"We are in the portals of evil, an anti-human evil that is using human beings like toilet paper... Like that
initial mind control moment when everybody ran out and bought all the toilet paper. That was totally
programmed. Don't people get how sophisticated this technology is? They think that we are worms;
they think we are chattel; they think doing anything to you is fine as long as you don't wake up..."
"These powers behind the scenes view us, the American people, as sheep, cattle, to be herded,
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
“It comes from people… (adenochrome)… Your planet is a farm, Jupiter. There are
thousands of other planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an
ever increasing demand for more time… Someone killed a hundred people to
make this (adenochrome), not unlike butchering a herd of cattle...”
--Jupiter Ascending, 2015
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as true whatever
their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny."
--Definitions and Translations
"Whenever I mention that 'they' probably want to keep us locked down, normies
(aka sheeple) always look at me as if I’m crazy, and ask: 'What do you mean
by ‘they’?” --Jordan Sather
"Americans have been lied to for a very long time. And some people
--the Sheep--they have no clue about what's happening..."
--X22 Report, Ep. 2378b, Silent Running|
initial mind control moment when everybody ran out and bought all the toilet paper. That was totally
programmed. Don't people get how sophisticated this technology is? They think that we are worms;
they think we are chattel; they think doing anything to you is fine as long as you don't wake up..."
"These powers behind the scenes view us, the American people, as sheep, cattle, to be herded,
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they (ever)
pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
“It comes from people… (adenochrome)… Your planet is a farm, Jupiter. There are
thousands of other planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an
ever increasing demand for more time… Someone killed a hundred people to
make this (adenochrome), not unlike butchering a herd of cattle...”
--Jupiter Ascending, 2015
"Sheeple (noun) -- (derogatory slang) People who unquestioningly accept as true whatever
their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny."
--Definitions and Translations
"Whenever I mention that 'they' probably want to keep us locked down, normies
(aka sheeple) always look at me as if I’m crazy, and ask: 'What do you mean
by ‘they’?” --Jordan Sather
"Americans have been lied to for a very long time. And some people
--the Sheep--they have no clue about what's happening..."
--X22 Report, Ep. 2378b, Silent Running|
Brainwashed Sheeple and the "COVID" Plandemic
I keep reading about this "great awakening" of Humanity that is supposed to be happening right now, however I'm afraid that I don't see much evidence of that in my own circle of friends, family and co-workers. Most all of the people that I know are still "asleep with all the anchormen of the TV news", if I might quote Da Free John. They are all suffering from some degree or other of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and they believe unconditionally whatever the Mainstream Mockingbird Marxist Media spoon feeds them. After all it's "the news" so it must be true...
In Benjamin Fulford's latest article, he refers to the un-awakened masses as "the still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple". I must agree. The brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple believe whatever the mainstream media tells them, and appear to be completely oblivious to anything that might be occurring behind the scenes of the great Covid-19 scamdemic hysteria.
And as the Mainstream Mockingbird Marxist Media continues to pump out its propaganda and fear porn, the sheeple's behavior becomes even more bizarre and ludicrous. Panic buying of toilet paper? Don't the sheeple realize that so-called "COVID-19" affects the respiratory system and not the gastro-intestinal tract? Wrapping themselves in plastic trash bags and wearing maxi-pads on their mouths? Kerry Cassidy describes this behavior as "beyond stupid" in her latest post to her YouTube channel. I'm with Kerry on this one. Duh.
Speaking of the great COVID-19 scamdemic, many doctors are speaking out against the hysteria and fear porn being pushed out by the Mainstream Mockingbird Marxist Media, how the hysteria is disproportionate to the actual threat, and how the projected number of deaths just don't seem to add up. The media hysteria is based on a Bill Gates-funded IHME Coronavirus model that has been proven to be way off.
12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic
10 More Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai holds four degrees from M.I.T, is a scientist-technologist, entrepreneur and educator, a Fulbright Scholar, Lemelson-MIT Awards Finalist and Westinghouse Science Talent Honors Award recipient. He speaks about the current COVID-19 shutdown on the X22 Spotlight:
"I would argue that those in power want us to see a blinded view of reality. It's called the Reductionist Approach, and this is what happens historically when people in power want to use 'Science' to hide the larger piece... So the issue is, why are we shutting down the entire country for this phenomenon when we don't shut down the country for the fact that six hundred thousand people die of heart disease every year? (It makes no sense.) And when things don't add up rationally, you must start looking at what the real agenda is…"
Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot concurs with Dr. Shiva’s assessment: "Things just don't add up. There is no reason, for one thing, to keep people off trails, out of parks and off beaches… This is just enough to tell me that there's completely something else going on... And this whole emphasis on staying six feet away is actually very ludicrous and doesn't mean anything..." -KERRYS UPDATE 04 08 2020
"Why would you close the beach? That's insanity. You've got sequences in the soil, in the sand, you've got healing microbes in the ocean, in the salt water." --Dr. Judy Mikovits in the documentary film Plandemic
Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele goes so far as to declare: "this is a FAKE PANDEMIC. And the fear mongering is now, in my view, bordering on TREASON... The WHO’s declaration of a pandemic is FALSE, and I believe that the World Health Organization has been either bribed or blackmailed by Bill Gates and others…” --Former Spy Accuses WHO of Being Bribed or Blackmailed Into Declaring Pandemic
"The media is causing undue panic. Yes the virus is serious, yes it can kill but it’s not, based on the real info we have, anything that we need to be even close to panicking about." So why would those in power want to create fear, hysteria and panic among the masses, and enforce a global lock down? Why would they want us isolated from each other? Is it really for our own “protection”, to curtail the spread of the so-called “virus”? Or is there another, perhaps more nefarious explanation? What is the real agenda of those in power?
Dr. Shiva explains: “This fear mongering serves three purposes: One is to crash the economy; two is to deploy mandated vaccines, to create this environment where you could essentially push an agenda for Big Pharma; and to suppress dissent—that’s the third one. So if you go back six months ago, what was going on globally? We had people in France—massive protests; people in Hong Kong—massive protests. In Wuhan, six months ago, which the (bought-off fake) press has not really brought out, there were anti-pollution protests by the Chinese people, right where this virus was released. Throughout China the people, not the Communist Party, but the people actually want better health for their kids…
“In New Jersey and all across this country there’s been a huge movement for medical freedom… You have protests in South Africa, Venezuela. Two populist Prime Ministers and Presidents get elected over the last three years—Modi in India... and Trump. So you have a very interesting phenomenon taking place—anti-Establishment movements, broadly, right?... And you have the fact that those in power did not like these movements, and you have the fact that they didn’t like Trump. So that’s the background of what is taking place...” --Dr. SHIVA Speaks on X22 Spotlight
Kerry Cassidy has a similar notion as to the reason for the fake pandemic and the lock-down: “It is clear that they are afraid of us. They are afraid of humans banding together, having this field of resonance, and possibly healing each other at the same time, and seeing through their farce… They are afraid of humans banding together and being unified…
“There is something very diabolical about this whole thing, and why they shut everything down and why they want people so isolated from each other, which, of course, if we don’t unify then we don’t rebel together. When you keep people isolated, because they think it’s contagious, they think each other is the enemy, so they wear these masks when they go out in public, and they won’t go near each other, and all this kind of thing. So you’ve got humans thinking each other are the enemy. This is very important…” -KERRYS UPDATE 04 08 2020
What I personally find disheartening is the fact that the masses of sleepwalking sheeple are oblivious to the fact that the mainstream Marxist corporate-whore media is complicit in perpetuating this illusion of a global pandemic. Behind the scenes the mainstream media is in fact owned and operated by The Powers That Be (the Swamp, the Deep State, the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Globalists, or whatever name you prefer to use for them). How did this come to be?
In Benjamin Fulford's latest article, he refers to the un-awakened masses as "the still brainwashed and sleepwalking sheeple". I must agree. The brainwashed sleepwalking sheeple believe whatever the mainstream media tells them, and appear to be completely oblivious to anything that might be occurring behind the scenes of the great Covid-19 scamdemic hysteria.
And as the Mainstream Mockingbird Marxist Media continues to pump out its propaganda and fear porn, the sheeple's behavior becomes even more bizarre and ludicrous. Panic buying of toilet paper? Don't the sheeple realize that so-called "COVID-19" affects the respiratory system and not the gastro-intestinal tract? Wrapping themselves in plastic trash bags and wearing maxi-pads on their mouths? Kerry Cassidy describes this behavior as "beyond stupid" in her latest post to her YouTube channel. I'm with Kerry on this one. Duh.
Speaking of the great COVID-19 scamdemic, many doctors are speaking out against the hysteria and fear porn being pushed out by the Mainstream Mockingbird Marxist Media, how the hysteria is disproportionate to the actual threat, and how the projected number of deaths just don't seem to add up. The media hysteria is based on a Bill Gates-funded IHME Coronavirus model that has been proven to be way off.
12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic
10 More Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai holds four degrees from M.I.T, is a scientist-technologist, entrepreneur and educator, a Fulbright Scholar, Lemelson-MIT Awards Finalist and Westinghouse Science Talent Honors Award recipient. He speaks about the current COVID-19 shutdown on the X22 Spotlight:
"I would argue that those in power want us to see a blinded view of reality. It's called the Reductionist Approach, and this is what happens historically when people in power want to use 'Science' to hide the larger piece... So the issue is, why are we shutting down the entire country for this phenomenon when we don't shut down the country for the fact that six hundred thousand people die of heart disease every year? (It makes no sense.) And when things don't add up rationally, you must start looking at what the real agenda is…"
Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot concurs with Dr. Shiva’s assessment: "Things just don't add up. There is no reason, for one thing, to keep people off trails, out of parks and off beaches… This is just enough to tell me that there's completely something else going on... And this whole emphasis on staying six feet away is actually very ludicrous and doesn't mean anything..." -KERRYS UPDATE 04 08 2020
"Why would you close the beach? That's insanity. You've got sequences in the soil, in the sand, you've got healing microbes in the ocean, in the salt water." --Dr. Judy Mikovits in the documentary film Plandemic
Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele goes so far as to declare: "this is a FAKE PANDEMIC. And the fear mongering is now, in my view, bordering on TREASON... The WHO’s declaration of a pandemic is FALSE, and I believe that the World Health Organization has been either bribed or blackmailed by Bill Gates and others…” --Former Spy Accuses WHO of Being Bribed or Blackmailed Into Declaring Pandemic
"The media is causing undue panic. Yes the virus is serious, yes it can kill but it’s not, based on the real info we have, anything that we need to be even close to panicking about." So why would those in power want to create fear, hysteria and panic among the masses, and enforce a global lock down? Why would they want us isolated from each other? Is it really for our own “protection”, to curtail the spread of the so-called “virus”? Or is there another, perhaps more nefarious explanation? What is the real agenda of those in power?
Dr. Shiva explains: “This fear mongering serves three purposes: One is to crash the economy; two is to deploy mandated vaccines, to create this environment where you could essentially push an agenda for Big Pharma; and to suppress dissent—that’s the third one. So if you go back six months ago, what was going on globally? We had people in France—massive protests; people in Hong Kong—massive protests. In Wuhan, six months ago, which the (bought-off fake) press has not really brought out, there were anti-pollution protests by the Chinese people, right where this virus was released. Throughout China the people, not the Communist Party, but the people actually want better health for their kids…
“In New Jersey and all across this country there’s been a huge movement for medical freedom… You have protests in South Africa, Venezuela. Two populist Prime Ministers and Presidents get elected over the last three years—Modi in India... and Trump. So you have a very interesting phenomenon taking place—anti-Establishment movements, broadly, right?... And you have the fact that those in power did not like these movements, and you have the fact that they didn’t like Trump. So that’s the background of what is taking place...” --Dr. SHIVA Speaks on X22 Spotlight
Kerry Cassidy has a similar notion as to the reason for the fake pandemic and the lock-down: “It is clear that they are afraid of us. They are afraid of humans banding together, having this field of resonance, and possibly healing each other at the same time, and seeing through their farce… They are afraid of humans banding together and being unified…
“There is something very diabolical about this whole thing, and why they shut everything down and why they want people so isolated from each other, which, of course, if we don’t unify then we don’t rebel together. When you keep people isolated, because they think it’s contagious, they think each other is the enemy, so they wear these masks when they go out in public, and they won’t go near each other, and all this kind of thing. So you’ve got humans thinking each other are the enemy. This is very important…” -KERRYS UPDATE 04 08 2020
What I personally find disheartening is the fact that the masses of sleepwalking sheeple are oblivious to the fact that the mainstream Marxist corporate-whore media is complicit in perpetuating this illusion of a global pandemic. Behind the scenes the mainstream media is in fact owned and operated by The Powers That Be (the Swamp, the Deep State, the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Globalists, or whatever name you prefer to use for them). How did this come to be?
The Evolution of the Deep State Propaganda Media
“(Over) twenty years ago President Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The act, signed into law on February 8, 1996, was ‘essentially bought and paid for by corporate media lobbies,’ as Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) described it, and radically ‘opened the floodgates on mergers.’
“The negative impact of the law cannot be overstated. The law... ‘is widely considered to be one of the three or four most important federal laws of this generation.’ The act dramatically reduced important Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations on cross ownership, and allowed giant corporations to buy up thousands of media outlets across the country, increasing their monopoly on the flow of information in the United States and around the world...
“Twenty years later the devastating impact of the legislation is undeniable: About 90 percent of the country's major media companies are owned by six corporations. Bill Clinton's legacy in empowering the consolidation of corporate media is right up there with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and welfare reform, as being among the most tragic and destructive policies of his administration…” --Twenty Years of Media Consolidation Has Not Been Good For Our Democracy
President Trump was absolutely right when he declared that the mainstream media is the enemy of the people. The media’s purpose is not to objectively portray “the news”, but rather to gas-light the public with false narratives in order to mind control the masses into believing in false paradigms. The CIA infiltrated the mainstream media decades ago with Operation Mockingbird, and their influence over the media is even more pronounced today. Ever see those clips where hundreds of local news stations across the country report the same story using the exact same script? This would not be possible if we had a free press, a truly independent mainstream news media, a media that was not controlled by a single source from behind the scenes. What we have are repeaters, not reporters. Mockingbirds indeed!
The CIA even admits to its infiltration and control of the mainstream media: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --Ex-CIA Director William Casey
“The negative impact of the law cannot be overstated. The law... ‘is widely considered to be one of the three or four most important federal laws of this generation.’ The act dramatically reduced important Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations on cross ownership, and allowed giant corporations to buy up thousands of media outlets across the country, increasing their monopoly on the flow of information in the United States and around the world...
“Twenty years later the devastating impact of the legislation is undeniable: About 90 percent of the country's major media companies are owned by six corporations. Bill Clinton's legacy in empowering the consolidation of corporate media is right up there with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and welfare reform, as being among the most tragic and destructive policies of his administration…” --Twenty Years of Media Consolidation Has Not Been Good For Our Democracy
President Trump was absolutely right when he declared that the mainstream media is the enemy of the people. The media’s purpose is not to objectively portray “the news”, but rather to gas-light the public with false narratives in order to mind control the masses into believing in false paradigms. The CIA infiltrated the mainstream media decades ago with Operation Mockingbird, and their influence over the media is even more pronounced today. Ever see those clips where hundreds of local news stations across the country report the same story using the exact same script? This would not be possible if we had a free press, a truly independent mainstream news media, a media that was not controlled by a single source from behind the scenes. What we have are repeaters, not reporters. Mockingbirds indeed!
The CIA even admits to its infiltration and control of the mainstream media: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --Ex-CIA Director William Casey
"You believe that you live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, yet you live in the most controlled experimental society on the planet. The tyranny that has been set up here is rather interesting, because it is a tyranny without walls. As a country and a collective consciousness, the United States still has not reached an awareness that something is not right. The environment of the United States is actually much more controlled than that of the former Soviet Union, where the control was obvious..." --Bringers of the Dawn, Barbara Marciniak
“When millions of people focus their attention upon listening to the same words, seeing the same pictures, and hearing the same descriptions, tremendous energy is generated and a massive thought-form is created.
“Thought-forms are vibrational blueprints that hold instructions for manifesting reality. The media captures your attention and then programs your imagination, essentially canceling out your unique creative drive to manifest your own reality as well as your desire to know yourself. You have been conditioned to believe that all you need to know can now be found in the wonderful world of electronic boxes and the information and entertainment they hold. When 'the news' is slanted toward a message of continuous war, a state of despair and a sense of hopelessness are created. A paralysis of power takes hold because you become convinced that the only reality is what is described and prescribed by the authorities in the box.
"Reality is created and produced by each and every one of you, and those seeking to control the world have kept this knowledge a well-guarded secret…" --Path of Empowerment, Barbara Marciniak
The Controllers—the Deep State Cabal—have taken their “divide and conquer” game plan to the next level, aided and abetted by the bought-off corporate-whore mainstream media. Humans are now seeing every other human as “the enemy”, while the real enemy—the Deep State Cabal—remain hidden behind the scenes. Quite diabolical actually.
“When millions of people focus their attention upon listening to the same words, seeing the same pictures, and hearing the same descriptions, tremendous energy is generated and a massive thought-form is created.
“Thought-forms are vibrational blueprints that hold instructions for manifesting reality. The media captures your attention and then programs your imagination, essentially canceling out your unique creative drive to manifest your own reality as well as your desire to know yourself. You have been conditioned to believe that all you need to know can now be found in the wonderful world of electronic boxes and the information and entertainment they hold. When 'the news' is slanted toward a message of continuous war, a state of despair and a sense of hopelessness are created. A paralysis of power takes hold because you become convinced that the only reality is what is described and prescribed by the authorities in the box.
"Reality is created and produced by each and every one of you, and those seeking to control the world have kept this knowledge a well-guarded secret…" --Path of Empowerment, Barbara Marciniak
The Controllers—the Deep State Cabal—have taken their “divide and conquer” game plan to the next level, aided and abetted by the bought-off corporate-whore mainstream media. Humans are now seeing every other human as “the enemy”, while the real enemy—the Deep State Cabal—remain hidden behind the scenes. Quite diabolical actually.
Awakening From Mainstream Media-Induced Delusional Psychosis
To return to my original question--will the sheeple ever realize that they are being gas-lighted by the Mainstream Mockingbird Marxist Media, and by the radical left-wing DemonRats? What political events must transpire before the sleepwalking sheeple are roused from their somnambulist trance, awakened from their slumber? What will it take for We the People to stand united in peace, harmony and true freedom?
On a personal note, my own partner once screamed: “I don’t want to wake up!” The cognitive dissonance between political reality and her reality tunnel, her personal world-view, was just too great. "You can't force someone to wake up. Each individual has to choose to wake up and take the red pill." It’s like that scene from the Matrix movie where Morpheus explains the Matrix to Neo: “You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the System, that they will fight to protect it…” --Morpheus Explains Neo The Matrix
So here we all are, locked down in (the illusion of) a “global pandemic”, wearing funny little face masks and practicing “social distancing”, seeing each other as the enemy and hating on the POTUS, believing President Trump to be the root cause of all evil. Right where the Deep State Cabal and their controlled media wants us: Divide and conquer. Indeed.
"Why is there so much hatred for this individual?" "The media has spun this whole 'Trump-Orange-Man bad' thing for years now that TDS is a real thing. You get deranged people with full-on TDS blaming Trump for things that Democrats are honestly more to blame for." --TimCast IRL "Unfortunately, medical science has not yet found a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no medication, therapy, or procedure that can alleviate the...symptoms. One can only break free of TDS when they go through an awakening in which they realize that the far left media has been lying to them about Trump and conservatives..." --Is There A Cure?
So I implore you—turn off your television, or at least stop listening to the mainstream news, either on the TV or on your computer. There is an army of digital soldiers, independent grassroots citizen journalists dedicated to the TRUTH, journalists not owned or beholden to any corporation. Seek them out. We are the news now, not the bought-off corporate-whore legacy media. They call it “programming” for a reason. Unplug. Empower yourself with your own creative vision, and stop focusing on those false images and false narratives being promulgated by the lamestream legacy media.
On a personal note, my own partner once screamed: “I don’t want to wake up!” The cognitive dissonance between political reality and her reality tunnel, her personal world-view, was just too great. "You can't force someone to wake up. Each individual has to choose to wake up and take the red pill." It’s like that scene from the Matrix movie where Morpheus explains the Matrix to Neo: “You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the System, that they will fight to protect it…” --Morpheus Explains Neo The Matrix
So here we all are, locked down in (the illusion of) a “global pandemic”, wearing funny little face masks and practicing “social distancing”, seeing each other as the enemy and hating on the POTUS, believing President Trump to be the root cause of all evil. Right where the Deep State Cabal and their controlled media wants us: Divide and conquer. Indeed.
"Why is there so much hatred for this individual?" "The media has spun this whole 'Trump-Orange-Man bad' thing for years now that TDS is a real thing. You get deranged people with full-on TDS blaming Trump for things that Democrats are honestly more to blame for." --TimCast IRL "Unfortunately, medical science has not yet found a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no medication, therapy, or procedure that can alleviate the...symptoms. One can only break free of TDS when they go through an awakening in which they realize that the far left media has been lying to them about Trump and conservatives..." --Is There A Cure?
So I implore you—turn off your television, or at least stop listening to the mainstream news, either on the TV or on your computer. There is an army of digital soldiers, independent grassroots citizen journalists dedicated to the TRUTH, journalists not owned or beholden to any corporation. Seek them out. We are the news now, not the bought-off corporate-whore legacy media. They call it “programming” for a reason. Unplug. Empower yourself with your own creative vision, and stop focusing on those false images and false narratives being promulgated by the lamestream legacy media.
Dr. Steve Turley: "The Mainstream Marxist Media is not about reporting truth--they're about reporting Leftist propaganda... That's why I like to call the mainstream media the 'Marxist Media'--the international propaganda wing of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party--literally State-controlled media..."--Trump SAVAGES Media To Their FACES with Their OWN WORDS!!!
The Threat of Tyranny
There IS a very real danger presented by the Covid-19 scamdemic. However the danger is not that the virus is so virulent that millions of people are going to die, as was originally predicted. The REAL danger lies in how those in power have chosen to enforce the quarantine and lockdowns. Governors, bureaucrats and police across the USA have used this crisis as a pretext to trample on our civil liberties and on the Bill of Rights. Max Igan reports: "The problem is not the virus—the problem is our government’s response to this alleged virus, which is just completely over-the-top and completely ridiculous…." --The COVID-19 Plandemic - An Agenda for Rapid Depopulation and Total A.I. Control
"Police in Greenville, Miss., issued $500 tickets to Christians who gathered in a church parking lot to worship together in the safety of their cars." And Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's draconian enforcement of Stay At Home orders has sparked controversy, protests, and lawsuits. "The governor’s order provides that residents cannot leave their homes... or engage in outdoor physical activity. It also bans travel to second homes and vacation properties."
And Beetlejuice look-alike Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot "has gone on television and talked openly about how she is blocking the Trump administration and rigging the system. According to Mayor Lightfoot she goes out of her way to hire people who are “Pledging Allegiance to the New World Order”..." --Lori Lightfoot Explains
Pledging their allegiance to the Globalist, Fascist New World Order!? What ignorant arrogance! Lightfoot sure is an authentic servant of We the People (NOT!) How do such ignorant, psychopathic cretins get into office in the first place? Dominion voting machines anyone? Lightfoot is obviously compromised and incredibly corrupt, bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party to bring down America. How much money does it take to sell your soul and sell out America, sell out the entire human race? What was your price, Lori, you pathetic psychopath? You should be out looking for your missing chromosome, or perhaps another dose of adrenochrome...?
"Police in Greenville, Miss., issued $500 tickets to Christians who gathered in a church parking lot to worship together in the safety of their cars." And Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's draconian enforcement of Stay At Home orders has sparked controversy, protests, and lawsuits. "The governor’s order provides that residents cannot leave their homes... or engage in outdoor physical activity. It also bans travel to second homes and vacation properties."
And Beetlejuice look-alike Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot "has gone on television and talked openly about how she is blocking the Trump administration and rigging the system. According to Mayor Lightfoot she goes out of her way to hire people who are “Pledging Allegiance to the New World Order”..." --Lori Lightfoot Explains
Pledging their allegiance to the Globalist, Fascist New World Order!? What ignorant arrogance! Lightfoot sure is an authentic servant of We the People (NOT!) How do such ignorant, psychopathic cretins get into office in the first place? Dominion voting machines anyone? Lightfoot is obviously compromised and incredibly corrupt, bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party to bring down America. How much money does it take to sell your soul and sell out America, sell out the entire human race? What was your price, Lori, you pathetic psychopath? You should be out looking for your missing chromosome, or perhaps another dose of adrenochrome...?
Popular YouTube channel host Dan Bongino sums up nicely the outrageous actions of these petty tyrants: "They are trying to soften people up and get them accostombed to the idea of a Big Government footprint in their lives... These Democratic Governors...are engaged in soft tyrannical acts in violation of the Bill of Rights, and they're using this virus as cover...The Left loves this. They love the Police State Tyranny and they don't want any of you fighting back..." --Ep 1229 The Dan Bongino Show
Dinesh D'Souza: "I think the Democrats have used COVID--I'm not saying that COVID isn't real--but they've used it, they've manipulated public fear to try to do things that they couldn't do otherwise. And here is where we've seen that our civil liberties are not safe. Remember we've got these civil liberties in the BIll of RIghts--the right to speak; the right to conscience; the right to assemble--and those are NOT up for Democratic referendum. They are individual rights--we never gave them to the government in the first place. So no majority gets to overrule that...
"And yet I'm amazed to see Democratic mayors and governors running roughshod over the Constitution in the name of protecting you from the coronavirus and subverting the First Amendment rights to free speech and conscience and the right to assemble. So these basic Constitutional liberties we can no longer take for granted. We have to assume that they, too, are on the ballot this year." -- John B. Wells & Guest Dinesh D'Souza Episode 1412
Dinesh D'Souza: "I think the Democrats have used COVID--I'm not saying that COVID isn't real--but they've used it, they've manipulated public fear to try to do things that they couldn't do otherwise. And here is where we've seen that our civil liberties are not safe. Remember we've got these civil liberties in the BIll of RIghts--the right to speak; the right to conscience; the right to assemble--and those are NOT up for Democratic referendum. They are individual rights--we never gave them to the government in the first place. So no majority gets to overrule that...
"And yet I'm amazed to see Democratic mayors and governors running roughshod over the Constitution in the name of protecting you from the coronavirus and subverting the First Amendment rights to free speech and conscience and the right to assemble. So these basic Constitutional liberties we can no longer take for granted. We have to assume that they, too, are on the ballot this year." -- John B. Wells & Guest Dinesh D'Souza Episode 1412
The Manipulation and Fabrication of the "COVID" Scamdemic
James Corbett, in his latest Corbett Report: "I am here today to inform you, in case you somehow managed to miss it, that the models, projections, guesstimates, case fatality rates, infection numbers, and various other statistics that have been thrown at the public in the past few months to justify the shutdown of the global economy, the implementation of a Draconian Police State, and the rewriting of all social norms and rules, has been a bunch of manipulated, phony, HOOEY..." --Lies, Damned Lies, and Coronavirus Statistics
"A physician from Minnesota claimed this week that federal officials are encouraging medical officials to incorrectly attribute all related deaths to COVID-19, even in cases where the Coronavirus clearly played a minimal (if any) role in the deceased's passage." Dr. Scott Jensen, physician and Minnesota State Senator, reports that the CDC is encouraging physicians to "massage and game the numbers" of COVID-19 related deaths. Why would they want to skew the deaths due to COVID-19? "Well, fear is a great way to control people and I worry about that... People's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough..." --How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count?
They didn't get the mortality rates that they wanted with their engineered bio-weapon, so now they have to artificially inflate the death numbers in order to continue to perpetuate their farce, to make it appear that COVID-19 is more deadly that it actually is.
Jeremy Elliot: "If there's a real pandemic, does it require faulty virus models, rigged test results, eighty-one percent false positives, inaccurate news reporting, staged hospital overruns and manipulated death certificates?"
Max Igan of The Crowhouse: “Isn’t it amazing what they have managed to do? Locked the whole world down—three or four billion people under house arrest… This entire pandemic is a SHAM… this is a complete and utter SCAM. There is NO pandemic, folks." --Corona Psychosis Hoax Pandemic
"COVID-19 will go down in history as one of the biggest SCAMS on the American People. Lives ruined, job losses, (ruined) emotional health, suicides, businesses forced out of business. But one thing will come out of this: the mainstream media will lose all trust. The people that knowingly continued to push this on the American people and the world will be held accountable.” --X22 Report, Episode 2263b
Sean Turnbull of the SGT Report: "The whole thing is ABSOLUTELY a New World Order plandemic. And now they've brainwashed us into the idea that these things CAN happen, and that some viruses are SO dangerous it's worth giving up our liberties for." --COVID-1984 & THEIR BEAST SYSTEM
So there you have it, your fake pandemic--essentially a beta test in the swift imposition of tyrannical control mechanisms by the Deep State Cabal. One of the catch phrases of this "great awakening" movement is "Sheep No More". Right. I keep waiting to see some evidence of THAT in the people that I come into contact with in my day-to-day activities. They are all still wearing their funny little masks, afraid to get close to or even touch one another. How ironic that the sheeple could have the wool so effectively pulled over their eyes...
"A physician from Minnesota claimed this week that federal officials are encouraging medical officials to incorrectly attribute all related deaths to COVID-19, even in cases where the Coronavirus clearly played a minimal (if any) role in the deceased's passage." Dr. Scott Jensen, physician and Minnesota State Senator, reports that the CDC is encouraging physicians to "massage and game the numbers" of COVID-19 related deaths. Why would they want to skew the deaths due to COVID-19? "Well, fear is a great way to control people and I worry about that... People's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough..." --How Honest is the COVID Fatality Count?
They didn't get the mortality rates that they wanted with their engineered bio-weapon, so now they have to artificially inflate the death numbers in order to continue to perpetuate their farce, to make it appear that COVID-19 is more deadly that it actually is.
Jeremy Elliot: "If there's a real pandemic, does it require faulty virus models, rigged test results, eighty-one percent false positives, inaccurate news reporting, staged hospital overruns and manipulated death certificates?"
Max Igan of The Crowhouse: “Isn’t it amazing what they have managed to do? Locked the whole world down—three or four billion people under house arrest… This entire pandemic is a SHAM… this is a complete and utter SCAM. There is NO pandemic, folks." --Corona Psychosis Hoax Pandemic
"COVID-19 will go down in history as one of the biggest SCAMS on the American People. Lives ruined, job losses, (ruined) emotional health, suicides, businesses forced out of business. But one thing will come out of this: the mainstream media will lose all trust. The people that knowingly continued to push this on the American people and the world will be held accountable.” --X22 Report, Episode 2263b
Sean Turnbull of the SGT Report: "The whole thing is ABSOLUTELY a New World Order plandemic. And now they've brainwashed us into the idea that these things CAN happen, and that some viruses are SO dangerous it's worth giving up our liberties for." --COVID-1984 & THEIR BEAST SYSTEM
So there you have it, your fake pandemic--essentially a beta test in the swift imposition of tyrannical control mechanisms by the Deep State Cabal. One of the catch phrases of this "great awakening" movement is "Sheep No More". Right. I keep waiting to see some evidence of THAT in the people that I come into contact with in my day-to-day activities. They are all still wearing their funny little masks, afraid to get close to or even touch one another. How ironic that the sheeple could have the wool so effectively pulled over their eyes...
Muzzle Tyranny (a.k.a. Mask Mandates)
"So it's quite obvious the science can disprove the use of masks
completely. So again it shows that the governments and their
support from the medical establishment, are NOT working
from a scientific basis, and this is very easy to see. So
you have to ask yourself, what ARE they doing?"
--David Parker, Virus and Germ Theory
"Take off the mask! Refuse to wear the mask!
Because they got you if they got you in the
mask. Then they've already crippled your
immune system and corrupted your mind."
--Dr. Judy Mikovits, Kerry Cassidy
completely. So again it shows that the governments and their
support from the medical establishment, are NOT working
from a scientific basis, and this is very easy to see. So
you have to ask yourself, what ARE they doing?"
--David Parker, Virus and Germ Theory
"Take off the mask! Refuse to wear the mask!
Because they got you if they got you in the
mask. Then they've already crippled your
immune system and corrupted your mind."
--Dr. Judy Mikovits, Kerry Cassidy
“Hello Suckers! Captive inside our little homes, afraid to go outside—gotta wear a mask! Gotta wear a mask ‘cause Boss Man said we gotta wear a mask ‘cause we might get this Covid thing… Boss Man says that we can’t go outside ‘cause he knows better. And he never even asked us what we wanted. He never even said: ‘Hey, do you mind staying inside?’ Nope. He just said: ‘You’re gonna stay inside. You’re gonna stay inside and we don’t care what you think... We don’t care if you like it; whether you think it’s ridiculous; whether it makes sense...' Because somewhere along the line we just said, 'Well you’re the government. You know better. Go ahead…' Meanwhile we’re walking around with our little masks on… It’s now gotten kinda STUPID…” --Lionel Nation, BEHOLD SHEEPLE - The Government Just Took Over Everything
"At this point most Americans have shown the Government that they can pretty much order them to do anything... I see people in their cars by themselves, all the time, with a mask on. It makes no sense at all... The social distancing nonsense and what they are doing to human relationships--just the psychological aspect of people wearing masks--you do that to mask your facial expressions. It's how you read people. And who wears masks in real life? Bank robbers--bad guys, super villains maybe." --
Dr. Anthony Fauci: “Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks—there’s no reason to be walking around with masks. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better. It might even block a droplet. But it is not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is…” --March 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with Dr Jon LaPook about Covid-19
“Why was Dr. Fauci, a health expert, just a few months ago telling us masks were harmful and unessential to those of us who aren’t infected? Why do we need masks now? What changed since March?… Remember these masks—they don’t stop viruses. They stop bacteria from coming out of YOUR mouth. It doesn’t stop the viruses from coming to you. So the people who are sick, they wear the mask so they don’t spread their illness. But people who are healthy—it’s not protecting them, because viruses are very tiny… You would have to have a complete seal to be protected. And people walking around with scarves, or their shirt around them—it’s doing nothing… So why on Earth, as the numbers are declining, we’re past the surge, businesses are opening, why is Fauci outside wearing a mask? He’s pushing FEAR…” --DEEP STATE Using PAN[DEM]IC For Cover
"At this point most Americans have shown the Government that they can pretty much order them to do anything... I see people in their cars by themselves, all the time, with a mask on. It makes no sense at all... The social distancing nonsense and what they are doing to human relationships--just the psychological aspect of people wearing masks--you do that to mask your facial expressions. It's how you read people. And who wears masks in real life? Bank robbers--bad guys, super villains maybe." --
Dr. Anthony Fauci: “Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks—there’s no reason to be walking around with masks. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better. It might even block a droplet. But it is not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is…” --March 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with Dr Jon LaPook about Covid-19
“Why was Dr. Fauci, a health expert, just a few months ago telling us masks were harmful and unessential to those of us who aren’t infected? Why do we need masks now? What changed since March?… Remember these masks—they don’t stop viruses. They stop bacteria from coming out of YOUR mouth. It doesn’t stop the viruses from coming to you. So the people who are sick, they wear the mask so they don’t spread their illness. But people who are healthy—it’s not protecting them, because viruses are very tiny… You would have to have a complete seal to be protected. And people walking around with scarves, or their shirt around them—it’s doing nothing… So why on Earth, as the numbers are declining, we’re past the surge, businesses are opening, why is Fauci outside wearing a mask? He’s pushing FEAR…” --DEEP STATE Using PAN[DEM]IC For Cover
I was recently accosted in a local cafe by a young millennial girl (cafe staff) who was vehemently insisting that I wear my mask while eating my lunch and pull it aside between bites! I told her that what she was asking was retarded, and she took offense to that. The word "retarded" wasn't politically correct, in her estimation. I told her that I didn't believe in the Marxist mind control bullshit known as political correctness, and the interaction only went downhill from there. I don't think that she even knew who Karl Marx was and how the radical left DemonRats in this counry have been infiltrated by Marxist Communist ideology. But nonetheless the Groupthink hive mind was already cemented firmly in place for her. So I guess it's true what they say about millennial's-- they really are pretty CLUELESS.
"These people (mask Nazis) are absolutely like rabid dogs. I can tell you for a fact that the masks are not only ridiculous and mind control, but they're also very bad for you health-wise. You don't have to be a doctor to realize that breathing in your own carbon dioxide is not good. So how brain-dead can you be?
"I know people that are in complete denial. They think that the Right is making up pedophilia. They think it's a lie. Can you believe that? I mean, they're that stupid. And these are people that are supposed to be semi-awake. They at least know certain things. What I am seeing out there is so much blindness, and so much of a lack of a willingness to entertain new ideas." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
These people--mask Nazis and Liberal Leftists--are stuck in their delusions, delusions engendered by the Communist News Network (CNN) and other fake news media outlets. Blind, unquestioning acceptance of fake news media propaganda creates unhinged, mentally unstable individuals and concomitant bizarre behaviors.
I can’t even go into my favorite grocery store like Whole Foods or the local Co-Op anymore. All the obedient sheeple (covidiots) are still dutifully wearing their masks, frantically spraying everything down with disinfectant. And since I absolutely REFUSE to wear a mask, they are all looking at me like I have the Bubonic Plague or something. It’s pretty pathetic terrified sheep behavior, actually. The herd has definitely been spooked pretty badly. The Powers That Be (the Swamp, the Deep State, the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Globalists, or whatever name you prefer to use for them) and the constant fear porn generated by the controlled Mainstream Media, have really done a number on their heads. Ba-baaaaa...
"If the mask does really work why isn't our country fully open? Just wear your stupid mask and problem solved, right? No, because it's all a bunch of lies and huge BS folks." --Antonio Sabáto Jr
"Scientifically, the masks are useless and irrelevant, that's a fact." --Dr. Simone Gold, We Do NOT Consent
"All of this whole scamdemic, the masks, everything--they're just trying to make it look like it's something really bad, and we all know it's a scam-demic..." --Santa Surfing
"This thing is a FARCE. You know it, and I know it too.." --John B Wells, Episode 1355
"Mandatory masks aren't about safety, they're about social control. To those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, COVID presents an opportunity to advance plans targeted to transform American freedom and the American way of life." --Mandatory Masks Aren't About Safety, They're About Social Control
"These people (mask Nazis) are absolutely like rabid dogs. I can tell you for a fact that the masks are not only ridiculous and mind control, but they're also very bad for you health-wise. You don't have to be a doctor to realize that breathing in your own carbon dioxide is not good. So how brain-dead can you be?
"I know people that are in complete denial. They think that the Right is making up pedophilia. They think it's a lie. Can you believe that? I mean, they're that stupid. And these are people that are supposed to be semi-awake. They at least know certain things. What I am seeing out there is so much blindness, and so much of a lack of a willingness to entertain new ideas." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
These people--mask Nazis and Liberal Leftists--are stuck in their delusions, delusions engendered by the Communist News Network (CNN) and other fake news media outlets. Blind, unquestioning acceptance of fake news media propaganda creates unhinged, mentally unstable individuals and concomitant bizarre behaviors.
I can’t even go into my favorite grocery store like Whole Foods or the local Co-Op anymore. All the obedient sheeple (covidiots) are still dutifully wearing their masks, frantically spraying everything down with disinfectant. And since I absolutely REFUSE to wear a mask, they are all looking at me like I have the Bubonic Plague or something. It’s pretty pathetic terrified sheep behavior, actually. The herd has definitely been spooked pretty badly. The Powers That Be (the Swamp, the Deep State, the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Globalists, or whatever name you prefer to use for them) and the constant fear porn generated by the controlled Mainstream Media, have really done a number on their heads. Ba-baaaaa...
"If the mask does really work why isn't our country fully open? Just wear your stupid mask and problem solved, right? No, because it's all a bunch of lies and huge BS folks." --Antonio Sabáto Jr
"Scientifically, the masks are useless and irrelevant, that's a fact." --Dr. Simone Gold, We Do NOT Consent
"All of this whole scamdemic, the masks, everything--they're just trying to make it look like it's something really bad, and we all know it's a scam-demic..." --Santa Surfing
"This thing is a FARCE. You know it, and I know it too.." --John B Wells, Episode 1355
"Mandatory masks aren't about safety, they're about social control. To those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, COVID presents an opportunity to advance plans targeted to transform American freedom and the American way of life." --Mandatory Masks Aren't About Safety, They're About Social Control
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons came out with a study about masks on June 1st. The study is called “Mask Facts” and some of the conclusions are as follows: (1) the wide use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not supported by current evidence and carries uncertainties and critical risks; (2) wearing masks will NOT reduce SARS-Covid; and (3) the wearing of masks may give people a false sense of security. --Mask Facts
"They've done a study here, and the only reason we are wearing masks right now is for the fear factor.... This is why they've been pushing masks. But masks do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, because if they did then every cold and flu season everyone would be wearing masks... This is how you know it's all fake, phony and false." --X22 Report, True Evil Is About To Be Revealed
"This phony infection has killed far fewer people than worldwide diarrhea or even the average flu that we experience in this country that kills several thousand people, a few tens of thousands of people. This virus isn't doing that. We're all walking around like a bunch of morons wearing masks. It's so ridiculous, so stupid, it's almost unbearable... Just how much stupidity are intelligent persons going to be forced to tolerate? Just how much ABJECT STUPIDITY are intelligent persons going to be WILLING to tolerate?" John B Wells, Episode 1368
“It’s very difficult to live in this world nowadays when you are always up against mind-controlled people. They actually believe there is a virus out there and that this stupid piece of cloth will actually protect them from a virus. It’s really sad… that the intelligence of these people is still so low..." --Nyla Nguyen
Dr. Rashid A Buttar: "So how long are you going to allow this idiocy to continue? And when somebody tells you to wear a face mask, you need to tell them to back the hell up! And it you’re stupid enough to wear a face mask then you wear a face mask, but I am NOT going to partake in your idiocy! Just because you’re stupid, that doesn’t make it an obligation on my part to follow in your stupidity and hurt myself..." --What Face Masks Actually Do To Your Health
"All of this mask bullshit is a ticking time bomb of litigation...and I think state government should be sued already for these policies--it's blatantly un-Constitutional in every possible sense..." --Styxhexenhammer666
"They've done a study here, and the only reason we are wearing masks right now is for the fear factor.... This is why they've been pushing masks. But masks do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, because if they did then every cold and flu season everyone would be wearing masks... This is how you know it's all fake, phony and false." --X22 Report, True Evil Is About To Be Revealed
"This phony infection has killed far fewer people than worldwide diarrhea or even the average flu that we experience in this country that kills several thousand people, a few tens of thousands of people. This virus isn't doing that. We're all walking around like a bunch of morons wearing masks. It's so ridiculous, so stupid, it's almost unbearable... Just how much stupidity are intelligent persons going to be forced to tolerate? Just how much ABJECT STUPIDITY are intelligent persons going to be WILLING to tolerate?" John B Wells, Episode 1368
“It’s very difficult to live in this world nowadays when you are always up against mind-controlled people. They actually believe there is a virus out there and that this stupid piece of cloth will actually protect them from a virus. It’s really sad… that the intelligence of these people is still so low..." --Nyla Nguyen
Dr. Rashid A Buttar: "So how long are you going to allow this idiocy to continue? And when somebody tells you to wear a face mask, you need to tell them to back the hell up! And it you’re stupid enough to wear a face mask then you wear a face mask, but I am NOT going to partake in your idiocy! Just because you’re stupid, that doesn’t make it an obligation on my part to follow in your stupidity and hurt myself..." --What Face Masks Actually Do To Your Health
"All of this mask bullshit is a ticking time bomb of litigation...and I think state government should be sued already for these policies--it's blatantly un-Constitutional in every possible sense..." --Styxhexenhammer666
Synopsis and Conclusion
While some states are starting to open up again, many blue states with Democratic governors and cities with Democratic mayors are choosing to keep the population isolated and locked down, which is purely politically motivated and has absolutely nothing to do with any so-called virus. It's just the latest tactic in a series of tactics (hoaxes) by the Deep State and their puppet DemonRats to attempt to overthrow a duly elected and sitting President at any cost (can you say "treason"?) "The pandemic--or as I call it, the scam-demic--is just a Democratic ploy to win the election." --Santa Surfing, Trump's EO - It's Just the Beginning
"My gut reaction when the lockdown started was: ‘this is very strange’ because, with infection control normally if someone has an infectious disease you quarantine the infected, you don’t quarantine the healthy." --James Perloff
"...'Quarantine' is when you restrict movement of sick people and 'tyranny' is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.” – Meshawn Maddock
"We should stop calling it 'quarantine'--that's a term designated for people that are verified sick. This is a house arrest mandated by the state. You should stop calling it 'social distancing'--there's nothing social about forced isolation. We should stop saying 'safer at home' when millions of Americans don't have basic necessities adequate to fit their needs. It assumes that everybody's home is equally as safe as the people that are making the statements. We should stop saying 'this is for the greater good' when you close the economy killing millions of businesses that families have worked generations to establish. That's anything but good. We should stop saying this is the 'new normal'--that's just blatant mind-control drivel. There's nothing normal about forced isolation, treating your neighbor like they have the plague, breathing your own bodily wastes, wearing masks, or living in constant fear of contamination." --Jeremy Elliot
"My gut reaction when the lockdown started was: ‘this is very strange’ because, with infection control normally if someone has an infectious disease you quarantine the infected, you don’t quarantine the healthy." --James Perloff
"...'Quarantine' is when you restrict movement of sick people and 'tyranny' is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.” – Meshawn Maddock
"We should stop calling it 'quarantine'--that's a term designated for people that are verified sick. This is a house arrest mandated by the state. You should stop calling it 'social distancing'--there's nothing social about forced isolation. We should stop saying 'safer at home' when millions of Americans don't have basic necessities adequate to fit their needs. It assumes that everybody's home is equally as safe as the people that are making the statements. We should stop saying 'this is for the greater good' when you close the economy killing millions of businesses that families have worked generations to establish. That's anything but good. We should stop saying this is the 'new normal'--that's just blatant mind-control drivel. There's nothing normal about forced isolation, treating your neighbor like they have the plague, breathing your own bodily wastes, wearing masks, or living in constant fear of contamination." --Jeremy Elliot
"And you might ask, well, if this pandemic is fake, why are the numbers going up? They are misdiagnosing people. If you go into a hospital and you are tested positive for COVID, then they say that's what you die of... If you go in there, they're just assuming you're a COVID patient. And if you don't have anyone with you, you don't have any of your family members with you, they're gonna give you COVID treatment, which means they're gonna isolate you. And what they're doing is they are putting people in isolation wards...on a ventilator, which puts high pressure into their lungs and kills them. Then they assume it's a COVID victim... They are basically murdering these people in hospitals, and there are hundreds of doctors and nurses who are screaming out about this, people trying to get the information out about this." --The COVID-19 Plandemic - An Agenda for Rapid Depopulation and Total A.I. Control
"Don’t let them put you on a ventilator. Do you know a ventilator works? Well it just blows air into your lungs. And if you don’t want to inflate like a balloon…they have to punch a hole in your rib cage to let the air out… They are putting these patients on ventilators…very dangerous…they get pneumonia and they die. Elmhurst hospital in New York knows all about it.
“It’s sick… these people like Cuomo and this horrid Whitmer. To me they are nothing but mass murderers. I’m saying so and I mean it! Deliberately infecting people, locking people down and making them crazy. Threatening them with all kinds of things… The Democrats just aren’t racist against Blacks, they are Human racists. They hate everybody except themselves…” --John B. Wells Episode 1416
An ICU nurse of 30 years speaks out
New York Hospitals 'Murdering' COVID Patients With 'Complete Medical Mismanagement'
"When are you going to wake up, America, and realize that you are fearing the wrong thing! You do not need to fear COVID. You need to fear our political and medical leaders who are complicit with MURDER!!" --Frontline Doctors Storm D.C.
“Does anyone really want to wear a mask? Actually no. The recovery rate is incredible with COVID… Plus there’s something called HCQ. There’s never been a reason to wear these masks.” --Another Piece For the Storm
Dr. Stella Immanuel: "You don't need masks! There is a cure!...You don't need people to be locked down! There is prevention, and there is a cure!... All this foolishness does not need to happen. There is a cure for COVID. There is a cure for COVID-- it's called hydroxychloroquine. It’s called zinc. It’s called zithromax. And it is time for the grass roots to wake up! Say NO! We're not going to take this any longer!" --Hydroxychloroquine Protocol Continues Getting Censored
"Don’t let them put you on a ventilator. Do you know a ventilator works? Well it just blows air into your lungs. And if you don’t want to inflate like a balloon…they have to punch a hole in your rib cage to let the air out… They are putting these patients on ventilators…very dangerous…they get pneumonia and they die. Elmhurst hospital in New York knows all about it.
“It’s sick… these people like Cuomo and this horrid Whitmer. To me they are nothing but mass murderers. I’m saying so and I mean it! Deliberately infecting people, locking people down and making them crazy. Threatening them with all kinds of things… The Democrats just aren’t racist against Blacks, they are Human racists. They hate everybody except themselves…” --John B. Wells Episode 1416
An ICU nurse of 30 years speaks out
New York Hospitals 'Murdering' COVID Patients With 'Complete Medical Mismanagement'
"When are you going to wake up, America, and realize that you are fearing the wrong thing! You do not need to fear COVID. You need to fear our political and medical leaders who are complicit with MURDER!!" --Frontline Doctors Storm D.C.
“Does anyone really want to wear a mask? Actually no. The recovery rate is incredible with COVID… Plus there’s something called HCQ. There’s never been a reason to wear these masks.” --Another Piece For the Storm
Dr. Stella Immanuel: "You don't need masks! There is a cure!...You don't need people to be locked down! There is prevention, and there is a cure!... All this foolishness does not need to happen. There is a cure for COVID. There is a cure for COVID-- it's called hydroxychloroquine. It’s called zinc. It’s called zithromax. And it is time for the grass roots to wake up! Say NO! We're not going to take this any longer!" --Hydroxychloroquine Protocol Continues Getting Censored
The Frontline Doctors have documented a 100% cure rate for treating their COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and zinc, yet the mainstream media along with Big Tech continues to censor and ban these experienced doctors and their message, and demonize hydroxychloroquine, an actual cure for this virus. Why?
"The mainstream media is a complete joke... Television has never been real. It's not real--the movie industry, of course, is not real, it's pure fantasy... You've never heard on TV a truly accurate news story from beginning to end. They're always lying about something. And now what they've been doing for the last 20 years with the advent of CNN is they're just making stuff up out of thin air that doesn't even exist and they're just green-screening everything. And they're using a series of actors that play recurring roles as 'witnesses'. So none of this is real--you need to innerstand that-- 'the news' isn't real.
"The minions--Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather--all of the big names, (all the 'anchormen' of the TV news), they're all powerfully owned, very powerfully owned, and they say and they do what they're told. And what they tell is a certain story, a certain narrative, a certain way to get a certain response... So nothing on TV has ever been real, 'the news' has never been real and in fact it is far from reality...
"The mainstream media lies--it's a mechanism for the few to rule the many. So they will say and sell whatever they need to say and sell to keep their masters, which are the few, in control, while giving the illusion to the many, that they actually have some freedom..." --Charlie Freak Chats with Alpa Soni
And it's because of the "programming" of the black magic babbling box and the non-stop gas-lighting propaganda narrative of the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media that the sheeple have become convinced--programmed--to believe that there is a "global pandemic" of some alleged coronavirus (that has never been isolated in any lab), that they have to protect themselves from with face masks, social distancing, and copious amounts of hand sanitizer...
"For anyone who hasn't done any research and are still stupid enough to fall for this ignorant narrative, you're stupid! You're responsible for yourself. You're absolutely 100% responsible for yourself. So if you're too fucking stupid to have done any research... There is NO COVID-19! There is no such thing--they've admitted that, and the flu has disappeared since the beginning of this. So Basically every illness under the sun is being named COVID-19...
When in the history of the fucking world has anyone run out and got a test when they have NO SYMPTOMS? You have no symptoms of a respiratory illness and you're going out and getting tested for a respiratory illness?! The moronicy of this shit, the RETARDED thinking of people... It's YOUR FAULT 'cause you're run down; it's your fault 'cause your immune system is run down...
"Are you one of the stupid fucking retards that are wearing a mask at any point at all? Because that increases your risk of getting sick!" --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"The mainstream media is a complete joke... Television has never been real. It's not real--the movie industry, of course, is not real, it's pure fantasy... You've never heard on TV a truly accurate news story from beginning to end. They're always lying about something. And now what they've been doing for the last 20 years with the advent of CNN is they're just making stuff up out of thin air that doesn't even exist and they're just green-screening everything. And they're using a series of actors that play recurring roles as 'witnesses'. So none of this is real--you need to innerstand that-- 'the news' isn't real.
"The minions--Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather--all of the big names, (all the 'anchormen' of the TV news), they're all powerfully owned, very powerfully owned, and they say and they do what they're told. And what they tell is a certain story, a certain narrative, a certain way to get a certain response... So nothing on TV has ever been real, 'the news' has never been real and in fact it is far from reality...
"The mainstream media lies--it's a mechanism for the few to rule the many. So they will say and sell whatever they need to say and sell to keep their masters, which are the few, in control, while giving the illusion to the many, that they actually have some freedom..." --Charlie Freak Chats with Alpa Soni
And it's because of the "programming" of the black magic babbling box and the non-stop gas-lighting propaganda narrative of the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media that the sheeple have become convinced--programmed--to believe that there is a "global pandemic" of some alleged coronavirus (that has never been isolated in any lab), that they have to protect themselves from with face masks, social distancing, and copious amounts of hand sanitizer...
"For anyone who hasn't done any research and are still stupid enough to fall for this ignorant narrative, you're stupid! You're responsible for yourself. You're absolutely 100% responsible for yourself. So if you're too fucking stupid to have done any research... There is NO COVID-19! There is no such thing--they've admitted that, and the flu has disappeared since the beginning of this. So Basically every illness under the sun is being named COVID-19...
When in the history of the fucking world has anyone run out and got a test when they have NO SYMPTOMS? You have no symptoms of a respiratory illness and you're going out and getting tested for a respiratory illness?! The moronicy of this shit, the RETARDED thinking of people... It's YOUR FAULT 'cause you're run down; it's your fault 'cause your immune system is run down...
"Are you one of the stupid fucking retards that are wearing a mask at any point at all? Because that increases your risk of getting sick!" --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"And someday humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers. Only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough. I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer.' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history!" --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind
So wake up sheeple! Wake up off your soft haunches and take off that stupid fucking mask!
"July 23, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Prior to facemask mandates as an alleged preventive for Covid infection and transmission, such masks were infrequently worn in hospitals and other medical facilities. They were only used in operating theatres or for visiting seriously ill patients in order to prevent infection from spit or droplets into open wounds or to partially protect visitors from acquiring and transmitting pathogens more dangerous than Covid. Many doctors and nurses have told LifeSite that for decades, if not longer, staff wearing medical masks were an uncommon sight in health care facilities other than as mentioned.
"No studies were needed to justify this practice since most understood viruses were far too small to be stopped by the wearing of most masks, other than sophisticated ones designed for that task and which were too costly and complicated for the general public to properly wear and keep changing or cleaning. It was also understood that long mask wearing was unhealthy for wearers for common sense and basic science reasons.
"There has been an international flood of lies about mask wearing in order to justify the bizarre and disturbing situation we have today of almost everyone wearing masks in many regions, inside and outside healthcare facilities, in schools with children of all ages, during sports events, in churches, in grocery stores and all commercial facilities, while driving and walking, and long after peak infection has passed.
"It has also continued long after it was discovered that Covid was not nearly as dangerous as we were led to believe, that many of the mitigation policies caused serious damage of all kinds, including many deaths, and long after prevention and treatment protocols were discovered and used with great success, and the very best ones often criminally suppressed by government and health authorities.
"The unnecessary and greatly exaggerated fear during the first few months of this pandemic, which would never have been labeled a pandemic until the WHO unilaterally changed the pandemic definition to include much less dangerous pathogens, has been manipulated to continue to this day, unlike past experiences with similar virus outbreaks. There have been numerous lies fed to the public by the WHO, national and regional government leaders and health bureaucrats and the media and many other institutions – all certainly for the purpose of maintaining fear until the large majority of the public has been injected with the poorly tested, unnecessary and dangerous Covid vaccines for which we have no evidence of their long-term safety.
"(Illegitimate) President Joe Biden has been consistently presenting numerous, outrageous lies to justify his extreme COVID and vaccine policies and Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D, has written an article published on LifeSite today that summarizes all of the most prominent and damaging lies that have generated continuing fear and caused a large percentage of Americans and citizens of other nations to accept the Covid vaccines in order to allegedly be able to return to a normal life. Included in Alexander’s list are the lies related to mask mandates.
"An acquaintance of Paul Alexander has written the list below of 47 studies confirming that masks are useless in preventing Covid infection and transmission and a second list further down of 32 studies confirming the negative health effects caused by frequent mask wearing, especially for young children. This has been a growing, serious concern in recent months as the dangerous health and emotional effects, especially on children, who are at almost zero risk of Covid harm, are becoming more pronounced and deeply worrisome..." --47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects
"No studies were needed to justify this practice since most understood viruses were far too small to be stopped by the wearing of most masks, other than sophisticated ones designed for that task and which were too costly and complicated for the general public to properly wear and keep changing or cleaning. It was also understood that long mask wearing was unhealthy for wearers for common sense and basic science reasons.
"There has been an international flood of lies about mask wearing in order to justify the bizarre and disturbing situation we have today of almost everyone wearing masks in many regions, inside and outside healthcare facilities, in schools with children of all ages, during sports events, in churches, in grocery stores and all commercial facilities, while driving and walking, and long after peak infection has passed.
"It has also continued long after it was discovered that Covid was not nearly as dangerous as we were led to believe, that many of the mitigation policies caused serious damage of all kinds, including many deaths, and long after prevention and treatment protocols were discovered and used with great success, and the very best ones often criminally suppressed by government and health authorities.
"The unnecessary and greatly exaggerated fear during the first few months of this pandemic, which would never have been labeled a pandemic until the WHO unilaterally changed the pandemic definition to include much less dangerous pathogens, has been manipulated to continue to this day, unlike past experiences with similar virus outbreaks. There have been numerous lies fed to the public by the WHO, national and regional government leaders and health bureaucrats and the media and many other institutions – all certainly for the purpose of maintaining fear until the large majority of the public has been injected with the poorly tested, unnecessary and dangerous Covid vaccines for which we have no evidence of their long-term safety.
"(Illegitimate) President Joe Biden has been consistently presenting numerous, outrageous lies to justify his extreme COVID and vaccine policies and Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D, has written an article published on LifeSite today that summarizes all of the most prominent and damaging lies that have generated continuing fear and caused a large percentage of Americans and citizens of other nations to accept the Covid vaccines in order to allegedly be able to return to a normal life. Included in Alexander’s list are the lies related to mask mandates.
"An acquaintance of Paul Alexander has written the list below of 47 studies confirming that masks are useless in preventing Covid infection and transmission and a second list further down of 32 studies confirming the negative health effects caused by frequent mask wearing, especially for young children. This has been a growing, serious concern in recent months as the dangerous health and emotional effects, especially on children, who are at almost zero risk of Covid harm, are becoming more pronounced and deeply worrisome..." --47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects