"Every element of government has been infiltrated by the Globalist Deep State elite and
they are now being utilized in the coup attempt. That includes the intelligence community,
careerists in the FBI, the Justice Department, and the diplomatic corp, the 'mainstream'
media — and also the taxpayer-supported media, such as National Public Radio."
--Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio just proved it is now part of the Deep State
“If you listen to NPR any minute of the day, it’s all anti-Trump, Trump’s a fascist,
Biden will save us—it’s just absurd.”--Sean, SGT Report on Edge of Wonder
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as
true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion
as their own without scrutiny." --Definitions and Translations
they are now being utilized in the coup attempt. That includes the intelligence community,
careerists in the FBI, the Justice Department, and the diplomatic corp, the 'mainstream'
media — and also the taxpayer-supported media, such as National Public Radio."
--Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio just proved it is now part of the Deep State
“If you listen to NPR any minute of the day, it’s all anti-Trump, Trump’s a fascist,
Biden will save us—it’s just absurd.”--Sean, SGT Report on Edge of Wonder
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as
true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion
as their own without scrutiny." --Definitions and Translations
INTRODUCTION: WPR--Wisconsin Pubic Radio--posted an article on their website describing a recent much needed lawsuit that seeks to strike down Wisconsin's blatantly unconstitutional mask mandate issued by feckless Democrat Gov. Tony Evers. Comments were allowed at the end of the article and several people became involved in a discussion. One such commenter, identified only as "nichena", made some questionable statements and attacks on this writer. This study attempts to analyze the veracity of such remarks by "nichena" and to clarify the underlying psychological issues involved.
This writer had posted a statement to the effect that numerous studies exist that prove face masks to be ineffective in the prevention of virus transmission, to which "nichena" posted the following reply:
"Your are just so scared to wear a mask.
Stop acting like a baby and do what is right for a change.
A mask will not kill you but the virus will.
You are nothing but a spreader.
And you are scared to listen to science and doctors.
Those studies you talk about do not exsist"
Many of this writer's replies to "nichena" were deleted from the discussion by the fascist moderators at NPR, just as the censors at YouTube, Twitter and other Big Tech platforms censor the voice of truth-telling, independent journalists in order to promote the one-sided, official mainstream media (Deep State) narrative. So much for freedom of speech in America...
"We are in a fight against these industrial giants--Google, FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter--all of these are trying to control what we can say between each other and how we can interact and work... This is a group of Globalists who are trying to manage our psyche, our actions and interactions at a planetary level, to control the fate of the world so that they own the future." --Juan O 'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
ASSESSMENT: Let us take a closer look at the statements made by patient "nichena" to determine if they have any validity. We'll start with the statement regarding the efficacy of masks.
"Those studies you talk about do not exsist (sic)."
I offer, as one example, a study published by The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons on June 1st on their website https://aapsonline.org. The study is called “Mask Facts” and some of the conclusions are as follows: (1) the widespread use of face masks by healthy people in the community setting is not supported by current evidence and carries uncertainties and critical risks; (2) wearing masks will NOT reduce SARS-COVID; and (3) the wearing of masks may give people a false sense of security.
Additionally, 47 (other) studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects.
These studies clearly exists, therefore, the statement by patient "nichena" that "Those studies you talk about do not exsist" is clearly false and is based on either ignorance or denial or both. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism used to push away unpleasant thoughts and wishes from conscious awareness, and is also referred to as disavowal. Patient "nichena" would have us believe that thousands of physicians and surgeons know nothing about the efficacy or inefficacy of surgical masks.
Let's look at another statement by patient "nichena":
"A mask will not kill you but the virus will."
This statement is also false and based on ignorance, as I just cited 32 studies that confirm the negative health effects of prolonged mask wearing by healthy people in public spaces.
Additionally, Dr. Rashid A Buttar--a bona fide medical doctor--presents an excellent video entitled: "What Face Masks Actually Do To Your Health" that can be found on Bitchute. In this video he presents a compelling argument that the wearing of face masks by healthy people does absolutely noting to prevent the spread of viruses and is actually very damaging to one's health in many ways.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: "If you are stupid enough to wear a face mask, then you wear a face mask... but just because you are stupid, that doesn't make it an obligation on my part to follow in your stupidity and hurt myself. Remember this: If you wear a face mask, you are restricting your oxygen and you are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide that you are breathing back... There is an increased amount of bacteria from what you're breathing; the condensation from your breath is breaking down the polypropelene components of the face mask, and then you are breathing in those toxic components and creating a histotoxic hypoxic injury. You are obviously becomming hypoxic from not being able to get in fresh oxygen. And you're also increasing your cortisol levels that drives you into the fight-flight response...and then that suppresses your immune system, and these are all easily proven, published things." --What Face Masks Actually Do To Your Health
Dr. Judy Mikovits: "Coronaviruses are in every animal, so if you’ve ever had a flu vaccine you were injected with coronaviruses... Wearing the mask literally activates your own virus. You’re getting sick from your own reactivated coronavirus expression...” --Dr. Judy Mikovits in the documentary film Plandemic
Dr. David Brownstein: "It should be well known that cloth masks, bandanas, or handkerchiefs will do very little to stop the spread of coronavirus. In fact, they may actually increase your risk of becoming ill from corona and other influenza-like illnesses. A 2015 study found cloth masks, when compared to surgical masks, increase the rate of influenza-like illnesses 13x! Cloth masks are probably best avoided and should not be reused without properly sanitizing them." --We Must Wear Face Masks? Show Me the Science Behind That
Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson claims masks are dangerous – "Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage... This is extremely important for fearful people who actually think that they are protecting themselves from the virus."
Dr. Simone Gold: "Scientifically, the masks are useless and irrelevant--that's a fact." --We Do NOT Consent
"Dr Scott Atlas...says that masks really don't work, we really don't need them... He's letting everyone know that this stuff doesn't work--the stuff that they're telling us, to wear the masks... Has the WHO, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx--have they EVER given us any evidence to show otherwise...? No-- because they don't work. This has nothing to do with the virus-- this is ALL POLITICAL...." --X22 Report, Episode 2307B
Furthermore, the statement by patient "nichena" that the virus will kill you is also blatantly false. As of Sept.1st the corrupt organization known as the CDC quietly revised the numbers of deaths attributed to COVID-19. The new numbers indicate that only 6% of all cases previously attributed to COVID were actual COVID deaths. The other 94% of deaths were due to co-morbidity and other non-COVID related factors. By far the number of deaths were elderly patients with pre-existing conditions. Most healthy non-elderly adults recover completely from COVID-19. "The actual fatality rates for those who were confirmed to have had the coronavirus are around 3.4%. The actual rates for those who were confirmed to have had the flu are around 10%. The actual data shows that the fatality rate for those who had the flu (10%) is 6% higher than for those with the coronavirus (3.8%)...The coronavirus is not more fatal than the flu based on current data. It is much less fatal than the flu based on current data." --The Coronavirus Fatality Rate Reported by the Media Is COMPLETELY INACCURATE.
Other statements made by patient "nichena" include: "Your are (sic) just so scared to wear a mask" and: "you are scared to listen to science and doctors."
This is a classic example of projection, another psychological defense mechanism whereby the individual attributes to others feelings, characteristics or behaviors which he himself embodies. Patient "nichena" is compelled to wear his mask, but deep down he fears that the mask is ineffective (it is). Being either unwilling or unable to face his own deep-seated fears, he thus accuses others of being "scared to wear the mask". He also fears that others not wearing the mask puts him at risk--an irrational assumption at best. If wearing the mask really does offer protection from viruses, why should he care if others wear the mask or not? He's wearing it, he's protected, right?
And just for the record, I am not "scared" to wear a mask. It's merely that I know for a fact that mask wearing is completely ineffective at preventing virus transmission, is actually very detrimental to one's health, and is a sign of ignorance and subservience to the Globalist New World Order Agenda, with which I will never, ever comply.
Also, the statement: "you are scared to listen to science and doctors" is also false and a huge presumption on his part. While it's true that I do not listen to fake corporate-whore science, I do believe in real science and real doctors who are not bought and paid for by the corrupt CDC and WHO organizations. As already noted, I listen to and accept Dr. Rashid A Buttar's excellent advice on face masks and Dr. David Brownstein as quoted above, in addition to the Frontline Doctors, including Dr. Simone Gold.. And I respect Dr. Dave Janda, Dr. Steve Turley, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, just to name a few. I also listen to the many doctors and experts questioning the validity of the Coronavirus hoax plandemic:
12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic
10 More Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
Let's examine another statement made by patient "nichena":
Patient "nichena" cannot present a valid counter-argument to the fact of the inefficacy of mask wearing, and to the fact that NO SCIENTIFIC STUDIES exist which prove the efficacy of face masks, so he resorts to ad hominem attacks and name-calling. "Name-calling is intended to provoke conclusions and actions about a matter apart from an impartial examinations of the facts. Name-calling is thus a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against an idea or belief, based upon its own merits, and becomes an abusive argumentum ad hominem."--Name-Calling, Wikipedia
And in a subsequent post patient "nichena" makes the following statement:
"Peaceful protesters are speaking out...to be heard and to make positive change to our country."
More evidence of delusion and possible psychosis. The "peaceful protesters" that "nichena" is referring to are in reality violent Left-wing Marxist anarchist mobs attempting to overturn our democratic Republic--communist forces attempting to destroy the USA. These Marxist Mobs have not only been allowed by Democrat mayors and governors to riot and burn down our cities, but actually encouraged by Democrats to do so. That's how radically Left the Democrat Party has become.
"The Democrats are now synonymous with complete lawlessness and mass mental illness... Democrats are actively trying to unleash mass criminal chaos across America. Because they can no longer win at the ballot box, they’re deliberately working to unleash a bloody civil war in the streets of America. They want total chaos. They want an end to anything resembling a civil society. They demand to either run the government with their fascist tyranny, or destroy the nation and start over." --The Devil. Demons, and Democrats
Other statements made by patient "nichena" include: "Your are (sic) just so scared to wear a mask" and: "you are scared to listen to science and doctors."
This is a classic example of projection, another psychological defense mechanism whereby the individual attributes to others feelings, characteristics or behaviors which he himself embodies. Patient "nichena" is compelled to wear his mask, but deep down he fears that the mask is ineffective (it is). Being either unwilling or unable to face his own deep-seated fears, he thus accuses others of being "scared to wear the mask". He also fears that others not wearing the mask puts him at risk--an irrational assumption at best. If wearing the mask really does offer protection from viruses, why should he care if others wear the mask or not? He's wearing it, he's protected, right?
And just for the record, I am not "scared" to wear a mask. It's merely that I know for a fact that mask wearing is completely ineffective at preventing virus transmission, is actually very detrimental to one's health, and is a sign of ignorance and subservience to the Globalist New World Order Agenda, with which I will never, ever comply.
Also, the statement: "you are scared to listen to science and doctors" is also false and a huge presumption on his part. While it's true that I do not listen to fake corporate-whore science, I do believe in real science and real doctors who are not bought and paid for by the corrupt CDC and WHO organizations. As already noted, I listen to and accept Dr. Rashid A Buttar's excellent advice on face masks and Dr. David Brownstein as quoted above, in addition to the Frontline Doctors, including Dr. Simone Gold.. And I respect Dr. Dave Janda, Dr. Steve Turley, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, just to name a few. I also listen to the many doctors and experts questioning the validity of the Coronavirus hoax plandemic:
12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic
10 More Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
Let's examine another statement made by patient "nichena":
Patient "nichena" cannot present a valid counter-argument to the fact of the inefficacy of mask wearing, and to the fact that NO SCIENTIFIC STUDIES exist which prove the efficacy of face masks, so he resorts to ad hominem attacks and name-calling. "Name-calling is intended to provoke conclusions and actions about a matter apart from an impartial examinations of the facts. Name-calling is thus a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against an idea or belief, based upon its own merits, and becomes an abusive argumentum ad hominem."--Name-Calling, Wikipedia
And in a subsequent post patient "nichena" makes the following statement:
"Peaceful protesters are speaking out...to be heard and to make positive change to our country."
More evidence of delusion and possible psychosis. The "peaceful protesters" that "nichena" is referring to are in reality violent Left-wing Marxist anarchist mobs attempting to overturn our democratic Republic--communist forces attempting to destroy the USA. These Marxist Mobs have not only been allowed by Democrat mayors and governors to riot and burn down our cities, but actually encouraged by Democrats to do so. That's how radically Left the Democrat Party has become.
"The Democrats are now synonymous with complete lawlessness and mass mental illness... Democrats are actively trying to unleash mass criminal chaos across America. Because they can no longer win at the ballot box, they’re deliberately working to unleash a bloody civil war in the streets of America. They want total chaos. They want an end to anything resembling a civil society. They demand to either run the government with their fascist tyranny, or destroy the nation and start over." --The Devil. Demons, and Democrats
The recent riots in Kenosha Wisconsin are a good example of this Democrat Party complicity to burn down our cities and destroy America. One resident of Kenosha stated: "We're law abiding citizens who pay out taxes. We work hard. Where was the government which we dutifully pay taxes to? Where was it to protect us from these anarchistic rioters? Why the hell is this feckless Left-wing governor (Tony Evers) spending more time and effort defending the rioters and throwing law enforcement under the bus than he is cracking down on this lawless rioting and destruction?" --The Kenosha Riots are a DISASTER for the Democrats
"Defund the police has become an actual plank in the Democrat Party platform. For months, we’ve seen an endless barrage of anti-law enforcement rhetoric from career politicians and the corrupt mainstream media. We’ve seen Democrat-controlled cities slash police funding while businesses and neighborhoods are being destroyed... There has been a complete void of leadership at the local level. Democrat mayors and governors are frightened to take back their cities from anarchists and Marxists and Antifa terrorists." --The Radical Left's War On Police Must End
"The people know the riots they have seen every night for days have been fomented by Antifa in a deliberate plan to instigate a revolution. They do this with the full support of Democrats in control of the cities and states where their arson, looting, and terror have been most effective." --Democrats Are Using Antifa To Foment Revolution
"People better wake up to Antifa and BLM. Those are Marxist organizations that are out to undermine and destroy the fabric of the Republic... Black Lives Matter is not about Black lives--it's about Marxism. Antifa is not about the suppressed--it's about upending our country because all these young kids think somehow being Stalinist is cool. It's not." --John B. Wells & Guest Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer Episode 1413
Antifa is actually the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party. And BLM is also a violent Marxist anarchist mob supported by the Democrats. Today's Democrat Party is rabidly anti-Constitution, anti-free speech, anti-right-to-bear-arms, anti-American flag, anti-God, and basically anti-American. Yet millions of blind sheeple, stuck in their delusion that the Democrats are working on behalf of the American people, consumed by their insane hatred of President Donald Trump, will go to the polls in November and cast their vote for the demonic Democrat Party! It boggles the mind. With the preponderance of evidence demonstrating how demonically EVIL the Democrat Party has become, or perhaps has always been, one would have thought that even the least astute of the sheeple would have had a glimmer of awakening by now.
"Democrats have entirely abandoned the idea of doing what’s in the best interest of the American people; instead, they’ve wholeheartedly embraced the extremism of their foundational Marxist ideology. This shift toward the fringe and the fever pitch with which they are pursuing plainly absurd and detrimental policies must, for the sake of our nation, necessitate an awakening amongst everyday Americans." --Democrats: the Party of Death and Destruction
Just look at the logo for the recent Democrat National Convention:
"Defund the police has become an actual plank in the Democrat Party platform. For months, we’ve seen an endless barrage of anti-law enforcement rhetoric from career politicians and the corrupt mainstream media. We’ve seen Democrat-controlled cities slash police funding while businesses and neighborhoods are being destroyed... There has been a complete void of leadership at the local level. Democrat mayors and governors are frightened to take back their cities from anarchists and Marxists and Antifa terrorists." --The Radical Left's War On Police Must End
"The people know the riots they have seen every night for days have been fomented by Antifa in a deliberate plan to instigate a revolution. They do this with the full support of Democrats in control of the cities and states where their arson, looting, and terror have been most effective." --Democrats Are Using Antifa To Foment Revolution
"People better wake up to Antifa and BLM. Those are Marxist organizations that are out to undermine and destroy the fabric of the Republic... Black Lives Matter is not about Black lives--it's about Marxism. Antifa is not about the suppressed--it's about upending our country because all these young kids think somehow being Stalinist is cool. It's not." --John B. Wells & Guest Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer Episode 1413
Antifa is actually the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party. And BLM is also a violent Marxist anarchist mob supported by the Democrats. Today's Democrat Party is rabidly anti-Constitution, anti-free speech, anti-right-to-bear-arms, anti-American flag, anti-God, and basically anti-American. Yet millions of blind sheeple, stuck in their delusion that the Democrats are working on behalf of the American people, consumed by their insane hatred of President Donald Trump, will go to the polls in November and cast their vote for the demonic Democrat Party! It boggles the mind. With the preponderance of evidence demonstrating how demonically EVIL the Democrat Party has become, or perhaps has always been, one would have thought that even the least astute of the sheeple would have had a glimmer of awakening by now.
"Democrats have entirely abandoned the idea of doing what’s in the best interest of the American people; instead, they’ve wholeheartedly embraced the extremism of their foundational Marxist ideology. This shift toward the fringe and the fever pitch with which they are pursuing plainly absurd and detrimental policies must, for the sake of our nation, necessitate an awakening amongst everyday Americans." --Democrats: the Party of Death and Destruction
Just look at the logo for the recent Democrat National Convention:
"Democrats hate this country and want to destroy it but they usually aren’t this forthcoming about their agenda... It’s hard, if not impossible, to read this thing in any other way than Death to America...
"We don’t need a 'Death 2 America' logo to know that Democrats are bent on destroying this nation because they confirm this agenda with everything they say and do. There isn’t one thing Democrats stand for that isn’t in direct opposition of the interest of America and hard-working Americans. They hate our rights, they hate the way the Republic works, they hate our flag, they hate that we get to keep any of the money we earn, they hate our sovereignty, they hate our history, and most of all they hate us... This 'Death to America' logo is just more of them revealing their true selves" --Democrats' New Logo
And what a coincidence that the violent Antifa anarchist mobs were shouting "Death to America!" as they burned American flags in the streets of Kenosha...
“The Democrats are absolutely DemonRats—they’re demonic. They hate anything that has to do with virtue, goodness—they hate our country, they hate the Constitution, and they hate the rule of law. They are Marxists and they have been completely exposed and they continue to expose themselves.” --Black Conservative Patriot
"Kamala Harris resonates on a frequency of evil and deception that doesn't do well with me. Her voice, her cadence, her pandering, her condescension and the way that she speaks--it just really irks me, like it sends chills down my spine, not in a scared kind of way or exciting kind of way, but just in a repulsive kind of way." --Black Conservative Patriot
Witness how gleefully the demon Kamala revels in the death, destruction and carnage being unleashed on the streets of the cities across our nation: "This is our movement!" she declares, "And they're not going to stop! Everyone beware--they're not going to stop. They're not going to stop before election day in November and they're not going to stop after election day."
"We don’t need a 'Death 2 America' logo to know that Democrats are bent on destroying this nation because they confirm this agenda with everything they say and do. There isn’t one thing Democrats stand for that isn’t in direct opposition of the interest of America and hard-working Americans. They hate our rights, they hate the way the Republic works, they hate our flag, they hate that we get to keep any of the money we earn, they hate our sovereignty, they hate our history, and most of all they hate us... This 'Death to America' logo is just more of them revealing their true selves" --Democrats' New Logo
And what a coincidence that the violent Antifa anarchist mobs were shouting "Death to America!" as they burned American flags in the streets of Kenosha...
“The Democrats are absolutely DemonRats—they’re demonic. They hate anything that has to do with virtue, goodness—they hate our country, they hate the Constitution, and they hate the rule of law. They are Marxists and they have been completely exposed and they continue to expose themselves.” --Black Conservative Patriot
"Kamala Harris resonates on a frequency of evil and deception that doesn't do well with me. Her voice, her cadence, her pandering, her condescension and the way that she speaks--it just really irks me, like it sends chills down my spine, not in a scared kind of way or exciting kind of way, but just in a repulsive kind of way." --Black Conservative Patriot
Witness how gleefully the demon Kamala revels in the death, destruction and carnage being unleashed on the streets of the cities across our nation: "This is our movement!" she declares, "And they're not going to stop! Everyone beware--they're not going to stop. They're not going to stop before election day in November and they're not going to stop after election day."
So there you have it. The Democrat Party "movement" -- Death to America!
But I digress. Let's take a look at the final statement made by patient "nichena":
"You are nothing but a spreader."
I must confess that I'm not sure what is meant by this remark, but if he means that I am a spreader of TRUTH then this is the only statement by "nichena" that I would agree with. I also spread butter on my bread...
DIAGNOSIS: Corona Hoax Psychosis, as first identified by Max Igan of Austrailia. Symptoms of Corona Hoax Psychosis include: (1) the fixed delusion that there exits a "global pandemic" commonly referred to as "COVID-19" or "the Coronavirus" that is threatening the lives of every global citizen; (2) the underlying fear that "there is no cure" for this imagined virus, and the belief that if one contracts this virus then one will most certainly perish; (3) the delusional belief that placing a piece of cloth on one's face will protect one from contracting this imagined virus; (4) the Nazi-like insistence that everyone else around them share their delusion and place a piece of cloth over their face; (5) a blind obedience to and unquestioning acceptance of the Deep State-controlled fake news media propaganda broadcasts and print media; (6) a remarkable lack of discernment and critical thinking skills; (7) a pervasive underlying intense feeling of fear or foreboding and/or helplessness. See also: Trump Derangement Syndrome
“It’s very difficult to live in this world nowadays when you are always up against mind-controlled people. They actually believe there is a virus out there and that this stupid piece of cloth will actually protect them from a virus. It’s really sad…that the intelligence of these people is still so low..." --Nyla Nguyen
But I digress. Let's take a look at the final statement made by patient "nichena":
"You are nothing but a spreader."
I must confess that I'm not sure what is meant by this remark, but if he means that I am a spreader of TRUTH then this is the only statement by "nichena" that I would agree with. I also spread butter on my bread...
DIAGNOSIS: Corona Hoax Psychosis, as first identified by Max Igan of Austrailia. Symptoms of Corona Hoax Psychosis include: (1) the fixed delusion that there exits a "global pandemic" commonly referred to as "COVID-19" or "the Coronavirus" that is threatening the lives of every global citizen; (2) the underlying fear that "there is no cure" for this imagined virus, and the belief that if one contracts this virus then one will most certainly perish; (3) the delusional belief that placing a piece of cloth on one's face will protect one from contracting this imagined virus; (4) the Nazi-like insistence that everyone else around them share their delusion and place a piece of cloth over their face; (5) a blind obedience to and unquestioning acceptance of the Deep State-controlled fake news media propaganda broadcasts and print media; (6) a remarkable lack of discernment and critical thinking skills; (7) a pervasive underlying intense feeling of fear or foreboding and/or helplessness. See also: Trump Derangement Syndrome
“It’s very difficult to live in this world nowadays when you are always up against mind-controlled people. They actually believe there is a virus out there and that this stupid piece of cloth will actually protect them from a virus. It’s really sad…that the intelligence of these people is still so low..." --Nyla Nguyen
"They have never isolated the actual organism yet--the CDC has admitted that. It's never been isolated by Koch's postulates or River's postulates, which are the gold standard for isolating an organism... They've admitted that we have never isolated the organism as the infectious agent that's making people sick yet. So because of that they've done a lot of assumptions, and based on the assumptions they actually used a computer generated, A.I generated code. So, that is frightening, because we don't know for sure what we are injecting into people. Is it really the thing at all that can even help from what is making people sick today? We have absolutely no idea..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Future Effects of Those Vaccinated for COVID
"We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called COVID, and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through comorbidities, and then they got the flu, which further weakened their immune systems, and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of COVID-19 to work with...No one in ANY lab, worldwide, has EVER isolated and purified this virus in its entirety. That's because they never really found the virus. All they ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway. So what we are dealing with is just another flu strain, like every year. COVID-19 DOES NOT EXIST and is fictitious!" --The CDC Is Being Sued for COVID Fraud
PROGNOSIS: In my 30+ years of dealing with mentally ill individuals, my experience has been that attempting to argue rationally with delusional patients only serves to reinforce their delusions. The more you attempt to talk them out of their beliefs, the more tenaciously they cling to their delusions.
"Delusional disorder is challenging to treat because individuals typically lack insight into their illness. That is, they don’t think they’re sick, so they seldom seek help or want treatment..." --Delusional Disorder Treatment
Furthermore, clinical case studies indicate that in cases of psychosis and delusion, 10 to 15% of patients remain fixed in their mental illness and never recover from such states, even with the aid of psychotropic medications. Patient "nichena" appears to fall within this range of hopeless cases.
SUMMARY: Patient "nichena" is clearly suffering from Delusional Disorder, from delusional beliefs most likely engendered by the mainstream media fake news propaganda outlets. His embrace of and adherence to such beliefs demonstrates that he is quite out-of-touch with actual, political reality, and may be indicative of an underlying psychosis--Corona Hoax Psychosis--as described above.
RECOMMENDATIONS: It is strongly recommended that patient "nichena" immediately cease all viewing of mainstream media fake news propaganda broadcasts and all reading of mainstream media fake news print media and seek out a qualified mental health professional to assist with the treatment of ingrained fixed delusions and the concomitant underlying psychosis. Psychotropic medications may or may not be helpful.
In fact "the evidence on effective medications for Delusional Disorder is scarce... The first-line pharmacological treatment is anti-psychotic medication... (And even though) it’s common for individuals with delusional disorder to take more than one medication, delusions don’t completely vanish with medication." --Delusional Disorder Treatment
CONCLUSION: Unless a critical mass of the sheeple awaken from their delusional slumber, and awaken soon, Marxist anarchist forces will continue to overrun this country, burning down cities, toppling statues, rioting, looting, vandalizing and murdering citizens. If the sheeple continue to hide their heads in the sand, life as we have known it in the United States of America will cease to exist, and fascist CCP-style tyranny will become the new social norm...
"America has now come to the brink of falling into a communist abyss... One of the two major U.S. parties, the Democratic Party, is no longer the political party it used to be. Over the decades, it has gradually been infiltrated by the same Marxist ideology that has created the most brutal and repressive communist regimes in history...
"This is a conflict that transcends party lines, a battle between whether we as Americans can stay true to our founding principles and follow God’s will, or whether we will be subjected to forces that seek to control and destroy our most fundamental rights... At the center of this battle is now President Donald Trump, who has clearly said no to socialism and communism and ended decades of appeasement of the Chinese regime by enacting a nationwide effort to counter its influence and infiltration...
"We have communist China at our gates, ready to take over. The CCP has carefully studied the U.S. system over the decades and now has successfully taken advantage of our open society and has infiltrated our country...
"The impact of this election is far-reaching. It has made clear to people, governments, and organizations around the world that they must decide whether they stand with the communist devil or with tradition and universal values.
"More and more people are now realizing that the 2020 U.S. election is not a two-party fight, not a dispute between Trump and Joe Biden, but a battle between tradition and socialism, a battle between good and evil, a battle between the Divine and the communist devil."--A choice that transcends the political right and left
“When I think of Democrats, I think of a lot of soulless people like Antifa and BLM, these people that will loot and burn cities.... But there’s also a lot of people who aren’t soulless people, like neighbors who fly a Biden flag… They have NO IDEA what they voted for. They literally have NO IDEA what is coming down the pike for them and their children if that sold out human being—the head of the Biden Crime Family—becomes President. They have NO CLUE, they literally have NO CLUE about the anti-human policies that would be implemented under a Democrat regime..." --Sean from SGT Report on Edge of Wonder TV
“Democrats are saying: ‘We choose not to follow any rules that we don’t want to follow. We’re going to steal and rig and lie and cheat and threaten and extort and start bombing people, attacking people, burning buildings down, shining lasers into the eyes of police. We’re going to steal your country, steal your elections, censor your speech, feed you disinformation, psychological operations through the media and, you have to be polite...’ That’s what Democrats are saying…” --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Dec. 9th - Humanity's breakthrough moment: We REFUSE to be enslaved!
But Democrats themselves "are not polite--they are criminals. They are vicious, malicious, ferocious fraudsters. They will do anything it takes to gain power and to destroy you, even to have you killed or incarcerated or silenced. Look at the censorship of Big Tech. Look at the lies of the left-wing media. Look at the blatant election-rigging that we just saw taking place right in front of our own eyes..."--Situation Update, Dec. 12th - SCOTUS betrayal allows Trump to invoke military tribunals
"It is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, it is absolutely ASTOUNDINGLY OBVIOUS, that the sick and twisted so-called 'political party' known as the Democrats cannot do anything without lying, stealing, cheating, or a combination of these items, or all three... That's the legacy of the Democrat Party--slavery, assassinations, undeclared wars and all sorts of, makin' money for themselves, and not doing very much for the people that they swear and declare they serve. You don't serve anything but yourselves and probably Beelzebub, and that's about it..." --John B Wells, Episode 1453
“These DemonRats—and by the way, when I call them ‘DemonRats’ it is not a meme… I’m actually being very literal. I call them DemonRats because: (1) They are all on Team Satan and Team Lucifer, they are all a part of the Dark One; (2) They are ratting each other out when they are arrested…to save their own neck, to save some time off of their sentencing and to prevent themselves from being executed; and (3) they are the lower end of the totem pole in this hierarchy chain of command of the Dark One; they take orders from above. They are literally DemonRats.” --Nyla Nguyen, China owns Dominion Voting System