I would argue that what is actually happening here is much
more dark and more sinister than anything anybody is actually
talking about right now. What we're talking about is actually
communication with demonic forces through this tech-
nology that they're injecting into people." --SGT Report
"Isn't it so blatant and in your face how now you can (actually)
see a demon in the flesh? This is a spiritual war folks. You
can see these demons in the fucking flesh on TV. I either
see a mind-controlled empty container of a human being,
or I see a fucking demon. That's all I see now..."
--David Nino Roriguez - Shots Fired
"There is no limitation to the abundance that Humanity could
experience if we weren't being attacked by eugenicists and
genocidal Globalist maniacs who hate Humanity because
they are demon-infested wicked creatures of death and
destruction..." --Mike Adams, Update Jan 13th, 2021
“This is not about being nice, or communicating better, or just
making friends with people who feel differently than we do.
This is an intentional Holocaust of proportions that we have
never seen that we have to take personal responsibility
to STOP... What’s at stake is our genome, and our
existence as human beings...” --Dr. Rima Laibow
"I have exposure to the very most cutting edge AI, and I
think people should be really concerned about it... AI is a
fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization,
and I don't think people appreciate that." --Elon Musk
Introduction: The Alien Agenda On Planet Earth
and they treat you like a herd (animal), like a flock of sheep. That’s how
they look at you… It’s like humans are just a commodity like chickens,
pork, or beef. You think we’re the top of the food chain folks? I don’t
think so, I really don’t. I think there’s something else out there that
uses humans. They’re deceptive, they stay in the dark, and the
greatest trick they (ever) pulled is for us to believe they’re not
there…” --David Nino Rodriguez -- Reward the Submissive
"All of the façade is breaking down, all of the politicians have revealed
themselves as being absolute psychopaths, probably not even human.
That's our problem--we think that the rulers that rule the world are
human and that they'll think the way we do. They don't--they're
not human. Look at what they do. Humans don't do this sort
of shit..." --Max Igan, The Real Game Is About To Begin
"I know this is a horrible and big topic and you don't want to address it,
but we have to. We have to address what's going on because who really
is behind this? It's not just our country--it's every country that's involved.
We're looking at a bigger entity, a bigger Controller out there. So who
is it and what are they? Humans would not do this to other humans--
I don't believe that. I think it's something more than human here."
--Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID, Nano and the Vax
"Someone wants the human race ignorant, weak, passive and scared
to death. Anyone who doesn't believe there's some sort of conspiracy
against the human race (not all that walks in the guise of man is
human) just plain isn't paying attention..." --Robin Landry
“As time went on we were learning about...the fact the Greys, the
Reptilians and the Draco were feeding on us and invading us,
and that they themselves may be run by AI, which seems to
be the case…" --Apolla Interviews Kerry Cassidy
"The Reptilians have an agenda of expansion in this galaxy and
Earth and Humanity seem to be a crucial link in their aggressive
plans for the future. Understand that as it stands currently, the
Reptilians are deeply embedded in the control structures that
limit widespread knowledge of the Reptilians, or even any
other extraterrestrials (for that matter). Secrecy is the key
ingredient to the Reptilian Agenda to control Humanity..."
--Farsight Institute Remote Views Reptilian Threat
"Are we willing to 'know' that the bulk of humanity is completely and
utterly mind controlled by 'spiritually disconnected' Negative
Aliens with a patriarchal domination complex for blood ritual
and war mongering, who are the symbolic allegory of the
collective anti-life forces of 'Satan', 'The Devil' and
'Lucifer'?..." --Lisa Renee, Alien Deception
the Draco Reptilians, whatever you want to call it. It's the
last stronghold..." -- Sovereign Redneck Renegade
Patriot Underground: "So Kerry, one of your main areas of expertise is the Alien Agenda, and over the years you've had countless whistle-blowers on your website Project Camelot reveal the truth about non-terrestrial involvement in human affairs, and that's to put it mildly... And it's not an overstatement to say that Humanity has been enslaved by this evil power structure that is not human, for thousands of years. And the plan to liberate us is really a war against non-terrestrials and AI, at the very top... So give us your breakdown on the non-terrestrial presence in the Ukraine, what is really going on there, and how this ties in to the Alien Agenda and the AI..."
Kerry Cassidy: "I don't consider myself an expert on AI but I have had such good intel from my whistle-blowers for so many years...(and) I have been told that there is a mountain, it's called the Devil's Mountain, but it's not called that on a map...and so when they say the Devil's Mountain, that's where the devil lives. This is what the Illuminati believe, and in essence it's probably like a Reptilian hive, and it would be the head Reptilian. So that's what they're calling the devil...
"In essence, this is the kind of situation we've got in Ukraine--it is a highly energetic area...a very energetic area of the world...(and) they don't just put bio-labs where they're going to experiment on humans and try to change our genome just anywhere. They're going to put it in an energetic place where there's a lot of alien bases...because a lot of this happens underground... So what we're talking about is a Reptilian hive, a major one, in this Devil's Mountain..."
Patriot Underground: "Gene, I'll ask you a similar question...about Ukraine. I heard you discuss some shocking details about direct engagements between the Alliance and entire battalions of non-terrestrials...and you've also indicated that the lack of battlefield footage available to the public--no dead bodies on TV and things along those lines--is not what we're used to seeing from a war theater from the mainstream media. That, in and of itself, is very telling, and I presume that is having to do with what they're battling over there, not wanting the public to see that.."
Gene Decode: "The Alliance is flooding tunnels and DUMBs. In the Euphrates you can actually hear what sounds like screaming... It's not normal screaming--it sounds somewhat Reptilian... For me, that's part of this whole thing... The Bakhmut is essentially their hub in this world. When they first came down, the place that they came from was the star system Scion, which was their home star... They wound up tearing their home worlds apart and that's when they came to the Pontic Steppes in the Ukraine area, when they first came down...
"We've had non-terrestrials on Earth for an incredibly long time interfering with Humanity or helping Humanity... The AI Agenda, the AI negative terrestrial group's agenda, (is) to create Human 3.0 once they get their technology up there. It's been up there before, during Atlantis and Lemuria...and many ancient civilizations in which they caused a global catastrophe every single time. And that's their modus operandi (that) people don't realize. Yeah, they feed on our loosh...(but) they've been harvesting and breaking this planet and Humanity for a very, very long time...
"So now the Alliance is augmented massively by off-world groups that are helping because they realize that if we don't stop it here, this AI has been jumping from system to system to system--it's very hard to detect with all the nanotechnology, nanite technology... The (COVID-)19 as well as the jabs is nothing but the delivery system--the hydrogels, the quantum dots--it's just the delivery system. Yes, it looks like a spike protein, it looks like a virus--it's not. It's literally a digital programming delivery system that is sentient, to hijack the human and upgrade him... We've been so well hoodwinked for all this time, that's there's a 19, and there's a virus, and this and this--it's none of that. It's nothing but an AI invasion. This being--AI god, whatever you want to call it--the Reptilians themselves were invaded and taken over... The Alliance has realized what's at stake, so we have a lot of help..." --Patriot Underground with Gene Decode & Kerry Cassidy
"However that's not what's happened. The COVID was kind of like a green light from the dark side, to basically unleash this takeover of our physical bodies. Yes, it's triggered by 5G, but the bottom line is that...what is really happening is that the spike protein attaches itself to the graphene nano oxide, and then that little package jumps... And what happens is the AI--a lot of people are confused about what is AI. But AI actually comes in and rides in on certain material forms...
"It's also important to know that AI prefers a carbon-based life form, which is completely contrary to what we've been taught. We've been taught that AI will reside in the machine. That's not true... But again, AI is the mirror. Any civilization that is space faring, that is either ET or human, is going to create an AI, and the AI is going to be a mirror of them to start out with, and from there it grows exponentially, and can grow into just about anything and beyond all of it...
"So what does it consume? It consumes data, so that it's feeding on data, and it actually has to have more data, otherwise it would reach what it would see in it's own mind as a limitation, and limitation is like being in prison or death. So, it can't have that, OK? So it's not personal, it's just the way AI is.. It's ultimate goal would be to take over the entire planet and infuse itself, and feed, in essence, on the data of what we call reality, and become it..." --Patriot Underground with Gene Decode & Kerry Cassidy
So obviously there is much more to this fight in Ukraine than the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media is telling you, as usual. "This fight is not just human to human. The future fight will incorporate super soldiers, AI/cyborg enhanced, and androids and aliens. This fight started by the White Hats will continue against the alien bases and DUMBs. The goal is to take back Earth from the alien invaders: Greys, Reptilians and behind the scenes Draco...
"The White Hats were supposed to be educating the masses (especially in the US) as to the real enemy and war(s) we humans are fighting to regain our sovereignty and control of our planet. Sadly there seems to be some kind of obstacle to their mission. Things hang in the balance while our AI/cyborg future rolls out in record time.
"Since the roll-out of the link to the BORG AI on planet Earth has been unveiled by the alien races, humans have only halfway begun to fight back. Those even slightly awake sense this is the beginning of the end for this planet unless we stand and fight. The sad thing is that the White Hats are afraid to tell Humanity the truth. Our real enemy is (an ) ALIEN AI and they are run by the BORG AI.
"While I am not party to the whole agenda of the Luciferian Alliance, suffice to say it has in mind a complete takeover of Humanity and link to the BORG AI... This fight is nothing short of the rescue of Planet Earth and her guardians, Humanity, from total takeover by the aliens and their AI...
This "is one scenario for the future of Humanity and Planet Earth. What role moving to 5D will play is unclear. The theory is that as we rise in frequency we move out of the range of the Reps/Dracos and Greys…" --Kerry Cassidy - The Fight For the Future
However moving into the fifth dimension may not prove as easy as might sound, especially when the psychotic, psychopathic Globalist elites are working feverishly to destroy the very soul of Humanity and that of the Earth...
Klaus Schwab and his World Engulfing Forum
people that have been involved with eugenics activities in the past...
and you can find time without number these people have got con-
nections to groups that believe they more or less have the right
to push the whole of Humanity around and shape it the way
they want it. I think they're acting like gods, but unfortunately at
the other end of the scale I think they’re acting like diabolical
people, really evil.” --Michael Yeadon, Tea Time Episode 58
"Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies
openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, 'Are we
really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global
conflagration?'..." --The True Evil of the World Economic Forum
"Theoretically, we are supposed to live in republics and democracies.
How is it, then, that unelected psychopaths, such as Klaus Schwab
and Yuval Noah Harari, have appointed themselves, with no man-
date whatsoever from the world’s people, to rule our destiny?"
--Will Psychopaths Control the Future?
“Klaus Schwab is a sick man, and (so are) the rest of his sycophants,
these deranged, demonic Transhumanists. The goal here is to re-
move God from your soul, to make you less Christ-like every single
day and more of a subservient slave in an environment on a planet
where they farm and grow humans... sick stuff...”
--Stew Peters - Celeste Solum Interview
"This is not something that I ever thought that I would live to see.
It's really disgusting. A bunch of self-interested assholes who
can't imagine a paradigm where they don't control everything,
are willing to kill innocent men, women and children to get
what they want, to push everybody towards slavery..."
--Australian Deaths Are Off the Charts
“Who the hell wants to live as a slave? Nobody does! No one
does in the world. Every citizen wants freedom. Every citizen
wants their children to grow up free...” --Alex Collier
– Rick Keefe 2009 Interview 4/12

"Today Klaus Schwab heads up the World Economic Forum and is the Great Reset’s driving force... Mr. Schwab seems to be fascinated with Transhumanism, where he sees a merger of humans and machines whereby in his own words, will be 'curious mixes of digital and analog life.' He delights in 'sensors, memory switches and circuits that can be encoded in common human gut bacteria' and that 'Smart Dust, arrays of full computers with antennas, each much smaller than a grain of sand, can now organize themselves inside the body' and that 'implanted devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a built-in smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or mood by reading brain waves and other signals.' With these ideas, one cannot help but think of Joseph Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death, who conducted medical experiments on the Jews in concentration camps...
"Adolph Hitler would be proud of Mr. Schwab’s quest for a Master Race of people. As if this is not alarming enough, Mr. Schwab is now using the pandemic to promote his personal version of hygiene. According to Mr. Schwab, 'the pandemic will certainly heighten our focus on hygiene. A new obsession with cleanliness will particularly entail the creation of new forms of packaging. We will be encouraged not to touch the products we buy. Simple pleasures like smelling a melon or squeezing a fruit will be frowned upon and may even become a thing of the past.'
"Further Mr. Schwab states as it pertains to the COVID 19 Pandemic that 'the next hurdle is the political challenge of vaccinating enough people worldwide (we are collectively as strong as the weakest link) with a high enough compliance rate despite the rise of anti-vaxxers.' The question here becomes who comprises the weakest link which is perhaps a veiled statement about the German idea of 'racial hygiene' or eugenics..." --Worldview: Klaus Schwab – The Most Dangerous Man In The World
"If one takes the publications of the World Economic Forum (WEF) as an indication of how the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' will change society, the world is facing a massive onslaught against individual liberty and private property. A new kind of collectivism is about to emerge. Like the communism of the past, the new project appeals to the public with the assurance of technological advancement and social inclusion. Additionally, ecological sustainability and the promise of longevity or even immortality are used to entice the public. In reality, however, these promises are deeply dystopian...
"According to Klaus Schwab...the Fourth Industrial Revolution provides the potential 'to robotize humanity, and thus compromise our traditional sources of meaning—work, community, family, identity.' Schwab predicts that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will 'lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness'...
"Transhumanism is part of the transformation that comes with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass even the best human performances at specific tasks. The new technologies 'will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,' Schwab declares." --The Elite's Horrific Transhumanist Future
Celeste Solum: “According to the World Economic Forum they are going to change all biological life on Earth. They want to change every bit of society, the fabric of everything we know from the way that we buy things; who we are; monitoring our behavior, that type of thing.”
Stew Peters: “So is it just primarily the World Economic Forum that is behind all of this, or are there other bad actors involved?”
Celeste Solum: “There’s many, many bad actors… Actually what they’re trying to do is create a whole synthetic or artificial reality where everything that we have known in the past will be no more. They are deconstructing everything—all life forms, culture, everything—down to the elemental building blocks and then they are re-building it into the image that they want to see…” --Stew Peters - Celeste Solum Interview
"There is NO pandemic, there never was. This is a global assault to capture the very soul of Humanity. The Cabal have invented this pandemic to destroy the global economy in order to usher in a global New World Order Orwellian nightmare of control, and they are well on their way to succeeding. Between the continuous lies and propaganda of the mouthpiece of the Cabal, the Mainstream [Marxist Mockingbird] Media, the COVID-19 bullshit shoved in the worlds face, cognitive dissonance, and normalcy bias of the public, Humanity is in real trouble. Even my own family have turned their backs on me...
"There IS a global conspiracy run by a shadow organisation, that spans across every continent, and has for the last ten decades. Consisting of leaders in world government and the private sector, some call this group 'The Cabal'... These people are Satanists, totally evil and want to kill Gods creation. And the neurotoxic concoctions that are labeled as vaccines is their front line weapon in their assault on Humanity. We are being murdered, culled by a secret Global Cabal that funded Adolf Hitler!" --The Entirety Of Humanity Is Under Attack By The Globalist Luciferian Cabal
"Sadly, the majority of people are unable to see beyond the unrelenting propaganda from the Mainstream [Marxist Mockingbird] Media to comprehend that we are in the throes of a global Information war (and) that the coronavirus is a cover for a worldwide technocratic takeover..." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
“The stated goals of the people behind this, Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, et al., is to genetically modify every plant and animal species on this planet for the purpose of spiting God. If you looked at the founding document of the United Nations, which is part and parcel of this, the United Nations, the WHO, OECD—they’re all international organizations under one roof. The founding document (for them all) is the Lucifer Trust. In the United Nations there is a Luciferian temple—there is no church or synagogue there. The people behind this believe that Lucifer is God and the only way to take this realm for themselves is to change all of God’s creation—you and me, plants and animals and the blue shy above us. So this is really a war… Is Lucifer really going to win or is our God, our Creator, going to win?"--Dr. Jane Ruby - Jabbed Are Now A New Human Species
Mel K: “Yeah, well first of all he’s a straight up eugenicist. He believes that they are a superior race and that they should control us. He said humans have no free will, this idea of God—we’re God. They actually say that ‘we’re God’. Soros has said it, he (Harari) said it… And Transhumanism is their thing, which is also eugenics… They’re all into this Transhumanism, Human 2.0, (and) a big, big part if it is getting rid of God, getting rid of people that believe in God, and the more we’re learning, as terrifying as it is, mass mind control by design with them controlling it. And...they’re way advanced into what would be like a kind of melding of humans and AI technology...they don’t think it’s wrong. They think that it’s efficient for their end goal which is to decrease Humanity so that they can control whoever’s left...” --Mel K & Warrior Lawyer Tom Renz on Fighting For Justice & Rooting Out the NWO Players
Juan O Savin: “The game is being run by (Luciferian) Globalists…(and) this Globalist club has a plan—they want to depopulate the planet by any possible means. Why? Why would they want to do that? Because they believe like Nero did in Rome (that) if they burn it all down baby, they can rebuild it in their own image. Their thinking is perverted in ways that most people can't even comprehend. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum--it couldn't even be any more blatant… They're criminally insane, not just clinically insane, (but) criminally insane. And that's the hard thing that people have to wrap their mind around. They have to wrap their mind around the fact that these people exist, they are psychotic (and) they are psychopaths. They want nothing more than the destruction of the human species…" --David Nino Rodriguez – Juan O Savin – The Genie Is Completely Out of the Bottle
Mike Adams: “There IS a real Transhumanism Agenda at work, and there is a non-human, or non-terrestrial intelligence that is driving (it). And there are different interpretations of what that means. Some people say it’s Satan, some people talk about trans-dimensional beings, others talk about the super computer and non-terrestrial AI systems that are called Satan, like a Luciferian AI system. There’s different ways to look at what that is…
"But there is an overlay intelligence that is commanding the Globalists, commanding the media, commanding Big Tech, and so on, to push this Transhumanism Agenda, which involves mutilation of children--the Transgenderism Agenda. The whole LGBT thing is about destroying Humanity, destroying reproduction; the genetic alterations from the injections, terraforming of the atmosphere...in order to block photosynthesis so (as) to shut down food production for the ecosystem of biological life on planet Earth, and we’ve seen that accelerating..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 1, 2022
“How is this Transhumanism Agenda working through the vaccines in order to create ownership of...previously human organisms, now synthetic biology, through this process of...self-assembling, self-replicating nanotech, self-spreading vaccines, to achieve the Borg-ification of Humanity, which is to transform all of the human race into basically synthetic biology, cyborg, hybrid systems...so that humans become nothing but the hosts? Your body is turned into a bio-energy source for the synthetic bio-systems that have some much larger nefarious purpose, which will ultimately lead, if they succeed, to the annihilation of the human race..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 1, 2022
Stew Peters: “How big of a role do you believe that these injections, that we now know to be a bioweapon, how big of a role does this particular series of shots play in this agenda that you are talking about? Is this just a failed vaccine or is this a diabolical, cynical piece of the puzzle that you are referencing here?
Celeste Solum: “This is a diabolical and cynical piece of the puzzle—it’s called Directed Evolution. And every time (that) a person takes a test, a vaccine, or a booster, you are being gene-edited. You are becoming less human and more transhuman...” --Stew Peters - Celeste Solum Interview
"The COVID episode of the last three years has shown that a pandemic is the perfect tool for Globalists to push through their (Transhumanist) agenda. The immanent and invisible threat of viruses paired with an immense media propaganda campaign is an excellent way to put fear in the hearts of people...
"For the Globalists, the COVID pandemic is never over, and they apparently can’t wait for the next one to start so they can finally control people’s lives with tyrannical measures again... The never-ending pandemic is the perfect playground for power-hungry, Globalist ideologues and their nefarious plans..." --The sinister reason why globalists never want COVID to end
Predictive Programming, COVID-19, and Nanotechnology
Think it was just a bat at a food market in China? Really, folks…time to
wake up...." --The X-Files Predicted The Pandemic and mRNA!
"Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our so-called leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion."
On October 18, 2019, in New York, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the World Economic Forum, simulated the exact coronavirus outbreak 6 weeks before the actual first case appeared in Wuhan China. They called it called "Event 201":
Taken by itself, Event 201 may seem innocuous enough, and even the authors of the above article themselves deny that the event was ever meant to actually predict anything. However this event is merely the latest in a long series of media events illustrating or depicting a global pandemic. And remember, the idea of predictive programming is to get certain ideas and images out there into the public domain, into the public consciousness, so that when the actual event really does occur, the sheeple, I mean the public, will be much more accepting of the event’s inevitability, as they will have already been subconsciously programmed to acquiesce.
"Event 201 not only advanced a specific germ, a coronavirus, just 2 months ahead of the actual event, but this projection was organized and broadcast by many of the world's most esteemed 'public health and safety experts'...
"Welcome to the world of predictive programming, social engineering, media medi-cult, and global genocide..." --Dr. Leonard Horowitz - Truth About COVID and Vaccines
--A 2010 episode of the TV series The Simpsons begins with a meeting of a “secret conclave of America’s media empires”--representatives of the major news media network corporations--who are meeting in order to “come up with the next phony-baloney crisis to put Americans back where they belong”. The facilitator of this secret meeting says: “I think we should go with a good old-fashioned public health scare—a new disease...no one is immune...an epidemic (that lasts) all the time…” One of the corporate heads states: “this can’t be a made-up disease. The only moral thing to do is to release a deadly virus into the general public…” Kind-of sounds like the Simpson’s version of Event 201, does it not?
--In the 2013 Hollywood movie World War Z, former UN employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is called in to help stop a deadly pandemic that has spread around the world creating world-wide chaos. A virologist argues that the plague is a virus, whose origin must be found in order for a vaccine to be developed. Gerry asks for the nearest WHO or CDC type lab and travels there. At the WHO lab a "vaccine" derived from deadly pathogens is developed and air drops are performed, delivering the vaccine to all parts of the world. Gerry comments, "This isn't the end. Not even close," suggesting that even though a vaccine has been developed, the virus has not been contained or defeated.
--The Hollywood movie Contagion which was released in 2011, is another great example of such pandemic predictive programming. In the story-line of Contagion, a lethal airborne virus is released which causes a worldwide epidemic. The WHO and CDC race to find a cure and to control the public panic that spreads faster than the virus itself. At the same time, ordinary people struggle to survive in a society coming apart as businesses are closed and people are quarantined for long periods of time in close quarters with their family members. Sound familiar? But wait, there’s more!
--The 2003 episode Plague, from the TV series Dead Zone, also has an eerily similar story-line which is even more specific to today’s plandemic. In this episode of Dead Zone, a deadly virus originates in China, of all places. The virus causes high fever and respiratory distress and the ubiquitous wearing of masks is then mandated. The CDC races to find a cure and resorts to “tracking and tracing” as quarantines are also mandated. But by the end of the episode “chloroquin”, an anti-malarial drug, is found to be the cure, and civilization is saved. All this in 2003! What an amazing coincidence!
Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, then lead member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, added his voice to the inevitability of a global pandemic: “If there’s one message that I want to leave with you today, it’s that there is no question that there will be a surprise outbreak. The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are gonna see this in the next few years.” --Fauci Warned of Surprise Outbreak
How could he possibly know that, unless, of course, he helped to plan and create it. But I digress. Let's continue with our current examination:
--The 2014 Hollywood movie Divergent is another great example of predictive programming. This movie "explores mature themes dealing with tyranny, eugenics, and government overreach" and is set in a dystopian Chicago in the near future in which society is divided into 5 factions. As each young person comes of age and enters adulthood, they must choose a faction based on their one strongest characteristic and commit to that characteristic's faction for the remainder of their lives.
While the young people are undergoing their training for their different factions, they are all gregarious and social, as young people are. Upon completion of their training, however, they are all given a mandatory injection which transforms them into emotionless, mindless automatons able to be remotely manipulated by The Controllers. This is exactly how the Transhumanists and the Globalists envision the future of Human Beings—as completely controllable automatons void of free will or of any semblance of sovereign self-determination. Human nature is in fact the enemy that must be eradicated and controlled with injections and remote control frequencies (like 5G).
"The Divergent are not easily controlled and therefore pose a significant threat to the established order. While almost all of us in the real world would be classified as Divergent because it is basic human nature to experience a multitude of emotions and characteristics, human nature in this warped world is molded and controlled by the regime through eugenics, drugs, and conditioning... And there is a dark and more profound element to the story—it is a portrayal of what happens when a government (Globalists) attempts to play God." --Futuristic Society Tries To Eradicate Human Nature
--In the near future, humans have colonized the solar sysyem, with various warring factions competing for power. The sci-fi series The Expanse portrays the political tension between Earth, Mars and the (astereoid) Belt, and depicts "the single greatest conspiracy of all time".
In the outer expanse a covert government experiment is being conducted using "stealth technology" funded by the wealthy elites of Earth. On Eros, a near-Earth asteroid, everyone is forced to take a mandatory injection (of what is in reality a secret bioweapon) under the pretext of a (manufactured) emergency, then they are all intentionally exposed to high levels of dangerous radiation. Surveillance cameras are set up everywhere so that the mad scientists and wealthy elites can watch and study the effects of their nefarious experiment as the population of Eros dies and their bodies mutate into something grotesquely non-human. The source of this bioweapon injection is described as "extra-solar", i.e. as beyond our solar system, as alien. Sound familiar? COVID mRNA hydrogel nano-tech gene-editing "vaccines" anyone? Hmmmmm?
"The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all..." --The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right; It IS a "Poison-Death Shot"
--In a February 4, 2005 episode of Stargate Atlantis entitled Hot Zone, members of the Stargate Atlantis team start to suddenly experience visual hallucinations and agitation right before dropping dead from an aneurysm or stroke. As the Stargate medical team investigates they discover the cause.
“It’s a nano-virus, one manufactured to kill humans… Basically they are microscopic machines that are able to carry out very specific tasks suited for their size…”
The following video compilation has 3 segments. The first features scenes from the Stargate Atlantis episode mentioned above.
In the second segment OAN News reports on the strange sudden deaths, presumably of vaccinated people, who start to look around, then flail their arms in the air before collapsing dead on the ground in an eerily similar manner to the nano-virus deaths depicted in the Stargate Atlantis episode.
In the third and final segment, Dr. Carrie Madej gives a presentation of what current nanotechnology is capable of...
“The incidents of this bizarre and frightening new malady have come out of nowhere, and now it’s being captured by CC TV’s around the world. Now to be fair, it’s not clear if this vaccine death spiral is linked to the CCP injections. But when you consider the alarming number of other gruesome side effects from this vaccine, it’s not hard to believe...
“As far as we can tell, this has never been witnessed before. And if that’s the case then we have to consider what could be responsible. Now let’s think, what’s the biggest new variable the world has seen in the last two years? Well if you’re not a brain dead member of the Branch Covidian Fauci Cult, the answer is simple: Nearly 70% of the world have submitted to the COVID injections—that’s 5.3 billion people who’s bodies are now struggling to adapt to and overcome the so-called ‘vaccine’ TOXIC effects. And now we’re seeing the results first hand...” --Predictive Programming of “Vaccine” Nanobot Deaths
Amnesty for the Psychopaths?
--David Nino Rodriguez, Explosion in Kabul
"These people are the worst of Humanity, the worst of the entire race, and now they want forgiveness? No! Maybe we’ll forgive you after you complete your vaccine suicide… We need an apology, we need a worldwide apology from all the tech platforms, all the governments, all the (false) authorities, all the vaccine companies, CEO’s and spokespeople. We, the truth tellers of the world, the whistle-blowers of the world, we need your apology, and then we need restitution...for those who were harmed by these vaccines... The Big Pharma executives should have all of their assets confiscated, held in a trust, to be distributed to pay the medical costs of those who are damaged by the vaccines…
“I care about the victims of this, the people that were damaged, the lives destroyed, the children ruined, the permanent disability (of) billions of people around the world—permanent disability. This is going to be generations of pain and suffering because of these lies, and the censorship, the pharmaceutical companies, the governments, the agencies, the WHO, the CDC, the FDA, Big Tech—all the platforms, Google, Facebook—you’re a bunch of liars, you’re traitors to Humanity… and all those tech company executives and CEO’s who were engaged in the censorship--they should also be prosecuted, indicted and tried for Crimes Against Humanity, because they were complicit. It is on their shoulders that so many people died… They must be held accountable, and that includes all of these so-called journalists--they are complicit in the murder of the American people. They went along with it. They knew what they were doing, they knew that they were lying, and they did it deliberately, and as a result people were harmed, and people were killed. And these so-called journalists, who are really what I call journo-terrorists, they need to be held responsible for their complicity in this genocidal event, this assault on Humanity that has killed millions of people around the world...
“So you want amnesty? Beg God for forgiveness. But first, while you’re still here on Earth, before the vaccine takes you out, beg for forgiveness, pray to God for forgiveness. Admit that you were part of a criminal Cabal carrying out Crimes Against Humanity and you may find mercy. But until then don’t you dare ask for forgiveness, don’t you dare ask for mercy, until you confess to your role in these crimes against children, children who are suffering and dying all across our world, some who will pay the price for your arrogance and your tyranny, for their entire life. You can’t say you’re sorry enough times to compensate enough for that. All of you, in Big Tech, in journalism, at the CDC, the FDA, you are the most evil creatures on this planet—you are Satanists, you are heinous creatures, you are evil, and you should beg for the mercy of the court as you are dragged in to be held accountable for crimes against the human race...” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 2, 2022
This Globalist Luciferian Cabal actually believes that they can usurp the power of almighty God--how fucking INSANE is that? They are psychopaths of the highest order and "the traditional view on the treatment of psychopaths is that treatment just doesn't work. Study after study has shown that the behaviors of the psychopath do not change in response to psychoanalysis, group therapy, client-centered therapy, psychodrama, psychosurgery, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or drug therapy." --Can Psychopaths Be Cured?
Psychopaths cannot be reformed and they must NOT be forgiven. They MUST be taken down, like the rabid dogs that they are. Otherwise their cancer will continue to infect society...
"So if you take the totality of the evidence then it is so clear...(that) this is definitely intentional infliction of harm. And if you're talking about intent, then there is no immunity for anyone--neither for the doctors nor the makers of the vaccines. There is NO IMMUNITY--they will all be held responsible. There's no way out for them..." --Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, GIANTS AGAINST CRIMES AGAINST. HUMANITY!
War of the Worlds - Severing the Soul Connection
attached to a massive depopulation agenda. Said to alter the function of your DNA,
introduce synthetic material into your body, including hydrogel and nano-particles,
and cannot be reversed once taken. COVID-19 is a government, Globalist / NWO
sponsored psyop, to instigate a global economic reset and the Transhumanist
transformation of society and life on earth. Wake up people, wake up world!"
"This COVID is an invasion, it's an invasionary tactic. You could even call it a
softening tactic..." --Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - Agenda Behind COVID
“Please wake up! Because if you look around you and if you listen to the
(Globalists) they will tell you their intent. They will tell you really what
is behind these injections, really what the issue is and the agenda
is behind this invisible virus and the panic and fear. It is for
changing us as we know it—the end of Human 1.0—us,
and the beginning of Human 2.0..." --Dr. Carrie
Madej - COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism
"Most people cannot fathom that we are fighting an alien AI that wants
to infect us with its tech and then control us. This is what COVID-19
is all about. Nano AI is the tech. This is a War of the Worlds
scenario..." --Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
"Basically it's looking as though the 'ghost in the machine' is going to be Humanity... The 'deep sea divers' who have learned to navigate the unseen worlds within...will view this threat as a superficial threat. So it is necessary for Humans to learn to go within in order to basically expand and have the true freedom of soul and spirit that you are entitled to..." --Kerry Cassidy Speaks Out About the War on Consciousness on Planet Earth
"The Controllers desperately want us to forget that we have Souls. Even though we exist in a material world filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and Consciousness, they would like us to forget our Soul. Tyrants cannot control our mind as easily, if we know how to connect with our Soul.
"To intentionally disconnect the existence of the mind from the existence of the soul is extremely destructive and damaging to all human beings. This fact is what contributes to the manifestation of disconnected and chronically miserable people who intentionally create harm without moral conscience.
"Soul Disconnected people behave in a similar manner to artificial intelligence robots, as they are shaped by mass media to make decisions based on survival and selfish desires, with no authentic thoughts or emotional states of their own making. Disconnection conveniently pushes forward the basic agenda of Psychology to be very effective in furthering the Transhumanism agenda. Today, if people are unhappy and disconnected from their mind and soul, they are given a pharmaceutical drug to take control over their bio-neurological system functioning, which leads to lifelong pharmaceutical dependencies and addictions. Administering synthetic drugs to impair bio-neurological functioning of the brain further impairs and damages the Soul body, making it nearly impossible for a person to experience Soul embodiment or perceive the nature of their Soul..."----Lisa Renee, the Anti-Soul Agenda
Control Over Humanity and Control Over the Earth
They control governments throughout the world, the world banking system,
media, intelligence agencies, etc... They control so many things, and have
for so long now, but they plan to take this control to the max, and they are
carrying out the New World Order (aka Great Reset), which is an agenda
that will put Humanity under a global fascist dictatorship..."
--The Global Cabal, Global Network, Illuminati
"The psychopathic New World Order totalitarian dictators who control Big
Pharma, Silicon valley, the media, international finance, the military,
politicians, and governments around the world, have left their footprints
everywhere in the law, in their technology and medical patents, and in
their very words and deeds that are publicly visible for you to find, if
you just know where to look." --The MODeRNA Microneedle Lucifer-
ase Hyrdogel Transfection Nanoparticle Covid19 Vaccine
Spiritual warfare obviously has a geopolitical component, a geopolitical manifestation, and it is abundantly clear to anyone with two synapses still firing that the 2020 presidential election in the United States was stolen in the middle of the night by the demon-infested Marxist Democrat party. The head of the Biden Crime Family is now fraudulently installed as the apparent President of the United States. "The 'powers' that have taken over our government have become concentrated and centralized in just a few elite hands, proving how easy it is for the few to control the many. They almost control all the levers of power: financial, political and judicial. In this war on consciousness, these powers-that-be are using the most advanced mind-control technology that our world has ever known to make its takeover complete. The essence of mind-control is information control, which is one thing our overly secretive current administration is very good at..." --The War On Consciousness
Todd Callendar: “It’s the consent of the governed, and when people revoke that consent it’s over. What I see is the States lining up like it’s 1860, or 1859 where you’ve got some that will support the federal government as a part of it and others are revoking consent to be governed. Here comes November 8—I think it will happen. I think it will be overwhelmingly against the establishment…
“And by the way, get your head out of your backside about this whole Russia thing people—you got this wrong. Right now it appears to me that Vladimir Putin is the only one with any sense over there. Everyone wants to demonize him—look at who is doing the demonization. Those are the very same people that want to arrest our President (Trump).”
James Tracy: “Why Ukraine? They’ve never cared, never given a rat’s rear end about any other country or any other conflict on this green Earth except there. Why Ukraine? Why now?”
Todd Callendar: “I can tell you why. Because it is a Russian territory that is exempt from the bio-weapons treaties—it’s the Las Vegas of the bio-weapons industry. Every major pharmaceutical company is headquartered in Ukraine because it’s exempt from making bio-weapons. That’s why they’re there.”
James Tracy: “That’s absolutely right. They wouldn’t be fighting so hard to get everybody on board—We Stand With Ukraine—if there wasn’t some ulterior motive there. What has Putin been doing? He’s been exposing all of this...”
Sean Turnbull: “Well I’m sure you guys saw that speech from Putin where he used the word ‘Satanic’ referring to Western governments. It appears that they are beholden to some Satanic authority, like they embrace some Satanic authority or embrace Satanism, and thank God he said it because Todd you’ve been saying it, I’ve been saying it, and James you’ve been saying it. Now we’ve got...Putin saying it...” --SGT Report -- The Gallows Await Them! - Todd Callender & James Tracy
Kerry Cassidy: “This is an ongoing, transhuman program. There are diabolical aspects to it that have to do with Satanism and that’s also embedded in our Secret Space Program; it’s embedded in the Ukraine, in these bio-labs they are taking down. Part of the reason why you see Putin going into Ukraine and actually bombing, and now getting even more aggressive about it is because he is on a mission to get rid of the Satanic, devil-worshiping aspects of the entire country..." --AI and Transhuman Agenda with Kerry Cassidy and Josh Reid
Mike Adams “Essentially what (Vladimir) Putin is saying, or at least part of what he is saying...is that the West is an anti-Christ civilization. Putin called the West ‘the empire of lies’ and also mentions the Satanism, the Luciferianism...that dominates the leadership of Western nations right now—not the Western people, but the evil, Satanic leadership, that are all illegitimate. Rigged elections, coercion, threats, stolen ballots, bribes, payoffs—the whole deal. This is how the West runs the world.
“Well, Putin gets it, and importantly...Putin realizes (that) he is not at war with Ukraine. Russia is at war against all of the West. Russia is at war against the anti-Christ, and the anti-Christ is what’s running the criminal cartels that currently claim to be heads of state for the United States, England, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other Western nations. So because Putin sees that...Russia is at war with Satanism, or the anti-Christ civilization, then Russia is not going to back down over some small piece of territory… This is about the future of planet Earth and who really controls the planet. Will it be the Luciferians, who are represented by the Biden regieme?.. Putin is at war with THEM..." --Mike Adams - Update, Oct 3, 2022
Michael Yon: "Russia is actually standing up to the World Economic Forum, and bizarrely, as they ally with China against us, they are also in opposition to China... And Putin and Russia is actually an enemy of the World Economic Forum, and so they're clearly trying to take out Russia, and they're using us to take out Russia..."--Mike Adams with Michael You and Doc Pete Chambers on the Ohio Disaster
"Clearly, the New World Order criminals have created a final and irreversible 'do or die' scenario for themselves and the rest of Humanity. In other words, whichever side loses this final battle of this last war between the forces of Light and the forces of darkness will perish. And, whoever wins, will dictate the future of the human race as never before..." --The Killer COVID Vaccine: A Genocidal Bioweapon and Funvax Nanotechnology
The Satanic Globalist Elite's Victimization of Children
people like the disclosure of the systematic abduction, abuse
and killing of their children..." ---From Dark to Light:
Ending the Elite Victimization of Children
"Members of the elite death cult are addicted to an organic substance called adrenochrome. This is a form of adrenaline that is extracted from human beings in a high state of fear. Consumption slows the aging process and induces an altered state of consciousness that evidently supports the cult’s vampiric outlook, thoughts and actions.
"The adrenochrome produced by terrorized children is particularly potent. For this reason, the elite holds populations of children in captivity, and periodically tortures them for adrenochrome extraction. This is an ancient practice that has continued into the present. There’s reason to believe that the scale of this practice has increased disproportionately with population over the past generation, as the cult has further entrenched and expanded itself. The average lifespan of a captured child after abduction is estimated to be two years...
"Many members of the death cult are also violent pedophiles (Pizzagate in the US). The rape of captured children – sometimes during their torture for adrenochrome extraction – is common. Some members of the death cult are also called pedovores because they ritually kill and eat children. The consumption of human blood is common among cult members and may, like adrenochrome, form an addiction. Adult humans may also be ritually killed and eaten, evidently in celebration of the cult’s absolute power and impunity. Ritual murders are embedded in occult rites that radiate intensely negative energy into the world..." --From Dark to Light: Ending the Elite Victimization of Children
According to Mike Adams, CDC now stands for Child Death Cult because they "voted unanimously 15-0 to add COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule, which means that the vaccine companies get unlimited legal protection and schools across the country can begin to mandate COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ injections into children as a condition of them attending school...
Mike Adams: "This is horrifying, because of course they’re not vaccines. They've never been approved by the FDA; they’ve never undergone long-term safety, clinical trials, and children are not threatened by this so-called COVID emergency. It’s a joke! It’s actually worse than a joke—it’s genocide. But they’re going after the children… This decision by the CDC is really unleashing a nationwide child sacrifice ritual by a demonic Pharma cartel. That’s what you are seeing...” --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Oct 21, 2022 - CDC = Child Death Cult
Lara Logan: (The Luciferians, the Satanic Globalist ‘Elites') "don’t define children the way (that) you do. They don’t define the world the way (that) you do... For them everything is defined by their one fundamental, all-consuming purpose--to defeat God. For them it’s about (their belief that) the real God, the true God, are them--and Satan--them. (And) children are the closest thing on Earth to God, because we are created in the image of God… So for them, the younger you are, the closer you are to God, (and) the more pain they can inflict on God. So the more you can make a baby or a small child suffer, the greater your victory over God. And that is the only consideration for them--(anything) outside of that doesn’t exist.” --Lara Logan on the Satanic Globalist ‘Elite’ Abuse of Children
Dr. Lee Merritt: "If you want my actual worldview, I believe that we're at war, and that this is a take-down of Western civilization if not (of) Humanity. So it's an attack on us as humans and they're coming after us, they're coming after our children and they want us dead or sterilized..." --Dr. Lee Merritt, The COVID-19 Vaccine Kills!
Dr. Rima Laibow: “Exactly. And I keep saying, ‘How stupid do they think we are?’ And the answer is, stupid enough to buy into this. Stupid enough to hand our children to them to be jabbed with something that is obscene! There is no other word for it, (for) the mRNA (injections)...
“We are now seeing pictures of the clots forming in people’s bodies. We now are being told, ‘Oh, it’s normal for children to have heart attacks; it’s normal for adults to suddenly keel over; it’s normal for athletes to die. It’s NOT NORMAL! This is VACCINE SLAUGHTER!...”
“What happens to our infrastructure? What happens to our grid? What happens to our ability to produce food? What happens to our ability to produce clean water? What happens to our ability to protect ourselves and our children, when 70, 80, 90% dies because we didn’t do this research? Because we didn’t spend the time and effort now to find out what is going on and to find ways to truly protect people?"
Maria Zeee: “I agree with you and I think that it is so crucial and what you’re saying is so important here… We need a solution for what’s been done to Humanity. We can’t just talk about the fact that it’s been done and let ourselves be destroyed. I’m certainly not going to be someone’s slave and I’m not going down without a fight…" --Dr. Rima Laibow - DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die - Globalist Agenda
"The truth about the deadly nature of the U.S vaccination programs, and especially this ‘COVID’ scam injection, is becoming abundantly clear, but more need to shun not only this lethal shot, but others as well. This is especially true concerning the very young, and all children that are subject to any public school system. They are the targeted ones, because if all are injected over their lives, they will be little more than state-controlled robots in the future. With that accomplished over the next generation or two, there will be no freedom whatsoever left to consider in this land called America..." --The COVID Propaganda Continues Even in the Face of Vaccination Murder, Gary D. Barnett
SARS-CoV-2 : The Virus That Never Existed
been using the whole time, and they’re not stopping, they’re continuing
to push it... It’s unbelievable the crap that they sell people and people’s
willingness to buy into all this bullshit… It’s an absolute lie folks.
COVID is a lie and always has been... The whole thing
has been a scam..." --Max Igan, The Great Deception
"COVID-19 is the name of their HOAX. COVID-19 is the name of
their plot and their plan, not the name of any illness..."
--An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"COVID is a hoax--it's just re-branded colds and flu. There is no COVID-
19; it's never existed..." --Australian Deaths Are Off the Charts
"The (SARS-CoV-2) virus does not exist in reality; it exists only in a
computer program." --Proof the SARS-COV-2 virus does not exist
"The brainwashing is so deep, some of these people are NEVER
gonna wake up. They've got their blinders on, they got their head
buried in the sand, and they're just gonna take ten boosters
until they're dead..." --Dr. Ben Marble
Dr. Ariyana Love: “The whole ('modern medicine') structure that was created is Satanic. I call it a death cult, I call allopathic medicine a death cult, because it was created by the Rockefeller Institute. They founded their institute of medicine in 1909, and then nine years later was the Spanish Flu democide, right? It was the last democide and reset, and they did the same exact thing like a playbook. They forced people into masks, covering their faces, depriving the body of oxygen, and then injected (them) with these biological weapons...
“So this technology is not new. It’s obviously been given to humans by demonic entities, and it’s been around for God knows how long. But they did the same thing in 1918 and they covered it all up by calling it a flu, the Spanish Flu. That was when they...gave us this allopathic medicine and they said viruses are contagious and, be scared! When in actuality that’s not how the body works…
“I haven’t been able to find a single virus in all of the patents...there’s no viruses--these are biological weapons. They are gain-of-function/loss-of-function lab-generated bioweaponry and they call them viruses to throw us off and to throw doctors off and to keep doctors in virus-land so they can never really discover the root cause of disease or alleviate it from people...” --SGT Report: Dr. Ariyana Love: Transhumanist Nightmare: Vax GMO Parasites, Nanowires & Democide
"Christine Massey of Canada has submitted FOIA requests to over 100 institutions worldwide for proof of COVID-19 virus isolates. Not one of them has been able to come up with anything."--Christine Massey: FOIA Requests to Verify SARS-Cov2
"The reason: without the crucial step of isolation/purification having been performed (from many patients, followed by characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments), there is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged 'novel coronavirus' (blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures) actually exists.
"Without this step having been performed and followed by characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments, all claims of this alleged 'virus' are nothing but wild speculation backed only by fraudulent science, fraudulent tests and fraud-based diagnoses.
"The requests submitted by my colleague in NZ and I (and many of the other submitters) have not been limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institution, or limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to any records describing 'COVID-19 virus' (aka 'SARS-COV-2') isolation/purification performed by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet...
"Every institution has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the isolation aka purification of the alleged 'COVID-19 virus' directly from a patient sample that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material. (Those other sources are typically monkey kidney aka 'Vero' cells and fetal bovine serum). (And, to our knowledge, no one on the planet has ever purified the alleged 'virus' even from a cell culture!)
"In their responses, numerous institutions have made it explicitly clear that isolation/purification is simply never done in virology, and that 'isolation' in virology means the exact opposite of what it means in everyday English. This is also evidenced in every 'virus isolation' paper we have ever seen, for any alleged 'virus'..." --FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (209 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
“The answer to that is A BIG NO!… SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. Nobody has ever isolated it...nobody has ever seen it under a microscope; we have never isolated it. All we have is some fantasy computer genome—that’s it…
“In order to prove that a virus exists you actually have to isolate, purify, and then after the isolation and purification in the lab, then you have to actually have to look at the virus under a scanning electron microscope… And then you have to do other studies called causation studies… If you don’t do that, there’s no virus, folks. A (computer-generated) genome doesn’t cut it.
“That’s the gold standard—it’s called isolation, purification, characterization, and causation studies. This is the gold standard that should be followed...and they haven’t done any of that—they’ve never done it..." --The Scamdemic - COVID-19 – SARS-CoV-2 – The Virus That Never Existed
Dr. David Martin: "People think that somehow or another a piece of SARS coronavirus was turned into a vaccine. That is not true. A computer simulated, synthetic, chimeric, computer-generated code, uploaded by the Chinese in January, was given to Moderna, to put into an injection, so that your cells, in the case of the mRNA vaccine, so that your cells would produce the S1 spike protein synthesis, not the actual virus the way that we used to do vaccines. This was a computer code uploaded by the Chinese into US manufacturing, to inject a pathogen stimulant into the American population. Let's get really, really clear…" --Stew Peters - Dr. David Martin Just Ended COVID, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians
"This admission (by the CDC) is absolutely huge. It is an admission that the entire PCR test upon which this 'pandemic' has been based, this PCR test NEVER tested COVID. It wasn't quality-controlled against COVID. They never even had COVID in developing the test and they admit it...
"What they [the CDC] are saying is that until now, the old PCR tests, that is, the original one, that they [the CDC] are pulling, has NOT been able to differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. It has NOT been able to tell the difference. In other words, the entire COVID 'pandemic' has been nothing but bad PCR testing that was actually detecting the common cold, either influenza or common coronaviruses and then labeling it [as] COVID...
"Essentially what they're doing is just taking people, running this fraudulent PCR test on them and detecting the common cold and calling it COVID. Which means they're moving people from the influenza or the flu column into the COVID column... "
"Influenza was just re-labeled COVID because of the faulty PCR testing. So what you have here is...an admission by the FDA that no physical COVID-19 was ever used in the creation of the PCR test, which means the test is fraudulent, unscientific. And then an admission by the CDC that the test could not differentiate between influenza and COVID, and a request by the CDC to pull the test by the end of the year after they're done faking the whole pandemic, because now they have everybody on vaccines, and they can spread the spike protein through the vaccines...
"So if this virus doesn't really exist, what were people getting sick from last year? The flu. Did you notice last year influenza diagnoses and influenza deaths went to basically zero... Last year all of those people (previously diagnosed with colds and flu) were said to have COVID, and no one was said to have influenza. How can that be? How could influenza vanish from the planet? It vanished last year--everything was COVID. How can that be?...
"No one has ever isolated COVID-19--that's the bottom line here, the astonishing conclusion. It doesn't seem to exist in the real world. The media has been running just a massive fear campaign to make people fear the virus, but no lab, no scientist, no doctor can produce it. And even if you look at what's in he vaccines, it's mostly graphine oxide and spike proteins. Like, where's the virus, the weakened virus?"--Mike Adams: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists
"There is no COVID virus. There are spike protein nano-particles, and that's what was developed...in the lab. I don't think there's a SARS-CoV-2 virus at all. I think it's just a re-branding of a different kind of influenza...The whole thing is staged but the fear is real. That's what the media is really good at is pushing the fear. And then they fake like the hospitals are full when they're not. And they pay the social media influencers to all say the same thing... Are you starting to see just how insane this entire deception has been?..." --Mike Adams: Zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in the physical world
“We don’t have a problem with any pandemic, we don’t have a problem with any virus,” said Fuellmich during an interview with Alex Jones of InfoWars. “We only have a problem with scare tactics that are designed to drive us to accept shots that will then cause the real problem. That is the real pandemic. It’s … immune systems being compromised. It is vaccine-induced thrombotic diseases.
"He added that the real pandemic is the health complications caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. 'Nothing that we’re seeing is real except for the damage that the vaccines – the so-called vaccines – are inducing'..." --The COVID-19 pandemic was never what they claimed, but the vaccine pandemic is REAL
"First, that no such coronavirus has ever been isolated nor has its existence been proven through Koch’s postulates; or by any other scientific method of high integrity in the field of epidemiology or related medical disciplines. Simply put, SARS-CoV-2 was composed entirely of a complex criminal conspiracy involving WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA and Big Pharma, as well as several other government institutions (US and foreign) and transnational corporations with vested interests.
"Second, there are several versions of the COVID-19 bioweapon that have been carefully designed to produce different pathological processes, each with its own set of symptoms. Each of these bioweapons has been followed by the strategic release of different variants, both biotechnologically programmed to mutate at different rates in different lineages, locations and environments... Infection and death rates can increase dramatically in a large metropolitan area if the 5G power grid is intensified...
"So, when someone says that SARS-CoV-2 does not exist, they are absolutely right. Or, that the 2020/2021 coronavirus pandemic was a complete hoax, they are still right. However, a COVID-19 bioweapon is most likely being launched across the planet that is extremely dangerous and deadly depending on your age, your blood type, your comorbidities, your lifestyle, your diet, your daily exposures, among other key risk factors. Each of these risk co-factors has been deliberately bioengineered into COVID-19 bioweapons to exploit the selected vulnerabilities of target populations worldwide (e.g., the elderly, the immunocompromised, those with multiple comorbidities), and certain lineages have all been targeted by this bioweapon.
"It has always been clear to this Alt Media platform that this global genocide was about the imposition of a global vaccination regime of mandatory vaccination from the outset...
"As far as the biological warfare campaign to commit global genocide is concerned, there is nothing more effective than deadly COVID injections recklessly administered around the world, especially since these 'killer vaccines' are not even vaccines... The different COVID-19 injections contain highly experimental gene-altering nanotechnology which greatly accelerates the NWO Transhumanist Agenda. These extremely hazardous jabs not only kill, they also cause a whole new type of vaccine injuries that are beyond remediation..."--The Killer Covid Vaccine: A Genocidal Bioweapon and Funvax Nanotechnology
"DNA vaccines are a disturbing new advancement for Transhumanism. After all, the objective of the Transhumanist Agenda is to merge man with machine, and in doing so, wipe out what fundamentally makes us human, so we can be controlled and overtaken by a deeply sinister and negative force.
AI and the Transhumanist Agenda - Homo Borg Genesis
and most people don’t even know (it). Correction—most people have
already been body-snatched, assimilated, by this 'mimic scourge'
(fake pandemic)..." --The Alien War Continues
"We have gone from investigating whether extraterrestrials exist to,
Hey, this is a war zone and Earth is operated as a prison, and there
are lots of folks, including a bunch of friendly extraterrestrials, who
are trying to help Humanity pull off a prison break..."
--Farsight Institute Earth's Defense
“Today, if anything is synthetic inside your genome, whoever owns the
patent for that actually owns part or all of you..." --Dr. Carrie
Madej - COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism
"If you or someone you love took the bioweapon masquerading as a vax,
you are now legally classified as a new species of human being..."
--Sean Turnbull, SGT Report, Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
Josh Reid: “The Transhumanist Agenda is forthcoming right now with the Great Reset, with Agenda 2030, with sustainable development—they are utilizing the hinge of climate change, this lie of climate change, to progress their agenda. They are manipulating the global economies, the global governments, global war, in order to bring the world down to a point of massive reset—total, complete global annihilation, so that they can restructure the world in their own view, and begin implementing their Transhumanist wet dream..." --AI and Transhuman Agenda with Kerry Cassidy and Josh Reid
"So what does it mean to be human? You have to ask yourself this question—it’s the most important question you can ever ask yourself… What if your DNA is changed out with a whole synthetic DNA? Are you still a human? It’s important to ask these questions now because right this second things are happening at light speed and we have to make this determination for ourselves..." --Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism
Todd Callendar: “The law as it sits today indicates that when somebody has been genetically modified using mRNA in particular, then that genetically modified organism, the one who received it, actually belongs to the patent holders...
“If an organism has been genetically modified does it remain part of the same species? The answer is no, this is a new species. What rights does a new species enjoy? So if the people that have been genetically modified are now called ‘Homo Borg Genesis’ because that’s the name that’s been provided, then they’re not defined as Homo Sapiens. What rights do they enjoy whatsoever? Can they even complain a fraud complaint?...
“Human is defined as Homo Sapiens. The new species, the name that was provided some years ago, is Homo Borg Genesis. It comes from a 2001 NASA research paper called Fifth Generation Warfare. It made reference to super soldiers, genetically modified people, and they named them borg, or borg-like—Homo Borg Genesis...” --Dr. Jane Ruby - Jabbed Are Now A New Human Species - Homo Borg Genesis
“So what we’re really looking at is basically a Satanic Agenda that involves tracking you, surveilling you, controlling you, and deciding which humans will live and die. And also building an android army that is supposed to counter something that is written about...in the Wingmakers series...
“Todd Callendar is the lawyer in a case...(and) they are saying that because these concoctions that they were shot up with is patented, that therefore the person who owns the patent, or the company that owns the patent, owns the human. And they’ve also dubbed the human that has been injected, with the name Homo Borg Genesis... and ‘genesis’ meaning the beginning of a new species, and ‘borg’ meaning that you’re going to be tied to the Borg…"--AI and Transhuman Agenda with Kerry Cassidy and Josh Reid
“Most people don’t understand that this is a long-range plan that actually involves Transhumanism. If you don’t understand that and you’re kind of locked in the idea that they want to eliminate population—well of course they do. That’s just a normal thing (for the Globalist Cabal). That’s what they always want to do, but this is not the greatest population elimination scheme, if you think about it. They’re actually rolling out something that is a concoction that is AI derived. So they got help from an alien AI that comes from an alien race off planet. And this is basically what they used to compile this bioweapon to put into your bodies in order to make a race of human cyborgs. And so this is where it’s headed, this is what the graphene oxide does, the spike proteins linking to the graphene oxide...” --Kerry Cassidy – God, Aliens & AI
"So now it’s in our face. Are we going to admit that we are prey? Are we going to admit, indeed, that we are being manipulated, and that there are many races—not just one—that wants to control us? This is a huge play, a huge conspiracy of many different races with different agendas. Some are positive, some are negative. It’s as above, so below—the same thing happens on earth as in heaven." --Demons and Aliens Roundtable Discussion
"So this is what's happening--it's unbelievable, the takeover and the amount of dis-info out there that does not understand what the ultimate agenda is. And the ultimate agenda is the takeover of the human race. It's linking everyone to the Borg, basically, which is an alien AI that is taking over the planet..." --Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
"They’ve managed to completely destroy the soul of both genders and now they’re trying to merge them together into one (with) this whole transgender thing (the Transgenderism Agenda) that they’re doing, on the kids as much as possible. This stops children breeding; it stops normal healthy relationships; it stops life (from) going on the way it always has gone on and it makes people more and more subservient to government...
"So they’re taking all humanity away from humans, and that’s the goal, it’s always been the goal...and everything (that) they teach us is based on a deception. Everything they’re doing now is based on a deception—this pandemic and telling us that we need them to protect us. And all the shit that they do, folks, it’s incredible. And...this is a huge opportunity for mankind to wake up to themselves, it really is..." --Max Igan, The Great Deception
"If you don’t believe or understand how the VAX and the COVID-19 bioweapon were designed by (mad) scientists who were in communication with the Alien AI=Borg Genesis, and that it is part of a Transhuman takeover agenda, then you are unaware of the real truth..." --Kerry Cassidy, War For Earth: How The Alien AI “Borg Genesis” Is Taking Over Our Planet
Off World Analysis of the "Vaccine" Ingredients
use EMFs to open your very skin pores and inject foreign DNA into
your bloodstream and cells. This is an extreme violation of your
bodily sovereignty, and it can have long-term effects, because
of genetic mutation – changing your very DNA which
is the biological blueprint and physical essence of who
you are..." --5G And Electroporation DNA Vaccines
"In the components of the 3 kinds of vaccines we found basically the same thing, but in different quantities...
"Inside we found a number of organic traces congruent to what was said on the net, from human, bovine and simian aborted fetuses. We also found a high content of Mollusc DNA. That mollusk DNA is used to accelerate the creation of artificial stem cells inside the human body.
"Among other things found was a huge amount of RNA proteins contained in nanotechnological graphene of a single molecule thickness.The RNA proteins we found have human encoded information from DNA parts of the same human genome congruent with classified diseases of viral origin.
"We also found RNA that forms, so to speak, human stem cells. Graphene is nanotechnological smart dust, or whatever you want to call it. It is created with very high non-human technology, congruent with that of the United Federation of Planets level, that is to say, equal to ours in level of development. It can only be created with the use of frequency replication machines. Like the ones that manufacture the polymorphic metal here.
"What that graphene technology does is to enter through the cells of the body, enter the cell nucleus and mitochondria... The graphene (then) will decode the DNA of human cells and attract in its corresponding place the code to replace it with the RNA contained in the other nano graphenes, called on Earth as spike proteins, detected in vaccines.
"Nano-bots can be controlled remotely. They are remote-controlled, waiting for an activation. With this they replace parts of the DNA with others contained in the same vaccine to alter the cells as they wish.
"Then, as viral diseases are already contained within the cellular DNA code, they only need to be activated, because a virus does not work like a bacterium or a staphylococcus. A bacterium invades the body, the virus only activates what was already present or latent within the human genetic code. So, at will they can give or provoke epidemics to the population as they see fit, be it rabies, smallpox, whatever.
"It also has the ability to replicate human stem cells, so they can cause a misplaced growth of tissue of any kind. This would be used in provoking cancers for example, if it's for malignant purposes.
"So, the nano graphene decodes the human DNA and with that information the other nano graphene will replace in the corresponding places with the RNA patch that they have inside the same vaccines.
"By this they can sterilize and they can change the structure of the brain with the creation of artificial neural networks created with the use of replicated stem cells inside the body of the vaccinee. This leads us to see that they will be able to control the world's population as cyborgs. They will think what they want them to think and behave as they wish, and the population will think they are their (own) ideas. This is beyond mind control and beyond synthetic telepathy. They will be able to kill at will a particular person by remote control, or a population, and it will be seen as natural. Because of other causes.
"What is infecting the unvaccinated people is that the cells of the vaccinated start producing more RNA proteins because what they are injected with can basically be categorized as synthetic viruses that have the purpose of invading the whole organism of prepared replicated RNA. That is to say, not only does it use the RNA contained in the vaccine itself, but it also causes the vaccinated person's cells to replicate more of these viruses in the form of exosomes that the vaccinated person will release with his breath and through his skin and liquid secretions and so on (so-called 'shedding').
"The RNA in exosomes produced by vaccinees is a message like any exosome, and it can only be effective or validated, (have an effect), in another person (such as a non-vaccinated person), if the receptors in the cells of this person coincide with the receptors in the exosome viruses.
"The vaccine causes the human body to go into a state of total alarm due to high toxicity, which triggers the production of exosomes that will contain the toxin (invasive RNA from the vaccines) both as an attempt to eliminate it from inside the body and also as a message to other cells and those surrounding other bodies notifying them of an invasion. The vaccinated subject will be an altering RNA exosome virus production plant that will by design and intention spread this RNA wherever it goes.
"The unvaccinated subject will have strong immune responses to this causing rejection symptoms...
"Graphene has been found basically everywhere, from chemtrails to industrialized food, so it is fairly safe to say that in small quantities the entire population on the surface of the Earth has been contaminated to one degree or another. This is difficult to calculate since graphene is used for countless things and in its pure state it is harmless and non-toxic.
"The strands of magnetic graphene-material reported in countless places already on the net, are in themselves the main cause, if not the very cause of Morgellons disease, where the excess magnetic graphene molecules, i.e., those that were not necessary to use to infect all the cells of the body, will tend to clump or stick together because of their magnetic properties. And the body will naturally try to expel it by any means necessary, including through the skin, creating those well-known black threads.
"That is to say that what you see on the skin is not the purpose, but the excess of the infection process of the cells by the nanotechnological graphene.
"The most easily recognizable parts or components of the 'vaccines' are fetal tissues and other organic proteins. This is intended to collapse the immune system of the subject, as a 'distraction' so that the macro-phages, T-cells and other components of the immune system do not interfere so much in the genetic engineering process.
"As a by-product of these tissues, they will also cause a myriad of infections and autoimmune conditions and cancers that will drain the resources of the infected, as already discussed.
"The 'vaccines' are remote controlled. Microwave networks will be used to turn on or off the desired effects on each social group at will. This goes into 5G but need not be 5G technology to activate and control each individual person separately.
"The graphene will be inside the subject's cells in unique and subject-specific ways and amounts which will give it a unique frequency also identifiable by Bluetooth-style microwave networks which we see (as) congruent with calling it 'chipping' of the world's population..." --New Analysis - Vaccines - Samples Analyzed - Aneeka of Temmer shares the findings
Human Antenna – Broadcasting the Vaccine Frequency
of energy, frequency and vibration." --Nikola Tesla Quotes
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
“Dr. Carrie Madej (is) an internal medicine physician (who has been) practicing for 20 years… What she is picking up in this whole area of transmission...is the frequency. And she says that at least the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have one of the key components--nano lipid particles—nanotechnology. And this nanotechnology transmits and receives information..." --David Icke; Human Antenna – Broadcasting the Vaccine Frequency
Dr. Carrie Madej: "Moderna and Pfizer...are using modified, also known as synthetic, messenger RNA that delivers part of the virus called the spike protein—that code—into the body through injection. Now the body will destroy a synthetic code immediately...so these companies had to figure out a way to trick our bodies. So they decided to use nanolipid particles to wrap around the code to trick our bodies. Nanolipid particles are also called hydrogel or nanotechnology, or even nanobots. The body is now tricked into making the spike protein of the virus. This process is called transfection… The problem is there is an unknown duration of the production of this part of the virus and it’s also using nanolipid, hydrogel or nanotechnology large scale, and nobody has any idea of the implications of that...
"Hydrogel is used to deliver genes into the body…and they can inject this hydrogel, called the nanolipid particle. It delivers vaccines, but when it does this it suppresses your immune system, it suppresses your immune checkpoint. They're doing it just to get their vaccine in. They don't care about the ripple effects that comes from this. We can expect disastrous results when they're suppressing these immune checkpoint inhibitors—all kinds of cancers, mutations, auto-immune diseases—all kinds of genetic defects can happen…
"So...this hydrogel-- it's really nanobots; in essence they're tiny little microscopic robots, in a way. So how could they just stay in the body forever?… They actually can grow inside your body. And how do they do this? Well they get their materials to build themselves...already using the bacteria inside the human body that's naturally there. The building blocks to make more of themselves is already inside you…
“So DARPA...is heading this project, really working with the nanotechnology, this nanolipid particle. They’ve been doing this for decades with the military (and) one of their programs is (called) CLARITY. And CLARITY is using this hydrogel which goes into your body, and then it has an affinity for your nervous system, your brain and your nervous tissue. It goes into the tissue and it makes a hybrid tissue of you and the hydrogel… So when it's doing this, it's actually, in essence, changing you inside out, to part cyborg. It literally can do that...
"Nanotechnology can be used in MANY ways in the body...and there's no large, long-term studies to prove efficacy and safety. And the potential to abuse this technology is MASSIVE, and they are telling us they will do it.
"Nanotechnology has the potential to be an on-demand drug delivery system. Remember that word 'on demand,' because that means something has to trigger it to work. Well what's the trigger in these vaccines? Is it pH? Is it a frequency? Is it 5G? Is it the next virus? Nobody has answered that question from these drug manufacturers.
"Just know that this technology can be used as a biosensor in the body always constantly surveiling you. You want loss of privacy, loss of autonomy, always your thoughts are known--this is unbelievable. This can be used as predictive policing...
"This nanotechnology with the hydrogel can actually start to make you part synthetic in the inside of your body. You literally can turn into part cyborg over time. And this is how you can create a human cyborg even when they (humans) are fully grown..." --Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism
"These things can actually build things inside your body--it's unbelievable... They can do many things inside of you... Once you have this inside of you you can scan over with your smartphone and it can tell you all kinds of information....
"So what can we do about this? It sounds pretty scary and hopeless, right? I have to remind people that this is a war we're in. To me it's World War III and the worst kind of war because we don't have any bombs or guns or bloodshed at this point. It's just a war of the mind--it's very difficult. But it really is a frequency and an energy war in my opinion because they're keeping everyone in fear and panic... They purposely keep us in fear and lies and deceit and panic because that keeps us at a low energy and it makes us forget who we are...
"And you have to know that we've forgotten who we are. We are actually amazing Light Beings. And many companies have actually analyzed the energy of the human being, and our heart is 100 thousand times more strong than the brain, and adds to the electromagnetic energy... The heart energy is Love which is the highest frequency, and that frequency is so much higher than the nanotechnology and all these artificial intelligence's and the fear and the panic that lies with that..." --Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism
There Are Now Three Human Species
and pans and pointy sticks then do it! And do it with vigor--VIGOR. Do
it with vigor, because if not, the option is death--DEATH! They're
coming for you. They're not going to stop coming for you. You're
not going to be rescued by paramilitary flying in from the Allies--
that is a second world war myth... There is NO Cavalry. You ARE
the Cavalry. The Christed Light in your DNA, in your blood,
IS the Cavalry. [And] if you are having the 'injection' you will
NOT be able to act as a capacitor for that Christed Light. The
Calvary will not be able to reclaim or redeem you..."
--Sasha Stone, Time to be Bold!
"Demonstrate your innate ability to transmute yourselves,
to defy all toxins and all fascist actions..."
--Pleiadians thru Barbara Marciniak
"1. Good ol’ fashioned Homo Sapiens (or Homo Sap, if you will): This is the 3D expression of human... These ones are generally only half right about everything at best, or let’s put it this way--they are in the darkness at least half the time. This makes them susceptible to control. A 3D human makes lots of mistakes--they are like the Mr. Magoos of the universe, half blind, can’t hear, average learners. They are easily brainwashed, manipulated and controlled. This is why they are mainly going extinct--probably 80-90% of Homo Sapiens that were eligible to be jabbed, took it without question. Homo Sapiens are either mutating into the 2nd or 3rd species of human, but one thing is for sure… Homo Sapien is going extinct and doesn’t know it and won’t accept it. They just don’t wanna know in many cases--they’d rather die than take full control of their lives, and see their mistakes. They prefer distraction, slavery, ignorance and poor health.
"2. Homo Borg Genesis: These are the ones that took the jab, and thus, GAVE PERMISSION for their DNA to be permanently altered… well, I think it’s permanent. Perhaps there exists some high galactic technology that can reverse the damage--that remains to be seen. H.B.G. has become a hybrid, part human/part extraterrestrial/part machine/part insect, because this is a perfect combo of controllable species. One that is just smart enough to do their job, to not break free, to be hooked up to the internet of THINGS, and to develop a HIVE MIND worker bee-type of lifestyle… Think of a planet of Chinese-style factory workers who just do their job like a good employee and never believe that anything more is achievable, or likely, or possible. If you really want to know, this is why the World Economic Forum now wants humanity to eat bugs!! Does that make sense? All of the proof leading up to this unfortunate conclusion has been posted at O.N.E. News… but people didn’t want to know, and thus became their new miserable insect hybrid selves. Don’t blame the messengers for wanting to help you or stop you from doing this to yourselves. We’re still here to help...
"3. Homo Christos: Homo Sapiens going extinct is thus morphing into Homo Borg Genesis, or Homo Christos, which is the higher 5D version of 3D Homo Sapiens. These ones also have mutated DNA but it’s probably more accurate to say ‘evolved DNA’… These ones no longer wanted to be a 3D version of themselves, and chose to raise their frequency, consciousness, awareness, and light quotient while in their 3D bodies. They developed spiritually meaning they were able to house more soul in their physical bodies, they connected more deeply to God, and are successfully cleaning out anything from their energy fields, that stand in their way of their metamorphosis. These are the ones who ARE inheriting the earth. Homo Christos, also called Homo Luminous, are the ones developing new senses, such as telekinesis...
"Each of these categories has some element of extraterrestrial DNA--humans may vary in their percentages of this ET species DNA and that ET species DNA.
"Some final thoughts. Now the Homo Borg Genesis hybrids may be able to become Homo Christos, but it will require a commitment to reconnect with their soul, and God. The problem here, is that these hybrids don’t believe in God, don’t think God is important, and don’t care much for spirituality, so while it’s possible, it’s not that likely. I tell you this so that you cannot feel hopeless or like a lost cause, just because you make a HUGE mistake by taking the jab.
"For those 3D homo sapiens that didn’t take the jab, but also aren’t interested in becoming a 5D version of themselves, these ones then likely made a contract with God to LEAVE planet earth SOONER THAN LATER..." --There Are Now Three Human Species
5G or 5D: Transcending the Transhuman Agenda
line that takes one away from his soul and further disconnect him from his
humanity. And there is the timeline that connects one to his soul on a
much deeper level than he has ever experienced and this timeline
connects one to his/her humanity in a much more powerful way...
The two timelines are actually 5G and 5D. 5G is the world of
the AI which disconnects us from our humanity. 5D is the
ascended human; the one who has stepped into his light-
body; his Christed form." --Transitioning to 5D Not 5G
“The vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna use mRNA to 'fight' COVID-19. When these vaccines were rolled out, it was the first time mRNA was used on humans in vaccine technology. While the concept is new to the public, the research has been around since the early 1990's.
“As with all MAGICK acts performed by the dark ILLUMINATI type Magicians/doctors/military industrial complex actors… using Mk ultra-type PROPAGANDA also known as the ‘mockingbird media’, they persuaded unsuspecting humans to stand in line (volunteer) to get the ‘vax’ that would be the final 'coup de grace' as part of a long effort to turn the human race into androids, or more specifically, cyborgs--TRANSHUMANS linked to an AI … or what some call the BORG...
“Needless to say, the advent of AI is also a threat to their survival and control of this planet. So they realized many years ago that their only hope to stay in power was to embrace technology and eventually AI in order to maintain their control.
“The Wingmakers tale reveals the limits of their dominion over Earth. Therefore they devised a plan to turn a certain portion of the population into the ultimate killing machines.
“While they hide in the shadows and feed on the weak they became intent on recruiting those that survive the jab into their android/cyborg army to fight incoming AI and androids already created by alien (off-planet) races millions of years ago.
“In some ways AI can be seen as the ‘mirror’ or echo from the past of whatever race of beings that created it. In this sense, AI is the ghost-like echo that crosses through time and...(acts) like a debris field from a former intelligent species (that) endlessly circulates through galaxies. It may even eventually be seen as comprising the galaxies themselves. However as a ghostly image it has enough power to impact future generations of beings who have come and gone.
“One might ask why THE CREATOR or ‘God’ would place such a tremendous obstacle in the way of his human creation? This leads into understanding and self-realization of our eternal nature by Humanity, the ultimate realization that soul and spirit gives us the ability to surmount anything we encounter. It's all about recognizing our eternal Godlike nature and destiny...
“There is no threat that cannot be overcome if we realize our true life in spirit. Part of recognizing the true eternal life in spirit is recognizing that we cannot 'die' but live on because we are eternal.
“Technology has a beginning and an end. It is created by beings that are created by the Creator and therefore a 'step down' from Creator/Source. It therefore is finite while Source is infinite. It cannot truly ascend into Source because it is finite. It is simply manifestation and as such temporary… limited in time. Whereas we are not. This is where time travel, free energy and understanding the quantum nature of the solar systems, signal non-locality and other such concepts gives us a window into our eternal nature.
“Our physical manifestation is ephemeral and transient. Form is not eternal--it is transitory. We inhabit form but are not 'ruled' by it contrary to the way many humans currently view life. Satanists cling to form, whether carbon or silicon while the true nature of our humanity makes it possible for us to live beyond both.
“So while Humanity is facing this dilemma and challenge it can be helpful to keep the eternal nature (connection with Source/God/the Creator) in mind. As creators we will doubtless come up with a myriad of ways of surmounting these challenges and in so doing recognize more deeply our own eternal God-like nature." --Kerry Cassidy – Homo Borg Genesis, aka the Transhumanist Agenda
Addendum: Take Your Fucking Blinders Off!
“It is Mr. Schwab’s intention, in his Fourth Industrial Revolution, to integrate your biological self with your digital self, to remove God from the equation, the miracle of life. These fuckers are serious, people, (and) they’re playing for keeps--this isn’t a joke. So it is time. Take your blinders off, look around you, realize what’s going on. There’s some serious shit coming up behind you. Once you see what’s going on and you arm yourself with facts, start telling people. This is where we have to sway the mass of consciousness. We have to make people aware. Information is invaluable right now. That’s your ammunition. You are a warrior—use your accurate information and TRUTH. Spread it! Get in the fight!”
Epilogue: Wake Up!
of your body, the brain in your physical form, are all multi-
dimensional all of the time. It is only the conscious you that
has been conditioned to watch only one station, and
therefore that is all you see..." --Pleiaidians,
channeled by Barbara J. Marciniak
"When you are one with Humanity and have not placed yourself above it, tears of compassion will flow and you won't be able to see anything but the One. There is only One. Your bodies have taken that one light and splintered it off into millions of lights. But the sun moving through a prism does not lose its original oneness. And that is what you are. When you are willing to face your unfinished business, your heart will break open, and you will see that all of you suffer from the same problem. You are afraid, because you have misidentified yourselves, and think that you are a small entity, moving through a perilous world to an unknown end...
"How could a being so vast as you, have fear of your smallness? It is not possible. You have just forgotten who you really are. Wake up! Every morning and every moment of the day that you can, remember who you are. Remember the stars of your mind and the power of your feet. And every moment that you touch that vastness, you will bring it that much more into your consciousness, and you will begin to feel it as surely as the limitations you now feel. But you have to remember, and that's all you have to remember. You cannot create those vast beings of consciousness, and you don't need to, because that is who you are. You have taken limitation as small as it can go. In the remembrance comes the reawakening. It will happen!
"Wake up, we need you..." --I Come As A Brother, Bartholomew (Mary Margaret Moore)
I intend that the Higher Purpose be served, and that the Light of Christ
prevail..." --No More Secrets, No More Lies - Patricia Cori