"Off label prescribing means that doctors prescribe the drugs for conditions for which it has
never been tested. Off label prescribing is how these drug companies make billions of dollars.
So this whole explanation of all these pro-pharma people and pro-vaccine people, pro-science
people that say, 'Oh, it's the gold standard of evidence-based medicine, randomized double-
blind placebo-controlled studies--it's all BS! They didn't even test it for those conditions.
They're just prescribing it for something that it was never tested for. And that is really the
profit center of the entire pharmaceutical industry right there. It's all total quackery!
scientific fraud, medical fraud." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 31st, 2021
"The 'vaccine' is not a vaccine but a medical procedure, essentially a bio-weapon
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
"As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S.
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"Most people are in a trance. Most people are zombies. Most people are
self-absorbed myopic children, even though they're 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
70, even 80 years old. They just want to go and stare at the TV and
cuddle up with their little blankies and stay on their merry-go-round
and microwave their Hot Pockets... Aside from the fact that this
vaccine is going to make you sick and it's going to screw
everyone up, it's going to make a lot of people very wealthy
and it's going to concentrate power, because a sick,
weak-minded populace becomes
servile slaves really quick..."
--Joe Imbriano
"One difference between what is happening in our country and the state-
controlled media of the old Soviet Union, is that in the Soviet Union,
most people were quite aware that what was being presented to
them by their corrupt government as news was nothing but mind-
warping propaganda. Many Americans have fallen so under the
spell of the Biden regime's criminal lies that they don't even know
they are being lied to. It is like we are living in a land of state-
controlled zombies who think they are free citizens of a free
country..." --Paul Levy, The War On Consciousness
"There are a lot of people who believe in vaccines. They obviously
haven't read the real literature..." --Alex Collier, Webinar 120
“Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little,
to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings
of whom they know nothing.” --Voltaire.
"You cannot regulate your physiology with a chemical and expect
to get a positive result. It's impossible and a violation of
biologic law. Our entire medical system is built on a lie--
it's completely false." --Dr Bergman DC
Those herbs are woo woo quackery,
I get my food from a fast food factory,
I got my psych drugs, they talkin' back to me,
Modern medical myths are like fact to me,
'Cause everything I know came from TV,
Everything they say at the CDC,
Is true, you see, you have to agree,
With the words of a vaccine zombie..
--Vaccine Zombie, Mike Adams
never been tested. Off label prescribing is how these drug companies make billions of dollars.
So this whole explanation of all these pro-pharma people and pro-vaccine people, pro-science
people that say, 'Oh, it's the gold standard of evidence-based medicine, randomized double-
blind placebo-controlled studies--it's all BS! They didn't even test it for those conditions.
They're just prescribing it for something that it was never tested for. And that is really the
profit center of the entire pharmaceutical industry right there. It's all total quackery!
scientific fraud, medical fraud." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 31st, 2021
"The 'vaccine' is not a vaccine but a medical procedure, essentially a bio-weapon
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
"As so-called ‘vaccines’ of all approved companies are being shut down in the U.S.
and around the world due to horrible side effects and death, the state, the media,
and the illegitimate ‘health’ organizations are continually recommending more
‘vaccinations’ of poisons be given. This obviously defies logic and sanity,
but it should make evident to many more that this is a plot meant only
to control and kill, and has never been meant to stop or cure any
‘virus.’ The only goals of this deception called ‘COVID’ are to
cause sickness and death in order to accomplish depopulation
and set the stage for technocratic control over all of humanity."
The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face
of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
"Most people are in a trance. Most people are zombies. Most people are
self-absorbed myopic children, even though they're 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
70, even 80 years old. They just want to go and stare at the TV and
cuddle up with their little blankies and stay on their merry-go-round
and microwave their Hot Pockets... Aside from the fact that this
vaccine is going to make you sick and it's going to screw
everyone up, it's going to make a lot of people very wealthy
and it's going to concentrate power, because a sick,
weak-minded populace becomes
servile slaves really quick..."
--Joe Imbriano
"One difference between what is happening in our country and the state-
controlled media of the old Soviet Union, is that in the Soviet Union,
most people were quite aware that what was being presented to
them by their corrupt government as news was nothing but mind-
warping propaganda. Many Americans have fallen so under the
spell of the Biden regime's criminal lies that they don't even know
they are being lied to. It is like we are living in a land of state-
controlled zombies who think they are free citizens of a free
country..." --Paul Levy, The War On Consciousness
"There are a lot of people who believe in vaccines. They obviously
haven't read the real literature..." --Alex Collier, Webinar 120
“Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little,
to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings
of whom they know nothing.” --Voltaire.
"You cannot regulate your physiology with a chemical and expect
to get a positive result. It's impossible and a violation of
biologic law. Our entire medical system is built on a lie--
it's completely false." --Dr Bergman DC
Those herbs are woo woo quackery,
I get my food from a fast food factory,
I got my psych drugs, they talkin' back to me,
Modern medical myths are like fact to me,
'Cause everything I know came from TV,
Everything they say at the CDC,
Is true, you see, you have to agree,
With the words of a vaccine zombie..
--Vaccine Zombie, Mike Adams
Big Pharma and the Center For Disease Creation and Proliferation
In my previous post entitled Creepy Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda I detailed how criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci helped to engineer a fake global pandemic, then suppressed and demonized Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug and effective coronavirus treatment that’s been on the list of essential medicine worldwide for 70 years, so they could push their deadly, toxic mRNA vaccines in order to perpetuate a global depopulation agenda and also reap enormous profits in the process.
It sounds too fantastical, too horrific to be true, that our so-called "medical authorities" and "public health agencies" like the WHO and CDC could actually have such an evil intent in wanting to vaccinate the public and the entire global population for the purpose of "culling the herd." We have been told, or conditioned to believe, that these agencies and authorities have our best interests a heart, and that the vaccines are good for us, that vaccines are for our own "protection" from this deadly virus that is supposed to be lurking out there around every corner, ready to invade our vulnerable bodies at a moment's notice.
Mike Adams: "Those taking COVID vaccines right now are shockingly ignorant about the facts revealing criminal fraud across Big Pharma. Nearly every single vaccine manufacturer operating today has a history of science fraud, bribery, kickbacks, price-fixing, illegal marketing and more.
"Big Pharma corporations have proven again and again it's never about health... it's always about their bottom line, no matter what the cost to humanity. Even former executives of top pharma companies are now warning of the 'crimes against humanity' we are all witnessing with the vaccine agenda, which is confirmed as a global depopulation agenda to exterminate humankind." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 31st, 2021
Lisa Renee: "Injections, GMO’s and synthetic pharmaceuticals that are commonly researched, manufactured and delivered through the system of the medical industry, are all based on standards set in place by partnerships made with the mafia run global health organizations. The global health organizations and scientific journals were established as friendly storefronts of credibility for the medical professionals and to block public scrutiny in order to make it appear as if there were watchdogs overseeing ethical medical standards of practice, while looking out for the greater good of public health. Nothing is further from the truth in the corrupt environment run by the global health factions that use blackmail, bribery and lobbying to pursue their special interests and control scientific dogma. This is much more than corporate greed and incompetence as it serves a much larger agenda for nonhuman interests." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
"The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually. Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program—regardless of any negative effects on human health." --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
"The CDC (even) owns the patent for the coronavirus that is transmitted to humans; a patent for a COVID-19 test was filed in 2015, and COVID-19 test kits were being shipped around the world in 2018." --No Jab For Me
"The FDA & CDC have not revealed to the public over 20 adverse effects, including Death, related to COVID-19 vaccines, which were discussed in an October 2020 meeting. 3,186 deaths from COVID-19 vaccines are reported by the National Vaccine Information Center as at 4/16/2021, and one-third of the deaths occurred within 48 hours." --No Jab For Me
"Make no mistake folks, the CDC's officials are treasonous criminals running a criminal cartel that is carrying out, deliberately, a vaccine holocaust against the American people. They kill people for profit.. The CDC is a MASSIVE criminal enterprise, and those people should be prosecuted and if found guilty they should face some serious prison time for their crimes against Humanity..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 11th, 2021
It sounds too fantastical, too horrific to be true, that our so-called "medical authorities" and "public health agencies" like the WHO and CDC could actually have such an evil intent in wanting to vaccinate the public and the entire global population for the purpose of "culling the herd." We have been told, or conditioned to believe, that these agencies and authorities have our best interests a heart, and that the vaccines are good for us, that vaccines are for our own "protection" from this deadly virus that is supposed to be lurking out there around every corner, ready to invade our vulnerable bodies at a moment's notice.
Mike Adams: "Those taking COVID vaccines right now are shockingly ignorant about the facts revealing criminal fraud across Big Pharma. Nearly every single vaccine manufacturer operating today has a history of science fraud, bribery, kickbacks, price-fixing, illegal marketing and more.
"Big Pharma corporations have proven again and again it's never about health... it's always about their bottom line, no matter what the cost to humanity. Even former executives of top pharma companies are now warning of the 'crimes against humanity' we are all witnessing with the vaccine agenda, which is confirmed as a global depopulation agenda to exterminate humankind." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 31st, 2021
Lisa Renee: "Injections, GMO’s and synthetic pharmaceuticals that are commonly researched, manufactured and delivered through the system of the medical industry, are all based on standards set in place by partnerships made with the mafia run global health organizations. The global health organizations and scientific journals were established as friendly storefronts of credibility for the medical professionals and to block public scrutiny in order to make it appear as if there were watchdogs overseeing ethical medical standards of practice, while looking out for the greater good of public health. Nothing is further from the truth in the corrupt environment run by the global health factions that use blackmail, bribery and lobbying to pursue their special interests and control scientific dogma. This is much more than corporate greed and incompetence as it serves a much larger agenda for nonhuman interests." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
"The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually. Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program—regardless of any negative effects on human health." --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
"The CDC (even) owns the patent for the coronavirus that is transmitted to humans; a patent for a COVID-19 test was filed in 2015, and COVID-19 test kits were being shipped around the world in 2018." --No Jab For Me
"The FDA & CDC have not revealed to the public over 20 adverse effects, including Death, related to COVID-19 vaccines, which were discussed in an October 2020 meeting. 3,186 deaths from COVID-19 vaccines are reported by the National Vaccine Information Center as at 4/16/2021, and one-third of the deaths occurred within 48 hours." --No Jab For Me
"Make no mistake folks, the CDC's officials are treasonous criminals running a criminal cartel that is carrying out, deliberately, a vaccine holocaust against the American people. They kill people for profit.. The CDC is a MASSIVE criminal enterprise, and those people should be prosecuted and if found guilty they should face some serious prison time for their crimes against Humanity..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 11th, 2021
Predictive Programming at the CDC Website Foreshadows Nationwide Vaccine Deaths
"Why people won’t heed the warnings coming from those of us who are telling the truth--
that is the toughest nut to crack… I'll bet they didn’t know about the VAERS database
in the United States where 13,000 are attributed to having died from taking the
experimental vax. And the mainstream media continues to peddle this thing as
being safe and effective when it’s neither safe nor effective. This is the fight
we’re up against. It is World War Z essentially..." --SGT Report
- Graphine Oxide – NWO Horror Show
"Stay the hell away from these zombified retards!
Stay away from them!" --Nurse Warns To
Stay Away From Vaccinated People
that is the toughest nut to crack… I'll bet they didn’t know about the VAERS database
in the United States where 13,000 are attributed to having died from taking the
experimental vax. And the mainstream media continues to peddle this thing as
being safe and effective when it’s neither safe nor effective. This is the fight
we’re up against. It is World War Z essentially..." --SGT Report
- Graphine Oxide – NWO Horror Show
"Stay the hell away from these zombified retards!
Stay away from them!" --Nurse Warns To
Stay Away From Vaccinated People
In my previous post Creepy Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda I also detailed the concept of predictive programming as used by the Deep State's social engineers to seed certain ideas and images into the collective consciousness of Humanity that they would like to see made manifest. Now think about this idea of predictive programming in relation to every zombie movie or TV show that you have ever seen, and the implications of that for our nation.
“If the totally crazy content posted at the official CDC website is any indication, the 'State of the Nation' is about to enter a rapidly accelerating downward spiral to a 'Zombie Apocalypse'. In view of the following poster, that is also posted at the CDC site, it appears that the Big Pharma-owned and operated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing for a very real 'Zombie Apocalypse'.
“Given the unparalleled number of deaths and vaccine injuries directly caused by the various COVID-19 injections, it’s clear that the CDC is expecting an overwhelming public health crisis through 2021 and beyond. Of course, this manmade public health disaster will be blamed on the coronavirus pandemic, when in reality it’s due to the highly experimental and extremely dangerous gene-altering COVID ‘vaccines’...
"It should now be apparent to every American that the CDC is quite deliberately socially engineering the US citizenry into an expectation of a 'Zombie Pandemic', which will only exacerbate as more folks receive the deadly COVID shots. The fearmongering graphics, absurd novel and other pieces of the CDC’s 'Zombie Preparedness' media campaign all point to the great likelihood that they are determined to manufacture a full-blown 'Zombie Apocalypse'!
"There can be only one conclusion to this truly shocking CDC psyop: Even the CDC has been completely taken over by stone-cold criminals and crazy Cultural Marxists." --Zombie Apocalypse! Brought To You By the CDC
“If the totally crazy content posted at the official CDC website is any indication, the 'State of the Nation' is about to enter a rapidly accelerating downward spiral to a 'Zombie Apocalypse'. In view of the following poster, that is also posted at the CDC site, it appears that the Big Pharma-owned and operated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing for a very real 'Zombie Apocalypse'.
“Given the unparalleled number of deaths and vaccine injuries directly caused by the various COVID-19 injections, it’s clear that the CDC is expecting an overwhelming public health crisis through 2021 and beyond. Of course, this manmade public health disaster will be blamed on the coronavirus pandemic, when in reality it’s due to the highly experimental and extremely dangerous gene-altering COVID ‘vaccines’...
"It should now be apparent to every American that the CDC is quite deliberately socially engineering the US citizenry into an expectation of a 'Zombie Pandemic', which will only exacerbate as more folks receive the deadly COVID shots. The fearmongering graphics, absurd novel and other pieces of the CDC’s 'Zombie Preparedness' media campaign all point to the great likelihood that they are determined to manufacture a full-blown 'Zombie Apocalypse'!
"There can be only one conclusion to this truly shocking CDC psyop: Even the CDC has been completely taken over by stone-cold criminals and crazy Cultural Marxists." --Zombie Apocalypse! Brought To You By the CDC
"'Vaccidents' are vaccine-induced accidents...all kinds of strange car accidents and truck accidents that are happening in broad daylight on roads all across America. People are losing their minds. Well guess what? Guess what is happening? It's vaccine-induced mini strokes--that's what's happening. This vaccine bio-weapon is attacking the brain and it is creating a zombie nation in many different ways." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, April 28th, 2021
Global Public Health Crisis Triggered by COVID Injections
It is abundantly clear to anyone with "the eyes to see" that "the public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns. Behind the public façade, they were supporting the agendas of directed evolution and eugenics via the administering of synthetic compounds and chemical based genetic engineering, then marketing it to the masses as progressive science and medicine. Today, most medical authorities and patients actually have no idea what ingredients are being injected directly into their bloodstream through vaccinations. A payload of neurological toxins designed to Genetically Modify Human DNA and bypass all of the human body's natural and true immunity is being delivered, forfeiting protection from pathogenic foreign invaders..." --Lisa Renee, Genetic Modification of Human DNA
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, is a pro-vaccine vaccine industry insider. He has helped design vaccines and he has gone public with a major warning about what's going to happen if we continue mass vaccinations across the planet.
"Dr Bossche believes that vaccinologists, clinicians, and scientists are only focusing on short-term results at the individual level and not the consequences at the global population level, which he believes will soon become evident. Evident in the form of having transformed 'a quite harmless virus into an uncontrollable monster'... His real worry though, or as he puts it, 'beyond worried', is that the humankind may severely damage its own, natural ‘innate’ immunity, because of the mass deployment of vaccination programs at this critical juncture. Our ‘innate’ immunity would be lost (a rich, variant-nonspecific, form of natural immunity)." --People Stand to Lose their Natural 'Innate' Immunity as a Consequence of the Meddling
Dr. Bossche believes that "in the aggregate what the vaccines create is a breeding ground for 'super strains' of COVID. It turns a vaccinated person's body into a kind of nursery for what you might call viral super-bugs that are vaccine-resistant, and then they shed from that person and escape into the wild and become far more deadly and dangerous and potentially kill far more people... This is why Dr. Bossche is warning the world and he is calling for an immediate halt of global vaccinations. Otherwise he says we're unleashing an unstoppable monster, an uncontrollable monster, a bio-weapon of mass destruction..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 16, 2021
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, is a pro-vaccine vaccine industry insider. He has helped design vaccines and he has gone public with a major warning about what's going to happen if we continue mass vaccinations across the planet.
"Dr Bossche believes that vaccinologists, clinicians, and scientists are only focusing on short-term results at the individual level and not the consequences at the global population level, which he believes will soon become evident. Evident in the form of having transformed 'a quite harmless virus into an uncontrollable monster'... His real worry though, or as he puts it, 'beyond worried', is that the humankind may severely damage its own, natural ‘innate’ immunity, because of the mass deployment of vaccination programs at this critical juncture. Our ‘innate’ immunity would be lost (a rich, variant-nonspecific, form of natural immunity)." --People Stand to Lose their Natural 'Innate' Immunity as a Consequence of the Meddling
Dr. Bossche believes that "in the aggregate what the vaccines create is a breeding ground for 'super strains' of COVID. It turns a vaccinated person's body into a kind of nursery for what you might call viral super-bugs that are vaccine-resistant, and then they shed from that person and escape into the wild and become far more deadly and dangerous and potentially kill far more people... This is why Dr. Bossche is warning the world and he is calling for an immediate halt of global vaccinations. Otherwise he says we're unleashing an unstoppable monster, an uncontrollable monster, a bio-weapon of mass destruction..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 16, 2021
What Is A Cytokine Storm?
"Whenever a healthy body is fighting an infection, there’s a natural immune system response that occurs, According to Carl Fichtenbaum, MD, professor in the division of infectious diseases at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, part of this response involves releasing cytokines, biological chemicals that stimulate cell pathways and allow for communication between cells. These cytokines...essentially signal the immune system to start doing its job.
"Again, that’s normal—unless this outpouring of cytokines suddenly becomes accelerated. 'Normally, cytokines are meant to be helpful to us in moderation,' explains Dr. Fichtenbaum, 'but when a certain pathway is engaged [too much] the immune system starts causing damage to the patient.'
"Clinically speaking, a cytokine storm means a cell pathway has been turned on, leading to the production of a number of biological mediators (which are kind of like signal transmitters) that cause changes to the body and interfere with normal cell function. Commonly, this means an excessive number of cytokines are released, which create high levels of inflammation in the area of the body being flooded—so much inflammation, even, that it can be fatal... Essentially, these storms can be more deadly than the original virus the body is fighting." --What Is A Cytokine Storm?
Similar to Dr. Bossche and Dr.Fichtenbaum, Bill Sardi, contributing writer to the Lew Rockwell website, says that "the fact COVID cases are spiking in a dozen States with high vaccination rates may indicate vaccination is spawning viral mutations that turn vaccinated individuals into super-spreaders. The vaccine suppresses symptoms but fails to halt transmission... A vaccine-induced health catastrophe may be unfolding... It is what mathematicians in France recently feared in their analysis of the future course of the COVID pandemic... What the French mathematicians are talking about in medical terms is called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) where antibodies that normally alleviate the symptoms of viral infection end up doing the opposite, facilitating entry of the virus into cells, and via a resultant 'cytokine storm,' damage internal organs. This is precisely what Canadian virologist Dolores Cahill predicted back in January." --Covid Cases Spike in a Dozen States With High Vaccination Rates Which May Signal a Feared Health Catastrophe
"Again, that’s normal—unless this outpouring of cytokines suddenly becomes accelerated. 'Normally, cytokines are meant to be helpful to us in moderation,' explains Dr. Fichtenbaum, 'but when a certain pathway is engaged [too much] the immune system starts causing damage to the patient.'
"Clinically speaking, a cytokine storm means a cell pathway has been turned on, leading to the production of a number of biological mediators (which are kind of like signal transmitters) that cause changes to the body and interfere with normal cell function. Commonly, this means an excessive number of cytokines are released, which create high levels of inflammation in the area of the body being flooded—so much inflammation, even, that it can be fatal... Essentially, these storms can be more deadly than the original virus the body is fighting." --What Is A Cytokine Storm?
Similar to Dr. Bossche and Dr.Fichtenbaum, Bill Sardi, contributing writer to the Lew Rockwell website, says that "the fact COVID cases are spiking in a dozen States with high vaccination rates may indicate vaccination is spawning viral mutations that turn vaccinated individuals into super-spreaders. The vaccine suppresses symptoms but fails to halt transmission... A vaccine-induced health catastrophe may be unfolding... It is what mathematicians in France recently feared in their analysis of the future course of the COVID pandemic... What the French mathematicians are talking about in medical terms is called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) where antibodies that normally alleviate the symptoms of viral infection end up doing the opposite, facilitating entry of the virus into cells, and via a resultant 'cytokine storm,' damage internal organs. This is precisely what Canadian virologist Dolores Cahill predicted back in January." --Covid Cases Spike in a Dozen States With High Vaccination Rates Which May Signal a Feared Health Catastrophe
Dr. Delores Cahill: ""The cytokine storm is well-known in many of the vaccinations... When mRNA is injected into your body, you bypass all of the natural immune response--which would build up an immune response to prevent the virus from actually entering your body--so that suddenly when the mRNA from the vaccine gets into your body it uses the human machinery in the cells to express the human protein... Suddenly the virus has been injected into your body, and then your immune system sees the virus in your body as something that should not be there and it mounts an immune response...
"But the shocking thing is that normally your immune system can get rid of the virus particles, it's a slow thing. But when you inject it, this mRNA, why it's so deadly, is that now it goes into your genes and starts expressing, and it starts stimulating the immune response from inside your body, and you can't get rid of it because you have now become the source of the viral protein. You now become like a genetically modified organism, and your body is expressing the virus protein, and so your immune system tries to get rid of it. You are mounting these exquisite antibodies to get rid of it but you never can because it's now part of who you are, it's integrated...
"Suddenly the antibody response will now realize, oh my God this viral protein is in every cell of my body... So then the antibodies start attacking your cells and your organs... People will die as they will go into septic shock and then they will go into organ failure within 3, 4 or 5 days... So the cytokine storm reaction is where the immune system starts to attack the organs..." --Risk of m-RNA Vaccines - The Cytokine Storm (Dr. Delores Cahill)
"But the shocking thing is that normally your immune system can get rid of the virus particles, it's a slow thing. But when you inject it, this mRNA, why it's so deadly, is that now it goes into your genes and starts expressing, and it starts stimulating the immune response from inside your body, and you can't get rid of it because you have now become the source of the viral protein. You now become like a genetically modified organism, and your body is expressing the virus protein, and so your immune system tries to get rid of it. You are mounting these exquisite antibodies to get rid of it but you never can because it's now part of who you are, it's integrated...
"Suddenly the antibody response will now realize, oh my God this viral protein is in every cell of my body... So then the antibodies start attacking your cells and your organs... People will die as they will go into septic shock and then they will go into organ failure within 3, 4 or 5 days... So the cytokine storm reaction is where the immune system starts to attack the organs..." --Risk of m-RNA Vaccines - The Cytokine Storm (Dr. Delores Cahill)
What Is Messenger RNA?
"In molecular biology, messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein. Transcription is the process of copying a gene from the DNA into mRNA." --Wikipedia
Messenger RNA is the molecule that essentially puts DNA instructions into action. "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to one of the DNA strands of a gene. The mRNA is an RNA version of the gene that leaves the cell nucleus and moves to the cytoplasm where proteins are made. During protein synthesis, an organelle called a ribosome moves along the mRNA, reads its base sequence, and uses the genetic code to translate each three-base triplet, or codon, into its corresponding amino acid.
Messenger RNA is the molecule that essentially puts DNA instructions into action. "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to one of the DNA strands of a gene. The mRNA is an RNA version of the gene that leaves the cell nucleus and moves to the cytoplasm where proteins are made. During protein synthesis, an organelle called a ribosome moves along the mRNA, reads its base sequence, and uses the genetic code to translate each three-base triplet, or codon, into its corresponding amino acid.
"Messenger RNAs, also known as mRNA, are one of the types of RNA that are found in the cell. This particular one, like most RNAs, are made in the nucleus and then exported to the cytoplasm where the translation machinery, the machinery that actually makes proteins, binds to these mRNA molecules and reads the code on the mRNA to make a specific protein. So in general, one gene, the DNA for one gene, can be transcribed into an mRNA molecule that will end up making one specific protein." --Messenger RNA (mRNA)
What Are the Dangers of A Messenger RNA Vaccine?
"The COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) vaccine is fraught with hazards. This should be the obvious, rational conclusion of anyone who cares to objectively study the available scientific and other relevant information about it. There are many factual danger signals that are easily discernible...
"One major safety concern in developing a vaccine is how to get around the danger that the vaccine might actually 'enhance' the pathogenicity of the virus, or make it more aggressive possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), as what happened with previous studies on test vaccines in animals. If that should happen in a major human trial the outcome could be disastrous...
"The vaccine, pushed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental mRNA technology that supposedly would allow rapid deployment, waiving the usual pre-clinical and animal studies. The fact that an entirely new RNA vaccine technology which has never been used before in humans is a danger signal that should not be ignored...
"There are many plausible biological mechanisms for potential adverse effects of all the vaccines in the pipeline for COVID-19. The history of vaccination is replete with scientific evidence of adverse effects through enhanced pathogenicity, mutation, recombination, induced immune system dysfunction, and various non-specific effects following vaccination despite regulatory approval and prior clinical trials and other corporate sponsored studies that were claimed to be proof of safety. The inherent danger of injecting microbial protein fragments, contaminants, DNA and other foreign materials into the human body is well documented in the scientific literature. Practically all vaccines contain such hazardous foreign fragments and materials and are unavoidably unsafe. Furthermore, exposure of the vaccinee to other environmental hazards (pesticides, air pollutants, 5G radiation, ionizing radiation, etc.) resulting to synergistic adverse effects not captured by corporate sponsored “safety” studies is also another plausible mechanism that may result in acute or long-term injury, including death." --Hazards of the COVID-19 Vaccine
"From the medical profession, and a detailed analysis of the vaccine, (it is clear) that the vaccines are there to propagate and insure as much a death rate as can physically be possible. It is abundantly clear that this great reset means a global mass cull...
"They didn't kill us with the original release of the COVID thing--that got interfered with by Divine Intervention. And that is why their reaction meant that they expected something that they didn't get. So now they have insured that by injecting this bio-weapon, this bio-toxin will annihilate our immune systems and cause a large number of horrendous diseases to infest our nervous systems and our biology...
"The time scale of this, with roughly three months for gestation, the time the molecules re-organize themselves, and the DNA of those who have been infected, I'd say that you are going to start seeing major drop-downs of brain rotting people losing their marbles, blood clotting, stuff like that, around about June..." --Miles Johnson Outlines the Consequences of Taking the mRNA Vaccine
"They locked down Germany just now AND the UK... Boris Johnson announced going on vacation is illegal until 'at least June 30th'. They turned their countries into a petri dish and are only interested in seeing the results of their COVID--Transhuman experiment… They are trying to limit variables in the results. June 30 will be approximately three months since the British did a mass vaccine program, and by then the zombi-fication of people should be evident, or those who will just start dropping dead from the vaccine..." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot, March 23rd, 2021
"One major safety concern in developing a vaccine is how to get around the danger that the vaccine might actually 'enhance' the pathogenicity of the virus, or make it more aggressive possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), as what happened with previous studies on test vaccines in animals. If that should happen in a major human trial the outcome could be disastrous...
"The vaccine, pushed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental mRNA technology that supposedly would allow rapid deployment, waiving the usual pre-clinical and animal studies. The fact that an entirely new RNA vaccine technology which has never been used before in humans is a danger signal that should not be ignored...
"There are many plausible biological mechanisms for potential adverse effects of all the vaccines in the pipeline for COVID-19. The history of vaccination is replete with scientific evidence of adverse effects through enhanced pathogenicity, mutation, recombination, induced immune system dysfunction, and various non-specific effects following vaccination despite regulatory approval and prior clinical trials and other corporate sponsored studies that were claimed to be proof of safety. The inherent danger of injecting microbial protein fragments, contaminants, DNA and other foreign materials into the human body is well documented in the scientific literature. Practically all vaccines contain such hazardous foreign fragments and materials and are unavoidably unsafe. Furthermore, exposure of the vaccinee to other environmental hazards (pesticides, air pollutants, 5G radiation, ionizing radiation, etc.) resulting to synergistic adverse effects not captured by corporate sponsored “safety” studies is also another plausible mechanism that may result in acute or long-term injury, including death." --Hazards of the COVID-19 Vaccine
"From the medical profession, and a detailed analysis of the vaccine, (it is clear) that the vaccines are there to propagate and insure as much a death rate as can physically be possible. It is abundantly clear that this great reset means a global mass cull...
"They didn't kill us with the original release of the COVID thing--that got interfered with by Divine Intervention. And that is why their reaction meant that they expected something that they didn't get. So now they have insured that by injecting this bio-weapon, this bio-toxin will annihilate our immune systems and cause a large number of horrendous diseases to infest our nervous systems and our biology...
"The time scale of this, with roughly three months for gestation, the time the molecules re-organize themselves, and the DNA of those who have been infected, I'd say that you are going to start seeing major drop-downs of brain rotting people losing their marbles, blood clotting, stuff like that, around about June..." --Miles Johnson Outlines the Consequences of Taking the mRNA Vaccine
"They locked down Germany just now AND the UK... Boris Johnson announced going on vacation is illegal until 'at least June 30th'. They turned their countries into a petri dish and are only interested in seeing the results of their COVID--Transhuman experiment… They are trying to limit variables in the results. June 30 will be approximately three months since the British did a mass vaccine program, and by then the zombi-fication of people should be evident, or those who will just start dropping dead from the vaccine..." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot, March 23rd, 2021
The Engineered Zombie Apocalypse
"Anybody who has any faith at all in science journals, medical journals, CDC, WHO, United Nations, the Biden Regime, pharmaceutical companies, media, Reuters, Associated Press--if you have any faith in any of those institutions at all, I'm not even going to apologize, I'm just going to say it--you're a MORON! Let's just be honest. You gotta be an idiot to believe anything that any of those organizations are ever saying...
"Most of the time they are lying on purpose. They're lying about Trump; lying about the economy; lying about the origins of the virus and protecting Communist China... They built it (the coronavirus)--it was a bio-weapon people. It was a Fauci-funded, NIH, Obama-approved, BIO-WEAPON! They built it! And then they released it. They released it on purpose so that they could justify the vaccine.
"And who simulated this whole thing? Who funded the simulations of what would happen--the lock downs, the mass deaths, the vaccines--who funded all that? Bill Gates, yes, Bill Gates, a non-doctor...
"There is no person more dangerous in society than someone who believes in FALSE AUTORITY and also thinks that you must follow their false authority. Not only do they say, 'I've done the research and I have decided that vaccines are totally safe.' Then they say, 'Well you have to take a vaccine too because I've decided they're safe, and if you don't take a vaccine then you're a danger to me, and it's your fault if I get infected.' That's their logic.
"In reality, it's the vaccinated who are a danger to society because it's the vaccinated, as we saw from the work of Dr. Bossche, it's the vaccinated who are generating the mutant super strains, and they're the ones shedding the super strains, and it's the vaccinated that need to be avoided. It's the vaccinated who are the dumbest people possible, the most gullible, the least intelligent. They believe in the CDC. They actually cite the CDC: 'Well I read the CDC said that masks work and social distancing is very important, and the vaccine is totally safe and effective...'
"The CDC is a criminal front, you idiot! It's a criminal organization, it's a front group for the vaccine cartel... And these people (who consented to the 'vaccine' injection), they tend to be Biden supporters, they tend to be Democrats.." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Mar. 17th
"Most of the time they are lying on purpose. They're lying about Trump; lying about the economy; lying about the origins of the virus and protecting Communist China... They built it (the coronavirus)--it was a bio-weapon people. It was a Fauci-funded, NIH, Obama-approved, BIO-WEAPON! They built it! And then they released it. They released it on purpose so that they could justify the vaccine.
"And who simulated this whole thing? Who funded the simulations of what would happen--the lock downs, the mass deaths, the vaccines--who funded all that? Bill Gates, yes, Bill Gates, a non-doctor...
"There is no person more dangerous in society than someone who believes in FALSE AUTORITY and also thinks that you must follow their false authority. Not only do they say, 'I've done the research and I have decided that vaccines are totally safe.' Then they say, 'Well you have to take a vaccine too because I've decided they're safe, and if you don't take a vaccine then you're a danger to me, and it's your fault if I get infected.' That's their logic.
"In reality, it's the vaccinated who are a danger to society because it's the vaccinated, as we saw from the work of Dr. Bossche, it's the vaccinated who are generating the mutant super strains, and they're the ones shedding the super strains, and it's the vaccinated that need to be avoided. It's the vaccinated who are the dumbest people possible, the most gullible, the least intelligent. They believe in the CDC. They actually cite the CDC: 'Well I read the CDC said that masks work and social distancing is very important, and the vaccine is totally safe and effective...'
"The CDC is a criminal front, you idiot! It's a criminal organization, it's a front group for the vaccine cartel... And these people (who consented to the 'vaccine' injection), they tend to be Biden supporters, they tend to be Democrats.." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Mar. 17th
"Why are they so desperate to vaccinate people? Well, this vaccine is designed to close people's crown chakra off so that way you are disconnected from your higher self. But it also disconnects people from their heart chakra as well. This is the seat of the soul. So this vaccine is actually pulling the plug and disconnecting the soul from the body. The soul is still powering the body, but it is no longer in charge and commanding the body-- that's a huge difference.
"They are trying to get as many people vaccinated as possible because when they are separating the soul from the body, the body is now being injected with nanobots, and it is these nanobots that are taking over people's personality, their muscles, their entire immune system. Basically this vaccine is going to turn them into a zombie. When your body and your soul are disconnected, where the soul is no longer in charge, and your body starts being commanded by spirits, you're going to become a walking zombie..." --Nyla Nguyen, Force vaccination in Ontario, Morgellon update, soul harvesting and more!
"It's one thing for the people who have consented and who have decided to take the vaccine and inject themselves with an experimental injection that is modifying their DNA, but these people who have become guinea pigs are now walking around and are very contagious to other people who have not consented to this so-called vaccine.
"So the issue here is that this so-called vaccine that these people have injected themselves with are not vaccines. They are DNA modifying operating systems. They are trying to change the human genome and make us into half-cyborg, half-human and move the collective consciousness into this Transhumanist Agenda so that when a portion of the human collective becomes half-robot, half-human, then they can be easily controlled and manipulated by A.I. technology.
"The problem with this so-called vaccine is that it is very contagious. That means you cannot be around people, exchange bodily fluids with people who have already taken this vaccine...Because they have allowed themselves to be injected with this nanobot technology, their blood and their bodily fluid are now tainted...
"And this so-called vaccine eventually turns the human mind and the human body to become a zombie. This is the reason why the CDC has made a website to prepare people, to already pre-program people that there is going to be a zombie apocalypse. Because they know what this vaccine is going to do to people's minds and to their physical anatomy..." --Nyla Nguyen, Vaccine Update & PCR Tests spreading Morgellon, & more!
"What happens to a human being who's every cell is spilling out millions of viral particles? You become a walking disease, and that might be the description of a zombie... And the CDC has already made emergency preparations for a Zombie Apocalypse. So how do they know that is coming, unless all this has been pre-programmed, literally, within the cells of everybody who received that operating system disguised as a vaccine?" --Zombie Vaccine
"They are trying to get as many people vaccinated as possible because when they are separating the soul from the body, the body is now being injected with nanobots, and it is these nanobots that are taking over people's personality, their muscles, their entire immune system. Basically this vaccine is going to turn them into a zombie. When your body and your soul are disconnected, where the soul is no longer in charge, and your body starts being commanded by spirits, you're going to become a walking zombie..." --Nyla Nguyen, Force vaccination in Ontario, Morgellon update, soul harvesting and more!
"It's one thing for the people who have consented and who have decided to take the vaccine and inject themselves with an experimental injection that is modifying their DNA, but these people who have become guinea pigs are now walking around and are very contagious to other people who have not consented to this so-called vaccine.
"So the issue here is that this so-called vaccine that these people have injected themselves with are not vaccines. They are DNA modifying operating systems. They are trying to change the human genome and make us into half-cyborg, half-human and move the collective consciousness into this Transhumanist Agenda so that when a portion of the human collective becomes half-robot, half-human, then they can be easily controlled and manipulated by A.I. technology.
"The problem with this so-called vaccine is that it is very contagious. That means you cannot be around people, exchange bodily fluids with people who have already taken this vaccine...Because they have allowed themselves to be injected with this nanobot technology, their blood and their bodily fluid are now tainted...
"And this so-called vaccine eventually turns the human mind and the human body to become a zombie. This is the reason why the CDC has made a website to prepare people, to already pre-program people that there is going to be a zombie apocalypse. Because they know what this vaccine is going to do to people's minds and to their physical anatomy..." --Nyla Nguyen, Vaccine Update & PCR Tests spreading Morgellon, & more!
"What happens to a human being who's every cell is spilling out millions of viral particles? You become a walking disease, and that might be the description of a zombie... And the CDC has already made emergency preparations for a Zombie Apocalypse. So how do they know that is coming, unless all this has been pre-programmed, literally, within the cells of everybody who received that operating system disguised as a vaccine?" --Zombie Vaccine
"The takeaway point is don't become one of those zombies. How do they make a normal human being into a zombie night creature? With those vaccines with those nanobots in them and the embryonic cells from aborted fetuses... And there's no going back. Once they inject you, how do you take it back?
"And think how often Anthony Fauci--remember, he founded Moderna--think how often in the last year he's flip-flopped on just about everything... Suppose he tells you to take a vaccine today and tomorrow he changes his mind and says 'I made a mistake. The science tells me you shouldn't have done that.' You can take a mask on and off as many times as you want, but what about a vaccine that you have injected into the cells of your body? How are you going to get rid of that?
"Deoxyribonucleic Acid--what does it mean? The fire at the center of my being...The DNA is basically the God molecule that actually is the blueprint for how to make a human being. Every molecule, every protein, every substance in your body was coded for, programmed for, in the DNA... If DNA is the God molecule, how does God communicate with the world? He sends out messengers. The mRNA--the small case 'm' stands for messenger... There is creation taking place (in our bodies) every second, every minute. Why? Because it is God that is at the very center of our being. So what does the enemy to God want to do? He wants to send in an alien messenger, an alien mRNA... So what kind of messenger does Bill Gates want to send into YOUR cells?" --Zombie Vaccine
"And think how often Anthony Fauci--remember, he founded Moderna--think how often in the last year he's flip-flopped on just about everything... Suppose he tells you to take a vaccine today and tomorrow he changes his mind and says 'I made a mistake. The science tells me you shouldn't have done that.' You can take a mask on and off as many times as you want, but what about a vaccine that you have injected into the cells of your body? How are you going to get rid of that?
"Deoxyribonucleic Acid--what does it mean? The fire at the center of my being...The DNA is basically the God molecule that actually is the blueprint for how to make a human being. Every molecule, every protein, every substance in your body was coded for, programmed for, in the DNA... If DNA is the God molecule, how does God communicate with the world? He sends out messengers. The mRNA--the small case 'm' stands for messenger... There is creation taking place (in our bodies) every second, every minute. Why? Because it is God that is at the very center of our being. So what does the enemy to God want to do? He wants to send in an alien messenger, an alien mRNA... So what kind of messenger does Bill Gates want to send into YOUR cells?" --Zombie Vaccine
Brain Eating Prions
"Prions are misfolded proteins with the ability to transmit their misfolded shape onto normal variants of the same protein. They characterize several fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative diseases in humans and many other animals. It is not known what causes the normal protein to misfold, but the abnormal three-dimensional structure is suspected of conferring infectious properties, collapsing nearby protein molecules into the same shape. The word prion derives from "proteinaceous infectious particle". The hypothesized role of a protein as an infectious agent stands in contrast to all other known infectious agents such as viroids, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, all of which contain nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, or both).
"Prion isoforms of the prion protein (PrP), whose specific function is uncertain, are hypothesized as the cause of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), including scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle (commonly known as "mad cow disease") and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. All known prion diseases in mammals affect the structure of the brain or other neural tissue; all are progressive, have no known effective treatment, and are always fatal. Until 2015, all known mammalian prion diseases were considered to be caused by the prion protein (PrP); however in 2015 multiple system atrophy (MSA) was hypothesized to be caused by a prion form of alpha-synuclein. Prions form abnormal aggregates of proteins called amyloids, which accumulate in infected tissue and are associated with tissue damage and cell death. Amyloids are also responsible for several other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Prion aggregates are stable, and this structural stability means that prions are resistant to denaturation by chemical and physical agents: they cannot be destroyed by ordinary disinfection or cooking. This makes disposal and containment of these particles difficult.
"A prion disease is a type of proteopathy, or disease of structurally abnormal proteins. In humans, prions are believed to be the cause of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), its variant (vCJD), Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and kuru. There is also evidence suggesting prions may play a part in the process of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); these have been termed prion-like diseases. Several yeast proteins have also been identified as having prionogenic properties. Prion replication is subject to epimutation and natural selection just as for other forms of replication, and their structure varies slightly between species." --Wikipedia
"Prion isoforms of the prion protein (PrP), whose specific function is uncertain, are hypothesized as the cause of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), including scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle (commonly known as "mad cow disease") and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. All known prion diseases in mammals affect the structure of the brain or other neural tissue; all are progressive, have no known effective treatment, and are always fatal. Until 2015, all known mammalian prion diseases were considered to be caused by the prion protein (PrP); however in 2015 multiple system atrophy (MSA) was hypothesized to be caused by a prion form of alpha-synuclein. Prions form abnormal aggregates of proteins called amyloids, which accumulate in infected tissue and are associated with tissue damage and cell death. Amyloids are also responsible for several other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Prion aggregates are stable, and this structural stability means that prions are resistant to denaturation by chemical and physical agents: they cannot be destroyed by ordinary disinfection or cooking. This makes disposal and containment of these particles difficult.
"A prion disease is a type of proteopathy, or disease of structurally abnormal proteins. In humans, prions are believed to be the cause of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), its variant (vCJD), Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and kuru. There is also evidence suggesting prions may play a part in the process of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); these have been termed prion-like diseases. Several yeast proteins have also been identified as having prionogenic properties. Prion replication is subject to epimutation and natural selection just as for other forms of replication, and their structure varies slightly between species." --Wikipedia
"This prion disease that they are injecting inside of people right now is the zombie apocalypse in the making... As I see it we are in the middle of genocide. What they are doing is killing us with vaccines." --Jana Ben-Nun
"What we have known with the use of prions as a fingerprint-less biological weapon is the following:
"The COVID-19 RNA-based vaccines...(pose a) risk of prion disease--and I will describe what prions do to you. The vaccine IS a bio-weapon and even more dangerous than the (coronavirus) infection, of course, because the infection was meant to promote this genocide vaccine...
"The analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans... We are going to be discussing a specific prion, and the acronym is CJD and it's pronounced Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease, and it is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and ultimately death...
"What we find with the prion that is part of the COVID vaccine is individuals will experience problems with muscle coordination... There will be personality changes, including impaired memory, judgement and thinking, and impaired vision. People will suffer from insomnia, depression, and many different types of unusual sensations.
"As the illness from the prions progresses, people's mental impairment will become severe. They often develop involuntary muscle jerks and they may even go blind. Eventually people will lose the ability to move and speak, and enter into a coma. Pneumonia and other infections often occur in these individuals and does lead to death...
"This is mass murdering of all of us, including our animals. It is in progress now." --Deborah Tavares: YOU WILL GET PRION'S DISEASE from the COVID vaccine!
"What we have known with the use of prions as a fingerprint-less biological weapon is the following:
"The COVID-19 RNA-based vaccines...(pose a) risk of prion disease--and I will describe what prions do to you. The vaccine IS a bio-weapon and even more dangerous than the (coronavirus) infection, of course, because the infection was meant to promote this genocide vaccine...
"The analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans... We are going to be discussing a specific prion, and the acronym is CJD and it's pronounced Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease, and it is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and ultimately death...
"What we find with the prion that is part of the COVID vaccine is individuals will experience problems with muscle coordination... There will be personality changes, including impaired memory, judgement and thinking, and impaired vision. People will suffer from insomnia, depression, and many different types of unusual sensations.
"As the illness from the prions progresses, people's mental impairment will become severe. They often develop involuntary muscle jerks and they may even go blind. Eventually people will lose the ability to move and speak, and enter into a coma. Pneumonia and other infections often occur in these individuals and does lead to death...
"This is mass murdering of all of us, including our animals. It is in progress now." --Deborah Tavares: YOU WILL GET PRION'S DISEASE from the COVID vaccine!
"Vaccine zombies are now a very real thing... The mRNA vaccine programs your body to build prions. And prions are, well, you could call them Mad Cow Disease, or in humans, Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease, or CJD...
"There is now a mechanism that has been documented in two science papers that describes a mechanism by which these mRNA vaccines program your body to churn out prions, which then eat your brain, basically...
"Prions are not viruses, they're not bacteria, they're not living. But they are in essence pathogenic, they are contagious because of their morphology, and it looks like these vaccines may be eating people's brains over time... We may be looking at a death wave of people's brains turning to mush..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, April 8th, 2021
"There is now a mechanism that has been documented in two science papers that describes a mechanism by which these mRNA vaccines program your body to churn out prions, which then eat your brain, basically...
"Prions are not viruses, they're not bacteria, they're not living. But they are in essence pathogenic, they are contagious because of their morphology, and it looks like these vaccines may be eating people's brains over time... We may be looking at a death wave of people's brains turning to mush..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, April 8th, 2021
Summary of the COVID-19 Hoax and mRNA Vaccine Dangers
Thanks in large part to tell-a-vision mind control programming by the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, the Controllers of Humanity were finally able to bamboozle the sheeple, I mean the general public, into believing that there is actually a global outbreak of a deadly disease called "COVID-19" or "the coronavirus."
And with the demonization of prophylactic theraputics like zinc, Quentin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine by criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and by the incredibly corrupt agencies like the WHO and the CDC, Big Pharma was finally able profit Big Time by the roll out the global depopulation agenda "vaccination" program, which is also known as U.N. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030.
"The mass populace are THICK as fuck... Everybody's jumping on the vaccination bandwagon thinking, "Oh yeah, I can get my life back again. After a year of lock-down I'll do anything!' The stupidity is rolling out. The number of people that have died from the vaccine is now ten times greater than the number of people that have died from the COVID-19." --The Walking Eagle with Mel K and Charlie Ward
It is so unbelievable and disheartening to watch friends, family and co-workers encourage each other and follow one another to take the jab, like lemmings off the cliff. They all drank the COVID Kool-Aid and so have become afflicted with Corona Hoax Psychosis, as detailed in my post A Case Study In Sheeple Psychology. Since birth they have been indoctrinated into the Medical Model Myth, so they are completely oblivious to the fact that they are actually involved in a live medical experiment with a dangerous experimental drug. "Everybody (who took the vaccine) right now is enrolled as a nameless participant in Stage Four of the clinical investigation for Pfizer or Moderna... They are an official experimental animal right now." --Dr. Lee Merritt On The Virus, The Jab, and the Data
Dr. Steve Hotze: “The so-called COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ is NOT a vaccine at all, but rather a dangerous, experimental gene therapy... This so-called COVID-19 'vaccine' does not provide any individual who receives the vaccine with immunity to COVID-19, nor does it prevent the transmission of the disease. It does not meet the CDC's own definition of a vaccine...
"That's why these pharmaceutical companies are lying to the public. The government health bureaucrats area also lying to the public, by calling this treatment a vaccine... Individuals who get these so-called experimental gene therapy 'vaccine' treatments are the guinea pigs. That's right! Humans will be the guinea pigs...
"These 'vaccines' are an untested, unproven experimental gene therapy that poses a much greater danger to your health then the COVID-19... An experimental gene therapy using synthetic mRNA to treat an infectious disease has never been attempted in humans. Why? Because of its failure in previous animal studies...
"The theory behind the mRNA 'vaccines' is that when this synthetic mRNA is injected into your body, it inserts itself into your cells. And now it begins to produce the coronavirus spike proteins. Your own cells now will have this synthetic RNA that you didn't even make from your own DNA, that's been imposed, impressed into your cells. It’s now going to make this spike protein of the coronavirus.
"Why would you want to do that?! If you're perfectly healthy, why would you want to inject a foreign mRNA into your body?
"What is expected to have happen is your own body will start producing antibodies to this coronavirus protein made by your own cells. There is no way to know how long your cells will produce these virus proteins, or if they will ever stop producing them. Your immune system will be hyper-charged because it's having to fight off all these viral proteins that your body is making all the time. And it will overreact when exposed to any type of coronavirus in the future...
"In the first month of use, there were more than 40,000 documented adverse reactions in the U.S., including thousands of cases of anaphylactic shock and serious neurological problems. And because less than 10% of adverse effects are routinely reported to the vaccination board, hundreds of thousands of incidences and damages from the injection have likely occured.
"As of February 14, there were also 934 deaths in individuals who had received this experimental gene therapy so-called 'vaccine,' including baseball great, Hank Aaron... Even more worrisome are the delayed and long-term adverse effects of this experimental gene therapy. The synthetic mRNA experimental gene therapy turns on the production of COVID-19 proteins, but it has no off switch. It just keeps on replicating, and the immune system keeps on mounting an immune response against it... This is setting you up for a lifetime of serious inflammatory disease...
And with the demonization of prophylactic theraputics like zinc, Quentin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine by criminal psychopaths Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and by the incredibly corrupt agencies like the WHO and the CDC, Big Pharma was finally able profit Big Time by the roll out the global depopulation agenda "vaccination" program, which is also known as U.N. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030.
"The mass populace are THICK as fuck... Everybody's jumping on the vaccination bandwagon thinking, "Oh yeah, I can get my life back again. After a year of lock-down I'll do anything!' The stupidity is rolling out. The number of people that have died from the vaccine is now ten times greater than the number of people that have died from the COVID-19." --The Walking Eagle with Mel K and Charlie Ward
It is so unbelievable and disheartening to watch friends, family and co-workers encourage each other and follow one another to take the jab, like lemmings off the cliff. They all drank the COVID Kool-Aid and so have become afflicted with Corona Hoax Psychosis, as detailed in my post A Case Study In Sheeple Psychology. Since birth they have been indoctrinated into the Medical Model Myth, so they are completely oblivious to the fact that they are actually involved in a live medical experiment with a dangerous experimental drug. "Everybody (who took the vaccine) right now is enrolled as a nameless participant in Stage Four of the clinical investigation for Pfizer or Moderna... They are an official experimental animal right now." --Dr. Lee Merritt On The Virus, The Jab, and the Data
Dr. Steve Hotze: “The so-called COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ is NOT a vaccine at all, but rather a dangerous, experimental gene therapy... This so-called COVID-19 'vaccine' does not provide any individual who receives the vaccine with immunity to COVID-19, nor does it prevent the transmission of the disease. It does not meet the CDC's own definition of a vaccine...
"That's why these pharmaceutical companies are lying to the public. The government health bureaucrats area also lying to the public, by calling this treatment a vaccine... Individuals who get these so-called experimental gene therapy 'vaccine' treatments are the guinea pigs. That's right! Humans will be the guinea pigs...
"These 'vaccines' are an untested, unproven experimental gene therapy that poses a much greater danger to your health then the COVID-19... An experimental gene therapy using synthetic mRNA to treat an infectious disease has never been attempted in humans. Why? Because of its failure in previous animal studies...
"The theory behind the mRNA 'vaccines' is that when this synthetic mRNA is injected into your body, it inserts itself into your cells. And now it begins to produce the coronavirus spike proteins. Your own cells now will have this synthetic RNA that you didn't even make from your own DNA, that's been imposed, impressed into your cells. It’s now going to make this spike protein of the coronavirus.
"Why would you want to do that?! If you're perfectly healthy, why would you want to inject a foreign mRNA into your body?
"What is expected to have happen is your own body will start producing antibodies to this coronavirus protein made by your own cells. There is no way to know how long your cells will produce these virus proteins, or if they will ever stop producing them. Your immune system will be hyper-charged because it's having to fight off all these viral proteins that your body is making all the time. And it will overreact when exposed to any type of coronavirus in the future...
"In the first month of use, there were more than 40,000 documented adverse reactions in the U.S., including thousands of cases of anaphylactic shock and serious neurological problems. And because less than 10% of adverse effects are routinely reported to the vaccination board, hundreds of thousands of incidences and damages from the injection have likely occured.
"As of February 14, there were also 934 deaths in individuals who had received this experimental gene therapy so-called 'vaccine,' including baseball great, Hank Aaron... Even more worrisome are the delayed and long-term adverse effects of this experimental gene therapy. The synthetic mRNA experimental gene therapy turns on the production of COVID-19 proteins, but it has no off switch. It just keeps on replicating, and the immune system keeps on mounting an immune response against it... This is setting you up for a lifetime of serious inflammatory disease...
"Many experts are predicting a surge of life-threatening infections, inflammatory disorders and deaths in the coming months and years for those who have received this treatment. Of course, the blame will be placed on a mutant, virulent strain of the COVID-19 virus, rather than on a poorly tested experimental gene therapy. And then they'll want to do mandatory vaccinations of everybody...
"By lying, and calling this experimental gene therapy a 'vaccine,' the pharmaceutical companies are reaping enormous profits with no downside risk of product liability... You have probably heard the mainstream media claim that both the Pfizer and Moderna 'vaccines' are 95% effective. This is a false claim. It's a lie! Yet the medical establishment and the government bureaucrats have simply taken these pharmaceutical companies' word for it and are encouraging everyone to line up for this experimental gene therapy, so-called 'vaccine'...
"There are still many unknowns about this experimental gene therapy. There is no indication that it saves any lives or prevents the spreading of the infection or your contracting the infection, which is why health bureaucrats continue to recommend masking and social distancing, even after you've received these injections. Nobody has any idea about the long-term adverse effects of this experimental gene therapy, yet they are still plowing ahead with plans to inject this experimental gene therapy into the entire population.
"Why in the world would you risk all the known and unknown, short-term and long-term side effects of an experimental gene therapy that was inadequately tested, rushed through the approval process at 'warp speed,' and found to be much less effective, yet more dangerous than initially promised, and more dangerous than the COVID infection itself?" --Dr. Steve Hotze
As Dr. Hotze has so eloquently stated, there are many good reasons NOT to take the dangerous mRNA vaccine. Let's just summarize and expand on these reasons:
1. The chances of suffering a severe bout of COVID, let alone death are very small. Injecting experimental drugs in to my body to combat a virus I stand a 99.98% chance of surviving doesn't just seem absurd, it is absurd.
2. Not one of the vaccines are FDA approved. They have Emergency Use Approval (EUA), but FDA approval requires studies on long term effects, which of course these newly hatched vaccines do not have. Anyone taking the jab now is essentially a clinical trial participant in a live experiment, the long-term effects of which have yet to be seen.
3. This COVID-19 “vaccine” is actually an experimental gene therapy being covertly administered WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT. Think about that for a moment. "It's against the Nuremberg code to force vaccinations on a person, and informed consent overrides public policy. Federal law prohibits employers and others from using vaccines under EUA as a condition of employment. A Nevada attorney is ready to do battle." --No Jab For Me
4. "This 'COVID' pandemic is NOT a real pandemic. This is an assault on our Human Rights, on our freedoms and on our societies. You have to be completely insane to accept an untested experimental vaccine from a criminal manufacturer that rushes its safety programs, and profits enormously from pressuring people into taking it."--Boris Dragin
5. These mRNA vaccines are new to the market. Yes, the technology behind them has been around for awhile--but they have never before been used in humans. Call me crazy, but I'd prefer to be an observer in this grand experiment rather than a guinea pig.
6. As with all vaccines, there are potential side effects, some of them very unpleasant, like sterility, anaphalytic shock to the polyethylene glycol (PEG), blood clots, Bells Palsy symptoms, never-ending uncontrollable convulsions, and untimely death, just to name a few. See my previous post entitled Creepy Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda for a more detailed overview.
7. There are therapeutics available for use as a prophylactic which are completely effective against the COVID virus. Over the counter supplements include zinc, quercetin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin as well as Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that’s been on the market for 70 years.
8. There is also the truly alarming prospect that mass vaccinations during an “active pandemic” will cause stronger, more deadly virus mutations much the same way bacteria learns how to overcome over prescribed antibiotics. Is this likely? I don't know. As we are in the middle of a live experiment, we don’t really know all of the outcomes just yet. But I've heard more than a few scientists and doctors express this concern. Of course the origin of the new “mutated strains” is the actual mRNA “vaccines” themselves, which will never be officially recognized or admitted.
9. "What got me upset was the issue of what killed the animals in the animal studies. Because in the animal studies, they died--It wasn't a subtle end point. And they died of a thing called Immune Enhancement, Antibody Dependent Enhancement, or Pathogenic Priming... When the animals were later exposed to the virus that they were supposed to be immune to, instead of being immune, now their pre-programmed immune response--not their natural immune response--but this thing that is programmed by the mRNA, went out and it coated the virus and brought the virus into their immune system like a Trojan horse which then their body didn't recognize, and it allowed the virus to grow unchecked in their body and it killed them with overwhelming sepsis and cardiac failure." --Dr. Lee Merritt On The Virus, The Jab, and the Data
10. Prion Disease - "The spike protein is not naturally occurring--it is Gain of Function. It is crossing the blood-brain barrier, and we know in the animal models of these spike proteins they developed spongiform encephalopathy, which is, for the general public, Mad Cow Disease. We also know that...about two weeks afterwards they developed Lewy bodies in the brain and inflammation. And Lewy bodies are what cause Alzheimer's and a number of neurologic disorders. And those numbers translate into about a year-and-a-half for human beings to see the same consequences (as in the animal studies)." --Dr. Richard Fleming Warns COVID Vaccines Could Cause Mad Cow Disease
"By lying, and calling this experimental gene therapy a 'vaccine,' the pharmaceutical companies are reaping enormous profits with no downside risk of product liability... You have probably heard the mainstream media claim that both the Pfizer and Moderna 'vaccines' are 95% effective. This is a false claim. It's a lie! Yet the medical establishment and the government bureaucrats have simply taken these pharmaceutical companies' word for it and are encouraging everyone to line up for this experimental gene therapy, so-called 'vaccine'...
"There are still many unknowns about this experimental gene therapy. There is no indication that it saves any lives or prevents the spreading of the infection or your contracting the infection, which is why health bureaucrats continue to recommend masking and social distancing, even after you've received these injections. Nobody has any idea about the long-term adverse effects of this experimental gene therapy, yet they are still plowing ahead with plans to inject this experimental gene therapy into the entire population.
"Why in the world would you risk all the known and unknown, short-term and long-term side effects of an experimental gene therapy that was inadequately tested, rushed through the approval process at 'warp speed,' and found to be much less effective, yet more dangerous than initially promised, and more dangerous than the COVID infection itself?" --Dr. Steve Hotze
As Dr. Hotze has so eloquently stated, there are many good reasons NOT to take the dangerous mRNA vaccine. Let's just summarize and expand on these reasons:
1. The chances of suffering a severe bout of COVID, let alone death are very small. Injecting experimental drugs in to my body to combat a virus I stand a 99.98% chance of surviving doesn't just seem absurd, it is absurd.
2. Not one of the vaccines are FDA approved. They have Emergency Use Approval (EUA), but FDA approval requires studies on long term effects, which of course these newly hatched vaccines do not have. Anyone taking the jab now is essentially a clinical trial participant in a live experiment, the long-term effects of which have yet to be seen.
3. This COVID-19 “vaccine” is actually an experimental gene therapy being covertly administered WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT. Think about that for a moment. "It's against the Nuremberg code to force vaccinations on a person, and informed consent overrides public policy. Federal law prohibits employers and others from using vaccines under EUA as a condition of employment. A Nevada attorney is ready to do battle." --No Jab For Me
4. "This 'COVID' pandemic is NOT a real pandemic. This is an assault on our Human Rights, on our freedoms and on our societies. You have to be completely insane to accept an untested experimental vaccine from a criminal manufacturer that rushes its safety programs, and profits enormously from pressuring people into taking it."--Boris Dragin
5. These mRNA vaccines are new to the market. Yes, the technology behind them has been around for awhile--but they have never before been used in humans. Call me crazy, but I'd prefer to be an observer in this grand experiment rather than a guinea pig.
6. As with all vaccines, there are potential side effects, some of them very unpleasant, like sterility, anaphalytic shock to the polyethylene glycol (PEG), blood clots, Bells Palsy symptoms, never-ending uncontrollable convulsions, and untimely death, just to name a few. See my previous post entitled Creepy Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda for a more detailed overview.
7. There are therapeutics available for use as a prophylactic which are completely effective against the COVID virus. Over the counter supplements include zinc, quercetin, high dose vitamins D3 and C, Ivermectin as well as Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that’s been on the market for 70 years.
8. There is also the truly alarming prospect that mass vaccinations during an “active pandemic” will cause stronger, more deadly virus mutations much the same way bacteria learns how to overcome over prescribed antibiotics. Is this likely? I don't know. As we are in the middle of a live experiment, we don’t really know all of the outcomes just yet. But I've heard more than a few scientists and doctors express this concern. Of course the origin of the new “mutated strains” is the actual mRNA “vaccines” themselves, which will never be officially recognized or admitted.
9. "What got me upset was the issue of what killed the animals in the animal studies. Because in the animal studies, they died--It wasn't a subtle end point. And they died of a thing called Immune Enhancement, Antibody Dependent Enhancement, or Pathogenic Priming... When the animals were later exposed to the virus that they were supposed to be immune to, instead of being immune, now their pre-programmed immune response--not their natural immune response--but this thing that is programmed by the mRNA, went out and it coated the virus and brought the virus into their immune system like a Trojan horse which then their body didn't recognize, and it allowed the virus to grow unchecked in their body and it killed them with overwhelming sepsis and cardiac failure." --Dr. Lee Merritt On The Virus, The Jab, and the Data
10. Prion Disease - "The spike protein is not naturally occurring--it is Gain of Function. It is crossing the blood-brain barrier, and we know in the animal models of these spike proteins they developed spongiform encephalopathy, which is, for the general public, Mad Cow Disease. We also know that...about two weeks afterwards they developed Lewy bodies in the brain and inflammation. And Lewy bodies are what cause Alzheimer's and a number of neurologic disorders. And those numbers translate into about a year-and-a-half for human beings to see the same consequences (as in the animal studies)." --Dr. Richard Fleming Warns COVID Vaccines Could Cause Mad Cow Disease
Please see No Jab For Me for a more comprehensive overview of all of the reasons to avoid the deadly, toxic mRNA vaccines at all costs...
This zombie apocalypse scenario is NOT one that I would like to see play out in any of our societies. I am merely presenting the possible consequences of taking the toxic, deadly experimental mRNA "vaccine" as many doctors, nurses, researchers and grassroots truth journalists have described them. I would encourage everyone to follow their own inner knowing, their own intuition, and to heed the suggestions of the Pleiadians on this issue and "demonstrate your innate ability to transmute yourselves, to defy all toxins and all fascist actions..." --Pleiadian Channeling by Barbara Marciniak
My next post will continue to explore the so-called "COVID-19 global pandemic" and the relationship between viruses, vaccines, and the (by all accounts) extremely detrimental to human and animal biology 5G frequency radiation...
My next post will continue to explore the so-called "COVID-19 global pandemic" and the relationship between viruses, vaccines, and the (by all accounts) extremely detrimental to human and animal biology 5G frequency radiation...
Addendum: Doctor Demolishes CDCs' "Guidance"
"I want to see the departure now, of the zombie-class human. I want to say good-bye to the imbecile, the moron... I want to say good-bye, thank you for your creepy-crawly ignominious existence in this paradise. Thank you for contaminating and distorting and defiling and degrading our Divine expression in the ways that you have done it, as a conduit of lower astral forces. Thank you for the role that you have played--you've played it rather well. Now please shuffle off..." --Sasha Stone, Time to be Bold!