business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful,
but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases, you will
realize that this is not so.” --Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FAPM
“Every intelligent person who takes the time to investigate vaccination, will
find abundant evidence in the published writings and public records of the
advocates of vaccination, to prove its utter worthlessness, without reading
a line of anti-vaccination literature. And if we could add to this all the
suppressed facts, we would have a mass of evidence before which no
vaccinator would dare to hold up his head.”--Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD,
“Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils”
“There does not exist one single fact, in all the experiments and improvements
made in science, which can support the idea of vaccination. A vaccinated
people will always be a sickly people, short lived and degenerate.”
--Dr. Alexander Wilder, MD, “Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy”
"This vaccine is directly killing individuals…It can damage you, no doubt about it.
The scoreboard is lit up as bright as it can be: death, hospitalization, cardiac
and neurologic injuries, miscarriage, still birth, it can’t get worse. I can’t think
of any drug or any injection that is as dangerous as this group of
vaccines, in particular, the Pfizer vaccine." --Dr. Peter A. McCullough
"Ultimately it is all coming out, and we now know that (Dr.) Judy (Mikovich) has
been right all along--vaccinations are the problem. Viruses, if they exist or
not, or diseases, are NOT the problem, as long as our immune system works.
But these so-called 'vaccines' destroy our immune system on purpose...
this is definitely intentional infliction of harm...(and) there is no immunity for
anyone--neither for the doctors nor the makers of the vaccines...they will all
be held responsible. There's no way out for them..." --Dr. Reiner Fuellmich,
"Frankly at this point it’s quite clear that this is democide, not just genocide,
friends. It’s democide—it’s governments targeting their own populations
for death, with a bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine...”
--SGT Report: Dr. Ariyana Love: Transhumanist Nightmare
“Did you ever bother to check the scientific literature yourself, or
do you religiously practice blind faith in what unqualified
people tell you?” --The End of Germ Theory
"There are a lot of people who believe in vaccines. They obviously
haven't read the real literature..." --Alex Collier, Webinar 120
The Duplicitous Deception of the Mendacious Murderous Medical Mafia
to patients as they murder them -- has released an eyebrow-raising document that claims,
'rampant disinformation' is, 'eroding public confidence in science and undermining trust in
physicians and medical institutions.' And to reacquire that lost trust, the AMA proceeds
to teach doctors how to lie to the world about COVID." --American Medical
Association releases stunning document teaching doctors to LIE to patients
"The entire time from the introduction of the vaccines, the medical establishment
and the vaccine manufacturers utterly lied about the vaccines... Essentially
the health authorities have acused anyone with a functioning brain of being
a conspiracy theorist..." --How the COVID Vaccines Damage the Body
"I've been a doctor for a long time. Before me my father was a doctor, and I've
never seen anything like this where we have groups of physicians and scientist
and government bureaucrat agencies essentially lying to the American
people and to people across the world... The magnitude of the lies
is just so enormous... When we started to speak out we were promptly
de-platformed...and this bothers me tremendously on behalf of all of
Humanity. This is a Crime Against Humanity..." --Dr.
Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine
"The medical ethics are abandoned, so there's no informed consent. They're
not telling people, 'Hey, this might kill you. We're going to tell you all the risks
and then you can choose.' No, they're saying: 'It's harmless, nobody's been
harmed, nobody has died, take it, it works, it's 95% effective.' It's all a LIE."
--Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Steve Hotze on COVID vaccines
"We have been lied to... The COVAIDS-19 'vaccine' is NOT a
vaccine at all. It is a cellular genetic modification technology,
admittedly designed to give those IGNORANT enough to take
it, a self-creating auto-immune disease similar to what used
to be called AIDS..." --Once Were the Living
"Americans have been lied to for a very long time. And
some people--the Sheep--they have no clue about what's
happening..." --X22 Report, Ep. 2378b, Silent Running
"When a new disease emerges, the immune system eventually learns to identify the signature and deals with it. Ironically and not by accident, vaccines that are supposed to boost such protection actually undermine the body’s defenses by overwhelming the immune system with these life-threatening, toxic chemicals, DNA from animal tissue, aborted fetuses, and foreign proteins such as either live or dead viruses and bacteria." --Medical Mafia Is Sinking the Health Care System
“If you’re wondering what vaccines are made of and how they make them, they literally take these broken down cell culture soups of someones buggers or lung sputum, bacteria, bovine calf serum, monkey kidney tissue, or sometimes aborted human fetal kidney all of the poisonous antibiotics used to break that tissue down and call that toxic soup a ‘live virus vaccine’.
“An inactivated virus vaccine is where they just take some of the proteins out of that same culture, but not the entire culture. This confuses people, because their own theory admits that virus particles are not alive. So how can you have a live virus vaccine in a dead inactivated vaccine? It’s not the virus that’s alive in your vaccine injection, it’s some of the other monkey, fetal, bacterial, and lung tissue cells that aren’t dead yet. Both of these are then mixed with poisonous adjuvants like Ethyl Glycol, which is antifreeze; Formaldehyde; Acetone, which is fingernail polish remover; Aluminum Phosphate; Mercury based Thimerosol; Aluminum; and the disinfectant Phenol." --The End of Germ Theory
“And yet everyone who has vaccine-damaged children...are labeled as crazy anti-vaxers when you’d have to be crazy yourself to inject you and your children with rotting monkey flesh and anti-freeze--for health!" --The End of Germ Theory
Dr. Stefan Lanka: "(A) concoction consisting of dying tissue and cells from monkeys, bovine fetuses and toxic antibiotics … is being used as a 'live' vaccine, because it is supposed to consist of so-called 'attenuated' viruses … (This) toxic mixture full of foreign proteins, foreign nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), cytotoxic antibiotics, microbes and spores of all types is being labelled a 'live vaccine.' It is implanted in children through vaccination mainly into the muscles, in a quantity which if it were injected into the veins would immediately lead to certain death … The verifiable facts demonstrate the danger and negligence of these scientists and politicians, who claim that vaccines are safe, have little or no side-effects, and would protect from a disease. None of these claims is true and scientific, on the contrary: upon precise scientific analysis, one finds that vaccines are useless and the respective literature admits to the lack of any evidence in their favor." --Dr. Stefan Lanka, The Misconception Called Virus
Dr. Ariyana Love: “People like me and other experts are researching and going deeper into the whole vaccine program from decades previously, and I’m finding information that shows that vaccinations have always been gain-of-function and loss-of-function bioweaponry, meaning lab generated to be more lethal, and also to delete genes in humans… People are now taking a closer look and going down the rabbit hole and researching and apparently the vaccination program has ALWAYS been about poisoning the human body, injecting deadly bacteria, micro-plasma's, lab-enhanced bacteria's that are genetically modified and blended with other species and other plasmids, and are designed to stay within the body, to lodge within the tissues and deep into the bone marrow so that the body cannot actually detoxify them.” --SGT Report: Dr. Ariyana Love: Transhumanist Nightmare: Vax GMO Parasites, Nanowires & Democide
"I have read, restored, and updated 25 historical works on vaccination. I can conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest medical fraud in history. Vaccination, along with war, could be the biggest fraud in all of history. For each disease 'pandemic' from 1850 to 2021 (171 years), all you need to do is replace the date and location in the article to the current date and location. You’ll come to the inescapable conclusion that the drug companies have been running the same racket repeatedly. Each generation has been burdened with vaccination since 1796..." --Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History
“We know that the Rockefeller Institute for medical research carried out a large scale bacterial meningitis vaccination campaign in the US Army in 1917 and 1918… We can see one of the published studies carried out on soldiers and Fort Riley Kansas in late 1917, the start of the Spanish Flu pandemic, where soldiers were being given three increasing dosage amounts of bacterial meningitis vaccines in 4- to 10-day intervals. Even of you are ignorantly pro-vax, would you go out and take 3 increasing doses of polio, flu shots, or COVID-19 vaccinations in 2 weeks?
“They were not only giving these soldiers bacterial meningitis vaccines, that was only 1 of the 14 to 25 different shots given to the soldiers. As we ourselves have just seen, after a COVID-19 vaccine safety document that they had hoped to remain sealed for 75 years was published, showing...a 9-page list of over 1,300 diseases already caused by just 1 COVID-19 vaccine worldwide, and that’s just from 1 manufacturer...
“The other vaccines caused their own reactions—paralysis, or polio, brain damage, lockjaw and more. When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of vaccine-induced typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid, which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted an even stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t even have a name for.
“They didn’t want to tell people what it was--their own Frankenstein monster which they themselves had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines. They wanted to shift the blame away from their vaccines, so they called it the Spanish Influenza…
“The first World War was of such a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all of the vaccines on the soldiers, so they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. They drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in US history. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from countries with all kinds of contagious diseases, and that everyone must have all of the shots on the market. The people believed them. First of all, they wanted to believe their doctors, just like today. And second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick from their vaccines.
“So no, a virus or bacteria did not cause the Spanish Flu, and vaccines did not eradicate it..." --The End of Germ Theory
"Behind the news anchors, behind the pediatricians, behind the medical doctors, behind the TV personalities, behind the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, are the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) directly or indirectly paying their salaries. The drug companies stand to make billions from these fabricated disease pandemics. Disease mongering has been ongoing since 1796—the year the first smallpox vaccine was introduced." --Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History
"Soon it will be common knowledge that health does not come from putting poisons in the body, and the pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t be trusted with your health." --Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History
Mike Adams: "Those taking COVID vaccines right now are shockingly ignorant about the facts revealing criminal fraud across Big Pharma. Nearly every single vaccine manufacturer operating today has a history of science fraud, bribery, kickbacks, price-fixing, illegal marketing and more.
"Big Pharma corporations have proven again and again it's never about health... it's always about their bottom line, no matter what the cost to Humanity. Even former executives of top pharma companies are now warning of the 'crimes against humanity' we are all witnessing with the vaccine agenda, which is confirmed as a global depopulation agenda to exterminate humankind." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, March 31st, 2021
Dr. Ben Marble: “Dr. Death Fauci—he is the great architect, he is the greatest mass murderer in the history of the world, he’s the architect of COVID-19, the Frankenstein virus, which includes part of the HIV virus, part of SARS virus, part of the RSV virus and then the spike protein. They used that Frankenstein virus and the fear campaign, the global fear campaign with the fake news media to scare everybody and convince everybody to take the experimental gene editing poison, which, in my opinion, are slow-acting lethal injections...” --Dr. Ben Marble, Interviewed by Alex Jones of InfoWars
“We are being subject to a perpetual addiction to a known pathogen and toxic agent. And the reason why Anthony Fauci is advocating for the next round of boosters, to be followed by the next round of boosters, is until we actually achieve this stated goal, which is a 15% population reduction—about 800 million people dead--until we get there, he will be recommending this injection to harm, maim, kill and sterilize Humanity...” -Stew Peters, Dr. David Martin - We Are Allowing Human Organisms To Become Bioweapon Factories
This is not idle conjecture, as there are countless horror stories from millions of people all across the globe who have been severely damaged after taking these experimental mRNA "vaccines". And that's not counting the millions of other people who are unable to recount their stories because they are fucking DEAD. It is estimated that only 1% of all actual cases is being reported to the VAERS.reporting system...
"The number of deaths, irreversible adverse reactions, and biological damage already caused by the...COVAIDS jabs are EXPONENTIALLY greater than you have been told, and will go down as the GREATEST MEDICAL FRAUD and eugenics-driven democide and genocide in recorded history… Germ Theory is a eugenics driven LIE--we have ALL been duped..." --Once Were the Living
My heart goes out to this poor woman below. Her health and her entire life have been ruined all because, in her own words, "I was just literally following doctor's orders (and) following the government mandates, and now this is my life." That was her first mistake, trusting in the Mendacious Murderous Medical Mafia and their so-called "doctors", and believing in the false authority of criminal psychopaths like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Tedros Ghebreyesus or faux President China Joe Biden. Her second and perhaps more fatal mistake was her acquiescence to the injection of these high tech poisons into her body...
"The 'noble lie,' however, was condemned as 'paternalistic authoritarianism' by Malone. He explained that governance-by-lying dates back to Plato and Ancient Greek philosophy which states that it’s 'okay for politicians and people in authority positions to lie to the general public because they have special knowledge and ability to understand things…and the general public can’t cope with that level of information. And so it’s okay to lie to them'..." --MRNA Technology Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents: Vaccines Could Permanently Damage Children's Critical Organs
"Yeah there is so much denial (as) to what these injections are, but everything is online—it’s completely transparent… It has to do with (what is) between the ears of people, (with the fact) that people have to open their minds (up) to (the) information. And there is no excuse really any more. If people are that shut down they are going to die, they’re going to end up dead..." --SGT Report: Dr. Ariyana Love: Transhumanist Nightmare
Because "genocide is underway, and if you are unable to recognize the signs of genocide, that's not a good survival trait... If you miss the signs of genocide as they're coming for you, you're probably not going to make it..." --Mike Adams, Nov 15, 2021
The Dangers of mRNA Technology
genetic engineering..." --Why Are mRNA Vaccines So Dangerous?
"I still find it hard to believe that so many people continue to take this genocidal
bioweapon when there is such a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence on the
internet from scores of prestigious and honest professionals in medicine
and science who are explaining – with microscopic photos, dark field
live-blood analysis, spectrophotometric analysis, etc., why you
should NEVER consider injecting these high tech poisons
into your body."---Is Chlorine Dioxide A Miracle Cure?
Messenger RNA is the molecule that essentially puts DNA instructions into action. "Messenger RNAs, also known as mRNA, are one of the types of RNA that are found in the cell. This particular one, like most RNAs, are made in the nucleus and then exported to the cytoplasm where the translation machinery, the machinery that actually makes proteins, binds to these mRNA molecules and reads the code on the mRNA to make a specific protein. So in general, one gene, the DNA for one gene, can be transcribed into an mRNA molecule that will end up making one specific protein." --Messenger RNA (mRNA)
"One major safety concern in developing a vaccine is how to get around the danger that the vaccine might actually 'enhance' the pathogenicity of the virus, or make it more aggressive possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), as what happened with previous studies on test vaccines in animals. If that should happen in a major human trial the outcome could be disastrous...
"The vaccine, pushed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental mRNA technology that supposedly would allow rapid deployment, waiving the usual pre-clinical and animal studies. The fact that an entirely new RNA vaccine technology which has never been used before in humans is a danger signal that should not be ignored..."--Hazards of the COVID-19 Vaccine
"The theory behind the mRNA 'vaccines' is that when this synthetic mRNA is injected into your body, it inserts itself into your cells. And now it begins to produce the coronavirus spike proteins. Your own cells now will have this synthetic RNA that you didn't even make from your own DNA, that's been imposed, impressed into your cells. It’s now going to make this spike protein of the coronavirus.
"Why would you want to do that?! If you're perfectly healthy, why would you want to inject a foreign mRNA into your body?" --Dr. Steve Hotze talks about the dangerous "COVID-19 vaccine"
These "mRNA vaccines could be maliciously exploited to weaponize vaccines to target critical physiological functions in humans. This is similar in effect to 'RNA interference' technology which is a gene suppressing innovation that has been studied for use as an insect-killing pesticide technology in crops. Although the mechanisms of mRNA vaccines and RNA interference technology are very different, they can achieve many of the same outcomes such as induced infertility or death in targeted organisms, which could include humans. Technically, this could also be exploited to target specific genetic subgroups of humans such as those of African descent." --mRNA Vaccines Might Prove Catastrophic in a Rushed Coronavirus Response
In fact, the mRNA vaccine "is causing neurological disorders, such as Bells Palsy symptoms, massive hospitalizations, injuries, infertility in women, as well as hyper-inflammatory reactions..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Dec. 13th
The Fallacy of Virus and Germ Theory
with a few other proteins. They butt out from the cell. They happen when the cell is
poisoned. They are not the cause of anything.” –Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD
"A virus is nothing more than the waste products of cellular breakdown. It's the
acid or the exotoxin... Retroviruses are non-living fragments of RNA which
then infect the cells and borrow from the cell to reconstitute itself."
--Dr. Robert Young, What Is A Virus?
“This whole (idea of) germ theory comes from Girolamo Fracastoro who was serving the Pope in the 1500’s. He came up with this idea that there were little seeds of disease and that they spread by different routes. And so the seeds became the germs, like germination, for seeds. (This notion is) very atomistic, very materialistic--that everything is particles and out to get us.
“And then (official) Germ Theory came along in the late 1800’s, (and is) still the mainstream view that we all talk about and believe... Germ Theory in a nutshell—it’s not a scientific theory… A scientific theory comes after you validate your alternative hypothesis. After you’ve proven something is causal, that’s when a theory is formed…" --Dr. Jordan Grant - Science, Pseudoscience, and The Germ Theory of Disease
“Modern medicine is based on the Germ Theory, and the Germ Theory was formulated by two people in the late 1800’s—Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch in Germany. And basically that theory says that every disease is caused by a specific microorganism. And that gives the justification for treating disease with poisons and vaccines and so forth…
"It’s a superstition that dates back to the days of Aristotle, which was that if you fed yourself a little bit of a poison then your body would be immune to a larger dose of that poison. People really believe this (crap)… So today it’s we’ll put a little bit of poison in the vaccination to prime or push your immune system so you will be immune to the bigger dose of the poison..." --Mike Adams and Sally Fallon - 5G, spike protein, SPIONs and Germ Theory
“The best contagion study ever done, three of them, (was from) 1918 and 1919. This was with the Spanish Flu, supposedly the most deadly, contagious thing ever to exist… They took 100 volunteers...and they were exposed to actively dying people in the ward of Spanish Flu...(and) nobody got sick, not a single person." --Dr. Jordan Grant - Science, Pseudoscience, and The Germ Theory of Disease
“None of the healthy volunteers got sick… None of the healthy volunteers who received the materials directly transferred from sick cases got sick themselves in any way... Not only did they not prove the Spanish Flu was contagious, but they clearly disproved it…
“Germ Theory is nonsense pseudo-science… Nobody has ever isolated any virus and sequenced an actual genome let alone make a person or animal sick with the same symptoms by injecting or spraying those particles only with no other poisons, rotting flesh or contaminants, ever. These so-called petri dish virus particles that they see under electron microscopes are usually around 50-140 nanometers in diameter. Yet when we look at a bacteriophage they are anywhere from 28 to 200 nanometers in total height, and yet the capsid, where their genetic material is contained is only 28 nanometers in diameter, much, much smaller than an entire virus particle. And yet scientists have isolated, purified them, and sequenced a whole genome for them...
“If theoretical virus particles really made you sick, then you could not have those virus particles in you and miraculously not be sick. If you have virus particles in you and you are asymptomatic, then those particles do not cause illness or you would be sick too. End of story.
“And since no experiment has ever been able to make a person ill by exposing them to another sick person, and since this particle (alleged coronavirus) has never been purified and isolated, genetically mapped, has never been directly found in the tissue or snot of any living being, sick or well, injected into another person or animal solely by itself, and made them sick, the whole Germ Theory rests on the baseless claim that this particle (alleged corona virus) enters a cell, multiplies, kills that cell and goes on to do the same elsewhere, otherwise known as the Cytopathic Effect Theory, that too has never been proven or shown to happen." --The End of Germ Theory
"For over 100 years medical science has followed Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory. Essentially, Pasteur argued that diseases are caused by specific microorganisms which invade our bodies from the outside.
"But Pasteur’s rival – a friend and contemporary – Antoine Béchamp proposed an alternative. Instead, Béchamp argued that illness stems from an unhealthy immune system which triggers changes in minute particles of the body that can lead to disease.
- Microbes exist naturally in the body.
- Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.
- These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and assist in the metabolic processes of the body.
- The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical.
- Micro-organisms are pleomorphic (having many forms): they change their shapes and colors (shape-shift) to reflect the condition of the host.
- Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
- Disease results when microbes change form, function, and toxicity according to the terrain of the host. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.
- Disease is built by unhealthy conditions.
- To prevent disease we have to create health." --COVID-19 Pandemic 'Hoax' Re-opens Great Germ Theory Debate
“Bacteria aren’t these little demons that we think they are. We live with them and this is becoming more accepted, as far as the microbiome that I’m sure people have heard about. We have all these bacteria in our gut, they’re in our mouth—they’re everywhere... And what happened was they started finding them associated with certain disease processes and they just, again, asserted that they caused this (disease), instead of, maybe they’re the result, maybe they’re the effect. Maybe they’re there eating dead tissue just like everywhere else in nature. But that didn’t fit the business model, right? So we need antibiotics, we need drugs to kill these things.
“Béchamp was against a lot of that. He called out Pasteur on some of his anthrax fraud… " --Dr. Jordan Grant - Science, Pseudoscience, and The Germ Theory of Disease
"Béchamp’s theory was simple, cost-effective and focused on the preventative – pursuing good nutrition, eating a varied and healthy diet, avoiding pollution and being fit and active. However it wasn’t a money-spinner.
"Instead, pharmaceutical manufacturers saw huge potential in Pasteur’s ideas which presented real money-making opportunities in both preventative and curative medicine by way of developing, marketing and selling expensive drug therapies and vaccinations programs..." --COVID-19 Pandemic 'Hoax' Re-opens Great Germ Theory Debate
The Myth of Contagion
Coronavirus Psyop), because without the concept of Germ Theory and
without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not
buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda..."
--Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception
"So then we get to around the 1800s, and now we're really talking about 1850, and there was what I call the first eureka moment. So we're thinking, one person is sick, another person gets sick, there must be something spread. And that observsation is what's called epidemiological observation...
"Epidemiological observations, like this person got sick, and then somebody else got sick, is well accepted in medicine. That is not how we prove causation. And you hear this now all the time, well a lot of people in one place got sick so it must be a virus... Or they'll say, if it spreads from one place to another that proves it's a virus...
"That's what Louis Pasteur famously did. What he used was the case of sheep. He said there's all these sheep getting sick, one sheep after another, sometimes the people who were handling the sheep got sick, so there must be something that's passed. So the first eureka moment in history then is that they could see this bacteria under the microscope, and they saw the bacteria in the sheep, and they saw it in the next sheep who got sick. End of story--that's what caused the sheep to get sick called anthrax...
"This process that you're calling getting sick, is simply a detoxification reaction. So in other words, you poison somebody with whatever--it could be emotional poison, it could be bad food, it could be toxins in the house, it could be that we're all exposed to glyphosate, it could be that we're all exposed to electromagnetic fields. All of these things distort the gels in our cells and then the body has to flush them out. It does this through making fever, making mucus. We call that infectious disease and it turns out it's just a detoxification reaction. And the thing about it is when you treat it like that, you get people who have no bad outcomes and are better for life...
"We now know from very clear scientific studies that if you poison a cell or a tissue, it breaks down into little packages of genetic material which are called exosomes as a method of detoxification... These detoxification packages that are called exosomes are mistaken for viruses and they are not contagious, they're not infectious. They are how the body communicates what happens when it detoxifies."--Contagion Myth & Unconventional Ways To Treat Viruses - Dr. Thomas Cowan
"And so with the advent of the electron microscope they observed these exoxomes, these so-called 'virus' particles at the cellular level whenever disease was present, and so concluded that these exosomes must be the cause of disease. That's a bit like saying every time you see a building on fire you see firemen, therefore firemen must be the cause of fires, which is, of course, absurd." -5G Vaccine Wuhan 5G and the Corona Virus, JourneyofAdam
"In the first place, the causes (of disease) are not biological. Biology is simply the carrier of a ‘deadly intent'... No person becomes ill unless that illness serves a psychic or psychological reason, so many people escape such complications. In the meantime, however, scientists and medical men find more and more viruses against which the population ‘must’ be inoculated. Each one is considered singly. There is a rush to develop a new inoculation against the newest virus. Much of this is on a predictive basis: The scientists ‘predict’ how many people might be ‘attacked’ by, say, a virus that has caused a given number of deaths. Then as a preventative measure the populace is invited to the new inoculation... Many people who would not get the disease in any case are then religiously inoculated with it. The body is exerted to use its immune system to the utmost, and sometimes, according to the inoculation, overextended (under such) conditions...
"Left alone, the body can defend itself against any disease, but it cannot defend itself appropriately against an exaggerated general fear of disease on the individual’s part. It must mirror your own feelings and assessments. Usually, now, your entire medical systems (and mainstream media outlets) literally generate as much disease as is cured — for you are everywhere hounded by the symptoms of various diseases, and filled with the fear of disease, overwhelmed by what seems to be the body’s propensity toward illness — and nowhere is the body’s vitality or natural defense system stressed. Private disease, then, happens also in a social context. This context is the result of personal and mass beliefs that are intertwined at all cultural levels..." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
"Senility is a mental and physical epidemic — a needless one. You ‘catch’ it because when you are young you believe that old people cannot perform. There are no inoculations against beliefs, so when young people with such beliefs grow old they become ‘victims'... The question of epidemics cannot be answered from a biological standpoint alone. It involves great sweeping psychological attitudes on the part of many, and meets the needs and desires of those involved — needs which, in your terms, arise in a framework of religious, psychological and cultural realities that cannot be isolated from biological results...
"When people feel powerless and in a state of generalized fear, they can even turn the most natural earthly ingredients against themselves. Your television, and your arts and sciences as well, add up to (disease-inducing) mass meditations... Many people are almost consciously aware of what they are doing. All they have to do is pay attention to the suggestions offered so freely by the society. The temperature does rise. Concern causes the throat to become dry. Dormant viruses — which up to now have done no harm — are activated...
"A specific disease will of course have its effects on other portions of the body as well, [effects] which have not been studied, or even known... Inoculations, therefore, cannot take that into consideration. There are also cases where alterations occur after inoculation, so that for a while people actually become carriers of diseases, and can infect others... In the most basic of terms, however, inoculations do no good, though I am aware that medical history would seem to contradict me...but I am afraid that scientific medicine has caused as many new diseases as it has cured...
"You could not live without viruses, nor could your biological reality as you know it now exist. Viruses appear to be ‘the bad guys,’ and as a rule you think of them separately, as for example the smallpox virus. There are overall affiliations in which viruses take part, however, in which delicate balances are maintained biologically. Each body contains countless viruses that could be deadly at any given time and under certain conditions. These — and I am putting it as simply as possible — take turns being active or inactive within the body, in accordance with the body’s overall condition. Viruses that are ‘deadly’ in certain stages are not in others, and in those later stages they react biologically in quite beneficial ways, adding to the body’s stability by bringing about necessary changes, say, in cellular activities that are helpful at given rates of action. These in turn trigger other cellular changes, again of a beneficial nature...
"The viruses in the body have a social, cooperative existence. Their effects become deadly only under certain conditions. The viruses must be triggered into destructive activity, and this happens only at a certain point, when the individual involved is actively seeking either death or a crisis situation biologically. The initial contagion in such cases is always emotional and mental... You are immune from ill health as long as you believe that you are." --The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) by Jane Roberts
Vera Sharav: “It’s totally insane because the masks do not filter airborne germs of any kind.”
David Nino Rodriguez: “First of all--the disease—you have to believe in it to get it. That’s how I see it, sorry. That’s just my view on it...”
Vera Sharav: “You’re right, really..." --David Nino Rodriguez - Vera Sharav - Last WARNING! Don't PANIC!!
More Monkey Business
all around the world, and they’re making up every excuse that they can. And
this monkeypox--the monkeypox is just to cover up the fact that people
are getting all of this vaccine damage. And it’s not side effects of the jab,
it’s (direct) effects of the jab..." --Max Igan – A New Level of Genocide
"Look around you. 90% of the people are SHEEP, and they're walking around with
their heads up their ass... I'm looking at people right now in their cars driving with
their masks on. They're (the ones who are) gonna believe this monkeypox shit..."
--David Nino Rodriguez and Kerry Cassidy Discuss the Plan to Save America
"Yes, that’s right, just as the survivors of The Simulated Apocalyptic Plague of 2020-2021 were crawling up out of their COVID bunkers and starting to 'build the world back better,' another biblical pestilence has apparently been unleashed on humanity! This time it’s the dreaded monkeypox, a viral zoonotic disease endemic to central and western Africa that circulates among giant pouched rats, squirrels, dormice, and other rodents and has been infecting humans for centuries, or millennia.
"The (faux) President of the United States (Commie Joe Biden) says 'EVERYBODY SHOULD BE CONCERNED!'... The WHO is calling it 'a multi-country monkeypox outbreak!' Belgium has introduced a mandatory quarantine. The CDC has gone to 'Alert Level 2!' 'Enhanced precautions' are recommended!" --CJ Hopkins, Monkeypoxmania
“They’re up to their same old monkey business again right now, this time with the new monkeypox virus. And just like with HIV, they’re blaming it on gay men again. And of course they won’t explain why monkeypox originally broke out solely in countries that have no monkeys in them.
“Luckily for all of us, in September of 2019, the US Food and Drug Administration announced they approved a first live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent both smallpox and monkeypox. And then in February 2021, a patent was announced for a brand new, recombinant poxvirus based vaccine to fight SARS-CoV-2, using a mix of broken down genetic material alleged to come from petri dish cultures with alleged SARS-CoV-2 mixed with broken down puss, blisters and scabs from horses and monkeys in starved and poisoned petri dish tissue cultures. I bet you can’t wait to roll up your sleeve and inject all of that rotting horse blister puss and monkey blister puss into your body...
“So how could they know there would be a monkeypox outbreak in 2022? Because just like polio, smallpox variola was not caused by a virus or bacteria. It was not contagious, and it was not eradicated by the smallpox vaccine in 1979, as they always claim. Its bogus proof of existence was created in a virology petri create this meaningless dead cell debris particle under an electron microscope. And then the actual skin-blistering disease was just given a dozen new names and new fake boogeymen to blame as the new causes. New names like Auto Immune Blistering Disease, one of the 1300 diseases caused by Pfizer’s recent COVID-19 vaccine… And it doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out why now there is a monkekypox outbreak after half the world just took injections that can cause it..." --The End of Germ Theory
“Allegedly, for the first time since its discovery among humans in Africa over 50 years ago, the monkeypox virus is circulating throughout several countries including the USA, UK, Canada, Brazil, Australia and most of Europe all at the same time.
“But it just so happens that every single country where monkeypox is allegedly circulating is also a country that has distributed the Pfizer COVID-19 injection to its population; excluding some countries in Africa where the disease has been endemic for the past 50 or so years.
“The World Health Organization has not received a single report of monkeypox from any country in the world where the Pfizer vaccine was not administered. Why is this?” --"Monkeypox" is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed
Amazing Polly: “The World Health Organization says that anyone who receives the monkeypox vaccine is considered to be part of a clinical trial for data collection so that they can learn more about the effectiveness… Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, accused war criminal, Marxist, head of the WHO, has taken it upon himself to declare monkeypox a 'public health emergency of international concern.' So you can see they are taking the steps necessary to get this to pandemic level..." --Amazing Polly, You're A Lab Rat in Their Experiment
“This is not a sexually transmitted disease per se. Why would they keep insisting that this is the most at risk group (gay men)? Why, why, why?… Eugenics program! Eugenics program! Who do the eugenicists want to get rid of? Well gay people is one of the groups. They don’t like homosexual people…
“Don’t let them scare you into running out and getting the smallpox vaccine because it is absolutely dangerous for people with immuno-compromised bodies to take the smallpox vaccine. Very dangerous for you and it sheds. Vaccinia vaccine, the one they’re pushing right now, is famous for shedding and spreading to the people in your close circle.
“Even though we all think monkeypox is a joke—it’s probably shingles from the vaccine or whatever. It’s not that dangerous for 99% of people. It’s not a big deal—you’ll get over it. But I think they’re hyping it up so that they can get these smallpox vaccines into people which could potentially cause really terrible problems for sick people and gay people, (and) people who are immuno-compromised too...” --Amazing Polly, You're A Lab Rat in Their Experiment
Todd Callender: “Because it has to be. Tedros used the magic legal works ‘public health emergency of international concern’. And when he uttered those magic legal words all kinds of treaty implications came into effect. Biden, president with a small ‘p’ extended the emergency from COVID through the end of July. It was expiring so we knew that Tedros had to do this so that they could keep their emergency powers indefinitely which started with the suspension of our Constitution in March of 2020. And now the suspension of our Constitution and human rights remain in effect because of these magic legal words. They just needed a pretext for it...” --SGT Report - Monkey Hoax – International Health Pandemic for Global Serfdom
Horrific Bio-Structures Found in the Dead Bodies of the Vaccinated
may be constructing these fibrous structures inside their bodies at this very minute, and
that it’s only a matter of time before they block major arteries or cause heart attacks,
strokes or other acute causes of 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' (SADS)..." --Mike
Adams, Shocking Microscopy Photos Extracted from Those Who "Suddenly Died"
"Some of the embalmers...believe that the COVID vaccine may be responsible
for this ('blood clots'), along with the increase in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,
which has steadily risen since 2020..." --New Research Shows Strange
Bodily Phenomenon Beginning in 2020
"If you can survive the vaccine it will transform you into a type
of a cyborg..." --Kerry Cassidy Update: March 11, 2021
Sean Turnbull: “What’s being found in the bodies of these people who are dying after taking the vax—these are not blood clots. Mike Adams, La Quinta Columna, (and) other researchers--they are showing this vein clot material that is non-human. These are not blood clots that are clogging the veins of these people and killing them…" --SGT Report: Dr. Ariyana Love: Transhumanist Nightmare: Vax GMO Parasites, Nanowires & Democide
Mike Adams: "These clots are often referred to as 'blood clots' but they are nothing at all like normal clots, and they consist of far more than mere blood cells. Unlike normal clots which are gelatinous, almost jelly-like, these so-called 'clots' contain extremely large, complex, repeating structural elements that are clearly being constructed in the blood of the victims who died from these clots.
'All of these clots were extracted from patients within a few hours of their death. These are not the result of post-mortem blood stasis. These are structures found in blood vessels and arteries. They are not congealed blood..." --Mike Adams, Shocking Microscopy Photos of Blood Clots Extracted From Those Who "Suddenly Died"
Dr. Jane Ruby: "Board certified embalmer and funeral director, Richard Hirschman’s bizarre and mysterious white clots pulled from sudden death in COVID-19 jabbed cadavers are no longer mysteries, thanks to the work of microscopy expert...Mike Adams. The most definitive finding is that these white thick castings taken from the arteries and veins of the injected dead are not blood clots and they are highly metallic electrical conducting circuits." --White Embalmer Clots Are Self Assembling Circuits
"Fact #1) The clots grow larger over time, inside the body’s circulatory system. This means they are self-assembling systems / bio-machinery."
"Fact #2) As they grow larger, they accumulate or harvest certain elements from the circulating blood supply. Via ICP-MS laboratory testing, we have conclusively shown that Tin, Aluminum and Sodium are being harvested from the blood and incorporated into the structures of the clots.
"Fact #3) As the clots grow, they take up more space in the blood vessels. At first, the live blood simply flows around the clots. But clots may be dislodged during rigorous physical activity (such as jogging or playing soccer), or the clots may at some point achieve a 100% blockage of the artery, resulting in a “died suddenly” event.
"Importantly, it appears that these clots take many months or even a year or two to grow to sufficient size to fully block blood vessels and arteries. This means the deaths observed so far are only a fraction of the deaths yet to come.
"Many people who took these jabs, in other words, are ticking time bombs of inevitable cardiovascular blockage and death. It’s only a matter of time before the clots grow larger enough to halt blood flow. Once blood flow to the brain is halted, death ensues in a matter of a few minutes...
"These clots are not blood clots. They are elastic, rugged biostructures that resemble the strength and texture of rubber bands... They are strong, rubbery-like protein biostructures that absolutely do not belong in the human body...
"We are already seeing Holocaust-scale mass death from these vaccines. This vaccine holocaust is going to get far worse. Where the Nazi Holocaust reportedly claimed the lives of six million victims, this vaccine holocaust could conceivably kill sixty million, or even ten times that over time. Consider this when you see media reports touting 'annual mRNA injections' now being ramped up by the vaccine manufacturers. They want to hit you with one of these shots every year until you die. Anybody gullible enough to keep taking these clot shots will surely die sooner than they had imagined, especially when they stupidly believed the shots were protecting them rather than exterminating them." --Mike Adams, 10,000 people A DAY being killed by COVID vaccines; worldwide fatalities likely larger than the HOLOCAUST
Dr. Jane Ruby: “This isn’t a conspiracy theory... There is profound blood clotting occurring. People can live for a long time with blood clotting, especially at the micro level. But that’s why you’re tired, that’s why you can’t go up a flight of stairs, that’s why you’re 30 years old and dropping dead on a soccer field." --Dr. Jane Ruby and the Health Ranger reveal post-vaccine CLOT MYSTERIES
"They’re not even dead from COVID. They’re dying of sudden heart attacks, strokes, cancers. It doesn’t seem to matter what these people die of nowadays, so many of them have the same anomalies in their blood.”
“The blood is different. Something is causing the blood to change. And the whole purpose of me trying to come out was to try to say: look, something’s wrong. Let’s figure out what it is so that maybe we can find a way to help break this stuff down and save people’s lives..." --New Research Shows Strange Bodily Phenomenon Beginning in 2020
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
third or the fourth experimental shot against the COVID-19 virus. But the
number of sudden and unexpected deaths is still rising..."
--Addison Wilson, Unexpected Deaths Are Still Rising!
"Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? Really? We just suddenly have all these extra
deaths and we have no idea why? But we do know that it's not the vaccine!
That's the one thing that they can tell you for sure..." --Sudden
Adult Death Syndrome: REALLY? We Must be Stupid
"...'Died Suddenly' is stupid (people) leaving the Earth..."
--Globalists have decided to EXTERMINATE the gullible
Dr. Ben Marble: “They’ve already given over ten billion doses of the poison...(to) over four billion people—half the planet—so they’ve already dosed half the planet with slow-acting lethal injections. So now they can flip flop on all the things (that) we know don’t work—masks don’t work...a three-year-old should understand that masks don’t stop COVID. The lockdowns and the social distancing don’t work. But (all) that was all designed to convince people to take the poison. And the problem is that over 4 billion people did, so now they can stop all the things that we know don’t work because all they have to do now is wait for everybody to die…" --Dr. Ben Marble, Interviewed by Alex Jones of InfoWars
Max Igan: “I have no doubt that they are putting different jabs in different sections of the population. A lot of the goal is depopulation, but it’s also (about) control. They want to kill off all the alpha species. You notice all these really fit cricketers and footballers and sports people—700 or something sports people in the last year (have dropped dead on the playing field). It’s ridiculous the amount of people that have died in the last year—famous people—and not all of the numbers are being reported...."--Max Igan, A New Level of Genocide
Mike Adams: “Folks, you’ve got sports stars dropping dead on the soccer fields and the football fields and the basketball court, and the running marathons and the cyclists and the deep ocean divers and these people are dropping dead on video all around the world after taking the vaccine… And the hospitals are being overrun by previously vaccinated patients. How can any rational person, or sane person at this point, how can they observe this world and say to themselves, ‘Oh, the answer obviously must be that everybody needs to take another booster shot.' More poison, more poison! And then a third booster, and a forth, and a fifth--until they’re dead… At this point they have kind of affirmed that they want to commit suicide. It’s like they have chosen vaccine euthanasia as their path. They have chosen it. And it’s kind of hard to feel sorry adult who keeps making the decision to take more vaccine shots. It’s kind of hard to feel sorry for them at this point. Because the evidence is right in front of them, that the shots are killing people, and they choose to remain BLIND.” --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Nov 15
“I’m incensed as a medical professional to hear the term ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’. I mean, if I murder somebody, well you’ve just had Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. It’s absurd, it’s insulting to our intelligence that they’re using these phrases to cover up for what is obviously from the jab..." --Dr. Jane Ruby and the Health Ranger reveal post-vaccine CLOT MYSTERIES
Stew Peters: "Doctors around the world are suddenly warning the public about a strange and mysterious rise in 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,' a condition where, apparently, young previously-health adults can suddenly drop dead of heart failure. They’re warning about it in the UK, and in Canada, and here in the US as well.
"Before 2020, there were never more than 10, and typically fewer than five, sudden on-the-field deaths among high-level athletes. Suddenly, in 2021, there were more than three hundred such cases, and more of them are pouring in this year.
"Look around this country and pay attention, and it’s clear. People are dropping dead, a lot more than they used to...." --Stew Peters, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: Young, Healthy People Dropping Dead At Alarming Rate
Mike Adams: "The murderous medical regime knows that COVID vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so they’ve suddenly assigned a medical label for the phenomenon in order to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather than from vaccines... The medical negligence, incompetence and even maliciousness behind all this is mind-boggling..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, June 9, 2022
“Newborn children are dying in record numbers now. It’s getting rather insane. (There are) all kinds of unexplained deaths and deaths of sports figures and young athletes and baseball players and football players and soccer players just dying all over the place in just crazy numbers—what is it, a 1700% increase in the deaths of professional sports players since the vaccines rolled out? But of course, it couldn’t possibly be vaccines—it must be ABV.
“And so the latest push now, you notice the media is always trying to come up with new stories to explain why there are so many otherwise unexplainable deaths… People are dying in numbers that make no sense—well unless you understand that vaccines are killing people..." -- Mike Adams - Situation Update, Aug 1, 2022 - ABV disease (Anything But Vaccines) is causing people to DROP DEAD everywhere!
Laura-Lynn: “This has been an attack—it’s been a global attack on mankind. And the devil is a liar from the beginning and he’s a murderer. The word of God says that Satan was a murderer, Lucifer was a murderer from the beginning. So his plan is to take out mankind. So this has caused everybody to look deep within themselves and to think a lot about the brevity of life, the preciousness of life, and about the afterlife...
Tiago Henriques: “I’ve been getting a lot of people messaging me that have taken one or two, or maybe three (of the COVID death jabs) and now they’re really scared. They read all the stories on (the site) and they’re really scared, they’re crying, they’re making arrangements for passing… So we’re in a bit of a tough situation and I don’t think (that) it’s going to get any better in the short term..." --Sudden Death Cover-Up!
Tiago Henriques: “Probably the children, probably like teenagers just dropping dead of heart attacks, strokes… Those are the most disturbing ones and they’re getting younger and younger and younger. And very, very aggressive cancers… The person will get the cancer and then two or three weeks later they’re dead. It’s very quick and sudden…”
Laura-Lynn: “You have found, Tiago, a trend that is currently unreported by the mainstream media. I’m sure you’ve heard of Alberta, that recently their highest death counts are in ‘no cause’. They can’t figure out what it is. Gee, I wonder what has been introduced into our society in the last couple of years that now, the highest death toll they can’t give an answer to.”
Tiago Henriques: “I can give you an answer. We all know what it is...” --Sudden Death Cover-Up!
Sudden Child Death Syndrome
industry and all of its promoters--the doctors, the pharmacists, the so-called journalists,
the Fauci's of the world, the CDC, the FDA, the UN, the WHO, the local health depart-
ments...They're all in on it, they're all mass murderers, they know what they're
doing. They're killing people with these vaccines and they're causing global
infertility..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 24th, 2021 [Part 4]
"Unless a grieving parent works up enough courage to admit they made a mistake
in letting their child get one of these bioweapon shots, and is willing to face the
backlash that will certainly come from those in the Vaccine Cult, which will
probably include their own family members, do not expect the media to even
mention the COVID-19 'vaccination status' of these sudden deaths..."
--"Sudden Deaths" of Children Under the Age of 12 Start Surfacing
"The medical ethics are abandoned, so there's no informed consent. They're
not telling people, 'Hey, this might kill you. We're going to tell you all the risks
and then you can choose.' No, they're saying: 'It's harmless, nobody's been
harmed, nobody has died, take it, it works, it's 95% effective.' It's all a LIE."
--Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Steve Hotze on COVID vaccines
"COVID-19 is premeditated murder with a bioweapon that was...designed
to kill... It's vaccination--it is not immunization, and it's extermination and
sterilization... It was infection by injection from the (very) beginning... (It's)
premeditated murder of their 40 years of vaccine experimentation with-
out informed consent..." --Dr. Judy Mikovits, Stew Peters Interview
"The politicians and the media and all these parasites are out there saying
‘trust the science’. Well OK we are trusting the science and the science
says that you’re all full of shit, you’re a bunch of liars and you’re carrying
out a mass genocide against the populations of the world..."
-- Max Igan - The Crux of the Biscuit
“'Before you inject your child – a decision that is irreversible – I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created,' Dr. Malone begins.
"Malone goes on to explain the spike proteins induced by the vaccine could do permanent damage to a child’s brain, nervous system, heart and blood vessels, their reproductive system and their immune system."--MRNA Technology Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents: Vaccines Could Permanently Damage Children's Critical Organs
"Furthermore, Malone points out the mRNA jabs have not undergone significant testing, so long-term risks and complications that could turn up later down the road haven’t been properly assessed. 'Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history,' Malone says.
Lastly, Malone says the premise that children need to be given the vaccine is faulty and that their immunity 'after getting COVID' is crucial so the human immune system can adapt to the disease..." --MRNA Technology Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents: Vaccines Could Permanently Damage Children's Critical Organs
"To ignore this and continue onward with the shot program is 'the greatest crime ever committed by an Irish government,' the newsletter says, but 'as hard as the HSE tries to cover up the horrifying impact of the COVID vaccine on Irish children, there is no containing the staggering toll of sudden deaths in young people.'
"A sudden rise in hepatitis cases is suspicious, too, the newsletter says: 'Why are so many healthy children dying? What has changed in their lives to cause it? We all know the answer but many still do not have the courage to say it out loud because they too may meet the same fate'...
"While it’s being ignored right now, it won’t be forever, the newsletter suggests, because 'soon the dam of silence will burst because the injury levels are too alarming to ignore'..." --The Irish Light
"They literally take these broken down cell culture soups of someones buggers or lung sputum, bacteria, bovine calf serum, monkey kidney tissue, or sometimes aborted human fetal kidney tissue... These are then mixed with poisonous adjuvants like Ethyl Glycol, which is antifreeze; Formaldehyde; Acetone, which is fingernail polish remover; Aluminum Phosphate; Mercury based Thimerosol; Aluminum; and the disinfectant Phenol.
“Then they inject all of those poisonous chemicals and rotting animal flesh into you, and claim it magically makes you immune from catching a fictional virus that doesn’t even exist in reality outside of the dead cell debris particles they just created in a petri dish and injected into you. And people wonder why they get sick after a flu shot, or why their children have lifelong allergies and medical problems after taking 30 of these injections.
“And yet everyone who has vaccine-damaged children...are labeled as crazy anti-vaxers when you’d have to be crazy yourself to inject you and your children with rotting monkey flesh and anti-freeze--for health!" --The End of Germ Theory
Dr. Bhakdi: "These data are so damning that you don't have to start looking for other data to know that these vaccines are killing the young, and the old--are killing the young and the old. And they are killing our children..." --The Vaccines Are Killing People - Dr. Bhakdi Looks At the Clear and Alarming Evidence
Just listen to this sick, twisted freak Bill Gates describe how much he gets off on injecting his GMO poison into the arms of little children. And apparently the entire so-called "medical establishment"--all of the doctors, nurses, medical directors, pharmacists, etc.--have all followed suit in pushing the poisonous COVID mRNA bioweapon injections onto a gullible, trusting public.
"So just remember, the 'pandemic' is being sustained by the vaccines, because they're injecting people with spike proteins. So they are spreading the spike protein, which is the bioweapon. And remember that anytime they want to push the 'pandemic' a little more, all they have to do is announce another booster shot and say, 'Oh, there's another variant out there. Everybody needs a booster shot to cover that variant, and then they give everybody a booster shot. Big Pharma makes another hundred billion dollars with the booster shots. The government just prints the money and hands it over to the drug companies. It's all a big scam, obviously, a giant swindle.
"And then people start dying again. And then the media says, 'See, look how dangerous COVID is. Good thing we had the booster shots ready in time or things would have been way worse.' No. The booster shots are spreading the spike protein. The booster shots ARE the weapon. And they can continue this cycle forever, forever, year after year after year until they exterminate the numbers they want. And all this time they can blame the un-vaccinated people-- 'Oh, the un-vaccinated people are the reason we haven't solved this yet, those irresponsible un-vaccinated people. We need to require them to be vaccinated' they'll say. 'That's the only way we're ever going to beat COVID. The un-vaccinated people continue to spread it.' Meanwhile it's actually their vaccines that are spreading it, of course. While the un-vaccinated are the only ones helping NOT spread it. It's the vaccinated people who are shedding it and transmitting it, spreading it everywhere.
"But again the media knowingly lies, and it's all a giant racket to keep people enslaved, keep people sick, keep the money flowing into the vaccine industry and to Big Pharma, to keep everybody in a state of fear and mass hysteria. It's medical dictatorship. Along with infertility and deaths and Antibody Dependent Enhancement--it's all part of the plan. Massive human extermination and total global enslavement under a medical dictatorship. This is the plan, this is the plandemic. And it's moving along like clockwork..." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, May 24th, 2021 [Part 4]
"The vaccination program has ALWAYS been about poisoning the human body, injecting deadly bacteria, micro-plasma's, lab-enhanced bacteria's that are genetically modified and blended with other species and other plasmids and are designed to stay within the body, to lodge within the tissues and deep into the bone marrow so that the body cannot actually detoxify them. Then these micro-plasma's start to cause problems in the body and manifest as disease, which then gets diagnosed by the white coats, who are making so much money to diagnose disease and to push pharmacy drugs on people. And they’re taking shots in the dark with people’s health and experimenting with...unapproved drugs, basically. Doctors have become drug pushers. And this is all being exposed now…” --SGT Report: Dr. Ariyana Love: Transhumanist Nightmare: Vax GMO Parasites, Nanowires & Democide
Mike Adams: “The ICU’s are full of infant patients presenting with cardiac issues… All the mothers are fully vaccinated. We may be looking at...many many years of children being born with defects… This is going to be the next Thalidomide times a million. We’re gonna have children born with major defects, and it looks like it has already begun. The question is, How long can they cover it up? Because of course, the hospitals are murder centers, the doctors are medical murderers so they’ll lie, they’ll cheat, they’ll commit fraud—anything to cover this up so they can keep injecting pregnant women with spike protein vaccines that cause just unbelievable suffering and death of children. Because the doctors are demons at this point. That’s really what they have become, absolute demons. Like, literal demon-infested, anti-human lunatics...” --Mike Adams, Situation Update, Nov 11, 2021
“So this technology is not new. It’s obviously been given to humans by demonic entities, and it’s been around for God knows how long. But they did the same thing in 1918 and they covered it all up by calling it a flu, the Spanish Flu. That was when they...gave us this allopathic medicine and they said viruses are contagious and, be scared! When in actuality that’s not how the body works…
“I haven’t been able to find a single virus in all of the patents...there’s no viruses. These are biological weapons. They are gain-of-function/loss-of-function lab-generated bioweaponry and they call them viruses to throw us off and to throw doctors off and to keep doctors in virus-land so they can never really discover the root cause of disease or alleviate it from people...” --SGT Report: Dr. Ariyana Love: Transhumanist Nightmare: Vax GMO Parasites, Nanowires & Democide
So when is enough enough, America? Just how much more sick, psychopathic "trust in medical science" bullshit are the American people willing to tolerate? You have obviously been seriously bamboozled by the white coats, so when are you going to stop idolizing your so-called "doctors"? There's nothing noble about them. They deserve neither your adoration nor your trust. Most of them have sold their souls to the devil for a lucrative salary, and are either IGNORANT drug pushers and pimps for Big Pharma, or, at worst, willing, eager participants in the murder (for money), maiming, and sterilization of the human race. Just how long are you going to tolerate their blatant, malicious medical tyranny? The Intentional Genocide of Humanity is taking place right before your very eyes and yet you still choose to remain blind? Don't you think it's high time to wake the fuck up and take a stand?
Addendum: When Is Enough Enough?
wiping our rear ends with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?... By God it's enough!"
Addendum: Corrupt CDC Quietly Revises Guidelines
guidelines on how to treat the vaxxed vs. the unvaxxed...
Addendum: Anti-Vaxxers Were Right!
vaccine and admits that her anti-vax friends and co-workers were right.
Addendum: Dan Bongino Confesses Regrets
vaccine is "the biggest regret of my life, the biggest mistake of my life."
Addendum: WARNING! Sheep Pox On the Rise!
Addendum: Fool Me Once...
Addendum: You Were Duped!
Epilogue - The Fuckery of False Authority
"Welcome to the New Age, where authority has no authority and does not deserve to act with any authority, but will act as if it does, anyway, and then lie to you about it. Nowhere is this quandary more vivid than in the racketeering operation formerly known as medicine.
"As if there has not already been enough official fuckery over the lab-birthed Covid-19 virus, the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee voted on Thursday to add Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA shots to its childhood vaccine schedule. The vote was 15 to 0 — a final supreme gesture of contempt for the people of this land.
"Had none of the committee members seen reports of mRNA-vaccinated children dropping dead from myocarditis induced by the vaccines? Or read about the effect of the vaxxes on the reproductive organs? Or the enhanced incidence of cancer? Or heard about the damage that the shots instigate in human immune systems? If not, that would be astounding. The news is all over the place (if not in the mainstream news media). Was any of this discussed in their deliberations? I don’t think so, but we may never know.
"This is the first time that a pharmaceutical under an EUA has been admitted to the childhood vaccine schedule. The Vaccine Advisory Committee said it was okay because it consulted with the Department of Justice’s Office of General Counsel, and the lawyers there said it was okay. One might ask: is it within the purview of the DOJ’s Office of General Counsel to review the medical criteria for such a decision? The answer must be no. How are they qualified? You may be certain they did not parse the drug trial data on the mRNA products, or study the official reports of deaths and injuries. In short, they know nothing. Their authority in the matter is vacated.
"Since many states and localities go by the CDC’s vaccine guidelines, as well as pediatricians, then millions of children will be required to get the shots to attend school. So, the CDC has not only put an as-yet-untold number of kids on the road to disability, infertility, and death, but it may have coincidentally destroyed public schooling in America.
"The so-called 'uptake' on mRNA shots for children has been paltry. Parents do not want their kids to get the shots. Do you know why? I’ll tell you: Because, unlike the experts who sit on the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee, many parents have actually read about the serious adverse reactions in young people who get the shots. And many more have heard enough horrifying rumors — despite the criminal delinquency of the major news media in ignoring any negative news about the vaxxes — prompting these parents to steer clear of vaxxing their children. Other countries have officially and altogether discontinued mRNA vaxxes for children. Do you think that’s for no reason?
"Beneath all of this lies the subterranean flow of enormous sums of money to the Big Pharma companies that virtually own the US public health bureaucracy. Anthony Fauci’s minions, dispersed among the various agencies under the US Department of Health and Human services, plus those in the ancillary CDC, have been pulling hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in royalties from patents associated with the mRNA products. And they’ve continued to haul in that schwag during the three-year fracas over the bad faith origins of Covid 19 and the deceitful introduction of these so-called 'vaccines' — which do not stop the transmission of the disease and present manifold dangers to those who take them.