are ill. Both live in a delusional fog, as the entire society and its rules are sustained by delusional thinking...
"Only deluded people regress to a child-like state of total submissiveness, and only a deluded ruling class will believe they possess the knowledge and wisdom to control society in a top-down manner. And, only a deluded person will believe that a power-hungry elite ruling a mentally regressed society will result in anything but mass suffering and financial ruin...
"Whether the totalitarian mindset takes the form of communism, fascism or technocracy, a ruling elite that has succumbed to their own delusions of grandeur then sets about to indoctrinate the masses into their own twisted worldview. All that’s needed to accomplish that reorganization of society is the manipulation of collective feelings." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
And this manipulation of collective feelings has already been cleverly and efficiently accomplished by the tell-lie-vision mind control programming of the Deep State-controlled Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media.
“'The Covidian Cult' is an article written by American playwright CJ Hopkins published in October 2020. Hopkins argues that we are in the middle of a global totalitarian movement, the first of its kind in human history. And the Covidian Cult is made up of those of us who have drank the Kool-Aid of the official COVID narrative...
"Members of the Covidian Cult trust their health experts and trust the mainstream media. If you’re anything like me, however, you’re worried that the real global threat are these brainwashed Bozos.
“A cult used to be a small band of weirdos hiding on a commune, away from the prying eyes and interference of family members. But as Hopkins argues, in the age of COVID, this paradigm has been turned on it’s head. The dominant culture is now the Covidians, and non-believers like me are the minority, tiny islands on a crazy planet.
“Hopkins says that the key ingredient of totalitarian societies and cults is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. This psychotic official narrative is based on paranoia and is not bound by logic or reason. The cult is faithful to the narrative, and this faith cannot be shaken by facts...
“The point of the narrative is not that it makes sense. The point of the narrative is that you unquestionably have faith in it. By attacking the mind with a never-ending stream of facts, the ability to use logic and reason is further shut down. A campaign of endless slogans and phrases, including wartime-loaded language, has been pumped into the zeitgeist to guide our opinions and fill any cracks in the narrative. From the manipulative use of guilt to absurd scientific studies...we are being bombarded by endless conflicting directives, wild speculation and outright lies.
“The end result is that science and facts no longer matter, not to the Covidian Cult. The pandemic should be over, based on the CDC’s and WHO’s own documents… But the COVID narrative is a PSYCHOTIC official narrative. It is a matter of faith, not facts. The danger is a not-so-distant future with two types of people—the vaccinated, and the un-vaccinated. If we are not members of the Covidian Cult that dutifully blend in by following the rules, if we do not open our businesses and remove our useless masks all at once, then the Covidian Cult WILL drive our car off a cliff, and unfortunately we will have paid for the gas..." --The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
"Dr. Mark McDonald is board-certified in both child and adolescent psychiatry, with extensive additional training in adult psychoanalysis... Dr. McDonald believes that the real crisis is not medical in nature... (He) believes the true public health crisis lies in the widespread fear which morphed and evolved into a form of mass delusional psychosis. In simpler words, the American public is suffering from mass insanity due to their delusional fear of COVID-19 (a fictitious disease)...
"Instead of facing reality, the delusional person would rather live in their world of make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality, they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around them also pretends to live in their imaginary world. In simpler words, the delusional person rejects reality. And in this rejection of reality, others have to play along with how they view the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their world view...
"Because objective reality threatens to unravel their carefully crafted imaginary world, the delusional person lashes out at others who dare act in contradiction to their delusions...
"As Dr. McDonald stated in one of his talks, he is concerned about the ultimate end of society’s delusional psychosis. It’s not unthinkable that the final outcome would be total societal control on every aspect of your life. Consider this – the endpoint of a mentally ill person is for them to be put under a controlled environment (institutionalized like an asylum) where all freedoms are restricted. And it's looking more and more like that's the endpoint of where this mass psychosis is heading." --Dr. Mark McDonald, The True Public Health Crisis Is Psychological in Nature
"Instead of facing reality, the delusional person would rather live in their world of make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality, they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around them also pretends to live in their imaginary world. In simpler words, the delusional person rejects reality. And in this rejection of reality, others have to play along with how they view the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their world view...
"Because objective reality threatens to unravel their carefully crafted imaginary world, the delusional person lashes out at others who dare act in contradiction to their delusions...
"As Dr. McDonald stated in one of his talks, he is concerned about the ultimate end of society’s delusional psychosis. It’s not unthinkable that the final outcome would be total societal control on every aspect of your life. Consider this – the endpoint of a mentally ill person is for them to be put under a controlled environment (institutionalized like an asylum) where all freedoms are restricted. And it's looking more and more like that's the endpoint of where this mass psychosis is heading." --Dr. Mark McDonald, The True Public Health Crisis Is Psychological in Nature
Mass Psychosis in the World Today (part II) - Fear
“All one’s neighbors are in the grip of some uncontrolled and uncontrollable fear. . .
In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more
dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage
or hatred.” --Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion
In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more
dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage
or hatred.” --Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion
"Adopting a worldview that rejects and attacks reality is psychotic. Although we most often see it in individuals—cult leaders, homeless drug addicts, celebrity stalkers—psychotic illness can also affect groups of people and, indeed, whole societies. This can happen when everyone becomes hyperfocused on one issue, when fear becomes the predominant emotion, and rational faculties become paralyzed en masse. That is exactly what happened to Americans in 2020." --Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"In the extreme, when fear spreads throughout an entire society, the effect is paralyzing. Decision-making becomes irrational and reactive. The sensationalizing of outlier events and the pursuit of safety supplants sound public policy. Media begin covering the 'fear story' and serving it to their audience on a regular basis. Fear-driven official pronouncements evoke more fear among the citizenry, who demand more protection from politicians. A vicious cycle ensues. Mass hysteria develops, and people lose their capacity to think and act rationally. This becomes dangerous, similar to the way a mob functions—acting on pure groupthink and raw emotion. It’s a form of developmental regression that hobbles society. Unfortunately, there is no cure for fear on a societal level. The only way to address it is individually, one patient at a time."--Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"Individual mental health problems can thus transform into a truly societal illness. As I continued to observe my patients and the people around me, it became undeniable that a shared state of irrationality had arisen from the underlying pandemic of fear. In short, everyone had apparently agreed to go crazy at the same time. This mass delusional psychosis, as I began to call it in my public talks, was rooted in fear but organized around a perverse worship of safety. To secure that safety, no sacrifice was too great: canceling graduation and prom, depriving individuals of their ability to make a living, masking children, banning Easter, ordering ailing nursing home patients to die alone and then prohibiting their grieving family members from holding funerals. This movement had been brewing for some time in the US, with society’s elevation of physical safety and self-esteem over mastery, accomplishment, and truth." --Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"Fear of disease or infection is a particularly insidious kind of fear, present in humans for thousands of years. Perhaps because the source of disease is invisible, it has the power to overtake reason and develop into a special kind of shared panic. For example, although the AIDS epidemic was real and carried a mortality rate of 100 percent for those infected, the threat to the general population was wildly exaggerated. Yet much of America was paralyzed for several years by the fear of contracting AIDS, in the same way it has been for the past eighteen months due to the Wuhan virus...
"Meanwhile, with everyone stuck at home in front of a screen, media had a captive audience. That audience was already fearful, and it is human nature to seek out emotionally driven content that resonates with your current emotional state. Every day, print, cable, and online news media made a point to announce how many more people had tested positive, been hospitalized, or died of the virus. Every day the running tally would increase. There was never any mention of preventive measures one could take against infection, other than fear-reinforcing behaviors such as mask-wearing and social isolation. Nor was there any mention of outpatient treatment options unless they were being attacked as ineffective and dangerous. These attacks began in early 2020 with hydroxychloroquine, a fifty-year-old medication that had been used safely and effectively throughout the world to prevent malaria in infants, pregnant and breast-feeding women, and the elderly. Any positive news of hope from this treatment was ridiculed, and fearful behaviors were reinforced with constant reminders that one was 'safer at home,' that 'masks save lives,' and that we should all 'do our part, by staying apart,' as LA Mayor Eric Garcetti was fond of repeating. By focusing not on real news but instead promoting isolation and fear, American media guaranteed an audience eager to have its hysteria reinforced by terrifying statistics and despairing predictions of mass death...
"Restrictions embolden the hysterical, validating their fears. A vicious cycle ensues, one that becomes nearly impossible to halt, much less reverse. Many people now appear to be addicted to the daily drama of fear and the power it confers on hysterical and angry individuals, irresponsible media outlets, and overweening public officials." --Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
"Meanwhile, with everyone stuck at home in front of a screen, media had a captive audience. That audience was already fearful, and it is human nature to seek out emotionally driven content that resonates with your current emotional state. Every day, print, cable, and online news media made a point to announce how many more people had tested positive, been hospitalized, or died of the virus. Every day the running tally would increase. There was never any mention of preventive measures one could take against infection, other than fear-reinforcing behaviors such as mask-wearing and social isolation. Nor was there any mention of outpatient treatment options unless they were being attacked as ineffective and dangerous. These attacks began in early 2020 with hydroxychloroquine, a fifty-year-old medication that had been used safely and effectively throughout the world to prevent malaria in infants, pregnant and breast-feeding women, and the elderly. Any positive news of hope from this treatment was ridiculed, and fearful behaviors were reinforced with constant reminders that one was 'safer at home,' that 'masks save lives,' and that we should all 'do our part, by staying apart,' as LA Mayor Eric Garcetti was fond of repeating. By focusing not on real news but instead promoting isolation and fear, American media guaranteed an audience eager to have its hysteria reinforced by terrifying statistics and despairing predictions of mass death...
"Restrictions embolden the hysterical, validating their fears. A vicious cycle ensues, one that becomes nearly impossible to halt, much less reverse. Many people now appear to be addicted to the daily drama of fear and the power it confers on hysterical and angry individuals, irresponsible media outlets, and overweening public officials." --Mark McDonald, The United States of Fear
“They don’t plan (for) this to (ever) end. They don’t plan this to ever cease. They want you fucking permanently locked down and under control. That’s it. And getting (the ‘vaccinations’). This is the main piece of the puzzle your liberal friends are missing. This is a big piece right here. They don’t understand—they think it’s just a conspiracy, that it’s disinformation. This is the part they don’t get! That this is a Globalist fucking agenda! And they want you in lock-down… Wake up! Wake up. It’s time.” --David Nino Rodriguez - THE MARK OF THE BEAST & THOUGHTS ON GENERAL FLYNN
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers. Only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough. I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer.' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history!" --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers. Only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough. I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer.' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history!" --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
Addendum - Dr. Zalenko Exposes the Satanic Agenda
"On March 13, 2020, the world became subjected to one of the greatest cons ever conceived. We were told that to gain control over the plague of COVID-19, we needed to 'flatten the curve' and submit to quarantines. Never in history has there been a time when healthy people were considered a threat and had to be locked down; that’s insane!!
"This con is like a 'castle built on sand.' The 'sand' is the false claim that a virus exists, and the 'castle' is the false pandemic. The con continued with the development of a diagnostic test to falsely detect the virus that doesn’t exist. Based on the test, there was the publishing of sky-high case numbers all of which are obviously meaningless.
"Based on the false case numbers, and absurd computer projections of cases and deaths to come, the imprisoning of people in their homes, the closure and destruction of businesses, and the torpedoing of economies, the introduction of the next con occurred: a highly destructive injection (not a vaccine!) which was claimed as the solution...
"THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS. One of the two most powerful public health agencies in the world can’t obtain the virus from anywhere. Why? Obviously, because no one has it. If there is no virus, how can there be a test for a virus that doesn’t even exist? This means that every test result of every PCR test should be thrown out because they were all false positives. False positives mean no cases, and no cases mean no pandemic. And no pandemic means no need for the experimental Frankenstein (death) jab.
"The fraud really took off in mid-April 2020 when the death totals began to wane. The propaganda machine changed course and began reporting the number of cases instead of deaths. (The inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, is on record stating that a positive PCR test does not mean a person is sick!) To add fuel to the fire, doctors received instructions on how to report deaths and attribute them to COVID...
"At the center of this gigantic con is 'America’s doctor' Anthony Fauci giving daily updates. Spin and control were deemed necessary to maintain the manipulation over the masses. Unfortunately, Fauci has flip-flopped on numerous issues. Recalling the early days of the scamdemic he claimed that masks were not effective. Then he changed it to one mask, then two masks and 'fooled you' when he was caught with no mask at a baseball game!..."--COVID-19 -- the Mother of All Cons
"This con is like a 'castle built on sand.' The 'sand' is the false claim that a virus exists, and the 'castle' is the false pandemic. The con continued with the development of a diagnostic test to falsely detect the virus that doesn’t exist. Based on the test, there was the publishing of sky-high case numbers all of which are obviously meaningless.
"Based on the false case numbers, and absurd computer projections of cases and deaths to come, the imprisoning of people in their homes, the closure and destruction of businesses, and the torpedoing of economies, the introduction of the next con occurred: a highly destructive injection (not a vaccine!) which was claimed as the solution...
"THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS. One of the two most powerful public health agencies in the world can’t obtain the virus from anywhere. Why? Obviously, because no one has it. If there is no virus, how can there be a test for a virus that doesn’t even exist? This means that every test result of every PCR test should be thrown out because they were all false positives. False positives mean no cases, and no cases mean no pandemic. And no pandemic means no need for the experimental Frankenstein (death) jab.
"The fraud really took off in mid-April 2020 when the death totals began to wane. The propaganda machine changed course and began reporting the number of cases instead of deaths. (The inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, is on record stating that a positive PCR test does not mean a person is sick!) To add fuel to the fire, doctors received instructions on how to report deaths and attribute them to COVID...
"At the center of this gigantic con is 'America’s doctor' Anthony Fauci giving daily updates. Spin and control were deemed necessary to maintain the manipulation over the masses. Unfortunately, Fauci has flip-flopped on numerous issues. Recalling the early days of the scamdemic he claimed that masks were not effective. Then he changed it to one mask, then two masks and 'fooled you' when he was caught with no mask at a baseball game!..."--COVID-19 -- the Mother of All Cons
"A curtain of lies has been raised all over the world. The Con Is formidable"...and Fauci is a major player in this Con, a genocidal psychopath motivated by profit, greed, and by the extermination of the human race, as is his partner in crime, Bill Gates. The "vaccine" was not created in response to COVID-19, but rather COVID-19 was created (by re-branding Influenza A and Influenza B) in order to introduce the poison 'vaccines" into the global Human population. The “COVID-19 ('vaccine') is an effort to change the Human genome, to manipulate Humans into go down certain roads... They are looking at replacing a carbon-based life form with a silicon-based life form, in essence...
“So you’ve got the vaxxed on one hand, and they have an over-abundance of the elements of what is in essence this concoction, which is an A.I. concocted bioweapon involving spike proteins, nano graphine oxide, and a lot of poisons as well… And they are not even allowing anyone to analyze everything that is the vax. But we certainly have something to go on when we look at the spike proteins and the nano graphine oxide…
“So the graphine oxide creates a lattice-like network that then can be built on. It’s a foundation, a neural network, if you will. It’s highly sensitive like an antenna system...(it) links up to the A.I. neural network and ultimately to the Borg…
“Graphine oxide...is basically a material that interacts with electrons, light and magnetism. It transmits electricity like a metal; (it) behaves like a semi-conductor, and it also is a good building block for a quantum computer. Well go figure…
“So human cyborgs is what they are working on and of course the superman has to be an augmented human. It doesn’t mean they want to completely replace your humanness, but it certainly does mean they want to augment your body, your mind, and possibly other aspects of what you are. And so that’s what we’re really looking at and the graphine appears to be like the ideal thing that can do this in combination with genetic mRNA revisions and spike proteins that are synthetic that then replace your own (immune) defense system in your body and will allow for these poisons to come in...
“So all of this is going into the human body, a manipulation of the human genome to not reject this metamorphosis...because that seems to be an important aspect. The propaganda is another aspect. So I don’t believe you would have the COVID reaction that you had in Humanity to any degree, if at all, if you didn’t have the propaganda that went with it. Because in order to kick-start their experiment they had to have your bodies rejecting it in the conventional way...with flu-like symptoms and so on...
“We’re also taking about a war between carbon and silicon, in theory… In the end, it would seem that graphine oxide may create a bridge between carbon-based life forms, such as ourselves, and a silicon-based life form such as A.I… This is very much the War of Worlds that we are part of…" -- Kerry Cassidy Blog – Strange Success of the Great COVID-19 Experiment?
"What they (the New World Order Globalists) want to do is they want to survive. So the Transhumanism is about creating and changing our DNA in our bodies in the hope that some of them would be able to attach to those bodies, remove the current soul, and they could take over the bodies and then they could march up into another frequency. It’s never going to be allowed, ever. Especially after everything they’ve done. But nonetheless that’s their thinking. They are so desperate to do anything to try to survive that they would even alter our own DNA and do all of these horrible things like what they are doing to the children...
"You have to understand the Rothschild central banking system already owns everything, because they print the money. It’s their system, and that has to come down, because that’s the royal line that we have to get rid of. Because they’re the vampires, they’re the ones who have sucked the life out of the planet, and it isn’t enough. Now what they want to do is take back the planet and then implement Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 which was passed in 1994, where they are going to get rid of 85% of the population of the planet… So that means six-and-a-half to seven billion (people) will (have to) go...
“Most people don’t understand. They really don’t understand everything that is going on, and they are making decisions based on the information that they believe is correct and true. When they find out that this has been an entire huge manipulation and a Satanic ritual, they are going to have their own dark nights of the soul, because of not only what they have done to their own bodies, but what they’ve done to others...” --Alex Collier, Navigating the Madness
“So you’ve got the vaxxed on one hand, and they have an over-abundance of the elements of what is in essence this concoction, which is an A.I. concocted bioweapon involving spike proteins, nano graphine oxide, and a lot of poisons as well… And they are not even allowing anyone to analyze everything that is the vax. But we certainly have something to go on when we look at the spike proteins and the nano graphine oxide…
“So the graphine oxide creates a lattice-like network that then can be built on. It’s a foundation, a neural network, if you will. It’s highly sensitive like an antenna system...(it) links up to the A.I. neural network and ultimately to the Borg…
“Graphine oxide...is basically a material that interacts with electrons, light and magnetism. It transmits electricity like a metal; (it) behaves like a semi-conductor, and it also is a good building block for a quantum computer. Well go figure…
“So human cyborgs is what they are working on and of course the superman has to be an augmented human. It doesn’t mean they want to completely replace your humanness, but it certainly does mean they want to augment your body, your mind, and possibly other aspects of what you are. And so that’s what we’re really looking at and the graphine appears to be like the ideal thing that can do this in combination with genetic mRNA revisions and spike proteins that are synthetic that then replace your own (immune) defense system in your body and will allow for these poisons to come in...
“So all of this is going into the human body, a manipulation of the human genome to not reject this metamorphosis...because that seems to be an important aspect. The propaganda is another aspect. So I don’t believe you would have the COVID reaction that you had in Humanity to any degree, if at all, if you didn’t have the propaganda that went with it. Because in order to kick-start their experiment they had to have your bodies rejecting it in the conventional way...with flu-like symptoms and so on...
“We’re also taking about a war between carbon and silicon, in theory… In the end, it would seem that graphine oxide may create a bridge between carbon-based life forms, such as ourselves, and a silicon-based life form such as A.I… This is very much the War of Worlds that we are part of…" -- Kerry Cassidy Blog – Strange Success of the Great COVID-19 Experiment?
"What they (the New World Order Globalists) want to do is they want to survive. So the Transhumanism is about creating and changing our DNA in our bodies in the hope that some of them would be able to attach to those bodies, remove the current soul, and they could take over the bodies and then they could march up into another frequency. It’s never going to be allowed, ever. Especially after everything they’ve done. But nonetheless that’s their thinking. They are so desperate to do anything to try to survive that they would even alter our own DNA and do all of these horrible things like what they are doing to the children...
"You have to understand the Rothschild central banking system already owns everything, because they print the money. It’s their system, and that has to come down, because that’s the royal line that we have to get rid of. Because they’re the vampires, they’re the ones who have sucked the life out of the planet, and it isn’t enough. Now what they want to do is take back the planet and then implement Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 which was passed in 1994, where they are going to get rid of 85% of the population of the planet… So that means six-and-a-half to seven billion (people) will (have to) go...
“Most people don’t understand. They really don’t understand everything that is going on, and they are making decisions based on the information that they believe is correct and true. When they find out that this has been an entire huge manipulation and a Satanic ritual, they are going to have their own dark nights of the soul, because of not only what they have done to their own bodies, but what they’ve done to others...” --Alex Collier, Navigating the Madness