"The 'vaccine' is not a vaccine but a medical procedure, essentially a bioweapon
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
“They’re not vaccine passports. They are data passports, they are participation
passports. There is no medical reason behind these. If I had come to you two
years ago and said here’s what the government wants to do. They want to give
everybody a chip. They want to put all your medical data and all your financial
data onto that chip. That will be your complete ID and they can control you or
shut you out of society from that. And then they would like to put a quantum
tattoo so that they can remotely medicate you. That sounds absolutely
insane..." --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
“It’s never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always
about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully
get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate
in a new crypto-currency based system which will be the system
that the world will use for finance.” --Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Discusses the New World Order Slave System
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
“They’re not vaccine passports. They are data passports, they are participation
passports. There is no medical reason behind these. If I had come to you two
years ago and said here’s what the government wants to do. They want to give
everybody a chip. They want to put all your medical data and all your financial
data onto that chip. That will be your complete ID and they can control you or
shut you out of society from that. And then they would like to put a quantum
tattoo so that they can remotely medicate you. That sounds absolutely
insane..." --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
“It’s never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always
about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully
get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate
in a new crypto-currency based system which will be the system
that the world will use for finance.” --Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Discusses the New World Order Slave System
The "Medical Establishment" Has Gone INSANE
"It is well-documented history that the Rockefeller family took over Western Medicine
by setting up and financing medical associations. These suppressed traditional
natural-based medicine in favor of petroleum and chemical-based medicine.
Since Western Medicine has long been structured as a military organization
headed by 'surgeon generals,' it was easy to co-opt this system by taking
control of its command structure. This is the WHO, the various medical
associations, and assorted 'surgeon generals.' Any doctor who
dissents from this command structure will have their medical
'license' removed and lose their access to a lucrative salary."
--Ben Fulford, Summer Solstice Turning Point as Military
Industrial Complex Takes on Medical Industrial Complex
"It's very interesting how there's a programming that medicine or science has become like
a religion. And it's nowhere more true than in the medical establishment... And I'm not
trying to put down doctors necessarily, but the profession as a whole has become
basically a PLOT against Humanity that's all controlled by the pharmaceutical
industry, so that even doctors HAVE to prescribe certain drugs... There IS
a concerted plot and there are companies at the top of the food chain in
terms of pharmaceuticals..." --Kerry Cassidy, Virus and Germ Theory
"It's medical tyranny, that's what we're facing. It's not just the vaccines...This
is a whole, unbelievable, worldwide plot...This thing isn't even a virus.
This is a man-made bio-weapon (that) they're testing... The science
of medicine has basically been able to take over our planet
in like a tyrannical system right now that is all about
taking over our physical bodies. So it's not enough
to mind control you--that's no longer enough. What
they want to do is they want to take over your
body, they want to occupy your body.."
--The Agenda Behind COVID
by setting up and financing medical associations. These suppressed traditional
natural-based medicine in favor of petroleum and chemical-based medicine.
Since Western Medicine has long been structured as a military organization
headed by 'surgeon generals,' it was easy to co-opt this system by taking
control of its command structure. This is the WHO, the various medical
associations, and assorted 'surgeon generals.' Any doctor who
dissents from this command structure will have their medical
'license' removed and lose their access to a lucrative salary."
--Ben Fulford, Summer Solstice Turning Point as Military
Industrial Complex Takes on Medical Industrial Complex
"It's very interesting how there's a programming that medicine or science has become like
a religion. And it's nowhere more true than in the medical establishment... And I'm not
trying to put down doctors necessarily, but the profession as a whole has become
basically a PLOT against Humanity that's all controlled by the pharmaceutical
industry, so that even doctors HAVE to prescribe certain drugs... There IS
a concerted plot and there are companies at the top of the food chain in
terms of pharmaceuticals..." --Kerry Cassidy, Virus and Germ Theory
"It's medical tyranny, that's what we're facing. It's not just the vaccines...This
is a whole, unbelievable, worldwide plot...This thing isn't even a virus.
This is a man-made bio-weapon (that) they're testing... The science
of medicine has basically been able to take over our planet
in like a tyrannical system right now that is all about
taking over our physical bodies. So it's not enough
to mind control you--that's no longer enough. What
they want to do is they want to take over your
body, they want to occupy your body.."
--The Agenda Behind COVID
Stew Peters: “There is an absolute sickness taking hold of America and it’s not COVID-19. It’s a sickness in the minds and hearts of American Health Care professionals…
“Until this summer, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, required employees to collect and retain records of any workers who suffered serious side effects from a vaccine. But in June OSHA suddenly jettisoned that requirement! OSHA used to exist to make sure that your employers couldn’t abuse you. Now, they are ordering your employers to abuse you. This is the direction that our medical tyranny is going. In a sane country we’d have doctors give advice to the public to achieve the best outcome. In Biden’s America we have public health officials maximizing their control of decrees and a heaping of lies…
“A couple weeks ago we told you about a series of doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, doctors whose advice to un-vaccinated patients is ‘Please go and die!’ Doctors who literally fantasize about being able to turn away sick patients and tell them, ‘It’s too late!’
“We learned about another insane case last week from Chelsey Walls. She’s a nurse at Parkview Medical Center in Colorado. Bravely she came forward, and according to Walls, that hospital’s CEO is a woman called Lesley Barnes. Barnes is actually seeking out doctors willing to refuse care to patients that chose against the COVID shots being called vaccines. Leslie Barnes, a CEO at a hospital, is encouraging actual medical care providers, to let you die if you’ve decided against this inoculation, that in just a short time, according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), has caused DOUBLE the amount of deaths than all previously approved vaccines COMBINED...
"There are people taking self-recorded videos, putting them all over the internet, only later to be suppressed, canceled and deleted because you’re not allowed to say anything negative about something that is killing a record-smashing, eye-popping, unprecedented amount of people in just a short time. What’s happening in our medical community? Why are these doctors refusing early treatment and openly discriminating or outright refusing care to people who refuse against these COVID shots?”
Niccole Landers, RN: “I have no other answer for it other than complete cognitive dissonance and deception, I mean severe deception. I can’t explain it—I’ve never experienced anything like it… (in the past) never once have we discriminated against care, but all of a sudden with these shots we’re watching patients come into the hospital left and right and you can’t even bring up the fact that it might be the shot (causing their health problems). I had a patient not long ago who ended up with Bells Palsy and the clinician documented the diagnosis as idiopathic Bells Palsy. Well for any medical staff that are out there listening, if you just had a vaccine then you’re diagnosed with idiopathic Bells Palsy, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Clearly the vaccine (was the cause of the Bells Palsy)..."
Stew Peters: “The media is (also) insane. No matter what channel you turn on...this is the most dirty, demonic, Satanic thing I have ever seen in my life… This is like a media-wide, constant 24-hour vaccine infomercial. Fox News—all these people pushing you to go get jabbed with this thing that they know is killing people and they are refusing to report this to people… Are these people that are suffering these adverse events people who have been chronically ill?”
Niccole Landers, RN: “Sometimes yes, sometimes they do, particularly with my population. They’re older (and) some of them have co-morbidities, but documentedly medically stable. If you have a documentedly medically stable 65 year-old, who has no history of heart disease come in with a massive MI (Myocardial Infarction) or a stroke, or blood clots in the leg, within a couple of weeks of the shot, there’s no question that something has gone tragically wrong, and suddenly...
Stew Peters: “So you’ve been doing this for twenty years, and since late February when these shots came out, what you’re saying is that this type of patient has exponentially increased?"
Niccole Landers, RN: “Yes they have, without doubt...absolutely they’ve increased. This isn’t just me. I talked to nurses and physicians all over the country (and) we’re all seeing it. I would dare say that even those who aren’t willing to talk about it or try to deny it—they also see it. I can’t explain in aside from cognitive dissonance, but this is absolutely happening. It’s happening all over the place, and it’s happening regularly.”
Stew Peters: “Wouldn’t cognitive dissonance suggest that these doctors have no idea what’s really going on? I mean this seems more intentionally deceptive to me. It seems like they’re participating in...murder for money..."
“Until this summer, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, required employees to collect and retain records of any workers who suffered serious side effects from a vaccine. But in June OSHA suddenly jettisoned that requirement! OSHA used to exist to make sure that your employers couldn’t abuse you. Now, they are ordering your employers to abuse you. This is the direction that our medical tyranny is going. In a sane country we’d have doctors give advice to the public to achieve the best outcome. In Biden’s America we have public health officials maximizing their control of decrees and a heaping of lies…
“A couple weeks ago we told you about a series of doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, doctors whose advice to un-vaccinated patients is ‘Please go and die!’ Doctors who literally fantasize about being able to turn away sick patients and tell them, ‘It’s too late!’
“We learned about another insane case last week from Chelsey Walls. She’s a nurse at Parkview Medical Center in Colorado. Bravely she came forward, and according to Walls, that hospital’s CEO is a woman called Lesley Barnes. Barnes is actually seeking out doctors willing to refuse care to patients that chose against the COVID shots being called vaccines. Leslie Barnes, a CEO at a hospital, is encouraging actual medical care providers, to let you die if you’ve decided against this inoculation, that in just a short time, according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), has caused DOUBLE the amount of deaths than all previously approved vaccines COMBINED...
"There are people taking self-recorded videos, putting them all over the internet, only later to be suppressed, canceled and deleted because you’re not allowed to say anything negative about something that is killing a record-smashing, eye-popping, unprecedented amount of people in just a short time. What’s happening in our medical community? Why are these doctors refusing early treatment and openly discriminating or outright refusing care to people who refuse against these COVID shots?”
Niccole Landers, RN: “I have no other answer for it other than complete cognitive dissonance and deception, I mean severe deception. I can’t explain it—I’ve never experienced anything like it… (in the past) never once have we discriminated against care, but all of a sudden with these shots we’re watching patients come into the hospital left and right and you can’t even bring up the fact that it might be the shot (causing their health problems). I had a patient not long ago who ended up with Bells Palsy and the clinician documented the diagnosis as idiopathic Bells Palsy. Well for any medical staff that are out there listening, if you just had a vaccine then you’re diagnosed with idiopathic Bells Palsy, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Clearly the vaccine (was the cause of the Bells Palsy)..."
Stew Peters: “The media is (also) insane. No matter what channel you turn on...this is the most dirty, demonic, Satanic thing I have ever seen in my life… This is like a media-wide, constant 24-hour vaccine infomercial. Fox News—all these people pushing you to go get jabbed with this thing that they know is killing people and they are refusing to report this to people… Are these people that are suffering these adverse events people who have been chronically ill?”
Niccole Landers, RN: “Sometimes yes, sometimes they do, particularly with my population. They’re older (and) some of them have co-morbidities, but documentedly medically stable. If you have a documentedly medically stable 65 year-old, who has no history of heart disease come in with a massive MI (Myocardial Infarction) or a stroke, or blood clots in the leg, within a couple of weeks of the shot, there’s no question that something has gone tragically wrong, and suddenly...
Stew Peters: “So you’ve been doing this for twenty years, and since late February when these shots came out, what you’re saying is that this type of patient has exponentially increased?"
Niccole Landers, RN: “Yes they have, without doubt...absolutely they’ve increased. This isn’t just me. I talked to nurses and physicians all over the country (and) we’re all seeing it. I would dare say that even those who aren’t willing to talk about it or try to deny it—they also see it. I can’t explain in aside from cognitive dissonance, but this is absolutely happening. It’s happening all over the place, and it’s happening regularly.”
Stew Peters: “Wouldn’t cognitive dissonance suggest that these doctors have no idea what’s really going on? I mean this seems more intentionally deceptive to me. It seems like they’re participating in...murder for money..."
Niccole Landers, RN: “It’s hard for me to speak to motive. I think there is a lot of (health) care providers out there who went in and took an oath to do no harm. I can’t make sense of this cognitive blockade they have where they absolutely won’t listen, won’t consider, won’t clinically critically think. I don’t want to speak to motive of some of the boots on the ground personnel, but I certainly want to say this: They are failing at their oath, they are failing to provide standard of care, and it is gross negligence…”
Stew Peters: “Don’t they know that what they are doing is wrong? These are doctors!”
Stew Peters: “Don’t they know that what they are doing is wrong? These are doctors!”
Niccole Landers, RN: “It’s shocking, appalling and it makes no sense, you’re absolutely correct… There were COVID positive fully vaxxed patients that had reached hospital level intervention. There were some unvaxxed COVID patients. But mostly what I saw was a steady increase of vaccine-injured patients..."
Stew Peters: “So we’re being fed a mouthful of lies by the media and by this regime, this so-called ‘administration’, this illegitimate administration. We’re being fed LIES by our health-care providers... It’s insane—I don’t know what else to say about it...” --Stew Peters – Medical Tyranny Is Here
Dr. Carrie Madej: "We have no sound science any more... Our medicine is gone, what you've known of it is completely gone. Science has turned to the dark side, it really has. It's not about protecting the integrity and ethics anymore like it used to be. It's about doing the most obscure and insane scientific techniques and novel technologies just to see what happens. That's a mad scientist without a heart! That's not how we used to be. That's not how I was trained. We've lost our way..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Stew Peters: “So we’re being fed a mouthful of lies by the media and by this regime, this so-called ‘administration’, this illegitimate administration. We’re being fed LIES by our health-care providers... It’s insane—I don’t know what else to say about it...” --Stew Peters – Medical Tyranny Is Here
Dr. Carrie Madej: "We have no sound science any more... Our medicine is gone, what you've known of it is completely gone. Science has turned to the dark side, it really has. It's not about protecting the integrity and ethics anymore like it used to be. It's about doing the most obscure and insane scientific techniques and novel technologies just to see what happens. That's a mad scientist without a heart! That's not how we used to be. That's not how I was trained. We've lost our way..." --Dr. Carrie Madej, Mike Adams, COVID Vaccines Use Exotic Nanotech
Mike Adams: "The medical ethics are abandoned, so there's no informed consent. They're not telling people, 'Hey, this might kill you. We're going to tell you all the risks and then you can choose.' No, they're saying: 'It's harmless, nobody's been harmed, nobody has died, take it, it works, it's 95% effective...' It's all a LIE..." --Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Steve Hotze on COVID, vaccines, eugenics and the diabolical agenda to injure billions
"We know that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the University of North Carolina and then in the Wuhan China lab. We know the vaccine does not protect. We know it injects a pathogen into the body. We know the vaccine causes death and illnesses. There are known facts. Yet the campaign to coerce universal 'vaccination' with a 'vaccine' that is far more dangerous than COVID continues. This implies the complete total dishonesty or stupidity of the medical establishment and political leaders, or it points to the implementation of a campaign decades in the making to reduce and limit the human population...
"They do intend to kill most of us. That is the purpose of the spike protein in the 'vaccine'..." --Paul Craig Roberts, The 'Vaccine' Is Killing More People Than COVID
"We know that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the University of North Carolina and then in the Wuhan China lab. We know the vaccine does not protect. We know it injects a pathogen into the body. We know the vaccine causes death and illnesses. There are known facts. Yet the campaign to coerce universal 'vaccination' with a 'vaccine' that is far more dangerous than COVID continues. This implies the complete total dishonesty or stupidity of the medical establishment and political leaders, or it points to the implementation of a campaign decades in the making to reduce and limit the human population...
"They do intend to kill most of us. That is the purpose of the spike protein in the 'vaccine'..." --Paul Craig Roberts, The 'Vaccine' Is Killing More People Than COVID
"Here is a doctor and chief RN in a US Department of Health & Human Services Hospital reporting that the official protocol is NOT to report adverse reactions to the vaccine, NOT to treat COVID patients with safe and effective Ivermectin, indeed, it is impermissible to do so and you are fired if you save lives with Ivermectin, and NOT to permit staff to refuse inoculation based on informed consent from seeing the deadly effects of the vaccine on patients.
"In this video you can witness the doctor and nurses speaking about the evil of the Health & Human Services federal hospital intentionally killing people and preventing doctors and nurses from saving the lives of patients. This is not happening from incompetence and lack of knowledge. People are being systematically murdered, and COVID is being blamed. All adverse vaccine reactions are blamed on COVID, not on the vaccine, and this lie is used to justify not reporting the adverse event...
"The evidence is overwhelming that the US medical, political, and media establishments are perfectly comfortable knowingly enforcing unscientific and counterfactual death policies on the American people..." --More Evidence That They Know the COVID Vaccine Is Killing and Maiming People and Yet They Continue Their Death Program
"In this video you can witness the doctor and nurses speaking about the evil of the Health & Human Services federal hospital intentionally killing people and preventing doctors and nurses from saving the lives of patients. This is not happening from incompetence and lack of knowledge. People are being systematically murdered, and COVID is being blamed. All adverse vaccine reactions are blamed on COVID, not on the vaccine, and this lie is used to justify not reporting the adverse event...
"The evidence is overwhelming that the US medical, political, and media establishments are perfectly comfortable knowingly enforcing unscientific and counterfactual death policies on the American people..." --More Evidence That They Know the COVID Vaccine Is Killing and Maiming People and Yet They Continue Their Death Program
Dr. Bhakdi: "These data are so damning that you don't have to start looking for other data to know that these vaccines are killing the young, and the old--are killing the young and the old. And they are killing our children..." --The Vaccines Are Killing People - Dr. Bhakdi Looks At the Clear and Alarming Evidence
Dr. Lee Merritt: "If you want my actual worldview, I believe that we're at war, and that this is a take-down of Western civilization if not Humanity. So it's an attack on us as humans and they're coming after us, they're coming after our children and they want us dead or sterilized." --The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
Dr. Lee Merritt: "If you want my actual worldview, I believe that we're at war, and that this is a take-down of Western civilization if not Humanity. So it's an attack on us as humans and they're coming after us, they're coming after our children and they want us dead or sterilized." --The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
By now there is a mountain of evidence which undoubtedly and unequivocally demonstrates that the so-called COVID-19 "vaccines" have killed tens of thousands of the American people, and permanently maimed, disabled and sterilized thousands more. How deaf, dumb, blind, retarded, brainwashed or indoctrinated do you have to be to continue to deny this evidence? How stupid can anyone be to continue to take these "boosters" when is is abundantly, painfully, pathetically evident that "these 'vaccines' are the most dangerous vaccines in human history"? --Dr Steve Kirsch, COVID Vaccines Kill More People Than They Save
"Meanwhile, the drug companies are making a fortune. Pfizer, one of the world’s most fined companies in history, expects its 2021 COVID jab sales to reach $36 billion and in 2022 they’re expecting $29 billion, though they admit they are hoping for much better than that. And they also expect the ‘market for COVID-19 vaccines to be durable and to continue generating sales for years to come’.
"Pfizer, like other big drug companies has a bad record for honesty. In the UK, Pfizer was fined £84.2 million for overcharging the NHS by 2,600% and in the US Pfizer was hit with a $2.3 billion fine for mis-promoting medicines, making false claims and paying kickbacks to doctors to prescribe their drugs. At the time that was the largest health care fraud settlement in American history.
"The CEO of Pfizer is quoted as saying that people who spread misinformation about vaccines are criminals. For once I agree with a drug company employee. He’s right. The police should arrest all politicians, all medical advisors, thousands of doctors and journalists, the staff of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the entire staff of the BBC and the so-called fact checkers.
"Governments have deliberately and systematically created fear to terrify and manipulate and virtually force people to accept a jab that doesn’t do what most people think it does – it doesn’t stop people catching or spreading COVID-19. And now governments and advisors and journalists are demanding that the jabs be mandatory.
"When will people realize what is happening to them? I’ve been making videos about this assault, this coup, since March 2020, nearly 300 of them, and find it difficult to understand how people still can’t understand what is happening to them. The word ‘genocide’ can no longer be considered hyperbole..." --Dr. Vernon Coleman, They KNEW the Jab Would Kill Thousands
“I think that if people actually knew the reality of what was going on they would just decide very quickly right now never to go near these things (COVID ‘vaccines’) again. This isn’t hearsay people, and it’s not conjecture. The clinical trials were garbage and there’s no safety data. I’m not just saying these words, and it’s very reflective in all of these adverse event data collection systems all over the world. They're all saying the same thing. It’s not something that you can ignore. There’s a reason why this is happening—it’s because they’re not safe (the COVID ‘vaccines’).
“These are people that trusted in these products and the people who were telling them that they were 'safe and effective,' (that) they were healthy. (So) they went out, they got the shots, (and) some of them suffered an adverse event, (and) some of them died. And these reports got filed to VAERS, and then they got removed--that’s atrocious. I’m not speculating here either--this is what is happening. They went through this horrifying experience, which no human should be going through, and then they got disappeared. I don’t even know what the word for that is. It’s appalling...
"How many more people have to die in order for these products to be deemed unsafe?” --Jessica Rose, Ph.D. - VAERS Data and What it Reveals About COVID Jab Safety
"Meanwhile, the drug companies are making a fortune. Pfizer, one of the world’s most fined companies in history, expects its 2021 COVID jab sales to reach $36 billion and in 2022 they’re expecting $29 billion, though they admit they are hoping for much better than that. And they also expect the ‘market for COVID-19 vaccines to be durable and to continue generating sales for years to come’.
"Pfizer, like other big drug companies has a bad record for honesty. In the UK, Pfizer was fined £84.2 million for overcharging the NHS by 2,600% and in the US Pfizer was hit with a $2.3 billion fine for mis-promoting medicines, making false claims and paying kickbacks to doctors to prescribe their drugs. At the time that was the largest health care fraud settlement in American history.
"The CEO of Pfizer is quoted as saying that people who spread misinformation about vaccines are criminals. For once I agree with a drug company employee. He’s right. The police should arrest all politicians, all medical advisors, thousands of doctors and journalists, the staff of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the entire staff of the BBC and the so-called fact checkers.
"Governments have deliberately and systematically created fear to terrify and manipulate and virtually force people to accept a jab that doesn’t do what most people think it does – it doesn’t stop people catching or spreading COVID-19. And now governments and advisors and journalists are demanding that the jabs be mandatory.
"When will people realize what is happening to them? I’ve been making videos about this assault, this coup, since March 2020, nearly 300 of them, and find it difficult to understand how people still can’t understand what is happening to them. The word ‘genocide’ can no longer be considered hyperbole..." --Dr. Vernon Coleman, They KNEW the Jab Would Kill Thousands
“I think that if people actually knew the reality of what was going on they would just decide very quickly right now never to go near these things (COVID ‘vaccines’) again. This isn’t hearsay people, and it’s not conjecture. The clinical trials were garbage and there’s no safety data. I’m not just saying these words, and it’s very reflective in all of these adverse event data collection systems all over the world. They're all saying the same thing. It’s not something that you can ignore. There’s a reason why this is happening—it’s because they’re not safe (the COVID ‘vaccines’).
“These are people that trusted in these products and the people who were telling them that they were 'safe and effective,' (that) they were healthy. (So) they went out, they got the shots, (and) some of them suffered an adverse event, (and) some of them died. And these reports got filed to VAERS, and then they got removed--that’s atrocious. I’m not speculating here either--this is what is happening. They went through this horrifying experience, which no human should be going through, and then they got disappeared. I don’t even know what the word for that is. It’s appalling...
"How many more people have to die in order for these products to be deemed unsafe?” --Jessica Rose, Ph.D. - VAERS Data and What it Reveals About COVID Jab Safety
The Hospitals Have Become "Killing Fields"
“Pfizer won’ t tell us (what's in the 'vaccines'), and we have a complacent society
and a corrupt media that programs and brainwashes the listeners every single
day. And it's an upside-down world—it’s so disturbing, this dystopia that
we have found ourselves in. You have to smack yourself in the face
once a day just to realize that you’re not just in a bad dream. This
is actually the reality that we’re living in."--SGT
Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a 'FLU' at all.
It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis
vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive,
multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared
immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a 'killing field'.
Those that were not vaccinated were not affected." --The
1918 "SPANISH FLU" -- Only the Vaccinated Died
and a corrupt media that programs and brainwashes the listeners every single
day. And it's an upside-down world—it’s so disturbing, this dystopia that
we have found ourselves in. You have to smack yourself in the face
once a day just to realize that you’re not just in a bad dream. This
is actually the reality that we’re living in."--SGT
Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a 'FLU' at all.
It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis
vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive,
multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared
immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a 'killing field'.
Those that were not vaccinated were not affected." --The
1918 "SPANISH FLU" -- Only the Vaccinated Died
As we have seen, either out of ignorance or complicity, members of the so-called "medical establishment"--doctors, nurses, nurse prescribers, medical directors, etc.--are all getting paid in one way or another to push an insane genocidal agenda on an unsuspecting and trusting (naive and gullible) American population. These "medical staff", either wittingly or unwittingly, are administering a highly poisonous, experimental gene modifying drug without informed consent, under the pretext of protecting people from COVID-19, a fictitious disease. And if you are unfortunate enough to land in the hospital as a result of your belief in this illness, which is essentially the flu, the chances are slim to none that you will survive your stay, because "the hospitals are now in the business of killing people...” --Sean from SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been inconsistencies in the reporting of COVID-19 cases. Hospitals have been incentivized to mark deaths as COVID deaths, even in cases where it may not be the primary cause of death. Hospitals were paid $13,000 per person who was admitted as a COVID case, and another $39,000 for every patient put on a ventilator. Minnesota state senator and family physician, Scott Jenson, has critiqued the CDC’s prevention guidelines on how doctors are certifying COVID-19 deaths on death certificates. He pointed out that the current system could easily cause the disease to appear deadlier than it actually is.
"In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.'”
"In Florida, a man died in a motorcycle accident, tested positive for COVID-19, and was then marked down as a COVID death. The same thing was seen in the case of a man who died of a gunshot wound, and a man who died of Parkinson’s disease. Under the current CDC guidelines, a patient who is hit by a bus, and then tests positive for COVID-19, would be marked as a COVID death, despite injuries from the bus accident." --CDC Admits Hospital Incentives Drove Up COVID-19 Deaths
Joe Rogan: “So it really is true that if someone has a gunshot wound and they’re dying of that gunshot wound, and you check them for COVID and if they’re COVID positive and they die, they mark that off as a COVID death?”
Dr. Robert Malone: “That is by definition from the CDC. That was a decision that was made early on.”
Joe Rogan: “That seems INSANE.” -- Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
"A physician from Minnesota claimed this week that federal officials are encouraging medical officials to incorrectly attribute all related deaths to COVID-19, even in cases where the Coronavirus clearly played a minimal (if any) role in the deceased's passage." Dr. Scott Jensen, physician and Minnesota State Senator, reports that the CDC is encouraging physicians to "massage and game the numbers" of COVID-19 related deaths. Why would they want to skew the deaths due to COVID-19? "Well, fear is a great way to control people and I worry about that... People's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough..." --How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count?
Sean: "A lot people who are finding themselves in the hospital...for severe flu, pneumonia—whatever they are labeling COVID—the minute the hospital labels it COVID, the COVID protocols kick in, which includes a lot of dangerous stuff that tends to harm people, hurt people, and they restrict all the good stuff you need, like in many cases hydration, food and water (and curative theraputics like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D). So tell us about the hospital protocols when you are labeled as a patient having COVID, how dangerous those protocols are, and why people need to take steps before they EVER go to the hospital...once they really are sick.” --SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.'”
"In Florida, a man died in a motorcycle accident, tested positive for COVID-19, and was then marked down as a COVID death. The same thing was seen in the case of a man who died of a gunshot wound, and a man who died of Parkinson’s disease. Under the current CDC guidelines, a patient who is hit by a bus, and then tests positive for COVID-19, would be marked as a COVID death, despite injuries from the bus accident." --CDC Admits Hospital Incentives Drove Up COVID-19 Deaths
Joe Rogan: “So it really is true that if someone has a gunshot wound and they’re dying of that gunshot wound, and you check them for COVID and if they’re COVID positive and they die, they mark that off as a COVID death?”
Dr. Robert Malone: “That is by definition from the CDC. That was a decision that was made early on.”
Joe Rogan: “That seems INSANE.” -- Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone
"A physician from Minnesota claimed this week that federal officials are encouraging medical officials to incorrectly attribute all related deaths to COVID-19, even in cases where the Coronavirus clearly played a minimal (if any) role in the deceased's passage." Dr. Scott Jensen, physician and Minnesota State Senator, reports that the CDC is encouraging physicians to "massage and game the numbers" of COVID-19 related deaths. Why would they want to skew the deaths due to COVID-19? "Well, fear is a great way to control people and I worry about that... People's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough..." --How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count?
Sean: "A lot people who are finding themselves in the hospital...for severe flu, pneumonia—whatever they are labeling COVID—the minute the hospital labels it COVID, the COVID protocols kick in, which includes a lot of dangerous stuff that tends to harm people, hurt people, and they restrict all the good stuff you need, like in many cases hydration, food and water (and curative theraputics like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D). So tell us about the hospital protocols when you are labeled as a patient having COVID, how dangerous those protocols are, and why people need to take steps before they EVER go to the hospital...once they really are sick.” --SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
Nicole Landers, RN: “So the hospitals protocols basically involve anyone, not just if you show up with COVID symptoms, but anyone who comes to the hospital’s doors they’ll try to push for a COVID test. If the COVID test comes up positive, guess what? If they can determine a reason to admit you, they’re moving you to a COVID unit. Then they’re going to increase your oxygen demand. Then they’re going to tell you that you need Remdesivir. Remdesivir proves to be fatal and detrimental to the kidneys in 54% of cases. Then they’re going to put you in a vent. Once you have Remdesivir and you’re on a vent, not only is it impossible to get you out of the hospital without guerrilla warfare level intervention, but you’re probably not going to make it, because kidney failure and reverse pressure on your lungs kills you…
“So we are sending out an SOS… Understand how to get early treatment. There’s many, many, many options—you can get telehealth; you can get the medications; you can get it ahead of time… Have a Power of Attorney in place because you have to do this. Because if you show up at the hospital without a Power of Attorney, it is hard for your loved one to speak on your behalf. They will cut off communication with your family if you get put in the hospital and you will have a hard time getting communication back. They will take your phone; they will cut off your food and your fluids. It is absolutely tragedy and we’re getting calls all across the country… You want to make sure that you are prepared in every single conceivable way.
“If you feel like you need to have some level of intervention make your way to an Urgent Care but do NOT go to the hospital… By the time you get to the hospital and realize that their agenda is going to hurt you rather than help you, you’re probably already in the Intensive Care Unit (and marked for death)..." --SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
“So we are sending out an SOS… Understand how to get early treatment. There’s many, many, many options—you can get telehealth; you can get the medications; you can get it ahead of time… Have a Power of Attorney in place because you have to do this. Because if you show up at the hospital without a Power of Attorney, it is hard for your loved one to speak on your behalf. They will cut off communication with your family if you get put in the hospital and you will have a hard time getting communication back. They will take your phone; they will cut off your food and your fluids. It is absolutely tragedy and we’re getting calls all across the country… You want to make sure that you are prepared in every single conceivable way.
“If you feel like you need to have some level of intervention make your way to an Urgent Care but do NOT go to the hospital… By the time you get to the hospital and realize that their agenda is going to hurt you rather than help you, you’re probably already in the Intensive Care Unit (and marked for death)..." --SGT Report - The Hospitals Will Kill You
"People aren't dying from COVID--they are medically mismanaging these patients...
(And) nobody is listening--they don't care what is happening to these people.
They don't. I am literally coming here every day and watching them kill them...
It's like working in the Twilight Zone. Everyone here is OK with this... What
I need is someone to help me save these people from being killed from
gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement, and no one
is listening to me... Am I the only one that isn't a fucking sociopath?"
"I have a friend who is in New York City who is on the front lines, and for her safety
she cannot come out and say these things, so I am her voice...People are sick, but
they don't have to stay sick. They are killing them--they are not helping them. She
used the word 'murder,' coming from a nurse who went to New York City expecting
to help. Patients are left to rot and die--her words. She has never seen such neglect.
No one cares--they are cold and they don't care anymore... She said 'This is a
nightmare--it's like out of a horror movie, and I don't want to be part of this'...Some-
times they are not even resuscitating people--again, they are left to rot and die..."
"Veronica had a prescription for Ivermectin at home. She had been requesting to
the hospital if she could bring that... Her request was DENIED (and she died)."
A Hospital Killed My Cousin With A Ventilator
"This is a personal story on what a hospital (Centegra) did to our cousin with a ventilator.
"Our cousin is not the type of person to get scared or escape a hospital unless he saw or heard something alarming. His last words to his fiancé, 'get me out of here they’re trying to kill me' can’t be erased from my mind.
"Did he see something or hear something while in the hospital that made him to want to leave? My cousin wasn’t the rebellious type with doctors and would have stayed if he felt comfortable and safe." --Hospitals KILLING the Unvaccinated
"Don’t let them put you on a ventilator. Do you know how a ventilator works? Well it just blows air into your lungs. And if you don’t want to inflate like a balloon…they have to punch a hole in your rib cage to let the air out… They are putting these patients on ventilators…very dangerous…they get pneumonia and they die. Elmhurst hospital in New York knows all about it.
“It’s sick… these people like Cuomo and this horrid Whitmer. To me they are nothing but mass murderers. I’m saying so and I mean it! Deliberately infecting people, locking people down and making them crazy. Threatening them with all kinds of things… The Democrats just aren’t racist against Blacks, they are Human racists. They hate everybody except themselves…” --John B. Wells Episode 1416
- My cousin was healthy and in his early 40s
- We last saw him and his fiancé on July 4, 2021 and everyone was healthy
- 2 weeks after we saw them, they went to Florida for vacation for one week
- 2 days after our cousin, fiancé and kids came back from Florida, they all had flu symptoms
- Our cousin felt a bit worse the third day and went to the hospital to get checked out
- The hospital kept him into the night and suggested he stay since his oxygen levels were lower
- Our cousin called his fiancé to say “get me out of this hospital they are trying to kill me” (she was home with the kids)
- Power of Attorney person did not allow his fiancé into the hospital
- Our cousin tried to leave that night, removing the IV’s from his arms. They stopped him and sedated him
- The same night of his attempted escape, our cousin was placed on a ventilator
- A week after being on the ventilator, they took him out of sedation – he tried pulling the tube from his throat to leave again
- They sedated him and kept him on the ventilator another week
- Blood clots appeared in his lungs after a week of being on the ventilator
- The hospital kept asking the family for a DNR (do not resuscitate – 4 times in a week) and the family said NO
- Hospitals DO NOT ASK for a DNR, they are supposed to ask the family how they feel about DNR!
- How could someone in a “DO NOT RESUSCITATIVE STATE” try to escape a second time?!
- After the last request from the hospital for a DNR, we got word my cousin was 'coding.'
- 30 minutes later my cousin died of a 'heart attack.'
"Our cousin is not the type of person to get scared or escape a hospital unless he saw or heard something alarming. His last words to his fiancé, 'get me out of here they’re trying to kill me' can’t be erased from my mind.
"Did he see something or hear something while in the hospital that made him to want to leave? My cousin wasn’t the rebellious type with doctors and would have stayed if he felt comfortable and safe." --Hospitals KILLING the Unvaccinated
"Don’t let them put you on a ventilator. Do you know how a ventilator works? Well it just blows air into your lungs. And if you don’t want to inflate like a balloon…they have to punch a hole in your rib cage to let the air out… They are putting these patients on ventilators…very dangerous…they get pneumonia and they die. Elmhurst hospital in New York knows all about it.
“It’s sick… these people like Cuomo and this horrid Whitmer. To me they are nothing but mass murderers. I’m saying so and I mean it! Deliberately infecting people, locking people down and making them crazy. Threatening them with all kinds of things… The Democrats just aren’t racist against Blacks, they are Human racists. They hate everybody except themselves…” --John B. Wells Episode 1416
“Getting off the plane in New York I sat around for 3 days. There were nurses that got
there before me that were sitting there for up to 3 weeks, and we’re getting paid ten
thousand dollars a week as nurses, which is a lot of money. In my opinion it was
hush money. A lot of nurses didn’t want to say anything because they wanted
their paycheck…. What they were doing is pretty much admitting everyone,
regardless if they had COVID or not, because there was a price tag. It was
$13,000 to admit them to the floor, and $39,000 to put them on a
ventilator, knowing that ventilators, by the time I got there...had
killed absolutely every single one of their patients...”
"The hospitals are dangerous, they are CORRUPT, and their protocols are killing people..."
"According to (attorney Todd) Callender, the best thing for Americans to do is to 'stay out of the hospital.'
“'Stay out of the hospital, and if you need help from a doctor, get a private doctor,' he said. 'Go to a clinic that isn’t federally funded because as soon as you’re in that paradigm of federal funding, the hospital says: ‘Our hands are tied and we have to follow the protocol,’ and that includes no outside doctors. That means that you’re going to stay there and oftentimes die.'
"Callender said helping patients extricate themselves from the hospital is not where his legal work stops. He also helps doctors who want to prescribe certain therapeutic medications to patients but are not allowed to do so because the drugs are not listed on the hospital’s COVID protocol.
"The attorney said he has 'been spending an inordinate amount of my time lately helping … doctors who want to prescribe therapeutics like ivermectin (and) hydroxychloroquine' but are barred from doing so.
"Callender urged concerned listeners to join the fight to shed light on what is happening in hospitals, and to protect themselves from being made victims of a dangerous incentive structure.
"According to Callender, many hospitals are 'violating people’s constitutional rights, their human rights, their patient rights. And it’s got to stop. And until we get some public light on this, until people like yourself get this out of public view, they’ll just keep doing it because they’re actually getting economically rewarded to do (it),' he said." --'Hospital death camps': Attorney says COVID patients are trapped and receiving harmful treatments
“'Stay out of the hospital, and if you need help from a doctor, get a private doctor,' he said. 'Go to a clinic that isn’t federally funded because as soon as you’re in that paradigm of federal funding, the hospital says: ‘Our hands are tied and we have to follow the protocol,’ and that includes no outside doctors. That means that you’re going to stay there and oftentimes die.'
"Callender said helping patients extricate themselves from the hospital is not where his legal work stops. He also helps doctors who want to prescribe certain therapeutic medications to patients but are not allowed to do so because the drugs are not listed on the hospital’s COVID protocol.
"The attorney said he has 'been spending an inordinate amount of my time lately helping … doctors who want to prescribe therapeutics like ivermectin (and) hydroxychloroquine' but are barred from doing so.
"Callender urged concerned listeners to join the fight to shed light on what is happening in hospitals, and to protect themselves from being made victims of a dangerous incentive structure.
"According to Callender, many hospitals are 'violating people’s constitutional rights, their human rights, their patient rights. And it’s got to stop. And until we get some public light on this, until people like yourself get this out of public view, they’ll just keep doing it because they’re actually getting economically rewarded to do (it),' he said." --'Hospital death camps': Attorney says COVID patients are trapped and receiving harmful treatments
"For middle-aged and older Americans diagnosed with flu/COVID — even if incorrectly, that happens repeatedly because it’s more profitable — US hospitals nationwide are virtual death chambers, not institutions of healing. They’re paid 6-figure bonuses per patient to administer health-destroying protocols with mass-extermination of unwanted segments of society in mind. It includes toxic drugs and intubation able to extinguish life in a few days.
"Weeks earlier, attorney Thomas Renz estimated the death toll in hospitals at over 800,000 so far. It’s been done by 'restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.' Medicare and Medicaid transformed themselves into MediKill.
"US hospitals are operating as 'bounty hunters' — profiting from legalized cold-blooded mass-murder in cahoots with US dark forces." --US Hospitals Bribed to Kill, Not Cure, Flu/Covid Patients
"Weeks earlier, attorney Thomas Renz estimated the death toll in hospitals at over 800,000 so far. It’s been done by 'restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.' Medicare and Medicaid transformed themselves into MediKill.
"US hospitals are operating as 'bounty hunters' — profiting from legalized cold-blooded mass-murder in cahoots with US dark forces." --US Hospitals Bribed to Kill, Not Cure, Flu/Covid Patients
Vaccine Passports - The Ultimate Tyranny
"The current Western financial system consists of Oligarchs using the
central banks they own to pump money into the corporations they also
own. That is why you have the worlds’ wealth vanishing into a black
hole headquartered around Lake Geneva, Switzerland... These
criminals, aware their control grid is collapsing, have been
trying desperately to vaccinate the world into obedience with
a fake pandemic. They planned to inject people with a
machine-readable mark of the beast ID (Certificate Of
Vaccine ID) and make their ability to earn a living
dependent on that ID." --Benjamin Fulford 11-1-21
central banks they own to pump money into the corporations they also
own. That is why you have the worlds’ wealth vanishing into a black
hole headquartered around Lake Geneva, Switzerland... These
criminals, aware their control grid is collapsing, have been
trying desperately to vaccinate the world into obedience with
a fake pandemic. They planned to inject people with a
machine-readable mark of the beast ID (Certificate Of
Vaccine ID) and make their ability to earn a living
dependent on that ID." --Benjamin Fulford 11-1-21
Naomi Wolf: "This is probably the most serious warning I've ever given. I've been warning everyone since 2008 that (America) could slip into a fascist reality and the vaccine passports really are the last step and...'the hill worth dying on' or the last fight that we have to fight. Because once the vaccine passports are accepted there is no more resistance, there is no more choice…
“It’s happening at warp speed so please don’t be fooled. This is the most dangerous tool that Humanity has faced in my lifetime, if not ever, in terms of human liberty…" --Naomi Wolf Issues Dire Warning Over Vaccine Passports
"America isn't at the stage of full-blown fascism yet. It's more like Nazi Germany in the early to mid 1930's, the time when the infrastructure for true horror was built. When the new laws were passed. When the Gestapos and SS’s were populated with eager young things. When the government was reshaped. When the Jews were terrorized. When the good German began to learn how to look the other way.
"Do you see the parallel? In the early to mid 1930's, Weimar Germany became Nazi Germany proper. The institutions of a truly fascist society were built. Social institutions, like teaching the good German never to cross the Nazis, obedience, punishment, conformity, surveillance. Government institutions--like the law becoming a weapon. Economic institutions--like good and fine jobs for party members. Military institutions--all those new paramilitaries with strange and now all too familiar names, like Gestapo...
"That is exactly the stage America is at now: the stage where fascist institutions are built, solidified, invested in, made real. Hence, a network of concentration camps that grows by the day. Hence, increasing surveillance. Hence, hate becoming normalized, and the state increasingly becoming an arbiter of violence, not justice." --Do Americans Understand They Are Beginning To Live In A Fascist Society?
“It’s happening at warp speed so please don’t be fooled. This is the most dangerous tool that Humanity has faced in my lifetime, if not ever, in terms of human liberty…" --Naomi Wolf Issues Dire Warning Over Vaccine Passports
"America isn't at the stage of full-blown fascism yet. It's more like Nazi Germany in the early to mid 1930's, the time when the infrastructure for true horror was built. When the new laws were passed. When the Gestapos and SS’s were populated with eager young things. When the government was reshaped. When the Jews were terrorized. When the good German began to learn how to look the other way.
"Do you see the parallel? In the early to mid 1930's, Weimar Germany became Nazi Germany proper. The institutions of a truly fascist society were built. Social institutions, like teaching the good German never to cross the Nazis, obedience, punishment, conformity, surveillance. Government institutions--like the law becoming a weapon. Economic institutions--like good and fine jobs for party members. Military institutions--all those new paramilitaries with strange and now all too familiar names, like Gestapo...
"That is exactly the stage America is at now: the stage where fascist institutions are built, solidified, invested in, made real. Hence, a network of concentration camps that grows by the day. Hence, increasing surveillance. Hence, hate becoming normalized, and the state increasingly becoming an arbiter of violence, not justice." --Do Americans Understand They Are Beginning To Live In A Fascist Society?
"The imposition of vaccine passports represents a major expansion of state power. While they are portrayed as a means of restoring pre-pandemic freedoms, in reality they will extend restrictions on people who refuse to comply.
"There is also evidence that vaccine passports form part of a wider agenda to introduce biometric digital identity systems. The EU was already making plans for vaccine passports in 2018, long before anyone had heard of COVID-19. And there are other disturbing initiatives, such as ID2020, backed by powerful transnational foundations with deep links to Western governments..." --An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
“ID 2020—of course Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture--they’re the main ones there with ID 2020. They formed this back in 2016, they were ahead of the game on this. We already knew this was coming. Many people had been talking about ID 2020 long before COVID even hit. And so this is something they had been working on, wanting to get everyone onto this digital identity...
"So the (vaccine) passport really integrates...the idea of a global digital I.D. system, totally global and totally centrally controlled. And one of the selling points is, ‘Oh, it's going to give you complete privacy.’ People can confirm this or that about you without compromising your privacy… It’s what I call the data beast and the data beast has been growing for a long, long time, funded by our taxpayers money…" -- Catherine Austin Fitts & Corey Lynn on Vaccine ID Passports
"Vaccine passports can be interpreted as a stepping stone towards comprehensive digital IDs, a way of getting the public and businesses used to presenting and accepting them. Such IDs will hold not just health records, but also financial information, biometric details and other data on individuals. They will obviously be terrible news for privacy, but they could also be made mandatory for voting, access to jobs and bank accounts, to rent housing, conduct transactions, obtain health services etc. They would enable governments to exclude people who refuse to take part in the system and also people who carry the IDs but upset the 'elite' in some way. Dissidents could find their access to basic services switched off, both to punish them and nudge them to comply.
"The imposition of vaccine passports might be less worrying if it wasn’t taking place in the context of rapidly expanding state surveillance (and control)." ----An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
"Can you imagine being locked out of your office? Can you imagine being locked out of a school? Can you imagine being locked out of a grocery store? It's happening all over the world. It's happening in France, it's happening in New York... Living in Texas you don't even think about the fact that this is going on in people's lives. You literally cannot get food in certain parts of the Unite States of America without what? A vaccine passport!" --Del Bigtree, Exposing Vaccine Passports
"There is also evidence that vaccine passports form part of a wider agenda to introduce biometric digital identity systems. The EU was already making plans for vaccine passports in 2018, long before anyone had heard of COVID-19. And there are other disturbing initiatives, such as ID2020, backed by powerful transnational foundations with deep links to Western governments..." --An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
“ID 2020—of course Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture--they’re the main ones there with ID 2020. They formed this back in 2016, they were ahead of the game on this. We already knew this was coming. Many people had been talking about ID 2020 long before COVID even hit. And so this is something they had been working on, wanting to get everyone onto this digital identity...
"So the (vaccine) passport really integrates...the idea of a global digital I.D. system, totally global and totally centrally controlled. And one of the selling points is, ‘Oh, it's going to give you complete privacy.’ People can confirm this or that about you without compromising your privacy… It’s what I call the data beast and the data beast has been growing for a long, long time, funded by our taxpayers money…" -- Catherine Austin Fitts & Corey Lynn on Vaccine ID Passports
"Vaccine passports can be interpreted as a stepping stone towards comprehensive digital IDs, a way of getting the public and businesses used to presenting and accepting them. Such IDs will hold not just health records, but also financial information, biometric details and other data on individuals. They will obviously be terrible news for privacy, but they could also be made mandatory for voting, access to jobs and bank accounts, to rent housing, conduct transactions, obtain health services etc. They would enable governments to exclude people who refuse to take part in the system and also people who carry the IDs but upset the 'elite' in some way. Dissidents could find their access to basic services switched off, both to punish them and nudge them to comply.
"The imposition of vaccine passports might be less worrying if it wasn’t taking place in the context of rapidly expanding state surveillance (and control)." ----An injection of tyranny: from vaccine passports to digital IDs?
"Can you imagine being locked out of your office? Can you imagine being locked out of a school? Can you imagine being locked out of a grocery store? It's happening all over the world. It's happening in France, it's happening in New York... Living in Texas you don't even think about the fact that this is going on in people's lives. You literally cannot get food in certain parts of the Unite States of America without what? A vaccine passport!" --Del Bigtree, Exposing Vaccine Passports
Naomi Wolf: “With the vaccine passports...everyone has to be participating all the time. And what I mean by that is, if you don’t participate, you don’t get let into the supermarket to buy food, you don’t get let into the pub to meet your friends, you can’t get into the restaurant, you can’t travel on an airplane, you can’t travel on a bus, you can’t travel on a train. And it’s not just that you’re forced to participate. I can’t say this any more clearly—the vaccine passport platform is the same platform as a social credit system…like in China that enslaves 8 billion people. In China, the CCP can find any dissident in 5 minutes because of the 360-degree surveillance of the social credit system. And it means that when you act like a good citizen you get a boost, and when you act like a bad citizen opportunities get closed to you..." --Naomi Wolf Issues Dire Warning Over Vaccine Passports
Melissa Ciummei: “They’re not vaccine passports--they are data passports, they are participation passports. There is no medical reason behind these. If I had come to you two years ago and said here’s what the government wants to do. They want to give everybody a chip. They want to put all your medical data and all your financial data onto that chip. That will be your complete ID and they can control you or shut you out of society from that. And then they would like to put a quantum tattoo so that they can remotely medicate you. That sounds absolutely insane.
“That’s the road that we are going down right now. This is about a financial reset because the fiat currency has failed like every other one has before. And in order to keep the game going they need a new financial system. This is why everybody, no exceptions, has to get one of these passports. This is why there’s a drive to get absolutely everybody vaccinated. It’s for the new system.” --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
“Proposals like these (vaccine passports) smack of 1940's Nazi Germany. We must make every effort to keep America from becoming a ‘show your papers society’...” said Cawthorn, a freshman Republican congressman from North Carolina... “The Constitution and our founding principles decry this type of totalitarianism.” --Vaccine passports are being compared to yellow Stars of David from the Holocaust
Melissa Ciummei: “They’re not vaccine passports--they are data passports, they are participation passports. There is no medical reason behind these. If I had come to you two years ago and said here’s what the government wants to do. They want to give everybody a chip. They want to put all your medical data and all your financial data onto that chip. That will be your complete ID and they can control you or shut you out of society from that. And then they would like to put a quantum tattoo so that they can remotely medicate you. That sounds absolutely insane.
“That’s the road that we are going down right now. This is about a financial reset because the fiat currency has failed like every other one has before. And in order to keep the game going they need a new financial system. This is why everybody, no exceptions, has to get one of these passports. This is why there’s a drive to get absolutely everybody vaccinated. It’s for the new system.” --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
“Proposals like these (vaccine passports) smack of 1940's Nazi Germany. We must make every effort to keep America from becoming a ‘show your papers society’...” said Cawthorn, a freshman Republican congressman from North Carolina... “The Constitution and our founding principles decry this type of totalitarianism.” --Vaccine passports are being compared to yellow Stars of David from the Holocaust
Mel K: "Germany may have lost World War II but the Nazi’s did not. And the truth of the matter is, as Satan always does, a group of people led by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger and George Bush senior’s father (Preston Bush) and a bunch of high-level Nazis and high-level Monarchs and Oligarchs around the world, when they knew that the Third Reich (the One World Government) was not going to happen, they removed through Operation High Jump, Operation Paperclip, 30,000 of the highest ranking Nazis—their physicists, their scientists, their doctors, their educators, their journalists, and they brought them to America and they inserted them into our universities, our NGO’s, our think tanks, our Hollywood, our media, and worst of all they created something called the United Nations.
“And I will tell you right now there’s not a doubt in my mind (that) the United Nations is literally the Fourth Reich. And they know that people of God that love country and love family and love the children and love nature and all the things that make this planet amazing, are empathetic, compassionate people who want to do good things for other humans. And they use that against us to convince us that this was what the goal of the United Nations was.
“Let’s just say, the one thing not welcome at the United Nations is God. They are God in their minds… The only thing standing in the way of their Great Reset, the One World Government, the dystopian hell for Humanity is the United States Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Judeo-Christian beliefs in inalienable rights given by God.
“And I will tell you right now, they are challenging this at every turn. They cannot have a faith in God compete with their god, which is them…" --Mel K On Fire - ReAwaken America Tour - San Antonio 11.21.21
Kerry Cassidy: “They lie to Humans about who we truly are. If they can dumb you down, if they can convince you that you are less than, then they’ve won. And that’s what they’re busy doing right now--they are roiling out a Nazi-type of regime where without your papers and your jab you can’t go anywhere. You’re locked in your house, your neighbor will spy on you. It just goes on and on and on. Yes, it has to stop… The more awakened our neighbors are, the more they can join the battle and yes, turn the tide..." --Kerry Cassidy, Demons and Aliens Roundtable
“And I will tell you right now there’s not a doubt in my mind (that) the United Nations is literally the Fourth Reich. And they know that people of God that love country and love family and love the children and love nature and all the things that make this planet amazing, are empathetic, compassionate people who want to do good things for other humans. And they use that against us to convince us that this was what the goal of the United Nations was.
“Let’s just say, the one thing not welcome at the United Nations is God. They are God in their minds… The only thing standing in the way of their Great Reset, the One World Government, the dystopian hell for Humanity is the United States Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Judeo-Christian beliefs in inalienable rights given by God.
“And I will tell you right now, they are challenging this at every turn. They cannot have a faith in God compete with their god, which is them…" --Mel K On Fire - ReAwaken America Tour - San Antonio 11.21.21
Kerry Cassidy: “They lie to Humans about who we truly are. If they can dumb you down, if they can convince you that you are less than, then they’ve won. And that’s what they’re busy doing right now--they are roiling out a Nazi-type of regime where without your papers and your jab you can’t go anywhere. You’re locked in your house, your neighbor will spy on you. It just goes on and on and on. Yes, it has to stop… The more awakened our neighbors are, the more they can join the battle and yes, turn the tide..." --Kerry Cassidy, Demons and Aliens Roundtable
The Globalist Plan for the "Great Reset"
"The NWO globalist perpetrators are only one year into what is essentially a global lockdown scheme, and look at how far they have come...The GREAT RESET is really the 'great global lockdown'...
"Such is the sheer power and overwhelming influence of the World Shadow Government that exerts virtually complete control over the entire planetary civilization. That a fake virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist, is then tested for with a test that the inventor said was totally inaccurate and not even scientifically applicable, which is then used to lock down whole nations, is as inconceivable as it is preposterous. And, yet, here we are in 2021, still being stampeded like sheep into pens of COVID compliance and corralled into cattle cars of vaccine consent. WOW!" -The 'GREAT RESET' & The End Of Civilization
"Such is the sheer power and overwhelming influence of the World Shadow Government that exerts virtually complete control over the entire planetary civilization. That a fake virus, which hasn’t even been proven to exist, is then tested for with a test that the inventor said was totally inaccurate and not even scientifically applicable, which is then used to lock down whole nations, is as inconceivable as it is preposterous. And, yet, here we are in 2021, still being stampeded like sheep into pens of COVID compliance and corralled into cattle cars of vaccine consent. WOW!" -The 'GREAT RESET' & The End Of Civilization
Sara Haboubi: “Why do they have to reset? What’s been going on behind the scenes?
Melissa Cuimmei: “From 1971 we have been on a debt-based (currency)--that’s when the dollar came off the gold standard. We entered into a debt-based economy. That has collapsed under its own weight. In 2019 in September there was a crisis in the recall market, it got more and more difficult… You had the Bill Gates Event 201 after that. This is a banking crisis. Every fiat currency in history...have returned to zero. This is where we are. The pound and the dollar have lost over 99% of their value. They’re just going to eradicate the other 1%--this is why the money that is being printed. The money that is being printed so that the central banks can give it out to the hedge fund companies, asset management funds. They’re buying up all the actual assets while we are being paid to stay at home and say nothing."
Sara Haboubi: “So, the Central Bank, because what I’ve heard about it, it’s the Central Bank Digital Currency. What’s the difference then between that and a fiat currency? If this is another reset, is it going to be the same story, or is it going to be different?
Melissa Cuimmei: “The Central Bank Digital Currency is the end game, along with totalitarian control. In order to bring in a Central Bank Digital Currency you need a digital ID. In order to bring in a digital ID, you need these passports. That will all be combined with a social credit system and a carbon credit system. The Central Bank Digital Currency has all the good aspects of a fiat currency for the government, and nothing that is good for us. The only benefit we have of a fiat currency—a fiat currency is basically backed by nothing. It is a currency basically because the government says that it is so. What we gain from that is privacy. That’s what we are going to lose when we move into a Central Bank Digital Currency. They are going to have complete control over every aspect of our finances. They can dictate where in the economy you can spend it; they can say that you can only spend it on essential goods, on rent; they can fine you at will. They have complete control over every aspect of your finances. And when you link that into a social credit concept, they can sanction you or reward you. This has already been trialed in a province in northern China…"
Sara Haboubi: “How close are we to this?
Melissa Cuimmei: “We are very close to this because of compliance. Everybody has to buy into this. We have watched the propaganda move down the demographic. This started off with protect the vulnerable. Then it moved on to age groups, pregnant women, and now it’s children. Everybody, without exception, has to buy into this. This is the new financial system.
Sara Haboubi: “Why do they need children? Why are they after them right now?"
Melissa Cuimmei: “Well they need to condition them and right now children still need to be part of the financial system. They also need the data from the children. We are moving in to AI technology (Transhumanism). Data is the new gold… With the children, they have them from a young age, they can track their behaviors. AI is only as good as the information that goes into it. So if you are gathering all this data from the children, you can program AI…" --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
"If adults want to be stupid enough to believe this nonsense and risk taking a COVID-19 shot, that is their choice. But minor children are subject to the choices of their parents, so please do NOT give your child a COVID-19 shot! Heed the warning from these parents who now regret their children getting one of these shots because their child is now dead, or suffering with heart disease . . ." --Brian Shilhavy, 666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots
Sara Haboubi: “This sounds absolutely terrifying and complete doom and gloom. Is it inevitable? Are we absolutely going to end up where these people who are actually organizing this want us to go?"
Melissa Cuimmei: “If we continue to comply, yes. And the target is small to medium businesses because they account for 60% of all jobs, and the target is the children. I don’t know why anybody would let their child take part in this clinical trial… Why would you let your child participate?" --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
Melissa Cuimmei: “From 1971 we have been on a debt-based (currency)--that’s when the dollar came off the gold standard. We entered into a debt-based economy. That has collapsed under its own weight. In 2019 in September there was a crisis in the recall market, it got more and more difficult… You had the Bill Gates Event 201 after that. This is a banking crisis. Every fiat currency in history...have returned to zero. This is where we are. The pound and the dollar have lost over 99% of their value. They’re just going to eradicate the other 1%--this is why the money that is being printed. The money that is being printed so that the central banks can give it out to the hedge fund companies, asset management funds. They’re buying up all the actual assets while we are being paid to stay at home and say nothing."
Sara Haboubi: “So, the Central Bank, because what I’ve heard about it, it’s the Central Bank Digital Currency. What’s the difference then between that and a fiat currency? If this is another reset, is it going to be the same story, or is it going to be different?
Melissa Cuimmei: “The Central Bank Digital Currency is the end game, along with totalitarian control. In order to bring in a Central Bank Digital Currency you need a digital ID. In order to bring in a digital ID, you need these passports. That will all be combined with a social credit system and a carbon credit system. The Central Bank Digital Currency has all the good aspects of a fiat currency for the government, and nothing that is good for us. The only benefit we have of a fiat currency—a fiat currency is basically backed by nothing. It is a currency basically because the government says that it is so. What we gain from that is privacy. That’s what we are going to lose when we move into a Central Bank Digital Currency. They are going to have complete control over every aspect of our finances. They can dictate where in the economy you can spend it; they can say that you can only spend it on essential goods, on rent; they can fine you at will. They have complete control over every aspect of your finances. And when you link that into a social credit concept, they can sanction you or reward you. This has already been trialed in a province in northern China…"
Sara Haboubi: “How close are we to this?
Melissa Cuimmei: “We are very close to this because of compliance. Everybody has to buy into this. We have watched the propaganda move down the demographic. This started off with protect the vulnerable. Then it moved on to age groups, pregnant women, and now it’s children. Everybody, without exception, has to buy into this. This is the new financial system.
Sara Haboubi: “Why do they need children? Why are they after them right now?"
Melissa Cuimmei: “Well they need to condition them and right now children still need to be part of the financial system. They also need the data from the children. We are moving in to AI technology (Transhumanism). Data is the new gold… With the children, they have them from a young age, they can track their behaviors. AI is only as good as the information that goes into it. So if you are gathering all this data from the children, you can program AI…" --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
"If adults want to be stupid enough to believe this nonsense and risk taking a COVID-19 shot, that is their choice. But minor children are subject to the choices of their parents, so please do NOT give your child a COVID-19 shot! Heed the warning from these parents who now regret their children getting one of these shots because their child is now dead, or suffering with heart disease . . ." --Brian Shilhavy, 666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots
Sara Haboubi: “This sounds absolutely terrifying and complete doom and gloom. Is it inevitable? Are we absolutely going to end up where these people who are actually organizing this want us to go?"
Melissa Cuimmei: “If we continue to comply, yes. And the target is small to medium businesses because they account for 60% of all jobs, and the target is the children. I don’t know why anybody would let their child take part in this clinical trial… Why would you let your child participate?" --Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
Melissa Cuimmei: “They have to get them into the system. So in order for this new financial system, in order to participate in society right now, we have to have these passports, so how can they logically exclude children? Children go to restaurants. And this is the coercion they are going to use to get the children—the same coercion that they used for us…they are going after the children right now… Why would you be getting your children this (vax shot) if you know that at best it only protects for four months? Let’s be real, parents. It’s so that your children can participate in society. That is the only reason that you are taking them in and getting them this. You’re taking a risk so that your children can participate in society...
“We have to have these passports to participate in society. The next move is we have to have a Central Bank Digital Currency wallet in order to participate in the financial society... It started with nobody could participate in society, then it was if you comply you can participate in society. Then it’s going to be if you adopt Central Bank Digital Currency you can participate in society. And then it’s going to be social and carbon credits… So they can just go in and tax them 90%--whatever they want. They have complete control. But they want them gone because they want to eradicate any independence.
“So, they need to NOT comply, those businesses, especially restaurants. They have a small profit margin… The government is dictating who their customer base is. They’re telling them it’s unlawful, which, that is not true. It’s a mandate to serve a particular portion of society…
“It’s up to (the) people. For me, if a business puts out that you have to have a passport to enter the business, I’m not showing my papers. I know how this works in history. I am not showing my papers to enter a business because there’s absolutely no reason you you to need to know my vaccine status for me to enter your business. It’s not a medical decision and I know how it is going to work out economically...
“Right now we have the Internet of Things. They want to move into the Internet of Bodies. The Internet of Things is, so your watch connects to your phone, your phone connects with your fridge, your TV. They want it ti be Internet of Bodies where you connect via, in their words, an ingestible, available, or an injectible...so that YOU connect to all this…. This is...the Fourth Industrial Revolution--they want to blur the line between human and technology, robots.”--Melissa Ciummei
“We have to have these passports to participate in society. The next move is we have to have a Central Bank Digital Currency wallet in order to participate in the financial society... It started with nobody could participate in society, then it was if you comply you can participate in society. Then it’s going to be if you adopt Central Bank Digital Currency you can participate in society. And then it’s going to be social and carbon credits… So they can just go in and tax them 90%--whatever they want. They have complete control. But they want them gone because they want to eradicate any independence.
“So, they need to NOT comply, those businesses, especially restaurants. They have a small profit margin… The government is dictating who their customer base is. They’re telling them it’s unlawful, which, that is not true. It’s a mandate to serve a particular portion of society…
“It’s up to (the) people. For me, if a business puts out that you have to have a passport to enter the business, I’m not showing my papers. I know how this works in history. I am not showing my papers to enter a business because there’s absolutely no reason you you to need to know my vaccine status for me to enter your business. It’s not a medical decision and I know how it is going to work out economically...
“Right now we have the Internet of Things. They want to move into the Internet of Bodies. The Internet of Things is, so your watch connects to your phone, your phone connects with your fridge, your TV. They want it ti be Internet of Bodies where you connect via, in their words, an ingestible, available, or an injectible...so that YOU connect to all this…. This is...the Fourth Industrial Revolution--they want to blur the line between human and technology, robots.”--Melissa Ciummei
Sara Haboubi: “It’s like they’ve waged war against us.”
Melissa Cuimmei: “We are at war. Australia knows it, New Zealand knows it, Austria knows it. They’re all out on the streets. We absolutely are at war. In a war situation there is collateral damage. That’s where we are standing with these injuries and deaths from this clinical trial that are being completely censored. That information is being completely censored because it is essential to get us all on board. As I said, no exceptions. So we are in a war situation against a takeover, a Globalist takeover from NGO’s—Non-Governmental Organizations—the WEF, IMF, all of them. These billionaires and technology companies are dictating the future of Humanity, and if we don’t stand up--we are running out of time and we need to stand up. And it’s simple. In a war situation men have been front line losing their lives. All we have to do is say, No! That’s all we have to do, just mass non-compliance. The solution to this is mass non-compliance.”--Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
Melissa Cuimmei: “We are at war. Australia knows it, New Zealand knows it, Austria knows it. They’re all out on the streets. We absolutely are at war. In a war situation there is collateral damage. That’s where we are standing with these injuries and deaths from this clinical trial that are being completely censored. That information is being completely censored because it is essential to get us all on board. As I said, no exceptions. So we are in a war situation against a takeover, a Globalist takeover from NGO’s—Non-Governmental Organizations—the WEF, IMF, all of them. These billionaires and technology companies are dictating the future of Humanity, and if we don’t stand up--we are running out of time and we need to stand up. And it’s simple. In a war situation men have been front line losing their lives. All we have to do is say, No! That’s all we have to do, just mass non-compliance. The solution to this is mass non-compliance.”--Melissa Ciummei at Iconoclast One to One
"What we are all really witnessing is the age-old conflict between the rich and the poor, the powerful and powerless. The GREAT RESET is truly all about one thing: locking down humanity so securely that no one will pose a real threat to the (Globalist) power elite. Given all the highly advanced and newfangled Internet-based ‘weaponry’ available to every digitally connected person on the planet during this post-modern information age, The Powers That Be will not tolerate any challenges whatsoever to their power and supremacy.
"Hence, the raging class war that’s jumping off everywhere in America and beyond is being quite deliberately presented as anything but the class war it truly is. In this way, the Globalist perps hope to distract We the People from their shocking brutality, incessant perfidy and cruel deceits. After all, they have gotten away with their total domination of this plane of existence for millennia, and they’re not going to relinquish that control under any circumstances, which is precisely why the GREAT RESET is upon us at this critical point in human history..." --The 'GREAT RESET' & The End Of Civilization As We Know It
"Hence, the raging class war that’s jumping off everywhere in America and beyond is being quite deliberately presented as anything but the class war it truly is. In this way, the Globalist perps hope to distract We the People from their shocking brutality, incessant perfidy and cruel deceits. After all, they have gotten away with their total domination of this plane of existence for millennia, and they’re not going to relinquish that control under any circumstances, which is precisely why the GREAT RESET is upon us at this critical point in human history..." --The 'GREAT RESET' & The End Of Civilization As We Know It
Addendum: La Quinta Columna - The Real Vaccine Agenda
"We understand that they have taken advantage of the general ignorance and lack of knowledge of the medical and health community regarding matters such as nanotechnology to carry out this sinister plan of what they call Agenda 2030...
“Since the vaccination process is global, we are facing the disappearance of the human species as we know it within a few months. They call it post- or Transhumanism, or simply the Human 2.0 Project. In that new stage, the automaton survivor will be deprived of self thought, autonomy and free will--a slave species diminished and entirely dependent on these technocratic oligarchies…
"La Quinta Columna is made up of millions of people around the world who seek to maintain the essence of human beings, respect for Humanity, and their dignity as a unique species. La Quinta Columna uncovered this crime against Humanity, against its life, and against its very nature. Please, share this vital information with those around you.” --La Quinta Columna - The Real Vaccine Agenda
“Since the vaccination process is global, we are facing the disappearance of the human species as we know it within a few months. They call it post- or Transhumanism, or simply the Human 2.0 Project. In that new stage, the automaton survivor will be deprived of self thought, autonomy and free will--a slave species diminished and entirely dependent on these technocratic oligarchies…
"La Quinta Columna is made up of millions of people around the world who seek to maintain the essence of human beings, respect for Humanity, and their dignity as a unique species. La Quinta Columna uncovered this crime against Humanity, against its life, and against its very nature. Please, share this vital information with those around you.” --La Quinta Columna - The Real Vaccine Agenda
Addendum: Screw Your Forced Mandates and Jabs
"Let me give you a brief history of the novel coronavirus that you're so scared of that you'll pump a non-FDA approved chemical into your body and then parade your beta ass through public like you did something good for humanity, patting yourself on the back...
"Getting vaccinated is not a duty, folks. It's not your duty--you don't owe it to anybody. Especially when the vaccine isn't FDA approved and reports of vaccine injuries are being dismissed without investigation and being shut down by the so-called 'fact checkers'. It will never be a duty because we already have the right to our freedom! I don't owe you anything!
"Let me tell you who the real victims of COVID are: Truth, freedom, business owners. employees, school children, the rule of law...
"Let me just tell you the termns they're using: Quarantine. Quarantine is for the sick, not for the healthy. Lockdowns. Lockdowns are what penitentiaries do to prisoners. Social distancing. It's anti-social and it's about control. Safer at home. That's isolation and it fosters depression, anxiety and Howard Hughes syndrome. Essential business or workers? ALL businesses and workers are essential and the government deciding what and who are essential is called TYRANNY! New normal. There's nothing fucking normal about any of this!
"You're going to force a face mask on me that's about control--you literally have NO RIGHT to do that to me or anybody else! Curfews are a tool of tyranny. Liberty lost is never relinquished without a fight folks...
"Locking down a nation for a virus with a 99% survival rate is unprecedented in history!... Nothing has ever been treated like this because it's about control, and it''s about power, and it's about MONEY!
"They want to weaken the American citizen. They want to weaken the American economy. They want to weaken us so that we have to become Globalists while the Chinese sit back and laugh. Our southern borders are WIDE OPEN. If they gave a shit about our health they would CLOSE THE DAMN BORDER!
"It's a joke people, and YOU are the punchline! At what point in time are we gong to stop wiping our rear ends with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?... By God it's enough!" --Screw Your Forced Mandates and Jobs!
"Getting vaccinated is not a duty, folks. It's not your duty--you don't owe it to anybody. Especially when the vaccine isn't FDA approved and reports of vaccine injuries are being dismissed without investigation and being shut down by the so-called 'fact checkers'. It will never be a duty because we already have the right to our freedom! I don't owe you anything!
"Let me tell you who the real victims of COVID are: Truth, freedom, business owners. employees, school children, the rule of law...
"Let me just tell you the termns they're using: Quarantine. Quarantine is for the sick, not for the healthy. Lockdowns. Lockdowns are what penitentiaries do to prisoners. Social distancing. It's anti-social and it's about control. Safer at home. That's isolation and it fosters depression, anxiety and Howard Hughes syndrome. Essential business or workers? ALL businesses and workers are essential and the government deciding what and who are essential is called TYRANNY! New normal. There's nothing fucking normal about any of this!
"You're going to force a face mask on me that's about control--you literally have NO RIGHT to do that to me or anybody else! Curfews are a tool of tyranny. Liberty lost is never relinquished without a fight folks...
"Locking down a nation for a virus with a 99% survival rate is unprecedented in history!... Nothing has ever been treated like this because it's about control, and it''s about power, and it's about MONEY!
"They want to weaken the American citizen. They want to weaken the American economy. They want to weaken us so that we have to become Globalists while the Chinese sit back and laugh. Our southern borders are WIDE OPEN. If they gave a shit about our health they would CLOSE THE DAMN BORDER!
"It's a joke people, and YOU are the punchline! At what point in time are we gong to stop wiping our rear ends with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?... By God it's enough!" --Screw Your Forced Mandates and Jobs!
Addendum: A Message To the Tyrants
"The people who want the vaccine--they already got it. The people who don't want the vaccine--we're still NOT gonna get it. Nothing is going to change! I'm not waiting for permission from Dr. Fauci or Joe Biden or the WHO--you don't rule over me, I'm not your subject! I'm a free citizen in a free country and you do not get to tell me what to do!
"In this country, We the People hold the power and the government does not have the authority to mandate that I do ANYTHING! So you can mandate stuff all day long--we don't care. We'll shut the whole thing down!...
"People are standing up. They're sick and tired of being told what to do by people who don't have the authority to tell them what to do. We're taking our country back! It doesn't matter whatever mandate you put out--we're going to ignore it!
"You can take your mandates, your vaccines, your masks, your passports and you can shove them all up your collective butt holes because we don't care..." --A Young Man Spells It Out Clearly
"And someday Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history!" --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
"In this country, We the People hold the power and the government does not have the authority to mandate that I do ANYTHING! So you can mandate stuff all day long--we don't care. We'll shut the whole thing down!...
"People are standing up. They're sick and tired of being told what to do by people who don't have the authority to tell them what to do. We're taking our country back! It doesn't matter whatever mandate you put out--we're going to ignore it!
"You can take your mandates, your vaccines, your masks, your passports and you can shove them all up your collective butt holes because we don't care..." --A Young Man Spells It Out Clearly
"And someday Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers--only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough! I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer!' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history!" --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
Epilogue - What We Have learned in 2021
- Our vote doesn’t count, who owns and controls the voting machines count.
- Our "president," China Pedo Joe Obama, has nicknames for a reason, and the mountain of evidence concerning bribes and morally challenged actions, (his) son included, is ignored by the press and the Justice Department.
- Our politicians, leaders and agencies for the most part are completely compromised, bribed by China or the Global Elite, most are heavily invested in the vaccine companies and cannot be depended on to act in our highest and best good.
- Our health agencies (that) we depend on to protect and advise us get their orders from the vaccine companies ignoring statistics concerning crippling and deadly side effects, numbers now that fall into the category of genocide.
- Dr. double speak Fauci--when you factor in the deaths caused in his AIDS research and stopping safe, inexpensive, effective early treatments for COVID--makes Joseph Mengele look like a boy scout.
- Our Justice Department is not interested in laptops, (either) 'Weiner’s or Hunter’s', with undeniable evidence of child torture, rape, pedophilia, hostile foreign government bribes etc., nor are they interested in all those who participated in acts thereof with Epstein or Maxwell.
- Our Justice Department is interested in Russian hoaxes, going only after and arresting all things right, republican, conservatives, moms and parents attending school board meetings.
- Our school boards cannot be trusted in care of the children due to massive funds, project Care, being allotted to them to force the mask and vaccine mandates as well as promote Critical Race Theory, (and) pedophilia, re-branding it as the young attracted (MAP - Minor Attracted Persons).
- Politicians, agencies, the corporate owned press play the race, religion, gender, right verses left cards to create division and chaos. Order through chaos being the foundation of the Global Elite makes one wonder just who they are working for?
- There has been an all out war against the family unit, basic morals, allegiance to God and country, all things good.
- Science has become politically and profit driven ignoring facts, statistics and real science. Anything that goes against the political profit driven agendas gets censored. This includes health and environmental science..
- Fact checkers censor Noble Prize Winning scientists and doctors, lead researchers and scientists, creators of the mRNA gene therapies, the PCR tests, Front Line Doctors, and nurses. They do not rely on facts, only opinions given to them by their CEOs, political profit driven sponsors as stated in the courts.
- The "president" has dementia, totally contradicts himself, praises himself for fictitious accomplishments, has failed on every level and repeats "Lets go Brandon" not knowing he is basically telling himself to go fuck himself, supported by his psychologist wife handler, which is actually elderly abuse.
- With Directed Energy weapons you can have forest fires in frozen snow covered forests, explode trees from the inside out, cut cars in half, melt steel, porcelain toilets and create checkerboard fires in residential areas then blame it on kids with matches
- Massive outbreaks with flu like symptoms are common in conservative gatherings but skip far left political gatherings including riots. Chemtrails have stepped up with a whole new batch of toxic chemicals and biologicals courtesy of actions or nonactions by our airfarce. Has the cabal surrendered??????.
- The CCP, the Global Elite, the far left and some compromised right along with the major vaccine companies are lockstep in a population control take down America program. The socially engineered, critically thinking, research impaired morally compromised masses are complying, willingly and in ignorance in their own enslavement and demise.
- One obvious lesson is resistance to this agenda is world wide--there are demonstrations in the millions, whole countries are gathering in protest of draconian ineffective lock-downs, mandates and toxic injections. All you hear in the press is crickets. Makes one think is there anything else they are not or have not told us?