“World Wars I and II were not (fought) to establish world domination. (They were fought)
so that millions of Jews could be slaughtered, in order (for them) to have the EXCUSE
to murder the Palestinian people, and (thus) have the approval of humanity
for (carrying out) this genocide..." --You Are Being PLAYED!.
“Just like the 9/11 attacks, the Globalist leaders are rubbing their hands together at
the prospect of launching more forever wars in the Middle East, more devaluation
of currencies, more neglect of the people in favor of war, death and the Globalist
agenda. Violence begets more violence (and) the elites are determined to send
Humanity on a race to the bottom while they get richer, tighten the noose around
Humanity's neck, and enact their long-planned agenda for World War III
and a One World Government..." --Hamas Attack Was An Inside Job
"This (war in Palestine) does seem like a cover for the much bigger war which is
a war against all of Humanity… What Israel did as a pilot program to Gaza,
which is, a big border wall, high security, limited food intake, limited com-
munications, massive surveillance – that is the perfect model for the
Globalists’ 15-minute cities that they intend for all of us, to be treated
that same way…” --Mike Adams, Jeffery Prather Interview
so that millions of Jews could be slaughtered, in order (for them) to have the EXCUSE
to murder the Palestinian people, and (thus) have the approval of humanity
for (carrying out) this genocide..." --You Are Being PLAYED!.
“Just like the 9/11 attacks, the Globalist leaders are rubbing their hands together at
the prospect of launching more forever wars in the Middle East, more devaluation
of currencies, more neglect of the people in favor of war, death and the Globalist
agenda. Violence begets more violence (and) the elites are determined to send
Humanity on a race to the bottom while they get richer, tighten the noose around
Humanity's neck, and enact their long-planned agenda for World War III
and a One World Government..." --Hamas Attack Was An Inside Job
"This (war in Palestine) does seem like a cover for the much bigger war which is
a war against all of Humanity… What Israel did as a pilot program to Gaza,
which is, a big border wall, high security, limited food intake, limited com-
munications, massive surveillance – that is the perfect model for the
Globalists’ 15-minute cities that they intend for all of us, to be treated
that same way…” --Mike Adams, Jeffery Prather Interview
Welcome To World War 3
"Political, media, social and cultural institutions are fully mobilized in the
West to hide and conceal this act of genocide, presenting it as a righteous
violence of a victimized Jewish people everywhere in the world... The
media is continuously and consistently sending the outrageous message
that Hamas is the one responsible for the loss of Palestinian civil life in
the Gaza Strip, attempting to wash their hands clean of the genocide.
The Israeli operation is being framed as a mission to ‘eliminate Hamas’
as opposed to what it really is: a genocide of the Palestinian people and
their erasure from the map..." --A Genocide Is Underweay In Palestine
“To the extent that Iran can resist reacting or responding, or to the
extent that Hezbollah can resist, or Turkey can resist, they will be
preventing World War III… If this escalates into World War III...
millions of people will die...” --Mike Adams: Why Israel is
deliberately carrying out ATROCITIES in Gaza
West to hide and conceal this act of genocide, presenting it as a righteous
violence of a victimized Jewish people everywhere in the world... The
media is continuously and consistently sending the outrageous message
that Hamas is the one responsible for the loss of Palestinian civil life in
the Gaza Strip, attempting to wash their hands clean of the genocide.
The Israeli operation is being framed as a mission to ‘eliminate Hamas’
as opposed to what it really is: a genocide of the Palestinian people and
their erasure from the map..." --A Genocide Is Underweay In Palestine
“To the extent that Iran can resist reacting or responding, or to the
extent that Hezbollah can resist, or Turkey can resist, they will be
preventing World War III… If this escalates into World War III...
millions of people will die...” --Mike Adams: Why Israel is
deliberately carrying out ATROCITIES in Gaza
"The Hamas attack on Israel was an inside job by the Globalist elite, working in tandem with the Biden rigeme and the Israeli government as part of the great master plan for World War III, which has been in the works since the state of Israel was created after World War II... The Israeli false flag will light the fuse to ignite a Holy War, that will spiral out of control and lay the groundwork for the elite to usher in a One World Government and a One World Religion..." --Hamas Attack Was An Inside Job
So "it looks like World War 3 has begun... It looks like the major attack has begun, the ground assault against Gaza...massive, massive bombing of northern Gaza, far beyond anything we’ve seen so far, which has already been hellish, horrific. Over 7000 Palestinians now dead in Gaza, 3000 children, many of whom are buried under the rubble of the residential buildings and the hospitals and mosques and education centers and so on that have been bombed by Israel.
“So you are watching an Israeli blood-lust effort to mass murder civilians across Gaza in preparation for the ground assault on Gaza, and it looks like that ground assault has begun. Officially they’re saying this is not the big assault, but I suspect that it is (and) they’re just saying that as information warfare…
“Israel has a lot of forces and a lot of tanks and obviously a lot of bombs and the assistance of the United States, so it’s probably only a matter of time before they do conquer Gaza. But the question is, at what cost?…
“And now here’s the statement from fake president Joe Biden, who, remember, was NOT elected. He was thrust into office by the Democrats rigging the election. He has now invoked the War Powers notification to the United States Congress. This is a ramp-up, this is a clear effort on his part to establish himself as a wartime dictator over all of America, and probably get us into World War 3 so they can cancel elections...
"Now you begin to see really where this is going. You see the point of this escalation. And it’s also very clear that the US and Israel are in a hurry to escalate this as quickly as possible. This is why you are seeing the ethnic cleansing of civilian targets on purpose, hospitals, on purpose, residential buildings... You’re seeing all of this specifically to enrage the rest of the world, especially the Arab world, in order to provoke the attacks on Israel and the United States that will draw the United States into World War 3 -- all by design, all on purpose..." --Mike Adams - Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 28, 2023 - World War IGNITION in Gaza as Biden invokes WAR POWERS
So "it looks like World War 3 has begun... It looks like the major attack has begun, the ground assault against Gaza...massive, massive bombing of northern Gaza, far beyond anything we’ve seen so far, which has already been hellish, horrific. Over 7000 Palestinians now dead in Gaza, 3000 children, many of whom are buried under the rubble of the residential buildings and the hospitals and mosques and education centers and so on that have been bombed by Israel.
“So you are watching an Israeli blood-lust effort to mass murder civilians across Gaza in preparation for the ground assault on Gaza, and it looks like that ground assault has begun. Officially they’re saying this is not the big assault, but I suspect that it is (and) they’re just saying that as information warfare…
“Israel has a lot of forces and a lot of tanks and obviously a lot of bombs and the assistance of the United States, so it’s probably only a matter of time before they do conquer Gaza. But the question is, at what cost?…
“And now here’s the statement from fake president Joe Biden, who, remember, was NOT elected. He was thrust into office by the Democrats rigging the election. He has now invoked the War Powers notification to the United States Congress. This is a ramp-up, this is a clear effort on his part to establish himself as a wartime dictator over all of America, and probably get us into World War 3 so they can cancel elections...
"Now you begin to see really where this is going. You see the point of this escalation. And it’s also very clear that the US and Israel are in a hurry to escalate this as quickly as possible. This is why you are seeing the ethnic cleansing of civilian targets on purpose, hospitals, on purpose, residential buildings... You’re seeing all of this specifically to enrage the rest of the world, especially the Arab world, in order to provoke the attacks on Israel and the United States that will draw the United States into World War 3 -- all by design, all on purpose..." --Mike Adams - Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 28, 2023 - World War IGNITION in Gaza as Biden invokes WAR POWERS
Kerry Cassidy: “This whole war setup (in Palestine) is all over something that they allowed to happen... People who are uneducated and don’t want to educate themselves are caught up in this basic (Mainstream Marxist) Mockingbird Media news broadcasts that lie to you on a regular basis… There is positioning going on and...I wish that I could say that this will wind down but all of the evidence that I have...tells me that this is going to escalate, that this is the kick off to World War 3.
“Actually, I consider the attack on Maui to be the real kick off, and that was a direct attack on Space Force… In essence NORAD was basically taken over (and) stopped from intercepting the Directed Energy Weapons that rained down on the entire area of Maui. And we’re really talking about a stand down on our side as well.
"So we’re really in the thick of it right now and I think that this roll out of World War 3 and this manipulation of the consciousness of the people (of Israel and Palestine) -- the funny thing is that it’s so obvious that you can’t cross a border that is not only maintained by AI but maintained in a very high sophisticated level...not even a mouse could cross those borders unnoticed. So here we have paratroopers coming across in hang gliders, which is so obvious you would spot them miles away before they even arrive, let alone when they arrive. And then you’ve got people on the ground coming in in vehicles, presumably with shotguns… And then they had rockets. All of this would have been absolutely targeted and noticed by AI, then the military would have acted. So at the most it would go on for 5 minutes and they would have stopped it.
“Otherwise, what the hell has Israel been doing all these years to guard their border if something so easy can be permeated? And I think that this is such a demonstration of the government being take over, being completely commandeered by the Deep State, which is again these dark magicians in Britain and the City of London and probably linked very clearly to the Vatican and to the P2 Lodge, etc.
“So we’re talking about Satanists, we’re talking about a Satanist agenda, we’re talking about something that has been rolled out and been planned. And this is also planned in the Bible. So you go back to the playbook, the Bible being the playbook of the Illuminati, and they are now orchestrating this portion of that playbook. And unfortunately I don’t believe it’s going to stop – I believe it’s going to escalate…" --Kerry Cassidy Interviewed By Gail of Gaia
“Why would Satanists – because that’s what these people are, the Zionists. Zionism is Satanism, it’s very plain and simple. The heads of this movement are all involved in Luciferianism… So why would they fund the establishment of a (Jewish) State? (Because) they need that for their One World Government. There is a spiritual, ancient reason why they chose Jerusalem to be their headquarters...
“Several insiders from the (Globalist) Elite have been saying for decades that the whole purpose, the goal of establishing Israel, is because they want it to be the headquarters of their One World Government in Jerusalem. That is why the Rothschilds have paid billions and billions of dollars to found Israel…
And now "Israel needs to play victim so that they will have the world on their side when they wipe out Gaza and the West Bank. They want to wipe Israel clean from all Palestinian people because they want to have one solid (piece of) land that will be the headquarters of their One World Government..." --You Are Being PLAYED!.
“The Gaza Strip, which is described as an open air prison camp, is a pilot program for Globalist mass enslavement and then mass extermination of ALL human ethnic groups. What Israel has done to the Palestinian people is an experiment run by Globalists, with the complicity of the Zionist Globalists, to determine the best way to displace, to enslave, to capture, oppress and then exterminate ultimately billions of people by designating them as animals and starving them to death and depriving them of basic human dignity and the essentials of human life...” --Mike Adams - The Gaza open air prison is a PILOT PROGRAM for globalist ENSLAVEMENT and EXTERMINATION of us all
“Actually, I consider the attack on Maui to be the real kick off, and that was a direct attack on Space Force… In essence NORAD was basically taken over (and) stopped from intercepting the Directed Energy Weapons that rained down on the entire area of Maui. And we’re really talking about a stand down on our side as well.
"So we’re really in the thick of it right now and I think that this roll out of World War 3 and this manipulation of the consciousness of the people (of Israel and Palestine) -- the funny thing is that it’s so obvious that you can’t cross a border that is not only maintained by AI but maintained in a very high sophisticated level...not even a mouse could cross those borders unnoticed. So here we have paratroopers coming across in hang gliders, which is so obvious you would spot them miles away before they even arrive, let alone when they arrive. And then you’ve got people on the ground coming in in vehicles, presumably with shotguns… And then they had rockets. All of this would have been absolutely targeted and noticed by AI, then the military would have acted. So at the most it would go on for 5 minutes and they would have stopped it.
“Otherwise, what the hell has Israel been doing all these years to guard their border if something so easy can be permeated? And I think that this is such a demonstration of the government being take over, being completely commandeered by the Deep State, which is again these dark magicians in Britain and the City of London and probably linked very clearly to the Vatican and to the P2 Lodge, etc.
“So we’re talking about Satanists, we’re talking about a Satanist agenda, we’re talking about something that has been rolled out and been planned. And this is also planned in the Bible. So you go back to the playbook, the Bible being the playbook of the Illuminati, and they are now orchestrating this portion of that playbook. And unfortunately I don’t believe it’s going to stop – I believe it’s going to escalate…" --Kerry Cassidy Interviewed By Gail of Gaia
“Why would Satanists – because that’s what these people are, the Zionists. Zionism is Satanism, it’s very plain and simple. The heads of this movement are all involved in Luciferianism… So why would they fund the establishment of a (Jewish) State? (Because) they need that for their One World Government. There is a spiritual, ancient reason why they chose Jerusalem to be their headquarters...
“Several insiders from the (Globalist) Elite have been saying for decades that the whole purpose, the goal of establishing Israel, is because they want it to be the headquarters of their One World Government in Jerusalem. That is why the Rothschilds have paid billions and billions of dollars to found Israel…
And now "Israel needs to play victim so that they will have the world on their side when they wipe out Gaza and the West Bank. They want to wipe Israel clean from all Palestinian people because they want to have one solid (piece of) land that will be the headquarters of their One World Government..." --You Are Being PLAYED!.
“The Gaza Strip, which is described as an open air prison camp, is a pilot program for Globalist mass enslavement and then mass extermination of ALL human ethnic groups. What Israel has done to the Palestinian people is an experiment run by Globalists, with the complicity of the Zionist Globalists, to determine the best way to displace, to enslave, to capture, oppress and then exterminate ultimately billions of people by designating them as animals and starving them to death and depriving them of basic human dignity and the essentials of human life...” --Mike Adams - The Gaza open air prison is a PILOT PROGRAM for globalist ENSLAVEMENT and EXTERMINATION of us all
The History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict
"From what I can surmise, some Wandering Jews wanted a permanent homeland,
so they invaded Palestine, and over the years through various wars and conflicts,
appropriated more and more of their land, displacing and massacring the
indiginous Arab-Palestinian population, all the while using the Holocaust
to justify their own grotesque acts of barbarism and cruelty." --Tom Smith
“Please! Please! Please! We as a human race, have got to start seeing,
that our so-called bloody leaders, are not there to serve us. They’re
there to serve an agenda, to enslave us on a level never
seen before in known, human history...” --David Icke
so they invaded Palestine, and over the years through various wars and conflicts,
appropriated more and more of their land, displacing and massacring the
indiginous Arab-Palestinian population, all the while using the Holocaust
to justify their own grotesque acts of barbarism and cruelty." --Tom Smith
“Please! Please! Please! We as a human race, have got to start seeing,
that our so-called bloody leaders, are not there to serve us. They’re
there to serve an agenda, to enslave us on a level never
seen before in known, human history...” --David Icke
[Note: "The 'Wandering Jew' is...a personification of the Jewish diaspora—the scattering of the Jews throughout the world after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. during the Jewish Revolt against Rome. The two concepts are linked by the Christian perception that the destruction of Jerusalem was divine retribution for Jewish responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus. The 'Wandering Jew' theme has thus been made the vehicle for anti-Semitism (however, a more accurate interpretation may be that it is more of a vehicle for anti-Zionism). A modern allegorical view claims instead that the 'Wandering Jew' personifies any individual who has been made to see the error of his or her wickedness..." --New World Encyclopedia]
"The history of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict traces back to the late 19th century when Zionists sought to establish a homeland for the Jewish people in Ottoman-controlled Palestine, a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition. The Balfour Declaration of 1917, issued by the British government, endorsed the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which led to an influx of Jewish immigrants to the region. Following World War II and the Holocaust, international pressure mounted for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, leading to the creation of Israel in 1948..." --Wikipedia
“The annals of Zionist history are full of leaders outdoing other leaders in insisting on the importance of military power and the role of force and terror in the building and safeguarding of the Zionist state… In some of their writings and revelations, they assert that violence and terror are the backbone of the plan to enforce the Zionist programme. This was necessarily so because the Zionists have within this century simply invaded a country, evicted the majority of the population (and) followed this up with further use of force and terrorism…
“The very principle of Zionism...is to turn Jewry from a religious community into a nation and a state, (and) to consider all the Jews in the world as belonging to that nation, and the struggle to bring them into that nation's state inevitably committed the Zionists to a series of wars of expansion in order to conquer ‘living space’. The entire history of the aggressions and annexation in and beyond Palestine has followed this inexorable logic of political Zionism...” --S. Shamir Hassan, Zionism And Terror: The Creation Of The State Of Israel
"The establishment of Israel, and the war that followed and preceded it, led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who became refugees, sparking a decades-long conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people. The Palestinians seek to establish their own independent state in at least a part of historic Palestine. Israeli defense of its own borders, control over the West Bank, the Egyptian-Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian internal politics currently make this goal out of reach..." --Wikipedia
“The annals of Zionist history are full of leaders outdoing other leaders in insisting on the importance of military power and the role of force and terror in the building and safeguarding of the Zionist state… In some of their writings and revelations, they assert that violence and terror are the backbone of the plan to enforce the Zionist programme. This was necessarily so because the Zionists have within this century simply invaded a country, evicted the majority of the population (and) followed this up with further use of force and terrorism…
“The very principle of Zionism...is to turn Jewry from a religious community into a nation and a state, (and) to consider all the Jews in the world as belonging to that nation, and the struggle to bring them into that nation's state inevitably committed the Zionists to a series of wars of expansion in order to conquer ‘living space’. The entire history of the aggressions and annexation in and beyond Palestine has followed this inexorable logic of political Zionism...” --S. Shamir Hassan, Zionism And Terror: The Creation Of The State Of Israel
"The establishment of Israel, and the war that followed and preceded it, led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who became refugees, sparking a decades-long conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people. The Palestinians seek to establish their own independent state in at least a part of historic Palestine. Israeli defense of its own borders, control over the West Bank, the Egyptian-Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian internal politics currently make this goal out of reach..." --Wikipedia
"Though both Jews and Arab Muslims date their claims to the land back a couple thousand years, the current political conflict began in the early 20th century. Jews fleeing persecution in Europe wanted to establish a national homeland in what was then an Arab- and Muslim-majority territory in the Ottoman and later British Empire. The Arabs resisted, seeing the land as rightfully theirs. An early United Nations plan to give each group part of the land failed, and Israel and the surrounding Arab nations fought several wars over the territory. Today’s lines largely reflect the outcomes of two of these wars, one waged in 1948 and another in 1967.
"The 1967 war is particularly important for today’s conflict, as it left Israel in control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, two territories home to large Palestinian populations...
"Today, the West Bank is nominally controlled by the Palestinian Authority and is under Israeli occupation. This comes in the form of Israeli troops, who enforce Israeli security restrictions on Palestinian movement and activities, and Israeli 'settlers,' Jews who build ever-expanding communities in the West Bank that effectively deny the land to Palestinians. Gaza is controlled by Hamas, an Islamist fundamentalist party, and is under Israeli blockade but not ground troop occupation..." --What are Israel and Palestine? Why are they fighting?
“It came out today, 11/1/023,in a leaked document that’s been verified from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence, that there has been a plan in place of a forced displacement of all Gaza civilians, to push them to Egypt, so that Israel could basically steal the entire Gaza strip for ‘greater Israel’. Those of you who have been learning about the history of Israel will notice that ever since 1948 Israel gets into wars with Palestinians and then always ends up taking more land, starting with the Nakba in 1948, displacing or murdering, well, three-quarters of a million Palestinians were displaced at that time, I don’t know how many were murdered…." --Mike Adams - Israeli plot to force 2.3 million Palestinians out of GAZA and STEAL their land
"The 1967 war is particularly important for today’s conflict, as it left Israel in control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, two territories home to large Palestinian populations...
"Today, the West Bank is nominally controlled by the Palestinian Authority and is under Israeli occupation. This comes in the form of Israeli troops, who enforce Israeli security restrictions on Palestinian movement and activities, and Israeli 'settlers,' Jews who build ever-expanding communities in the West Bank that effectively deny the land to Palestinians. Gaza is controlled by Hamas, an Islamist fundamentalist party, and is under Israeli blockade but not ground troop occupation..." --What are Israel and Palestine? Why are they fighting?
“It came out today, 11/1/023,in a leaked document that’s been verified from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence, that there has been a plan in place of a forced displacement of all Gaza civilians, to push them to Egypt, so that Israel could basically steal the entire Gaza strip for ‘greater Israel’. Those of you who have been learning about the history of Israel will notice that ever since 1948 Israel gets into wars with Palestinians and then always ends up taking more land, starting with the Nakba in 1948, displacing or murdering, well, three-quarters of a million Palestinians were displaced at that time, I don’t know how many were murdered…." --Mike Adams - Israeli plot to force 2.3 million Palestinians out of GAZA and STEAL their land
"Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world, numbering about 12.4 million, mark the Nakba, or 'catastrophe', referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the near-total destruction of Palestinian society in 1948. The Palestinian experience of dispossession and loss of a homeland is 69 years old this year.
"On that day, the State of Israel came into being. The creation of Israel was a violent process that entailed the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland to establish a Jewish-majority state, as per the aspirations of the Zionist movement.
"Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state. Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.
"Israel continues to oppress and dispossess Palestinians to this day... The more than three million Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem face home demolitions, arbitrary arrests, and displacement as Israel expands the 100-plus Jewish-only colonies and steals Palestinian land to do so. Palestinian movement is restricted by military checkpoints and the Separation Wall that has obstructed their ability to travel freely...
"The Gaza Strip, where some two million Palestinians live, has been under Israeli siege for more than a decade whereby Israel controls the air space, sea and borders; the Strip has also witnessed three Israeli assaults that have made the area close to uninhabitable." --The Nakba Did Not Start or End in 1948
"On that day, the State of Israel came into being. The creation of Israel was a violent process that entailed the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland to establish a Jewish-majority state, as per the aspirations of the Zionist movement.
"Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state. Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.
"Israel continues to oppress and dispossess Palestinians to this day... The more than three million Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem face home demolitions, arbitrary arrests, and displacement as Israel expands the 100-plus Jewish-only colonies and steals Palestinian land to do so. Palestinian movement is restricted by military checkpoints and the Separation Wall that has obstructed their ability to travel freely...
"The Gaza Strip, where some two million Palestinians live, has been under Israeli siege for more than a decade whereby Israel controls the air space, sea and borders; the Strip has also witnessed three Israeli assaults that have made the area close to uninhabitable." --The Nakba Did Not Start or End in 1948
And of course with the current Israeli false flag devastating attack on Gaza and the West Bank, the second Nakba has begun. This is genocide and ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, spanning decades. How ironic that the state of Israel has become the Nazis for carrying out the New World Order agenda...
Kerry Cassidy: “Israel has become the Nazis – they have become their enemy… I have actually sat in Jericho with Israelis and Palestinians just talking, and they said: ‘Look, it’s all our rulers, it’s not us’... I traveled that whole area...and the weird thing was when I was in Israel I got a very strong overlay of Nazi Germany...in their world... I really want people to begin to connect the dots and understand that we are being led down a path and we’re not understanding (who) the true culprits (are). These peoples (Israelis and Palestinians) do not have to be at war with each other. In order for the Israeli soldiers to be able to go in and be committing these acts...payback was done a long time ago – this is a genocidal act, they are in genocide..." --Kerry Cassidy & Nino Rodriguez - Israel, Hamas, NWO & WW3
Max Igan: “Everybody lived in that region for years – Muslims, Christians, Jews – they all got along. And the Jews, whenever they got kicked out of a country -- which happened like over a thousand times (that) they got kicked out of different countries – they always found a home in Palestine who accepted them in. Palestinian people accepted them in in the 1930’s and allowed them to move there, and now they’re just taking over the country... This isn’t just a ‘war’ against Hamas. This is the ethnic cleansing of ALL of Palestine – that’s the plan…" --Max Igan – Israel’s War On Children
"So please, people understand, that the people in Israel and the Palestinian people, they are both victims of the same enemy. They are set up against one another to hate one another, fight one another. There was NEVER any conflict between Christians, Muslims and Jews in Palestine, ever. These three groups lived peacefully along side each other for thousands of years. It’s only when the Zionists came (that) they started artificially inciting violence between these groups because they need that, they needed these people to kill each other, they needed these people to hate each other, (and) they need YOU to hate the Palestinians, and they need you to support Israel..." --You Are Being Played
Max Igan: “Everybody lived in that region for years – Muslims, Christians, Jews – they all got along. And the Jews, whenever they got kicked out of a country -- which happened like over a thousand times (that) they got kicked out of different countries – they always found a home in Palestine who accepted them in. Palestinian people accepted them in in the 1930’s and allowed them to move there, and now they’re just taking over the country... This isn’t just a ‘war’ against Hamas. This is the ethnic cleansing of ALL of Palestine – that’s the plan…" --Max Igan – Israel’s War On Children
"So please, people understand, that the people in Israel and the Palestinian people, they are both victims of the same enemy. They are set up against one another to hate one another, fight one another. There was NEVER any conflict between Christians, Muslims and Jews in Palestine, ever. These three groups lived peacefully along side each other for thousands of years. It’s only when the Zionists came (that) they started artificially inciting violence between these groups because they need that, they needed these people to kill each other, they needed these people to hate each other, (and) they need YOU to hate the Palestinians, and they need you to support Israel..." --You Are Being Played
So it's not these two races of people that is the real problem, "it’s the leadership that’s the problem (and) it’s also the ET's incentivizing these races of humans to go against each other, which has been going on forever... I’m sure it’s going on on both sides – Hamas and Israel – they are raising their children to hate each other and to just kill and genocide each other, and that’s teaching somebody to basically just be Hitler. And so that is insane, and if you don’t think that’s insane then I think you need (to have) your head examined…" --War Correspondent Special Report with Kerry Cassidy & Jean-Claude
Who Are the Annunaki?
“Fox and CNN--they’re feeding you a narrative, they’re pushing an agenda, and they treat you
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they
(ever) pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
“Now you see why the world is so backward and permeated with division and strife.
The actions the Annunaki took against Earth has completely changed the course
of what it could have been (by) subjugating us and using us for their own pursuits…
And although the Annunaki are no longer here openly, some believe that they are
still here secretly...” --Who Are the Annunaki? The True History of Planet Earth
"I think that so many of the (world’s) religions are worshiping the wrong ‘chap’ --
the bloodthirsty, arrogant, tyrant of a god described in the Old Testament...
I think a lot of these ‘gods’ that people worshiped, or their version of god
in different religions, are actually this demonic realm..." --David
Icke, Aliens are HERE! Exposing the Illuminati Government
like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how they look at you… It’s like humans are
just a commodity like chickens, pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain
folks? I don’t think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that uses
humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the greatest trick they
(ever) pulled is for us to believe they’re not there…” --David Nino Rodriguez,
Reward The Submissive and Punish The Bold
“Now you see why the world is so backward and permeated with division and strife.
The actions the Annunaki took against Earth has completely changed the course
of what it could have been (by) subjugating us and using us for their own pursuits…
And although the Annunaki are no longer here openly, some believe that they are
still here secretly...” --Who Are the Annunaki? The True History of Planet Earth
"I think that so many of the (world’s) religions are worshiping the wrong ‘chap’ --
the bloodthirsty, arrogant, tyrant of a god described in the Old Testament...
I think a lot of these ‘gods’ that people worshiped, or their version of god
in different religions, are actually this demonic realm..." --David
Icke, Aliens are HERE! Exposing the Illuminati Government
According to Wikipedia, "Zecharia Sitchin (July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010) was an author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Nibiru is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the Sun. Sitchin's books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25 languages.
"According to Sitchin, Nibiru...was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in Genesis. He wrote that they evolved after Nibiru entered the inner Solar System, and they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. Sitchin states that these 'gods' were the rank-and-file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth from planet Nibiru.
"According to Sitchin, Enki (the Sumerian god of water and human culture) suggested that to relieve the Anunnaki, who had mutinied over their dissatisfaction with their working conditions, that primitive workers (Homo sapiens) be created by genetic engineering as slaves to replace them in the gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of Homo erectus. According to Sitchin, ancient inscriptions report that the human civilization in Sumer, Mesopotamia, was set up under the guidance of these 'gods', and human kingship was inaugurated to provide intermediaries between mankind and the Anunnaki (creating the 'divine right of kings' doctrine)..."
"According to Sitchin, Nibiru...was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in Genesis. He wrote that they evolved after Nibiru entered the inner Solar System, and they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. Sitchin states that these 'gods' were the rank-and-file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth from planet Nibiru.
"According to Sitchin, Enki (the Sumerian god of water and human culture) suggested that to relieve the Anunnaki, who had mutinied over their dissatisfaction with their working conditions, that primitive workers (Homo sapiens) be created by genetic engineering as slaves to replace them in the gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of Homo erectus. According to Sitchin, ancient inscriptions report that the human civilization in Sumer, Mesopotamia, was set up under the guidance of these 'gods', and human kingship was inaugurated to provide intermediaries between mankind and the Anunnaki (creating the 'divine right of kings' doctrine)..."
Wikipedia then goes on to dismiss Sitchin's work as "pseudoscience" and "pseudohistory", stating that he has been "discredited" by real scientists. However, since Wikipedia is a major propaganda instrument of the Establishment Cabal, the mere fact that they are going to such lengths to engage in such "fact checking" almost certainly means that just the opposite of what they say about Zecharia Sitchin and his work is true. The Annunaki are real, and they have been manipulating humanity and orchestrating world events from the shadows, from behind the scenes, for a very long time...
“Back in the ancient Middle East, over countless generations, a band of people called the Hebrews left Egypt and wandered about on the Sinai Peninsula. Near Mount Sinai they encountered an ET who made a deal with them. He promised them land of their own in exchange for their loyalty and obedience. Called Yahweh, he gave Moses their leader a set of rules to live by. The Hebrew people at the time thought that Moses was talking to the one and only creator of the universe, the real God, but he wasn’t. This major fallacy has been passed down all the way to today and many people wrongly believed Moses to have talked with God, and for God to have anointed him and his people as the ‘chosen ones’.
“However it wasn’t God that said it but one of the Annunaki. We can clearly see how this misconception has led to all kinds of wars and disagreements through history, and right up until today. The truth is that we are ALL God’s chosen people, because we are all part of God… At the most fundamental level we are all connected and all One..."
“When Nibiru returned in 7,200 BC, Anu realized that they had made a huge mistake by underestimating the power of the human mind and spirit, and thus decided that this new species had to be subjugated, so they used to power of our own minds against us. The God myth had already been started, and humans already perceived the Annunaki as gods, calling them two names: (1) the Elohim, meaning ‘shining ones who descend from the sky’, and (2) Yahweh, meaning ‘Lord of the Earth’.
“Anu, who reinforced the worship around himself, told the human population that the Annunaki were the true creators of the universe, and must be worshiped as gods. Given their great technology, spacecraft that seemed like the biblical chariots in the sky, and extremely long life spans, humans readily began to worship these ETs as gods... You can see how cunning and manipulative the Annunaki were to us…" --Who Are the Annunaki? The True History of Planet Earth
“Back in the ancient Middle East, over countless generations, a band of people called the Hebrews left Egypt and wandered about on the Sinai Peninsula. Near Mount Sinai they encountered an ET who made a deal with them. He promised them land of their own in exchange for their loyalty and obedience. Called Yahweh, he gave Moses their leader a set of rules to live by. The Hebrew people at the time thought that Moses was talking to the one and only creator of the universe, the real God, but he wasn’t. This major fallacy has been passed down all the way to today and many people wrongly believed Moses to have talked with God, and for God to have anointed him and his people as the ‘chosen ones’.
“However it wasn’t God that said it but one of the Annunaki. We can clearly see how this misconception has led to all kinds of wars and disagreements through history, and right up until today. The truth is that we are ALL God’s chosen people, because we are all part of God… At the most fundamental level we are all connected and all One..."
“When Nibiru returned in 7,200 BC, Anu realized that they had made a huge mistake by underestimating the power of the human mind and spirit, and thus decided that this new species had to be subjugated, so they used to power of our own minds against us. The God myth had already been started, and humans already perceived the Annunaki as gods, calling them two names: (1) the Elohim, meaning ‘shining ones who descend from the sky’, and (2) Yahweh, meaning ‘Lord of the Earth’.
“Anu, who reinforced the worship around himself, told the human population that the Annunaki were the true creators of the universe, and must be worshiped as gods. Given their great technology, spacecraft that seemed like the biblical chariots in the sky, and extremely long life spans, humans readily began to worship these ETs as gods... You can see how cunning and manipulative the Annunaki were to us…" --Who Are the Annunaki? The True History of Planet Earth
“After hundreds of thousands of years tampering with Earth, the Annunaki eventually left the planet openly, but the Hebrew legends carried the legends of their Yahweh God-man down through the centuries which became the God myth. This would later become the Old Testament’s One God called Yahweh. What most people don’t understand is that Yahweh is simply based on Anu, the Annunaki king of Nibiru. Anu…is the father of Enki and Enlil.
“All of this explains why the Old Testament is full of stories about the vengeful being called Yahweh who caused disasters, destroyed cities, and committed genocide..." --Who Are the Annunaki? The True History of Planet Earth
Modern day Israel, anyone?
Kerry Cassidy: “What people don’t realize is that Israel is run by the Annunaki, who have been underground and orchestrating things there… What we’re talking about here is the Annunaki from off-planet have been running Israel since day 1. And they are in underground bases, in Dimona in particular, and other places. All of Israel has really been aware of them on and off through history…
“So when you look at the fact that we’re actually dealing with a country that is run by not just AI but also by an off-planet race called the Annunaki, who arguably are also involved in trying to run our entire monetary system on Earth, and they’re doing it from off-planet and they are using AI. So this is a very well-developed race of beings talked about in the books of Zecharia Sitchin. So it’s important to understand that this war on the ground is mirrored in the war with alien races off-planet as well. And the Secret Space Program doesn’t want humans to know about this. But this is actually very real...and we (Project Camelot) were told that World War 3 would be a lead up to the war with off-planet races… It’s simply a rehearsal..." --Kerry Cassidy Interviewed By Gail of Gaia
“So what we’re talking about here is also orchestrated...and it’s being orchestrated by dark ET’s that have a dark agenda, who are motivating these countries to act in these ways, and that includes the Annunaki behind Israel..." --Kerry Cassidy & Nino Rodriguez - Israel, Hamas, NWO & WW 3
“Do you know that every single person here on the Earth at this point has been genetically re-engineered, and that we all have different various alien blood in us? We don’ have ‘pure’ bloodlines – that’s bullshit… The real pure bloodline according to the Nazis is the Reptilian one. So if you want to go around saying that you are pure, (then) you’re a Reptilian…
“It’s not that. Most people are hybrids – that’s what we are, a race of hybrids. We are a melting pot of races from different parts of the galaxies, and people don’t realize that... We have been invaded through the centuries…
"So again, these are things that people just don’t get, and they get roped into these (religious) false ideas and they carry them around with them and then they’re willing to go to war over them, and kill each other over them, which is even more insane..." --Kerry Cassidy, Sovereign Redneck Renegade Interview
“All of this explains why the Old Testament is full of stories about the vengeful being called Yahweh who caused disasters, destroyed cities, and committed genocide..." --Who Are the Annunaki? The True History of Planet Earth
Modern day Israel, anyone?
Kerry Cassidy: “What people don’t realize is that Israel is run by the Annunaki, who have been underground and orchestrating things there… What we’re talking about here is the Annunaki from off-planet have been running Israel since day 1. And they are in underground bases, in Dimona in particular, and other places. All of Israel has really been aware of them on and off through history…
“So when you look at the fact that we’re actually dealing with a country that is run by not just AI but also by an off-planet race called the Annunaki, who arguably are also involved in trying to run our entire monetary system on Earth, and they’re doing it from off-planet and they are using AI. So this is a very well-developed race of beings talked about in the books of Zecharia Sitchin. So it’s important to understand that this war on the ground is mirrored in the war with alien races off-planet as well. And the Secret Space Program doesn’t want humans to know about this. But this is actually very real...and we (Project Camelot) were told that World War 3 would be a lead up to the war with off-planet races… It’s simply a rehearsal..." --Kerry Cassidy Interviewed By Gail of Gaia
“So what we’re talking about here is also orchestrated...and it’s being orchestrated by dark ET’s that have a dark agenda, who are motivating these countries to act in these ways, and that includes the Annunaki behind Israel..." --Kerry Cassidy & Nino Rodriguez - Israel, Hamas, NWO & WW 3
“Do you know that every single person here on the Earth at this point has been genetically re-engineered, and that we all have different various alien blood in us? We don’ have ‘pure’ bloodlines – that’s bullshit… The real pure bloodline according to the Nazis is the Reptilian one. So if you want to go around saying that you are pure, (then) you’re a Reptilian…
“It’s not that. Most people are hybrids – that’s what we are, a race of hybrids. We are a melting pot of races from different parts of the galaxies, and people don’t realize that... We have been invaded through the centuries…
"So again, these are things that people just don’t get, and they get roped into these (religious) false ideas and they carry them around with them and then they’re willing to go to war over them, and kill each other over them, which is even more insane..." --Kerry Cassidy, Sovereign Redneck Renegade Interview
The Israel False Flag
“Who really is the government working for? They’re definitely not working for
(We) the People. And people need to know this all over the world. You
can’t trust your government; you definitely can’t trust the media;
and you absolutely can’t trust your medical system. All of those
have been completely compromised. Everybody’s figured it out here,
and if you haven’t, you’re in denial, you’re literally in denial. That’s
all we can say about sleepers at this point. It’s unfortunate, but
they are in denial.” --Janine Morigeau, Tarot by Janine
"It is crucial that people begin to put these pieces together
and stop being duped by their so-called ‘leaders’ who
aren’t leaders at all, who are all about using and
abusing them for their own purposes. So this
situation with Israel is just feeding into that...”
--Kerry Cassidy, Redneck Renegade
(We) the People. And people need to know this all over the world. You
can’t trust your government; you definitely can’t trust the media;
and you absolutely can’t trust your medical system. All of those
have been completely compromised. Everybody’s figured it out here,
and if you haven’t, you’re in denial, you’re literally in denial. That’s
all we can say about sleepers at this point. It’s unfortunate, but
they are in denial.” --Janine Morigeau, Tarot by Janine
"It is crucial that people begin to put these pieces together
and stop being duped by their so-called ‘leaders’ who
aren’t leaders at all, who are all about using and
abusing them for their own purposes. So this
situation with Israel is just feeding into that...”
--Kerry Cassidy, Redneck Renegade
James Grundvig: "False flag operations serve multifaceted purposes. Big ones like the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing that destroyed evidence on major investigations, from Clinton’s Whitewater bond scandal to Vietnam veterans’ Agent Orange health records, while branding the white 'far-right extremist' into public consciousness. Six years later, the 9/11 attacks united the nation while rolling out the liberty-stealing Patriot Act on unsuspecting Americans with the bigger stick in the global War on Terror.
"In the case of the COVID-19 spectacle, the pandemic delivered the opposite of unity by dividing people while cloaking the Cabal’s depopulation agenda vis-à-vis its 'vaccinate the world' campaign. As we came to learn, the bioweapon was in the shot, not floating in the air.
"In August, the DEW fires on Maui and Lahaina cleared oceanfront property for the Globalists to erect their smart city paradigm. Will Israel’s ground assault on Northern Gaza, razing the Strip, deliver the same outcome?
"In each of those events, the false flag operations produce dead and injured victims as part of the ritual, trauma-based psyop for the survivors and witnesses. As such, the elites wield fear to control the masses. They know fear, driven by deception, produces a potent cocktail for brainwashing large swaths of the global village.
"The success of the Israeli false flag war that broke out last weekend, drove all the Democrat and Deep State bad news off the air and front page of mainstream news while leaving Ukraine’s Zelensky in the lurch without sponsors.The former hot stories a week ago included:
"That’s some list of bad news that vanished in the dust of the Hamas paragliders. The Israel-Palestine conflict buried all those stories and more down the memory hole...
"One of the sleights of hand tricks the Cabal uses, through its all-encompassing control of the Big Media, is the ability to run false flags to 'change the narrative.' That tool, when executed well, will bury the lead of the bad news stories, deflect attention away from real public threats, unveil the puppet masters pulling the political strings, and redirect people to focus on the new crisis of the moment to solve and worry about.
"Last Saturday, when Hamas paragliders flew 40 km over the border wall at the Gaza Strip, other militants used a frontend loader to smash open a razor-wire fence without friction from Israeli defenses. How could that happen along the newly fortified border wall with Gaza? Last year, Israel completed a 40-mile-long, underground barrier to prevent Hamas from tunneling from Gaza into Israel.
"So again, how did the all-seeing Israelis drop their guard? They didn’t. They allowed the invasion to take place. Thus, the scent of false flag wafted through the air in the early hours of the breach. Some of it was staged; other parts were real.
"For one to believe that one of the most surveilled and fortified demilitarized zones in the world, where two million people live quarantined, controlled by the terrorist organization, Resistance Movement ('HAMAS'), since 2007 suffered multiple defense lapses is to accept dementia Joe Biden as an astute master of negotiations and your savior. None of it is plausible or logical...
"The same players who produced the same terrorist script for 9/11 and C19 expecting the same results from the now awakened class—thank you, COVID!—are sheep baaing in the wind. Alert patriots now know better than to blindly trust mainstream media and swallow the gall and gullibility of the 'official story' projected by the Cabal puppets in the Biden regime and Netanyahu’s new emergency government and war cabinet...
"In the case of the COVID-19 spectacle, the pandemic delivered the opposite of unity by dividing people while cloaking the Cabal’s depopulation agenda vis-à-vis its 'vaccinate the world' campaign. As we came to learn, the bioweapon was in the shot, not floating in the air.
"In August, the DEW fires on Maui and Lahaina cleared oceanfront property for the Globalists to erect their smart city paradigm. Will Israel’s ground assault on Northern Gaza, razing the Strip, deliver the same outcome?
"In each of those events, the false flag operations produce dead and injured victims as part of the ritual, trauma-based psyop for the survivors and witnesses. As such, the elites wield fear to control the masses. They know fear, driven by deception, produces a potent cocktail for brainwashing large swaths of the global village.
"The success of the Israeli false flag war that broke out last weekend, drove all the Democrat and Deep State bad news off the air and front page of mainstream news while leaving Ukraine’s Zelensky in the lurch without sponsors.The former hot stories a week ago included:
- Ousting of Majority Speaker Kevin McCarthy
- Nancy Pelosi kicked out of her secret lair in the Capitol Building
- Donald Trump nominated for Speaker of the House
- The Ukraine secret funding scandal
- Congress budget corruption
- U.S. government shutdown
- Biden regime’s 180-degree policy reversal on porous U.S. borders
- Blue cities waving surrender flags due to the alien invasion of sanctuary cities
- Division between NATO states over support for or against Ukraine
- Ukrainian soldiers surrendering and abandoning the lost war
- FEMA emergency alert system test
- U.S. national debt blowing $275 billion in one day
"That’s some list of bad news that vanished in the dust of the Hamas paragliders. The Israel-Palestine conflict buried all those stories and more down the memory hole...
"One of the sleights of hand tricks the Cabal uses, through its all-encompassing control of the Big Media, is the ability to run false flags to 'change the narrative.' That tool, when executed well, will bury the lead of the bad news stories, deflect attention away from real public threats, unveil the puppet masters pulling the political strings, and redirect people to focus on the new crisis of the moment to solve and worry about.
"Last Saturday, when Hamas paragliders flew 40 km over the border wall at the Gaza Strip, other militants used a frontend loader to smash open a razor-wire fence without friction from Israeli defenses. How could that happen along the newly fortified border wall with Gaza? Last year, Israel completed a 40-mile-long, underground barrier to prevent Hamas from tunneling from Gaza into Israel.
"So again, how did the all-seeing Israelis drop their guard? They didn’t. They allowed the invasion to take place. Thus, the scent of false flag wafted through the air in the early hours of the breach. Some of it was staged; other parts were real.
"For one to believe that one of the most surveilled and fortified demilitarized zones in the world, where two million people live quarantined, controlled by the terrorist organization, Resistance Movement ('HAMAS'), since 2007 suffered multiple defense lapses is to accept dementia Joe Biden as an astute master of negotiations and your savior. None of it is plausible or logical...
"The same players who produced the same terrorist script for 9/11 and C19 expecting the same results from the now awakened class—thank you, COVID!—are sheep baaing in the wind. Alert patriots now know better than to blindly trust mainstream media and swallow the gall and gullibility of the 'official story' projected by the Cabal puppets in the Biden regime and Netanyahu’s new emergency government and war cabinet...
"Don’t forget:
"They lied about 9/11.
"They lied about COVID-19.
"They lied about masks and social distancing.
"They lied about the vaccines being 'safe and effective.'
"They lied about Russia, Putin, Trump, and Ukraine, too.
"In 2023, they are lying about turbo cancers killing people and myocarditis destroying hearts in once healthy young men...
"The Israel war false flag represents the second to last phase of the Great Reset. After that, the 'motherWEFers' will deliver the cyber-polygon crisis, with cyberattacks on energy grids and communications networks. We will go dark at some point.
"Throw that into the mix with the overhang of the global financial crash that will crack and sheer off the mountain in an avalanche of debt and the liquidity crisis will freeze the flow of money. Once that happens, all businesses and transactions will come to a screeching halt.
"It will be an event so epic, dark, and terrifying that it will shock the masses awake.
"Finally, know that people, institutions, corporations, and governments will not set you free or protect you. They are the ones inciting the mayhem and resetting trigger points. Only the 'truth will set you free'..." --James Grundvig, The Israel False Flag Ignites the Great Reset War
"They lied about 9/11.
"They lied about COVID-19.
"They lied about masks and social distancing.
"They lied about the vaccines being 'safe and effective.'
"They lied about Russia, Putin, Trump, and Ukraine, too.
"In 2023, they are lying about turbo cancers killing people and myocarditis destroying hearts in once healthy young men...
"The Israel war false flag represents the second to last phase of the Great Reset. After that, the 'motherWEFers' will deliver the cyber-polygon crisis, with cyberattacks on energy grids and communications networks. We will go dark at some point.
"Throw that into the mix with the overhang of the global financial crash that will crack and sheer off the mountain in an avalanche of debt and the liquidity crisis will freeze the flow of money. Once that happens, all businesses and transactions will come to a screeching halt.
"It will be an event so epic, dark, and terrifying that it will shock the masses awake.
"Finally, know that people, institutions, corporations, and governments will not set you free or protect you. They are the ones inciting the mayhem and resetting trigger points. Only the 'truth will set you free'..." --James Grundvig, The Israel False Flag Ignites the Great Reset War
Netanyahu: The Butcher of Palestine
“And don’t forget, Netanyahu is working for the World Economic Forum –
he’s a WEF-er. And the WEF is one of the organizations that is controlled
by the Globalists, who are, if you peel back enough layers, Illuminati and
a number of other secret societies and groups that have engineered
human history for millennia..." -- Mike Adams: Why Israel
is deliberately carrying out ATROCITIES in Gaza
"Your enemy is Netanyahu; your enemy is your leadership of Israel –
those are the ones that made your soldiers stand down and allowed
them to massacre you. If you want to turn on somebody, don’t turn
on Gaza, turn on your leadership... Educate yourself. Understand
the battle at work here and who’s orchestrating it. You are pawns
in a game..." --Kerry Cassidy Interviewed By Gail of Gaia
“Israel is never going to get over what it has done here, no matter
what the outcome of this is. The State of Israel is never going to
be respected by anybody again… The only way the world is ever
going to see peace is when the State of Israel is completely
eradicated – it has to be GONE (and) every single memory
of it buried...” --Max Igan, Israel's War On Children
he’s a WEF-er. And the WEF is one of the organizations that is controlled
by the Globalists, who are, if you peel back enough layers, Illuminati and
a number of other secret societies and groups that have engineered
human history for millennia..." -- Mike Adams: Why Israel
is deliberately carrying out ATROCITIES in Gaza
"Your enemy is Netanyahu; your enemy is your leadership of Israel –
those are the ones that made your soldiers stand down and allowed
them to massacre you. If you want to turn on somebody, don’t turn
on Gaza, turn on your leadership... Educate yourself. Understand
the battle at work here and who’s orchestrating it. You are pawns
in a game..." --Kerry Cassidy Interviewed By Gail of Gaia
“Israel is never going to get over what it has done here, no matter
what the outcome of this is. The State of Israel is never going to
be respected by anybody again… The only way the world is ever
going to see peace is when the State of Israel is completely
eradicated – it has to be GONE (and) every single memory
of it buried...” --Max Igan, Israel's War On Children
David Icke: “There is a global cult, and there is a major aspect of it which is called the Sabbatean Cult. The Sabbatean Cult goes back to the 1600’s...(and) basically it is a grouping, a Satanic grouping, that is expert in posing as what it’s not...
“It was this Sabbatean Cult, with the Rothschilds very much involved, who were responsible for the creation of Israel in 1948, (and) the horrors matching what is happening now and more, imposed by Sabbatean actually, but officially Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun and Stern Gang, who forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to leave their homeland in terror, never to return.
“So, when you look at what’s happening now, and the horrors of what has been imposed upon Jewish civilians, we should not take sides. Because when you get to the core of what’s controlling this side and what’s controlling that side, ultimately you are looking at the same people. And Sabbateans, who have been the Controllers of Israel from the start, and then moved in on places like America, they, irony of ironies, they hate Jewish people. They have contempt for them.
“And I have been saying all these years that, in the end, this Sabbatean Cult is gonna throw the Jewish people in general, under a colossal bus. And we are now, as I speak, seeing that happen..
"The cult-owned Israeli government, from the bloody start in 1948, until today with the psychopath Netanyahu, with their military and their intelligence agencies, Mossad and the rest, have treated the Palestinian people with grotesque contempt. They have treated them like vermin, decade after decade, and in doing so they have created a mentality that follows the psychopathic cult-owned Hamas..." --David Icke - What's REALLY Happening In Israel
Max Igan: "Israel comes across as this indignant, 'Why would anyone want to hurt us? We’re just the most moral army on Earth. We do everything we can to help everybody.' The way they’ve treated the Palestinian people for the last 75 years is unconscionable. It’s absolutely brutal what they have done to these people – they have terrorized them in every possible way they can, humiliated them in every possible way that they can, and they are continuing to do so..." --Max Igan – Israel Is Genociding Gaza
David Icke: "We have two sides, apparently, but (only) one side in reality, fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians, and Hamas knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians. They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen, and it happens all over the world all of the time. You see different sides, you see different groups, but it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display..." --David Icke - What's REALLY Happening In Israel
“It was this Sabbatean Cult, with the Rothschilds very much involved, who were responsible for the creation of Israel in 1948, (and) the horrors matching what is happening now and more, imposed by Sabbatean actually, but officially Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun and Stern Gang, who forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to leave their homeland in terror, never to return.
“So, when you look at what’s happening now, and the horrors of what has been imposed upon Jewish civilians, we should not take sides. Because when you get to the core of what’s controlling this side and what’s controlling that side, ultimately you are looking at the same people. And Sabbateans, who have been the Controllers of Israel from the start, and then moved in on places like America, they, irony of ironies, they hate Jewish people. They have contempt for them.
“And I have been saying all these years that, in the end, this Sabbatean Cult is gonna throw the Jewish people in general, under a colossal bus. And we are now, as I speak, seeing that happen..
"The cult-owned Israeli government, from the bloody start in 1948, until today with the psychopath Netanyahu, with their military and their intelligence agencies, Mossad and the rest, have treated the Palestinian people with grotesque contempt. They have treated them like vermin, decade after decade, and in doing so they have created a mentality that follows the psychopathic cult-owned Hamas..." --David Icke - What's REALLY Happening In Israel
Max Igan: "Israel comes across as this indignant, 'Why would anyone want to hurt us? We’re just the most moral army on Earth. We do everything we can to help everybody.' The way they’ve treated the Palestinian people for the last 75 years is unconscionable. It’s absolutely brutal what they have done to these people – they have terrorized them in every possible way they can, humiliated them in every possible way that they can, and they are continuing to do so..." --Max Igan – Israel Is Genociding Gaza
David Icke: "We have two sides, apparently, but (only) one side in reality, fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians, and Hamas knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians. They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen, and it happens all over the world all of the time. You see different sides, you see different groups, but it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display..." --David Icke - What's REALLY Happening In Israel
Max Igan: "The situation in Gaza is unbelievable folks. It’s really incredible how much damage Israel is doing to Gaza Strip. It goes way beyond the realms of anything that could be considered self-defense. Collective punishment is not self-defense. Bombing civilian area, leveling entire suburbs, wiping out entire family lines, killing over 1200 children confirmed – this is not self-defense. And Gaza Strip is unrecognizable.
“It’s just incredible folks how much damage Israel has been doing while screaming indignation. ‘How dare they come and attack us’ and ‘You’ve got no right to stop us’ (and) ‘We’re angry, we’re going to go in and kill Hamas’. All very well if you’ve got a problem with Hamas, but collective punishment and killing an entire population of 2.3 million people is unacceptable under anybody’s standards, at all.
“The freaky part about it is how many people are actually speaking up for this, how many world leaders are actually showing support for Israel in this massive war crime. (And) it is...a war crime, folks. It’s...the worst case of genocide and ethnic cleansing that we have witnessed anywhere in modern history, hapening right before our eyes...
“And the people in Gaza are innocent people… They (the media) have paraded this concept and promoted this notion that Gaza Strip is just this den of terrorists, and everywhere you go is booby-trapped and there are terrorists with weapons waiting to get you. Yeah, all a terrorist is according to Israel’s eyes is someone who doesn’t like having their house stolen or their children burnt and killed. All this stuff that they do to the Palestinian people folks, it’s absolutely disgraceful.
“But the world is waking up and even the UN is saying this is not acceptable… Protests around the world have been phenomenal, the amount of people that have turned out to support Palestine… It shows you that the people (around the world) stand for Palestine, while the governments, the politicians and the media stand for the powerful (elite Globalist maggots)...
“Of course the media is still spinning it saying that these are all pro-Hamas terrorist demonstrations. They’re not. These are people that are complaining about the genocide of innocent children in Gaza Strip, nothing to do with pro-Hamas. The fact that it is being portrayed this way shows you just how much Zionists control the media. It’s all one big game to these people.
“And they (Israel) are bombing everything – bombing schools, bombing residential areas, bombed a hospital… The hospital was not only deliberately targeted, but they also set up a little light show in the sky because they clearly intended to bomb the hospital but blame it on Hamas. This is what Israel does folks. This is how deceptive these people are. The Mossad mnotto: By way of deception thou shalt make war. They are really deceptive and they are really cruel...
“It’s just incredible folks how much damage Israel has been doing while screaming indignation. ‘How dare they come and attack us’ and ‘You’ve got no right to stop us’ (and) ‘We’re angry, we’re going to go in and kill Hamas’. All very well if you’ve got a problem with Hamas, but collective punishment and killing an entire population of 2.3 million people is unacceptable under anybody’s standards, at all.
“The freaky part about it is how many people are actually speaking up for this, how many world leaders are actually showing support for Israel in this massive war crime. (And) it is...a war crime, folks. It’s...the worst case of genocide and ethnic cleansing that we have witnessed anywhere in modern history, hapening right before our eyes...
“And the people in Gaza are innocent people… They (the media) have paraded this concept and promoted this notion that Gaza Strip is just this den of terrorists, and everywhere you go is booby-trapped and there are terrorists with weapons waiting to get you. Yeah, all a terrorist is according to Israel’s eyes is someone who doesn’t like having their house stolen or their children burnt and killed. All this stuff that they do to the Palestinian people folks, it’s absolutely disgraceful.
“But the world is waking up and even the UN is saying this is not acceptable… Protests around the world have been phenomenal, the amount of people that have turned out to support Palestine… It shows you that the people (around the world) stand for Palestine, while the governments, the politicians and the media stand for the powerful (elite Globalist maggots)...
“Of course the media is still spinning it saying that these are all pro-Hamas terrorist demonstrations. They’re not. These are people that are complaining about the genocide of innocent children in Gaza Strip, nothing to do with pro-Hamas. The fact that it is being portrayed this way shows you just how much Zionists control the media. It’s all one big game to these people.
“And they (Israel) are bombing everything – bombing schools, bombing residential areas, bombed a hospital… The hospital was not only deliberately targeted, but they also set up a little light show in the sky because they clearly intended to bomb the hospital but blame it on Hamas. This is what Israel does folks. This is how deceptive these people are. The Mossad mnotto: By way of deception thou shalt make war. They are really deceptive and they are really cruel...
“You can be guaranteed that everything that Israel is saying and accusing the Palestinians of doing, are things that it (itself) is doing or intends to do to the Palestinian people. And all this stuff that you are hearing about these terrible terrorists in Gaza – it’s all bullshit folks.. Israeli propaganda...
“Even now Netanyahu is out there arming settlers, giving all these settlers M16’s, Kalashnikov’s and automatic weapons, telling them to go and kill Palestinians...
“And wasn’t this a war on Hamas, and a war with Gaza that they’re saying? Well why is it that they have been burning down houses and bombing houses in West Bank? In the last two weeks, Israeli snipers have shot and killed 19 teenagers in West Bank, and injured 1300 others, while they have been burning down houses and just rampaging through West Bank and terrorizing the Palestinians as much as they can.
“And they have these totally inhuman policies that they use -- they like to break bones of Palestinians when they find them. Find a Palestinian teenager by himself? Just break his arms...
"That’s the sort of stuff they do all the time – that’s what they put these people through all the time, when they’re not stealing their homes and kidnapping their children – they do that all the time as well...
“Wonderful stuff. You son goes out to the shop, doesn’t come back – he’s been kidnapped by IDF and stuck into a cage... When they’re shooting as well, if they’re not shooting to kill they shoot to maim. There are these shoot to maim policies. They like to shoot you in the elbow or shoot you in the kneecap because it cripples you for life..." --Max Igan – Israel Is Genociding Gaza
“Even now Netanyahu is out there arming settlers, giving all these settlers M16’s, Kalashnikov’s and automatic weapons, telling them to go and kill Palestinians...
“And wasn’t this a war on Hamas, and a war with Gaza that they’re saying? Well why is it that they have been burning down houses and bombing houses in West Bank? In the last two weeks, Israeli snipers have shot and killed 19 teenagers in West Bank, and injured 1300 others, while they have been burning down houses and just rampaging through West Bank and terrorizing the Palestinians as much as they can.
“And they have these totally inhuman policies that they use -- they like to break bones of Palestinians when they find them. Find a Palestinian teenager by himself? Just break his arms...
"That’s the sort of stuff they do all the time – that’s what they put these people through all the time, when they’re not stealing their homes and kidnapping their children – they do that all the time as well...
“Wonderful stuff. You son goes out to the shop, doesn’t come back – he’s been kidnapped by IDF and stuck into a cage... When they’re shooting as well, if they’re not shooting to kill they shoot to maim. There are these shoot to maim policies. They like to shoot you in the elbow or shoot you in the kneecap because it cripples you for life..." --Max Igan – Israel Is Genociding Gaza
How can human beings treat other human beings in this manner, as if they were subhuman, less than animals? WTF is wrong with these Israeli people? How absolutely sick, depraved and demonic these Israeli government officials and military fucktards are. These Israeli military assholes deliberately breaking the bones of Palestinian boys -- they are fucking SAVAGES, really some sick mother fuckers...
"They really like to attack children, folks, it's a really big thing with Israelis. They say of course, 'We would never do that, we would never target children' but in fact they do. They say it's the 'right thing to do' to target children...
"There are so many children that have been shot in the testicles, young girls that have been shot in the vagina, because this stops them breeding. This is the policy of the Israelis. Israel -- wonderful helpers of mankind. These are really the CRUELEST people on Earth folks, they really are...
"See that's the thing folks. When you really start to understand what Israel is, and what some of these Jewish traditions are, you realize that everything their public face shows to the world is presented to be precisely bakwards. (They're) a very, very deceptive race, folks..." --Max Igan – Israel Is Genociding Gaza
"Believe it or not, many Jewish people are taking a stand for Gaza rather than their own Israeli government in the ongoing Israeli war on Palestine. One of them is Benjy Sherer, a Jewish young man who helps people deal with and overcome trauma and pain, and who also says he does not stand with Israel on this matter because his heart is with the people of Gaza who now face genocide at the hands of Israel and the West...
"As a Jewish man, Sherer was raised and taught to 'love Israel.' He attended both Jewish elementary and Jewish high school, and was raised with a mindset that Israel, whoever and whatever that actually means in the modern context, is the rightful owner of all that land...
"Sherer is now a grown man, and he says he has grown out of what he was taught after witnessing first-hand how his own government is viewing the people of Gaza: as nothing more than 'human animals,' to quote several Zionist leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog..." --Many Jewish People Now Turning Against Israeli Government, which they accuse of committing war crimes and genocide
“'In their stated intent to use all means to destroy Hamas, Israeli forces have shown a shocking disregard for civilian lives. They have pulverized street after street of residential buildings killing civilians on a mass scale and destroying essential infrastructure, while new restrictions mean Gaza is fast running out of water, medicine, fuel and electricity. Testimonies from eyewitness and survivors highlighted, again and again, how Israeli attacks decimated Palestinian families, causing such destruction that surviving relatives have little but rubble to remember their loved ones by,' said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General..." --Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza
“It’s just disgraceful folks, it’s really disgraceful. This is being funded by the West, it’s been allowed by the West. The helicopter footage is out there now (and) people can see that Israel did this to themselves, they staged this themselves. The death count – they did it themselves. They said we’re going in and we’re exterminating this place in an act of revenge and self-defense? No, it’s not self-defense – it’s genocide, pure and simple. And anybody who is supporting this is supporting genocide and is a war criminal. This goes for the US government, it goes for the British government, it goes for the Canadian government it goes for the Australian government – all you people are war criminals and you should all be removed from office immediately.
“Anybody who does not demand a cease fire, withdraw funding from Israel, and completely lock Israel down immediately...is complicit in war crimes, it’s as simple as that… People can see (that) Israel did this to themselves. Bibi Netanyahu needs to be arrested, there needs to be an immediate cease fire, and all funding needs to be pulled from Israel immediately...
“Anybody who is supporting this State (of Israel) is supporting terrorism, is supporting genocide, is supporting ethnic cleansing, is supporting a false flag attack that Israel staged against themselves... Look how many false flags Israel has staged. This is a rogue state folks, it’s a sociopathic state...” --Max Igan – Israel’s War On Children
"They really like to attack children, folks, it's a really big thing with Israelis. They say of course, 'We would never do that, we would never target children' but in fact they do. They say it's the 'right thing to do' to target children...
"There are so many children that have been shot in the testicles, young girls that have been shot in the vagina, because this stops them breeding. This is the policy of the Israelis. Israel -- wonderful helpers of mankind. These are really the CRUELEST people on Earth folks, they really are...
"See that's the thing folks. When you really start to understand what Israel is, and what some of these Jewish traditions are, you realize that everything their public face shows to the world is presented to be precisely bakwards. (They're) a very, very deceptive race, folks..." --Max Igan – Israel Is Genociding Gaza
"Believe it or not, many Jewish people are taking a stand for Gaza rather than their own Israeli government in the ongoing Israeli war on Palestine. One of them is Benjy Sherer, a Jewish young man who helps people deal with and overcome trauma and pain, and who also says he does not stand with Israel on this matter because his heart is with the people of Gaza who now face genocide at the hands of Israel and the West...
"As a Jewish man, Sherer was raised and taught to 'love Israel.' He attended both Jewish elementary and Jewish high school, and was raised with a mindset that Israel, whoever and whatever that actually means in the modern context, is the rightful owner of all that land...
"Sherer is now a grown man, and he says he has grown out of what he was taught after witnessing first-hand how his own government is viewing the people of Gaza: as nothing more than 'human animals,' to quote several Zionist leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog..." --Many Jewish People Now Turning Against Israeli Government, which they accuse of committing war crimes and genocide
“'In their stated intent to use all means to destroy Hamas, Israeli forces have shown a shocking disregard for civilian lives. They have pulverized street after street of residential buildings killing civilians on a mass scale and destroying essential infrastructure, while new restrictions mean Gaza is fast running out of water, medicine, fuel and electricity. Testimonies from eyewitness and survivors highlighted, again and again, how Israeli attacks decimated Palestinian families, causing such destruction that surviving relatives have little but rubble to remember their loved ones by,' said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General..." --Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza
“It’s just disgraceful folks, it’s really disgraceful. This is being funded by the West, it’s been allowed by the West. The helicopter footage is out there now (and) people can see that Israel did this to themselves, they staged this themselves. The death count – they did it themselves. They said we’re going in and we’re exterminating this place in an act of revenge and self-defense? No, it’s not self-defense – it’s genocide, pure and simple. And anybody who is supporting this is supporting genocide and is a war criminal. This goes for the US government, it goes for the British government, it goes for the Canadian government it goes for the Australian government – all you people are war criminals and you should all be removed from office immediately.
“Anybody who does not demand a cease fire, withdraw funding from Israel, and completely lock Israel down immediately...is complicit in war crimes, it’s as simple as that… People can see (that) Israel did this to themselves. Bibi Netanyahu needs to be arrested, there needs to be an immediate cease fire, and all funding needs to be pulled from Israel immediately...
“Anybody who is supporting this State (of Israel) is supporting terrorism, is supporting genocide, is supporting ethnic cleansing, is supporting a false flag attack that Israel staged against themselves... Look how many false flags Israel has staged. This is a rogue state folks, it’s a sociopathic state...” --Max Igan – Israel’s War On Children
"Israel is trying to convince you that they’re defending themselves, and they’re trying to dehumanize the Palestinian citizens so that they have an excuse to massacre thousands and thousands and thousands of them. If that’s not bad enough for you, this is the shit that you will not see on the news. They are murdering aid workers, human beings, volunteers, who are literally just there to help, they are murdering those people… And my tax dollars just paid for the massacre of my organization that’s here just trying to help people. It’s time for the world to stand up, not only for the Palestinian people, who are dying at a record rate, but for all of the other people that are there too…
“This is an absolute turning point in the world – we are watching a genocide live on social media. And we have a choice: We can sit back on our couches and say, Oh, how awful. Or we can fucking scream at the top of our lungs – Israel is a terrorist state that is now genociding a population and massacring innocent people, and they are doing it with American tax dollars
"And we can scream at the top of our fucking lungs: STOP KILLING PEOPLE! This will not end until the world holds Israel accountable for its complete and gross overreaction (to the Hamas attack). This is NOT self-defense, this is fucking genocide. And if you do not use your voice to scream at the top of your lungs, (then) you are complicit at this point. It’s time to wake up....” --Max Igan – Israel’s War On Children
“This is an absolute turning point in the world – we are watching a genocide live on social media. And we have a choice: We can sit back on our couches and say, Oh, how awful. Or we can fucking scream at the top of our lungs – Israel is a terrorist state that is now genociding a population and massacring innocent people, and they are doing it with American tax dollars
"And we can scream at the top of our fucking lungs: STOP KILLING PEOPLE! This will not end until the world holds Israel accountable for its complete and gross overreaction (to the Hamas attack). This is NOT self-defense, this is fucking genocide. And if you do not use your voice to scream at the top of your lungs, (then) you are complicit at this point. It’s time to wake up....” --Max Igan – Israel’s War On Children
The Real Reasons for the Genocide in Gaza
"The attack by Hamas... cannot justify the indiscriminate bombing and starvation
of the Palestinian people, who are being punished for a heinous crime they did not
commit. In the aftermath of horror, we need voices for de-escalation and peace.
Instead, politicians around the world continue to give the Israeli government the
green light to starve and slaughter the Palestinian people in the name of
self-defence..." --The ICC must investigate the crime of genocide in Gaza
of the Palestinian people, who are being punished for a heinous crime they did not
commit. In the aftermath of horror, we need voices for de-escalation and peace.
Instead, politicians around the world continue to give the Israeli government the
green light to starve and slaughter the Palestinian people in the name of
self-defence..." --The ICC must investigate the crime of genocide in Gaza
Mike Adams: "The primary reason why Israel is deliberately carrying out war atrocities against the Palestinians in Gaza is because this is all a grand plan by the Globalists, i.e., Illuminati members and others, to provoke the Arab states – Persia, Iran – into war. They need to succeed in the provocation – they’ve got to get Iran, Hezbollah, maybe Turkey and others, to strike Israel. This is necessary from the point-of-view of the Globalists in order to achieve their goal of having Islam and Zionism destroy each other, and to destroy faith among Christians at the same time...so that Lucifer can succeed by rising up and taking people away from faith into Satanism, essentially...
“So this is actually a spiritual battle...all of this eventually ends up as a spiritual battle. And those who are pushing for escalation in the Middle East, they are actually working...on behalf of Lucifer...
“Right now we are at about ten thousand civilian deaths in Palestine because of the incessant bombing by the IDF. The Zionists have intentionally bombed mosques, universities, hospitals, and you have now 90 Israeli doctors that have signed a letter encouraging the IDF to bomb hospitals. How INSANE can it get? Doctors calling for (the) bombing of hospitals? But again, this is designed to provoke. That’s why it is so insane – it is designed to provoke...” --Mike Adams: Why Israel is deliberately carrying out ATROCITIES in Gaza
“So this is actually a spiritual battle...all of this eventually ends up as a spiritual battle. And those who are pushing for escalation in the Middle East, they are actually working...on behalf of Lucifer...
“Right now we are at about ten thousand civilian deaths in Palestine because of the incessant bombing by the IDF. The Zionists have intentionally bombed mosques, universities, hospitals, and you have now 90 Israeli doctors that have signed a letter encouraging the IDF to bomb hospitals. How INSANE can it get? Doctors calling for (the) bombing of hospitals? But again, this is designed to provoke. That’s why it is so insane – it is designed to provoke...” --Mike Adams: Why Israel is deliberately carrying out ATROCITIES in Gaza
"Israel has imposed a comprehensive siege on the Gaza Strip, depriving an entire society of all essential supplies except oxygen; razed entire towns and neighborhoods to the ground; and in the space of one month, killed more than 10,000 people and wounded perhaps three times that number, more than a third of them children.
"It has done so as part of a bombing campaign that demonstrably has no legitimate military purpose or objective, and whose transparent purpose is terror, revenge, physical destruction, and the punishment of an entire society. Nor has the bombing campaign degraded the military capabilities of the Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip in any meaningful way. By its own count, Israel has killed more UN employees than Palestinian military commanders..." --Only Israeli Military Failure Will Stop Gaza Genocide
"The Israel - Hamas war may be taking place because northern Gaza happens to occupy the space that is needed to build a new canal called the Ben Gurion canal… This canal would connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, which is a very big deal if you are familiar with the geography...
“Strategically, the (Suez) Canal access...is absolutely critical for the United States to achieve global domination and the projection of military power, and also to have access to affordable energy, i.e., oil, out of the Middle East. And the Suez Canal right now is not wide enough for more than one ship...at a time… It’s slow…
“Well the new canal, the Ben Gurion canal...would be wide enough for two ships to pass each other – basically two lanes, one lane going in each direction, and that means that transiting that canal would be much faster than the Suez Canal, and the amount of revenue that would be earned from that passage would be at least 6 billion a year, maybe as much as 9 or 10 billion a year...” --Mike Adams - Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion CANAL
"It has done so as part of a bombing campaign that demonstrably has no legitimate military purpose or objective, and whose transparent purpose is terror, revenge, physical destruction, and the punishment of an entire society. Nor has the bombing campaign degraded the military capabilities of the Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip in any meaningful way. By its own count, Israel has killed more UN employees than Palestinian military commanders..." --Only Israeli Military Failure Will Stop Gaza Genocide
"The Israel - Hamas war may be taking place because northern Gaza happens to occupy the space that is needed to build a new canal called the Ben Gurion canal… This canal would connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, which is a very big deal if you are familiar with the geography...
“Strategically, the (Suez) Canal access...is absolutely critical for the United States to achieve global domination and the projection of military power, and also to have access to affordable energy, i.e., oil, out of the Middle East. And the Suez Canal right now is not wide enough for more than one ship...at a time… It’s slow…
“Well the new canal, the Ben Gurion canal...would be wide enough for two ships to pass each other – basically two lanes, one lane going in each direction, and that means that transiting that canal would be much faster than the Suez Canal, and the amount of revenue that would be earned from that passage would be at least 6 billion a year, maybe as much as 9 or 10 billion a year...” --Mike Adams - Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion CANAL
Richard Medhurst: “The truth is that the war in Gaza has enormous economic incentives behind it for the US, for the EU and for Israel… Israel and the United States have been planning for decades to build what is called the ‘Ben Gurion Canal’. This is a rival to the infamous Suez Canal in Egypt… It goes without saying that the Suez Canal is one of the most important, quintessential, geo-stratrgic asset on the planet – it connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. It is so important to global trade that in 1966 Israel, Britain and France literally attacked Egypt, because it dared to nationalize the Suez Canal, you know, it’s own territory..." --Richard Medhurst: The Real Reason For The War in Gaza
Dr. Vernon Coleman: “Word has reached me that there are still a few people in the world who don’t understand why Israel is intent on destroying Gaza and killing the inhabitants, including babies and children and taking over control of the land, coastline and seabed.
“Thinking people find it difficult to understand why any nation should commit so many war crimes and enthusiastically welcome its status as a the world’s latest Rogue State, a terrorist nation guilty of the worst genocide that most people can remember witnessing. Hospitals, ambulances and refugee camps have all been bombed – you can’t get much worse than that. Babies and small children are being slaughtered, the sick, the frail and the elderly have been denied food, water, and fuel. And the Israelis seem unembarrassed by an endless stream of lies…
Dr. Vernon Coleman: “Word has reached me that there are still a few people in the world who don’t understand why Israel is intent on destroying Gaza and killing the inhabitants, including babies and children and taking over control of the land, coastline and seabed.
“Thinking people find it difficult to understand why any nation should commit so many war crimes and enthusiastically welcome its status as a the world’s latest Rogue State, a terrorist nation guilty of the worst genocide that most people can remember witnessing. Hospitals, ambulances and refugee camps have all been bombed – you can’t get much worse than that. Babies and small children are being slaughtered, the sick, the frail and the elderly have been denied food, water, and fuel. And the Israelis seem unembarrassed by an endless stream of lies…
“And if you’re puzzled about why the United States and the UK are backing Israel’s godless, demonic, barbaric genocidal attacks, then I can explain that too. The truth, as it often does, explains everything. The fact is that Gaza is blessed with an enormous amount of oil and gas. Oil and gas fields off the coast of Gaza contain 1.7 billion barrels of oil waiting to be exploited, and 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas… There is over half a trillion dollars worth of gas and oil waiting to be extracted and sold, and that’s just Gaza. There is a huge oil and gas field under the West Bank too.
“The Israelis have for years now prevented the Palestinian people from exploiting their own fossil fuel resources, but Israel has now started selling exploration rights to fossil fuels which belong to the Palestinians... I wonder if the Climate Change nutters who support Israel know all about the fossil fuels?… It seems to me pretty clear why the Israelis wanted to take control of Gaza and the West Bank. And it isn’t difficult to see why the US government and the UK government are supporting Israel’s war crimes. Someone’s going to have to help the Israelis retrieve and market all that gas...
“The Israelis have for years now prevented the Palestinian people from exploiting their own fossil fuel resources, but Israel has now started selling exploration rights to fossil fuels which belong to the Palestinians... I wonder if the Climate Change nutters who support Israel know all about the fossil fuels?… It seems to me pretty clear why the Israelis wanted to take control of Gaza and the West Bank. And it isn’t difficult to see why the US government and the UK government are supporting Israel’s war crimes. Someone’s going to have to help the Israelis retrieve and market all that gas...
"I wonder if the people of Israel think all this money is worth it? They’ve lost their status, their reputation, their honor and their future. Israel is, and will now remain, a Rogue State, a pariah. The Israelis are now a godless terrorist nation guilty of genocide and endless war crimes…" --Dr Vernon Coleman - Why Israel REALLY Invaded Gaza
Make America Graceless Again
“Trump is not about We the People. Trump is about Trump. Trump is the brand,
and Trump can never know what it’s like to grow up in middle-class America
working hard jobs, working even physical labor jobs… Trump can’t know any
of that. He’s always been surrounded by wealth and opulence, and he can’t
understand the plight of the working man and woman across America..."
--Mike Adams, Trump Will Transform America Into A Police State in 2025
and Trump can never know what it’s like to grow up in middle-class America
working hard jobs, working even physical labor jobs… Trump can’t know any
of that. He’s always been surrounded by wealth and opulence, and he can’t
understand the plight of the working man and woman across America..."
--Mike Adams, Trump Will Transform America Into A Police State in 2025
Former President Donald Trump is on record for his unequivocal support for the terrorist state of Israel and the genocidal atrocities that the Israeli government and military have been committing in the name of "defending themselves" from the Hamas attack, which was in fact a false flag operation. Anyone who still clings to the absurd notion that Donald Trump is the "White Hat Savior" of America would be wise to re-evaluate their position. There is absolutely no evidence to support that notion...
Max Igan: "When you look at that commercial that Trump put out there, this is all war-mongering against Iran, and that’s what they want to do, that’s where they want to push it. And he put out another statement as well, and this is very revealing. Think about it, they put Trump in there with this whole, ‘I’m a patriot’ to get all of the good thinking people who want to save democracy and save the world and save the Republic and save all the things that are good, 'I’ll be the figurehead for those people'.
“Then he gets thrown out on an obviously staged election to divide the community, totally polarize the community, and get everybody there in there rooting for the big comeback of Trump. This is what’s going to make America great again. America is falling apart. Look at all the migrant stuff; look at all the violence on the street; look at all this stuff that’s happening – it’s all because we got rid of Trump. We need Trump back to save us – that’s the whole plan.
“Two weeks before that January 6th march on the Capitol I said on one of my reports I said that all it would take would be some sort of big rally at a Capitol building or something, and for that to turn violent, and all the Republican people are going to get vilified, all the truth movement is going to get vilified, they’re all going to get classed as domestic terrorists. (And) this is what has happened.
“Think about it. Trump got you all to march down Pennsylvania Avenue, there's two big surveillance cameras there doing facial scanning on everybody, and he said, ‘I will see you at the Capitol’ but he never went there – he went back to Mar-a-Lago. He didn’t go down there with you; he didn’t go there and do a speech at the end there when everybody got to the Capitol building. Wasn’t Trump supposed to be there on a podium or something...at this big freedom rally? He didn’t. You just all got invited into the Capitol building by the police...and suddenly there’s a death and blah, blah, blah the whole thing played out the way it was supposed to play out. And now everyone’s expecting the big comeback from Trump because he’s going to save the world because my God, look what happened to America… We need Trump back...
“And now Trump is fully war-mongering against Iran, and what is he really saying?… This is what we told you about Trump years ago, folks. The guy’s a setup, he’s an actor, and he’s playing a role…" --Max Igan – In the Eyes of the System We Are All Palestinians
Max Igan: "When you look at that commercial that Trump put out there, this is all war-mongering against Iran, and that’s what they want to do, that’s where they want to push it. And he put out another statement as well, and this is very revealing. Think about it, they put Trump in there with this whole, ‘I’m a patriot’ to get all of the good thinking people who want to save democracy and save the world and save the Republic and save all the things that are good, 'I’ll be the figurehead for those people'.
“Then he gets thrown out on an obviously staged election to divide the community, totally polarize the community, and get everybody there in there rooting for the big comeback of Trump. This is what’s going to make America great again. America is falling apart. Look at all the migrant stuff; look at all the violence on the street; look at all this stuff that’s happening – it’s all because we got rid of Trump. We need Trump back to save us – that’s the whole plan.
“Two weeks before that January 6th march on the Capitol I said on one of my reports I said that all it would take would be some sort of big rally at a Capitol building or something, and for that to turn violent, and all the Republican people are going to get vilified, all the truth movement is going to get vilified, they’re all going to get classed as domestic terrorists. (And) this is what has happened.
“Think about it. Trump got you all to march down Pennsylvania Avenue, there's two big surveillance cameras there doing facial scanning on everybody, and he said, ‘I will see you at the Capitol’ but he never went there – he went back to Mar-a-Lago. He didn’t go down there with you; he didn’t go there and do a speech at the end there when everybody got to the Capitol building. Wasn’t Trump supposed to be there on a podium or something...at this big freedom rally? He didn’t. You just all got invited into the Capitol building by the police...and suddenly there’s a death and blah, blah, blah the whole thing played out the way it was supposed to play out. And now everyone’s expecting the big comeback from Trump because he’s going to save the world because my God, look what happened to America… We need Trump back...
“And now Trump is fully war-mongering against Iran, and what is he really saying?… This is what we told you about Trump years ago, folks. The guy’s a setup, he’s an actor, and he’s playing a role…" --Max Igan – In the Eyes of the System We Are All Palestinians
“Mike Adams: “The Truman Show script writers have decided that the best way to keep people under control and prevent a revolt is to put Trump back in the White House… It’s very clear...that Trump is now being chosen by the Globalists to take the baton away from the Biden regime and the Biden play/ploy has run its course...
“Let’s face it, most people are rather oblivious, they’re simple creatures who don’t think very clearly and don’t know much, they’re just moved by scripts and narratives, and you are living in a Truman Show, you’re watching a movie. This is all theater, and it looks to me like Trump has been selected to take the baton and carry out the next chapter of theater while America is destroyed from within…
“They’re making Trump the victim of incredible persecution, which is real, the destruction of his financial empire in New York... They are dragging Trump through the mud to make him something of a martyr, to get more people to flock to him, so they will think that when Trump wins the election, the people will think, We won! We got Trump back into power, we won! See, that’s the script that’s going to prevent the uprising and the civil war.
“But once Trump is back in office, did we really win? What does Trump stand for? Well...remember how the powers-that-be are pushing disease, debt and death. And by disease, debt and death – the three d’s that drive almost everything that happens in Washington DC – what I mean is Pharma, that’s disease; Wall Street and the Central Banks, that’s debt; and the war machine, or the military-industrial complex, that’s death.
“So, out of those three, Big Pharma, Big Banks, and the Big War Machine, which of those three does Trump oppose? The answer is none of them, he doesn’t oppose any of them. Trump is all in with Big Pharma – he’s a Pfizer guy. Trump launched Operation Warp Speed. Trump is all in for money printing. Trump wanted negative interest rates, by the way… Under Trump the national debt exploded worse than any previous president… And what about war and the Pentagon? Well Trump is all in with the Pentagon. Trump is going to keep the money flowing to the Pentagon, gonna keep the money flowing to Israel; gonna wage war in the Middle East. Trump is everything that the the Globalists want --- keep the vaccines flowing; keep the military going; keep Wall Street going; keep the money printing machine going, the debt machine – all of it. Trump is all in for all of that…
“And now it suddenly makes sense why Trump didn’t fight against a rigged election in 2020. Have you ever wondered that? Why didn’t Trump fight? Remember how he promised ‘something big’ was going to happen on January 6th? Remember that? And he told everybody, ‘Show up, it’s going to be historic!’ And there was all the buzz, and all the alternate electors were getting organized and there was all this conjecture that Mike Pence might question the rigged electors and that we might keep Trump in power as president, because Trump actually DID win that election. There is no doubt the Democrats rigged it for Biden, obviously. But Trump promised everyone ‘Something big is gonna happen’.
“Let’s face it, most people are rather oblivious, they’re simple creatures who don’t think very clearly and don’t know much, they’re just moved by scripts and narratives, and you are living in a Truman Show, you’re watching a movie. This is all theater, and it looks to me like Trump has been selected to take the baton and carry out the next chapter of theater while America is destroyed from within…
“They’re making Trump the victim of incredible persecution, which is real, the destruction of his financial empire in New York... They are dragging Trump through the mud to make him something of a martyr, to get more people to flock to him, so they will think that when Trump wins the election, the people will think, We won! We got Trump back into power, we won! See, that’s the script that’s going to prevent the uprising and the civil war.
“But once Trump is back in office, did we really win? What does Trump stand for? Well...remember how the powers-that-be are pushing disease, debt and death. And by disease, debt and death – the three d’s that drive almost everything that happens in Washington DC – what I mean is Pharma, that’s disease; Wall Street and the Central Banks, that’s debt; and the war machine, or the military-industrial complex, that’s death.
“So, out of those three, Big Pharma, Big Banks, and the Big War Machine, which of those three does Trump oppose? The answer is none of them, he doesn’t oppose any of them. Trump is all in with Big Pharma – he’s a Pfizer guy. Trump launched Operation Warp Speed. Trump is all in for money printing. Trump wanted negative interest rates, by the way… Under Trump the national debt exploded worse than any previous president… And what about war and the Pentagon? Well Trump is all in with the Pentagon. Trump is going to keep the money flowing to the Pentagon, gonna keep the money flowing to Israel; gonna wage war in the Middle East. Trump is everything that the the Globalists want --- keep the vaccines flowing; keep the military going; keep Wall Street going; keep the money printing machine going, the debt machine – all of it. Trump is all in for all of that…
“And now it suddenly makes sense why Trump didn’t fight against a rigged election in 2020. Have you ever wondered that? Why didn’t Trump fight? Remember how he promised ‘something big’ was going to happen on January 6th? Remember that? And he told everybody, ‘Show up, it’s going to be historic!’ And there was all the buzz, and all the alternate electors were getting organized and there was all this conjecture that Mike Pence might question the rigged electors and that we might keep Trump in power as president, because Trump actually DID win that election. There is no doubt the Democrats rigged it for Biden, obviously. But Trump promised everyone ‘Something big is gonna happen’.
“And remember how Trump’s Secret Service tried to set up Alex Jones and Roger Stone? They did. Alex and Roger have said this many, many times… The video coming out proves there was no insurrection, there was theater. But Trump called people to the theater. And then Trump DID NOTHING to question the rigged election. He didn’t invoke the National Guard for a recount. He didn’t invoke the Insurrection Act. He laid back and DID NOTHING which shocked us all. I remember feeling that very distinctly, very profoundly: What is Trump doing? Why is he paralyzed?...
“And you can bet that Trump will do NOTHING about censorship, nothing. He didn’t do it in his first term, (and) he won’t do it in his second term… And he’s not gonna do anything about Big Pharma or the NIH or the CDC or the FDA. No, no, no. In fact, he gave Fauci an award, and he’s all in with Pfizer to this day. He still won’t apologize for Operation Warp Speed or the vaccines that have killed how many people around the world now, at least 17, 18 million, maybe more than 20 million people around the world dead and millions maimed and injured in the United States, disabled, because of the vaccine that damages the US economy, that hurts our people and hurts our nation. That was a Trump program...(and) he’s probably going to do it again…
“What if Trump was just playing a role, handing off the baton to the Biden administration, knowing that four years later it would all come back to Trump again, and Trump would be put back into power again, as part of the ongoing theater? Trump didn’t fight on January 6th, but he did bring a lot of people there which helped contribute to the masses that were needed by the Democrats and the Capitol Police...to carry out the so-called ‘insurrection’.
“So now what it looks like to me folks, is that Trump is going to be installed as the ‘Strong Man’ in contrast to Biden who is the ‘Weak Man’, the frail man… Trump’s going to be brought in as the Strong Man to make America strong again, not just great again but strong again. (And) he’s going to be pro-military: ‘Let’s go to war! Let’s bomb the Palestinians! Let’s bomb Iran! Let’s bomb them all!..." --Mike Adams – Trump Will Transform America Into A Police State in 2025
“And you can bet that Trump will do NOTHING about censorship, nothing. He didn’t do it in his first term, (and) he won’t do it in his second term… And he’s not gonna do anything about Big Pharma or the NIH or the CDC or the FDA. No, no, no. In fact, he gave Fauci an award, and he’s all in with Pfizer to this day. He still won’t apologize for Operation Warp Speed or the vaccines that have killed how many people around the world now, at least 17, 18 million, maybe more than 20 million people around the world dead and millions maimed and injured in the United States, disabled, because of the vaccine that damages the US economy, that hurts our people and hurts our nation. That was a Trump program...(and) he’s probably going to do it again…
“What if Trump was just playing a role, handing off the baton to the Biden administration, knowing that four years later it would all come back to Trump again, and Trump would be put back into power again, as part of the ongoing theater? Trump didn’t fight on January 6th, but he did bring a lot of people there which helped contribute to the masses that were needed by the Democrats and the Capitol Police...to carry out the so-called ‘insurrection’.
“So now what it looks like to me folks, is that Trump is going to be installed as the ‘Strong Man’ in contrast to Biden who is the ‘Weak Man’, the frail man… Trump’s going to be brought in as the Strong Man to make America strong again, not just great again but strong again. (And) he’s going to be pro-military: ‘Let’s go to war! Let’s bomb the Palestinians! Let’s bomb Iran! Let’s bomb them all!..." --Mike Adams – Trump Will Transform America Into A Police State in 2025
Divide & Conquer: An Age-Old Strategy
"These powers behind the scenes view us, the American people, as sheep, cattle, to be herded,
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told..."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
“If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State.
It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold once
again to the higher powers that be...” --Hamas Attack Was An Inside Job
managed, and they're farming us. So behind the scenes for a very long time within the political
realm we've been treated in a certain way as a people, as a nation, as a world. And we have to
break their programming. Even when we look at what's gone on with COVID, the whole COVID
crisis, ultimately the intent here is to prepare us further to be managed as a people to accept
their management of us as sheep, as cattle."--Juan O'Savin : Great Reset Going To be Reset
"The herd, the mob, the unwashed masses are considered farm animals and are seldom,
if ever, allowed to know the truth by their keepers. They believe, they graze
and they bleat; they live and die by what they are told..."
--Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet
“If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State.
It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold once
again to the higher powers that be...” --Hamas Attack Was An Inside Job
William Bramley: “Early humans were reported to be a constant headache to their Custodial masters (the Controllers). The slave creatures not only disobeyed their rulers, they often banded together and rebelled. This made human unity undesirable to Earth’s Custodial rulers—it was better that humans be disunited. One of the ways in which the problem of human unity was solved is described in the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel…
“Humans were treated as livestock and were frequently butchered when they became too numerous or troublesome. To preserve Homo Sapiens as a slave race and to prevent future rebellions, spiritual knowledge was repressed, human beings were scattered geographically into different linguistic groups, and conditions were created to make physical survival on Earth an all-consuming chore from birth until death…
"The Custodians (Controllers) clearly did not want mankind to begin traveling the road to spiritual recovery. The reason is obvious. The Custodial society wanted slaves. It is difficult to make thralls who maintain their integrity and sense of ethics. It becomes impossible when those same individuals are uncowed by physical threats due to a reawakened grasp of their spiritual immortality. Most importantly, if spiritual beings could no longer be trapped in human bodies, but could instead use and abandon bodies at will, there would be no spiritual beings available to animate slave bodies. As we recall, Sumerian tablets revealed a Custodial intention to permanently attach spiritual beings to human bodies. Early man’s attempt to escape this spiritual bondage by ‘eating’ from the Biblical ‘trees’ therefore had to be stopped...and fast!…
“Custodial rulers intended to make humans live their entire lives and die without ever rising above the level of arduous material existence. They would leave humans little time to seek out the understanding they needed to become spiritually free…
“It may be difficult to accept Mesopotamian and Biblical statements that ancient human society had been split apart thousands of years ago in a ‘divide and conquer’ effort by flying extraterrestrials, even though the ‘divide and conquer’ technique is frequently used by military and political leaders on Earth during wartime…. The simple existence of violent conflict between groups of people can, in itself, be valuable to someone regardless of the issues over which people are fighting…
“This was an effective way to maintain political control over the people because the endless squabbling prevented the vanquished people from engaging in unified action against the conqueror. It did not greatly matter over what issues the people bickered so long as they valiantly struggled against one another and not against the conquering Prince...” --William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
“Humans were treated as livestock and were frequently butchered when they became too numerous or troublesome. To preserve Homo Sapiens as a slave race and to prevent future rebellions, spiritual knowledge was repressed, human beings were scattered geographically into different linguistic groups, and conditions were created to make physical survival on Earth an all-consuming chore from birth until death…
"The Custodians (Controllers) clearly did not want mankind to begin traveling the road to spiritual recovery. The reason is obvious. The Custodial society wanted slaves. It is difficult to make thralls who maintain their integrity and sense of ethics. It becomes impossible when those same individuals are uncowed by physical threats due to a reawakened grasp of their spiritual immortality. Most importantly, if spiritual beings could no longer be trapped in human bodies, but could instead use and abandon bodies at will, there would be no spiritual beings available to animate slave bodies. As we recall, Sumerian tablets revealed a Custodial intention to permanently attach spiritual beings to human bodies. Early man’s attempt to escape this spiritual bondage by ‘eating’ from the Biblical ‘trees’ therefore had to be stopped...and fast!…
“Custodial rulers intended to make humans live their entire lives and die without ever rising above the level of arduous material existence. They would leave humans little time to seek out the understanding they needed to become spiritually free…
“It may be difficult to accept Mesopotamian and Biblical statements that ancient human society had been split apart thousands of years ago in a ‘divide and conquer’ effort by flying extraterrestrials, even though the ‘divide and conquer’ technique is frequently used by military and political leaders on Earth during wartime…. The simple existence of violent conflict between groups of people can, in itself, be valuable to someone regardless of the issues over which people are fighting…
“This was an effective way to maintain political control over the people because the endless squabbling prevented the vanquished people from engaging in unified action against the conqueror. It did not greatly matter over what issues the people bickered so long as they valiantly struggled against one another and not against the conquering Prince...” --William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
Regarding the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, "what they want you to do, in any situation like this, is to take sides. And if I’m going to take the side of anyone, I take the side of the civilians, the civilians in Israel who have been subject to these horrors that continue, and the civilians in Gaza who are now suffering the horrors of the Israeli response. But in terms of sides, one fighting the other, to take either side is to lose the plot..." --David Icke - what's REALLY happening in Israel
“Ever since 2020, ever since the beginning of (the launch of the fake COVID pandemic)...all of a sudden everybody had to take a side. And if you take the side that you are supposed to take according to the Controllers, you’re good. If you take the other side, you’re bad. And that’s when the fighting started, right? It wasn’t too terrible at first, but every time they came up with yet another reason we were supposed to take a side, it got more intense…the fighting just gets more intense, more reasons to fight, more reasons to be divided…
“No one is allowed to have their own individual opinion or thought about anything. We’re all being divided like cattle into different camps that are fighting...(and) all of the things we’re supposed to be on the side of are coming through the media from the Controllers, right? And if you’re not for that, you’re in the other camp. And there’s only ever two camps, have you ever noticed that? There’s only ever two… There should actually be a whole bunch of different camps because we are a whole bunch of different people, each with our own individual thought process, and we’re meant to discuss things with each other and learn from each other. But there’s no discussion when you are divided into camps, when you’re divided into primitive tribes...
“And now we have what I hope would be the grand finale, but I’m sure (that) it won’t be, which is the new war in the Middle East. And now we have become collectively so well-trained like dogs to pick a side and start fighting… We fight like freaking dogs. We’re not even acting like human beings anymore...
“We have been slammed with this level of division, required division about crazy stuff for quite a while. We’re not allowed to be human anymore, we’re not allowed to care in a human way anymore. We are told what side to be on and which side is good or bad. And both sides think the other side is bad, ans they think that their side is good…
“There’s only ever two sides. What does two stand for? Duality: We are being slammed into Duality; we are being pressed into it like a pressure cooker. That’s the underbelly of all of this nonsense…
“We need to be very, very conscious and careful about this level of division and non-thought, no thinking, no talking, no anything... And I also want to say that this is a very clever little trick that these Controllers are using… They’re herding us like cattle into buying into what they want us to buy into emotionally… And those who do not practice thinking for themselves are going to be extremely vulnerable to being effortlessly manipulated by AI posing as humans… It’s all designed to manipulate you emotionally…
“The stuff that has gone on on this planet – there’s a lot going on here that we don’t even see that’s pretty darn horrific. We only see what the media let’s us see. We don’t see the rest of it, and there’s a lot going on that is really, really bad, all over the Earth…" --Saratoga Ocean – The Hidden Trap
“Ever since 2020, ever since the beginning of (the launch of the fake COVID pandemic)...all of a sudden everybody had to take a side. And if you take the side that you are supposed to take according to the Controllers, you’re good. If you take the other side, you’re bad. And that’s when the fighting started, right? It wasn’t too terrible at first, but every time they came up with yet another reason we were supposed to take a side, it got more intense…the fighting just gets more intense, more reasons to fight, more reasons to be divided…
“No one is allowed to have their own individual opinion or thought about anything. We’re all being divided like cattle into different camps that are fighting...(and) all of the things we’re supposed to be on the side of are coming through the media from the Controllers, right? And if you’re not for that, you’re in the other camp. And there’s only ever two camps, have you ever noticed that? There’s only ever two… There should actually be a whole bunch of different camps because we are a whole bunch of different people, each with our own individual thought process, and we’re meant to discuss things with each other and learn from each other. But there’s no discussion when you are divided into camps, when you’re divided into primitive tribes...
“And now we have what I hope would be the grand finale, but I’m sure (that) it won’t be, which is the new war in the Middle East. And now we have become collectively so well-trained like dogs to pick a side and start fighting… We fight like freaking dogs. We’re not even acting like human beings anymore...
“We have been slammed with this level of division, required division about crazy stuff for quite a while. We’re not allowed to be human anymore, we’re not allowed to care in a human way anymore. We are told what side to be on and which side is good or bad. And both sides think the other side is bad, ans they think that their side is good…
“There’s only ever two sides. What does two stand for? Duality: We are being slammed into Duality; we are being pressed into it like a pressure cooker. That’s the underbelly of all of this nonsense…
“We need to be very, very conscious and careful about this level of division and non-thought, no thinking, no talking, no anything... And I also want to say that this is a very clever little trick that these Controllers are using… They’re herding us like cattle into buying into what they want us to buy into emotionally… And those who do not practice thinking for themselves are going to be extremely vulnerable to being effortlessly manipulated by AI posing as humans… It’s all designed to manipulate you emotionally…
“The stuff that has gone on on this planet – there’s a lot going on here that we don’t even see that’s pretty darn horrific. We only see what the media let’s us see. We don’t see the rest of it, and there’s a lot going on that is really, really bad, all over the Earth…" --Saratoga Ocean – The Hidden Trap
And so when you "Stand with Ukraine" or "Stand with Israel" you are being duped emotionally, and all you are really doing is pledging your alligience to the New World Order Globalist parasites who are in the process of genociding ALL of Humanity. All of you still brainwahshed and sleepwalking sheeple need to let that sink into your thick shulls. And if you want to "stand" with anyone, stand with your fellow civilians, with your friends and family, with the common man and woman of EVERY nation, with all of Humanity, and stand against the Tyrannical Globalist Control Agenda that is currently enslaving mankind.
"Anyone calling for the mass death of any civilian is a psychopath, whether they're Bibi Netanyahu or...whatever. The positions elucidated above cannot be defended or justified, just like the position (and ongoing actions, let's not forget!) of the IDF and Israeli government cannot be defended or justified.
"The infantile and intellectually bankrupt idea that one must either support the mass death of Palestinians or the mass death of Israelis will never be substantive, no matter how many times journalists or commenters shriek about it. It is equally nonsensical as the idea that criticizing a nation state is somehow antisemitic.
"We are living through a time of moral insanity driven by supremacist ideology and the sociopathy of capitalism denuding life of its sacred value. Surely you can feel the energy of the world moving toward global conflict? Mass psychosis of the sort that besets us today coupled with a spiritual immaturity and material obsession are leading us to the end of something..." --tell_them_theyre_idiots
And understand that "there are massive worldwide psyops that are being run – psychological operations to manipulate mankind... Organizations like the CIA, MJ6, Mossad -- all of these intelligence agencies work together for one purpose: to psyop humanity, to manipulate mankind, to mess with our brains (minds), to lie to us, to constantly show (us) a puppet theater before our eyes...
“So it’s all a psyop, it’s all psychological trickery, it’s all playing with your mind (and emotions), and only when you understand that will you be able to discern what is (really) going on...” --You Are Being PLAYED!.
"Anyone calling for the mass death of any civilian is a psychopath, whether they're Bibi Netanyahu or...whatever. The positions elucidated above cannot be defended or justified, just like the position (and ongoing actions, let's not forget!) of the IDF and Israeli government cannot be defended or justified.
"The infantile and intellectually bankrupt idea that one must either support the mass death of Palestinians or the mass death of Israelis will never be substantive, no matter how many times journalists or commenters shriek about it. It is equally nonsensical as the idea that criticizing a nation state is somehow antisemitic.
"We are living through a time of moral insanity driven by supremacist ideology and the sociopathy of capitalism denuding life of its sacred value. Surely you can feel the energy of the world moving toward global conflict? Mass psychosis of the sort that besets us today coupled with a spiritual immaturity and material obsession are leading us to the end of something..." --tell_them_theyre_idiots
And understand that "there are massive worldwide psyops that are being run – psychological operations to manipulate mankind... Organizations like the CIA, MJ6, Mossad -- all of these intelligence agencies work together for one purpose: to psyop humanity, to manipulate mankind, to mess with our brains (minds), to lie to us, to constantly show (us) a puppet theater before our eyes...
“So it’s all a psyop, it’s all psychological trickery, it’s all playing with your mind (and emotions), and only when you understand that will you be able to discern what is (really) going on...” --You Are Being PLAYED!.
Addendum: Zionism and the Creation of Israel
Addendum: Israel Is Genociding Gaza
Addendum: The Story of Palestine
Addendum: Fuck Israel!
Addendum: Hamas Attack Was An Inside Job
Addendum: Israel's War On Children
Addendum: In the Eyes of the System We Are ALL Palestinians
Addendum: The Mystery of Israel Revealed
Addendum: Candice Owens vs Ben Shapiro
"Ben Shapiro is a Zionist terrorist supporter and genocidal hate monger..." --Max Igan
Epilogue: What On Earth Is Going On?
“Let’s take a look behind the scenes of the chaos happening in this
world, because something remarkable might be happening..."
--Saratoga Ocean – The Hidden Trap
world, because something remarkable might be happening..."
--Saratoga Ocean – The Hidden Trap
"I would like to throw out a challenge. Some of you have lives so safe, so secure, so insulated, that you have forgotten what it is like to be a part of the human condition. But you are a part of the whole, a part of all that is going on. So I would like you to try something. As you look at this globe and all of the things going on upon it, remind yourself that this is what it means to be a human. You might not be there in the thick of war or famine now, but you very well might be next time around. Any moment things can start to shift and move for you. Let this exercise help you not to fool yourself as to how safe you are. You could, in a moment, lose something or someone you deeply cherish, or all that you have built up could crumble. Change is happening all around you.
"Don't wait for painful events to create the desire for enlightenment. Remember you are a part of Humanity, and anything that could happen to one of you could happen to all of you. Use this possibility to increase your desire to be free from suffering. Don't wait!
"You are a part of the whole. You are not separate from any of the things you hear or read about. Whether you are manifesting them in this moment of this lifetime or not has nothing to do with anything. You are One. If you will look at and understand what this globe is going through, you will begin to feel a kind of nervous anticipation. It is the natural response of anyone who realizes there is only one planet and one human condition. If you begin to be alive to what is really going on in the human drama, you are going to want to become Self-Realized. The pain of mankind is there, so use it to pull you to God. In so doing, you will help the suffering of the world.
"You have been told that it is a privilege to be given the opportunity to take a human birth. Why? Because it presents you with the opportunity to discover your Buddha-Nature or your Christ-Consciousness, and to help to eliminate suffering for yourself and others. So do not isolate yourself from that suffering. Be open and alive to it all. Buddha and Christ can help, but the responsibility is yours. Keep remembering that there is an answer to suffering and that it can be found right here, right now...
"So, again, instead of insulating and isolating, I am asking you to do the very opposite, which is participate in the human fear, in the human condition. Allow yourself to have the humility to know that however your life might look right now, you are a part of that condition. You are no different from any of it. This is one planet, one people, one life, and to the extent you do not know that, you do not know a part of yourself.
"If you really believe you are not capable of extreme negative action under terror, then you do not know yourself. Open. Don't be afraid to open and know who you are, and whatever you see in this world, that is who you could be, who you have been, and who you may be again. Isolation breeds a sense of superiority, and superiority ends in stupor, in dreaming. Don't sleep.
"Find out what is here, and in the seeing, you will realize the only way out of this dilemma is to know what is really happening behind all the pain, the war, the suffering and the starvation. Behind it all, something is happening. Find out what!
"We end as we began. You are all participating in a dream, a dream full of pain, separation, and death. Remember: Adam fell into a deep sleep, and nowhere does it say he woke up. But awakening from that dream is Humankind's destiny. And these words are presented to assist you in that awakening..." --Reflections of An Elder Brother: Awakening From the Dream
"Don't wait for painful events to create the desire for enlightenment. Remember you are a part of Humanity, and anything that could happen to one of you could happen to all of you. Use this possibility to increase your desire to be free from suffering. Don't wait!
"You are a part of the whole. You are not separate from any of the things you hear or read about. Whether you are manifesting them in this moment of this lifetime or not has nothing to do with anything. You are One. If you will look at and understand what this globe is going through, you will begin to feel a kind of nervous anticipation. It is the natural response of anyone who realizes there is only one planet and one human condition. If you begin to be alive to what is really going on in the human drama, you are going to want to become Self-Realized. The pain of mankind is there, so use it to pull you to God. In so doing, you will help the suffering of the world.
"You have been told that it is a privilege to be given the opportunity to take a human birth. Why? Because it presents you with the opportunity to discover your Buddha-Nature or your Christ-Consciousness, and to help to eliminate suffering for yourself and others. So do not isolate yourself from that suffering. Be open and alive to it all. Buddha and Christ can help, but the responsibility is yours. Keep remembering that there is an answer to suffering and that it can be found right here, right now...
"So, again, instead of insulating and isolating, I am asking you to do the very opposite, which is participate in the human fear, in the human condition. Allow yourself to have the humility to know that however your life might look right now, you are a part of that condition. You are no different from any of it. This is one planet, one people, one life, and to the extent you do not know that, you do not know a part of yourself.
"If you really believe you are not capable of extreme negative action under terror, then you do not know yourself. Open. Don't be afraid to open and know who you are, and whatever you see in this world, that is who you could be, who you have been, and who you may be again. Isolation breeds a sense of superiority, and superiority ends in stupor, in dreaming. Don't sleep.
"Find out what is here, and in the seeing, you will realize the only way out of this dilemma is to know what is really happening behind all the pain, the war, the suffering and the starvation. Behind it all, something is happening. Find out what!
"We end as we began. You are all participating in a dream, a dream full of pain, separation, and death. Remember: Adam fell into a deep sleep, and nowhere does it say he woke up. But awakening from that dream is Humankind's destiny. And these words are presented to assist you in that awakening..." --Reflections of An Elder Brother: Awakening From the Dream