We have to address what's going on because who really is behind this? It's not just
our country--it's every country that's involved. We're looking at a bigger entity, a
bigger Controller out there. So who is it and what are they? Humans would
not do this to other humans--I don't believe that. I think it's something more
than human here..." --Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID, Nano and the Vax
"It's medical tyranny, that's what we're facing. It's not just the vaccines...
This is a whole, unbelievable, worldwide plot...This thing isn't even
a virus. This is a man-made bio-weapon (that) they're testing... The
science of medicine has basically been able to take over our
planet in like a tyrannical system right now that is all about
taking over our physical bodies. So it's not enough to mind
control you--that's no longer enough. What they want to do is
they want to take over your body, they want to occupy your
body.." --Kerry Cassidy, The Agenda Behind COVID
"I'm not getting the shot! And I hope to hell everybody listening...isn't
getting the stupid-ass shot!... Because it's a stupid thing to get this
shot right now! It's an experimental drug and you shouldn't be part
of the experiment... It's an experiment to see if we will sit there and
take extermination--that's what it really is. To find out if America
will roll over and go away quietly... Bullshit! Slaves no
fucking more! Wake up America!" --Juan O' Savin
and America's Call to Action
Medical Tyranny in America
One World Government and the Globalists and the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to run America, then I don't know what else to say.
But if you voted for Biden and you don't regret it right now, (then)
I don't know who you pray to, but you're not for God, and you're
not for the country, and you're not for justice." --Mel K and
Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
“If you’re not convinced that this guy (Biden) is here to take down America,
wake the fuck up! Everything that is happening right now is completely
engineered! He’s a Trojan horse for the CCP!”
--The Race To Crash America
"Ripping a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s playbook, fake president Joe Biden last night declared himself a Medical Dictator over America, claiming he alone has absolute power to bypass states’ rights, nullify state governors and force the American people to take deadly, experimental 'vaccines' that are actually biological weapons designed to exterminate human life." --Mike Adams, A New Medical Hitler
"Biden has basically declared war on all of America. And at this point there shouldn't be any question that this is a spiritual war... (This is) global genocide...
"This earth worm in a suit, this earth worm in a suit that we have as 'acting president.' This fucking earth worm in a suit, this worm vomit that we have up there with no fucking soul... he's weird, he looks like a fucking android...(with) no emotion. He has beady little eyes with no soul, pale skin. He looks like something they made in a fucking laboratory. I almost feel like, this guy, if we keep letting this go the way it's going, Hitler is going to look like a fucking school boy..." --David Nino Roriguez - Shots Fired
"And we also have crazy psycho-woman doctor Leana Wen who's on CNN (Communist News Network) claiming that no one in America has a Constitutional right to interstate travel... She has been one of the worst Communist psycho-bitches in all of this. I think she was born in Communist China and she is true to that. And she says that if you're not vaccinated you shouldn't have the right to travel from state to state...
"Now there is a map that has been circulating, it's called the Vaccine Rebellion states... Is shows that there are roughly about 20 to 25 states that are declaring themselves to be Health Freedom Zones. They are going to sue to stop the vaccine mandate from Biden which is blatantly unconstitutional..."--Mike Adams - Get to a VACCINE REBELLION state or be HUNTED by the vax enforcers
"Whereas these blue states run by psycho, Left-wing, pro-vaccine lunatics are saying, 'You don't own your body.' Which also means that they are abandoning the whole idea of My Body, My Choice, which they used to push abortion. But when it comes to vaccines your body isn't your choice according to these Left-wing Medical Tyrants. They think that your body is owned by the Federal Government and they can inject you with anything they want at any time just by declaring an emergency, even if the things they are injecting you with doesn't work and isn't even a vaccine..." --Mike Adams - Get to a VACCINE REBELLION state or be HUNTED by the vax enforcers
"It appears that the Biden regime is already preparing the National Guard to take over many of the jobs that he is taking away from everyday Americans. If the regime is successful at eliminating truckers, trucking and supply lines may soon be controlled by the military, as shortages, item limits and food lines become commonplace across American cities.
"For more than a year, the country has been sabotaged by a fraudulent COVID-19 testing program that is used to lock people in their homes, to surveil people’s lives through contact tracing, and to deprive individuals of their rights. These fraudulent testing programs have repeatedly shuttered entire businesses and industries over a single case of illness, an 'exposure,' or a fraudulent test result. This sabotage was carried out in the name of 'safety' as more people acquiesced to mental fragility — living in a constant state of seeking permission and expecting disease...
"Joe Biden’s forceful medical edicts and vaccine mandates are not rooted in statutory law, let alone Constitutional law. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki held a press conference bragging that the vaccine mandates increased vaccine uptake throughout corporate America. Using coercion and treating people like property is not admirable or ethical.
"Americans are at a critical juncture, one that will decide the future of the Republic. Will the United States remain a nation of laws, governed by the Constitution, or will the nation be overtaken by liars, thieves and murderers, governed by those who seek absolute power and control?" --Biden's vax mandate could collapse trucking supply lines, leading to instant shortages of food, fuel and medicines
Medical Tyranny and the Elite Globalist Cabal
planet. And right now they still have their media and their brainwashing in effect..."
--Mel K and Alpa Soni Weekly Truth Warrior Chit Chat 1-21-2021
And under the pretext of a (fake) "global pandemic," this "Elite Globalist Cabal" (aka the Controllers of Humanity) have been aggressively pushing forward their New World Order depopulation agenda (i.e. Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030) for the genocide and complete and total enslavement of the human race. This is not hyperbole. This is not a "conspiracy theory." This is happening right now, in real time, in your country, in your own backyard, and on the world stage.
You may recall from my previous posts (see The Coronavirus Psyop part I and The Coronavirus Psyop part II) that the so-called "COVID-19 virus" has never actually been isolated by Koch's Postulates by any lab anywhere in the world, and that what is commonly referred to as "COVID-19" is in truth and actuality the seasonal flu virus. Yes, Influenza A and Influenza B were labeled COVID, and thus was this monstrous medical myth foisted upon the entire human global population. The whole purpose of the Coronavirus Psyop was to (1) distract or divert attention away from the harmful 5G control grid stealthily or perhaps not so stealthily being erected in cities around the world; and (2) to convince the sheeple, I mean the general population, to willingly roll up their sleeves and take an experimental, poisonous, mRNA gene modification drug designed to sterilize, maim, and kill as many people as possible. Those who survive the initial "vaccinations" will slowly be transformed from carbon-based to silicon-based life forms as the nanobots contained in the injections assemble their Morgellons-like fiber network inside their bodies. I know it sounds like science fiction, but unfortunately it is the reality we are all facing.
"The Globalist Luciferian Cabal have many names--Illuminati, New World Order, The Cabal, Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller. When Orwell wrote the book 1984 coincidentally in 1948, he was so horrified of the plan The New World Order Elite had for humanity that he wrote a book to warn humanity of the plan. They killed him for his publication nine months after the book was published. The book 1984 is the Globalist plan for humanity in detail! Something they love to do is hide the truth in plain sight. The Globalist Luciferian Elite Cabal is not just about control and domination. They are a very evil dark demonic force that wants to destroy all human life on earth..." --The Globalist Luciferian Cabal Agenda Of Complete Domination Of Humanity
"There is no pandemic, there never was. This is a global assault to capture the very soul of Humanity. The Cabal have invented this pandemic to destroy the global economy in order to usher in a global New World Order Orwellian nightmare of control, and they are well on their way to succeeding. Between the continuous lies and propaganda of the mouthpiece of the Cabal, the Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media, and COVID-19 BS shoved in the worlds face... Humanity is in real trouble..." --The Entirety Of Humanity Is Under Attack By The Globalist Luciferian Cabal
Aussies Surrender To Total Tyranny
of the evil of this world, and are the ones who are supposed to be standing strong.
And yet, and yet, what do we see? We see most--the vast majority of people
rolling over, like the lemmings they have apparently chosen to be, feet in
the air and acquiescing. Well, they'll be dead, so be clear about this.
And please understand that this is the time for harsh language.
Boldness is the only thing that is going to matter in the days
ahead..." --Carly & Julia speak with Sasha Stone
"The Australian regime has gone pure evil. They're coming for the children of Aussies and are bragging about it at press conferences. Brad Hazzard, the Minister for Health and Medical Research of New South Wales, told parents that 24,000 children will be ushered into a stadium to receive the experimental COVID-19 jab. This demon assures parents that their children will be well looked after. 'You're powerless mom and dad. The State will raise them now, and they're our property.' That's what he actually means.
"The Australian regime is open about performing a medical experiment on their youth. And parents get no say as their children are treated like cattle. These people are disgusting, wicked devils. They don't deserve to be called humans." --DEVILS – Australia to Force Inject 24,000 Children With Experimental COVID-19 Jab. Parents Not Allowed
"Now the country is a global embarrassment with a people known for their laid-back attitude to life and a healthy anti-authoritarian streak subject to police state conditions including increasingly draconian lock-downs... 'If this shatters your idea of Australia as a rugged, relaxed, irreverent wonderland, then I apologize'..." --How Australia's gone from being the envy of the world to a global embarrassment as power-hungry premiers destroy livelihoods and tear families apart
Australian Lockdown Madness
"Fast forward a year and things have gotten worse. Perhaps the most disturbing story I read was from the Bourke Shire council in New South Wales. Council officials took the extreme step of killing rescue dogs (including newborn puppies) in the hope that people would not travel to adopt dogs. Apparently, this is reasonable behavior given the ‘risk’ of COVID-19 transmission. Ridiculous doesn’t begin to describe this horrible action... Additional limitations were introduced in New South Wales including exercise outdoors limited to one hour. And who pray is going to monitor this? Arcane and silly...
"New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian promised to give at least one freedom back to fully vaccinated residents (without revealing what that freedom is and boy am I curious!). What was very troubling about her statement was this little snippet: 'I have never suggested that life will be free once we get to six million jabs, but what I have said and will honor is that if you are fully vaccinated there will be at least one thing you can do that you cannot do now, just to give people a bit of relief'...
"Get it? 'Shut up. You don’t know what’s good for you. Just do what we say'... That’s the message. And you thought the vaccine is the way out of this mess. Silly you..." --COVID and Tyranny in Australia
"This is the problem in Australia right now--there's too much separation in consciousness, where they're not seeing each other as a united collective. And because of that the Cabal will just come in, take over, and exert this overreach in authority... They are really pushing the limit of how far they can push these people in Australia. It's like a really big psychological warfare [program] going on over there. And they want to see how far they can take this. And as long as Australians bend over and take this, then the government will just continue to exert their authority and exert this force...
"The police force is very limited in its authority and its reach in enforcing these un-Constitutional illegal mandates, but it's the rest of the population that's been inoculated that's going along and making sure that everybody is restricted [and that] they don't have access to basic necessities like food. They're trying to enforce these illegal and un-Constitutional measures on Australians' basic fundamental rights. It's very difficult when you have in-fighting in a collective consciousness. This is how the Cabal likes to operate--they try to divide and conquer because then when [the people] can't unite, it's easier to take over and control everybody. " --Nyla Nguyen - Update on Australia
"These are just some of the many stories of the authorities unilaterally deciding how Aussies should live their lives. Some of it isn’t even based on scientific data. They are all disturbing and encourages the authoritarian inclinations of people in power who think they know better. The language used ought to scare people who care about real freedom. Maybe there isn’t real freedom anymore. Maybe it’s too late and Australia is doomed to follow the rising intrusion of government in our daily lives. To keep you safe, of course.
"Here is the really troubling bit. A vast majority of the population likes being told what to do. The number of people being reported (by snitches) to Crime Stoppers is staggering and ordinary people are becoming spies for the government. People do silly things when they are scared and this is no different. It’s like being madly in love. It’s a nice thought. However one doesn’t always make the best decisions when one is ‘mad’..." --COVID and Tyranny in Australia
Australian Concentration Camps
"This is an open letter to Australian politicians who have allowed our country to become a place I no longer recognize. But you have lost my consent. In fact, I don't remember you ever asking.
"So let me be clear. You DO NOT have my consent to crush our way of life. To criminalize me for going further than 5 kilometres from my home. To set up police checkpoints on our roads – roads that I paid for, when I used to be allowed to work, when I used to be allowed to leave my home without explaining myself to someone in uniform.
"You DO NOT have my consent to keep me from my family. To tell me 'we are all in this together' while forcing us to stay apart. To lecture me about the morality of seeing people I love or checking in on a neighbor I pass at the shops. To make me 'register' to see a friend. What sort of nightmare are you creating?
"Who are you to tell me it is 'good' to obey you, and 'bad' to defy you? To come onto my screen daily and lecture me on my 'behavior'. To position a police officer behind you every time you speak. To hide behind public health officials. To threaten me with jail if I don't listen. To fly police helicopters over my neighborhood. To put the 'riot' squad and the military on our streets (for our own good, of course). Who are you to decide what is 'good' and 'bad', and to enforce your New World Order with weapons?
The only type of 'bad' I recognize is the powerful forcing the weak to do something against their will..." --COVID Hoax - Excuse for Death Care Concentration Camps, Australia 202
"This was filmed by a man who is in the quarantine camp which is a 'hotel' where you're a prisoner, and you can't leave, and you're in there for 14 days, and he explains that they don't give you any air. You have no air, and the mental health trauma that happens in these COVID concentration camps is going to become apparent as you watch this clip here.
"There are two things that you need to watch in this. One of them is that they don't release people after 14 days. So even though they promised that you are only going to go into the camp for 14 days, In this case [this guy] has been in there for 14 days and they won't release him because he's not sufficiently obedient to their agenda. He's just trying to get out. He's been testing negative day after day after day with the PCR test, but they still won't let him leave...
"The second thing that you need to notice about this is that the police tell this person that he's going to get gassed, alright? He's going to get gassed. If he doesn't obey, he's gonna get gassed...
"What do they mean by 'You're gonna get gassed'? Well, it's rather obvious. This is the Holocaust now. These are extermination death camps. Australia is gassing its citizens to death in the COVID concentration camps. This is like Zyklon-B. This is a full-blown Holocaust. They are illegally arresting and medically kidnapping people, taking them into the COVID concentration camps, and then a lot of them disappear because they're being murdered. That's happening in Australia right now..." --Mike Adams - Situation Update, Sep 9th, 2021 - Australian police begin GASSING covid camp prisoners
"Australia is the only western nation that does not have a bill of rights. This is what happens when the citizenry just blithely lets the government trample all over them. I wish I could say we’re different. We have a bill of rights and yet Joe Biden issued a nationwide edict on vaccinations yesterday, deputizing OSHA as his medical law enforcement arm..." --Australia Has Locked Their People Up, Built Detention Camps
Aussies Are Finally Fighting Back!
"The...reason, I believe, is psychological. We Americans have grown up knowing we have certain rights endowed by our Creator and it hasn’t fully hit us yet that a Marxist takeover of our country, which is what has been happening for over a year now, could really happen in America. The COVID lockdowns and forcing masks on us were all part of the takeover and we didn’t realize it. Many never believed or understood the evil coming from Democrats who have been exploiting the virus for power grabs. Our minds just couldn’t comprehend it. Hopefully, what’s going on Down Under wakes us up...
"The Democratic Party wants you to believe that all 74 million people who voted for Donald Trump are insurrectionist’s and QAnon white supremacist domestic terrorists. People who write for sites like this one, who question many of the COVID policies of the CDC and state governors, sites that talk about the 2020 election being stolen and how even though millions of Americans have seen the mountains of evidence proving the election was rigged they’re dismissed by all facets of the Left, from politicians to news media hacks and the courts, they are definitely on some list. I hope I’m not on some list, but with the way our intelligence agencies have been corrupted to turn on the American people, I can pretty much bet on it.
"Things are different in Australia. They aren’t maintaining lists of people they believe are enemies of the state. There’s no need for that there, because the Australian government has decreed that all of its citizens are enemies of the state. They have forced the single most draconian lockdown rules know in the western world.
"If you think things are bad in the United States, we still have many more freedoms left to be taken away than they do now in Australia... In Australia, you’re not even allowed to protest. The government there said you shouldn’t talk to your neighbors or be around your own family members in your home. And by all indications, the Australian people have had enough." --Australians Are Waking Up and Fighting Back Against Their Government's COVID Tyranny
"After gathering in the early morning, between 1,000 and 2,000 protesters, the vast majority of them young men, marched across Melbourne – paralyzing the city and shutting down a major arterial bridge – chanting 'fuck the jab' and 'every day', a reference to a promise to keep protesting daily until Melbourne’s COVID restrictions are lifted..." --Melbourne descends into chaos as police arrest 62 and fire rubber pellets at anti-lockdown protesters
Mass Psychosis in the World Today
of it is that mental illness is no longer an exception from the rules but actually has
become the rule. Normalized and culturally accepted, like alcohol, it is seen any-
where you look. Mad people appear on TV to tell the sane and law-abiding
citizens how to live their lives... We have entered an era of inverted reality,
where bad is considered to be good and good is considered to be bad.
People who should be locked up in mental asylums and prisons for
committing crimes against humanity are making global health
policies and dictate to the rest of the world how they should
be living their lives." --Psycho-spiritual Immunity
in the Era of Mass Psychosis
"Isn't it so blatant and in your face how now you can (actually) see a demon
in the flesh? This is a spiritual war folks. You can see these demons in the
fucking flesh on TV. I either see a mind-controlled empty container of a
human being, or I see a fucking demon. That's all I see now..."
--David Nino Roriguez - Shots Fired
"A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication
for huge profits is not a real society but a huge mental asylum.” –Dr. Sebi
"Basically the world is divided into people who are completely brainwashed
and people who are awake or waking up. And the primary issue with the
brainwashed people is that they don't actually want to wake up... The
brainwashed people have their free will and they've made their choice--
they don't want to wake up, they just want to stay asleep, and nothing
you can do will actually wake them up. And any kind of attempt to red
pill them has the opposite effect, and actually puts them further
asleep because they reject your kind of help. It's essentially
impossible...to wake up the brainwashed people. Anyone who
has tried that with their family or friends will know. They are
completely brainwashed and it's like nothing will ever
change that..." --The Matrix 4 Resurrections trailer
"Those who refuse to awaken feed those who control them."
--Pleiaidians, Channeled by Barbara J. Marciniak
"There are two explanations for this, though they’re likely the same thing seen from different perspectives. One is scientific and is properly demonstrated in Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article here. The other is supernatural. To me, we’re witnessing an anti-Biblical, possibly demonic spirit of delusion spreading across the nation and the world...
"There are dozens of other clear examples of mass psychosis allowing a post-truth society to emerge in America. While it’s possible to explain away some of it with the effects of Cultural Marxism, mass media indoctrination, a radical progressive education system, and plain old ignorance, the body of work for the Principalities and Powers cannot be dismissed with casual explanations. This is clearly mass psychosis likely driven by a strong delusion from supernatural forces." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
"Joost Meerloo, author of 'Rape of the Mind,' compares the reactions of citizens living in totalitarian states to that of schizophrenics. Both rulers and the ruled are ill. Both live in a delusional fog, as the entire society and its rules are sustained by delusional thinking...
"Only deluded people regress to a child-like state of total submissiveness, and only a deluded ruling class will believe they possess the knowledge and wisdom to control society in a top-down manner. And, only a deluded person will believe that a power-hungry elite ruling a mentally regressed society will result in anything but mass suffering and financial ruin...
"Whether the totalitarian mindset takes the form of communism, fascism or technocracy, a ruling elite that has succumbed to their own delusions of grandeur then sets about to indoctrinate the masses into their own twisted worldview. All that’s needed to accomplish that reorganization of society is the manipulation of collective feelings." --It's MASS PSYCHOSIS in America today
And this manipulation of collective feelings has already been cleverly and efficiently accomplished by the tell-lie-vision mind control programming of the Deep State-controlled Mainstream Marxist Mockingbird Media.
“'The Covidian Cult' is an article written by American playwright CJ Hopkins published in October 2020. Hopkins argues that we are in the middle of a global totalitarian movement, the first of its kind in human history. And the Covidian Cult is made up of those of us who have drank the Kool-Aid of the official COVID narrative...
"Members of the Covidian Cult trust their health experts and trust the mainstream media. If you’re anything like me, however, you’re worried that the real global threat are these brainwashed Bozos.
“A cult used to be a small band of weirdos hiding on a commune, away from the prying eyes and interference of family members. But as Hopkins argues, in the age of COVID, this paradigm has been turned on it’s head. The dominant culture is now the Covidians, and non-believers like me are the minority, tiny islands on a crazy planet.
“Hopkins says that the key ingredient of totalitarian societies and cults is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. This psychotic official narrative is based on paranoia and is not bound by logic or reason. The cult is faithful to the narrative, and this faith cannot be shaken by facts...
“The point of the narrative is not that it makes sense. The point of the narrative is that you unquestionably have faith in it. By attacking the mind with a never-ending stream of facts, the ability to use logic and reason is further shut down. A campaign of endless slogans and phrases, including wartime-loaded language, has been pumped into the zeitgeist to guide our opinions and fill any cracks in the narrative. From the manipulative use of guilt to absurd scientific studies...we are being bombarded by endless conflicting directives, wild speculation and outright lies.
“The end result is that science and facts no longer matter, not to the Covidian Cult. The pandemic should be over, based on the CDC’s and WHO’s own documents… But the COVID narrative is a PSYCHOTIC official narrative. It is a matter of faith, not facts. The danger is a not-so-distant future with two types of people—the vaccinated, and the un-vaccinated. If we are not members of the Covidian Cult that dutifully blend in by following the rules, if we do not open our businesses and remove our useless masks all at once, then the Covidian Cult WILL drive our car off a cliff, and unfortunately we will have paid for the gas..." --The Covidian Cult of Morons and Brainwashed Sheeple
"Instead of facing reality, the delusional person would rather live in their world of make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality, they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around them also pretends to live in their imaginary world. In simpler words, the delusional person rejects reality. And in this rejection of reality, others have to play along with how they view the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their world view...
"Because objective reality threatens to unravel their carefully crafted imaginary world, the delusional person lashes out at others who dare act in contradiction to their delusions...
"As Dr. McDonald stated in one of his talks, he is concerned about the ultimate end of society’s delusional psychosis. It’s not unthinkable that the final outcome would be total societal control on every aspect of your life. Consider this – the endpoint of a mentally ill person is for them to be put under a controlled environment (institutionalized like an asylum) where all freedoms are restricted. And it's looking more and more like that's the endpoint of where this mass psychosis is heading." --Dr. Mark McDonald, The True Public Health Crisis Is Psychological in Nature
Muzzle Tyranny (a.k.a. Mask Mandates) in America
their masks)..."--David Nino Rodriguez - Reward The Submissive Punish The Bold
"Take off the mask! Refuse to wear the mask! Because they got you if they
got you in the mask. Then they've already crippled your
immune system and corrupted your mind."
--Dr. Judy Mikovits, Kerry Cassidy
"They've done a study here, and the only reason we are wearing masks right now is for the fear factor.... This is why they've been pushing masks. But masks do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, because if they did then every cold and flu season everyone would be wearing masks... This is how you know it's all fake, phony and false." --X22 Report, True Evil Is About To Be Revealed
"Are you one of the stupid fucking retards that are wearing a mask at any point at all? Because that increases your risk of getting sick!... I'm a Registered Nurse with a Masters Degree and I will never put a fucking mask on my face or on my child's face, nor will I put us at risk because of your moron, retard nonsense! Nor will I social distance which also lowers immunity. I won't do this stupid shit because you're an idiot!... When did people wear masks before? This is part of their fucking plot! And your ignorance--you're too fucking stupid to look into it! You won't look into it--you don't want to look into the plot-- 'Oh that's a conspiracy theory'... OK. Why didn't anybody wear a fucking mask when Ebola was around, when H1N1 was around, when those numbers were actually through the roof?...
"Everyone is getting reactive illness from wearing these masks. I refuse to put myself in harms way just because you are afraid because they're putting fear into your head... You don't walk around in fear of catching Leprosy, you know why? Because they don't tell you to be afraid of Leprosy. Nobody says: 'Hey, we better be afraid of Leprosy, we better get a vaccine ready.' Nobody says that shit. You would be (afraid of Leprosy) if they told you to, but they don't tell you to. You're not afraid of anything at all right now unless you're a moron and you're afraid of COVID-19 because they say it. COVID-19 is the name of their HOAX. COVID-19 is the name of their plot and their plan, not the name of any illness..." --An RN Calls Out the Masked Retards
"No studies were needed to justify this practice since most understood viruses were far too small to be stopped by the wearing of most masks, other than sophisticated ones designed for that task and which were too costly and complicated for the general public to properly wear and keep changing or cleaning. It was also understood that long mask wearing was unhealthy for wearers for common sense and basic science reasons.
"There has been an international flood of lies about mask wearing in order to justify the bizarre and disturbing situation we have today of almost everyone wearing masks in many regions, inside and outside healthcare facilities, in schools with children of all ages, during sports events, in churches, in grocery stores and all commercial facilities, while driving and walking, and long after peak infection has passed."--47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects
"The unnecessary and greatly exaggerated fear during the first few months of this pandemic, which would never have been labeled a pandemic until the WHO unilaterally changed the pandemic definition to include much less dangerous pathogens, has been manipulated to continue to this day, unlike past experiences with similar virus outbreaks. There have been numerous lies fed to the public by the WHO, national and regional government leaders and health bureaucrats and the media and many other institutions – all certainly for the purpose of maintaining fear until the large majority of the public has been injected with the poorly tested, unnecessary and dangerous COVID vaccines for which we have no evidence of their long-term safety.
"(Illegitimate) President Joe Biden has been consistently presenting numerous, outrageous lies to justify his extreme COVID and vaccine policies and Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D, has written an article published on LifeSite today that summarizes all of the most prominent and damaging lies that have generated continuing fear and caused a large percentage of Americans and citizens of other nations to accept the COVID vaccines in order to allegedly be able to return to a normal life. Included in Alexander’s list are the lies related to mask mandates.
"An acquaintance of Paul Alexander has written the list below of 47 studies confirming that masks are useless in preventing COVID infection and transmission and a second list further down of 32 studies confirming the negative health effects caused by frequent mask wearing, especially for young children. This has been a growing, serious concern in recent months as the dangerous health and emotional effects, especially on children, who are at almost zero risk of COVID harm, are becoming more pronounced and deeply worrisome..." --47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects
Resistance Is NOT Futile, It's Essential
a religion. And it's nowhere more true than in the medical establishment... And I'm not
trying to put down doctors necessarily, but the profession as a whole has become
basically a PLOT against Humanity that's all controlled by the pharmaceutical
industry, so that even doctors HAVE to prescribe certain drugs... There IS
a concerted plot and there are companies at the top of the food chain in
terms of pharmaceuticals..." --Kerry Cassidy, Virus and Germ Theory
"Jesus said: 'Turn the other cheek, but don't take it up the ass'..."
--David Nino Rodriguez, Explosion in Kabul
Kerry Cassidy: "We've been sick with this disease of believing the whole tyranny of the medical establishment that established itself over Humanity back in the 1900s, and Big Pharma has been lying to people ever since. And these doctors who are slaves to that system, they are financially paid off to shut up in countless ways. And it's amazing that they did start coming forward and thank God for the ones who have, how brave they have to be, the Frontline Doctors, etc., putting their whole lives, their lifestyles basically in danger, and their friends and families and so on...
"Kudos to them for doing that on behalf of Humanity, but hello, if we don't stand up for each other now, we WILL be taken over, we WILL be divided and conquered, PERMANENTLY..." -Kerry Cassidy & Michael Jaco - The Agenda Behind COVID
--AUSTRIA: "January 17 - At least 10,000 people marched through the streets of the Austrian capital on Saturday to protest coronavirus restrictions, calling on Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s government to resign as his administration recently spoke of extending the measures. Demonstrators in Vienna, many without masks, held signs that said 'Kurz Must Go' and 'Make Influenza Great Again'..." 10,000 Protesters In Vienna March Against Coronavirus Restrictions
--NETHERLANDS: "January 26 - Rioters violently confronted police in several Dutch towns and cities defying the country’s coronavirus curfew. Monday marked the third night of unrest across the Netherlands that initially grew out of calls to protest against its tough COVID-19 lockdown... Police said hundreds have been detained since the weekend as rioters threw rocks and in one case knives at police, and burned down a COVID-19 testing station... 'We haven’t seen so much violence in 40 years,' police union board member Koen Simmers said on television program Nieuwsuur. The Netherlands was already under its toughest measures since the start of the pandemic, with bars and restaurants having closed in October, and schools and non-essential shops shut since December..." --Violent unrest flares again in towns and cities across the Netherlands over COVID-19 restrictions.
--FRANCE: "July 31 - Thousands of demonstrators fought running battles with police in Paris today as protests against a vaccine passport were held across France. Around 150 separate events were organised in major cities and town after the government used emergency powers to bring in new anti-Coronavirus measures. By early afternoon on Saturday, tear gas and baton charges were being used against violent groups in Paris. Four marches descended on the Place de la Bastille, where water cannons and squads of gendarmes and CRS riot police were waiting for them..." --Thousands of anti-vaxxers march through Paris holding placards saying 'we are not guinea pigs' and 'it is our choice' in opposition to compulsory jabs and vaccine passports
"Aug 7 - Protesters marched in cities across France on Saturday in a fourth consecutive weekend of demonstrations, denouncing what they see as oppressive rules compelling health workers to get COVID-19 shots and citizens to have a health pass for many daily activities... Protesters rallied through the streets of Paris, Nice, Montpellier and other towns waving placards reading 'No to dictatorship' and chanting 'Macron, we don't want your health pass'. Over 230,000 took part in protests across France, the highest number over the past month, the interior ministry said. The protests have united a disparate group against President Emmanuel Macron's [Draconian] legislation..." --'We don't want your health pass' - protesters march in France for 4th weekend
--UNITED KINGDOM: "April 24 - Thousands protest against COVID vaccine passports and lockdown in central London. Thousands of people have descended on central London for an anti-lockdown protest against COVID jabs and vaccine passports even though shops and pubs have reopened. The Unite for Freedom rally saw huge crowds marching and shouting demands for 'medical freedom'. Signs saying 'freedom is non-negotiable' were held up as people let off brightly coloured smoke flares. Activists also carried giant inflatable syringes to protest what they called “coerced vaccinations. The demonstrators were not wearing masks at the...gathering." --Thousands protest against COVID vaccine passports and lockdown in central London
"Sept 3 - Anti-vaccination protestors clashed with police as they tried to storm the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Four officers were injured during chaos unfolding in central London, the Metropolitan Police has said. The force said a number of protesters had 'become violent' towards police during action in the capital..." --Anti-vaxxers clash with police at MHRA HQ during vote on jabs for kids
"Sept 11 - A number of people gathered on King's Parade in Cambridge today (September 11) to protest against vaccine passports and vaccinating children against COVID-19. Protesters carrying placards which read 'No to COVID jabs for kids' and 'No to passports' gathered in front of King's College at around 1.30 pm" --Protesters against vaccine passports and Covid jabs for children gather in Cambridge
--CANADA: "Sept 8 - Protesters in London, Ontario, Canada, heckled Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a campaign event, chanting things like 'lock him up' and 'no more lockdowns.' According to eye-witnesses, at least one demonstrator threw gravel at the Prime Minister. Trudeau said he was not hurt in the incident." --'Lock Him Up!': Protesters Slam Justin Trudeau At Campaign Event In Ontario, Canada
"Sept 12 - Canadian PM Justin Trudeau heckled AGAIN.. HATED wherever he campaigns!"
Nyla Nguyen: "Even Canada now is rising up. You see now people, Canadians, who are typically very peaceful and non-violent, now they're going around and chasing Justin Trudeau out of every single town, cursing him, pelting rocks at him, and really wanting to hurt him and beat him up. You're getting to that tipping point where the population is going to fight back and they're going to become violent and aggressive, even though they don't want to be violent and aggressive, but it's gotten to a point where they have no choice, because they can't eat, they can't work, they can't travel, they can't even breathe. This is too much, too much for some people to take.
"And now you're going to see more people uniting and violence is going to be ensuing, which is what you see happening now in France every single day. France is looking more and more like Hong Kong when Hong Kong was fighting for its liberty. France is looking like Hong Kong now--the protesters are becoming very organized; they are taking on the police force--they're not afraid. They are chasing down the cops and the cops are backing down even though they have all these tactical weapons and tear gas and guns and bullet-proof vests. They are still afraid of the people because people have had enough...
"Even in Israel they are protesting, they are taking to the streets and they are protesting and demonstrating because they know ('vaccination') doesn't prevent transmission. The claim is that you are supposed to be getting less severe symptoms but it's not true because the few who have been 'fully inoculated' still need to be hospitalized and they are still having very severe symptoms..." --Nyla Nguyen - Update on Australia
--ISRAEL: "August 9 - What appeared to be thousands of Israelis marched through the streets of Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest against renewed government restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic... Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has launched what some see as an overly-aggressive public relations campaign to changed the minds of the one million Israelis who have chosen not to be vaccinated. Bennett was accused last month of shaming these 'vaccine-refusers,' and has since hinted that if Israel faces a nationwide lockdown over the upcoming Jewish holidays, it will be because of them.
"At Saturday’s demonstration in Tel Aviv, some Israelis continued to insist either that the whole thing is a hoax, or that the government is exploiting what is a relatively mild, albeit highly contagious virus to exert greater control over the public. They carried signs reading 'There’s no pandemic, it’s a hoax' and 'Dictatorship via the excuse of Corona'..." --Israelis Protest Against "Medical Dictatorship"
--NEW YORK CITY: "Sept 13 - Even New Yorkers are rising up against the Biden administration’s authoritarian vaccine mandates. Videos have flooded Twitter of protesters crossing the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City chanting 'Fuck Joe Biden!' [and 'End Medical Tyranny!']. The protesters also marched all throughout NYC and chanted 'My body my choice the vax you won’t force'. New Yorker’s were not just protesting against the Biden administration but also NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio who has required many businesses to check for vaccine passports before patrons can enter their establishments..." --Protesters Against Vaccine Mandates Chant "Fuck Joe Biden" In NYC
"Members of the Independent Restaurant Owners Association Rescue, a group comprising over 200 business owners that formed at the start of the 'pandemic' in March 2020, are suing New York City Mayor De Blasio and the city over the decree, in a lawsuit their attorney contends will be the first domino towards ending COVID tyranny nationwide...
"They're treating us like farm animals. This is a bio-weapon of biological warfare, psychological warfare where they want us to believe that 1 plus 2 equals 666. And how much longer are we going to comply?" --Over 200 Business Owners File Federal Class Action Lawsuit Againt NYC Mayor: 'This Will Be The First Domino' To #EndCovidTyranny Nationwide
"From Tunisia to Italy to Greece to Thailand and all parts beyond, Humanity is pushing back against the botched overreach of the agenda targeting our fundamental individual rights threatened by the COVID hypocrisy..."--Global Protests Unleash
It has become abundantly clear that all countries and peoples around the globe are currently facing a very critical choice: "Either bend over and get screwed, or step up and take back your power. Those are the only two options. In certain countries where they are bending over and not fighting back, they are going to be going straight into the New World Order timeline, like what you see going on in China, what you see going on in Australia, and now what you see going on in Nigeria. Nigeria has a very mind-controlled population that doesn't have a high-level awareness. The COVID passport is now being rolled out there and now they are trying to bar people from even going to the banks without this COVID passport.
"So, if the collective consciousness (of a nation) is not going to be vocal, resist or protest, they are going to have (much) bigger problems on their hands..." --Nyla Nguyen - Update on Australia
"Humanity will live or die on one simple choice: Take the jab, we lose. Refuse the jab, we win... Choose Humanity, choose life, choose choice and freedom, don't choose the vaxx death cult. Do not give the criminal elite the satisfaction of wiping Humanity out, and confirming (that) humans are dumb fucks as they believe we are..." --The Cabal Is Falling i.e. Globalist Criminal Elites
We Will Not Comply - A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny
pointy sticks then do it! And do it with vigor--VIGOR. Do it with vigor, because if not,
the option is death--DEATH! They're coming for you. They're not going to stop
coming for you. You're not going to be rescued by paramilitary flying in from
the Allies--that is a second world war myth... There is NO Cavalry. You
ARE the Cavalry. The Christed Light in your DNA, in your blood, IS
the Cavalry. [And] if you are having the 'injection' you will NOT
be able to act as a capacitor for that Christed Light. The
Calvary will not be able to reclaim or redeem
you..." --Sasha Stone, Time to be Bold!
"We are dealing with a virus that around 99.7% of people will easily survive according to the medical establishment’s own studies and stats as well as numerous independent studies, yet, for some reason we are being bombarded with fear mongering from the media and from governments.
"Why is the only solution being suggested to the general public involve us giving up all of our freedoms and medical autonomy? Why is 99.7% of the population supposed to lock down, mask up and submit to an experimental mRNA vaccine with no long term testing data to prove its safety? Why don’t the 0.26% of people that are truly at risk of dying from the virus simply take precautions or stay home while the rest of us get on with normal life? Hell, I would be fine with contributing to a fund to help support the 0.26% at risk, to help their families and help with their medical bills...
"Who has the right to control your medical decisions? Who is qualified to control your constitutional right to life, liberty and the right to seek out prosperity? Who should be given the power to tell you what you can say, where you can work, where you can buy, where you can sell, where you can walk, where you can travel, what you must believe in?
"The answer is NO ONE, except yourself that is. But of course, the COVID cult and the people that benefit from the [fake] pandemic will claim that your rights no longer apply when you are 'putting the lives of others at risk'. It’s the old social contract argument – You are 'part of a society', therefore society has expectations that supersede your rights. This is all nonsense, but it’s a classic strategy used by every totalitarian in modern times. It’s never been about what 'society' wants, it’s always only ever been about what the tyrants want..." --Brandon Smith, We Will NOT Comply
"Let's get really, really clear... When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death. That's what you are doing. And you cannot sit there and hide behind the diaphanous fig leaf of going, 'Well, we're doing it in the public interest' when you know--when you know--that it is in fact lethal in many instances... People think that somehow or other a piece of SARS Coronavirus was turned into a vaccine. That is not true. A computer simulated, synthetic, chimeric, computer-generated code, uploaded by the Chinese in January, was given to Moderna to put into an injection, so that...in the case of the mRNA vaccine...your cells would produce the S1 spike protein synthesis--not the actual virus the way that we used to do vaccines. This was a computer code uploaded by the Chinese into U.S. manufacturing, to inject a pathogen stimulant into the American population..." --Stew Peters - Interview with Dr. David Martin - This Is A Planned Genocide
"People are dying and there isn't a single person in the world who this hasn't impacted in some way. I have family members who have taken the jabs. I am fully aware [that] this has impacted everybody. They're not fully awake, they don't know what's going on. Cognitive Dissonance is very strong--I fully understand that. But fortunately I woke up a long time ago...
"What we've watching is a global war here, in my opinion... We already see them lying about variants, and we see them lying and saying it's the un-jabbed that are getting people sick. That's absurd, and the human immune system does not operate that way. If you pump your body with POISON, you will get sick. That's it... (the bottom line...)
"You don't need a Ouija board or tea leaves and chicken bones to figure this out. When cold and flu season rolls around...you're talking about a ticking time bomb when it comes to a (jabbed) person's immune system.
"Our ancestors have passed on, they can see clearly what's going on. They didn't create us to just sit around and do nothing. And...it's the responsibility of parents to shield their children from the bullets and the gunfire... There are too many people sending their children into the slaughterhouse, so to speak, and by the time you smell the blood of the sheep in front of you, it's too late..."" --Sean M. Brooks joins Alex Jones
Addendum: Vaccines Are 1000% More Deadly Than COVID-19
Addendum: Dr. Sean Brooks Addresses School Board
Addendum: Kaiser-Permanente Goes Full Nazi - Fires Nurse
"It should make sense to you that, if you can be convinced of a coming of a savior, one who will override the 'evil' that lurks within or around you, you will wait. Passive and dis-empowered, you will wait for that occurrence, never fully owning the clear and present truth that all seven and one-half billion of you, Homo Sapiens, are meant to be the true caretakers of the planet--and that you possess the collective power to override the few who still lord over you through military, technological, economic (and medical) tyranny..." --Patricia Cori, The New Sirian Revelations
It should be clear to you that "we are at war, World War III, and it's a different kind of war, but it's war none the less. There are seven billion of us and probably about a couple hundred thousand of them if you count all the lackeys... All of the people--the free, God-loving people that love God and country and just want our government to do their job and leave us alone, have to understand that we are the only people that can save ourselves. Donald Trump is (just) one man..."--Mel K and Nicholas Veniamen Weekly Update 9-21-21
And "you cannot expect (any) one person that's elected anywhere in the world, to save us. It's impossible. It has to come from the bulk of the people. People have to stop and get that out of their head--one person (alone) cannot save us. We are at this point of Humanity that it will take that critical mass to come up and make a change. It's about us, (connecting to each other), connecting with God, connecting to Divinity, because with God we are unstoppable. Without God, game over for Humanity. We are going to be exterminated..." --Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID, Nano and the Vax
And now "with pilots, police officers, firefighters, nurses and people in all walks of life now taking a stand and saying, 'NO' to the deadly vaccine jabs, a tipping point has been reached in America. The realization has hit home for millions that complying with the increasingly insane demands of vaccine tyrants leads only to more suffering and death.
"We cannot 'comply' our way to freedom... especially when those demanding our compliance are power-hungry criminals and psychopaths. All across the cultural landscape, people are rising up now, and two walkouts have been publicly announced. This is the moment humanity must take back core freedoms or lose them forever." --Mike Adams, Situation Update, November 1, 2021
"And someday Humanity will wake up off its soft haunches and begin to march against tyranny, and when that happens, tyranny won't be able to do anything but be over-thrown. Look at the numbers. Only a small group of people control the world. What if everyone woke up and said, 'Enough. I'm not going to have this in my experience any longer.' Then you would have the first civilization that wasn't history!" --Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind